]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCTransformation.cxx
Fixing error propagation in AliBWTools::GetMean and GetMean2 + some cleanup
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCTransformation.cxx
94685752 1/*
3 Class AliTPCtransformation:
4 Should represent general non linear transformation. Currently tune for TPConly.
5 To be used:
6 1. Simulation-Digitization
7 2. Reconstruction - AliTPCTransform
8 3. Calibration/Alignment (KalmanFilter, Milipedde)
9 4. Set of transformation to be stored/retrieved as OCDB entry
11 Base functionality:
13 1. Double_t GetDeltaXYZ(Int_t coord, Int_t volID, Double_t param, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
14 Get correction - return the delta of coordinate coord dx or dy or dz for given volID for point at point (x,y,z)
15 All coordinates are global
17 2. The transformation should work only for given volIDs and detector IDs
18 Currently Bitmask is used for filtering
3649eec1 21 Transformation - naming convention:
22 //
23 XXX(local)YYYZZZ
24 TPClocaldLxdGX
25 XXX - detector if detector specific
26 local - if local transforamtion
27 YYY - type of transformation
28 ZZZ - return type of transformation
94685752 29
32#include <string.h>
33#include "TRandom.h"
34#include "TMath.h"
35#include "TBits.h"
36#include "TFormula.h"
37#include "TF1.h"
38#include "TLinearFitter.h"
39#include "TFile.h"
40#include "TObjString.h"
42#include "TTreeStream.h"
43#include "AliTrackPointArray.h"
44#include "AliLog.h"
45#include "AliTPCTransformation.h"
50AliTPCTransformation::GenFuncG AliTPCTransformation::fgFormulas[10000];
51TObjArray* AliTPCTransformation::fgFormulasName = new TObjArray(10000);
54void AliTPCTransformation::RegisterFormula(const char * name, GenFuncG formula){
55 //
56 // Add Formula to the list of formulas
57 //
58 Int_t last= fgFormulasName->GetEntries();
59 fgFormulasName->AddLast(new TObjString(name));
60 fgFormulas[last]=formula;
63Int_t AliTPCTransformation::BuildBasicFormulas(){
64 //
6d438146 65
66 //
67 //build list of basic TPC formulas - corrections
94685752 68 //
69 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingRPol",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRPol));
6d438146 70 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingRIFC",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRIFC));
71 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingROFC",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingROFC));
72 //
87224220 73 RegisterFormula("TPCdeltaFCROC",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCdeltaFCROC));
74 RegisterFormula("TPCdeltaFCCE",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCdeltaFCCE));
75 //
1bc126e3 76 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingZDr",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDrift));
77 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingZDrGy",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftGy));
78 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingZDriftT0",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftT0));
94685752 79 RegisterFormula("TPCscalingPhiLocal",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingPhiLocal));
1bc126e3 80 RegisterFormula("TPClocalRPhiEdge",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocalRPhiEdge));
0e9efcbe 81 //
3649eec1 82 // TPC Local X and Y misalignment + rotation
0e9efcbe 83 //
84 RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLxdGX",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLxdGX));
85 RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLxdGY",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLxdGY));
86 RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLydGX",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLydGX));
87 RegisterFormula("TPClocaldLydGY",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLydGY));
3649eec1 88 RegisterFormula("TPClocaldRzdGX",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGX));
89 RegisterFormula("TPClocaldRzdGY",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGY));
0e9efcbe 91 //
92 // Z offset
93 //
94 RegisterFormula("TPCDeltaZ",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZ));
95 RegisterFormula("TPCDeltaZMediumLong",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZMediumLong));
96 RegisterFormula("TPCTiltingZ",(GenFuncG)(AliTPCTransformation::TPCTiltingZ));
94685752 97 return 0;
100AliTPCTransformation::GenFuncG AliTPCTransformation::FindFormula(const char * name){
101 //
102 // find formula - if registered
103 //
104 if (fgFormulasName->FindObject(name)==0) return 0;
105 Int_t entries = fgFormulasName->GetEntries();
106 for (Int_t i=0;i<entries;i++){
107 if (strcmp(fgFormulasName->At(i)->GetName(), name)==0){
108 return fgFormulas[i];
109 }
110 }
111 return 0;
114Double_t AliTPCTransformation::Eval(const char * name, const Double_t*x,const Double_t*par){
115 //
116 // Only for test purposes - very slow
117 //
118 GenFuncG fun = FindFormula(name);
119 if (!fun) return 0;
120 return fun(x,par);
125 TNamed(),
126 fNameX(0), // x formula name
127 fNameY(0), // y formula name
128 fNameZ(0), // z formula name
129 //
130 fBitMask(0), // bitmaps - transformation only for specified volID
131 fCoordSystem(0), // coord system of output deltas
132 fParam(0), // free parameter of transformation
133 fSigma(0), // uncertainty of the parameter
90a856f9 134 fSigmaMax(0), //maximal sigma (Not allowed to increase in propagate time by bigger factor)
6d438146 135 fSigma2Time(0), // change of the error in time - (For kalman filter)
94685752 136 fFixedParam(0), // fixed parameters of tranformation
0e9efcbe 137 fIsActive(kTRUE), // swith - On/Off
94685752 138 //
139 fInit(kFALSE), // initialization flag - set to kTRUE if corresponding formulas found
140 fFormulaX(0), // x formula - pointer to the function
141 fFormulaY(0), // y formula - pointer to the function
142 fFormulaZ(0) // z formula - pointer to the function
143 //
145 //
146 // default constructor
147 //
6d438146 152AliTPCTransformation::AliTPCTransformation(const char *name, TBits *mask, const char *fx, const char *fy, const char *fz, Int_t coordSystem):
94685752 153 TNamed(name,name),
154 fNameX(0), // x formula name
155 fNameY(0), // y formula name
156 fNameZ(0), // z formula name
157 fBitMask(mask), // bitmaps - transformation only for specified volID
158 fCoordSystem(coordSystem), // coordinate system of output deltas
6d438146 159 fParam(0), // free parameter of transformation
160 fSigma(0),
90a856f9 161 fSigmaMax(0), //maximal sigma (Not allowed to increase in propagate time by bigger factor)
6d438146 162 fSigma2Time(0), // change of sigma in time
94685752 163 fFixedParam(0), // fixed parameters of tranformation
0e9efcbe 164 fIsActive(kTRUE), // swith - On/Off
94685752 165 //
166 fInit(kFALSE), // initialization flag - set to kTRUE if corresponding formulas found
167 fFormulaX(0), // x formula - pointer to the function
168 fFormulaY(0), // y formula - pointer to the function
169 fFormulaZ(0) // z formula - pointer to the function
171 //
172 // non default constructor
173 //
174 if (fx) fNameX= new TString(fx);
175 if (fy) fNameY= new TString(fy);
176 if (fz) fNameZ= new TString(fz);
94685752 177 Init();
6d438146 180AliTPCTransformation::AliTPCTransformation(const AliTPCTransformation&trafo):
181 TNamed(trafo),
182 fNameX(0), // x formula name
183 fNameY(0), // y formula name
184 fNameZ(0), // z formula name
185 //
186 fBitMask(0), // bitmaps - transformation only for specified volID
187 fCoordSystem(0), // coord system of output deltas
188 fParam(trafo.fParam), // free parameter of transformation
189 fSigma(trafo.fSigma), // uncertainty of the parameter
90a856f9 190 fSigmaMax(trafo.fSigma), //maximal sigma (Not allowed to increase in propagate time by bigger factor)
6d438146 191 fSigma2Time(trafo.fSigma2Time), // change of the error in time - (For kalman filter)
e55e5512 192 fFixedParam(0), // fixed parameters of tranformation
193 fIsActive(trafo.fIsActive), // swith - On/Off
6d438146 194 //
195 fInit(kFALSE), // initialization flag - set to kTRUE if corresponding formulas found
196 fFormulaX(0), // x formula - pointer to the function
197 fFormulaY(0), // y formula - pointer to the function
198 fFormulaZ(0) // z formula - pointer to the function
200 if (trafo.fNameX) fNameX = new TString(*(trafo.fNameX));
201 if (trafo.fNameY) fNameY = new TString(*(trafo.fNameY));
202 if (trafo.fNameZ) fNameZ = new TString(*(trafo.fNameZ));
203 if (trafo.fBitMask) fBitMask = new TBits(*(trafo.fBitMask));
207 //
208 // destructor
209 //
210 delete fNameX;
211 delete fNameY;
212 delete fNameZ;
213 delete fBitMask;
214 delete fFixedParam;
98a4cc77 216void AliTPCTransformation::SetParams(Double_t param, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma2Time, const TVectorD *const fixedParams){
6d438146 217 //
218 // Set parameters of transformation
219 //
220 fParam = param;
221 fSigma = sigma;
90a856f9 222 fSigmaMax = sigma;
6d438146 223 fSigma2Time = sigma2Time;
224 if (fFixedParam) delete fFixedParam;
225 fFixedParam = new TVectorD(*fixedParams);
226 Init();
94685752 228
230Bool_t AliTPCTransformation::Init(){
231 //
232 // associate formulas with pointer to the function
233 //
234 Bool_t isOK=kTRUE;
235 if (fNameX) {
236 fFormulaX=FindFormula(fNameX->Data());
237 if (fFormulaX==0) isOK=kFALSE;
238 }
239 if (fNameY) {
240 fFormulaY=FindFormula(fNameY->Data());
241 if (fFormulaY==0) isOK=kFALSE;
242 }
243 if (fNameZ) {
244 fFormulaZ=FindFormula(fNameZ->Data());
245 if (!fFormulaZ) isOK=kFALSE;
246 }
247 return isOK;
0e9efcbe 250
94685752 252TBits * AliTPCTransformation::BitsSide(Bool_t aside){
253 //
254 TBits * bits = new TBits(72);
255 for (Int_t i=0; i<72;i++){
256 if (i%36<18 && aside) (*bits)[i]=kTRUE;
257 if (i%36<18 && (!aside)) (*bits)[i]=kFALSE;
258 if (i%36>=18 && aside) (*bits)[i]=kFALSE;
259 if (i%36>=18 && (!aside)) (*bits)[i]=kTRUE;
260 }
261 return bits;
264TBits * AliTPCTransformation::BitsAll(){
265 //
266 //
267 //
268 TBits * bits = new TBits(72);
269 for (Int_t i=0; i<72;i++){
270 (*bits)[i]=kTRUE;
271 }
272 return bits;
90a856f9 275// Double_t AliTPCTransformation::GetDeltaXYZ(Int_t coord, Int_t volID, Double_t param, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z){
276// //
277// //
278// // coord - type of coordinate
279// // - 0 -X
280// // 1 -Y
281// // 2 -Z
282// // 3 -R
283// // 4 -RPhi
284// if (!fIsActive) return 0;
285// if (fBitMask && (!(*fBitMask)[volID])) return 0;
286// Double_t xyz[5]={x,y,z, param,volID};
287// if (fCoordSystem==0){
288// // cartezian system
289// if (coord==0 && fFormulaX) return fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
290// if (coord==1 && fFormulaY) return fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
291// if (coord==2 && fFormulaZ) return fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
292// }
293// if (fCoordSystem==1){
294// // cylindrical system
295// if (coord==2) {
296// if (fFormulaZ==0) return 0;
297// return fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
298// }
299// Double_t rrphiz[3]={0,0,0};
300// if (fFormulaX) rrphiz[0] = fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
301// if (fFormulaY) rrphiz[1] = fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
302// Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(y,x);
303// Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
304// Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
305// if (coord==0) return ca*rrphiz[0]-sa*rrphiz[1];
306// if (coord==1) return sa*rrphiz[0]+ca*rrphiz[1];
307// }
308// return 0;
309// }
94685752 312Double_t AliTPCTransformation::GetDeltaXYZ(Int_t coord, Int_t volID, Double_t param, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z){
313 //
314 //
3649eec1 315 // coord - type of coordinate
316 // - 0 -X
317 // 1 -Y
318 // 2 -Z
319 // 3 -R
320 // 4 -RPhi
90a856f9 321 // 5 -Z
0e9efcbe 322 if (!fIsActive) return 0;
94685752 323 if (fBitMask && (!(*fBitMask)[volID])) return 0;
0e9efcbe 324 Double_t xyz[5]={x,y,z, param,volID};
90a856f9 325 Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(y,x);
326 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
327 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
94685752 329 if (fCoordSystem==0){
330 // cartezian system
90a856f9 331 Double_t dxdydz[3]={0,0,0};
332 if(fFormulaX) dxdydz[0]=fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
333 if(fFormulaY) dxdydz[1]=fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
334 if(fFormulaZ) dxdydz[2]=fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
336 if (coord==0) return dxdydz[0];
337 if (coord==1) return dxdydz[1];
338 if (coord==2) return dxdydz[2];
339 if (coord==3) return dxdydz[0]*ca+dxdydz[1]*sa;
340 if (coord==4) return -dxdydz[0]*sa+dxdydz[1]*ca;
341 if (coord==5) return dxdydz[2];
94685752 342 }
343 if (fCoordSystem==1){
344 // cylindrical system
90a856f9 345 if (coord==2||coord==5) {
94685752 346 if (fFormulaZ==0) return 0;
347 return fFormulaZ(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
348 }
349 Double_t rrphiz[3]={0,0,0};
350 if (fFormulaX) rrphiz[0] = fFormulaX(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
351 if (fFormulaY) rrphiz[1] = fFormulaY(xyz,fFixedParam->GetMatrixArray());
438ccec6 352 alpha = TMath::ATan2(y,x);
353 ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
354 sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
94685752 355 if (coord==0) return ca*rrphiz[0]-sa*rrphiz[1];
356 if (coord==1) return sa*rrphiz[0]+ca*rrphiz[1];
90a856f9 357 if (coord==3) return rrphiz[0];
358 if (coord==4) return rrphiz[1];
94685752 359 }
360 return 0;
90a856f9 363
94685752 365Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRPol(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){
366 //
367 // Scaling and shift of TPC radius
368 // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point
369 // xyz[3] - scale parameter
6d438146 370 // param[0] - radial scaling power
371 // param[1] - drift scaling power
372 // radius from -1(at rInner) to 1 (rOuter)
373 // driftM from -1(at 0 drift) to 1 (250 cm drift)
375 Double_t rInner=78.8;
376 Double_t rOuter=258.0;
377 Double_t deltaR = rOuter-rInner;
378 Double_t radius = (TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1])-rInner)*2./deltaR;
379 Double_t driftM = (0.5 - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.))*2.0;
380 Double_t delta = TMath::Power(radius,param[0])*TMath::Power(driftM,param[1]);
381 return delta*xyz[3];
94685752 382}
1bc126e3 385Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDrift(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){
94685752 386 //
387 //
388 // Scaling and shift of TPC radius
389 // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point
390 // xyz[3] - scale parameter
391 Double_t driftP = TMath::Power(1. - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.), param[0]);
1bc126e3 392 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
393 Double_t deltaZ = (sector%36<18) ? -driftP : driftP;
94685752 394 return deltaZ*xyz[3];
1bc126e3 397Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftT0(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * /*param*/){
398 //
399 //
400 // Z shift because time 0 offset
401 // opposite on A and C side
402 //
403 // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point
404 // xyz[3] - scale parameter
405 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
406 Double_t sign = (sector%36<18) ? -1 : 1;
407 return sign*xyz[3];
ddf81107 410
1bc126e3 411Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingZDriftGy(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){
ddf81107 412 //
413 //
414 // Scaling and shift of TPC radius
415 // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point
416 // xyz[3] - scale parameter
417 Double_t driftP = TMath::Power(1. - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.), param[0]);
418 Double_t gy = xyz[1]/250.;
1bc126e3 419 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
420 Double_t deltaZ = (sector%36<18) ? -driftP : driftP;
ddf81107 421 return deltaZ*xyz[3]*gy;
94685752 426Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingPhiLocal(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){
427 //
428 //
429 // Scaling if the local y -phi
430 // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point
431 // xyz[3] - scale parameter
6d438146 432 // value = 1 for ful drift length and parameter 1
94685752 433 Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]);
434 Double_t sector = TMath::Nint(9*alpha/TMath::Pi()-0.5);
435 Double_t localAlpha = (alpha-(sector+0.5)*TMath::Pi()/9.);
436 Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1])/250.;
6d438146 437 //
438 Double_t deltaAlpha = radius*TMath::Power(2.*9.*localAlpha/TMath::Pi(),param[0]);
94685752 439 return deltaAlpha*xyz[3];
98a4cc77 442Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocalRPhiEdge(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
1bc126e3 443 //
444 //
445 // Scaling if the local y -phi
446 // xyz[0..2] - global xyz of point
447 // xyz[3] - scale parameter
448 // param[0] - dedge offset - should be around gap size/2.
449 // param[1] - dedge factor - should be around gap size/2.
450 Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(xyz[1],xyz[0]);
451 Double_t sector = TMath::Nint(9*alpha/TMath::Pi()-0.5);
452 Double_t localAlpha = (alpha-(sector+0.5)*TMath::Pi()/9.);
453 Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]);
454 Double_t deltaAlpha = TMath::Pi()/18.-TMath::Abs(localAlpha);
455 Double_t distEdge = (deltaAlpha*radius);
456 Double_t factor = 1./(1.+(distEdge-param[0])/param[1]);
457 return factor*xyz[3]*((localAlpha>0)? -1.:1.);
94685752 460
6d438146 461Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingRIFC(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){
462 //
463 // inner field cage r distorion - proportinal to 1 over distance to the IFC
464 // param[0] - drift polynom order
465 // distortion at first pad row - is normalized to
466 Double_t rInner=78.8;
467 Double_t rFirst=85.2;
468 Double_t deltaR = rFirst-rInner;
469 Double_t ndistR = (TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1])-rInner)/deltaR;
470 Double_t driftM = (0.5 - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.))*2.;
471 Double_t value = TMath::Power(driftM,param[0])/ndistR;
472 return xyz[3]*value;
475Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCscalingROFC(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * param){
476 //
477 // outer field cage r distorion - proportinal to 1 over distance to the OFC
478 // param[0] - drift polynom order
479 // driftM - from -1 to 1
480 //
481 Double_t rLast=245.8;
482 Double_t rOuter=258.0;
483 Double_t deltaR = rOuter-rLast;
484 Double_t ndistR = (rOuter-TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]))/deltaR;
485 Double_t driftM = (0.5 - TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.))*2.;
486 Double_t value = TMath::Power(driftM,param[0])/ndistR;
487 return xyz[3]*value;
0e9efcbe 489
98a4cc77 491Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCdeltaFCROC(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
87224220 492 //
493 // delta R(Z) ROC induced
494 // param[0] - switch 0 - use distance to IFC - 1 - distance to IFC
495 // param[1] - kFC scaling factor (multiplication factor of (OFC-IFC))
496 // param[2] - kROC scaling factor
497 // parameters [1] and [2] should be obtained from the electric field
498 // simulation
499 //
500 Double_t rInner=78.8;
501 Double_t rFirst=85.2;
502 Double_t rLast=245.8;
503 Double_t rOuter=258.0;
505 Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]);
506 //calculate distance to the FC - inner or outer
507 Double_t deltaFC = (param[0]<0.5)? TMath::Abs(radius-rFirst) : TMath::Abs(radius-rLast);
508 deltaFC/=(rOuter-rInner);
509 Double_t scalingFC = 1./(1.+deltaFC/(param[1]));
510 //
511 Double_t drift = 1.-TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.); // normalized drift length
512 Double_t scalingROC = (1.-1./(1.+drift/param[2]));
513 //
514 return xyz[3]*scalingFC*scalingROC;
98a4cc77 518Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCdeltaFCCE(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
87224220 519 //
520 // delta R(Z) CE (central electrode) induced
521 // param[0] - switch 0 - use distance to IFC - 1 - distance to IFC
522 // param[1] - kFC scaling factor (multiplication factor of (OFC-IFC))
523 // param[2] - kCE scaling factor
524 // parameters [1] and [2] should be obtained from the electric field
525 // simulation
526 Double_t rInner=78.8;
527 Double_t rFirst=85.2;
528 Double_t rLast =245.8;
529 Double_t rOuter=258.0;
531 Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]);
532 //calculate distance to the FC - inner or outer
533 Double_t deltaFC = (param[0]<0.5)? TMath::Abs(radius-rFirst) : TMath::Abs(radius-rLast);
534 deltaFC/=(rOuter-rInner);
535 Double_t scalingFC = 1./(1.+deltaFC/(param[1]));
536 //
537 Double_t drift = 1.-TMath::Abs(xyz[2]/250.); // normalized drift length
538 Double_t scalingCE = 1/(1.+(1.-drift)/param[2]); //
539 //
540 return xyz[3]*scalingFC*scalingCE;
0e9efcbe 549//
550// TPC sector local misalignment
3649eec1 552//
98a4cc77 554Double_t AliTPCTransformation:: TPClocaldLxdGX(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
0e9efcbe 555 //
556 // xyz - [0..2] - position
557 // [3] - scale parameter
558 // [4] - volID
3649eec1 559 // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha)
560 // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha)
561 // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite
0e9efcbe 562 // return delta in global coordiante system
563 //
564 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
565 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
566 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
3649eec1 567 // Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
568 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
569 Double_t factor = xyz[3];
570 if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]);
571 if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]);
572 if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1;
573 return ca*factor;
0e9efcbe 574}
98a4cc77 576Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLxdGY(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
0e9efcbe 577 //
578 // xyz - [0..2] - position
579 // [3] - scale parameter
580 // [4] - volID
3649eec1 581 // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha)
582 // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha)
583 // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite
0e9efcbe 584 // return delta in global coordiante system
585 //
586 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
587 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
588 //Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
589 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
3649eec1 590 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
591 Double_t factor = xyz[3];
592 if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]);
593 if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]);
594 if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1;
595 return sa*factor;
0e9efcbe 596}
98a4cc77 598Double_t AliTPCTransformation:: TPClocaldLydGX(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
0e9efcbe 599 //
600 // xyz - [0..2] - position
601 // [3] - scale parameter
602 // [4] - volID
3649eec1 603 // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha)
604 // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha)
605 // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite
0e9efcbe 606 // return delta in global coordiante system
607 //
608 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
609 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
610 //Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
611 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
3649eec1 612 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
613 Double_t factor = xyz[3];
614 if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]);
615 if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]);
616 if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1;
617 return -sa*factor;
0e9efcbe 618}
98a4cc77 620Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldLydGY(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
0e9efcbe 621 //
622 // xyz - [0..2] - position
623 // [3] - scale parameter
624 // [4] - volID
3649eec1 625 // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha)
626 // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha)
627 // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite
0e9efcbe 628 // return delta in global coordiante system
629 //
630 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
631 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
632 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
633 //Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
3649eec1 634 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
635 Double_t factor = xyz[3];
636 if (param[0]>0) factor*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]);
637 if (param[1]>0) factor*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]);
638 if (param[2]>0.5 && TMath::Sqrt(xyz[1]*xyz[1]+xyz[0]*xyz[0])>xIROCOROC) factor*=-1;
639 return ca*factor;
98a4cc77 643Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGX(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
3649eec1 644 //
645 // xyz - [0..2] - position
646 // [3] - scale parameter - rotation angle in mrad
647 // [4] - volID
648 // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha)
649 // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha)
650 // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite
651 // return delta in global coordiante system
652 //
653 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
654 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
655 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
656 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
657 Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa;
658 Double_t ly = -xyz[0]*sa + xyz[1]*ca;
659 //
660 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
661 lx-=xIROCOROC;
662 Double_t rot = xyz[3]*0.001; // rotation in mrad
663 if (param[0]>0) rot*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]);
664 if (param[1]>0) rot*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]);
665 if (param[2]>0.5 && lx>0) rot*=-1;
666 //
667 Double_t dlxR = - ly*rot;
668 Double_t dlyR = lx*rot;
669 Double_t dgxR = dlxR*ca - dlyR*sa;
670 //Double_t dgyR = dlxR*sa + dlyR*ca;
671 return dgxR;
98a4cc77 674Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPClocaldRzdGY(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
3649eec1 675 //
676 // xyz - [0..2] - position
677 // [3] - scale parameter - rotation angle in mrad
678 // [4] - volID
679 // param[0]= n - cos(n *alpha)
680 // param[1]= n - sin(n *alpha)
681 // param[2] - indication - 0 - the same for IROC OROC 1 - opposite
682 // return delta in global coordiante system
683 //
684 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
685 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
686 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
687 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
688 Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa;
689 Double_t ly = -xyz[0]*sa + xyz[1]*ca;
690 //
691 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
692 lx-=xIROCOROC;
693 Double_t rot = xyz[3]*0.001; // rotation in mrad
694 if (param[0]>0) rot*=TMath::Cos(alpha*param[0]);
695 if (param[1]>0) rot*=TMath::Sin(alpha*param[1]);
696 if (param[2]>0.5 && lx>0) rot*=-1;
697 Double_t dlxR = - ly*rot;
698 Double_t dlyR = lx*rot;
699 //Double_t dgxR = dlxR*ca - dlyR*sa;
700 Double_t dgyR = dlxR*sa + dlyR*ca;
701 return dgyR;
0e9efcbe 702}
ddf81107 705
706Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZMediumLong(Double_t *xyz, Double_t * /*param*/){
0e9efcbe 707 //
708 // xyz - [0..2] - position
709 // [3] - scale parameter
710 // [4] - volID
ddf81107 711 // return delta in global coordinate system
0e9efcbe 712 //
713 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
714 Double_t signZ = (sector%36<18) ? 1: -1; // drift direction
ddf81107 715 if (sector<36) return 0;
716 //
717 const Double_t radiusLong = 198.1;
718 //
719 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
720 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
721 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
722 Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa;
723 Double_t sign = (lx<radiusLong) ? 1:-1;
724 return xyz[3]*sign*signZ;
0e9efcbe 725}
98a4cc77 727Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCDeltaZ(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
0e9efcbe 728 //
729 // xyz - [0..2] - position
730 // [3] - scale parameter
731 // [4] - volID
ddf81107 732 // return delta in global coordiante system
0e9efcbe 733 //
734 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
ddf81107 735 Double_t delta = (sector%36<18) ? 1: -1; // drift direction
736 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
737 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
738 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
739 Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa;
0e9efcbe 740 //
ddf81107 741 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
742 if (param[0]>0) delta *= TMath::Cos(param[0]*alpha);
743 if (param[1]>0) delta *= TMath::Sin(param[1]*alpha);
744 if (param[2]>0.5 && lx >xIROCOROC) delta *=-1;
745 return delta*xyz[3]; // IROC shift
0e9efcbe 746}
ddf81107 748
98a4cc77 749Double_t AliTPCTransformation::TPCTiltingZ(Double_t *xyz, const Double_t *const param){
0e9efcbe 750 // xyz - [0..2] - position
751 // [3] - scale parameter
752 // [4] - volID
753 // param[0] - n for cos
754 // param[1] - n for sin
ddf81107 755 // param[2] - IROC-ORC relative (if >0.5 )
0e9efcbe 756 // return delta in global coordinate system
0e9efcbe 757 const Double_t rFirst=85.2;
758 const Double_t rLast =245.8;
ddf81107 759 const Double_t xIROCOROC = 133.4;
760 //
761 Int_t sector = TMath::Nint(xyz[4]);
762 Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()*(sector+0.5)/9;
763 Double_t ca = TMath::Cos(alpha);
764 Double_t sa = TMath::Sin(alpha);
765 Double_t lx = xyz[0]*ca + xyz[1]*sa;
766 Double_t deltaR = 2.0*(lx-xIROCOROC)/(rLast-rFirst);
0e9efcbe 767 if (param[0]>0) deltaR *= TMath::Cos(param[0]*alpha);
768 if (param[1]>0) deltaR *= TMath::Sin(param[1]*alpha);
ddf81107 769 if (param[2]>0.5 && lx >xIROCOROC) deltaR *=-1;
0e9efcbe 770 return deltaR*xyz[3];