]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliBarrelRec_TPCparam.C
fortran loop removed
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliBarrelRec_TPCparam.C
88ce87da 1/****************************************************************************
e0cf7c8a 2 * This macro performs track and vertex reconstruction in TPC and ITS. *
3 * The ITS Kalman tracker V2 is feeded "with" parameterized TPC tracks. *
88ce87da 4 * *
e0cf7c8a 5 * Reconstruction is performed in the following steps: *
88ce87da 6 * 1) TPC tracking parameterization *
e0cf7c8a 7 * 2) ITS clusters: slow or fast *
8 * 3) Primary vertex reconstruction *
9 * - read from event header for Pb-Pb events *
10 * - determined using points in pixels for pp/pA events *
11 * 4) ITS track finding V2 *
12 * - in pp/pA, redetermine the position of primary vertex *
13 * using the reconstructed tracks *
14 * 5) Create a reference file with simulation info (p,PDG...) *
88ce87da 15 * *
e0cf7c8a 16 * If mode='A' all 5 steps are executed *
17 * If mode='B' only steps 4-5 are executed *
18 * *
19 * Origin: A.Dainese, Padova, andrea.dainese@pd.infn.it *
20 * (from AliTPCtest.C & AliITStestV2.C by I.Belikov) *
88ce87da 21 ****************************************************************************/
b2bca9d4 22
056891c0 23// structure for track references
88ce87da 24typedef struct {
25 Int_t lab;
26 Int_t pdg;
70521312 27 Int_t mumlab;
88ce87da 28 Int_t mumpdg;
29 Float_t Vx,Vy,Vz;
30 Float_t Px,Py,Pz;
056891c0 33//===== Functions definition =================================================
e0cf7c8a 35void CopyVtx(const Char_t *inName,const Char_t *outName);
88ce87da 36
e0cf7c8a 37void ITSFindClustersV2(Char_t SlowOrFast);
88ce87da 38
e0cf7c8a 39void ITSFindTracksV2(Int_t *skipEvt);
88ce87da 40
e0cf7c8a 41void ITSMakeRefFile(Int_t *skipEvt);
88ce87da 42
e0cf7c8a 43void MarkEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *evtsName,Int_t *skipEvt);
88ce87da 44
e0cf7c8a 45void PrimaryVertex(const Char_t *outName,Char_t vtxMode);
88ce87da 46
e0cf7c8a 47void TPCParamTracks(Int_t coll,Double_t Bfield);
88ce87da 48
e0cf7c8a 49Int_t UpdateEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *logName,const Char_t *evtsName);
056891c0 50
e0cf7c8a 51void VtxFromHeader(const Char_t *outName,Bool_t smear);
88ce87da 52
e0cf7c8a 53void VtxFromTracks(const Char_t *outName);
88ce87da 54
e0cf7c8a 55void ZvtxFromSPD(const Char_t *outName);
056891c0 56
e0cf7c8a 57//=============================================================================
056891c0 58
e0cf7c8a 59// number of events to be processed
60Int_t gNevents;
61// magnetic field
62Double_t gBfieldValue;
056891c0 63
e0cf7c8a 64void AliBarrelRec_TPCparam(Int_t n=-1,Char_t mode='A') {
056891c0 65
e0cf7c8a 66 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
056891c0 68 //
e0cf7c8a 69 // _Magnetic_field_
70 gBfieldValue = 0.4;
056891c0 71 //
e0cf7c8a 72 // _Type_of_collision_ (needed for TPC tracking parameterization)
73 // Available choices: !!! ONLY B = 0.4 TESLA !!!
74 // collcode = 0 -> PbPb6000 (HIJING with b<2fm)
75 // collcode = 1 -> low multiplicity: pp or pA
76 Int_t collcode = 1;
77 //
78 // _ITS_clusters_reconstruction_
79 // Available choices: (from AliITStestV2.C)
80 // SlowOrFast = 's' slow points
81 // SlowOrFast = 'f' fast points
82 Char_t SlowOrFast = 'f';
056891c0 83 //
e0cf7c8a 84 // _Primary_vertex_for_ITS_tracking_
85 // Available choices:
86 // Vtx4Tracking = 'H' from event Header
87 // --- for Pb-Pb ---
88 // Vtx4Tracking = 'S' from event header + Smearing
89 // (x=15,y=15,z=10) micron
90 // --- for pp/pA ---
91 // Vtx4Tracking = 'P' z from pixels, x,y in(0,0)
92 Char_t Vtx4Tracking = 'P';
93 // _Primary_vertex_for_analysis_ (AliITSVertex stored in tracks file)
94 // Available choices:
95 // Vtx4Analysis = 'C' Copy the same used for tracking
96 // --- for pp/pA ---
97 // Vtx4Analysis = 'T' x,y,z from Tracks
98 Char_t Vtx4Analysis = 'T';
056891c0 99 //
e0cf7c8a 100 // END CONFIGURATION
101 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
88ce87da 102
e0cf7c8a 103 const Char_t *name=" AliBarrelRec_TPCparam";
104 printf("\n %s\n",name);
88ce87da 105 gBenchmark->Start(name);
70521312 106
e0cf7c8a 107 if(n==-1) { // read number of events to be processed from file
108 TFile *f = new TFile("galice.root");
109 gAlice = (AliRun*)f->Get("gAlice");
110 n = gAlice->GetEventsPerRun();
111 delete gAlice;
112 gAlice=0;
113 f->Close();
114 delete f;
115 printf(" All %d events in file will be processed\n",n);
88ce87da 116 }
e0cf7c8a 117 gNevents = n;
056891c0 118
056891c0 119
e0cf7c8a 120 // conversion constant for kalman tracks
121 AliKalmanTrack::SetConvConst(100/0.299792458/gBfieldValue);
056891c0 122
e0cf7c8a 123 // Selection of execution mode
124 switch(mode) {
125 case 'A':
126 // Build TPC tracks with parameterization
127 TPCParamTracks(collcode,gBfieldValue);
129 // ITS clusters
130 ITSFindClustersV2(SlowOrFast);
056891c0 131
e0cf7c8a 132 // Vertex for ITS tracking
133 PrimaryVertex("Vtx4Tracking.root",Vtx4Tracking);
056891c0 134
e0cf7c8a 135 break;
137 case 'B':
138 printf(" ---> only tracking in ITS <---\n");
056891c0 139
e0cf7c8a 140 // Update list of events to be skipped
141 if(!UpdateEvtsToSkip("itstracking.log","evtsToSkip.dat")) return;
056891c0 142
e0cf7c8a 143 break;
144 }
056891c0 145
e0cf7c8a 146 // Mark events that have to be skipped (if any)
147 Int_t *skipEvt = new Int_t[gNevents];
148 for(Int_t i=0; i<gNevents; i++) skipEvt[i] = 0;
149 if(!gSystem->AccessPathName("evtsToSkip.dat",kFileExists))
150 MarkEvtsToSkip("evtsToSkip.dat",skipEvt);
88ce87da 151
e0cf7c8a 152 // Tracking in ITS
153 ITSFindTracksV2(skipEvt);
88ce87da 154
e0cf7c8a 155 // Vertex for analysis
156 PrimaryVertex("AliITStracksV2.root",Vtx4Analysis);
88ce87da 157
e0cf7c8a 158 // Create ITS tracks reference file
159 ITSMakeRefFile(skipEvt);
160 delete [] skipEvt;
056891c0 161
056891c0 162
056891c0 163
056891c0 164 gBenchmark->Stop(name);
165 gBenchmark->Show(name);
e0cf7c8a 167 return;
056891c0 168}
e0cf7c8a 170void CopyVtx(const Char_t *inName,const Char_t *outName) {
056891c0 171
e0cf7c8a 172 // Open input and output files
173 TFile *inFile = new TFile(inName);
174 TFile *outFile = new TFile(outName,"update");
056891c0 175
e0cf7c8a 176 TDirectory *curdir;
177 Char_t vname[20];
056891c0 178
056891c0 179
e0cf7c8a 180 for(Int_t ev=0; ev<gNevents; ev++) {
181 sprintf(vname,"Vertex_%d",ev);
182 AliITSVertex *vertex = (AliITSVertex*)inFile->Get(vname);
183 if(!vertex) continue;
184 curdir = gDirectory;
185 outFile->cd();
186 vertex->Write();
187 curdir->cd();
188 vertex = 0;
056891c0 189 }
056891c0 190
e0cf7c8a 191 inFile->Close();
192 outFile->Close();
193 delete inFile;
194 delete outFile;
056891c0 195
056891c0 196 return;
e0cf7c8a 199void ITSFindClustersV2(Char_t SlowOrFast) {
056891c0 200
e0cf7c8a 201 printf("\n------------------------------------\n");
056891c0 202
e0cf7c8a 203 const Char_t *name="ITSFindClustersV2";
204 printf("\n %s\n",name);
056891c0 205 gBenchmark->Start(name);
e0cf7c8a 207 //--- taken from AliITStestV2.C--------------------------------------
208 //
209 if (SlowOrFast=='f') {
210 //cerr<<"Fast AliITSRecPoint(s) !\n";
211 //gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSHits2FastRecPoints.C");
212 //AliITSHits2FastRecPoints();
213 } else {
214 gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSHits2SDigits.C");
215 AliITSHits2SDigits();
216 gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSSDigits2Digits.C");
217 AliITSSDigits2Digits();
218 //gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSDigits2RecPoints.C");
219 //AliITSDigits2RecPoints();
220 }
221 gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSFindClustersV2.C");
222 AliITSFindClustersV2(SlowOrFast,gNevents);
223 //
224 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
056891c0 225
056891c0 226
227 gBenchmark->Stop(name);
228 gBenchmark->Show(name);
e0cf7c8a 230 return;
056891c0 231}
e0cf7c8a 233Int_t ITSFindTracksV2(Int_t *skipEvt) {
056891c0 234
e0cf7c8a 235 printf("\n------------------------------------\n");
056891c0 236
056891c0 237 const Char_t *name="ITSFindTracksV2";
e0cf7c8a 238 printf("\n %s\n",name);
056891c0 239 gBenchmark->Start(name);
e0cf7c8a 241
242 TFile *outFile = new TFile("AliITStracksV2.root","recreate");
243 TFile *inTPCtrks = new TFile("AliTPCtracksParam.root");
244 TFile *inVertex = new TFile("Vtx4Tracking.root");
245 TFile *inClusters = new TFile("AliITSclustersV2.root");
056891c0 246
e0cf7c8a 247 AliITSgeom *geom=(AliITSgeom*)inClusters->Get("AliITSgeom");
248 if(!geom) { printf("can't get ITS geometry !\n"); return;}
056891c0 249
e0cf7c8a 250 Double_t vtx[3];
056891c0 251 Int_t flag1stPass,flag2ndPass;
e0cf7c8a 252 Char_t vname[20];
254 // open logfile for done events
255 FILE *logfile = fopen("itstracking.log","w");
257 // Instantiate AliITStrackerV2
258 AliITStrackerV2 tracker(geom);
260 // loop on events
261 for(Int_t ev=0; ev<gNevents; ev++){
262 // write to logfile of begun events
263 fprintf(logfile,"%d\n",ev);
056891c0 264
056891c0 265 if(skipEvt[ev]) continue;
e0cf7c8a 266 printf(" --- Processing event %d ---\n",ev);
268 // pass event number to the tracker
269 tracker.SetEventNumber(ev);
056891c0 270
271 // set position of primary vertex
e0cf7c8a 272 sprintf(vname,"Vertex_%d",ev);
273 AliITSVertex *vertex = (AliITSVertex*)inVertex->Get(vname);
274 if(vertex) {
275 vertex->GetXYZ(vtx);
276 delete vertex;
277 } else {
278 printf(" AliITSVertex not found for event %d\n",ev);
279 printf(" Using (0,0,0) for ITS tracking\n");
280 vtx[0] = vtx[1] = vtx[2] = 0.;
281 }
056891c0 282
283 flag1stPass=1; // vtx constraint
284 flag2ndPass=0; // no vtx constraint
286 // no vtx constraint if vertex not found
287 if(vtx[2]<-999.) {
288 flag1stPass=0;
289 vtx[2]=0.;
290 }
056891c0 292 tracker.SetVertex(vtx);
88ce87da 293
294 // setup vertex constraint in the two tracking passes
295 Int_t flags[2];
056891c0 296 flags[0]=flag1stPass;
88ce87da 297 tracker.SetupFirstPass(flags);
056891c0 298 flags[0]=flag2ndPass;
88ce87da 299 tracker.SetupSecondPass(flags);
e0cf7c8a 301 // find the tracks
302 tracker.Clusters2Tracks(inTPCtrks,outFile);
056891c0 303
e0cf7c8a 304 } // loop on events
306 fprintf(logfile,"%d\n",gNevents); //this means all evts are successfully completed
307 fclose(logfile);
309 delete geom;
311 inTPCtrks->Close();
312 inClusters->Close();
313 inVertex->Close();
056891c0 314 outFile->Close();
70521312 315
056891c0 316
88ce87da 317 gBenchmark->Stop(name);
318 gBenchmark->Show(name);
e0cf7c8a 320 return;
88ce87da 321}
056891c0 322//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
e0cf7c8a 323void ITSMakeRefFile(Int_t *skipEvt) {
88ce87da 324
e0cf7c8a 325 printf("\n------------------------------------\n");
88ce87da 326
88ce87da 327 const Char_t *name="ITSMakeRefFile";
e0cf7c8a 328 printf("\n %s\n",name);
88ce87da 329 gBenchmark->Start(name);
e0cf7c8a 332 TFile *out = TFile::Open("ITStracksRefFile.root","recreate");
333 TFile *trk = TFile::Open("AliITStracksV2.root");
334 TFile *kin = TFile::Open("galice.root");
88ce87da 335
337 // Get gAlice object from file
e0cf7c8a 338 gAlice=(AliRun*)kin->Get("gAlice");
88ce87da 339
88ce87da 340 Int_t label;
341 TParticle *Part;
342 TParticle *Mum;
e0cf7c8a 343 RECTRACK rectrk;
88ce87da 344
e0cf7c8a 346 for(Int_t ev=0; ev<gNevents; ev++){
056891c0 347 if(skipEvt[ev]) continue;
e0cf7c8a 348 printf(" --- Processing event %d ---\n",ev);
88ce87da 349
056891c0 350 gAlice->GetEvent(ev);
88ce87da 351
352 trk->cd();
354 // Tree with ITS tracks
355 char tname[100];
056891c0 356 sprintf(tname,"TreeT_ITS_%d",ev);
88ce87da 357
358 TTree *tracktree=(TTree*)trk->Get(tname);
056891c0 359 if(!tracktree) continue;
360 AliITStrackV2 *itstrack=new AliITStrackV2;
361 tracktree->SetBranchAddress("tracks",&itstrack);
88ce87da 362 Int_t nentr=(Int_t)tracktree->GetEntries();
364 // Tree for true track parameters
365 char ttname[100];
056891c0 366 sprintf(ttname,"Tree_Ref_%d",ev);
88ce87da 367 TTree *reftree = new TTree(ttname,"Tree with true track params");
70521312 368 reftree->Branch("rectracks",&rectrk,"lab/I:pdg:mumlab:mumpdg:Vx/F:Vy:Vz:Px:Py:Pz");
88ce87da 369
056891c0 370 for(Int_t i=0; i<nentr; i++) {
88ce87da 371 tracktree->GetEvent(i);
372 label = TMath::Abs(itstrack->GetLabel());
374 Part = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(label);
375 rectrk.lab=label;
376 rectrk.pdg=Part->GetPdgCode();
70521312 377 rectrk.mumlab = Part->GetFirstMother();
88ce87da 378 if(Part->GetFirstMother()>=0) {
379 Mum = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(Part->GetFirstMother());
380 rectrk.mumpdg=Mum->GetPdgCode();
381 } else {
382 rectrk.mumpdg=-1;
383 }
384 rectrk.Vx=Part->Vx();
385 rectrk.Vy=Part->Vy();
386 rectrk.Vz=Part->Vz();
387 rectrk.Px=Part->Px();
388 rectrk.Py=Part->Py();
389 rectrk.Pz=Part->Pz();
391 reftree->Fill();
056891c0 392 } // loop on tracks
88ce87da 393
394 out->cd();
395 reftree->Write();
056891c0 397 delete itstrack;
398 delete reftree;
399 } // loop on events
88ce87da 400
401 trk->Close();
402 kin->Close();
403 out->Close();
70521312 404
88ce87da 405 gBenchmark->Stop(name);
406 gBenchmark->Show(name);
e0cf7c8a 409 return;
056891c0 410}
e0cf7c8a 412void MarkEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *evtsName,Int_t *skipEvt) {
056891c0 413
e0cf7c8a 414 printf("\n------------------------------------\n");
415 printf("\nChecking for events to skip...\n");
417 Int_t evt,ncol;
419 FILE *f = fopen(evtsName,"r");
420 while(1) {
421 ncol = fscanf(f,"%d",&evt);
422 if(ncol<1) break;
423 skipEvt[evt] = 1;
424 printf(" event %d will be skipped\n",evt);
056891c0 425 }
b2bca9d4 426 fclose(f);
056891c0 427
428 return;
88ce87da 429}
056891c0 430//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
e0cf7c8a 431void PrimaryVertex(const Char_t *outName,Char_t vtxMode) {
433 printf("\n------------------------------------\n");
435 const Char_t *name="PrimaryVertex";
436 printf("\n %s\n",name);
437 gBenchmark->Start(name);
056891c0 438
e0cf7c8a 439 switch(vtxMode) {
440 case 'H':
441 printf(" ... from event header\n");
442 VtxFromHeader(outName,kFALSE);
443 break;
444 case 'S':
445 printf(" ... from event header + smearing\n");
446 VtxFromHeader(outName,kTRUE);
447 break;
448 case 'P':
449 printf(" ... z from pixels for pp/pA\n");
450 ZvtxFromSPD(outName);
451 break;
452 case 'T':
453 printf(" ... from tracks for pp/pA\n");
454 VtxFromTracks(outName);
455 break;
456 case 'C':
457 printf(" ... copied from Vtx4Tracking.root to AliITStracksV2.root\n");
458 CopyVtx("Vtx4Tracking.root",outName);
459 break;
056891c0 460 }
e0cf7c8a 461
462 gBenchmark->Stop(name);
463 gBenchmark->Show(name);
056891c0 464
465 return;
e0cf7c8a 467//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
468void TPCParamTracks(Int_t coll,Double_t Bfield) {
470 printf("\n------------------------------------\n");
b2bca9d4 471
e0cf7c8a 472 const Char_t *name="TPCParamTracks";
473 printf("\n %s\n",name);
474 gBenchmark->Start(name);
476 TFile *outFile=TFile::Open("AliTPCtracksParam.root","recreate");
477 TFile *inFile =TFile::Open("galice.root");
479 AliTPCtrackerParam tracker(coll,Bfield,gNevents);
480 tracker.BuildTPCtracks(inFile,outFile);
482 delete gAlice; gAlice=0;
484 inFile->Close();
485 outFile->Close();
487 gBenchmark->Stop(name);
488 gBenchmark->Show(name);
490 return;
493Int_t UpdateEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *logName,const Char_t *evtsName) {
495 if(!gSystem->AccessPathName(logName,kFileExists)) {
496 FILE *ifile = fopen(logName,"r");
497 Int_t lEvt=0,nCol=1;
498 while(nCol>0) {
499 nCol = fscanf(ifile,"%d",&lEvt);
500 }
501 fclose(ifile);
502 if(lEvt==gNevents) {
503 printf(" All events already reconstructed\n");
504 return 0;
505 } else {
506 FILE *ofile = fopen("evtsToSkip.dat","a");
507 fprintf(ofile,"%d\n",lEvt);
508 fclose(ofile);
509 }
510 } else {
511 printf("File itstracking.log not found\n");
512 }
514 return 1;
517void VtxFromHeader(const Char_t *outName,Bool_t smear) {
519 TDatime t;
520 UInt_t seed = t.Get();
521 gRandom->SetSeed(seed);
523 TFile *galice = new TFile("galice.root");
524 TFile *outFile = new TFile(outName,"update");
526 TDirectory *curdir;
527 Double_t pos[3],sigma[3];
528 if(smear) {
529 sigma[0]=15.e-4;
530 sigma[1]=15.e-4;
531 sigma[2]=10.e-4;
532 } else {
533 sigma[0]=0.;
534 sigma[1]=0.;
535 sigma[2]=0.;
536 }
537 Char_t vname[20];
539 galice->cd();
541 for(Int_t ev=0; ev<gNevents; ev++){
542 printf(" event %d\n",ev);
543 sprintf(vname,"Vertex_%d",ev);
544 TArrayF o = 0;
545 o.Set(3);
546 AliHeader* header = 0;
547 TTree* treeE = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("TE");
548 treeE->SetBranchAddress("Header",&header);
549 treeE->GetEntry(ev);
550 AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader();
551 if(genHeader) {
552 // get primary vertex position
553 genHeader->PrimaryVertex(o);
554 pos[0] = (Double_t)o[0];
555 pos[1] = (Double_t)o[1];
556 pos[2] = (Double_t)o[2];
557 if(smear) {
558 pos[0] = gRandom->Gaus(pos[0],sigma[0]);
559 pos[1] = gRandom->Gaus(pos[1],sigma[1]);
560 pos[2] = gRandom->Gaus(pos[2],sigma[2]);
561 }
562 // create AliITSVertex
563 AliITSVertex *vertex = new AliITSVertex(pos,sigma,vname);
564 } else {
565 printf(" ! event header not found : setting vertex to (0,0,0) !");
566 pos[0] = 0.;
567 pos[1] = 0.;
568 pos[2] = 0.;
569 // create AliITSVertex
570 AliITSVertex *vertex = new AliITSVertex(pos,sigma,vname);
571 }
572 delete header;
573 // write AliITSVertex to file
574 curdir = gDirectory;
575 outFile->cd();
576 if(smear) {
577 vertex->SetTitle("vertex from header, smeared");
578 } else {
579 vertex->SetTitle("vertex from header");
580 }
581 vertex->Write();
582 curdir->cd();
583 vertex = 0;
584 }
586 outFile->Close();
587 galice->Close();
589 delete outFile;
590 delete galice;
592 return;
595void VtxFromTracks(const Char_t *outName) {
597 // Open input and output files
598 TFile *inFile = new TFile("AliITStracksV2.root");
599 TFile *outFile = new TFile(outName,"update");
601 // set AliRun object to 0
602 if(gAlice) gAlice = 0;
604 // Create vertexer
605 AliITSVertexerTracks *vertexer =
606 new AliITSVertexerTracks(inFile,outFile,gBfieldValue);
607 vertexer->SetFirstEvent(0);
608 vertexer->SetLastEvent(gNevents-1);
609 vertexer->SetDebug(0);
610 vertexer->PrintStatus();
611 // Find vertices
612 vertexer->FindVertices();
614 delete vertexer;
616 inFile->Close();
617 outFile->Close();
618 delete inFile;
619 delete outFile;
621 return;
624void ZvtxFromSPD(const Char_t *outName) {
626 // create fast RecPoints, which are used for vertex finding
627 cerr<<"Fast AliITSRecPoint(s) !\n";
628 gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSHits2FastRecPoints.C");
629 AliITSHits2FastRecPoints(0,gNevents-1);
631 // delphi ---> azimuthal range to accept tracklets
632 // window ---> window in Z around the peak of tracklets proj. in mm
633 Float_t delphi=0.05;
634 Float_t window=3.;
635 Float_t initx=0.;
636 Float_t inity=0.;
638 TFile *infile = new TFile("galice.root");
639 TFile *outfile = new TFile(outName,"update");
641 AliITSVertexerPPZ *vertexer = new AliITSVertexerPPZ(infile,outfile,initx,inity);
642 vertexer->SetFirstEvent(0);
643 vertexer->SetLastEvent(gNevents-1);
644 vertexer->SetDebug(0);
645 vertexer->SetDiffPhiMax(delphi);
646 vertexer->SetWindow(window);
647 vertexer->PrintStatus();
648 vertexer->FindVertices();
649 delete vertexer;
650 vertexer=0;
652 outfile->Close();
653 infile->Close();
654 delete infile;
655 delete outfile;
658 return;
88ce87da 661