]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TOF/AliTOFReconstructioner.cxx
Using TMath::Abs instead of fabs
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TOF / AliTOFReconstructioner.cxx
db9ba97f 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
88cb7938 16/* $Id$ */
db9ba97f 18//_________________________________________________________________________
19// Manager class for TOF reconstruction.
22//-- Authors: Bologna-ITEP-Salerno Group
24// Description: Manager class for TOF reconstruction (derived from TTask)
25// Summary of the main methods:
26// - extraction of the TPC (assumed to be) reconstructed tracks
27// comment: it has to me moved as soon as possible into a separate
28// class AliTOFTrackReader (K. Safarik suggestion)
29// - geometrical propagation of the above tracks till TOF detector
30// - matching of the tracks with the TOF signals
32// Remark: the GEANT3.21 geometry is used during the geometrical propagation
33// of the tracks in order to know the current volume reached by the track.
88cb7938 37#include <Riostream.h>
38#include <stdlib.h>
40#include <TBenchmark.h>
41#include <TClonesArray.h>
42#include <TF1.h>
43#include <TF2.h>
44#include <TFile.h>
45#include <TFolder.h>
46#include <TGeant3.h>
47#include <TNtuple.h>
48#include <TParticle.h>
49#include <TROOT.h>
50#include <TSystem.h>
51#include <TTask.h>
52#include <TTree.h>
53#include <TVirtualMC.h>
db9ba97f 54
db9ba97f 55#include "AliConst.h"
88cb7938 56#include "AliDetector.h"
57#include "AliHeader.h"
58#include "AliLoader.h"
59#include "AliRun.h"
db9ba97f 60#include "AliRun.h"
88cb7938 61#include "AliRunLoader.h"
62#include "AliTOF.h"
db9ba97f 63#include "AliTOFConstants.h"
64#include "AliTOFHitMap.h"
db9ba97f 65#include "AliTOFPad.h"
88cb7938 66#include "AliTOFRecHit.h"
67#include "AliTOFReconstructioner.h"
68#include "AliTOFSDigit.h"
db9ba97f 69#include "AliTOFTrack.h"
88cb7938 70#include "AliTOFhit.h"
db9ba97f 71#include "AliTOFv1.h"
72#include "AliTOFv2.h"
73#include "AliTOFv2FHoles.h"
74#include "AliTOFv3.h"
75#include "AliTOFv4.h"
76#include "AliTOFv4T0.h"
db9ba97f 77
88cb7938 78// #include "../TPC/AliTPC.h"
79// AliTPChit class or somewhere
80// this line has to be commented till TPC will provide fPx fPy fPz and fL in
db9ba97f 81
85 AliTOFReconstructioner::AliTOFReconstructioner():TTask("AliTOFReconstructioner","")
87 // default ctor
88 fNevents = 0 ;
db9ba97f 89 foutputfile = 0;
90 foutputntuple= 0;
91 fZnoise = 0;
92 ftail = 0;
96 AliTOFReconstructioner::AliTOFReconstructioner(char* headerFile, Option_t* opt, char *RecFile ):TTask("AliTOFReconstructioner","")
98 //
99 // ctor
100 //
101 fNevents = 0 ; // Number of events to reconstruct, 0 means all evens in current file
db9ba97f 102 foutputfile = 0;
103 foutputntuple= 0;
104 fZnoise = 0;
105 ftail = 0;
107 Init(opt);
109 // create output file
110 if (RecFile){
111 foutputfile= new TFile(RecFile,"RECREATE","root file for matching");
112 } else {
113 char outFileName[100];
114 strcpy(outFileName,"match");
115 strcat(outFileName,headerFile);
116 foutputfile= new TFile(outFileName,"RECREATE","root file for matching");
117 }
119 // initialize the ALIROOT geometry
120 gAlice->Init();
121 gAlice->Print();
db9ba97f 123 CreateNTuple();
125 // add Task to //root/Tasks folder
126 TTask * roottasks = (TTask*)gROOT->GetRootFolder()->FindObject("Tasks") ;
127 roottasks->Add(this) ;
130void AliTOFReconstructioner::Init(Option_t* opt)
132 // Initialize the AliTOFReconstructioner setting parameters for
133 // reconstruction.
134 // Option values: Pb-Pb for Pb-Pb events
135 // pp for pp events
137 // set common parameters
138 fdbg=1;
139 fNevents = 1;
140 fFirstEvent = 1;
141 fLastEvent = 1;
142 fTimeResolution =0.120;
143 fpadefficiency =0.99 ;
144 fEdgeEffect = 2 ;
145 fEdgeTails = 0 ;
146 fHparameter = 0.4 ;
147 fH2parameter = 0.15;
148 fKparameter = 0.5 ;
149 fK2parameter = 0.35;
150 fEffCenter = fpadefficiency;
151 fEffBoundary = 0.65;
152 fEff2Boundary = 0.90;
153 fEff3Boundary = 0.08;
154 fResCenter = 50. ;
155 fResBoundary = 70. ;
156 fResSlope = 40. ;
157 fTimeWalkCenter = 0. ;
158 fTimeWalkBoundary=0. ;
159 fTimeWalkSlope = 0. ;
160 fTimeDelayFlag = 1 ;
161 fPulseHeightSlope=2.0 ;
162 fTimeDelaySlope =0.060;
163 // was fMinimumCharge = TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope*fKparameter/2.);
164 fMinimumCharge = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope*fHparameter);
165 fChargeSmearing=0.0 ;
166 fLogChargeSmearing=0.13;
167 fTimeSmearing =0.022;
168 fAverageTimeFlag=0 ;
169 fChargeFactorForMatching=1;
170 fTrackingEfficiency=1.0; // 100% TPC tracking efficiency assumed
171 fSigmavsp = 1. ;
172 fSigmaZ = 0. ;
173 fSigmarphi= 0. ;
174 fSigmap = 0. ;
175 fSigmaPhi = 0. ;
176 fSigmaTheta=0. ;
177 fField = 0.2 ;
178 // fRadLenTPC : 0.2 includes TRD / 0.03 TPC only
179 fRadLenTPC=0.06 ; // last value
180 fCorrectionTRD=0. ;
181 fLastTPCRow=111 ;
182 fRadiusvtxBound=50. ; // expressed in [cm]
183 fStep = 0.1 ; // expressed in [cm] step during propagation of the
184 // track inside TOF volumes
185 fMatchingStyle=2 ;
186 /* previous values default
187 fMaxPixels=70000 ;
188 fMaxAllTracks=70000 ;
189 fMaxTracks=15000 ;
190 */
191 fMaxPixels=165000 ;
192 fMaxAllTracks=500000 ;
193 fMaxTracks=15000 ;
195 fMaxTOFHits=35000 ;
196 fPBound =0.0 ; // bending effect: P_t=0.3*z*B*R , z particle charge
197 fNoiseSlope=20. ;
198 // set parameters as specified in opt
199 //pp case
200 if(strstr(opt,"pp")){
201 fMaxTestTracks=500 ;
202 fNoise = 26. ;
203 fNoiseMeanTof= 26.4 ; // to check
204 }
205 //Pb-Pb case
206 if(strstr(opt,"Pb-Pb")){
207 fMaxTestTracks=20 ;
208 fNoise = 9400. ;
209 fNoiseMeanTof= 26.4 ;
210 }
214 AliTOFReconstructioner::~AliTOFReconstructioner()
216 //
217 // dtor
218 //
b9d0a01d 219
db9ba97f 220 if (foutputfile)
221 {
222 delete foutputfile;
223 foutputfile = 0;
224 }
225 if (foutputntuple)
226 {
227 delete foutputntuple;
228 foutputntuple = 0;
229 }
231 if (fZnoise)
232 {
233 delete fZnoise;
234 fZnoise = 0;
235 }
237 if (ftail)
238 {
239 delete ftail;
240 ftail = 0;
241 }
245void AliTOFReconstructioner::CreateNTuple()
247 //
248 // Create a Ntuple where information about reconstructed charged particles
249 // (both primaries and secondaries) are stored
250 // Variables: event ipart imam xvtx yvtx zvtx pxvtx pyvtx pzvtx time leng matc text mext
251 // Meaning:
252 // event - event number (0, 1, ...)
253 // ipart - PDG code of particles
254 // imam - PDG code for the parent
255 // =0 for primary particle
256 // xvtx - x-coordinate of the vertex (cm)
257 // yvtx - y-coordinate of the vertex (cm)
258 // zvtx - z-coordinate of the vertex (cm)
259 // pxvtx - x-coordinate of the momentum in the vertex (GeV)
260 // pyvtx - y-coordinate of the momentum in the vertex (GeV)
261 // pzvtx - z-coordinate of the momentum in the vertex (GeV)
262 // time - time of flight from TOF for given track (ps) - TOF time for the
263 // first TOF hit of the track
264 // leng - track length to the TOF pixel (cm), evaluate as a sum of the
265 // track length from the track vertex to TPC and the average
266 // length of the extrapolated track from TPC to TOF.
267 // for the track without TOF hits leng=-abs(leng)
268 // matc - index of the (TPC track) - (TOF pixel) matching
269 // =0 for tracks which are not tracks for matching, i.e.
270 // there is not hit on the TPC or Rvxt>200 cm
271 // >0 for tracks with positive matching procedure:
272 // =1 or 2 for non-identified tracks:
273 // =1, if the corresponding pixel is not fired,
274 // =2, if the corresponding pixel is also matched to the
275 // other track,
276 // =3 or 4 for identified tracks:
277 // =3, if identified with true time,
278 // =4, if identified with wrong time.
279 // <0 for tracks with negative mathing procedure:
280 // =-1, if track do not reach the pixel plate (curved in the
281 // magnetic field),
282 // =-2, if track is out of z-size of the TOF,
283 // =-3, if track is or into the RICH hole, or into the PHOS hole, or in the space between the plates,
284 // =-4, if track is into the dead space of the TOF.
285 // text - time of fligth from the matching procedure = time of the
286 // pixel corresponding to the track (ps)
287 // =0 for the tracks with matc<=1
288 // mext - mass of the track from the matching procedure
289 // =p*sqrt(900*(text/leng)**2-1), if 900*(text/leng)**2-1>=0
290 // =-p*sqrt(abs(900*(text/leng)**2-1)), if 900*(text/leng)**2-1<0
292 foutputntuple= new TNtuple("Ntuple","matching","event:ipart:imam:xvtx:yvtx:zvtx:pxvtx:pyvtx:pzvtx:time:leng:matc:text:mext",2000000); // buffersize set for 25 Pb-Pb events
296Double_t TimeWithTailR(Double_t* x, Double_t* par)
298 // sigma - par[0], alpha - par[1], part - par[2]
299 // at x<part*sigma - gauss
300 // at x>part*sigma - TMath::Exp(-x/alpha)
301 Float_t xx =x[0];
302 Double_t f;
303 if(xx<par[0]*par[2]) {
304 f = TMath::Exp(-xx*xx/(2*par[0]*par[0]));
305 } else {
306 f = TMath::Exp(-(xx-par[0]*par[2])/par[1]-0.5*par[2]*par[2]);
307 }
308 return f;
312void AliTOFReconstructioner::Exec(const char* datafile, Option_t *option)
314 //
315 // Performs reconstruction for TOF detector
316 //
317 gBenchmark->Start("TOFReconstruction");
88cb7938 319
320 AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(datafile);
321 if (rl == 0x0)
322 {
323 Error("Exec","Can not open session for file %s",datafile);
324 return;
325 }
db9ba97f 326 // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file
88cb7938 327 rl->LoadgAlice();
328 gAlice = rl->GetAliRun();
db9ba97f 329
330 AliTOF* TOF = (AliTOF *) gAlice->GetDetector ("TOF");
331 AliDetector* TPC = gAlice->GetDetector("TPC");
333 if (!TOF) {
334 Error("AliTOFReconstructioner","TOF not found");
88cb7938 335 delete rl;
db9ba97f 336 return;
337 }
338 if (!TPC) {
339 Error("AliTOFReconstructioner","TPC Detector not found");
88cb7938 340 delete rl;
db9ba97f 341 return;
342 }
88cb7938 343 AliLoader* tpcloader = rl->GetLoader("TPCLoader");
344 if (tpcloader == 0x0)
345 {
346 Error("AliTOFReconstructioner","Can not get TPC Loader from Run Loader.");
347 delete rl;
348 return;
349 }
db9ba97f 350
88cb7938 351 AliLoader* tofloader = rl->GetLoader("TOFLoader");
352 if (tofloader == 0x0)
353 {
354 Error("AliTOFReconstructioner","Can not get TOF Loader from Run Loader.");
355 delete rl;
356 return;
357 }
db9ba97f 359 if (fEdgeTails) ftail = new TF1("tail",TimeWithTailR,-2,2,3);
88cb7938 360
361 if (fNevents == 0) fNevents = rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
db9ba97f 362 // You have to set the number of event with the ad hoc setter
363 // see testrecon.C
88cb7938 364 if (rl->GetHeader() == 0x0) rl->LoadHeader();
366 tofloader->LoadHits();
367 tpcloader->LoadHits();
db9ba97f 369 for (Int_t ievent = 0; ievent < fNevents; ievent++) { // start loop on events
88cb7938 370 rl->GetEvent(ievent);
371 Int_t nparticles= rl->GetHeader()->GetNtrack();
db9ba97f 372 if (nparticles <= 0) return;
374 TClonesArray* tofhits=0;
375 TClonesArray* tpchits=0;
377 if (TOF) tofhits = TOF->Hits();
378 if (TPC) tpchits = TPC->Hits();
88cb7938 380 TTree *TH = tofloader->TreeH();
db9ba97f 381 if (!TH) return;
382 Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) (TH->GetEntries()); // primary tracks
383 cout << "number of primary tracked tracks in current event " << ntracks << endl; // number of primary tracked tracks
384 // array declaration and initialization
385 // TOF arrays
386 // Int_t mapPixels[AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates][AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC][AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX];
388 Int_t *** mapPixels = new Int_t**[AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates];
389 for (Int_t i=0; i<AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates; i++) mapPixels[i] = new Int_t*[AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC];
390 for (Int_t i=0; i<AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates; i++) {
391 for (Int_t j=0; j<AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC; j++) {
392 mapPixels[i][j]= new Int_t[AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX];
393 }
394 }
397 // initializing the previous array
398 for (Int_t i=0;i<AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates;i++) {
399 for (Int_t j=0;j<AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC;j++) {
400 for (Int_t l=0;l<AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX;l++) {
401 mapPixels[i][j][l]=0;
402 }
403 }
404 }
a020d84f 406 Float_t * toftime = new Float_t[fMaxAllTracks];
f9a28264 407 InitArray(toftime, fMaxAllTracks);
db9ba97f 408 AliTOFPad* pixelArray = new AliTOFPad[fMaxPixels];
f9a28264 409 Int_t* iTOFpixel = new Int_t[fMaxAllTracks];
410 InitArray(iTOFpixel , fMaxAllTracks);
411 Int_t* kTOFhitFirst = new Int_t[fMaxAllTracks];
412 InitArray(kTOFhitFirst, fMaxAllTracks);
db9ba97f 413 AliTOFRecHit* hitArray = new AliTOFRecHit[fMaxTOFHits];
414 Int_t isHitOnFiredPad=0; // index used to fill hitArray (array used to store informations
415 // about pads that contains an hit)
416 Int_t ntotFiredPads=0; // index used to fill array -> total number of fired pads (at least one time)
418 // TPC arrays
419 AliTOFTrack* trackArray = new AliTOFTrack[fMaxTracks];
f9a28264 420 Int_t * iparticle = new Int_t[fMaxAllTracks];
421 InitArray(iparticle,fMaxAllTracks);
422 Int_t * iTrackPt = new Int_t[fMaxTracks];
423 InitArray(iTrackPt, fMaxTracks); // array
424 Float_t * ptTrack = new Float_t[fMaxTracks];
425 InitArray( ptTrack, fMaxTracks); // array for selected track pt
db9ba97f 426 Int_t ntotTPCtracks=0; // total number of selected TPC tracks
429 // reading TOF hits
430 if(TOF) ReadTOFHits(ntracks, TH, tofhits, mapPixels, kTOFhitFirst, pixelArray, iTOFpixel, toftime, hitArray,isHitOnFiredPad,ntotFiredPads);
431 cout << "isHitOnFiredPad " << isHitOnFiredPad << " for event " << ievent << endl;
433 // start debug for adding noise
434 // adding noise
435 Int_t nHitsNoNoise=isHitOnFiredPad;
438 if(fNoise) AddNoiseFromOuter(option,mapPixels,pixelArray,hitArray,isHitOnFiredPad,ntotFiredPads);
439 cout << "ntotFiredPads after adding noise " << ntotFiredPads << " for event " << ievent << endl;
440 // set the hitArray distance to nearest hit
441 SetMinDistance(hitArray,nHitsNoNoise);
443 // these lines has to be commented till TPC will provide fPx fPy fPz
444 // and fL in AliTPChit class
445 // reading TPC hits
446 /*
447 if(TPC) ReadTPCHits(ntracks, TH, tpchits, iTrackPt, iparticle, ptTrack, trackArray,ntotTPCtracks);
448 */
450 // geometrical matching
451 if(TOF && TPC) Matching(trackArray,hitArray,mapPixels,pixelArray,kTOFhitFirst,ntotFiredPads,iTrackPt,iTOFpixel,ntotTPCtracks);
453 // fill ntuple with reconstructed particles from current event
454 FillNtuple(ntracks,trackArray,hitArray,pixelArray,iTOFpixel,iparticle,toftime,ntotFiredPads,ntotTPCtracks);
457 // free used memory
f9a28264 458 delete [] toftime;
459 delete [] pixelArray;
460 delete [] iTOFpixel;
461 delete [] kTOFhitFirst;
462 delete [] hitArray;
463 delete [] trackArray;
464 delete [] iparticle;
465 delete [] iTrackPt;
466 delete [] ptTrack;
db9ba97f 467
468 for (Int_t i=0; i<AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates; i++) {
469 for (Int_t j=0; j<AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC; j++) {
470 delete [] mapPixels[i][j];
471 }
472 }
473 for (Int_t i=0; i<AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates; i++) delete [] mapPixels[i];
475 delete [] mapPixels;
477 }//event loop
5fff655e 479 // free used memory for ftail
480 if (ftail)
481 {
482 delete ftail;
483 ftail = 0;
484 }
db9ba97f 485
486 // writing ntuple on output file
487 foutputfile->cd();
488 //foutputntuple->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite);
489 foutputntuple->Write();
490 foutputfile->Write();
491 foutputfile->Close();
493 gBenchmark->Stop("TOFReconstruction");
494 cout << "AliTOFReconstructioner:" << endl ;
495 cout << " took " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("TOFReconstruction") << " seconds in order to make the reconstruction for " << fNevents << " events " << endl;
496 cout << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("TOFReconstruction")/fNevents << " seconds per event " << endl ;
497 cout << endl ;
502void AliTOFReconstructioner::SetRecFile(char * file )
504 //
505 // Set the file name for reconstruction output
506 //
507 if(!fRecFile.IsNull())
508 cout << "Changing destination file for TOF reconstruction from " <<(char *)fRecFile.Data() << " to " << file << endl ;
509 fRecFile=file ;
512void AliTOFReconstructioner::Print(Option_t* option)const
514 //
515 // Print reconstruction output file name
516 //
517 cout << "------------------- "<< GetName() << " -------------" << endl ;
518 if(fRecFile.IsNull())
519 cout << " Writing reconstructed particles to file galice.root "<< endl ;
520 else
521 cout << " Writing reconstructed particle to file " << (char*) fRecFile.Data() << endl ;
526void AliTOFReconstructioner::PrintParameters()const
528 //
529 // Print parameters used for reconstruction
530 //
531 cout << " ------------------- "<< GetName() << " -------------" << endl ;
532 cout << " Parameters used for TOF reconstruction " << endl ;
533 // Printing the parameters
535 cout << " Number of events: " << fNevents << endl;
536 cout << " Recostruction from event "<< fFirstEvent << " to event "<< fLastEvent << endl;
537 cout << " TOF geometry parameters " << endl;
538 cout << " Min. radius of the TOF (cm) "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkrmin << endl;
539 cout << " Max. radius of the TOF (cm) "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkrmax << endl;
540 cout << " Number of TOF geom. levels "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkmaxtoftree<< endl;
541 cout << " Number of TOF sectors "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors << endl;
542 cout << " Number of TOF modules "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates << endl;
543 cout << " Max. Number of strips in a module "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC << endl;
544 cout << " Number of pads per strip "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ << endl;
545 cout << " Number of strips in central module "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripA << endl;
546 cout << " Number of strips in intermediate modules "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripB << endl;
547 cout << " Number of strips in outer modules "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC << endl;
548 cout << " Number of MRPC in x strip direction "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX<< endl;
549 cout << " Size of MRPC (cm) along X "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad<< endl;
550 cout << " Number of MRPC in z strip direction "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ<<endl;
551 cout << " Size of MRPC (cm) along Z "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad<<endl;
552 cout << " Module Lengths (cm)" << endl;
553 cout << " A Module: "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenA<< " B Modules: "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenB<< " C Modules: "<< AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenC<< endl;
554 cout << " Inner radius of the TOF detector (cm): "<<AliTOFConstants::fgkrmin << endl;
555 cout << " Outer radius of the TOF detector (cm): "<<AliTOFConstants::fgkrmax << endl;
556 cout << " Max. half z-size of TOF (cm) : "<<AliTOFConstants::fgkMaxhZtof << endl;
557 cout << " TOF Pad parameters " << endl;
558 cout << " Time Resolution (ns) "<< fTimeResolution <<" Pad Efficiency: "<< fpadefficiency << endl;
559 cout << " Edge Effect option: "<< fEdgeEffect<< endl;
561 cout << " Boundary Effect Simulation Parameters " << endl;
562 cout << " Hparameter: "<< fHparameter<<" H2parameter:"<< fH2parameter <<" Kparameter:"<< fKparameter<<" K2parameter: "<< fK2parameter << endl;
563 cout << " Efficiency in the central region of the pad: "<< fEffCenter << endl;
564 cout << " Efficiency at the boundary region of the pad: "<< fEffBoundary << endl;
565 cout << " Efficiency value at H2parameter "<< fEff2Boundary << endl;
566 cout << " Efficiency value at K2parameter "<< fEff3Boundary << endl;
567 cout << " Resolution (ps) in the central region of the pad: "<< fResCenter << endl;
568 cout << " Resolution (ps) at the boundary of the pad : "<< fResBoundary << endl;
569 cout << " Slope (ps/K) for neighbouring pad : "<< fResSlope <<endl;
570 cout << " Time walk (ps) in the central region of the pad : "<< fTimeWalkCenter << endl;
571 cout << " Time walk (ps) at the boundary of the pad : "<< fTimeWalkBoundary<< endl;
572 cout << " Slope (ps/K) for neighbouring pad : "<< fTimeWalkSlope<<endl;
573 cout << " Pulse Heigth Simulation Parameters " << endl;
574 cout << " Flag for delay due to the PulseHeightEffect: "<< fTimeDelayFlag <<endl;
575 cout << " Pulse Height Slope : "<< fPulseHeightSlope<<endl;
576 cout << " Time Delay Slope : "<< fTimeDelaySlope<<endl;
577 cout << " Minimum charge amount which could be induced : "<< fMinimumCharge<<endl;
578 cout << " Smearing in charge in (q1/q2) vs x plot : "<< fChargeSmearing<<endl;
579 cout << " Smearing in log of charge ratio : "<< fLogChargeSmearing<<endl;
580 cout << " Smearing in time in time vs log(q1/q2) plot : "<< fTimeSmearing<<endl;
581 cout << " Flag for average time : "<< fAverageTimeFlag<<endl;
582 cout << " Charge factor flag for matching : "<< fChargeFactorForMatching<<endl;
583 cout << " Edge tails option : "<< fEdgeTails << endl;
584 cout << " TPC tracking parameters " << endl;
585 cout << " TPC tracking efficiency : "<< fTrackingEfficiency<< endl;
586 cout << " Sigma vs momentum dependency flag : "<< fSigmavsp << endl;
587 cout << " Space uncertainties (cm). sigma(z) (cm): "<< fSigmaZ << " sigma(R(phi)) (cm): "<< fSigmarphi << endl;
588 cout << " Momentum uncertainties. sigma(delta(P)/P): "<< fSigmap <<" sigma(phi) (rad): "<< fSigmaPhi <<" sigma(theta) (rad): "<< fSigmaTheta << endl;
589 cout << " Parameters for additional noise hits " << endl;
590 cout << " Number of noise hits : " << fNoise <<" Slope parameter (ns) in the time distribution: " << fNoiseSlope << endl;
591 cout << " Mean TOF for noise from outer regions (ns)" << fNoiseMeanTof << endl;
592 cout << " Physical parameters " << endl;
593 cout << " Magnetic Field (tesla) : "<< fField <<endl;
594 cout << " Radiation length of the outer wall of TPC: "<< fRadLenTPC << endl;
595 cout << " (TPC tracks)-(TOF pads) matching parameters " << endl;
596 cout << " TRD Correction flag : "<< fCorrectionTRD <<endl;
597 cout << " Number of the last TPC row: "<< fLastTPCRow <<" Vertex radius (cm) for selected tracks: "<<fRadiusvtxBound<<endl;
598 cout << " Max. number of test tracks: "<<fMaxTestTracks << endl;
599 cout << " Space step (cm) : "<< fStep <<endl;
600 cout << " Matching style option : "<< fMatchingStyle <<endl;
601 cout << " Array parameters " << endl;
602 cout << " Max.number of pads involved in the matching procedure: "<< fMaxPixels << endl;
603 cout << " Max.number of TOF hits per event : "<< fMaxTOFHits<< endl;
604 cout << " Max.number of tracks selected for matching : "<< fMaxTracks << endl;
605 cout << " Max.number of all tracks including the neutral ones : "<< fMaxAllTracks<< endl;
606 cout << " Debug Flag : "<< fdbg << endl;
607 cout << " Cut on momentum for selecting tracks : "<< fPBound << endl;
b9d0a01d 612void AliTOFReconstructioner::IsInsideThePad(TVirtualMC *vmc, Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z, Int_t *nGeom, Float_t& zPad, Float_t& xPad)
db9ba97f 613{
614 // input: x,y,z - coordinates of a hit
615 // output: array nGeom[]
616 // nGeom[0] - the TOF sector number, 1,2,...,18 along azimuthal direction starting from -90 deg.!!!
617 // nGeom[1] - the TOF module number, 1,2,3,4,5=C,B,A,B,C along z-direction
618 // nGeom[2] - the TOF strip number, 1,2,... along z-direction
619 // nGeom[3] - the TOF padz number, 1,2=NPZ across a strip
620 // nGeom[4] - the TOF padx number, 1,2,...,48=NPX along a strip
621 // zPad, xPad - coordinates of the hit in the pad frame
622 // numbering is adopted for the version 3.05 of AliRoot
623 // example:
624 // from Hits: sec,pla,str,padz,padx=4,2,14,2,35
625 // Vol. n.0: ALIC, copy number 1
626 // Vol. n.1: B077, copy number 1
627 // Vol. n.2: B074, copy number 5
628 // Vol. n.3: BTO2, copy number 1
629 // Vol. n.4: FTOB, copy number 2
630 // Vol. n.5: FLTB, copy number 0
631 // Vol. n.6: FSTR, copy number 14
632 // Vol. n.7: FSEN, copy number 0
633 // Vol. n.8: FSEZ, copy number 2
634 // Vol. n.9: FSEX, copy number 35
635 // Vol. n.10: FPAD, copy number 0
638 Float_t xTOF[3];
639 Int_t sector=0,module=0,strip=0,padz=0,padx=0;
640 Int_t i,numed,nLevel,copyNumber;
641 Gcvolu_t* gcvolu;
642 char name[5];
643 name[4]=0;
645 for (i=0; i<AliTOFConstants::fgkmaxtoftree; i++) nGeom[i]=0;
646 zPad=100.;
647 xPad=100.;
649 xTOF[0]=x;
650 xTOF[1]=y;
651 xTOF[2]=z;
b9d0a01d 653 TGeant3 * g3 = (TGeant3*) vmc;
db9ba97f 655 g3->Gmedia(xTOF, numed);
656 gcvolu=g3->Gcvolu();
657 nLevel=gcvolu->nlevel;
658 if(fdbg) {
659 for (Int_t i=0; i<nLevel; i++) {
660 strncpy(name,(char*) (&gcvolu->names[i]),4);
661 cout<<"Vol. n."<<i<<": "<<name<<", copy number "<<gcvolu->number[i]<<endl;
662 }
663 }
664 if(nLevel>=2) {
665 // sector type name: B071(1,2,...,10),B074(1,2,3,4,5-PHOS),B075(1,2,3-RICH)
666 strncpy(name,(char*) (&gcvolu->names[2]),4);
667 // volume copy: 1,2,...,10 for B071, 1,2,3,4,5 for B074, 1,2,3 for B075
668 copyNumber=gcvolu->number[2];
669 if(!strcmp(name,"B071")) {
670 if (copyNumber>=6 && copyNumber<=8) {
671 sector=copyNumber+10;
672 } else if (copyNumber>=1 && copyNumber<=5){
673 sector=copyNumber+7;
674 } else {
675 sector=copyNumber-8;
676 }
677 } else if(!strcmp(name,"B075")) {
678 sector=copyNumber+12;
679 } else if(!strcmp(name,"B074")) {
680 if (copyNumber>=1 && copyNumber<=3){
681 sector=copyNumber+4;
682 } else {
683 sector=copyNumber-1;
684 }
685 }
686 }
687 if(sector) {
688 nGeom[0]=sector;
689 if(nLevel>=4) {
690 // we'll use the module value in z-direction:
691 // 1 2 3 4 5
692 // the module order in z-direction: FTOC,FTOB,FTOA,FTOB,FTOC
693 // the module copy: 2 2 0 1 1
694 // module type name: FTOA, FTOB, FTOC
695 strncpy(name,(char*) (&gcvolu->names[4]),4);
696 // module copy:
697 copyNumber=gcvolu->number[4];
698 if(!strcmp(name,"FTOC")) {
699 if (copyNumber==2) {
700 module=1;
701 } else {
702 module=5;
703 }
704 } else if(!strcmp(name,"FTOB")) {
705 if (copyNumber==2) {
706 module=2;
707 } else {
708 module=4;
709 }
710 } else if(!strcmp(name,"FTOA")) {
711 module=3;
712 }
713 }
714 }
716 if(module) {
717 nGeom[1]=module;
718 if(nLevel>=6) {
719 // strip type name: FSTR
720 strncpy(name,(char*) (&gcvolu->names[6]),4);
721 // strip copy:
722 copyNumber=gcvolu->number[6];
723 if(!strcmp(name,"FSTR")) strip=copyNumber;
724 }
725 }
727 if(strip) {
728 nGeom[2]=strip;
729 if(nLevel>=8) {
730 // padz type name: FSEZ
731 strncpy(name,(char*) (&gcvolu->names[8]),4);
732 // padz copy:
733 copyNumber=gcvolu->number[8];
734 if(!strcmp(name,"FSEZ")) padz=copyNumber;
735 }
736 }
737 if(padz) {
738 nGeom[3]=padz;
739 if(nLevel>=9) {
740 // padx type name: FSEX
741 strncpy(name,(char*) (&gcvolu->names[9]),4);
742 // padx copy:
743 copyNumber=gcvolu->number[9];
744 if(!strcmp(name,"FSEX")) padx=copyNumber;
745 }
746 }
748 if(padx) {
749 nGeom[4]=padx;
750 zPad=gcvolu->glx[2]; // check here
751 xPad=gcvolu->glx[0]; // check here
752 }
754 // printf(" nGeom[0,1,2,3,4]=%i,%i,%i,%i,%i\n",nGeom[0],nGeom[1],nGeom[2],nGeom[3],nGeom[4]);
758void AliTOFReconstructioner::EpMulScatt(Float_t& px, Float_t& py, Float_t& pz, Float_t& p, Float_t& theta)
760 // Momentum p - before mult.scat.
761 // Momentum p2 - after mult.scat.
762 // THE0 - r.m.s. of deviation angle in plane
763 // (see RPP'96: Phys.Rev.D54 (1996) 134)
765 Float_t pt,thex,they,tantx,tanty,p2px,p2py,p2pz,costhe,sinthe,cospsi,sinpsi,p2x,p2y,p2z,p2,g;
767 pt=TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py);
768 // angles for p in the ' frame with Z'along p
769 if(fMatchingStyle==1) {
770 thex=theta*gRandom->Gaus();
771 they=theta*gRandom->Gaus();
772 } else {
773 thex=3*(-theta+2*theta*gRandom->Rndm());
774 they=3*(-theta+2*theta*gRandom->Rndm());
775 }
776 tantx=TMath::Tan(thex);
777 tanty=TMath::Tan(they);
779 // p2p - p2 in the ' frame
780 p2pz=p/TMath::Sqrt(1.+tantx*tantx+tanty*tanty);
781 p2py=p2pz*tanty;
782 p2px=p2pz*tantx;
783 // choose X'so that PHI=0 (see Il'in, Pozdnyak Analiticheskaya geometriya, 1968, c.88
784 // for Euler angles PSI, THETA (PHI=0)
785 costhe=pz/p;
786 sinthe=pt/p;
787 cospsi=-py/pt;
788 sinpsi=px/pt;
789 //
790 g=p2py*costhe-p2pz*sinthe;
791 p2x=p2px*cospsi-g*sinpsi;
792 p2y=p2px*sinpsi+g*cospsi;
793 p2z=p2py*sinthe+p2pz*costhe;
794 p2=TMath::Sqrt(p2x*p2x+p2y*p2y+p2z*p2z);
796 // Test angle
797 g=(px*p2x+py*p2y+pz*p2z)/(p*p2);
798 if(g>1) g=1;
799 theta=TMath::ACos(g);
800 px=p2x;
801 py=p2y;
802 pz=p2z;
803 p=p2;
807// std border effect algorithm
809void AliTOFReconstructioner::BorderEffect(Float_t z0, Float_t x0, Float_t geantTime, Int_t& nActivatedPads, Int_t& nFiredPads, Bool_t* isFired, Int_t* nPlace, Float_t* qInduced, Float_t* tofTime, Float_t& averageTime)
811 // Input: z0, x0 - hit position in the strip system (0,0 - center of the strip), cm
812 // geantTime - time generated by Geant, ns
813 // Output: nActivatedPads - the number of pads activated by the hit (1 || 2 || 4)
814 // nFiredPads - the number of pads fired (really activated) by the hit (nFiredPads <= nActivatedPads)
815 // qInduced[iPad]- charge induced on pad, arb. units
816 // this array is initialized at zero by the caller
817 // tofAfterSimul[iPad] - time calculated with edge effect algorithm, ns
818 // this array is initialized at zero by the caller
819 // averageTime - time given by pad hited by the Geant track taking into account the times (weighted) given by the pads fired for edge effect also.
820 // The weight is given by the qInduced[iPad]/qCenterPad
821 // this variable is initialized at zero by the caller
822 // nPlace[iPad] - the number of the pad place, iPad = 0, 1, 2, 3
823 // this variable is initialized at zero by the caller
824 //
825 // Description of used variables:
826 // eff[iPad] - efficiency of the pad
827 // res[iPad] - resolution of the pad, ns
828 // timeWalk[iPad] - time walk of the pad, ns
829 // timeDelay[iPad] - time delay for neighbouring pad to hited pad, ns
830 // PadId[iPad] - Pad Identifier
831 // E | F --> PadId[iPad] = 5 | 6
832 // A | B --> PadId[iPad] = 1 | 2
833 // C | D --> PadId[iPad] = 3 | 4
834 // nTail[iPad] - the tail number, = 1 for tailA, = 2 for tailB
835 // qCenterPad - charge extimated for each pad, arb. units
836 // weightsSum - sum of weights extimated for each pad fired, arb. units
838 const Float_t kSigmaForTail[2] = {AliTOFConstants::fgkSigmaForTail1,AliTOFConstants::fgkSigmaForTail2}; //for tail
839 Int_t iz = 0, ix = 0;
840 Float_t dX = 0., dZ = 0., x = 0., z = 0.;
841 Float_t h = fHparameter, h2 = fH2parameter, k = fKparameter, k2 = fK2parameter;
842 Float_t effX = 0., effZ = 0., resX = 0., resZ = 0., timeWalkX = 0., timeWalkZ = 0.;
843 Float_t logOfqInd = 0.;
844 Float_t weightsSum = 0.;
845 Int_t nTail[4] = {0,0,0,0};
846 Int_t padId[4] = {0,0,0,0};
847 Float_t eff[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
848 Float_t res[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
849 // Float_t qCenterPad = fMinimumCharge * fMinimumCharge;
850 Float_t qCenterPad = 1.;
851 Float_t timeWalk[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
852 Float_t timeDelay[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
854 nActivatedPads = 0;
855 nFiredPads = 0;
857 (z0 <= 0) ? iz = 0 : iz = 1;
858 dZ = z0 + (0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ - iz - 0.5) * AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad; // hit position in the pad frame, (0,0) - center of the pad
859 z = 0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad - TMath::Abs(dZ); // variable for eff., res. and timeWalk. functions
860 iz++; // z row: 1, ..., AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ = 2
861 ix = (Int_t)((x0 + 0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX * AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad) / AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad);
862 dX = x0 + (0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX - ix - 0.5) * AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad; // hit position in the pad frame, (0,0) - center of the pad
863 x = 0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad - TMath::Abs(dX); // variable for eff., res. and timeWalk. functions;
864 ix++; // x row: 1, ..., AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX = 48
866 ////// Pad A:
867 nActivatedPads++;
868 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = (iz - 1) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX + ix;
869 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = qCenterPad;
870 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 1;
872 if (fEdgeEffect == 0) {
873 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = fEffCenter;
874 if (gRandom->Rndm() < eff[nActivatedPads-1]) {
875 nFiredPads = 1;
876 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + fResCenter * fResCenter); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns;
877 isFired[nActivatedPads-1] = kTRUE;
878 tofTime[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(geantTime + fTimeWalkCenter, res[0]);
879 averageTime = tofTime[nActivatedPads-1];
880 }
881 } else {
883 if(z < h) {
884 if(z < h2) {
885 effZ = fEffBoundary + (fEff2Boundary - fEffBoundary) * z / h2;
886 } else {
887 effZ = fEff2Boundary + (fEffCenter - fEff2Boundary) * (z - h2) / (h - h2);
888 }
889 resZ = fResBoundary + (fResCenter - fResBoundary) * z / h;
890 timeWalkZ = fTimeWalkBoundary + (fTimeWalkCenter - fTimeWalkBoundary) * z / h;
891 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 1;
892 } else {
893 effZ = fEffCenter;
894 resZ = fResCenter;
895 timeWalkZ = fTimeWalkCenter;
896 }
898 if(x < h) {
899 if(x < h2) {
900 effX = fEffBoundary + (fEff2Boundary - fEffBoundary) * x / h2;
901 } else {
902 effX = fEff2Boundary + (fEffCenter - fEff2Boundary) * (x - h2) / (h - h2);
903 }
904 resX = fResBoundary + (fResCenter - fResBoundary) * x / h;
905 timeWalkX = fTimeWalkBoundary + (fTimeWalkCenter - fTimeWalkBoundary) * x / h;
906 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 1;
907 } else {
908 effX = fEffCenter;
909 resX = fResCenter;
910 timeWalkX = fTimeWalkCenter;
911 }
913 (effZ<effX) ? eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effZ : eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX;
914 (resZ<resX) ? res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX) : res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
915 (timeWalkZ<timeWalkX) ? timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ : timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
918 ////// Pad B:
919 if(z < k2) {
920 effZ = fEffBoundary - (fEffBoundary - fEff3Boundary) * (z / k2);
921 } else {
922 effZ = fEff3Boundary * (k - z) / (k - k2);
923 }
924 resZ = fResBoundary + fResSlope * z / k;
925 timeWalkZ = fTimeWalkBoundary + fTimeWalkSlope * z / k;
927 if(z < k && z > 0) {
928 if( (iz == 1 && dZ > 0) || (iz == 2 && dZ < 0) ) {
929 nActivatedPads++;
930 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] + (3 - 2 * iz) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX;
931 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effZ;
932 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
933 timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ; // ns
934 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
935 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
936 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
937 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
938 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z);
939 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * z, fLogChargeSmearing);
940 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
941 } else {
942 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
943 }
944 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
945 }
946 }
949 ////// Pad C, D, E, F:
950 if(x < k2) {
951 effX = fEffBoundary - (fEffBoundary - fEff3Boundary) * (x / k2);
952 } else {
953 effX = fEff3Boundary * (k - x) / (k - k2);
954 }
955 resX = fResBoundary + fResSlope*x/k;
956 timeWalkX = fTimeWalkBoundary + fTimeWalkSlope*x/k;
958 if(x < k && x > 0) {
959 // C:
960 if(ix > 1 && dX < 0) {
961 nActivatedPads++;
962 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] - 1;
963 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX;
964 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
965 timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
966 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
967 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
968 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
969 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
970 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x);
971 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
972 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
973 } else {
974 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
975 }
976 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 3;
978 // D:
979 if(z < k && z > 0) {
980 if( (iz == 1 && dZ > 0) || (iz == 2 && dZ < 0) ) {
981 nActivatedPads++;
982 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] + (3 - 2 * iz) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX - 1;
983 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX * effZ;
984 (resZ<resX) ? res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX) : res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
985 (timeWalkZ<timeWalkX) ? timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ : timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
987 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
988 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
989 if (TMath::Abs(x) < TMath::Abs(z)) {
990 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
991 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
992 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z);
993 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * z, fLogChargeSmearing);
994 } else {
995 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
996 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
997 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x);
998 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
999 }
1000 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1001 } else {
1002 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1003 }
1004 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 4;
1005 }
1006 } // end D
1007 } // end C
1009 // E:
1010 if(ix < AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX && dX > 0) {
1011 nActivatedPads++;
1012 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] + 1;
1013 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX;
1014 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * (TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX)); // ns
1015 timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
1016 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1017 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1018 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1019 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1020 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x);
1021 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
1022 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1023 } else {
1024 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1025 }
1026 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 5;
1029 // F:
1030 if(z < k && z > 0) {
1031 if( (iz == 1 && dZ > 0) || (iz == 2 && dZ < 0) ) {
1032 nActivatedPads++;
1033 nPlace[nActivatedPads - 1] = nPlace[0] + (3 - 2 * iz) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX + 1;
1034 eff[nActivatedPads - 1] = effX * effZ;
1035 (resZ<resX) ? res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX) : res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
1036 (timeWalkZ<timeWalkX) ? timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ : timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001*timeWalkX; // ns
1037 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1038 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1039 if (TMath::Abs(x) < TMath::Abs(z)) {
1040 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1041 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1042 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z);
1043 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * z, fLogChargeSmearing);
1044 } else {
1045 // qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1046 // qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1047 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x);
1048 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
1049 }
1050 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1051 } else {
1052 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1053 }
1054 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 6;
1055 }
1056 } // end F
1057 } // end E
1058 } // end if(x < k)
1061 for (Int_t iPad = 0; iPad < nActivatedPads; iPad++) {
1062 if (res[iPad] < fTimeResolution) res[iPad] = fTimeResolution;
1063 if(gRandom->Rndm() < eff[iPad]) {
1064 isFired[iPad] = kTRUE;
1065 nFiredPads++;
1066 if(fEdgeTails) {
1067 if(nTail[iPad] == 0) {
1068 tofTime[iPad] = gRandom->Gaus(geantTime + timeWalk[iPad] + timeDelay[iPad], res[iPad]);
1069 } else {
1070 ftail->SetParameters(res[iPad], 2. * res[iPad], kSigmaForTail[nTail[iPad]-1]);
1071 Double_t timeAB = ftail->GetRandom();
1072 tofTime[iPad] = geantTime + timeWalk[iPad] + timeDelay[iPad] + timeAB;
1073 }
1074 } else {
1075 tofTime[iPad] = gRandom->Gaus(geantTime + timeWalk[iPad] + timeDelay[iPad], res[iPad]);
1076 }
1077 if (fAverageTimeFlag) {
1078 averageTime += tofTime[iPad] * qInduced[iPad];
1079 weightsSum += qInduced[iPad];
1080 } else {
1081 averageTime += tofTime[iPad];
1082 weightsSum += 1.;
1083 }
1084 }
1085 }
1086 if (weightsSum!=0) averageTime /= weightsSum;
1087 } // end else (fEdgeEffect != 0)
1091/* new algorithm (to be checked)
1093void AliTOFReconstructioner::BorderEffect(Float_t z0, Float_t x0, Float_t geantTime, Int_t& nActivatedPads, Int_t& nFiredPads, Bool_t* isFired, Int_t* nPlace, Float_t* qInduced, Float_t* tofTime, Float_t& averageTime)
1095 // Input: z0, x0 - hit position in the strip system (0,0 - center of the strip), cm
1096 // geantTime - time generated by Geant, ns
1097 // Output: nActivatedPads - the number of pads activated by the hit (1 || 2 || 4)
1098 // nFiredPads - the number of pads fired (really activated) by the hit (nFiredPads <= nActivatedPads)
1099 // qInduced[iPad]- charge induced on pad, arb. units
1100 // this array is initialized at zero by the caller
1101 // tofAfterSimul[iPad] - time calculated with edge effect algorithm, ns
1102 // this array is initialized at zero by the caller
1103 // averageTime - time given by pad hited by the Geant track taking into account the times (weighted) given by the pads fired for edge effect also.
1104 // The weight is given by the qInduced[iPad]/qCenterPad
1105 // this variable is initialized at zero by the caller
1106 // nPlace[iPad] - the number of the pad place, iPad = 0, 1, 2, 3
1107 // this variable is initialized at zero by the caller
1108 //
1109 // Description of used variables:
1110 // eff[iPad] - efficiency of the pad
1111 // res[iPad] - resolution of the pad, ns
1112 // timeWalk[iPad] - time walk of the pad, ns
1113 // timeDelay[iPad] - time delay for neighbouring pad to hited pad, ns
1114 // PadId[iPad] - Pad Identifier
1115 // E | F --> PadId[iPad] = 5 | 6
1116 // A | B --> PadId[iPad] = 1 | 2
1117 // C | D --> PadId[iPad] = 3 | 4
1118 // nTail[iPad] - the tail number, = 1 for tailA, = 2 for tailB
1119 // qCenterPad - charge extimated for each pad, arb. units
1120 // weightsSum - sum of weights extimated for each pad fired, arb. units
1122 const Float_t kSigmaForTail[2] = {AliTOFConstants::fgkSigmaForTail1,AliTOFConstants::fgkSigmaForTail2}; //for tail
1123 Int_t iz = 0, ix = 0;
1124 Float_t dX = 0., dZ = 0., x = 0., z = 0.;
1125 Float_t h = fHparameter, h2 = fH2parameter, k = fKparameter, k2 = fK2parameter;
1126 Float_t effX = 0., effZ = 0., resX = 0., resZ = 0., timeWalkX = 0., timeWalkZ = 0.;
1127 Float_t logOfqInd = 0.;
1128 Float_t weightsSum = 0.;
1129 Int_t nTail[4] = {0,0,0,0};
1130 Int_t padId[4] = {0,0,0,0};
1131 Float_t eff[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
1132 Float_t res[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
1133 Float_t qCenterPad = fMinimumCharge * fMinimumCharge;
1134 Float_t timeWalk[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
1135 Float_t timeDelay[4] = {0.,0.,0.,0.};
1137 nActivatedPads = 0;
1138 nFiredPads = 0;
1140 (z0 <= 0) ? iz = 0 : iz = 1;
1141 dZ = z0 + (0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ - iz - 0.5) * AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad; // hit position in the pad frame, (0,0) - center of the pad
1142 z = 0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad - TMath::Abs(dZ); // variable for eff., res. and timeWalk. functions
1143 iz++; // z row: 1, ..., AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ = 2
1144 ix = (Int_t)((x0 + 0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX * AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad) / AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad);
1145 dX = x0 + (0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX - ix - 0.5) * AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad; // hit position in the pad frame, (0,0) - center of the pad
1146 x = 0.5 * AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad - TMath::Abs(dX); // variable for eff., res. and timeWalk. functions;
1147 ix++; // x row: 1, ..., AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX = 48
1149 ////// Pad A:
1150 nActivatedPads++;
1151 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = (iz - 1) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX + ix;
1152 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = qCenterPad;
1153 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 1;
1155 if (fEdgeEffect == 0) {
1156 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = fEffCenter;
1157 if (gRandom->Rndm() < eff[nActivatedPads-1]) {
1158 nFiredPads = 1;
1159 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + fResCenter * fResCenter); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns;
1160 isFired[nActivatedPads-1] = kTRUE;
1161 tofTime[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(geantTime + fTimeWalkCenter, res[0]);
1162 averageTime = tofTime[nActivatedPads-1];
1163 }
1164 } else {
1166 if(z < h) {
1167 if(z < h2) {
1168 effZ = fEffBoundary + (fEff2Boundary - fEffBoundary) * z / h2;
1169 } else {
1170 effZ = fEff2Boundary + (fEffCenter - fEff2Boundary) * (z - h2) / (h - h2);
1171 }
1172 resZ = fResBoundary + (fResCenter - fResBoundary) * z / h;
1173 timeWalkZ = fTimeWalkBoundary + (fTimeWalkCenter - fTimeWalkBoundary) * z / h;
1174 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 1;
1175 } else {
1176 effZ = fEffCenter;
1177 resZ = fResCenter;
1178 timeWalkZ = fTimeWalkCenter;
1179 }
1181 if(x < h) {
1182 if(x < h2) {
1183 effX = fEffBoundary + (fEff2Boundary - fEffBoundary) * x / h2;
1184 } else {
1185 effX = fEff2Boundary + (fEffCenter - fEff2Boundary) * (x - h2) / (h - h2);
1186 }
1187 resX = fResBoundary + (fResCenter - fResBoundary) * x / h;
1188 timeWalkX = fTimeWalkBoundary + (fTimeWalkCenter - fTimeWalkBoundary) * x / h;
1189 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 1;
1190 } else {
1191 effX = fEffCenter;
1192 resX = fResCenter;
1193 timeWalkX = fTimeWalkCenter;
1194 }
1196 (effZ<effX) ? eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effZ : eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX;
1197 (resZ<resX) ? res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX) : res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
1198 (timeWalkZ<timeWalkX) ? timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ : timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
1201 ////// Pad B:
1202 if(z < k2) {
1203 effZ = fEffBoundary - (fEffBoundary - fEff3Boundary) * (z / k2);
1204 } else {
1205 effZ = fEff3Boundary * (k - z) / (k - k2);
1206 }
1207 resZ = fResBoundary + fResSlope * z / k;
1208 timeWalkZ = fTimeWalkBoundary + fTimeWalkSlope * z / k;
1210 if(z < k && z > 0) {
1211 if( (iz == 1 && dZ > 0) || (iz == 2 && dZ < 0) ) {
1212 nActivatedPads++;
1213 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] + (3 - 2 * iz) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX;
1214 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effZ;
1215 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
1216 timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ; // ns
1217 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1218 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1219 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1220 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1221 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * z, fLogChargeSmearing);
1222 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1223 } else {
1224 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1225 }
1226 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1227 }
1228 }
1231 ////// Pad C, D, E, F:
1232 if(x < k2) {
1233 effX = fEffBoundary - (fEffBoundary - fEff3Boundary) * (x / k2);
1234 } else {
1235 effX = fEff3Boundary * (k - x) / (k - k2);
1236 }
1237 resX = fResBoundary + fResSlope*x/k;
1238 timeWalkX = fTimeWalkBoundary + fTimeWalkSlope*x/k;
1240 if(x < k && x > 0) {
1241 // C:
1242 if(ix > 1 && dX < 0) {
1243 nActivatedPads++;
1244 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] - 1;
1245 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX;
1246 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
1247 timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
1248 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1249 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1250 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1251 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1252 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
1253 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1254 } else {
1255 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1256 }
1257 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 3;
1259 // D:
1260 if(z < k && z > 0) {
1261 if( (iz == 1 && dZ > 0) || (iz == 2 && dZ < 0) ) {
1262 nActivatedPads++;
1263 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] + (3 - 2 * iz) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX - 1;
1264 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX * effZ;
1265 (resZ<resX) ? res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX) : res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
1266 (timeWalkZ<timeWalkX) ? timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ : timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
1268 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1269 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1270 if (TMath::Abs(x) < TMath::Abs(z)) {
1271 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1272 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1273 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * z, fLogChargeSmearing);
1274 } else {
1275 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1276 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1277 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
1278 }
1279 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1280 } else {
1281 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1282 }
1283 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 4;
1284 }
1285 } // end D
1286 } // end C
1288 // E:
1289 if(ix < AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX && dX > 0) {
1290 nActivatedPads++;
1291 nPlace[nActivatedPads-1] = nPlace[0] + 1;
1292 eff[nActivatedPads-1] = effX;
1293 res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * (TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX)); // ns
1294 timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkX; // ns
1295 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1296 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1297 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1298 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1299 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
1300 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1301 } else {
1302 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1303 }
1304 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 5;
1307 // F:
1308 if(z < k && z > 0) {
1309 if( (iz == 1 && dZ > 0) || (iz == 2 && dZ < 0) ) {
1310 nActivatedPads++;
1311 nPlace[nActivatedPads - 1] = nPlace[0] + (3 - 2 * iz) * AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX + 1;
1312 eff[nActivatedPads - 1] = effX * effZ;
1313 (resZ<resX) ? res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resX * resX) : res[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * TMath::Sqrt(10400 + resZ * resZ); // 10400=30^2+20^2+40^2+50^2+50^2+50^2 ns
1314 (timeWalkZ<timeWalkX) ? timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001 * timeWalkZ : timeWalk[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.001*timeWalkX; // ns
1315 nTail[nActivatedPads-1] = 2;
1316 if (fTimeDelayFlag) {
1317 if (TMath::Abs(x) < TMath::Abs(z)) {
1318 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1319 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * z / 2.);
1320 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * z, fLogChargeSmearing);
1321 } else {
1322 qInduced[0] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1323 qInduced[nActivatedPads-1] = fMinimumCharge * TMath::Exp(-fPulseHeightSlope * x / 2.);
1324 logOfqInd = gRandom->Gaus(-fPulseHeightSlope * x, fLogChargeSmearing);
1325 }
1326 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = gRandom->Gaus(-fTimeDelaySlope * logOfqInd, fTimeSmearing);
1327 } else {
1328 timeDelay[nActivatedPads-1] = 0.;
1329 }
1330 padId[nActivatedPads-1] = 6;
1331 }
1332 } // end F
1333 } // end E
1334 } // end if(x < k)
1337 for (Int_t iPad = 0; iPad < nActivatedPads; iPad++) {
1338 if (res[iPad] < fTimeResolution) res[iPad] = fTimeResolution;
1339 if(gRandom->Rndm() < eff[iPad]) {
1340 isFired[iPad] = kTRUE;
1341 nFiredPads++;
1342 if(fEdgeTails) {
1343 if(nTail[iPad] == 0) {
1344 tofTime[iPad] = gRandom->Gaus(geantTime + timeWalk[iPad] + timeDelay[iPad], res[iPad]);
1345 } else {
1346 ftail->SetParameters(res[iPad], 2. * res[iPad], kSigmaForTail[nTail[iPad]-1]);
1347 Double_t timeAB = ftail->GetRandom();
1348 tofTime[iPad] = geantTime + timeWalk[iPad] + timeDelay[iPad] + timeAB;
1349 }
1350 } else {
1351 tofTime[iPad] = gRandom->Gaus(geantTime + timeWalk[iPad] + timeDelay[iPad], res[iPad]);
1352 }
1353 if (fAverageTimeFlag) {
1354 averageTime += tofTime[iPad] * qInduced[iPad];
1355 weightsSum += qInduced[iPad];
1356 } else {
1357 averageTime += tofTime[iPad];
1358 weightsSum += 1.;
1359 }
1360 }
1361 }
1362 if (weightsSum!=0) averageTime /= weightsSum;
1364 } // end else (fEdgeEffect != 0)
1366 //cout << "timedelay " << timeDelay[0] << endl;
1367 //cout << "timedelay " << timeDelay[1] << endl;
1368 //cout << "timedelay " << timeDelay[2] << endl;
1369 //cout << "timedelay " << timeDelay[3] << endl;
1376Int_t AliTOFReconstructioner::PDGtoGeantCode(Int_t pdgcode)
1378 //
1379 // Gives the GEANT code from KF code of LUND JETSET
1380 //
1381 Int_t geantCode=0; // default value
1382 switch (pdgcode) {
1383 case 22:
1384 geantCode=1; // GAMMA
1385 break ;
1386 case -11:
1387 geantCode=2; // E+
1388 break ;
1389 case 11:
1390 geantCode=3; // E-
1391 break ;
1392 case 12:
1393 geantCode=4; // NUE
1394 break ;
1395 case 14:
1396 geantCode=4; // NUMU
1397 break ;
1398 case -13:
1399 geantCode=5; // MU+
1400 break ;
1401 case 13:
1402 geantCode=6; // MU-
1403 break ;
1404 case 111:
1405 geantCode=7; // PI0
1406 break ;
1407 case 211:
1408 geantCode=8; // PI+
1409 break ;
1410 case -211:
1411 geantCode=9; // PI-
1412 break ;
1413 case 130:
1414 geantCode=10; // K_L0
1415 break ;
1416 case 321:
1417 geantCode=11; // K+
1418 break ;
1419 case -321:
1420 geantCode=12; // K-
1421 break ;
1422 case 2112:
1423 geantCode=13; // N0
1424 break ;
1425 case 2212:
1426 geantCode=14; // P+
1427 break ;
1428 case -2212:
1429 geantCode=15; // P~-
1430 break ;
1431 case 310:
1432 geantCode=16; // K_S0
1433 break ;
1434 case 221:
1435 geantCode=17; // ETA
1436 break ;
1437 case 3122:
1438 geantCode=18; // LAMBDA0
1439 break ;
1440 case 3222:
1441 geantCode=19; // SIGMA+
1442 break ;
1443 case 3212:
1444 geantCode=20; // SIGMA0
1445 break ;
1446 case 3112:
1447 geantCode=21; // SIGMA-
1448 break ;
1449 case 3322:
1450 geantCode=22; // XI0
1451 break ;
1452 case 3312:
1453 geantCode=23; // XI-
1454 break ;
1455 case 3334:
1456 geantCode=24; // OMEGA-
1457 break ;
1458 case -2112:
1459 geantCode=25; // N~0
1460 break ;
1461 case -3122:
1462 geantCode=26; // LAMBDA~0
1463 break ;
1464 case -3112:
1465 geantCode=27; // SIGMA~+
1466 break ;
1467 case -3212:
1468 geantCode=28; // SIGMA~0
1469 break ;
1470 case -3222:
1471 geantCode=29; // SIGMA~-
1472 break ;
1473 case -3322:
1474 geantCode=30; // XI~0
1475 break ;
1476 case -3312:
1477 geantCode=31; // XI~+
1478 break ;
1479 case -3334:
1480 geantCode=32; // OMEGA~+
1481 break ;
1482 case 223:
1483 geantCode=33; // OMEGA(782)
1484 break ;
1485 case 333:
1486 geantCode=34; // PHI(1020)
1487 break ;
1488 case 411:
1489 geantCode=35; // D+
1490 break ;
1491 case -411:
1492 geantCode=36; // D-
1493 break ;
1494 case 421:
1495 geantCode=37; // D0
1496 break ;
1497 case -421:
1498 geantCode=38; // D~0
1499 break ;
1500 case 431:
1501 geantCode=39; // D_S+
1502 break ;
1503 case -431:
1504 geantCode=40; // D_S~-
1505 break ;
1506 case 4122:
1507 geantCode=41; // LAMBDA_C+
1508 break ;
1509 case 213:
1510 geantCode=42; // RHP(770)+
1511 break ;
1512 case -213:
1513 geantCode=43; // RHO(770)-
1514 break ;
1515 case 113:
1516 geantCode=44; // RHO(770)0
1517 break ;
1518 default:
1519 geantCode=45;
1520 break;
1521 }
1523 return geantCode;
1527Bool_t AliTOFReconstructioner::operator==( AliTOFReconstructioner const & tofrec)const
1529 // Equal operator.
1530 // Reconstructioners are equal if their parameters are equal
1532 // split the member variables in analogous categories
1534 // time resolution and edge effect parameters
cc7b397a 1535 Bool_t dummy0=(fTimeResolution==tofrec.fTimeResolution)&&
1536 (fpadefficiency==tofrec.fpadefficiency)&&
1537 (fEdgeEffect==tofrec.fEdgeEffect)&&
1538 (fEdgeTails==tofrec.fEdgeTails)&&
1539 (fHparameter==tofrec.fHparameter)&&
1540 (fH2parameter==tofrec.fH2parameter)&&
1541 (fKparameter==tofrec.fKparameter)&&
1542 (fK2parameter==tofrec.fK2parameter);
db9ba97f 1543
1544 // pad efficiency parameters
cc7b397a 1545 Bool_t dummy1=(fEffCenter==tofrec.fEffCenter)&&
1546 (fEffBoundary==tofrec.fEffBoundary)&&
1547 (fEff2Boundary==tofrec.fEff2Boundary)&&
1548 (fEff3Boundary==tofrec.fEff3Boundary)&&
1549 (fResCenter==tofrec.fResCenter)&&
1550 (fResBoundary==tofrec.fResBoundary)&&
1551 (fResSlope==tofrec.fResSlope);
db9ba97f 1552
1553 // time walk parameters
cc7b397a 1554 Bool_t dummy2=(fTimeWalkCenter==tofrec.fTimeWalkCenter)&&
1555 (fTimeWalkBoundary==tofrec.fTimeWalkBoundary)&&
1556 (fTimeWalkSlope==tofrec.fTimeWalkSlope)&&
1557 (fTimeDelayFlag==tofrec.fTimeDelayFlag)&&
1558 (fPulseHeightSlope==tofrec.fPulseHeightSlope)&&
1559 (fTimeDelaySlope==tofrec.fTimeDelaySlope);
db9ba97f 1560
1561 // ADC-TDC correlation parameters
cc7b397a 1562 Bool_t dummy3=(fMinimumCharge==tofrec.fMinimumCharge)&&
1563 (fChargeSmearing==tofrec.fChargeSmearing )&&
1564 (fLogChargeSmearing==tofrec.fLogChargeSmearing )&&
1565 (fTimeSmearing==tofrec.fTimeSmearing )&&
1566 (fAverageTimeFlag==tofrec.fAverageTimeFlag)&&
1567 (fChargeFactorForMatching==tofrec.fChargeFactorForMatching)&&
1568 (fMatchingStyle==tofrec.fMatchingStyle);
db9ba97f 1569
cc7b397a 1570 Bool_t dummy4=(fTrackingEfficiency==tofrec.fTrackingEfficiency)&&
1571 (fSigmavsp==tofrec.fSigmavsp)&&
1572 (fSigmaZ==tofrec.fSigmaZ)&&
1573 (fSigmarphi==tofrec.fSigmarphi)&&
1574 (fSigmap==tofrec.fSigmap)&&
1575 (fSigmaPhi==tofrec.fSigmaPhi)&&
1576 (fSigmaTheta==tofrec.fSigmaTheta)&&
1577 (fNoise==tofrec.fNoise)&&
1578 (fNoiseSlope==tofrec.fNoiseSlope)&&
1579 (fField==tofrec.fField)&&
1580 (fRadLenTPC==tofrec.fRadLenTPC)&&
1581 (fCorrectionTRD==tofrec.fCorrectionTRD)&&
1582 (fLastTPCRow==tofrec.fLastTPCRow)&&
1583 (fRadiusvtxBound==tofrec.fRadiusvtxBound)&&
1584 (fMaxTestTracks==tofrec.fMaxTestTracks)&&
1585 (fStep==tofrec.fStep)&&
1586 (fMaxPixels==tofrec.fMaxPixels)&&
1587 (fMaxAllTracks==tofrec.fMaxAllTracks)&&
1588 (fMaxTracks==tofrec.fMaxTracks)&&
1589 (fMaxTOFHits==tofrec.fMaxTOFHits)&&
1590 (fPBound==tofrec.fPBound);
db9ba97f 1591
1592 if( dummy0 && dummy1 && dummy2 && dummy3 && dummy4)
1593 return kTRUE ;
1594 else
1595 return kFALSE ;
1599void AliTOFReconstructioner::UseHitsFrom(const char * filename)
1601 SetTitle(filename) ;
1605void AliTOFReconstructioner::InitArray(Float_t array[], Int_t nlocations)
1607 //
1608 // Initialize the array of Float_t
1609 //
1610 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nlocations; i++) {
1611 array[i]=0.;
1612 } // end loop
1617void AliTOFReconstructioner::InitArray(Int_t array[], Int_t nlocations)
1619 //
1620 // Initialize the array of Int_t
1621 //
1622 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nlocations; i++) {
1623 array[i]=0;
1624 } // end loop
cc7b397a 1630void AliTOFReconstructioner::ReadTOFHits(Int_t ntracks, TTree* treehits,
1631 TClonesArray* tofhits, Int_t ***MapPixels, Int_t* kTOFhitFirst,
1632 AliTOFPad* pixelArray , Int_t* iTOFpixel, Float_t* toftime,
1633 AliTOFRecHit* hitArray, Int_t& isHitOnFiredPad, Int_t& ipixel)
db9ba97f 1634{
1635 //
1636 // Read TOF hits for the current event and fill arrays
1637 //
1638 // Start loop on primary tracks in the hits containers
1639 //
1640 // Noise meaning in ReadTOFHits: we use the word 'noise' in the
1641 // following cases
1642 // - signals produced by secondary particles
1643 // - signals produced by the next hits (out of the first) of a given track
1644 // (both primary and secondary)
1645 // - signals produced by edge effect
1648 TParticle *particle;
1649 Int_t nHitOutofTofVolumes; // number of hits out of TOF GEANT volumes (it happens in very
1650 // few cases)
f9a28264 1651 Int_t * npixel = new Int_t[AliTOFConstants::fgkmaxtoftree]; // array used by TOFRecon for check on TOF geometry
db9ba97f 1652 Int_t npions=0; // number of pions for the current event
1653 Int_t nkaons=0; // number of kaons for the current event
1654 Int_t nprotons=0; // number of protons for the current event
1655 Int_t nelectrons=0;// number of electrons for the current event
1656 Int_t nmuons=0; // number of muons for the current event
1657 Float_t tofpos[3]; // TOF hit position and GEANT time
1658 Float_t zPad,xPad;
1659 Int_t nbytes = 0;
1660 Int_t ipart, nhits=0, nHitsFromPrimaries=0;
1661 Int_t ntotalTOFhits=0; // total number of TOF hits for the current event
1662 Int_t ipartLast=-1; // last track identifier
1663 Int_t iFirstHit; // flag to check if the current hit is the first hit on TOF for the
1664 // current track
1665 Int_t iNoiseHit=0; // flag used to tag noise hits (the noise meaning is reported in the
1666 // header of the ReadTOFHits method)
1667 Int_t nhitWithoutNoise;// number of hits not due to noise
1668 Int_t inoise=0,inoise2=0;
1669 Int_t nMultipleSignOnSamePad=0; // number of cases where a pad is fired more than one time
1670 Int_t nPixEdge=0; // additional pads fired due to edge effect in ReadTOFHits (local var)
1671 // array used for counting different types of primary particles
1672 Int_t particleTypeGEANT[50]={0,4,4,0,5,5,0,3,3,0,
1673 2,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,
1674 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
1675 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
1676 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
1677 Int_t particleType,particleInTOFtype[6][3];
1678 for (Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) {
1679 for (Int_t j=0;j<3;j++) {
1680 particleInTOFtype[i][j]=0;
1681 }
1682 }
5fff655e 1684 // speed-up the code
1685 treehits->SetBranchStatus("*",0); // switch off all branches
1686 treehits->SetBranchStatus("TOF*",1); // switch on only TOF
db9ba97f 1687
1688 for (Int_t track=0; track<ntracks;track++) { // starting loop on primary tracks for the current event
1690 gAlice->ResetHits();
1691 nbytes += treehits->GetEvent(track);
1692 nhits = tofhits->GetEntriesFast();
1694 ntotalTOFhits+=nhits;
1696 // Start loop on hits connected to the current primary tracked particle
1697 // (including hits produced by secondary particles generaterd by the
1698 // current ptimary tracked particle)
1699 for (Int_t hit=0;hit<nhits;hit++) {
1700 AliTOFhit* tofHit = (AliTOFhit*)tofhits->UncheckedAt(hit);
1701 ipart = tofHit->GetTrack();
1702 if(ipart>=fMaxAllTracks) break;
1703 Float_t geantTime= tofHit->GetTof(); // it is given in [s]
1704 particle = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(ipart);
1706 Int_t pdgCode=particle->GetPdgCode();
1707 // Only high momentum tracks (see fPBound value)
1708 // momentum components at vertex
1709 Float_t pxvtx = particle->Px();
1710 Float_t pyvtx = particle->Py();
1711 Float_t pzvtx = particle->Pz();
1712 Float_t pvtx = TMath::Sqrt(pxvtx*pxvtx+pyvtx*pyvtx+pzvtx*pzvtx);
1713 if(pvtx>fPBound) {
1715 if(particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) nHitsFromPrimaries++; // count primaries
1717 // x and y coordinates of the particle production vertex
1718 Float_t vx = particle->Vx();
1719 Float_t vy = particle->Vy();
1720 Float_t vr = TMath::Sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy); // cylindrical radius of the particle production vertex
1722 Float_t x = tofHit->X(); tofpos[0]=x;
1723 Float_t y = tofHit->Y(); tofpos[1]=y;
1724 Float_t z = tofHit->Z(); tofpos[2]=z;
b213b8bd 1725 /* var used for QA
db9ba97f 1726 Float_t tofradius = TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y); // radius cilindrical coordinate of the TOF hit
b213b8bd 1727 */
db9ba97f 1728 // momentum components (cosine) when striking the TOF
1729 Float_t pxtof = tofHit->GetPx();
1730 Float_t pytof = tofHit->GetPy();
1731 Float_t pztof = tofHit->GetPz();
1732 // scalar product indicating the direction of the particle when striking the TOF
b213b8bd 1733 /* var used for QA
db9ba97f 1734 // (>0 for outgoing particles)
1735 Float_t isGoingOut = (x*pxtof+y*pytof+z*pztof)/TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
b213b8bd 1736 */
db9ba97f 1737 Float_t momtof = tofHit->GetMom();
1738 // now momentum components when striking the TOF
1739 pxtof *= momtof;
1740 pytof *= momtof;
1741 pztof *= momtof;
1742 particleType=particleTypeGEANT[PDGtoGeantCode(pdgCode)-1];
1743 if(particleType) {
1744 particleInTOFtype[5][2]++;
1745 particleInTOFtype[particleType-1][2]++;
1746 }
1747 iFirstHit=0;
1748 // without noise hits
1750 if(ipart!=ipartLast) {
1751 iFirstHit=1;
1752 toftime[ipart]=geantTime; //time [s]
1753 // tofMom[ipart]=momtof;
1754 ipartLast=ipart;
1755 if(particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) {
1756 Int_t abspdgCode=TMath::Abs(pdgCode);
1757 switch (abspdgCode) {
1758 case 211:
1759 npions++;
1760 break ;
1761 case 321:
1762 nkaons++;
1763 break ;
1764 case 2212:
1765 nprotons++;
1766 break ;
1767 case 11:
1768 nelectrons++;
1769 break ;
1770 case 13:
1771 nmuons++;
1772 break ;
1773 }
1774 }
1775 if(vr>fRadiusvtxBound) {
1776 if(particleType) {
1777 particleInTOFtype[5][1]++;
1778 particleInTOFtype[particleType-1][1]++;
1779 }
1780 inoise++;
1781 inoise2++;
1782 } else {
1783 if(particleType) {
1784 particleInTOFtype[5][0]++;
1785 particleInTOFtype[particleType-1][0]++;
1786 }
1787 }
1788 } else {
1789 inoise++;
1790 if(particleType) {
1791 particleInTOFtype[5][1]++;
1792 particleInTOFtype[particleType-1][1]++;
1793 }
1794 } //end if(ipart!=ipartLast)
b9d0a01d 1796 IsInsideThePad(gMC,x,y,z,npixel,zPad,xPad);
db9ba97f 1797
1798 Int_t sec = tofHit->GetSector();
1799 Int_t pla = tofHit->GetPlate();
1800 Int_t str = tofHit->GetStrip();
1801 if(sec!=npixel[0] || pla!=npixel[1] || str!=npixel[2]){// check on volume
1802 cout << "sector" << sec << " npixel[0] " << npixel[0] << endl;
1803 cout << "plate " << pla << " npixel[1] " << npixel[1] << endl;
1804 cout << "strip " << str << " npixel[2] " << npixel[2] << endl;
1805 } // close check on volume
1807 Int_t padz = tofHit->GetPadz();
1808 Int_t padx = tofHit->GetPadx();
1809 Float_t Zpad = tofHit->GetDz();
1810 Float_t Xpad = tofHit->GetDx();
1813 if (npixel[4]==0){
b9d0a01d 1814 IsInsideThePad(gMC,x,y,z,npixel,zPad,xPad);
db9ba97f 1815 if (npixel[4]==0){
1816 nHitOutofTofVolumes++;
1817 }
1818 } else {
1819 Float_t zStrip=AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad*(padz-0.5-0.5*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ)+Zpad;
1820 if(padz!=npixel[3]) printf(" : Zpad=%f, padz=%i, npixel[3]=%i, zStrip=%f\n",Zpad,padz,npixel[3],zStrip);
1821 Float_t xStrip=AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad*(padx-0.5-0.5*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX)+Xpad;
1823 Int_t nPlace[4]={0,0,0,0};
1824 nPlace[0]=(padz-1)*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX+padx;
1826 Int_t nActivatedPads=0;
1827 Int_t nFiredPads=0;
1828 Bool_t isFired[4]={kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE};
1829 Float_t tofAfterSimul[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
1830 Float_t qInduced[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
1831 Float_t averageTime=0.;
1834 BorderEffect(zStrip,xStrip,geantTime*1.0e+09,nActivatedPads,nFiredPads,isFired,nPlace,qInduced,tofAfterSimul,averageTime); // simulate edge effect
1837 if(nFiredPads) {
1838 for(Int_t indexOfPad=0; indexOfPad<nActivatedPads; indexOfPad++) {
1839 if(isFired[indexOfPad]){// the pad has fired
1840 if(indexOfPad==0) {// the hit belongs to a fired pad
1841 isHitOnFiredPad++;
1842 hitArray[isHitOnFiredPad-1].SetHit(ipart,pdgCode,tofpos,momtof,vr,iFirstHit);
1843 iNoiseHit=0;
1845 if(vr>fRadiusvtxBound || iFirstHit==0) iNoiseHit=1;
1847 hitArray[isHitOnFiredPad-1].SetNoise(iNoiseHit);
1848 if(iFirstHit) kTOFhitFirst[ipart]=isHitOnFiredPad;
1850 }// close - the hit belongs to a fired pad
1852 Int_t iMapFirstIndex=AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*(npixel[1]-1)+npixel[0]-1;
1853 Int_t iMapValue=MapPixels[iMapFirstIndex][npixel[2]-1][nPlace[indexOfPad]-1];
1855 if(iMapValue==0) {
1856 ipixel++;
1857 if(indexOfPad) {
1858 iNoiseHit=1;
1859 nPixEdge++;
1860 } else {
1861 iTOFpixel[ipart]=ipixel;
1862 }
1864 if(ipixel>fMaxPixels){ // check on the total number of activated pads
1865 cout << "ipixel=" << ipixel << " > fMaxPixels=" << fMaxPixels << endl;
1866 return;
1867 } // close check on the number of activated pads
1869 MapPixels[iMapFirstIndex][npixel[2]-1][nPlace[indexOfPad]-1]=ipixel;
1870 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetGeom(npixel[0],npixel[1],npixel[2],nPlace[indexOfPad]);
1871 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetTrack(ipart);
1872 if(iNoiseHit) {
1873 pixelArray[ipixel-1].AddState(1);
1874 } else {
1875 if(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad]<0) cout << "Time of Flight after detector simulation is negative" << endl;
1876 pixelArray[ipixel-1].AddState(10);
1877 }
1879 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetTofChargeHit(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad],qInduced[indexOfPad],geantTime*1.0e+09,isHitOnFiredPad);
1880 } else { //else if(iMapValue==0)
1881 if(indexOfPad==0) iTOFpixel[ipart]=iMapValue;
1882 nMultipleSignOnSamePad++;
1884 if(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad] < pixelArray[iMapValue-1].GetRealTime() ) {
1885 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetTrack(ipart);
1886 // if(indexOfPad==0) pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetTrack(ipart);
1887 if(indexOfPad) iNoiseHit=1;
1888 if(iNoiseHit) {
1889 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].AddState(1);
1890 } else {
1891 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].AddState(10);
1892 }
1893 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetRealTime(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad]);
1894 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetGeantTime(geantTime*1.0e+09);
1895 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetHit(isHitOnFiredPad);
1896 } // close if(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad] < pixelArray[iMapValue-1].GetTime() )
1897 } //end of Pixel filling
1898 } // close if(isFired[indexOfPad])
1899 } //end loop on activated pads indexOfPad
1900 } // close if(nFiredPads)
1901 } //end of hit with npixel[3]!=0
1902 } //high momentum tracks
1903 } //end on TOF hits
1904 } //end on primary tracks
1907 if(fdbg) {
1908 cout << ntotalTOFhits << " - total number of TOF hits " << nHitsFromPrimaries << " - primary " << endl;
1909 cout << inoise << " - noise hits, " << inoise2<< " - first crossing of a track with Rvtx>" << fRadiusvtxBound << endl;
1910 // cout << inoise << " - noise hits (" << 100.*inoise/ihit << " %), " << inoise2
1911 //<< " - first crossing of a track with Rvtx>" << RVTXBOUND << endl;
1912 nhitWithoutNoise=isHitOnFiredPad;
1914 cout << ipixel << " fired pixels (" << nMultipleSignOnSamePad << " multiple fired pads, " << endl;
1915 //j << " fired by noise, " << j1 << " noise+track)" << endl;
1916 printf(" %i additional pads are fired due to edge effect\n",nPixEdge);
1917 cout << npions << " primary pions reached TOF" << endl;
1918 cout << nkaons << " primary kaons reached TOF" << endl;
1919 cout << nprotons << " primary protons reached TOF" << endl;
1920 cout << nelectrons<<" primary electrons reached TOF" << endl;
1921 cout << nmuons << " primary muons reached TOF" << endl;
1922 cout << "number of TOF hits for different species: 1-p, 2-K, 3-pi, 4-e, 5-mu, 6-all" << endl;
1923 cout << " first number - track hits, second - noise ones, third - all" << endl;
1924 for (Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) cout << i+1 << " " << particleInTOFtype[i][0] << " " << particleInTOFtype[i][1] << " " << particleInTOFtype[i][2] << endl;
1926 Int_t primaryReachedTOF[6];
1927 primaryReachedTOF[0]=npions;
1928 primaryReachedTOF[1]=nkaons;
1929 primaryReachedTOF[2]=nprotons;
1930 primaryReachedTOF[3]=nelectrons;
1931 primaryReachedTOF[4]=nmuons;
1932 primaryReachedTOF[5]=npions+nkaons+nprotons+nelectrons+nmuons;
1934 cout << " Reading TOF hits done" << endl;
1935 }
f9a28264 1937 delete [] npixel;
db9ba97f 1938}
1941void AliTOFReconstructioner::AddNoiseFromOuter(Option_t *option, Int_t ***MapPixels, AliTOFPad* pixelArray , AliTOFRecHit* hitArray, Int_t& isHitOnFiredPad, Int_t& ipixel)
1943 //
1944 // Add noise hits from outer regions (forward and backward) according
1945 // to parameterized fZNoise distribution (to be used with events
1946 // generated in the barrel region)
f9a28264 1948 Float_t * zLen = new Float_t[AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates+1];
1949 Float_t * zStrips = new Float_t[AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates];
db9ba97f 1950 zStrips[0]=(Float_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC);
1951 zStrips[1]=(Float_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripB);
1952 zStrips[2]=(Float_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripA);
1953 zStrips[3]=(Float_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripB);
1954 zStrips[4]=(Float_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNStripC);
1956 zLen[5]=AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenA*0.5+AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenB+AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenC;
1957 zLen[4]=zLen[5]-AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenC;
1958 zLen[3]=zLen[4]-AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenB;
1959 zLen[2]=zLen[3]-AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenA;
1960 zLen[1]=zLen[2]-AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenB;
1961 zLen[0]=zLen[1]-AliTOFConstants::fgkzlenC;
1964 Int_t isector; // random sector number
1965 Int_t iplate; // random plate number
1966 Int_t istrip; // random strip number in the plate
1967 Int_t ipadAlongX; // random pad number along x direction
1968 Int_t ipadAlongZ; // random pad number along z direction
1969 Int_t ipad;
1970 Int_t nPixEdge=0; // additional pads fired due to edge effect when adding noise from outer
1971 // regions
1973 // x -> time of flight given in ns
1974 TF1 *noiseTof = new TF1("noiseTof","exp(-x/20)",0,100);
1976 if(strstr(option,"pp")){
1977 fZnoise = new TF1("fZnoise","257.8-0.178*x-0.000457*x*x",-AliTOFConstants::fgkMaxhZtof,AliTOFConstants::fgkMaxhZtof);
1978 }
1979 if(strstr(option,"Pb-Pb")){
1980 fZnoise = new TF1("fZnoise","182.2-0.09179*x-0.0001931*x*x",-AliTOFConstants::fgkMaxhZtof,AliTOFConstants::fgkMaxhZtof);
1981 }
1983 if(fNoise) {
1984 if(fdbg) cout << " Start adding additional noise hits from outer regions" << endl;
1986 for(Int_t i=0;i<fNoise;i++) {
1988 isector=(Int_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*gRandom->Rndm())+1; //the sector number
1989 // non-flat z-distribution of additional hits
1990 Float_t zNoise=fZnoise->GetRandom();
1992 // holes for PHOS and HMPID
1993 if(((AliTOF *) gAlice->GetDetector("TOF"))->IsVersion()==2) {
1994 // to be checked the holes case
1995 if(isector>12 && isector<16) { // sectors 13,14,15 - RICH
1996 do {
1997 iplate=(Int_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates*gRandom->Rndm())+1;
1998 } while (iplate==2 || iplate==3 || iplate==4);
1999 // } else if(isector>11 && isector<17) { // sectors 12,13,14,15,16 - PHOS
2000 } else if(isector>2 && isector<8) { // sectors 3,4,5,6,7 - PHOS
2001 do {
2002 iplate=(Int_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates*gRandom->Rndm())+1;
2003 } while (iplate==3);
2004 } else {
2005 iplate=(Int_t) (AliTOFConstants::fgkNPlates*gRandom->Rndm())+1;
2006 }
2007 } else {
2008 iplate=0;
2009 do {
2010 iplate++;
2011 } while(zNoise>zLen[iplate]);
2012 }
2013 // end of holes
2015 if(iplate<1 || iplate>5) {
2016 printf(" iplate<1 or iplate>5, iplate=%i\n",iplate);
2017 return;
2018 }
2020 Float_t nStripes=0;
2021 if(iplate>1) {
2022 for (Int_t i=0;i<iplate-1;i++) {
2023 nStripes += zStrips[i];
2024 }
2025 }
b213b8bd 2027 istrip=(Int_t)((zNoise-zLen[iplate-1])/((zLen[iplate]-zLen[iplate-1])/zStrips[iplate-1])); //the strip number in the plate
db9ba97f 2028 istrip++;
2030 ipadAlongX = (Int_t)(AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX*gRandom->Rndm())+1;
2031 ipadAlongZ = (Int_t)(AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ*gRandom->Rndm())+1;
2032 ipad=(Int_t)(ipadAlongZ-1)*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX+ipadAlongX; //the pad number
2034 Float_t xStrip=(ipadAlongX-1)*AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad+AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad*gRandom->Rndm()-0.5*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX*AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad;//x-coor.in the strip frame
2035 Float_t zStrip=(ipadAlongZ-1)*AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad+AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad*gRandom->Rndm()-0.5*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadZ*AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad;//z-coor.in the strip frame
2037 Int_t nPlace[4]={0,0,0,0};
2038 nPlace[0]=ipad;
2040 Int_t nActivatedPads=0;
2041 Int_t nFiredPads=0;
2042 Bool_t isFired[4]={kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE};
2043 Float_t tofAfterSimul[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
2044 Float_t qInduced[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
2045 Float_t averageTime=0.;
2046 Float_t toffornoise=10.+noiseTof->GetRandom(); // 10 ns offset + parameterization [ns]
2048 BorderEffect(zStrip,xStrip,toffornoise,nActivatedPads,nFiredPads,isFired,nPlace,qInduced,tofAfterSimul,averageTime); // simulate edge effect
2050 if(nFiredPads) {
2051 for(Int_t indexOfPad=0; indexOfPad<nActivatedPads; indexOfPad++) {
2052 if(isFired[indexOfPad]){// the pad has fired
2054 if(indexOfPad==0) {// the hit belongs to a fired pad
2055 isHitOnFiredPad++;
2056 hitArray[isHitOnFiredPad-1].SetX(0.);
2057 hitArray[isHitOnFiredPad-1].SetY(0.);
2058 hitArray[isHitOnFiredPad-1].SetZ(zNoise);
2059 hitArray[isHitOnFiredPad-1].SetNoise(1);
2060 } // close if(indexOfPad==0)
2062 ipad = nPlace[indexOfPad];
2064 Int_t iMapValue=MapPixels[AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*(iplate-1)+isector-1][istrip-1][ipad-1];
2066 if(iMapValue==0) {
2067 ipixel++;
2068 if(indexOfPad) nPixEdge++;
2069 MapPixels[AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*(iplate-1)+isector-1][istrip-1][ipad-1]=ipixel;
2070 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetGeom(isector,iplate,istrip,ipad);
2071 pixelArray[ipixel-1].AddState(1);
2072 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetRealTime(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad]);
2073 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetHit(isHitOnFiredPad);
2074 } else if( tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad] < pixelArray[iMapValue-1].GetRealTime() ) {
2075 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetTrack(-1);
2076 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].AddState(1);
2077 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetRealTime(tofAfterSimul[indexOfPad]);
2078 pixelArray[iMapValue-1].SetHit(isHitOnFiredPad);
2079 } //end of if(iMapValue==0)
2081 }// close if(isFired[indexOfPad])
2082 } //end loop on activated pads indexOfPad
2083 } // close if(nFiredPads)
2084 } //end of NOISE cycle
2085 }
2087 // free used memory
2088 if (fZnoise)
2089 {
2090 delete fZnoise;
2091 fZnoise = 0;
2092 }
2094 if (noiseTof)
2095 {
2096 delete noiseTof;
2097 noiseTof = 0;
2098 }
2100 Int_t nNoiseSignals=0;
2101 Int_t nAll=0;
2102 for(Int_t idummy=1; idummy<ipixel+1; idummy++) {
2103 if(hitArray[pixelArray[idummy-1].GetHit()-1].GetNoise()==1) {
2104 nNoiseSignals++;
2105 if(pixelArray[idummy-1].GetState()>10) nAll++;
2106 }
2107 }
2109 if(fdbg) {
2110 cout << " after adding " << fNoise << " noise hits: " << ipixel << " fired pixels (" << nNoiseSignals << " fired by noise, " << nAll << " noise+track)" << endl;
2111 printf(" %i additional pixels are fired by noise due to edge effect\n",nPixEdge);
2112 cout << " End of adding additional noise hits from outer regions" << endl;
2113 }
2115 Float_t occupancy;
2116 // numberOfPads for AliTOFV4 (Full coverage)
2117 // - to be upgraded checking the used TOF version -
2118 Float_t numberOfPads=AliTOFConstants::fgkPadXSector*AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors;
2119 occupancy=100.*ipixel/numberOfPads; // percentage of fired pads
2120 printf(" Overall TOF occupancy (percentage of fired pads after adding noise) = %f\n",occupancy);
f9a28264 2121 delete [] zLen;
2122 delete [] zStrips;
db9ba97f 2123
2128void AliTOFReconstructioner::SetMinDistance(AliTOFRecHit* hitArray, Int_t ilastEntry)
2130 //
2131 // Set the distance to the nearest hit for hitArray
2132 // ilastEntry is the index of the last entry of hitArray
2134 // starting the setting for the distance to the nearest TOFhit (cm)
2135 for(Int_t i=0; i<ilastEntry; i++) {
2137 if(hitArray[i].GetFirst()==1 && hitArray[i].GetNoise()==0) { // select the first hit of the track
2138 // hits are not due to noise
2139 Float_t minDistance=10000.,squareDistance; // current values of the (square) distance
2140 Int_t jAtMin=0; // index of the hit nearest to the i-th hit
2141 Float_t xhit=hitArray[i].X(); // x coordinate for i-th hit
2142 Float_t yhit=hitArray[i].Y(); // y coordinate for i-th hit
2143 Float_t zhit=hitArray[i].Z(); // z coordinate for i-th hit
2144 // was for(Int_t j=0; j<isHitOnFiredPad; j++) {
2145 for(Int_t j=0; j<ilastEntry; j++) {
2146 if(i!=j) {
2147 squareDistance=(hitArray[j].X()-xhit)*(hitArray[j].X()-xhit)+
2148 (hitArray[j].Y()-yhit)*(hitArray[j].Y()-yhit)+
2149 (hitArray[j].Z()-zhit)*(hitArray[j].Z()-zhit);
2150 if(squareDistance<minDistance) {
2151 minDistance=squareDistance;
2152 jAtMin=j;
2153 }
2154 }
2155 }
2156 minDistance=TMath::Sqrt(minDistance);
2157 hitArray[i].SetRmin(minDistance);
2158 if(minDistance==0.) printf(" Rmin=0, i=%i, j=%i, x=%f,y=%f,z=%f\n",i,jAtMin,xhit,yhit,zhit);// it cannot happen
2159 }
2160 }
2164// these lines has to be commented till TPC will provide fPx fPy fPz
2165// and fL in AliTPChit class
2168void AliTOFReconstructioner::ReadTPCHits(Int_t ntracks, TTree* treehits, TClonesArray* tpchits, Int_t* iTrackPt, Int_t* iparticle, Float_t* ptTrack, AliTOFTrack* trackArray, Int_t& itrack)
2170 //
2171 // Read TPC hits for the current event
2172 //
2173 TParticle *particle=0;
2174 Int_t npions=0; // number of pions for the current event
2175 Int_t nkaons=0; // number of kaons for the current event
2176 Int_t nprotons=0; // number of protons for the current event
2177 Int_t nelectrons=0;// number of electrons for the current event
2178 Int_t nmuons=0; // number of muons for the current event
2179 Int_t ntotalTPChits=0; // total number of TPC hits for the current event
2180 Int_t idummy=-1; // dummy var used to count double hit TPC cases
2181 Int_t nTpcDoubleHitsLastRow=0; // number of double TPC hits in the last pad row
2182 Int_t nTpcHitsLastRow=0; // number of TPC hits in the last pad row
2183 Float_t trdpos[2]={0.,0.};
2184 Float_t pos[3]; // TPC hit position
2185 Float_t mom[3]; // momentum components in the last TPC row
2186 Float_t pt=0., tpclen; // pt: transverse momentum in the last TPC row
2187 Int_t nbytes = 0;
2188 Int_t ipart=0, nhits=0, iprim=0;
2190 itrack=0; // itrack: total number of selected TPC tracks
5fff655e 2192 // speed-up the code
2193 treehits->SetBranchStatus("*",0); // switch off all branches
2194 treehits->SetBranchStatus("TPC*",1); // switch on only TPC
db9ba97f 2196 for (Int_t track=0; track<ntracks;track++) {
2197 gAlice->ResetHits();
2198 nbytes += treehits->GetEvent(track);
2201 nhits = tpchits->GetEntriesFast();
2203 for (Int_t hit=0;hit<nhits;hit++) {
2204 ntotalTPChits++;
2205 AliTPChit* tpcHit = (AliTPChit*)tpchits->UncheckedAt(hit);
2206 Int_t row = tpcHit->fPadRow;
2207 ipart = tpcHit->GetTrack();
2208 if(ipart>=fMaxAllTracks) break;
2209 particle = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(ipart);
2210 Int_t pdgCode=particle->GetPdgCode();
2211 // only high momentum tracks
2212 // momentum components at production vertex
2213 Float_t pxvtx = particle->Px();
2214 Float_t pyvtx = particle->Py();
2215 Float_t pzvtx = particle->Pz();
2216 Float_t pvtx = TMath::Sqrt(pxvtx*pxvtx+pyvtx*pyvtx+pzvtx*pzvtx);
2217 if(pvtx>fPBound && row == fLastTPCRow) {
2218 Float_t vx = particle->Vx();
2219 Float_t vy = particle->Vy();
2220 Float_t vr = TMath::Sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy);
2221 Float_t x = tpcHit->X();
2222 Float_t y = tpcHit->Y();
2223 Float_t z = tpcHit->Z();
2224 pos[0]=x; pos[1]=y; pos[2]=z;
2226 Float_t pxtpc = tpcHit->fPx;
2227 Float_t pytpc = tpcHit->fPy;
2228 Float_t pztpc = tpcHit->fPz;
2229 mom[0]=pxtpc; mom[1]=pytpc; mom[2]=pztpc;
2230 Float_t momtpc = TMath::Sqrt(pxtpc*pxtpc+pytpc*pytpc+pztpc*pztpc);
2232 if(x*pxtpc+y*pytpc>0) { // only tracks going out of TPC
2234 Float_t isoutgoing = x*pxtpc+y*pytpc+z*pztpc;
2235 isoutgoing /= (momtpc*TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z));
2236 tpclen = tpcHit->fL;
2239 if(ipart!=idummy) {
2240 if(particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) {
2241 Int_t abspdgCode=TMath::Abs(pdgCode);
2242 switch (abspdgCode) {
2243 case 211:
2244 npions++;
2245 break ;
2246 case 321:
2247 nkaons++;
2248 break ;
2249 case 2212:
2250 nprotons++;
2251 break ;
2252 case 11:
2253 nelectrons++;
2254 break ;
2255 case 13:
2256 nmuons++;
2257 break ;
2258 }
2259 } // close if(particle->GetFirstMother() < 0)
2260 } // close if(ipart!=idummy)
2262 if(gRandom->Rndm()<fTrackingEfficiency && vr<fRadiusvtxBound && ipart!=idummy) {
2264 itrack++;
2265 if(particle->GetFirstMother() < 0) iprim++;
2267 if(itrack>fMaxTracks) {
2268 cout << "itrack=" << itrack << " > MAXTRACKS=" << fMaxTracks << endl;
2269 return;
2270 } // close if(itrack>fMaxTracks)
2273 iparticle[ipart]=itrack;
2275 trackArray[itrack-1].SetTrack(ipart,pvtx,pdgCode,tpclen,pos,mom,trdpos);
2277 pt=TMath::Sqrt(pxtpc*pxtpc+pytpc*pytpc); // pt: transverse momentum at TPC
2278 // Filling iTrackPt[MAXTRACKS] by itrack ordering on Pt
2279 if(itrack==1) {
2280 iTrackPt[itrack-1]=itrack;
2281 ptTrack[itrack-1]=pt;
2282 } else {
2283 for (Int_t i=0; i<itrack-1; i++) {
2284 if(pt>ptTrack[i]) {
2285 for(Int_t j=i; j<itrack-1; j++) {
2286 Int_t k=itrack-1+i-j;
2287 iTrackPt[k]= iTrackPt[k-1];
2288 ptTrack[k] = ptTrack[k-1];
2289 }
2290 iTrackPt[i]=itrack;
2291 ptTrack[i]=pt;
2292 break;
2293 }
2294 if(i==itrack-2) {
2295 iTrackPt[itrack-1]=itrack;
2296 ptTrack[itrack-1]=pt;
2297 }
2298 }
2299 }
2301 } //end of itrack
2302 if(vr>fRadiusvtxBound) nTpcHitsLastRow++;
2303 if(ipart==idummy) nTpcDoubleHitsLastRow++;
2304 idummy=ipart;
2305 } // close if(x*px+y*py>0)
2306 } // close if(pvtx>fPBound && row == fLastTPCRow)
2307 } //end of hits
2308 } // close loop on tracks
2311 if(fdbg) {
2312 cout << ntotalTPChits << " TPC hits in the last TPC row " << fLastTPCRow << endl;
2313 cout << " " << nTpcHitsLastRow << " - hits with Rvtx>fRadiusvtxBound=" << fRadiusvtxBound << endl;
2314 cout << " " << nTpcDoubleHitsLastRow << " double TPC hits" << endl;
2315 cout << itrack << " - extracted TPC tracks " << iprim << " - primary" << endl;
2316 cout << npions << " primary pions reached TPC" << endl;
2317 cout << nkaons << " primary kaons reached TPC" << endl;
2318 cout << nprotons << " primary protons reached TPC" << endl;
2319 cout << nelectrons<< " primary electrons reached TPC" << endl;
2320 cout << nmuons << " primary muons reached TPC" << endl;
2321 } // if(fdbg)
2323 Int_t primaryInTPC[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0};
2324 primaryInTPC[0]=npions;
2325 primaryInTPC[1]=nkaons;
2326 primaryInTPC[2]=nprotons;
2327 primaryInTPC[3]=nelectrons;
2328 primaryInTPC[4]=nmuons;
2329 primaryInTPC[5]=npions+nkaons+nprotons+nelectrons+nmuons;
2331 if(fdbg) {
2332 printf(" contents of iTrackPt[MAXTRACKS],PtTrack[MAXTRACKS]\n");
2333 for (Int_t i=0; i<itrack; i++) {
2334 printf(" %i : iTrackPt=%i, PtTrack=%f\n",i+1,iTrackPt[i],ptTrack[i]);
2335 }
2336 printf(" Check ordered transverse momentum array\n");
2337 for (Int_t i=itrack-1; i>=0; i--) {
2338 printf(" %i : iTrackPt=%i, PtTrack=%f\n",i+1,iTrackPt[i],ptTrack[i]);
2339 }
2340 }// if(fdbg)
2345void cylcor(Float_t& x, Float_t& y) {
2346 Float_t rho,phi;
2348 rho=TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y);
2349 phi=0.;
2350 if(TMath::Abs(x)>0. || TMath::Abs(y)>0.) phi=TMath::ATan2(y,x);
2351 if(phi<0.) phi=phi+2.*TMath::Pi();
2352 x=rho;
2353 y=phi;
2358void AliTOFReconstructioner::Matching(AliTOFTrack* trackArray, AliTOFRecHit* hitArray, Int_t ***mapPixels, AliTOFPad* pixelArray, Int_t* kTOFhitFirst, Int_t& ipixel, Int_t* iTrackPt, Int_t* iTOFpixel, Int_t ntotTpcTracks)
f9a28264 2360 Int_t TestTracks,iTestTrack,itest,wPixel=0,itestc;
2361 Int_t * ntest = new Int_t[fMaxTestTracks];
2362 Int_t * testPixel = new Int_t[fMaxTestTracks];
2363 Float_t wLength=0.,wRho=0.,wZ=0.;
2364 Float_t * testLength = new Float_t[fMaxTestTracks];
2365 Float_t * testRho = new Float_t[fMaxTestTracks];
2366 Float_t * testZ = new Float_t[fMaxTestTracks];
2367 Float_t weight;
2368 Float_t * testWeight = new Float_t[fMaxTestTracks];
db9ba97f 2369 Float_t rotationFactor,phi0,coslam,sinlam,helixRadius,xHelixCenter,yHelixCenter,zHelixCenter,helixFactor;
2370 Int_t npixel[5],iMapValue,iwork1,iwork2,iwork3,iwork4,ihit=0;
2371 Int_t charge[48]={ 0, 1,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0,
2372 1,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
2373 -1, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0,
2374 1, 1, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 1,-1,
2375 1, 1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0};
2376 Float_t theta0,gpx,gpy,gpz,gp,gpt,gtheta,gx,gy,gz,gr,gxLast,gyLast,gzLast,chargeField;
2377 Float_t sumOfTheta=0.,weightTestTracksOutTof[4];
2378 Float_t s,ds,xRespectToHelixCenter,yRespectToHelixCenter,deltaRadius,fp,xp,yp,grho;
2379 Float_t mass,energy,g;
2380 Int_t itrack=0,itr,particleCharge,istep,iplate=0,iPadAlongX=0;
2381 Int_t itra,t34=0,t32=0,t44=0,t43=0,t42=0;
2382 Int_t wstate=0,m2state=0,wPix;
2383 Int_t idelR=0,idelR1=0,idelR2=0,iRmin=0,iRmin1=0,iRmin2=0;
2384 Float_t massArray[50] = {0.0,0.00051,0.00051,0.0,0.1057,0.1057,0.135,0.1396,0.1396,0.4977,
2385 0.4936,0.4936,0.9396,0.9383,0.9383,0.4977,0.5488,1.1156,1.1894,1.1926,1.1926,
2386 1.3149,1.3213,1.6724,0.9396,1.1156,1.1894,1.1926,1.1974,1.3149,
2387 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
2388 Float_t delR;
2389 Float_t radius,area,normR,normS,cosAngl;
2390 Int_t iPlateFirst,iTestGmax=0;
2391 Int_t fstate,iPrintM1=0,iPrintM2=0;
2392 Float_t gxExtrap=0.,gyExtrap=0.,gzExtrap=0.;
2393 Float_t avSigZ=0,avSigRPHI=0,avSigP=0,avSigPHI=0,avSigTHETA=0;
2395 Float_t gxW,gyW,gzW;
2396 Float_t length0;
2397 Float_t snr=0;
2398 Int_t indexOfTestTrack;
2399 Float_t zPad,xPad;
2400 Int_t istate=0,imax=0,match,iMaxTestTracksOutTof=0,matchw;
2401 Float_t w,wmax=0.,inverseOfParticleSpeed,w2,smat[9],largestWeightTracksOutTof,sw;
2402 Float_t sumWeightTracksOutTof,sGeomWeigth;
2403 Int_t imatched;
2404 Int_t m10=0,m20=0,m22=0,m23=0;
2405 Int_t PRINT=0;
2406 TParticle *particle;
2408 Float_t time=0.;
2409 itr=ntotTpcTracks;
2410 printf(" itr=%i\n",itr);
2411 for (itra=1; itra<itr+1; itra++) {
2413 Int_t itrack=iTrackPt[itra-1];
2414 if(itrack==0) printf(" iTrackPt[itra-1]=0 for itra=%i\n",itra);
2415 Int_t ipart=trackArray[itrack-1].GetTrack();
2416 Float_t pvtx=trackArray[itrack-1].GetP();
2417 Int_t pdgCode=trackArray[itrack-1].GetPdgCode();
2418 Float_t tpclength=trackArray[itrack-1].GetlTPC();
2419 Float_t x=trackArray[itrack-1].GetRxTPC();
2420 Float_t y=trackArray[itrack-1].GetRyTPC();
2421 Float_t z=trackArray[itrack-1].GetRzTPC();
b213b8bd 2422 /* vars used for QA
db9ba97f 2423 Float_t RxTPC=x;
2424 Float_t RyTPC=y;
2425 Float_t RzTPC=z;
b213b8bd 2426 */
db9ba97f 2427 Float_t Wx=x;
2428 Float_t Wy=y;
2429 Float_t Wz=z;
2430 Float_t px=trackArray[itrack-1].GetPxTPC();
2431 Float_t py=trackArray[itrack-1].GetPyTPC();
2432 Float_t pz=trackArray[itrack-1].GetPzTPC();
b213b8bd 2433 /* vars used for QA
db9ba97f 2434 Float_t pxTPC=px;
2435 Float_t pyTPC=py;
2436 Float_t pzTPC=pz;
b213b8bd 2437 */
db9ba97f 2438 Float_t p = TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
b213b8bd 2439 /* var used for QA
db9ba97f 2440 Float_t pTPC=p;
b213b8bd 2441 */
db9ba97f 2442 Float_t rho = TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y);
2443 Float_t phi=0.;
2444 if(TMath::Abs(x)>0. || TMath::Abs(y)>0.) phi=TMath::ATan2(y,x);
2445 if(phi<0.) phi=phi+2.*TMath::Pi();
b213b8bd 2446 /* var used for QA
db9ba97f 2447 Float_t phiTPC=phi*kRaddeg;
b213b8bd 2448 */
db9ba97f 2449 if(fSigmavsp) {
2450 if(p==0) printf(" p=%f in g=0.022/p\n",p);
2451 g=0.022/p;
2452 avSigRPHI += g; // (cm)
2453 if(rho==0) printf(" rho=%f in phi += g*gRandom->Gaus()/rho\n",rho);
2454 phi += g*gRandom->Gaus()/rho;
2455 } else {
2456 if(rho==0) printf(" rho=%f in phi += (SIGMARPHI*gRandom->Gaus()/rho\n",rho);
2457 phi += (fSigmarphi*gRandom->Gaus()/rho);
2458 }
2459 x=rho*TMath::Cos(phi);
2460 y=rho*TMath::Sin(phi);
b213b8bd 2461 /* var used for QA
db9ba97f 2462 Float_t zTPC=z;
b213b8bd 2463 */
db9ba97f 2464 if(fSigmavsp) {
2465 if(p==0) printf(" p=%f in g=0.0275/p\n",p);
2466 g=0.0275/p;
2467 avSigZ += g; // (cm)
2468 z += g*gRandom->Gaus();
2469 } else {
2470 z += fSigmaZ*gRandom->Gaus();
2471 }
2473 // smearing on TPC momentum
2475 {
2476 Float_t pmom,phi,theta,arg;
2478 pmom=TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
2479 phi=0.;
2480 if(TMath::Abs(px)>0. || TMath::Abs(py)>0.) phi=TMath::ATan2(py,px);
2481 if(phi<0.) phi=phi+2*TMath::Pi();
2482 arg=1.;
2483 if(pmom>0.) arg=pz/pmom;
2484 theta=0.;
2485 if(TMath::Abs(arg)<=1.) theta=TMath::ACos(arg);
2487 if(fSigmavsp) {
2488 if(pmom<=0) printf(" pmom=%f in g = TMath::Abs(TMath::Log(pmom)/TMath::Log(10)+0.5)/0.7\n",pmom);
2489 g = TMath::Abs(TMath::Log(pmom)/TMath::Log(10)+0.5)/0.7;
2490 g = 0.01*(g*g*g+1.5)*1.24;
2491 avSigP += g;
2492 pmom *= (1+g*gRandom->Gaus());
2494 if(p<10) {
2495 if(pmom<=0) printf(" pmom=%f in g = 1-TMath::Log(pmom)/TMath::Log(10)\n",pmom);
2496 g = 1-TMath::Log(pmom)/TMath::Log(10);
2497 g = 0.001*(g*g*g+0.3)*0.65; // (radian)
2498 } else {
2499 g = 0.001*0.3*0.65;
2500 }
2501 avSigPHI += g;
2502 phi += g*gRandom->Gaus();
2503 avSigTHETA += g;
2504 theta += g*gRandom->Gaus();
2506 } else {
2507 pmom *= (1+fSigmap*gRandom->Gaus());
2508 phi += fSigmaPhi*gRandom->Gaus();
2509 theta += fSigmaTheta*gRandom->Gaus();
2510 }
2511 gxW=px;
2512 gyW=py;
2513 gzW=pz;
2515 px=pmom*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
2516 py=pmom*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi);
2517 pz=pmom*TMath::Cos(theta);
2520 if(x*px+y*py<=0) {
2521 x=Wx;
2522 y=Wy;
2523 z=Wz;
2524 px=gxW;
2525 py=gyW;
2526 pz=gzW;
2527 }// if(x*px+y*py<=0)
2528 }
2530 p = TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
2532 particleCharge=charge[PDGtoGeantCode(pdgCode)-1];
2533 mass=massArray[PDGtoGeantCode(pdgCode)-1];
2534 mass=massArray[8-1]; //we take pion mass for all tracks
2535 // mass=massArray[14-1]; //here we take proton mass for all tracks
2536 energy=TMath::Sqrt(p*p+mass*mass);
2537 chargeField=particleCharge*fField;
2539 g=fRadLenTPC/( (x*px+y*py)/(rho*p) );
2541 if(g<=0) printf(" error, g<=0: g=%f, itra=%i, x,y,px,py=%f, %f, %f, %f\n",g,itra,x,y,px,py);
2543 theta0=13.6*0.001*TMath::Sqrt(g)*(1.+0.038*TMath::Log(g))*energy/(p*p);
2546 // start Loop on test tracks
2547 sumOfTheta=0.;
2548 for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
2549 weightTestTracksOutTof[i]=0.;
2550 }
2552 itest=0;
2553 for(Int_t i=0;i<fMaxTestTracks;i++) {
2554 ntest[i]=0;
2555 testPixel[i]=0;
2556 testLength[i]=0.;
2557 testRho[i]=0.;
2558 testZ[i]=0.;
2559 testWeight[i]=0.;
2560 }
2562 iPlateFirst=0;
2563 TestTracks=0;
2564 iTestTrack=0;
2565 iTestGmax=0;
2567 length0=0;
2569 for (indexOfTestTrack=0; indexOfTestTrack<fMaxTestTracks; indexOfTestTrack++) {
2571 iTestTrack++;
2572 gpx=px;
2573 gpy=py;
2574 gpz=pz;
2575 gp=p;
2576 if(indexOfTestTrack) {
2577 gtheta=theta0;
2578 EpMulScatt(gpx,gpy,gpz,gp,gtheta);
2580 } else {
2581 gtheta=0;
2582 }
2584 weight=TMath::Exp(-gtheta*gtheta/(2*theta0*theta0));
2585 sumOfTheta += gtheta;
2587 // ==========================================================
2588 // Calculate crossing of the track in magnetic field with cylidrical surface
2589 // of radius RTOFINNER
2590 // chargeField = qB, where q is a charge of a particle in units of e,
2591 // B is magnetic field in tesla
2592 // see in the book "Data analysis techniques for
2593 // high-energy physics experiments", edited by M.Regler
2594 // in Russian: "Metody analiza dannykh v fizicheskom eksperimente"
2595 // Moskva, "Mir", 1993. ctr.306
2597 // Initial constants
2598 rotationFactor=1.;
2599 if(chargeField<0.) rotationFactor=-1.;
2600 rotationFactor=-rotationFactor;
2601 gpt=gpx;
2602 phi0=gpy;
2603 cylcor(gpt,phi0);
2604 phi0 -= rotationFactor*TMath::Pi()*0.5;
2605 // phi0 -= h*PID2;
2606 coslam=gpt/gp;
2607 sinlam=gpz/gp;
2608 // helixRadius=100.*gpt/TMath::Abs(0.299792458*chargeField);
2609 helixRadius=100.*gpt/TMath::Abs(AliTOFConstants::fgkSpeedOfLight*chargeField);
2610 xHelixCenter=x-helixRadius*TMath::Cos(phi0);
2611 yHelixCenter=y-helixRadius*TMath::Sin(phi0);
2612 zHelixCenter=z;
2613 helixFactor=rotationFactor*coslam/helixRadius;
2615 // Solves the equation f(s)=r(s)-RTOFINNER=0 by the Newton's method:
2616 // snew=s-f/f'
2617 istep=0;
2618 s=AliTOFConstants::fgkrmin-TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y);;
2619 do {
2620 istep++;
2621 xRespectToHelixCenter=helixRadius*TMath::Cos(phi0+s*helixFactor);
2622 yRespectToHelixCenter=helixRadius*TMath::Sin(phi0+s*helixFactor);
2623 gx=xHelixCenter+xRespectToHelixCenter;
2624 gy=yHelixCenter+yRespectToHelixCenter;
2625 gr=TMath::Sqrt(gx*gx+gy*gy);
2626 deltaRadius=gr-AliTOFConstants::fgkrmin;
2627 xp=-helixFactor*yRespectToHelixCenter;
2628 yp= helixFactor*xRespectToHelixCenter;
2629 fp=(gx*xp+gy*yp)/gr;
2630 ds=deltaRadius/fp;
2631 s -= ds;
2632 if(istep==20) {
2633 istep=0;
2634 break;
2635 }
2636 } while (TMath::Abs(ds)>0.01);
2639 if(istep==0) goto end;
2641 // Steps along the circle till a pad
2642 wPixel=0;
2643 wLength=0.;
2644 iplate=0;
2645 iPadAlongX=0;
2646 grho=0.;
2647 ds=fStep;
2648 gxLast=xHelixCenter+helixRadius*TMath::Cos(phi0+s*helixFactor);
2649 gyLast=yHelixCenter+helixRadius*TMath::Sin(phi0+s*helixFactor);
2650 gzLast=zHelixCenter+s*sinlam;
2653 do {
2654 istep++;
2655 s += ds;
2656 gx=xHelixCenter+helixRadius*TMath::Cos(phi0+s*helixFactor);
2657 gy=yHelixCenter+helixRadius*TMath::Sin(phi0+s*helixFactor);
2658 gz=zHelixCenter+s*sinlam;
2659 rho=TMath::Sqrt(gx*gx+gy*gy);
b9d0a01d 2661 IsInsideThePad(gMC,gx,gy,gz,npixel,zPad,xPad);
db9ba97f 2662
2663 iplate += npixel[1];
2664 iPadAlongX += npixel[4];
2666 if(indexOfTestTrack==0 && iplate && iPlateFirst==0) {
2667 iPlateFirst=1;
2668 length0=s;
2670 radius=s*3*theta0;
2671 area=TMath::Pi()*radius*radius;
2672 normR=TMath::Sqrt(gx*gx+gy*gy);
2673 normS=TMath::Sqrt((gx-gxLast)*(gx-gxLast)+
2674 (gy-gyLast)*(gy-gyLast)+
2675 (gz-gzLast)*(gz-gzLast));
2677 cosAngl=(gx*(gx-gxLast)+gy*(gy-gyLast))/(normR*normS);
2678 if(cosAngl<0) printf(" cosAngl<0: gx=%f,gy=%f, gxLast=%f,gyLast=%f,gzLast=%f\n",gx,gy,gxLast,gyLast,gzLast);
2680 area /= cosAngl;
2681 TestTracks=(Int_t) (2*area/(AliTOFConstants::fgkXPad * AliTOFConstants::fgkZPad));
2683 if(TestTracks<12) TestTracks=12;
2685 // Angles of entering into the TOF plate
2687 Int_t iZ=0;
2688 if(TMath::Abs(gz)>300) {
2689 iZ=4;
2690 } else if(TMath::Abs(gz)>200) {
2691 iZ=3;
2692 } else if(TMath::Abs(gz)>100) {
2693 iZ=2;
2694 } else if(TMath::Abs(gz)>0) {
2695 iZ=1;
2696 }
2699 } // end of if(indexOfTestTrack==0 && iplate && iPlateFirst==0)
2702 if(npixel[4]>0) {
2704 iwork1=npixel[0];
2705 iwork2=npixel[1];
2706 iwork3=npixel[2];
2707 // iwork4=npixel[3];
2708 iwork4=(npixel[3]-1)*AliTOFConstants::fgkNpadX+npixel[4];
2710 Int_t ifirstindex=AliTOFConstants::fgkNSectors*(npixel[1]-1)+npixel[0];
2711 iMapValue=mapPixels[ifirstindex-1][iwork3-1][iwork4-1];
2712 if(iMapValue==0) {
2713 ipixel++;
2714 if(ipixel>fMaxPixels) {
2715 cout << "ipixel=" << ipixel << " > MAXPIXELS=" << fMaxPixels << endl;
2716 break;
2717 }
2718 mapPixels[ifirstindex-1][iwork3-1][iwork4-1]=ipixel;
2719 pixelArray[ipixel-1].SetGeom(iwork1,iwork2,iwork3,iwork4);
2720 iMapValue=ipixel;
2721 }
2723 wPixel=iMapValue;
2724 wLength=tpclength+s;
2725 wRho=rho;
2726 wZ=gz;
2728 ihit=kTOFhitFirst[ipart];
2730 if(ihit) {
2731 if(indexOfTestTrack==0) {
2732 {
2733 idelR++;
2734 delR=TMath::Sqrt((gx-hitArray[ihit-1].X())*(gx-hitArray[ihit-1].X())+
2735 (gy-hitArray[ihit-1].Y())*(gy-hitArray[ihit-1].Y())+
2736 (gz-hitArray[ihit-1].Z())*(gz-hitArray[ihit-1].Z()));
2738 }
2740 if(delR>hitArray[ihit-1].GetRmin()) iRmin++;
2741 gxExtrap=gx;
2742 gyExtrap=gy;
2743 gzExtrap=gz;
2744 } else {
2745 delR=TMath::Sqrt((gx-gxExtrap)*(gx-gxExtrap)+
2746 (gy-gyExtrap)*(gy-gyExtrap)+
2747 (gz-gzExtrap)*(gz-gzExtrap));
2748 }
2749 } //end of if(ihit)
2751 break;
2753 } //end of npixel[4]
2755 if(rho<grho) {
2756 istep=0;
2757 break;
2758 }
2759 grho=rho;
2761 gxLast=gx;
2762 gyLast=gy;
2763 gzLast=gz;
2765 } while(rho<AliTOFConstants::fgkrmax); //end of do
2768 if(istep>0) {
2769 if(iplate) {
2770 if(iPadAlongX==0) {
2771 istep=-3; // holes in TOF
2772 }
2773 } else {
2774 if(TMath::Abs(gz)<AliTOFConstants::fgkMaxhZtof) {
2775 // if(TMath::Abs(gz)<MAXZTOF2) {
2776 istep=-2; // PHOS and RICH holes or holes in between TOF plates
2777 } else {
2778 istep=-1; // out of TOF on z-size
2779 }
2780 }
2781 }
2783 if(iPadAlongX>0) {
2784 if(itest==0) {
2785 itest=1;
2786 ntest[itest-1]=1;
2787 testPixel[itest-1]=wPixel;
2788 testLength[itest-1]=wLength;
2789 testRho[itest-1]=wRho;
2790 testZ[itest-1]=wZ;
2791 testWeight[itest-1]=weight;
2792 } else {
be167bf4 2793 Int_t k=0;
db9ba97f 2794 for(Int_t i=0;i<itest;i++) {
2795 k=0;
2796 if(testPixel[i]==wPixel) {
2797 k=1;
2798 ntest[i]++;
2799 testLength[i] += wLength;
2800 testRho[i] += wRho;
2801 testZ[i] += wZ;
2802 testWeight[i] += weight;
2803 break;
2804 }
2805 } //end for i
2806 if(k==0) {
2807 itest++;
2808 ntest[itest-1]=1;
2809 testPixel[itest-1]=wPixel;
2810 testLength[itest-1]=wLength;
2811 testRho[itest-1]=wRho;
2812 testZ[itest-1]=wZ;
2813 testWeight[itest-1]=weight;
2814 }
2815 }
2816 }
2818 end: ;
2819 // Statistics
2820 if(fMatchingStyle==1) {
2821 if(istep>-4 && istep<1) weightTestTracksOutTof[-istep] ++;
2822 } else {
2823 if(istep>-4 && istep<1) weightTestTracksOutTof[-istep] += weight;
2824 }
2826 if(fMatchingStyle==2) {
2827 if(indexOfTestTrack==0 && istep==0) break;
2828 if(indexOfTestTrack+1==TestTracks) break;
2829 }
2831 } //end of indexOfTestTrack
2833 snr += (Float_t) (indexOfTestTrack+1);
2835 // Search for the "hole" with the largest weigth
2836 largestWeightTracksOutTof=0.;
2837 sumWeightTracksOutTof=0.;
2838 for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
2839 w=weightTestTracksOutTof[i];
2840 sumWeightTracksOutTof += w;
2841 if(w>largestWeightTracksOutTof) {
2842 largestWeightTracksOutTof=w;
2843 iMaxTestTracksOutTof=i;
2844 }
2845 }
2847 itestc=itest;
2848 if(itest>0) {
2849 for(Int_t i=0;i<itest;i++) {
2850 testLength[i] /= ntest[i];
2851 testRho[i] /= ntest[i];
2852 testZ[i] /= ntest[i];
2853 }
2854 // Search for the pixel with the largest weigth
2855 wmax=0.;
2856 wstate=0;
2857 sw=0;
2858 sGeomWeigth=0;
2859 for(Int_t i=0;i<itest;i++) {
2860 istate=pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetState();
2861 fstate=0;
2862 if(istate>0) {
2863 fstate=1;
2864 wstate++;
2865 }
2866 if(fMatchingStyle==1) {
2867 sGeomWeigth += ntest[i];
2868 w=(fpadefficiency*fstate+(1.-fpadefficiency)*(1-fstate))*ntest[i];
2869 if(pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetTrackMatched()>0) w *= 0.1;
2870 } else {
2871 sGeomWeigth += testWeight[i];
2872 w=(fpadefficiency*fstate+(1.-fpadefficiency)*(1-fstate))*testWeight[i];
2873 if(pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetTrackMatched()>0) w *= 0.1;
2874 }
2876 // weighting according to the Pulse Height (we use the square of weight)
2877 // if (fChargeFactorForMatching) w *= (pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetCharge())*(pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetCharge());
2878 if (fChargeFactorForMatching && fstate==1) w *= (pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetCharge())*(pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetCharge());
2880 if(w>wmax) {
2881 wmax=w;
2882 imax=i;
2883 }
2884 sw += w;
2885 }
2886 wPixel=testPixel[imax];
2887 wLength=testLength[imax];
2888 istate=pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetState();
2890 //Choose the TOF dead space
2891 // if(istate==0 && largestWeightTracksOutTof>wmax) {
2892 // if(istate==0 && largestWeightTracksOutTof>=sw) {
2893 if(istate==0 && sumWeightTracksOutTof>sGeomWeigth) {
2894 itestc=itest;
2895 itest=0;
2896 }
2897 }
2899 if(itest>0) {
2901 // Set for MyTrack: Pixel
2902 trackArray[itrack-1].SetPixel(wPixel);
2904 istate=pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetState();
2906 if(istate) {
2908 // Set for MyTrack: Pixel, Length, TOF, MassTOF
2909 //fp
2910 //time=pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetTime();
2911 time=pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetRealTime();
2912 trackArray[itrack-1].SetLength(wLength);
2913 trackArray[itrack-1].SetTof(time);
2915 inverseOfParticleSpeed=time/wLength;
2916 //w=900.*inverseOfParticleSpeed*inverseOfParticleSpeed-1.;
2917 w=(100.*AliTOFConstants::fgkSpeedOfLight)*(100.*AliTOFConstants::fgkSpeedOfLight)*inverseOfParticleSpeed*inverseOfParticleSpeed-1.;
2918 w2=pvtx*pvtx;
2919 Float_t squareMass=w2*w;
2920 mass=TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(squareMass));
2921 if(w<0.) mass=-mass;
2923 trackArray[itrack-1].SetMassTOF(mass);
2925 // Set for MyTrack: Matching
2926 match=4;
2927 // if(ipart==pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetTrack()) match=3;
2928 if( (ipart==pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetTrack()) && hitArray[pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetHit()-1].GetNoise()==0)match=3;
2929 imatched=pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetTrackMatched();
2930 // Set for TOFPixel the number of matched track
2931 pixelArray[wPixel-1].SetTrackMatched(itrack);
2933 if(imatched>0) {
2934 matchw=trackArray[imatched-1].GetMatching();
2935 if(match==3 && matchw==4) t34++;
2936 if(match==3 && matchw==2) t32++;
2937 if(match==4 && matchw==4) t44++;
2938 if(match==4 && matchw==3) t43++;
2939 if(match==4 && matchw==2) t42++;
2940 if(iTOFpixel[ipart]==0 || iTOFpixel[trackArray[imatched-1].GetTrack()]==0) {
2941 m20++;
2942 } else if(iTOFpixel[ipart]==iTOFpixel[trackArray[imatched-1].GetTrack()]) {
2943 m22++;
2944 } else {
2945 m23++;
2946 wPix=iTOFpixel[ipart];
2947 if(PRINT && iPrintM1==10 && iPrintM2<10) {
2948 if(iPrintM2==0) {
2949 printf("*** test print for tracks matched with the pixel for with we had matched track\n");
2950 }
2951 iPrintM2++;
2952 printf(" m=2: ipart=%i, pdgCode=%i, p=%f, theta0=%f, %i Pixel(LP=%i,SP=%i,P=%i) \n",
2953 ipart,pdgCode,p,theta0,wPix,
2954 pixelArray[wPix-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[wPix-1].GetPlate(),pixelArray[wPix-1].GetPixel());
2955 printf(" mat=%i, %i Pixel(LP=%i,SP=%i,P=%i), Test(n=%i,i=%i,w=%f,z=%f), wst=%i \n",
2956 match,wPixel,
2957 pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetPlate(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetPixel(),
2958 itest,imax,wmax,testZ[imax],wstate);
2959 Int_t fstat,istat;
2960 for(Int_t i=0;i<itest;i++) {
2961 wPix=testPixel[i];
2962 istat=pixelArray[wPix-1].GetState();
2963 fstat=0;
2964 if(istat>0) fstat=1;
2965 w=(fpadefficiency*fstat+(1.-fpadefficiency)*(1-fstat))*ntest[i];
2966 if(istat>0)
2967 printf(" %i: %i Pixel(LP=%i,SP=%i,P=%i), istat=%i, ntest=%i, w=%f\n",i+1,
2968 wPix,pixelArray[wPix-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[wPix-1].GetPlate(),pixelArray[wPix-1].GetPixel(),
2969 istat,ntest[i],w);
2970 }
2971 printf(" mat=%i, %i Pixel \n",matchw,trackArray[imatched-1].GetPad());
2972 }
2973 }
2974 if(wstate>1) m2state++;
2975 smat[matchw+4]--;
2976 match=2;
2977 trackArray[imatched-1].SetMatching(match);
2978 smat[match+4]++;
2980 } // if(imatched>0)
2982 } else { //else if(istate)
2984 match=1;
2985 if(iTOFpixel[ipart]==0) m10++;
2986 if(PRINT && iPrintM1<10) {
2987 Int_t wPix;
2988 wPix=iTOFpixel[ipart];
2989 if(wPix) {
2990 if(iPrintM1==0) {
2991 printf("*** test print for tracks fired a pixel but matched with non-fired pixel\n");
2992 }
2993 iPrintM1++;
2994 printf(" m=1: itra=%i,ipart=%i, pdgCode=%i, p=%f, theta0=%f, %i Pixel(LP=%i,SP=%i,P=%i) \n",
2995 itra,ipart,pdgCode,p,theta0,wPix,
2996 pixelArray[wPix-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[wPix-1].GetPlate(),pixelArray[wPix-1].GetPixel());
2997 printf(" mat=%i, %i Pixel(LP=%i,SP=%i,P=%i), Test(n=%i,i=%i,w=%f,z=%f), wst=%i \n",
2998 match,wPixel,
2999 pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetPlate(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetPixel(),
3000 itest,imax,wmax,testZ[imax],wstate);
3002 }
3003 } //end if(PRINT && iPrintM1<10)
3005 } //end if(istate)
3007 } else {
3008 match=-1-iMaxTestTracksOutTof;
3010 } //end itest
3012 trackArray[itrack-1].SetMatching(match);
3013 // if(iTestGmax==1) hMTT->Fill(match);
3014 smat[match+4]++;
3016 sumOfTheta /= iTestTrack;
3018 itest=itestc;
3020 //Test
3021 if(PRINT) {
3022 if(iTOFpixel[ipart] && match!=3) {
3023 particle = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(ipart); //for V3.05
cc7b397a 3025 printf(" ipixel=%i (Sector=%i, Plate=%i, Strip=%i, Pixel=%i), fired by %i track\n",iTOFpixel[ipart],
3026 pixelArray[iTOFpixel[ipart]-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[iTOFpixel[ipart]-1].GetPlate(),
3027 pixelArray[iTOFpixel[ipart]-1].GetStrip(),pixelArray[iTOFpixel[ipart]-1].GetPixel(),
3028 pixelArray[iTOFpixel[ipart]-1].GetTrack());
3029 printf(" indexOfTestTrack=%i itest=%i weightTestTracksOutTof[4]=%f weightTestTracksOutTof[2]=%f weightTestTracksOutTof[1]=%f weightTestTracksOutTof[0]=%f\n",
3030 indexOfTestTrack,itest,weightTestTracksOutTof[3],weightTestTracksOutTof[2],
3031 weightTestTracksOutTof[1],weightTestTracksOutTof[0]);
db9ba97f 3032 if(itest) {
cc7b397a 3034 printf(" take ipixel=%i (Sector=%i, Plate=%i, Strip=%i, Pixel=%i), (fired by %i track), match=%i\n",
3035 wPixel,pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetSector(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetPlate(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetStrip(),
3036 pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetPixel(),pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetTrack(),match);
db9ba97f 3037 }
3038 }
3039 }
3040 if(PRINT && itra<10 ) {
3042 if(itest) {
3043 cout << " number of pixels with test tracks=" << itest << endl;
3044 for(Int_t i=0;i<itest;i++) {
3045 cout << " " << i+1 << " tr.=" << ntest[i] << " w=" << testWeight[i] << " pix.= " << testPixel[i] << " (" <<
3046 pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetSector() << " " << " " << pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetPlate() << " " <<
3047 pixelArray[testPixel[i]-1].GetPixel() << " )" << " l= " << testLength[i] << " sig=" <<
3048 theta0*(testLength[i]-tpclength) << " rho= " << testRho[i] << " z= " << testZ[i] << endl;
3049 }
3050 cout << " pixel=" << wPixel << " state=" << istate << " l=" << wLength << " TOF=" << time << " m=" << mass << " match=" << match << endl;
3051 if(istate>0) cout << " fired by track " << pixelArray[wPixel-1].GetTrack() << endl;
3052 }
3053 }
3054 } //end of track
3057 if(itr) {
3058 printf(" %f probe tracks per 1 real track\n",snr/itr);
3059 itrack=itr;
3060 }
3063 cout << ipixel << " - total number of TOF pixels after matching" << endl;
3064 w=iRmin;
3065 if(idelR!=0) {
3066 w /= idelR;
3067 printf(" %i tracks with delR, %f of them have delR>Rmin \n",idelR,w);
3068 }
3069 w=iRmin1;
3070 if(idelR1!=0) {
3071 w /= idelR1;
3072 printf(" %i tracks with delR1 (|z|<175), %f of them have delR>Rmin \n",idelR1,w);
3073 }
3074 w=iRmin2;
3075 if(idelR2!=0) {
3076 w /= idelR2;
3077 printf(" %i tracks with delR2 (|z|>175), %f of them have delR>Rmin \n",idelR2,w);
3078 }
3080 cout << " ******************** End of matching **********" << endl;
f9a28264 3081 delete [] ntest;
3082 delete [] testPixel;
3083 delete [] testLength;
3084 delete [] testRho;
3085 delete [] testZ;
3086 delete [] testWeight;
db9ba97f 3087}
3090void AliTOFReconstructioner::FillNtuple(Int_t ntracks, AliTOFTrack* trackArray, AliTOFRecHit* hitArray, AliTOFPad* pixelArray, Int_t* iTOFpixel, Int_t* iparticle, Float_t* toftime, Int_t& ipixelLastEntry, Int_t itrack){
3092 // itrack : total number of TPC selected tracks
3093 // for the caller is ntotTPCtracks
3095 cout << " ******************** Start of searching non-matched fired pixels **********" << endl;
3096 const Int_t charge[48]={ 0, 1,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0,
3097 1,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
3098 -1, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0,
3099 1, 1, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 1,-1,
3100 1, 1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0};
3102 Int_t macthm1=0;
3103 Int_t macthm2=0;
3104 Int_t macthm3=0;
3105 Int_t macthm4=0;
3106 Int_t macth0=0;
3107 Int_t macth1=0;
3108 Int_t macth2=0;
3109 Int_t macth3=0;
3110 Int_t macth4=0;
3113 Float_t smat[9],smat0[9],smat1[9];
3114 for(Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) {
3115 smat[i]=0.;
3116 smat0[i]=0.;
3117 smat1[i]=0.;
3118 }
3120 Int_t nFiredPixelsNotMatchedWithTracks=0;
3121 Int_t istate;
3122 for (Int_t i=0; i<ipixelLastEntry; i++) {
3123 istate=pixelArray[i].GetState();
3124 if(istate==0) break;
3125 if(pixelArray[i].GetTrackMatched()==-1) nFiredPixelsNotMatchedWithTracks++;
3126 }
3127 printf(" %i fired pixels have not matched tracks\n",nFiredPixelsNotMatchedWithTracks);
3128 cout << " ******************** End of searching non-matched fired pixels **********" << endl;
3130 Int_t nTPCHitMissing=0;
3131 for(Int_t i=0; i<ipixelLastEntry; i++) {
3132 if(pixelArray[i].GetHit()>0) {
3133 if(hitArray[pixelArray[i].GetHit()-1].GetNoise()==0) {
3134 if(iparticle[pixelArray[i].GetTrack()]==0) nTPCHitMissing++;
3135 }
3136 }
3137 }
3138 printf(" %i pixels fired by track hit without a hit on the last layer of TPC\n",nTPCHitMissing);
3141 Int_t icharge=0; // total number of charged particles
3142 Int_t iprim=0; // number of primaries
3143 Int_t ipions=0; // number of primary pions
3144 Int_t ikaons=0; // number of primary kaons
3145 Int_t iprotons=0; // number of primary protons
3146 Int_t ielectrons=0;// number of primary electrons
3147 Int_t imuons=0; // number of primary muons
3148 Float_t particleTypeArray[6][5][2];
3150 for (Int_t index1=0;index1<6;index1++) {
3151 for (Int_t index2=0;index2<5;index2++) {
3152 for (Int_t index3=0;index3<2;index3++) {
3153 particleTypeArray[index1][index2][index3]=0.;
3154 }
3155 }
3156 }
3158 Int_t nTOFhitsWithNoTPCTracks=0; // to be moved later when used
3160 /*
3161 TObjArray *Particles = gAlice->Particles();
3162 Int_t numberOfParticles=Particles->GetEntries();
3163 cout << "numberOfParticles " << numberOfParticles << endl;
3164 // fpdbg
3165 if(numberOfParticles>fMaxAllTracks) numberOfParticles=fMaxAllTracks;
3166 */
3168 for (Int_t i=0; i<ntracks; i++) { // starting loop on all primaries charged particles for current event)
3170 /*
3171 cout << "particle " << i << endl;
3172 cout << "total " << numberOfParticles << endl;
3173 */
3174 TParticle *part = (TParticle *) gAlice->Particle(i);
3175 if(charge[PDGtoGeantCode(part->GetPdgCode())-1]) {
3176 icharge++;
3177 /*
3178 cout << "charged particles " << icharge << endl;
3179 */
3180 Int_t particleType=0;
3181 Int_t absPdgCode = TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode());
3182 switch (absPdgCode) {
3183 case 211:
3184 particleType=3;
3185 break ;
3186 case 321:
3187 particleType=2;
3188 break ;
3189 case 2212:
3190 particleType=1;
3191 break ;
3192 case 11:
3193 particleType=4;
3194 break ;
3195 case 13:
3196 particleType=5;
3197 break ;
3198 }
3200 if(part->GetFirstMother() < 0) {
3201 iprim++;
3202 switch (particleType) {
3203 case 1:
3204 iprotons++;
3205 break ;
3206 case 2:
3207 ikaons++;
3208 break ;
3209 case 3:
3210 ipions++;
3211 break ;
3212 case 4:
3213 ielectrons++;
3214 break ;
3215 case 5:
3216 imuons++;
3217 break ;
3218 }
3219 }
3221 Int_t match=0;
3222 Float_t wLength=-1.;
3223 Float_t time=-1.;
3224 Float_t mass=-1.;
3226 Int_t itr=iparticle[i]; // get the track number for the current charged particle
3228 if(iTOFpixel[i]>0 && itr==0) nTOFhitsWithNoTPCTracks++;
3230 if(itr) {
3231 match=trackArray[itr-1].GetMatching();
3232 //cout << "match " << match << endl;
3233 wLength=trackArray[itr-1].GetLength();
3234 //cout << "wLength " << wLength << endl;
3235 time=trackArray[itr-1].GetTof();
3236 mass=trackArray[itr-1].GetMassTOF();
3237 //cout << "mext " << mass << endl;
3238 // if(PRINT && (i>789 && i<800) ) cout << i << " track: l=" << wLength << " TOF=" << time << " m=" << mass << " match=" << match << endl;
3239 if(iTOFpixel[i]==0) {
3240 smat0[match+4]++;
3241 wLength=-wLength;
3242 }
3243 }
3244 Int_t ikparen=part->GetFirstMother();
3245 Int_t imam;
3246 if(ikparen<0) {
3247 imam=0;
3248 } else {
3249 imam=part->GetPdgCode();
3250 }
3252 Int_t evnumber=gAlice->GetEvNumber();
3253 if(match==-1) macthm1++;
3254 if(match==-2) macthm2++;
3255 if(match==-3) macthm3++;
3256 if(match==-4) macthm4++;
3257 if(match==0) macth0++;
3258 if(match==1) macth1++;
3259 if(match==2) macth2++;
3260 if(match==3) macth3++;
3261 if(match==4) macth4++;
3262 foutputntuple->Fill(evnumber,part->GetPdgCode(),imam,part->Vx(),part->Vy(),part->Vz(),part->Px(),part->Py(),part->Pz(),toftime[i],wLength,match,time,mass);
3266 // -----------------------------------------------------------
3267 // Filling 2 dimensional Histograms true time vs matched time
3268 // Filling 1 dimensional Histogram true time - matched time
3269 //
3270 // time = time associated to the matched pad [ns]
3271 // it could be the average time of the cluster fired
3272 //
3273 // toftime[i] = real time (including pulse height delays) [s]
3274 //
3275 //
3276 // if (time>=0) {
3277 // if (imam==0) TimeTrueMatched->Fill(time, toftime[i]*1E+09);
3278 // if (imam==0) DeltaTrueTimeMatched->Fill(time-toftime[i]*1E+09);
3279 // }
3280 //
3281 //---------------------------------------------------------------
3283 if(match==-4 || match>0) {
3284 Int_t matchW;
3285 matchW=match;
3286 if(match==-4) matchW=1;
3287 if(particleType) {
3288 particleTypeArray[particleType-1][matchW-1][1]++;
3289 particleTypeArray[5][matchW-1][1]++;
3290 particleTypeArray[particleType-1][4][1]++;
3291 particleTypeArray[5][4][1]++;
3292 if(part->GetFirstMother() < 0) {
3293 particleTypeArray[particleType-1][matchW-1][0]++;
3294 particleTypeArray[5][matchW-1][0]++;
3295 particleTypeArray[particleType-1][4][0]++;
3296 particleTypeArray[5][4][0]++;
3298 // fill histos for QA
3299 //if(particleType==3 && matchW==3) hPiWithTrueTime->Fill(sqrt((part->Px())*(part->Px())+(part->Py())*(part->Py())+(part->Pz())*(part->Pz())));
3300 //if(particleType==2 && matchW==3) hKWithTrueTime->Fill(sqrt((part->Px())*(part->Px())+(part->Py())*(part->Py())+(part->Pz())*(part->Pz())));
3301 //if(particleType==1 && matchW==3) hPWithTrueTime->Fill(sqrt((part->Px())*(part->Px())+(part->Py())*(part->Py())+(part->Pz())*(part->Pz())));
3302 //
3304 } // close if(part->GetFirstMother() < 0)
3305 } // close if(particleType)
3306 } // close if(match==-4 || match>0)
3307 } // close if(charge[PDGtoGeantCode(part->GetPdgCode())-1])
3308 } // close for (Int_t i=0; i<ntracks; i++) {
3310 cout << " macthm1 " << macthm1 << endl;
3311 cout << " macthm2 " << macthm2 << endl;
3312 cout << " macthm3 " << macthm3 << endl;
3313 cout << " macthm4 " << macthm4 << endl;
3314 cout << " macth0 " << macth0 << endl;
3315 cout << " macth1 " << macth1 << endl;
3316 cout << " macth2 " << macth2 << endl;
3317 cout << " macth3 " << macth3 << endl;
3318 cout << " macth4 " << macth4 << endl;
3321 printf(" %i TOF hits have not TPC track\n",nTOFhitsWithNoTPCTracks);
3322 Int_t imatch=0;
3323 for(Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) {
3324 if(itrack) cout << " " << smat[i]*100./itrack << " % of them (="<<smat[i]<<") have match=" << i-4 << " " << smat0[i] << " have not TOF hits" << endl;
3325 if(i==0 || i>4) imatch += (Int_t) (smat[i]);
3327 // cout << " " << smat[i]*100./itrack << " % of them (="<<smat[i]<<") have match=" << i-4 << " " << smat0[i] << " have not TOF hits" << " " << smat1[i] << " have (r.p)<0 for first hit" << endl;
3328 }
3330 if(fdbg){
3331 /*
3332 cout << " nparticles = " << numberOfParticles << " charged = " << icharge << " prim.=" << iprim << endl;
3333 */
3334 cout << " nparticles = " << ntracks << " charged = " << icharge << " prim.=" << iprim << endl;
3335 cout << ipions << " - primary pions" << endl;
3336 cout << ikaons << " - primary kaons" << endl;
3337 cout << iprotons << " - primary protons" << endl;
3338 cout << ielectrons << " - primary electrons" << endl;
3339 cout << imuons << " - primary muons reached TPC" << endl;
3340 cout << " ********** " << imatch << " TPC tracks are matched with TOF pixels (incl.match=-4) **********" << endl;
3341 }
3343 /*
3344 Float_t PrimaryInBarrel[6],Acceptance[6];
3345 PrimaryInBarrel[0]=ipions;
3346 PrimaryInBarrel[1]=ikaons;
3347 PrimaryInBarrel[2]=iprotons;
3348 PrimaryInBarrel[3]=ielectrons;
3349 PrimaryInBarrel[4]=imuons;
3350 PrimaryInBarrel[5]=ipions+ikaons+iprotons+ielectrons+imuons;
3352 // cout << " TPC acceptance for the primary species: 1-p, 2-K, 3-pi, 4-e, 5-mu, 6-all" << endl;
3353 for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) {
3354 Acceptance[i]=0.;
3355 if(PrimaryInBarrel[i]) Acceptance[i]=100.*PrimaryReachedTPC[i]/PrimaryInBarrel[i];
3356 //hTPCacceptance[i]->Fill(Acceptance[i]);
3357 // printf(" species: %i %f\n",i+1,Acceptance[i]);
3358 }
3360 // cout << " TOF acceptance for the primary species: 1-p, 2-K, 3-pi, 4-e, 5-mu, 6-all" << endl;
3361 for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) {
3362 Acceptance[i]=0.;
3363 if(PrimaryInBarrel[i]) Acceptance[i]=100.*PrimaryReachedTOF[i]/PrimaryInBarrel[i];
3364 //hTOFacceptance[i]->Fill(Acceptance[i]);
3365 // printf(" species: %i %f\n",i+1,Acceptance[i]);
3366 }
3368 for (Int_t index1=0;index1<6;index1++) {
3369 for (Int_t index2=0;index2<4;index2++) {
3370 for (Int_t index3=0;index3<2;index3++) {
3371 if(particleTypeArray[index1][4][index3]) particleTypeArray[index1][index2][index3]=
3372 100.*particleTypeArray[index1][index2][index3]/particleTypeArray[index1][4][index3];
3373 }
3374 }
3375 }
3377 cout << "species: 1-p, 2-K, 3-pi, 4-e, 5-mu, 6-all" << endl;
3378 cout << " matched pixels(%): 1-unfired 2-double 3-true 4-wrong 5-total number of tracks" << endl;
3380 cout << " primary tracks:" << endl;
3381 for (Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) {
3382 cout << i+1 << " " << particleTypeArray[i][0][0] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][1][0] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][2][0] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][3][0] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][4][0] << endl;
3383 }
3385 // cout<<" contam.for all prim.(%)="<<100*particleTypeArray[5][3][0]/(particleTypeArray[5][3][0]+particleTypeArray[5][2][0])<<endl;
3387 cout << " all tracks:" << endl;
3388 for (Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) {
3389 cout << i+1 << " " << particleTypeArray[i][0][1] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][1][1] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][2][1] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][3][1] << " " << particleTypeArray[i][4][1] << endl;
3390 }
3392 // cout<<" contam.for all (%)="<<100*particleTypeArray[5][3][1]/(particleTypeArray[5][3][1]+particleTypeArray[5][2][1])<<endl;
3393 // printf(" t34=%i, t32=%i, t44=%i, t43=%i, t42=%i\n",t34,t32,t44,t43,t42);
3394 // printf(" m10=%f, m20=%f, m22=%f, m23=%f, m2state=%i\n",m10,m20,m22,m23,m2state);
3395 */