]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCCalibPedestal.cxx
Removing non used data members (Marian)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCCalibPedestal.cxx
8bc7e885 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
8bc7e885 17/* $Id$ */
8bc7e885 19
20//Root includes
8bc7e885 21#include <TH1F.h>
8bc7e885 22#include <TH2F.h>
8bc7e885 23#include <TString.h>
8bc7e885 24#include <TMath.h>
25#include <TF1.h>
26#include <TRandom.h>
8bc7e885 27#include <TDirectory.h>
8bc7e885 28#include <TFile.h>
8bc7e885 29//AliRoot includes
30#include "AliRawReader.h"
31#include "AliRawReaderRoot.h"
bc331d5b 32#include "AliRawReaderDate.h"
8bc7e885 33#include "AliTPCRawStream.h"
34#include "AliTPCCalROC.h"
8bc7e885 35#include "AliTPCROC.h"
8bc7e885 36#include "AliMathBase.h"
8bc7e885 37#include "TTreeStream.h"
4958b652 38#include "AliTPCRawStreamFast.h"
8bc7e885 39
bc331d5b 40//date
41#include "event.h"
43//header file
44#include "AliTPCCalibPedestal.h"
8bc7e885 45
aa983e4f 47///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48// Implementation of the TPC pedestal and noise calibration
50// Origin: Jens Wiechula, Marian Ivanov J.Wiechula@gsi.de, Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch
53// *************************************************************************************
54// * Class Description *
55// *************************************************************************************
57// Working principle:
58// ------------------
59// Raw pedestal data is processed by calling one of the ProcessEvent(...) functions
60// (see below). These in the end call the Update(...) function, where the data is filled
61// into histograms.
63// For each ROC one TH2F histo (ROC channel vs. ADC channel) is created when
64// it is filled for the first time (GetHistoPedestal(ROC,kTRUE)). All histos are stored in the
65// TObjArray fHistoPedestalArray.
67// For a fast filling of the histogram the corresponding bin number of the channel and ADC channel
68// is computed by hand and the histogram array is accessed directly via its pointer.
69// ATTENTION: Doing so the the entry counter of the histogram is not increased
70// this means that e.g. the colz draw option gives an empty plot unless
71// calling 'histo->SetEntries(1)' before drawing.
73// After accumulating the desired statistics the Analyse() function has to be called.
74// Whithin this function the pedestal and noise values are calculated for each pad, using
75// the fast gaus fit function AliMathBase::FitGaus(...), and the calibration
76// storage classes (AliTPCCalROC) are filled for each ROC.
77// The calibration information is stored in the TObjArrays fCalRocArrayPedestal and fCalRocArrayRMS;
81// User interface for filling data:
82// --------------------------------
84// To Fill information one of the following functions can be used:
86// Bool_t ProcessEvent(eventHeaderStruct *event);
87// - process Date event
88// - use AliTPCRawReaderDate and call ProcessEvent(AliRawReader *rawReader)
90// Bool_t ProcessEvent(AliRawReader *rawReader);
91// - process AliRawReader event
92// - use AliTPCRawStream to loop over data and call ProcessEvent(AliTPCRawStream *rawStream)
94// Bool_t ProcessEvent(AliTPCRawStream *rawStream);
95// - process event from AliTPCRawStream
96// - call Update function for signal filling
98// Int_t Update(const Int_t isector, const Int_t iRow, const Int_t
99// iPad, const Int_t iTimeBin, const Float_t signal);
100// - directly fill signal information (sector, row, pad, time bin, pad)
101// to the reference histograms
103// It is also possible to merge two independently taken calibrations using the function
105// void Merge(AliTPCCalibPedestal *ped)
106// - copy histograms in 'ped' if the do not exist in this instance
107// - Add histograms in 'ped' to the histograms in this instance if the allready exist
108// - After merging call Analyse again!
112// -- example: filling data using root raw data:
113// void fillPedestal(Char_t *filename)
114// {
115// rawReader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fileName);
116// if ( !rawReader ) return;
117// AliTPCCalibPedestal *calib = new AliTPCCalibPedestal;
118// while (rawReader->NextEvent()){
119// calib->ProcessEvent(rawReader);
120// }
121// calib->Analyse();
122// calib->DumpToFile("PedestalData.root");
123// delete rawReader;
124// delete calib;
125// }
128// What kind of information is stored and how to retrieve them:
129// ------------------------------------------------------------
131// - Accessing the 'Reference Histograms' (pedestal distribution histograms):
133// TH2F *GetHistoPedestal(Int_t sector);
135// - Accessing the calibration storage objects:
1542c62d 137// AliTPCCalROC *GetCalRocPedestal(Int_t sector); - for the pedestal values, mean from gaus fit
138// AliTPCCalROC *GetCalRocSigma(Int_t sector); - for the Noise values, sigma from guas fit
139// AliTPCCalROC *GetCalRocMean(Int_t sector); - for the pedestal values, truncated mean
140// AliTPCCalROC *GetCalRocRMS(Int_t sector); - for the Noise values, rms from truncated mean
aa983e4f 141//
142// example for visualisation:
143// if the file "PedestalData.root" was created using the above example one could do the following:
145// TFile filePedestal("PedestalData.root")
146// AliTPCCalibPedestal *ped = (AliTPCCalibPedestal*)filePedestal->Get("AliTPCCalibPedestal");
147// ped->GetCalRocPedestal(0)->Draw("colz");
148// ped->GetCalRocRMS(0)->Draw("colz");
150// or use the AliTPCCalPad functionality:
151// AliTPCCalPad padPedestal(ped->GetCalPadPedestal());
152// AliTPCCalPad padNoise(ped->GetCalPadRMS());
153// padPedestal->MakeHisto2D()->Draw("colz"); //Draw A-Side Pedestal Information
154// padNoise->MakeHisto2D()->Draw("colz"); //Draw A-Side Noise Information
157 example: fill pedestal with gausschen noise
158 AliTPCCalibPedestal ped;
159 ped.TestEvent();
160 ped.Analyse();
161 //Draw output;
162 TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas;
163 c1->Divide(1,2);
164 c1->cd(1);
165 ped.GetHistoPedestal(0)->SetEntries(1); //needed in order for colz to work, reason: fast filling does not increase the entries counter
166 ped.GetHistoPedestal(0)->Draw("colz");
167 c1->cd(2);
168 ped.GetHistoPedestal(36)->SetEntries(1); //needed in order for colz to work, reason: fast filling does not increase the entries counter
169 ped.GetHistoPedestal(36)->Draw("colz");
170 TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas;
171 c2->Divide(2,2);
172 c2->cd(1);
173 ped.GetCalRocPedestal(0)->Draw("colz");
174 c2->cd(2);
175 ped.GetCalRocRMS(0)->Draw("colz");
176 c2->cd(3);
177 ped.GetCalRocPedestal(36)->Draw("colz");
178 c2->cd(4);
179 ped.GetCalRocRMS(36)->Draw("colz");
aa983e4f 180*/
bdf99a93 181//
182// Time dependent pedestals:
184// If wished there is the possibility to calculate for each channel and time bin
185// the mean pedestal [pedestals(t)]. This is done by
187// 1) setting SetTimeAnalysis(kTRUE),
188// 2) processing the data by looping over the events using ProcessEvent(..)
189// 3) calling the Analyse() and AnalyseTime(nevents) functions (providing nevents)
190// 4) getting the pedestals(t) using TArrayF **timePed = calibPedestal.GetTimePedestals();
191// 5) looking at values using timePed[row][pad].At(timebin)
193// This functionality is intended to be used on an LDC bu the detector algorithm
194// (TPCPEDESTALda) to generate a data set used for configuration of the pattern
195// memory for baseline subtraction in the ALTROs. Later the information should also
196// be stored as reference data.
8bc7e885 198
aa983e4f 200ClassImp(AliTPCCalibPedestal)
8bc7e885 201
1542c62d 202AliTPCCalibPedestal::AliTPCCalibPedestal() :
8bc7e885 203 TObject(),
204 fFirstTimeBin(60),
205 fLastTimeBin(1000),
206 fAdcMin(1),
207 fAdcMax(100),
1542c62d 208 fAnaMeanDown(0.),
209 fAnaMeanUp(1.),
aa983e4f 210 fOldRCUformat(kTRUE),
bdf99a93 211 fTimeAnalysis(kFALSE),
8bc7e885 212 fROC(AliTPCROC::Instance()),
4958b652 213 fMapping(NULL),
8bc7e885 214 fCalRocArrayPedestal(72),
1542c62d 215 fCalRocArraySigma(72),
bdf99a93 216 fHistoPedestalArray(72),
1542c62d 217 fTimeSignal(NULL),
218 fCalRocArrayMean(72),
219 fCalRocArrayRMS(72)
8bc7e885 220{
bdf99a93 221 //
222 // default constructor
223 //
8bc7e885 224}
bdf99a93 225
bc331d5b 227//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 228AliTPCCalibPedestal::AliTPCCalibPedestal(const AliTPCCalibPedestal &ped) :
bc331d5b 229 TObject(ped),
230 fFirstTimeBin(ped.GetFirstTimeBin()),
231 fLastTimeBin(ped.GetLastTimeBin()),
232 fAdcMin(ped.GetAdcMin()),
233 fAdcMax(ped.GetAdcMax()),
1542c62d 234 fAnaMeanDown(ped.fAnaMeanDown),
235 fAnaMeanUp(ped.fAnaMeanUp),
bdf99a93 236 fOldRCUformat(ped.fOldRCUformat),
237 fTimeAnalysis(ped.fTimeAnalysis),
bc331d5b 238 fROC(AliTPCROC::Instance()),
4958b652 239 fMapping(NULL),
bc331d5b 240 fCalRocArrayPedestal(72),
1542c62d 241 fCalRocArraySigma(72),
bdf99a93 242 fHistoPedestalArray(72),
1542c62d 243 fTimeSignal(ped.fTimeSignal),
244 fCalRocArrayMean(72),
245 fCalRocArrayRMS(72)
bc331d5b 246{
bdf99a93 247 //
248 // copy constructor
249 //
250 for (Int_t iSec = 0; iSec < 72; ++iSec){
251 const AliTPCCalROC *calPed = (AliTPCCalROC*)ped.fCalRocArrayPedestal.UncheckedAt(iSec);
252 const AliTPCCalROC *calRMS = (AliTPCCalROC*)ped.fCalRocArrayRMS.UncheckedAt(iSec);
253 const TH2F *hPed = (TH2F*)ped.fHistoPedestalArray.UncheckedAt(iSec);
255 if ( calPed != 0x0 ) fCalRocArrayPedestal.AddAt(new AliTPCCalROC(*calPed), iSec);
256 if ( calRMS != 0x0 ) fCalRocArrayRMS.AddAt(new AliTPCCalROC(*calRMS), iSec);
258 if ( hPed != 0x0 ){
259 TH2F *hNew = new TH2F(*hPed);
260 hNew->SetDirectory(0);
261 fHistoPedestalArray.AddAt(hNew,iSec);
bc331d5b 262 }
bdf99a93 263 }
bc331d5b 264}
bdf99a93 265
bc331d5b 267//_____________________________________________________________________
268AliTPCCalibPedestal& AliTPCCalibPedestal::operator = (const AliTPCCalibPedestal &source)
270 //
271 // assignment operator
272 //
273 if (&source == this) return *this;
274 new (this) AliTPCCalibPedestal(source);
8bc7e885 275
bc331d5b 276 return *this;
bdf99a93 278
8bc7e885 280//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 281AliTPCCalibPedestal::~AliTPCCalibPedestal()
8bc7e885 282{
283 //
284 // destructor
285 //
8bc7e885 286
bdf99a93 287 fCalRocArrayPedestal.Delete();
288 fCalRocArrayRMS.Delete();
289 fHistoPedestalArray.Delete();
291 if ( fTimeSignal ) {
292 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 159; i++) {
293 delete [] fTimeSignal[i];
294 fTimeSignal[i] = 0;
295 }
296 delete [] fTimeSignal;
297 fTimeSignal = 0;
298 }
4958b652 299
300 // do not delete fMapping, because we do not own it.
bdf99a93 302}
306void AliTPCCalibPedestal::SetTimeAnalysis(Bool_t time)
308 //
309 // Use time dependent analysis: Pedestals are analysed as a function
310 // of the drift time. There is one mean value generated for each time
311 // bin and each channel. It can be used as reference data and for
312 // configuration of the ALTRO pattern memory for baseline subtraction.
313 //
314 // ATTENTION: Use only on LDC in TPCPEDESTALda! On a LDC we get data
315 // only from one sector. For the full TPC we would need a lot of
316 // memory (36*159*140*1024*4bytes = 3.3GB)!
317 //
319 fTimeAnalysis = time;
321 if ( !fTimeAnalysis ) return;
323 // prepare array for one sector (159*140*1024*4bytes = 92MB):
324 fTimeSignal = new TArrayF*[159];
325 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 159; i++) { // padrows
326 fTimeSignal[i] = new TArrayF[140];
327 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 140; j++) { // pads per row
328 fTimeSignal[i][j].Set(1024);
329 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 1024; k++) { // time bins per pad
330 fTimeSignal[i][j].AddAt(0., k);
331 }
332 }
333 }
aa983e4f 334}
bdf99a93 335
8bc7e885 337//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 338Int_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::Update(const Int_t icsector,
bdf99a93 339 const Int_t icRow,
340 const Int_t icPad,
341 const Int_t icTimeBin,
342 const Float_t csignal)
8bc7e885 343{
bdf99a93 344 //
345 // Signal filling method
346 //
b401648b 347 if (icRow<0) return 0;
348 if (icPad<0) return 0;
349 if (icTimeBin<0) return 0;
bdf99a93 351 // Time dependent pedestals
352 if ( fTimeAnalysis ) {
353 if ( icsector < 36 ) // IROC
354 fTimeSignal[icRow][icPad].AddAt(fTimeSignal[icRow][icPad].At(icTimeBin)+csignal, icTimeBin);
355 else
356 fTimeSignal[icRow+63][icPad].AddAt(fTimeSignal[icRow+63][icPad].At(icTimeBin)+csignal, icTimeBin);
357 }
358 //return if we are out of the specified time bin or adc range
359 if ( (icTimeBin>fLastTimeBin) || (icTimeBin<fFirstTimeBin) ) return 0;
360 if ( ((Int_t)csignal>fAdcMax) || ((Int_t)csignal<fAdcMin) ) return 0;
8bc7e885 361
bdf99a93 362 Int_t iChannel = fROC->GetRowIndexes(icsector)[icRow]+icPad; // global pad position in sector
8bc7e885 363
4958b652 364 // fast filling method
bdf99a93 365 // Attention: the entry counter of the histogram is not increased
366 // this means that e.g. the colz draw option gives an empty plot
367 Int_t bin = (iChannel+1)*(fAdcMax-fAdcMin+2)+((Int_t)csignal-fAdcMin+1);
8bc7e885 368
bdf99a93 369 GetHistoPedestal(icsector,kTRUE)->GetArray()[bin]++;
8bc7e885 370
bdf99a93 371 return 0;
8bc7e885 372}
4958b652 373
08205ed7 375//_____________________________________________________________________
376Bool_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::ProcessEventFast(AliTPCRawStreamFast *rawStreamFast)
378 //
379 // Event Processing loop - AliTPCRawStream
380 //
381 Bool_t withInput = kFALSE;
bdf99a93 382
08205ed7 383 while ( rawStreamFast->NextDDL() ){
384 while ( rawStreamFast->NextChannel() ){
385 Int_t isector = rawStreamFast->GetSector(); // current sector
386 Int_t iRow = rawStreamFast->GetRow(); // current row
387 Int_t iPad = rawStreamFast->GetPad(); // current pad
08205ed7 388
389 while ( rawStreamFast->NextBunch() ){
1542c62d 390 Int_t startTbin = (Int_t)rawStreamFast->GetStartTimeBin();
391 Int_t endTbin = (Int_t)rawStreamFast->GetEndTimeBin();
392 for (Int_t iTimeBin = startTbin; iTimeBin < endTbin; iTimeBin++){
08205ed7 393 Float_t signal=(Float_t)rawStreamFast->GetSignals()[iTimeBin-startTbin];
394 Update(isector,iRow,iPad,iTimeBin+1,signal);
395 withInput = kTRUE;
396 }
397 }
398 }
399 }
bdf99a93 400
08205ed7 401 return withInput;
404Bool_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::ProcessEventFast(AliRawReader *rawReader)
406 //
407 // Event processing loop - AliRawReader
408 //
4958b652 409 AliTPCRawStreamFast *rawStreamFast = new AliTPCRawStreamFast(rawReader, (AliAltroMapping**)fMapping);
08205ed7 410 Bool_t res=ProcessEventFast(rawStreamFast);
411 delete rawStreamFast;
412 return res;
4958b652 414
8bc7e885 415//_____________________________________________________________________
bc331d5b 416Bool_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::ProcessEvent(AliTPCRawStream *rawStream)
8bc7e885 417{
418 //
bc331d5b 419 // Event Processing loop - AliTPCRawStream
8bc7e885 420 //
aa983e4f 422 rawStream->SetOldRCUFormat(fOldRCUformat);
8bc7e885 423
424 Bool_t withInput = kFALSE;
bc331d5b 426 while (rawStream->Next()) {
4958b652 427
bdf99a93 428 Int_t iSector = rawStream->GetSector(); // current ROC
429 Int_t iRow = rawStream->GetRow(); // current row
430 Int_t iPad = rawStream->GetPad(); // current pad
431 Int_t iTimeBin = rawStream->GetTime(); // current time bin
432 Float_t signal = rawStream->GetSignal(); // current ADC signal
434 Update(iSector,iRow,iPad,iTimeBin,signal);
435 withInput = kTRUE;
8bc7e885 436 }
4958b652 437
8bc7e885 438 return withInput;
4958b652 440
8bc7e885 442//_____________________________________________________________________
bc331d5b 443Bool_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::ProcessEvent(AliRawReader *rawReader)
445 //
446 // Event processing loop - AliRawReader
447 //
4958b652 449 // if fMapping is NULL the rawstream will crate its own mapping
450 AliTPCRawStream rawStream(rawReader, (AliAltroMapping**)fMapping);
bc331d5b 451 rawReader->Select("TPC");
bc331d5b 452 return ProcessEvent(&rawStream);
bdf99a93 454
bc331d5b 456//_____________________________________________________________________
457Bool_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::ProcessEvent(eventHeaderStruct *event)
459 //
460 // process date event
461 //
bdf99a93 462
463 AliRawReader *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event);
464 Bool_t result=ProcessEvent(rawReader);
465 delete rawReader;
466 return result;
bc331d5b 467}
bdf99a93 468
bc331d5b 470//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 471Bool_t AliTPCCalibPedestal::TestEvent()
8bc7e885 472{
473 //
474 // Test event loop
bc331d5b 475 // fill one oroc and one iroc with random gaus
8bc7e885 476 //
478 gRandom->SetSeed(0);
aa983e4f 480 for (UInt_t iSec=0; iSec<72; ++iSec){
8bc7e885 481 if (iSec%36>0) continue;
aa983e4f 482 for (UInt_t iRow=0; iRow < fROC->GetNRows(iSec); ++iRow){
483 for (UInt_t iPad=0; iPad < fROC->GetNPads(iSec,iRow); ++iPad){
484 for (UInt_t iTimeBin=0; iTimeBin<1024; ++iTimeBin){
bc331d5b 485 Float_t signal=(Int_t)(iRow+3+gRandom->Gaus(0,.7));
8bc7e885 486 if ( signal>0 )Update(iSec,iRow,iPad,iTimeBin,signal);
487 }
488 }
489 }
490 }
491 return kTRUE;
bdf99a93 493
8bc7e885 495//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 496TH2F* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetHisto(Int_t sector, TObjArray *arr,
4958b652 497 Int_t nbinsY, Float_t ymin, Float_t ymax,
498 Char_t *type, Bool_t force)
8bc7e885 499{
500 //
501 // return pointer to Q histogram
502 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
503 //
504 if ( !force || arr->UncheckedAt(sector) )
bc331d5b 505 return (TH2F*)arr->UncheckedAt(sector);
8bc7e885 506
507 // if we are forced and histogram doesn't yes exist create it
508 Char_t name[255], title[255];
510 sprintf(name,"hCalib%s%.2d",type,sector);
bc331d5b 511 sprintf(title,"%s calibration histogram sector %.2d;ADC channel;Channel (pad)",type,sector);
8bc7e885 512
513 // new histogram with Q calib information. One value for each pad!
bc331d5b 514 TH2F* hist = new TH2F(name,title,
8bc7e885 515 nbinsY, ymin, ymax,
516 fROC->GetNChannels(sector),0,fROC->GetNChannels(sector)
517 );
518 hist->SetDirectory(0);
519 arr->AddAt(hist,sector);
520 return hist;
bdf99a93 522
8bc7e885 524//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 525TH2F* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetHistoPedestal(Int_t sector, Bool_t force)
8bc7e885 526{
527 //
528 // return pointer to T0 histogram
529 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
530 //
531 TObjArray *arr = &fHistoPedestalArray;
532 return GetHisto(sector, arr, fAdcMax-fAdcMin, fAdcMin, fAdcMax, "Pedestal", force);
bdf99a93 534
8bc7e885 536//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 537AliTPCCalROC* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetCalRoc(Int_t sector, TObjArray* arr, Bool_t force)
8bc7e885 538{
539 //
540 // return pointer to ROC Calibration
541 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
542 //
543 if ( !force || arr->UncheckedAt(sector) )
544 return (AliTPCCalROC*)arr->UncheckedAt(sector);
aa983e4f 546 // if we are forced and the histogram doesn't yet exist create it
8bc7e885 547
548 // new AliTPCCalROC for T0 information. One value for each pad!
549 AliTPCCalROC *croc = new AliTPCCalROC(sector);
8bc7e885 550 arr->AddAt(croc,sector);
551 return croc;
bdf99a93 553
8bc7e885 555//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 556AliTPCCalROC* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetCalRocPedestal(Int_t sector, Bool_t force)
8bc7e885 557{
558 //
1542c62d 559 // return pointer to ROC with Pedestal data
8bc7e885 560 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
561 //
562 TObjArray *arr = &fCalRocArrayPedestal;
563 return GetCalRoc(sector, arr, force);
bdf99a93 565
8bc7e885 567//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 568AliTPCCalROC* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetCalRocSigma(Int_t sector, Bool_t force)
8bc7e885 569{
570 //
1542c62d 571 // return pointer to ROC with signal witdth in sigma
8bc7e885 572 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
573 //
1542c62d 574 TObjArray *arr = &fCalRocArraySigma;
8bc7e885 575 return GetCalRoc(sector, arr, force);
1542c62d 577//_____________________________________________________________________
578AliTPCCalROC* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetCalRocMean(Int_t sector, Bool_t force)
580 //
581 // return pointer to ROC with signal mean information
582 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
583 //
584 TObjArray *arr = &fCalRocArrayMean;
585 return GetCalRoc(sector, arr, force);
589AliTPCCalROC* AliTPCCalibPedestal::GetCalRocRMS(Int_t sector, Bool_t force)
591 //
592 // return pointer to signal width ROC Calibration
593 // if force is true create a new histogram if it doesn't exist allready
594 //
595 TObjArray *arr = &fCalRocArrayRMS;
596 return GetCalRoc(sector, arr, force);
bdf99a93 598
8bc7e885 600//_____________________________________________________________________
aa983e4f 601void AliTPCCalibPedestal::Merge(AliTPCCalibPedestal *ped)
bdf99a93 603 //
604 // Merge reference histograms of sig to the current AliTPCCalibSignal
605 //
aa983e4f 606
bdf99a93 607 // merge histograms
608 for (Int_t iSec=0; iSec<72; ++iSec){
609 TH2F *hRefPedMerge = ped->GetHistoPedestal(iSec);
611 if ( hRefPedMerge ){
612 TDirectory *dir = hRefPedMerge->GetDirectory(); hRefPedMerge->SetDirectory(0);
613 TH2F *hRefPed = GetHistoPedestal(iSec);
614 if ( hRefPed ) hRefPed->Add(hRefPedMerge);
615 else {
616 TH2F *hist = new TH2F(*hRefPedMerge);
617 hist->SetDirectory(0);
618 fHistoPedestalArray.AddAt(hist, iSec);
619 }
620 hRefPedMerge->SetDirectory(dir);
621 }
622 }
aa983e4f 623
bdf99a93 624 // merge array
625 // ...
aa983e4f 626
aa983e4f 627}
bdf99a93 628
aa983e4f 630//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 631void AliTPCCalibPedestal::Analyse()
8bc7e885 632{
bdf99a93 633 //
634 // Calculate calibration constants
635 //
8bc7e885 636
bdf99a93 637 Int_t nbinsAdc = fAdcMax-fAdcMin;
8bc7e885 638
1542c62d 639 TVectorD param(4);
bdf99a93 640 TMatrixD dummy(3,3);
8bc7e885 641
1542c62d 642 TH1F *hChannel=new TH1F("hChannel","hChannel",nbinsAdc,fAdcMin,fAdcMax);
bdf99a93 644 Float_t *array_hP=0;
8bc7e885 645
bdf99a93 646 for (Int_t iSec=0; iSec<72; ++iSec){
647 TH2F *hP = GetHistoPedestal(iSec);
648 if ( !hP ) continue;
8bc7e885 649
bdf99a93 650 AliTPCCalROC *rocPedestal = GetCalRocPedestal(iSec,kTRUE);
1542c62d 651 AliTPCCalROC *rocSigma = GetCalRocSigma(iSec,kTRUE);
652 AliTPCCalROC *rocMean = GetCalRocMean(iSec,kTRUE);
bdf99a93 653 AliTPCCalROC *rocRMS = GetCalRocRMS(iSec,kTRUE);
8bc7e885 654
bdf99a93 655 array_hP = hP->GetArray();
656 UInt_t nChannels = fROC->GetNChannels(iSec);
8bc7e885 657
bdf99a93 658 for (UInt_t iChannel=0; iChannel<nChannels; ++iChannel){
659 Int_t offset = (nbinsAdc+2)*(iChannel+1)+1;
1542c62d 660 //calculate mean and sigma using a gaus fit
9e359afd 661 //Double_t ret =
662 AliMathBase::FitGaus(array_hP+offset,nbinsAdc,fAdcMin,fAdcMax,&param,&dummy);
bdf99a93 663 // if the fitting failed set noise and pedestal to 0
1542c62d 664 // is now done in AliMathBase::FitGaus !
665// if ( ret == -4 ) {
666// param[1]=0;
667// param[2]=0;
668// }
bdf99a93 669 rocPedestal->SetValue(iChannel,param[1]);
1542c62d 670 rocSigma->SetValue(iChannel,param[2]);
671 //calculate mean and RMS using a truncated means
672 hChannel->Set(nbinsAdc+2,array_hP+offset-1);
673 hChannel->SetEntries(param[3]);
674 param[1]=0;
675 param[2]=0;
676 if ( param[3]>0 ) AliMathBase::TruncatedMean(hChannel,&param,fAnaMeanDown,fAnaMeanUp);
677 rocMean->SetValue(iChannel,param[1]);
bdf99a93 678 rocRMS->SetValue(iChannel,param[2]);
679 }
680 }
1542c62d 681 delete hChannel;
bdf99a93 682}
8bc7e885 683
bdf99a93 684
686void AliTPCCalibPedestal::AnalyseTime(Int_t nevents)
688 //
689 // Calculate for each channel and time bin the mean pedestal. This
690 // is used on LDC by TPCPEDESTALda to generate data used for configuration
691 // of the pattern memory for baseline subtraction in the ALTROs.
692 //
694 if ( nevents <= 0 ) return;
695 if ( fTimeAnalysis ) {
696 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 159; i++) { // padrows
697 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 140; j++) { // pads per row
698 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 1024; k++) { // time bins per pad
699 fTimeSignal[i][j].AddAt(fTimeSignal[i][j].At(k)/(Float_t)nevents, k);
8bc7e885 700 }
bdf99a93 701 }
8bc7e885 702 }
bdf99a93 703 }
8bc7e885 704}
bdf99a93 705
8bc7e885 707//_____________________________________________________________________
1542c62d 708void AliTPCCalibPedestal::DumpToFile(const Char_t *filename, const Char_t *dir, Bool_t append)
8bc7e885 709{
bdf99a93 710 //
711 // Write class to file
712 //
8bc7e885 713
bdf99a93 714 TString sDir(dir);
715 TString option;
8bc7e885 716
bdf99a93 717 if ( append )
718 option = "update";
719 else
720 option = "recreate";
8bc7e885 721
bdf99a93 722 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
723 TFile f(filename,option.Data());
724 f.cd();
725 if ( !sDir.IsNull() ){
726 f.mkdir(sDir.Data());
727 f.cd(sDir);
728 }
729 this->Write();
730 f.Close();
8bc7e885 731
bdf99a93 732 if ( backup ) backup->cd();
8bc7e885 733}