]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPC.h
Removing obsolete class. Algorithm was rewritten by Friedericke
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPC.h
73042f01 1#ifndef ALITPC_H
2#define ALITPC_H
3da30618 3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
fe4da5cc 8////////////////////////////////////////////////
9// Manager class for TPC //
de61d5d5 11
243c2276 12class TFile;
2b06d5c3 13class TTree;
9edefa04 14#include <Htypes.h>
243c2276 15#include <TMatrixFfwd.h>
16#include <TVector.h>
cc80f89e 17
18class AliTPCDigitsArray;
9bdd974b 19class AliTPCLoader;
243c2276 20class AliTPCParam;
243c2276 21class AliTPCTrackHitsV2; // M.I.
bc807150 22class AliRawReader;
ffe71a14 23class TTreeSRedirector;
243c2276 25#include "AliDetector.h"
26#include "AliDigit.h"
27#include "AliHit.h"
792bb11c 28
fe4da5cc 29
30class AliTPC : public AliDetector {
1283eee5 31
fe4da5cc 32public:
9bdd974b 33 AliTPC();
fe4da5cc 34 AliTPC(const char *name, const char *title);
88cb7938 35
36 virtual AliLoader* MakeLoader(const char* topfoldername);
0f2ff24c 37 void CreateDebugStremer();
fe4da5cc 38 virtual ~AliTPC();
73042f01 39 virtual void AddHit(Int_t a1, Int_t *a2, Float_t *a3);
fe4da5cc 40 virtual void CreateGeometry() {}
41 virtual void CreateMaterials();
65293f49 42 virtual void AddAlignableVolumes() const {}
0a61bf9d 43
f21fc003 44 virtual AliDigitizer* CreateDigitizer(AliDigitizationInput* digInput) const;
0a61bf9d 45 virtual void SDigits2Digits(){;} //MI change -cycling to production
46 virtual void SDigits2Digits2(Int_t eventnumber=0);
48 virtual void Hits2SDigits(); // MI - cycling around
49 virtual void Hits2SDigits2(Int_t eventnumber=0);
85a5290f 51 virtual void Hits2Digits();
52 virtual void Hits2Digits(Int_t eventnumber); //MI change
2ab0c725 53 virtual void Hits2DigitsSector(Int_t isec); //MI change
fe4da5cc 54 virtual void Init();
55 virtual Int_t IsVersion() const =0;
0421c3d1 56 virtual void Digits2Raw();
bc807150 57 virtual Bool_t Raw2SDigits(AliRawReader* rawReader);
9bdd974b 58 Int_t GetNsectors() const {return fNsectors;}
fe4da5cc 59 virtual void ResetDigits();
fe4da5cc 60 virtual void SetSens(Int_t sens);
4b0fdcad 61 virtual void SetSide(Float_t side);
a120cd1d 62 virtual void SetGEM(Int_t isGEM) {fIsGEM=isGEM; }
1283eee5 63
fe4da5cc 64 virtual void StepManager()=0;
cc80f89e 65 AliTPCDigitsArray* GetDigitsArray() {return fDigitsArray;} //MI change
cc80f89e 66 AliTPCParam *GetParam(){return fTPCParam;} // M.K, M.I changes
67 void SetParam(AliTPCParam *param){fTPCParam=param;} // M.K, M.I changes
68 void SetDigitsArray(AliTPCDigitsArray* param) {fDigitsArray=param;} //MI change
39c8eb58 69
70// additional function neccesary for the new hits
a6005888 71 virtual void MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" "); //
39c8eb58 72 virtual void SetTreeAddress();
73 virtual void SetTreeAddress2();
74 virtual void AddHit2(Int_t a1, Int_t *a2, Float_t *a3); //
75 virtual void ResetHits();
76 virtual void ResetHits2();
77 virtual AliHit* FirstHit(Int_t track);
78 virtual AliHit* NextHit();
79 virtual AliHit* FirstHit2(Int_t track);
80 virtual AliHit* NextHit2();
39c8eb58 81 virtual void FinishPrimary();
82 virtual void RemapTrackHitIDs(Int_t *map);
39c8eb58 83 void SetHitType(Int_t type){fHitType =type;} //set type of hit container
f8cf550c 84 void SetDigitsSwitch(Int_t sw){fDigitsSwitch = sw;}
afc42102 85 void SetDefSwitch(Int_t def){fDefaults = def;}
407ff276 86 Float_t GetNoise(); //get Current noise
87 void GenerNoise(Int_t tablasize); // make noise table
9bdd974b 88 Bool_t IsSectorActive(Int_t sec) const; // check if the sector is active
792bb11c 89 void SetActiveSectors(Int_t * sectors, Int_t n); //set active sectors
9bdd974b 90 Int_t GetHitType() const {return fHitType;}
0739509a 91 void SetActiveSectors(Int_t flag=1); //loop over al hits and set active only hitted sectors
6d75e4b6 92 Bool_t TrackInVolume(Int_t id,Int_t track); //return true if current track is in volume
b97617a6 93 void SetPrimaryIonisation(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) {fPrimaryIonisation = flag;}
8261c673 94 void SetGainFactor(Float_t gain){fGainFactor=gain;} //gas gain scaling factor
95 Float_t GetGainFactor()const {return fGainFactor;}//gas gain scaling factor
f546a4b4 96 // LHC clock phase switch 0 - no phase, 1 - random, 2 - from the OCDB
97 void SetLHCclockPhase(Int_t sw){fLHCclockPhaseSw = sw;}
42157e55 98// static functions
9bdd974b 99 static AliTPCParam* LoadTPCParam(TFile *file);
101 Int_t fDefaults; // defaults switch
102 Int_t fSens; // ISENS
9bdd974b 103 Int_t fNsectors; // Number of sectors in TPC
104 //MI changes
9ff4af81 105 AliTPCDigitsArray * fDigitsArray; //! detector digit object
9bdd974b 106 AliTPCParam *fTPCParam; // pointer to TPC parameters
9ff4af81 107 AliTPCTrackHitsV2 *fTrackHits; //! hits for given track M.I.
108 // AliTPCTrackHits *fTrackHitsOld; //! hits for given track M.I. MIold -
9bdd974b 109
110 Int_t fHitType; // if fNewHit = 1 old data structure if 2 new hits if 4 old MI stucture
111 // 3 both types
112 Int_t fDigitsSwitch; // digits type, 0->normal, 1->summable
114 //MK changes
116 Float_t fSide; // selects left(-1), right(+1), or both(0) sides of the TPC
b97617a6 117 Bool_t fPrimaryIonisation; //switch between Fluka(true) and geant3(false)
0f2ff24c 118 protected:
e939a978 119 AliTPC(const AliTPC& t);
120 AliTPC &operator = (const AliTPC & param);
fe4da5cc 121 //
afc42102 122 void SetDefaults();
8c555625 123 void DigitizeRow(Int_t irow,Int_t isec,TObjArray **rowTriplet);
e8d02863 124 Float_t GetSignal(TObjArray *p1, Int_t ntr, TMatrixF *m1,
125 TMatrixF *m2,Int_t *IndexRange);
126 void GetList (Float_t label,Int_t np,TMatrixF *m,Int_t *IndexRange,
8c555625 127 Float_t **pList);
128 void MakeSector(Int_t isec,Int_t nrows,TTree *TH,Stat_t ntracks,TObjArray **row);
cc80f89e 129 void TransportElectron(Float_t *xyz, Int_t *index);
130 Int_t fCurrentIndex[4];// index[0] indicates coordinate system,
131 // index[1] sector number,
132 // index[2] pad row number
133 // index[3] pad row number for which signal is calculated
9ff4af81 134 Int_t fNoiseDepth; //! noise table
135 Float_t * fNoiseTable; //! table with noise
136 Int_t fCurrentNoise; //! index of the noise in the noise table
137 Bool_t* fActiveSectors; //! bool indicating which sectors are active
8261c673 138 Float_t fGainFactor; // scaling factor
ffe71a14 139 TTreeSRedirector *fDebugStreamer; //!debug streamer
f546a4b4 140 Int_t fLHCclockPhaseSw; //! lhc clock phase switch
a120cd1d 141 Int_t fIsGEM; // flag isGEM readout
f546a4b4 142 ClassDef(AliTPC,14) // Time Projection Chamber class
fe4da5cc 143};
fe4da5cc 145
fe4da5cc 146//_____________________________________________________________________________
148class AliTPChit : public AliHit {
150 Int_t fSector; //sector number
151 Int_t fPadRow; //Pad Row number
152 Float_t fQ ; //charge
e61fd20d 153 Float_t fTime; //hit time
fe4da5cc 154
179c6296 156 AliTPChit();
fe4da5cc 157 AliTPChit(Int_t shunt, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits);
158 virtual ~AliTPChit() {}
39c8eb58 159 void SetX(Float_t x){fX = x;}
160 void SetY(Float_t y){fY = y;}
161 void SetZ(Float_t z){fZ = z;}
e61fd20d 162
163 Float_t Time() const {return fTime;}
fe4da5cc 164
b97617a6 165 ClassDef(AliTPChit,3) // Time Projection Chamber hits
fe4da5cc 166};
3c0f9266 167
6d75e4b6 168
73042f01 169#endif
fe4da5cc 170
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3c0f9266 172
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