]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TOF/AliTOFtrackerV1.cxx
Negative returns: coverity bug fixed
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TOF / AliTOFtrackerV1.cxx
d686d062 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
17// //
3a646035 18// AliTOFtrackerV1 Class //
d686d062 19// Task: Perform association of the ESD tracks to TOF Clusters //
20// and Update ESD track with associated TOF Cluster parameters //
21// //
22// -- Authors : S. Arcelli, C. Zampolli (Bologna University and INFN) //
23// -- Contacts: Annalisa.De.Caro@cern.ch //
24// -- : Chiara.Zampolli@bo.infn.it //
25// -- : Silvia.Arcelli@bo.infn.it //
26// //
29#include <Rtypes.h>
30#include <TROOT.h>
32#include <TClonesArray.h>
0841bd02 33#include <TObjArray.h>
d686d062 34#include <TTree.h>
35#include <TFile.h>
36#include <TH1F.h>
37#include <TH2F.h>
5c7c93fa 38#include <TSeqCollection.h>
d686d062 39
d686d062 40#include "AliESDtrack.h"
41#include "AliESDEvent.h"
10d100d4 42#include "AliESDpid.h"
d686d062 43#include "AliLog.h"
44#include "AliTrackPointArray.h"
5c7c93fa 45#include "AliGeomManager.h"
46#include "AliCDBManager.h"
d686d062 47
d686d062 48#include "AliTOFRecoParam.h"
3a646035 49#include "AliTOFReconstructor.h"
d686d062 50#include "AliTOFcluster.h"
ca270b6d 51#include "AliTOFGeometry.h"
d686d062 52#include "AliTOFtrackerV1.h"
53#include "AliTOFtrack.h"
d0c2872c 54
d686d062 55extern TROOT *gROOT;
d3be4547 61 fkRecoParam(0x0),
d686d062 62 fN(0),
63 fNseeds(0),
64 fNseedsTOF(0),
65 fngoodmatch(0),
66 fnbadmatch(0),
67 fnunmatch(0),
68 fnmatch(0),
b42a5ea1 69 fTracks(new TClonesArray("AliTOFtrack")),
de60fa8a 70 fSeeds(new TObjArray(100)),
d686d062 71 fHDigClusMap(0x0),
72 fHDigNClus(0x0),
73 fHDigClusTime(0x0),
74 fHDigClusToT(0x0),
75 fHRecNClus(0x0),
76 fHRecChi2(0x0),
77 fHRecDistZ(0x0),
78 fHRecSigYVsP(0x0),
79 fHRecSigZVsP(0x0),
80 fHRecSigYVsPWin(0x0),
81 fHRecSigZVsPWin(0x0)
82 {
83 //AliTOFtrackerV1 main Ctor
3a646035 84
d686d062 85 InitCheckHists();
d686d062 87}
89AliTOFtrackerV1::~AliTOFtrackerV1() {
90 //
91 // Dtor
92 //
94 SaveCheckHists();
5d456bcd 96 if(!(AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetCacheFlag())){
d3be4547 97 delete fkRecoParam;
5d456bcd 98 }
d686d062 99 delete fHDigClusMap;
100 delete fHDigNClus;
101 delete fHDigClusTime;
102 delete fHDigClusToT;
103 delete fHRecNClus;
104 delete fHRecChi2;
105 delete fHRecDistZ;
106 delete fHRecSigYVsP;
107 delete fHRecSigZVsP;
108 delete fHRecSigYVsPWin;
109 delete fHRecSigZVsPWin;
b42a5ea1 110 if (fTracks){
111 fTracks->Delete();
112 delete fTracks;
113 fTracks=0x0;
114 }
115 if (fSeeds){
116 fSeeds->Delete();
117 delete fSeeds;
118 fSeeds=0x0;
119 }
d686d062 120}
10d100d4 122void AliTOFtrackerV1::GetPidSettings(AliESDpid *esdPID) {
123 //
124 // Sets TOF resolution from RecoParams
125 //
d3be4547 126 if (fkRecoParam)
127 esdPID->GetTOFResponse().SetTimeResolution(fkRecoParam->GetTimeResolution());
10d100d4 128 else
d3be4547 129 AliWarning("fkRecoParam not yet set; cannot set PID settings");
10d100d4 130}
d3be4547 132Int_t AliTOFtrackerV1::PropagateBack(AliESDEvent * const event) {
d686d062 133 //
134 // Gets seeds from ESD event and Match with TOF Clusters
135 //
3a646035 137 // initialize RecoParam for current event
bafe290d 138 AliDebug(1,"Initializing params for TOF");
3a646035 139
d3be4547 140 fkRecoParam = AliTOFReconstructor::GetRecoParam(); // instantiate reco param from STEER...
90b234fe 141
d3be4547 142 if (fkRecoParam == 0x0) {
3a646035 143 AliFatal("No Reco Param found for TOF!!!");
144 }
d3be4547 145 //fkRecoParam->Dump();
146 //if(fkRecoParam->GetApplyPbPbCuts())fkRecoParam=fkRecoParam->GetPbPbparam();
147 //fkRecoParam->PrintParameters();
90b234fe 148
d686d062 149 //Initialise some counters
151 fNseeds=0;
152 fNseedsTOF=0;
153 fngoodmatch=0;
154 fnbadmatch=0;
155 fnunmatch=0;
156 fnmatch=0;
158 Int_t ntrk=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
159 fNseeds = ntrk;
d686d062 160
d686d062 161 //Load ESD tracks into a local Array of ESD Seeds
0841bd02 162 for (Int_t i=0; i<fNseeds; i++)
163 fSeeds->AddLast(event->GetTrack(i));
d686d062 164
165 //Prepare ESD tracks candidates for TOF Matching
166 CollectESD();
168 //Matching Step
169 MatchTracks();
6ef25b64 171 AliInfo(Form("Number of matched tracks = %d (good = %d, bad = %d)",fnmatch,fngoodmatch,fnbadmatch));
d686d062 172
173 //Update the matched ESD tracks
175 for (Int_t i=0; i<ntrk; i++) {
176 AliESDtrack *t=event->GetTrack(i);
0841bd02 177 AliESDtrack *seed =(AliESDtrack*)fSeeds->At(i);
6819758a 178
af61c656 179 if ( (seed->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFin)!=0 ) {
180 t->SetStatus(AliESDtrack::kTOFin);
181 //if(seed->GetTOFsignal()>0){
182 if ( (seed->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)!=0 ) {
183 t->SetStatus(AliESDtrack::kTOFout);
184 t->SetTOFsignal(seed->GetTOFsignal());
185 t->SetTOFcluster(seed->GetTOFcluster());
186 t->SetTOFsignalToT(seed->GetTOFsignalToT());
187 t->SetTOFsignalRaw(seed->GetTOFsignalRaw());
188 t->SetTOFsignalDz(seed->GetTOFsignalDz());
46d7d82e 189 t->SetTOFsignalDx(seed->GetTOFsignalDx());
8b441e14 190 t->SetTOFDeltaBC(seed->GetTOFDeltaBC());
191 t->SetTOFL0L1(seed->GetTOFL0L1());
af61c656 192 t->SetTOFCalChannel(seed->GetTOFCalChannel());
193 Int_t tlab[3]; seed->GetTOFLabel(tlab);
194 t->SetTOFLabel(tlab);
24322e5c 195
0841bd02 196 Double_t alphaA = (Double_t)t->GetAlpha();
197 Double_t xA = (Double_t)t->GetX();
198 Double_t yA = (Double_t)t->GetY();
199 Double_t zA = (Double_t)t->GetZ();
200 Double_t p1A = (Double_t)t->GetSnp();
201 Double_t p2A = (Double_t)t->GetTgl();
202 Double_t p3A = (Double_t)t->GetSigned1Pt();
203 const Double_t *covA = (Double_t*)t->GetCovariance();
e81ea7b6 204
205 // Make attention, please:
206 // AliESDtrack::fTOFInfo array does not be stored in the AliESDs.root file
207 // it is there only for a check during the reconstruction step.
24322e5c 208 Float_t info[10]={0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
209 seed->GetTOFInfo(info);
210 t->SetTOFInfo(info);
211 AliDebug(2,Form(" distance=%f; residual in the pad reference frame: dX=%f, dZ=%f", info[0],info[1],info[2]));
e81ea7b6 213 // Check done:
214 // by calling the AliESDtrack::UpdateTrackParams,
215 // the current track parameters are changed
216 // and it could cause refit problems.
217 // We need to update only the following track parameters:
218 // the track length and expected times.
219 // Removed AliESDtrack::UpdateTrackParams call
220 // Called AliESDtrack::SetIntegratedTimes(...) and
221 // AliESDtrack::SetIntegratedLength() routines.
222 /*
223 AliTOFtrack *track = new AliTOFtrack(*seed);
224 t->UpdateTrackParams(track,AliESDtrack::kTOFout); // to be checked - AdC
225 delete track;
226 Double_t time[10]; t->GetIntegratedTimes(time);
227 */
229 Double_t time[10]; seed->GetIntegratedTimes(time);
230 t->SetIntegratedTimes(time);
232 Double_t length = seed->GetIntegratedLength();
233 t->SetIntegratedLength(length);
0841bd02 235 Double_t alphaB = (Double_t)t->GetAlpha();
236 Double_t xB = (Double_t)t->GetX();
237 Double_t yB = (Double_t)t->GetY();
238 Double_t zB = (Double_t)t->GetZ();
239 Double_t p1B = (Double_t)t->GetSnp();
240 Double_t p2B = (Double_t)t->GetTgl();
241 Double_t p3B = (Double_t)t->GetSigned1Pt();
242 const Double_t *covB = (Double_t*)t->GetCovariance();
e81ea7b6 243 AliDebug(2,"Track params -now(before)-:");
244 AliDebug(2,Form(" X: %f(%f), Y: %f(%f), Z: %f(%f) --- alpha: %f(%f)",
245 xB,xA,
246 yB,yA,
247 zB,zA,
248 alphaB,alphaA));
249 AliDebug(2,Form(" p1: %f(%f), p2: %f(%f), p3: %f(%f)",
250 p1B,p1A,
251 p2B,p2A,
252 p3B,p3A));
253 AliDebug(2,Form(" cov1: %f(%f), cov2: %f(%f), cov3: %f(%f)"
254 " cov4: %f(%f), cov5: %f(%f), cov6: %f(%f)"
255 " cov7: %f(%f), cov8: %f(%f), cov9: %f(%f)"
256 " cov10: %f(%f), cov11: %f(%f), cov12: %f(%f)"
257 " cov13: %f(%f), cov14: %f(%f), cov15: %f(%f)",
258 covB[0],covA[0],
259 covB[1],covA[1],
260 covB[2],covA[2],
261 covB[3],covA[3],
262 covB[4],covA[4],
263 covB[5],covA[5],
264 covB[6],covA[6],
265 covB[7],covA[7],
266 covB[8],covA[8],
267 covB[9],covA[9],
268 covB[10],covA[10],
269 covB[11],covA[11],
270 covB[12],covA[12],
271 covB[13],covA[13],
272 covB[14],covA[14]
273 ));
4682c56e 274 AliDebug(3,Form(" %6d %f %f %f %f %f %6d %3d %f %f %f %f %f %f",
af61c656 275 i,
276 t->GetTOFsignalRaw(),
277 t->GetTOFsignal(),
278 t->GetTOFsignalToT(),
279 t->GetTOFsignalDz(),
46d7d82e 280 t->GetTOFsignalDx(),
af61c656 281 t->GetTOFCalChannel(),
282 t->GetTOFcluster(),
283 t->GetIntegratedLength(),
284 time[0], time[1], time[2], time[3], time[4]
285 )
286 );
287 }
d686d062 288 }
289 }
de60fa8a 291 fSeeds->Clear();
0841bd02 292 fTracks->Delete();
d686d062 293 return 0;
297void AliTOFtrackerV1::CollectESD() {
298 //prepare the set of ESD tracks to be matched to clusters in TOF
300 Int_t seedsTOF1=0;
301 Int_t seedsTOF2=0;
d686d062 303 TClonesArray &aTOFTrack = *fTracks;
304 for (Int_t i=0; i<fNseeds; i++) {
0841bd02 306 AliESDtrack *t =(AliESDtrack*)fSeeds->At(i);
d686d062 307 if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTPCout)==0)continue;
d686d062 309 AliTOFtrack *track = new AliTOFtrack(*t); // New
af61c656 310 Float_t x = (Float_t)track->GetX(); //New
312 // TRD 'good' tracks, already propagated at 371 cm
313 if ( ( (t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTRDout)!=0 ) &&
314 ( x >= AliTOFGeometry::Rmin() ) ) {
315 if ( track->PropagateToInnerTOF() ) {
317 AliDebug(1,Form(" TRD propagated track till rho = %fcm."
318 " And then the track has been propagated till rho = %fcm.",
319 x, (Float_t)track->GetX()));
321 track->SetSeedIndex(i);
322 t->UpdateTrackParams(track,AliESDtrack::kTOFin);
323 new(aTOFTrack[fNseedsTOF]) AliTOFtrack(*track);
324 fNseedsTOF++;
325 seedsTOF1++;
326 }
d686d062 327 delete track;
328 }
af61c656 330 // Propagate the rest of TPCbp
d686d062 331 else {
af61c656 332 if ( track->PropagateToInnerTOF() ) {
334 AliDebug(1,Form(" TRD propagated track till rho = %fcm."
335 " And then the track has been propagated till rho = %fcm.",
336 x, (Float_t)track->GetX()));
d686d062 338 track->SetSeedIndex(i);
af61c656 339 t->UpdateTrackParams(track,AliESDtrack::kTOFin);
d686d062 340 new(aTOFTrack[fNseedsTOF]) AliTOFtrack(*track);
341 fNseedsTOF++;
342 seedsTOF2++;
343 }
344 delete track;
345 }
346 }
6ef25b64 348 AliInfo(Form("Number of TOF seeds = %d (Type 1 = %d, Type 2 = %d)",fNseedsTOF,seedsTOF1,seedsTOF2));
d686d062 349
350 // Sort according uncertainties on track position
351 fTracks->Sort();
355void AliTOFtrackerV1::MatchTracks( ){
356 //
357 //Match ESD tracks to clusters in TOF
358 //
361 // Parameters regulating the reconstruction
ca270b6d 362 Float_t dY=AliTOFGeometry::XPad();
363 Float_t dZ=AliTOFGeometry::ZPad();
d686d062 364
f2524833 365 const Float_t kTimeOffset = 0.; // time offset for tracking algorithm [ps]
6819758a 366
3da9d64f 367 const Int_t kncmax = 100;
d3be4547 368 Float_t sensRadius = fkRecoParam->GetSensRadius();
369 Float_t scaleFact = fkRecoParam->GetWindowScaleFact();
370 Float_t dyMax=fkRecoParam->GetWindowSizeMaxY();
371 Float_t dzMax=fkRecoParam->GetWindowSizeMaxZ();
372 Double_t maxChi2=fkRecoParam->GetMaxChi2();
373 Bool_t timeWalkCorr = fkRecoParam->GetTimeWalkCorr();
d686d062 374 AliDebug(1,"++++++++++++++TOF Reconstruction Parameters:++++++++++++ \n");
375 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF sens radius: %f",sensRadius));
376 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Window scale factor: %f",scaleFact));
377 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Window max dy: %f",dyMax));
378 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Window max dz: %f",dzMax));
379 AliDebug(1,Form("TOF Max Chi2: %f",maxChi2));
380 AliDebug(1,Form("Time Walk Correction? : %d",timeWalkCorr));
383 //The matching loop
d686d062 384 for (Int_t iseed=0; iseed<fNseedsTOF; iseed++) {
386 AliTOFtrack *track =(AliTOFtrack*)fTracks->UncheckedAt(iseed);
0841bd02 387 AliESDtrack *t =(AliESDtrack*)fSeeds->At(track->GetSeedIndex());
af61c656 388 //if ( t->GetTOFsignal()>0. ) continue;
389 if ( (t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)!=0 ) continue;
de60fa8a 390 AliTOFtrack *trackTOFin = new AliTOFtrack(*track);
d686d062 391
392 // Determine a window around the track
393 Double_t x,par[5]; trackTOFin->GetExternalParameters(x,par);
394 Double_t cov[15]; trackTOFin->GetExternalCovariance(cov);
53884c34 396 if (cov[0]<0. || cov[2]<0.) {
397 AliWarning(Form("Very strange track (%d)! At least one of its covariance matrix diagonal elements is negative!",iseed));
ecd795d8 398 //delete trackTOFin;
399 //continue;
53884c34 400 }
d686d062 402 Double_t z = par[1];
de60fa8a 403 Double_t dz = scaleFact*3.*TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(cov[2])+dZ*dZ/12.);
404 Double_t dphi = scaleFact*3.*TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(cov[0])+dY*dY/12.)/sensRadius;
d686d062 405
406 Double_t phi=TMath::ATan2(par[0],x) + trackTOFin->GetAlpha();
407 if (phi<-TMath::Pi())phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
408 if (phi>=TMath::Pi())phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
410 //upper limit on window's size.
de60fa8a 411 if (dz> dzMax) dz=dzMax;
412 if (dphi*sensRadius> dyMax) dphi=dyMax/sensRadius;
d686d062 413
d686d062 414 // find the clusters inside the selected window
415 Int_t nc=0;
3da9d64f 416 AliTOFcluster *clusters[kncmax]; // pointers to the clusters in the window
417 Int_t index[kncmax];//to keep track of the cluster index
d686d062 418 for (Int_t k=FindClusterIndex(z-dz); k<fN; k++) {
419 AliTOFcluster *c=fClusters[k];
c0b60ae7 420 // if(nc>kncmax)break; /* R+ fix (buffer overflow) */
53884c34 421 if (nc>=kncmax) {
422 AliWarning("No more matchable clusters can be stored! Please, increase the corresponding vectors size.");
423 break; /* R+ fix (buffer overflow protection) */
424 }
de60fa8a 425 if (c->GetZ() > z+dz) break;
426 if (c->IsUsed()) continue;
427 if (!c->GetStatus()) {
53884c34 428 AliDebug(1,"Cluster in channel declared bad!");
429 continue; // skip bad channels as declared in OCDB
17149e6b 430 }
d686d062 431 Float_t xyz[3]; c->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz);
432 Double_t clPhi=TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]);
433 Double_t dph=TMath::Abs(clPhi-phi);
434 if (dph>TMath::Pi()) dph-=2.*TMath::Pi();
435 if (TMath::Abs(dph)>dphi) continue;
436 clusters[nc]=c;
437 index[nc] = k;
438 nc++;
439 }
53884c34 441 AliDebug(1,Form(" Number of matchable TOF clusters for the track number %d: %d",iseed,nc));
8dacd1bb 443 //start propagation: go to the average TOF pad middle plane at ~379.5 cm
d686d062 444
445 Float_t xTOF = sensRadius;
ca270b6d 446 Double_t ymax = xTOF*TMath::Tan(0.5*AliTOFGeometry::GetAlpha());
d686d062 447 Bool_t skip = kFALSE;
448 Double_t ysect = trackTOFin->GetYat(xTOF,skip);
449 if (skip) break;
450 if (ysect > ymax) {
ca270b6d 451 if (!trackTOFin->Rotate(AliTOFGeometry::GetAlpha())) {
d686d062 452 break;
453 }
454 } else if (ysect <-ymax) {
13c769b4 455 if (!trackTOFin->Rotate(-AliTOFGeometry::GetAlpha())) {
d686d062 456 break;
457 }
458 }
459 if(!trackTOFin->PropagateTo(xTOF)) {
460 break;
461 }
464 AliTOFcluster *bestCluster=0;
465 Double_t bestChi2=maxChi2;
466 Int_t idclus=-1;
c0b60ae7 467 // for (Int_t i=0; i<nc; i++){ /* R+ fix (unsafe) */
468 for (Int_t i=0; i<nc && i<kncmax; i++){ /* R+ fix (buffer overflow protection) */
d686d062 469 AliTOFcluster *c=clusters[i]; // one of the preselected clusters
470 Double_t chi2=trackTOFin->GetPredictedChi2((AliCluster3D*)c);
471 if (chi2 >= bestChi2) continue;
472 bestChi2=chi2;
473 bestCluster=c;
474 idclus=index[i];
475 }
477 if (!bestCluster) { // no matching , go to the next track
478 fnunmatch++;
479 delete trackTOFin;
480 continue;
481 }
483 fnmatch++;
32ead898 484
3a646035 485 AliDebug(2, Form("%7i %7i %10i %10i %10i %10i %7i",
32ead898 486 iseed,
3a646035 487 fnmatch-1,
32ead898 488 TMath::Abs(trackTOFin->GetLabel()),
489 bestCluster->GetLabel(0),
490 bestCluster->GetLabel(1),
3a646035 491 bestCluster->GetLabel(2),
492 idclus)); // AdC
32ead898 493
d686d062 494 bestCluster->Use();
495 if (
496 (bestCluster->GetLabel(0)==TMath::Abs(trackTOFin->GetLabel()))
497 ||
498 (bestCluster->GetLabel(1)==TMath::Abs(trackTOFin->GetLabel()))
499 ||
500 (bestCluster->GetLabel(2)==TMath::Abs(trackTOFin->GetLabel()))
501 ) {
502 fngoodmatch++;
6819758a 503 AliDebug(2,Form(" track label good %5d",trackTOFin->GetLabel()));
d686d062 504
505 }
506 else{
507 fnbadmatch++;
6819758a 508 AliDebug(2,Form(" track label bad %5d",trackTOFin->GetLabel()));
d686d062 509 }
511 //Propagate the track to the best matched cluster
512 trackTOFin->PropagateTo(bestCluster);
77a9ea9a 514 // Fill the track residual histograms.
515 FillResiduals(trackTOFin,bestCluster,kFALSE);
d686d062 516
517 //now take the local distance in Z from the pad center for time walk correction
ca270b6d 518 Float_t tiltangle = AliTOFGeometry::GetAngles(bestCluster->GetDetInd(1),bestCluster->GetDetInd(2))*TMath::DegToRad();
6819758a 519 Double_t dzTW=trackTOFin->GetZ()-bestCluster->GetZ(); // in cm - in the ALICE RF -
520 dzTW/=TMath::Cos(tiltangle); // from ALICE/tracking RF to pad RF (1)
521 dzTW=-dzTW; // from ALICE/tracking RF to pad RF (2)
522 if (tiltangle!=0.) AliDebug(2,Form(" rho_track = %f --- rho_cluster = %f ",trackTOFin->GetX(),bestCluster->GetX()));
d686d062 523
524 //update the ESD track and delete the TOFtrack
af61c656 525 t->UpdateTrackParams(trackTOFin,AliESDtrack::kTOFout);
d686d062 526
527 // Store quantities to be used in the TOF Calibration
ca270b6d 528 Float_t tToT=AliTOFGeometry::ToTBinWidth()*bestCluster->GetToT()*1E-3; // in ns
d686d062 529 t->SetTOFsignalToT(tToT);
6819758a 530 Float_t rawTime=AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*bestCluster->GetTDCRAW()+kTimeOffset; // RAW time,in ps
d686d062 531 t->SetTOFsignalRaw(rawTime);
532 t->SetTOFsignalDz(dzTW);
6819758a 533
24322e5c 534 Float_t deltaY = trackTOFin->GetY()-bestCluster->GetY();
46d7d82e 535 t->SetTOFsignalDx(deltaY);
24322e5c 536
8b441e14 537 t->SetTOFDeltaBC(bestCluster->GetDeltaBC());
538 t->SetTOFL0L1(bestCluster->GetL0L1Latency());
24322e5c 540 Float_t distR = (trackTOFin->GetX()-bestCluster->GetX())*
541 (trackTOFin->GetX()-bestCluster->GetX());
542 distR+=deltaY*deltaY;
543 distR+=dzTW*dzTW;
544 distR = TMath::Sqrt(distR);
545 Float_t info[10] = {distR, deltaY, dzTW,
546 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
547 t->SetTOFInfo(info);
d686d062 549 Int_t ind[5];
550 ind[0]=bestCluster->GetDetInd(0);
551 ind[1]=bestCluster->GetDetInd(1);
552 ind[2]=bestCluster->GetDetInd(2);
553 ind[3]=bestCluster->GetDetInd(3);
554 ind[4]=bestCluster->GetDetInd(4);
ca270b6d 555 Int_t calindex = AliTOFGeometry::GetIndex(ind);
d686d062 556 t->SetTOFCalChannel(calindex);
558 // keep track of the track labels in the matched cluster
559 Int_t tlab[3];
560 tlab[0]=bestCluster->GetLabel(0);
561 tlab[1]=bestCluster->GetLabel(1);
562 tlab[2]=bestCluster->GetLabel(2);
6819758a 563 AliDebug(2,Form(" tdc time of the matched track %6d = ",bestCluster->GetTDC()));
564 Double_t tof=AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*bestCluster->GetTDC()+kTimeOffset; // in ps
565 AliDebug(2,Form(" tof time of the matched track: %f = ",tof));
d686d062 566 Double_t tofcorr=tof;
567 if(timeWalkCorr)tofcorr=CorrectTimeWalk(dzTW,tof);
568 AliDebug(2,Form(" tof time of the matched track, after TW corr: %f = ",tofcorr));
569 //Set TOF time signal and pointer to the matched cluster
570 t->SetTOFsignal(tofcorr);
571 t->SetTOFcluster(idclus); // pointing to the recPoints tree
572 t->SetTOFLabel(tlab);
6819758a 574 AliDebug(2,Form(" Setting TOF raw time: %f z distance: %f corrected time: %f",rawTime,dzTW,tofcorr));
d686d062 576 Double_t mom=t->GetP();
53884c34 577 AliDebug(2,Form(" Momentum for track %d -> %f", iseed,mom));
d686d062 578 // Fill Reco-QA histos for Reconstruction
579 fHRecNClus->Fill(nc);
580 fHRecChi2->Fill(bestChi2);
581 fHRecDistZ->Fill(dzTW);
38c767fa 582 if (cov[0]>=0.)
583 fHRecSigYVsP->Fill(mom,TMath::Sqrt(cov[0]));
584 else
57bd70af 585 fHRecSigYVsP->Fill(mom,-TMath::Sqrt(-cov[0]));
38c767fa 586 if (cov[2]>=0.)
587 fHRecSigZVsP->Fill(mom,TMath::Sqrt(cov[2]));
588 else
57bd70af 589 fHRecSigZVsP->Fill(mom,-TMath::Sqrt(-cov[2]));
d686d062 590 fHRecSigYVsPWin->Fill(mom,dphi*sensRadius);
591 fHRecSigZVsPWin->Fill(mom,dz);
593 // Fill Tree for on-the-fly offline Calibration
594 // no longer there - all info is in the ESDs now
af61c656 596 delete trackTOFin;
d686d062 597 }
d686d062 598
601Int_t AliTOFtrackerV1::LoadClusters(TTree *cTree) {
602 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
603 //This function loads the TOF clusters
604 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
ca270b6d 606 Int_t npadX = AliTOFGeometry::NpadX();
607 Int_t npadZ = AliTOFGeometry::NpadZ();
608 Int_t nStripA = AliTOFGeometry::NStripA();
609 Int_t nStripB = AliTOFGeometry::NStripB();
610 Int_t nStripC = AliTOFGeometry::NStripC();
d686d062 611
612 TBranch *branch=cTree->GetBranch("TOF");
613 if (!branch) {
614 AliError("can't get the branch with the TOF clusters !");
615 return 1;
616 }
b42a5ea1 618 static TClonesArray dummy("AliTOFcluster",10000);
619 dummy.Clear();
620 TClonesArray *clusters=&dummy;
d686d062 621 branch->SetAddress(&clusters);
623 cTree->GetEvent(0);
624 Int_t nc=clusters->GetEntriesFast();
625 fHDigNClus->Fill(nc);
b42a5ea1 627 AliInfo(Form("Number of clusters: %d",nc));
d686d062 629 for (Int_t i=0; i<nc; i++) {
630 AliTOFcluster *c=(AliTOFcluster*)clusters->UncheckedAt(i);
16a2e36a 631//PH fClusters[i]=new AliTOFcluster(*c); fN++;
632 fClusters[i]=c; fN++;
d686d062 633
634 // Fill Digits QA histos
636 Int_t isector = c->GetDetInd(0);
637 Int_t iplate = c->GetDetInd(1);
638 Int_t istrip = c->GetDetInd(2);
639 Int_t ipadX = c->GetDetInd(4);
640 Int_t ipadZ = c->GetDetInd(3);
ca270b6d 642 Float_t time =(AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*c->GetTDC())*1E-3; // in ns
643 Float_t tot = (AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*c->GetToT())*1E-3;//in ns
d686d062 644
645 Int_t stripOffset = 0;
646 switch (iplate) {
647 case 0:
648 stripOffset = 0;
649 break;
650 case 1:
651 stripOffset = nStripC;
652 break;
653 case 2:
654 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB;
655 break;
656 case 3:
657 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA;
658 break;
659 case 4:
660 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA+nStripB;
661 break;
662 default:
663 AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !",iplate));
664 break;
665 };
666 Int_t zindex=npadZ*(istrip+stripOffset)+(ipadZ+1);
667 Int_t phiindex=npadX*isector+ipadX+1;
668 fHDigClusMap->Fill(zindex,phiindex);
669 fHDigClusTime->Fill(time);
670 fHDigClusToT->Fill(tot);
671 }
674 return 0;
677void AliTOFtrackerV1::UnloadClusters() {
678 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
679 //This function unloads TOF clusters
680 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
681 for (Int_t i=0; i<fN; i++) {
16a2e36a 682//PH delete fClusters[i];
d686d062 683 fClusters[i] = 0x0;
684 }
685 fN=0;
689Int_t AliTOFtrackerV1::FindClusterIndex(Double_t z) const {
690 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
691 // This function returns the index of the nearest cluster
692 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
693 //MOD
694 //Here we need to get the Z in the tracking system
696 if (fN==0) return 0;
697 if (z <= fClusters[0]->GetZ()) return 0;
698 if (z > fClusters[fN-1]->GetZ()) return fN;
699 Int_t b=0, e=fN-1, m=(b+e)/2;
700 for (; b<e; m=(b+e)/2) {
701 if (z > fClusters[m]->GetZ()) b=m+1;
702 else e=m;
703 }
704 return m;
708Bool_t AliTOFtrackerV1::GetTrackPoint(Int_t index, AliTrackPoint& p) const
710 // Get track space point with index i
711 // Coordinates are in the global system
712 AliTOFcluster *cl = fClusters[index];
713 Float_t xyz[3];
714 cl->GetGlobalXYZ(xyz);
715 Float_t phi=TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]);
716 Float_t phiangle = (Int_t(phi*TMath::RadToDeg()/20.)+0.5)*20.*TMath::DegToRad();
717 Float_t sinphi = TMath::Sin(phiangle), cosphi = TMath::Cos(phiangle);
ca270b6d 718 Float_t tiltangle = AliTOFGeometry::GetAngles(cl->GetDetInd(1),cl->GetDetInd(2))*TMath::DegToRad();
d686d062 719 Float_t sinth = TMath::Sin(tiltangle), costh = TMath::Cos(tiltangle);
ca270b6d 720 Float_t sigmay2 = AliTOFGeometry::XPad()*AliTOFGeometry::XPad()/12.;
721 Float_t sigmaz2 = AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()*AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()/12.;
d686d062 722 Float_t cov[6];
723 cov[0] = sinphi*sinphi*sigmay2 + cosphi*cosphi*sinth*sinth*sigmaz2;
724 cov[1] = -sinphi*cosphi*sigmay2 + sinphi*cosphi*sinth*sinth*sigmaz2;
725 cov[2] = -cosphi*sinth*costh*sigmaz2;
726 cov[3] = cosphi*cosphi*sigmay2 + sinphi*sinphi*sinth*sinth*sigmaz2;
727 cov[4] = -sinphi*sinth*costh*sigmaz2;
728 cov[5] = costh*costh*sigmaz2;
729 p.SetXYZ(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],cov);
731 // Detector numbering scheme
ca270b6d 732 Int_t nSector = AliTOFGeometry::NSectors();
733 Int_t nPlate = AliTOFGeometry::NPlates();
734 Int_t nStripA = AliTOFGeometry::NStripA();
735 Int_t nStripB = AliTOFGeometry::NStripB();
736 Int_t nStripC = AliTOFGeometry::NStripC();
d686d062 737
738 Int_t isector = cl->GetDetInd(0);
739 if (isector >= nSector)
740 AliError(Form("Wrong sector number in TOF (%d) !",isector));
741 Int_t iplate = cl->GetDetInd(1);
742 if (iplate >= nPlate)
743 AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !",iplate));
744 Int_t istrip = cl->GetDetInd(2);
746 Int_t stripOffset = 0;
747 switch (iplate) {
748 case 0:
749 stripOffset = 0;
750 break;
751 case 1:
752 stripOffset = nStripC;
753 break;
754 case 2:
755 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB;
756 break;
757 case 3:
758 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA;
759 break;
760 case 4:
761 stripOffset = nStripC+nStripB+nStripA+nStripB;
762 break;
763 default:
764 AliError(Form("Wrong plate number in TOF (%d) !",iplate));
765 break;
766 };
768 Int_t idet = (2*(nStripC+nStripB)+nStripA)*isector +
769 stripOffset +
770 istrip;
771 UShort_t volid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(AliGeomManager::kTOF,idet);
772 p.SetVolumeID((UShort_t)volid);
773 return kTRUE;
776void AliTOFtrackerV1::InitCheckHists() {
778 //Init histos for Digits/Reco QA and Calibration
3a646035 780 TDirectory *dir = gDirectory;
781 TFile *logFileTOF = 0;
783 TSeqCollection *list = gROOT->GetListOfFiles();
784 int n = list->GetEntries();
785 Bool_t isThere=kFALSE;
786 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
787 logFileTOF = (TFile*)list->At(i);
788 if (strstr(logFileTOF->GetName(), "TOFQA.root")){
789 isThere=kTRUE;
790 break;
791 }
792 }
794 if(!isThere)logFileTOF = new TFile( "TOFQA.root","RECREATE");
795 logFileTOF->cd();
d686d062 797 //Digits "QA"
798 fHDigClusMap = new TH2F("TOFDig_ClusMap", "",182,0.5,182.5,864, 0.5,864.5);
799 fHDigNClus = new TH1F("TOFDig_NClus", "",200,0.5,200.5);
800 fHDigClusTime = new TH1F("TOFDig_ClusTime", "",2000,0.,200.);
801 fHDigClusToT = new TH1F("TOFDig_ClusToT", "",500,0.,100);
803 //Reco "QA"
804 fHRecNClus =new TH1F("TOFRec_NClusW", "",50,0.5,50.5);
805 fHRecDistZ=new TH1F("TOFRec_DistZ", "",50,0.5,10.5);
806 fHRecChi2=new TH1F("TOFRec_Chi2", "",100,0.,10.);
807 fHRecSigYVsP=new TH2F("TOFDig_SigYVsP", "",40,0.,4.,100, 0.,5.);
808 fHRecSigZVsP=new TH2F("TOFDig_SigZVsP", "",40,0.,4.,100, 0.,5.);
809 fHRecSigYVsPWin=new TH2F("TOFDig_SigYVsPWin", "",40,0.,4.,100, 0.,50.);
810 fHRecSigZVsPWin=new TH2F("TOFDig_SigZVsPWin", "",40,0.,4.,100, 0.,50.);
3a646035 811
812 dir->cd();
d686d062 814}
817void AliTOFtrackerV1::SaveCheckHists() {
819 //write histos for Digits/Reco QA and Calibration
821 TDirectory *dir = gDirectory;
822 TFile *logFile = 0;
823 TFile *logFileTOF = 0;
825 TSeqCollection *list = gROOT->GetListOfFiles();
826 int n = list->GetEntries();
827 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
828 logFile = (TFile*)list->At(i);
829 if (strstr(logFile->GetName(), "AliESDs.root")) break;
830 }
832 Bool_t isThere=kFALSE;
833 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
834 logFileTOF = (TFile*)list->At(i);
835 if (strstr(logFileTOF->GetName(), "TOFQA.root")){
836 isThere=kTRUE;
837 break;
838 }
839 }
3a646035 841 if(!isThere) {
842 AliError(Form("File TOFQA.root not found!! not wring histograms...."));
843 return;
844 }
d686d062 845 logFile->cd();
846 fHDigClusMap->Write(fHDigClusMap->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
847 fHDigNClus->Write(fHDigNClus->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
848 fHDigClusTime->Write(fHDigClusTime->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
849 fHDigClusToT->Write(fHDigClusToT->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
850 fHRecNClus->Write(fHRecNClus->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
851 fHRecChi2->Write(fHRecChi2->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
852 fHRecDistZ->Write(fHRecDistZ->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
853 fHRecSigYVsP->Write(fHRecSigYVsP->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
854 fHRecSigZVsP->Write(fHRecSigZVsP->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
855 fHRecSigYVsPWin->Write(fHRecSigYVsPWin->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
856 fHRecSigZVsPWin->Write(fHRecSigZVsPWin->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
857 logFile->Flush();
d686d062 859 dir->cd();
3a646035 860
d686d062 861 }
d3be4547 863Float_t AliTOFtrackerV1::CorrectTimeWalk( Float_t dist, Float_t tof) const {
d686d062 864
865 //dummy, for the moment
866 Float_t tofcorr=0.;
ca270b6d 867 if(dist<AliTOFGeometry::ZPad()*0.5){
d686d062 868 tofcorr=tof;
869 //place here the actual correction
870 }else{
871 tofcorr=tof;
872 }
873 return tofcorr;
d3be4547 876Float_t AliTOFtrackerV1::GetTimeZerofromT0(const AliESDEvent * const event) const {
d686d062 877
878 //Returns TimeZero as measured by T0 detector
880 return event->GetT0();
883Float_t AliTOFtrackerV1::GetTimeZerofromTOF(AliESDEvent * /*event*/) const {
885 //dummy, for the moment. T0 algorithm using tracks on TOF
886 {
887 //place T0 algo here...
888 }
889 return 0.;
128563f6 891//_________________________________________________________________________
893void AliTOFtrackerV1::FillClusterArray(TObjArray* arr) const
895 //
896 // Returns the TOF cluster array
897 //
899 if (fN==0)
900 arr = 0x0;
901 else
902 for (Int_t i=0; i<fN; ++i) arr->Add(fClusters[i]);