]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCCalROC.h
In AliMUONTrackerDDLDecoder:
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCCalROC.h
07627591 1#ifndef ALITPCCALROC_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id: AliTPCCalROC.h,v */
9// //
10// TPC calibration base class for one ROC //
11// //
07627591 13#include <TObject.h>
184bcc16 14#include <TMath.h>
c5bbaa2c 15#include <AliTPCROC.h>
f116e22c 16#include "TLinearFitter.h"
184bcc16 18class TH1F;
19class TH2F;
72fbbc82 20class TArrayI;
07627591 21//_____________________________________________________________________________
f691a5e2 22class AliTPCCalROC : public TNamed {
07627591 23
24 public:
26 AliTPCCalROC();
c5bbaa2c 27 AliTPCCalROC(UInt_t sector);
07627591 28 AliTPCCalROC(const AliTPCCalROC &c);
179c6296 29 AliTPCCalROC &operator = (const AliTPCCalROC & param);
07627591 30 virtual ~AliTPCCalROC();
e6c51e6e 31 UInt_t GetSector() const { return fSector;}
c5bbaa2c 32 UInt_t GetNrows() const { return fNRows;};
33 UInt_t GetNchannels() const { return fNChannels;};
34 UInt_t GetNPads(UInt_t row) const { return (row<fNRows)? AliTPCROC::Instance()->GetNPads(fSector,row):0;};
a5ade541 35 Float_t GetValue(UInt_t row, UInt_t pad) const { return ( (row<fNRows) && (fkIndexes[row]+pad)<fNChannels)? fData[fkIndexes[row]+pad]: 0; };
c5bbaa2c 36 Float_t GetValue(UInt_t channel) const { return fData[channel]; };
a5ade541 37 void SetValue(UInt_t row, UInt_t pad, Float_t vd) { if ( row<fNRows && (fkIndexes[row]+pad)<fNChannels)fData[fkIndexes[row]+pad]= vd; };
c5bbaa2c 38 void SetValue(UInt_t channel, Float_t vd) {fData[channel]= vd; };
2e9bedc9 39 virtual void Draw(Option_t* option = "");
184bcc16 40 //
43b569c6 41 // algebra
a6d2bd0c 42 void Add(Float_t c1); // add c1 to each channel of the ROC
43 void Multiply(Float_t c1); // multiply each channel of the ROC with c1
44 void Add(const AliTPCCalROC * roc, Double_t c1 = 1); // multiply AliTPCCalROC roc by c1 and add each channel to the coresponing channel in the ROC
45 void Multiply(const AliTPCCalROC * roc); // multiply each channel of the ROC with the coresponding channel of 'roc'
46 void Divide(const AliTPCCalROC * roc); // divide each channel of the ROC by the coresponding value of 'roc'
43b569c6 47 // statistic
48 //
a5ade541 49 Double_t GetMean(AliTPCCalROC *const outlierROC = 0) const;
50 Double_t GetRMS(AliTPCCalROC *const outlierROC = 0) const;
51 Double_t GetMedian(AliTPCCalROC *const outlierROC = 0) const;
52 Double_t GetLTM(Double_t *const sigma=0, Double_t fraction=0.9, AliTPCCalROC *const outlierROC = 0);
184bcc16 53 TH1F * MakeHisto1D(Float_t min=4, Float_t max=-4, Int_t type=0);
54 TH2F * MakeHisto2D(Float_t min=4, Float_t max=-4, Int_t type=0);
55 TH2F * MakeHistoOutliers(Float_t delta=4, Float_t fraction=0.7, Int_t mode=0);
72fbbc82 56
a6d2bd0c 57 AliTPCCalROC * LocalFit(Int_t rowRadius, Int_t padRadius, AliTPCCalROC* ROCoutliers = 0, Bool_t robust = kFALSE, Double_t chi2Threshold = 5, Double_t robustFraction = 0.7);
b233e5e9 58 void GlobalFit(const AliTPCCalROC* ROCoutliers, Bool_t robust, TVectorD &fitParam, TMatrixD &covMatrix, Float_t & chi2, Int_t fitType = 1, Double_t chi2Threshold = 5, Double_t robustFraction = 0.7, Double_t err=1);
a6d2bd0c 59
f116e22c 60 static AliTPCCalROC* CreateGlobalFitCalROC(TVectorD &fitParam, Int_t sector);
72fbbc82 61
c5bbaa2c 62 static void Test();
63 protected:
72fbbc82 64
a5ade541 65 Double_t GetNeighbourhoodValue(TLinearFitter* fitterQ, Int_t row, Int_t pad, Int_t rRadius, Int_t pRadius, AliTPCCalROC *const ROCoutliers, Bool_t robust, Double_t chi2Threshold, Double_t robustFraction);
72fbbc82 66 void GetNeighbourhood(TArrayI* &rowArray, TArrayI* &padArray, Int_t row, Int_t pad, Int_t rRadius, Int_t pRadius);
c5bbaa2c 68 UInt_t fSector; // sector number
69 UInt_t fNChannels; // number of channels
70 UInt_t fNRows; // number of rows
a5ade541 71 const UInt_t* fkIndexes; //!indexes
c5bbaa2c 72 Float_t *fData; //[fNChannels] Data
f691a5e2 73 ClassDef(AliTPCCalROC,2) // TPC ROC calibration class
07627591 74