]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCCalPad.h
Updates for running on the train (Raoul)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCCalPad.h
07627591 1#ifndef ALITPCCALPAD_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
9// //
10// TPC calibration class for parameters which are saved per pad //
11// //
14#include "TNamed.h"
a6d2bd0c 15//#include <TMath.h>
16//#include <AliTPCROC.h>
17#include "TLinearFitter.h"
5312f439 18#include "TVectorD.h"
a6d2bd0c 19//#include <iostream>
07627591 22
23class AliTPCCalROC;
24class AliTPCCalDet;
184bcc16 25class TObjArray;
26class TGraph;
200be8a6 27class TH2F;
90127643 28class TH1F;
4486a91f 29class TCanvas;
30class TTree;
af6a50bb 31class TH2;
07627591 32
33class AliTPCCalPad : public TNamed {
07627591 34 public:
07627591 35 enum { kNsec = 72 };
07627591 36 AliTPCCalPad();
37 AliTPCCalPad(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title);
38 AliTPCCalPad(const AliTPCCalPad &c);
184bcc16 39 AliTPCCalPad(TObjArray *arrayROC);
07627591 40 virtual ~AliTPCCalPad();
41 AliTPCCalPad &operator=(const AliTPCCalPad &c);
42 virtual void Copy(TObject &c) const;
a6d2bd0c 43 AliTPCCalROC *GetCalROC(Int_t sector) const {return fROC[sector]; };
4486a91f 44 void SetCalROC(AliTPCCalROC* roc, Int_t sector = -1);
45 virtual void Draw(Option_t* option = "");
184bcc16 46 //
90127643 47 // algebra
a6d2bd0c 48 void Add(Float_t c1); // add constant c1 to all channels of all ROCs
49 void Multiply(Float_t c1); // multiply each channel of all ROCs with c1
50 void Add(const AliTPCCalPad * roc, Double_t c1 = 1); // multiply AliTPCCalPad 'pad' by c1 and add each channel to the coresponing channel in all ROCs
51 void Multiply(const AliTPCCalPad * pad); // multiply each channel of all ROCs with the coresponding channel of 'pad'
52 void Divide(const AliTPCCalPad * pad); // divide each channel of all ROCs by the coresponding channel of 'pad'
184bcc16 53 //
a6d2bd0c 54 Double_t GetMeanRMS(Double_t &rms); // Calculates mean and RMS of all ROCs
55 Double_t GetMean(AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad = 0); // return mean of the mean of all ROCs
56 Double_t GetRMS(AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad = 0) ; // return mean of the RMS of all ROCs
57 Double_t GetMedian(AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad = 0) ; // return mean of the median of all ROCs
58 Double_t GetLTM(Double_t *sigma=0, Double_t fraction=0.9, AliTPCCalPad* outlierPad = 0); // return mean of the LTM and sigma of all ROCs
90127643 59 TGraph *MakeGraph(Int_t type=0, Float_t ratio=0.7);
60 TH2F *MakeHisto2D(Int_t side=0);
4486a91f 61 TH1F *MakeHisto1D(Float_t min=4, Float_t max=-4, Int_t type=0, Int_t side=0);
a6d2bd0c 62
72d0ab7e 63 AliTPCCalPad* LocalFit(const char* padName, Int_t rowRadius, Int_t padRadius, AliTPCCalPad* Padoutliers = 0, Bool_t robust = kFALSE, Double_t chi2Threshold = 5, Double_t robustFraction = 0.7, Bool_t printCurrentSector = kFALSE) const;
6d8681ef 64 AliTPCCalPad* GlobalFit(const char* padName, AliTPCCalPad* Padoutliers = 0, Bool_t robust = kFALSE, Int_t fitType = 1, Double_t chi2Threshold = 5, Double_t robustFraction = 0.7, Double_t err=1, TObjArray *fitParArr=0x0, TObjArray *fitCovArr=0x0);
5312f439 65
732e90a8 66 void GlobalSidesFit(const AliTPCCalPad* PadOutliers, const char* fitFormula, TVectorD &fitParamSideA, TVectorD &fitParamSideC, TMatrixD &covMatrixSideA, TMatrixD &covMatrixSideC, Float_t &chi2SideA, Float_t &chi2SideC, AliTPCCalPad *pointError=0, Bool_t robust = kFALSE, Double_t robustFraction = 0.7);
68 static AliTPCCalPad* CreateCalPadFit(const char* fitFormula, const TVectorD &fitParamSideA, const TVectorD &fitParamSideC);
70 static TObjArray *CreateFormulaArray(const char *fitFormula);
71 static void EvalFormulaArray(const TObjArray &arrFitFormulas, TVectorD &results,
72 const Int_t sec, const Int_t row, const Int_t pad);
4486a91f 73 //
74 // default report
75 //
76 static TCanvas * MakeReportPadSector(TTree *chain, const char* varName, const char*varTitle, const char *axisTitle, Float_t min, Float_t max, const char * cutUser="");
77 static TCanvas * MakeReportPadSector2D(TTree *chain, const char* varName, const char*varTitle, const char *axisTitle, Float_t min, Float_t max, const char *cutUser="");
af6a50bb 78 static AliTPCCalPad *MakeCalPadFromHistoRPHI(TH2 * hisA, TH2* hisC);
07627591 79 protected:
80 AliTPCCalROC *fROC[kNsec]; // Array of ROC objects which contain the values per pad
81 ClassDef(AliTPCCalPad,1) // TPC calibration class for parameters which are saved per pad
07627591 82};