]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCCalibPedestal.h
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCCalibPedestal.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7442bceb 6/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7// //
8// Implementation of the TPC pedestal calibration //
9// //
f1b14fa2 12#include <TObjArray.h>
880c3382 13#include "AliTPCCalibRawBase.h"
8bc7e885 14
bdf99a93 15class TArrayF;
8bc7e885 16class TH2F;
8bc7e885 17class TTreeSRedirector;
18class AliTPCROC;
bc331d5b 19class AliTPCCalROC;
a7dce0bc 20class AliTPCRawStream;
08205ed7 21class AliTPCRawStreamFast;
aa983e4f 22class AliRawReader;
ac940b58 23class TMap;
8bc7e885 24
bdf99a93 25struct eventHeaderStruct;
8bc7e885 26
880c3382 27class AliTPCCalibPedestal : public AliTPCCalibRawBase {
8bc7e885 28
30 AliTPCCalibPedestal();
bc331d5b 31 AliTPCCalibPedestal(const AliTPCCalibPedestal &ped);
ac940b58 32 AliTPCCalibPedestal(const TMap *config);
8bc7e885 33 virtual ~AliTPCCalibPedestal();
bc331d5b 34
35 AliTPCCalibPedestal& operator = (const AliTPCCalibPedestal &source);
880c3382 37 virtual Int_t Update(const Int_t isector, const Int_t iRow, const Int_t iPad,
bdf99a93 38 const Int_t iTimeBin, const Float_t signal);
880c3382 39 virtual void Analyse();
8bc7e885 40 //
bc331d5b 41 AliTPCCalROC* GetCalRocPedestal (Int_t sector, Bool_t force=kFALSE); // get calibration object - sector
1542c62d 42 AliTPCCalROC* GetCalRocSigma(Int_t sector, Bool_t force=kFALSE); // get calibration object - sector
7442bceb 43 const TObjArray* GetCalPadPedestal() const {return &fCalRocArrayPedestal;} // get calibration object
44 const TObjArray* GetCalPadSigma() const {return &fCalRocArraySigma;} // get calibration object
1542c62d 45
46 AliTPCCalROC* GetCalRocMean (Int_t sector, Bool_t force=kFALSE); // get calibration object - sector
47 AliTPCCalROC* GetCalRocRMS(Int_t sector, Bool_t force=kFALSE); // get calibration object - sector
7442bceb 48 const TObjArray* GetCalPadMean() const {return &fCalRocArrayMean;} // get calibration object
49 const TObjArray* GetCalPadRMS() const {return &fCalRocArrayRMS;} // get calibration object
aa983e4f 50
bc331d5b 51 TH2F* GetHistoPedestal (Int_t sector, Bool_t force=kFALSE); // get refernce histogram
8bc7e885 52 //
bdf99a93 53 void SetTimeAnalysis(Bool_t time = kTRUE); // Use ONLY in TPCPEDESTALda on LDC for one sector!
54 void AnalyseTime(Int_t nevents); // Makes sense only in TPCPEDESTALda on LDC!
55 TArrayF **GetTimePedestals() const { return fTimeSignal; } // Get array with time dependent pedestals (for one sector!)
56 //
1542c62d 57 Int_t GetAdcMin() const { return fAdcMin; }
58 Int_t GetAdcMax() const { return fAdcMax; }
59 Float_t GetAnaMeanDown() const { return fAnaMeanDown; }
60 Float_t GetAnaMeanUp() const { return fAnaMeanUp; }
aa983e4f 62 void SetRangeAdc (Int_t aMin, Int_t aMax){ fAdcMin=aMin; fAdcMax=aMax; } // Set adc range for the pedestal calibration
1542c62d 63 void SetAnalysisTruncationRange(Float_t down, Float_t up) {fAnaMeanDown=down; fAnaMeanUp=up;} //Set range for truncated mean analysis of the channel information
8bc7e885 64
7442bceb 65 void Merge(AliTPCCalibPedestal * const ped);
66 virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection * const list);
bdf99a93 68 Bool_t TestEvent(); // Test the fast approach to fill histogram - used for test purposes
8bc7e885 69
8bc7e885 71 Int_t fAdcMin; // min adc channel of pedestal value
72 Int_t fAdcMax; // max adc channel of pedestal value
bdf99a93 73
1542c62d 74 Float_t fAnaMeanDown; // Truncated mean channel analysis - lower cut
75 Float_t fAnaMeanUp; // Truncated mean channel analysis - upper cut
bdf99a93 77 Bool_t fTimeAnalysis; //! Should we use the time dependent analysis? ONLY ON LDC!
a7dce0bc 78
1542c62d 79 TObjArray fCalRocArrayPedestal; // Array of AliTPCCalROC class for pedestal values from gaus fit
80 TObjArray fCalRocArraySigma; // Array of AliTPCCalROC class for noise values from gaus fit
bdf99a93 81
8bc7e885 82 TObjArray fHistoPedestalArray; // Calibration histograms for Pedestal distribution
bdf99a93 83
84 TArrayF **fTimeSignal; //! Arrays which hold time dependent signals
1542c62d 85
86 TObjArray fCalRocArrayMean; // Array of AliTPCCalROC class for pedestal values, simple mean
87 TObjArray fCalRocArrayRMS; // Array of AliTPCCalROC class for noise values, simple rms
bdf99a93 88
bc331d5b 89 TH2F* GetHisto(Int_t sector, TObjArray *arr,
8bc7e885 90 Int_t nbinsY, Float_t ymin, Float_t ymax,
a6e0ebfe 91 const Char_t *type, Bool_t force);
bdf99a93 92
8bc7e885 93 AliTPCCalROC* GetCalRoc(Int_t sector, TObjArray* arr, Bool_t force);
880c3382 95 ClassDef(AliTPCCalibPedestal, 7) // Implementation of the TPC pedestal and noise calibration
8bc7e885 96};