]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCcalibPID.cxx
deleted duplicated macro
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCcalibPID.cxx
401ad2f1 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
19Basic calibration and QA class for the PID of the TPC based on dEdx.
21The corrections which are done on the cluster level (angle,drift time etc.) are here checked by plotting the dE/dx for selected tracks as a function of these variables. In addition the Bethe-Bloch-Parameterisation is fitted to the distribution and the corresponding parameters are being extracted.
231.a) Fast equalization for different gain in pad regions:
25TFile f("CalibObjects.root")
26AliTPCcalibPID *cal = f->Get("TPCCalib")->FindObject("calibPID")
37fb53c1 28cal->GetHistRatioMaxTot()->Projection(0)->Fit("gaus")
401ad2f1 30
311.b) Update OCDB:
32.x $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros/ConfigOCDB.C
33AliTPCClusterParam * parcl = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam();
37fb53c1 34*parcl->fQpadMnorm)[ipad] = oldvalue*corrFactor
401ad2f1 35
36Int_t runNumber = 0;
37AliCDBMetaData *metaData= new AliCDBMetaData();
39metaData->SetResponsible("Alexander Kalweit");
42metaData->SetComment("October runs calibration");
43AliCDBId id1("TPC/Calib/ClusterParam", runNumber, AliCDBRunRange::Infinity());
44gStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB");
45gStorage->Put(parcl, id1, metaData);
482.) Checks should be done with particles on the Fermi-Plateau and whoch leave a long track:
53variables to check:
55cal->GetHistQmax()->Projection(0,1)->Draw() z-dep.
56cal->GetHistQmax()->Projection(0,2)->Draw() snp-dep.
57cal->GetHistQmax()->Projection(0,3)->Draw() tgl-dep.
61 Comments to be written here:
62 1. What do we calibrate.
63 2. How to interpret results
64 3. Simple example
65 4. Analysis using debug streamers.
67Double_t initialParam[] = {3.81470,15.2608,3.25306e-07,2.51791,2.71012}
70Send comments etc. to: A.Kalweit@gsi.de, marian.ivanov@cern.ch
74#include "Riostream.h"
75#include "TChain.h"
76#include "TTree.h"
77#include "TH1F.h"
78#include "TH2F.h"
79#include "TList.h"
80#include "TMath.h"
81#include "TCanvas.h"
82#include "TFile.h"
83#include "TF1.h"
84#include "TVectorD.h"
85#include "TProfile.h"
87#include "AliTPCcalibDB.h"
88#include "AliTPCclusterMI.h"
89#include "AliTPCClusterParam.h"
90#include "AliTPCseed.h"
91#include "AliESDVertex.h"
92#include "AliESDEvent.h"
93#include "AliESDfriend.h"
94#include "AliESDInputHandler.h"
95#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
96#include "AliTPCParam.h"
98#include "AliLog.h"
100#include "AliTPCcalibPID.h"
102#include "TTreeStream.h"
109 :AliTPCcalibBase(),
110 fMIP(0),
111 fLowerTrunc(0),
112 fUpperTrunc(0),
113 fUseShapeNorm(0),
114 fUsePosNorm(0),
115 fUsePadNorm(0),
116 fIsCosmic(0),
117 fHistNTracks(0),
118 fClusters(0),
119 fPileUp(0),
120 fLandau(0),
121 fDeDxQmax(0),
122 fDeDxQtot(0),
37fb53c1 123 fDeDxRatioMaxTot(0),
124 fDeDxRatioQmax(0),
125 fDeDxRatioQtot(0),
126 fDeDxRatioTruncQtot(0),
127 fDeDxRatioTruncQmax(0)
401ad2f1 128{
129 //
130 // Empty default cosntructor
131 //
132 AliInfo("Default Constructor");
136AliTPCcalibPID::AliTPCcalibPID(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title)
137 :AliTPCcalibBase(),
138 fMIP(0),
139 fLowerTrunc(0),
140 fUpperTrunc(0),
141 fUseShapeNorm(0),
142 fUsePosNorm(0),
143 fUsePadNorm(0),
144 fIsCosmic(0),
145 fHistNTracks(0),
146 fClusters(0),
147 fPileUp(0),
148 fLandau(0),
149 fDeDxQmax(0),
150 fDeDxQtot(0),
37fb53c1 151 fDeDxRatioMaxTot(0),
152 fDeDxRatioQmax(0),
153 fDeDxRatioQtot(0) ,
154 fDeDxRatioTruncQtot(0),
155 fDeDxRatioTruncQmax(0)
401ad2f1 156{
157 //
158 //
159 //
160 SetName(name);
161 SetTitle(title);
162 //
163 fMIP = 40.;
164 fLowerTrunc = 0;
165 fUpperTrunc = 0.6;
166 //
167 fUseShapeNorm = kTRUE;
37fb53c1 168 fUsePosNorm = 0;
401ad2f1 169 fUsePadNorm = 1;
170 //
171 fIsCosmic = kTRUE;
172 //
37fb53c1 173 // dE/dx, z, phi, theta, p, bg, ncls, tracklet type
8a92e133 174 Int_t binsQA[8] = {300, 20, 10, 20, 50, 50, 8, 5};
175 Double_t xminQA[8] = {0.2, -1, 0, -1.5, 0.01, 0.1, 60, 0};
176 Double_t xmaxQA[8] = {10., 1, 0.9, 1.5, 50, 500, 160, 5};
401ad2f1 177 //
37fb53c1 178 //
179 //
180 // dE/dx, z, phi, theta, dEdx, dEdx*dl, ncls, tracklet type
8a92e133 181 Int_t binsRA[9] = {100, 20, 10, 20, 25, 25, 4, 5};
182 Double_t xminRa[9] = {0.5, -1, 0, -1.5, 0.2, 0.2, 60, 0};
183 Double_t xmaxRa[9] = {2, 1, 0.9, 1.5, 5, 5, 160, 5};
401ad2f1 184
185 // z,sin(phi),tan(theta),p,betaGamma,ncls
37fb53c1 186 fDeDxQmax = new THnSparseS("fDeDxQmax","Qmax;(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),p,betaGamma,ncls,type); TPC signal Qmax (a.u.)",8,binsQA,xminQA,xmaxQA);
187 fDeDxQtot = new THnSparseS("fDeDxQtot","Q_{tot};(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),p,betaGamma,ncls,type); TPC signal Qmax (a.u.)",8,binsQA,xminQA,xmaxQA);
188 //
189 // ratio histograms
190 //
191 fDeDxRatioMaxTot = new THnSparseS("fDeDxRatioMaxTot","Q_{max}/Q_{tot};(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl,ncls,type); TPC signal Qmax/Qtot (a.u.)",8,binsRA,xminRa,xmaxRa);
192 fDeDxRatioQmax = new THnSparseS("fDeDxRatioQmax","Q_{mtracklet}/Q_{mtrack};(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl,ncls,type,qtupe); TPC signal Tracklet/Track (a.u.)",8,binsRA,xminRa,xmaxRa);
193 fDeDxRatioQtot = new THnSparseS("fDeDxRatioQtot","Q_{ttracklet}/Q_{ttrack};(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl,ncls,type,qtupe); TPC signal Tracklet/Track (a.u.)",8,binsRA,xminRa,xmaxRa);
194 fDeDxRatioTruncQmax = new THnSparseS("fDeDxRatioTrunQmax","Q_{max}/Q_{maxtrunc};(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl,ncls,type,qtupe); TPC signal Full/Trunc. (a.u.)",8,binsRA,xminRa,xmaxRa);
8a92e133 195
37fb53c1 197 fDeDxRatioTruncQtot = new THnSparseS("fDeDxRatioTruncQtot","Q_{tot}/Q_{tottrunc};(z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl,ncls,type,qtupe); TPC signal Full/Trunc (a.u.)",8,binsRA,xminRa,xmaxRa);
8a92e133 200 BinLogX(fDeDxQmax,4); BinLogX(fDeDxQmax,5);BinLogX(fDeDxQmax,0);
201 BinLogX(fDeDxQtot,4); BinLogX(fDeDxQtot,5);BinLogX(fDeDxQmax,0);
37fb53c1 202 //
203 BinLogX(fDeDxRatioMaxTot,4); BinLogX(fDeDxRatioMaxTot,5);
204 BinLogX(fDeDxRatioQmax,4); BinLogX(fDeDxRatioQmax,5);
205 BinLogX(fDeDxRatioQtot,4); BinLogX(fDeDxRatioQtot,5);
206 BinLogX(fDeDxRatioTruncQmax,4); BinLogX(fDeDxRatioTruncQmax,5);
207 BinLogX(fDeDxRatioTruncQtot,4); BinLogX(fDeDxRatioTruncQtot,5);
401ad2f1 208 //
209 fHistNTracks = new TH1F("ntracks","Number of Tracks per Event; number of tracks per event; number of tracks",1001,-0.5,1000.5);
210 fClusters = new TH1F("signal","Number of Clusters per track; number of clusters per track n_{cl}; counts",40,0,160);
211 fPileUp = new TH2F("PileUp","timing plots.; #Delta L ; dEdx signal ",400,-1,1,400,0,200);
212 fLandau = new TH2F("Landau","Landau.; pad type ; cluster charge ",3,-0.5,2.5,400,0,1000);
213 //
214 AliInfo("Non Default Constructor");
215 //
220 //
221 //
222 //
8a92e133 223 delete fHistNTracks; // histogram showing number of ESD tracks per event
224 delete fClusters; // histogram showing the number of clusters per track
225 delete fPileUp; // histogram which shows correlation between time mismatch and dEdx signal
226 delete fLandau; // histogran which shows Landau distribution for the three pad geometries
227 //
228 delete fDeDxQmax; // histogram which shows dEdx (Qmax) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),p,betaGamma
229 delete fDeDxQtot; // histogram which shows dEdx (Qtot) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),p,betaGamma
230 //
231 // ratio histograms
232 //
233 delete fDeDxRatioMaxTot; // histogram which shows dEdx ratio (Qmax/Qtot) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl
234 delete fDeDxRatioQmax; // dEdx ratio (tracklet/track) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl
235 delete fDeDxRatioQtot; // dEdx ratio (tracklet/track) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl
236 delete fDeDxRatioTruncQtot; // dEdx ratio (tracklet/track) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*dl
237 delete fDeDxRatioTruncQmax; // dEdx ratio (tracklet/track) as a function of z,sin(phi),tan(theta),dEdx,dEdx*d
401ad2f1 238}
242void AliTPCcalibPID::Process(AliESDEvent *event) {
243 //
244 //
245 //
246 if (!event) {
247 Printf("ERROR: ESD not available");
248 return;
249 }
37fb53c1 250 const Int_t kMinClustersTracklet = 25;
401ad2f1 251 Int_t ntracks=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
252 fHistNTracks->Fill(ntracks);
14fae91a 254 AliESDfriend *esdFriend=static_cast<AliESDfriend*>(event->FindListObject("AliESDfriend"));
255 if (!esdFriend) {
256 Printf("ERROR: esdFriend not available");
401ad2f1 257 return;
258 }
259 //
260 // track loop
261 //
262 for (Int_t i=0;i<ntracks;++i) {
264 AliESDtrack *track = event->GetTrack(i);
265 if (!track) continue;
8a92e133 268 AliExternalTrackParam * trackIn = (AliExternalTrackParam *)track->GetInnerParam();
269 AliExternalTrackParam * trackOut = (AliExternalTrackParam *)track->GetOuterParam();
401ad2f1 270 if (!trackIn) continue;
271 if (!trackOut) continue;
273 // calculate necessary track parameters
274 //Double_t meanP = 0.5*(trackIn->GetP() + trackOut->GetP());
275 Double_t meanP = trackIn->GetP();
37fb53c1 276 //Double_t d = trackIn->GetLinearD(0,0);
14fae91a 277 Int_t nclsDeDx = track->GetTPCNcls();
401ad2f1 278
279 //if (meanP > 0.7 || meanP < 0.2) continue;
14fae91a 280 if (nclsDeDx < 60) continue;
401ad2f1 281
282 // exclude tracks which do not look like primaries or are simply too short or on wrong sectors
284 //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetSnp()) > 3*0.4) continue;
285 //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetZ()) > 150) continue;
286 //if (seed->CookShape(1) > 1) continue;
287 //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetY()) > 20) continue;
288 //if (TMath::Abs(d)>20) continue; // distance to the 0,0; select only tracks which cross chambers under proper angle
289 //if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetSnp()) > 0.6) continue;
290 //if (TMath::Abs(trackOut->GetSnp()) > 0.2) continue;
291 if (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetAlpha()+0.872665)<0.01 || TMath::Abs(trackOut->GetAlpha()+0.872665)<0.01) continue; // Funny sector !
293 // Get seeds
14fae91a 294 AliESDfriendTrack *friendTrack = esdFriend->GetTrack(i);
401ad2f1 295 if (!friendTrack) continue;
296 TObject *calibObject;
297 AliTPCseed *seed = 0;
298 for (Int_t l=0;(calibObject=friendTrack->GetCalibObject(l));++l) {
299 if ((seed=dynamic_cast<AliTPCseed*>(calibObject))) break;
300 }
302 if (seed) {
303 if (meanP > 30 && TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetSnp()) < 0.2) fClusters->Fill(track->GetTPCNcls());
304 // calculate dEdx
3226e48f 305 Double_t tpcSignalMax = (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxNorm(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,1,0,159,fUseShapeNorm,fUsePosNorm,fUsePadNorm,0);
401ad2f1 306 //
401ad2f1 307 //
308 //Double_t driftMismatch = seed->GetDriftTimeMismatch(0,0.95,0.5);
309 Double_t driftMismatch = 0;
37fb53c1 310 // Double_t drift = 1 - (TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetZ()) + TMath::Abs(trackOut->GetZ()))/500.;
401ad2f1 311
312 // particle identification
313 Double_t mass = 0.105658369;// muon
315 if (meanP > 30) {
3226e48f 316 fPileUp->Fill(driftMismatch,tpcSignalMax);
401ad2f1 317 //
318 fLandau->Fill(0.1,0.6);
319 }
320 //var. of interest, z,sin(phi),tan(theta),p,betaGamma,ncls
8a92e133 321 Double_t snpIn = TMath::Abs(trackIn->GetSnp());
322 Double_t snpOut = TMath::Abs(trackOut->GetSnp());
323 Double_t tglIn = trackIn->GetTgl();
324 Double_t tglOut = trackOut->GetTgl();
325 Double_t driftIn = trackIn->GetZ()/250.;
326 Double_t driftOut= trackIn->GetZ()/250.;
401ad2f1 327 //
37fb53c1 328 // dEdx in region
329 //
330 Float_t dEdxTot[5],dEdxTotFull[5];
331 Float_t dEdxMax[5],dEdxMaxFull[5];
8a92e133 332 Float_t ncl[5];
37fb53c1 333 for (Int_t itype=0; itype<5;itype++){
334 Int_t row0=0, row1 =159;
335 if (itype==1) {row0=0; row1 = 63;};
336 if (itype==2) {row0= 64; row1=63+64;}
337 if (itype==3) {row0= 63+64; row1=159;}
8a92e133 338 if (fUsePosNorm==0){
339 dEdxTot[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxNorm(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,0,row0,row1,fUseShapeNorm,fUsePosNorm,fUsePadNorm,0);
340 dEdxMax[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxNorm(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,1,row0,row1,fUseShapeNorm,fUsePosNorm,fUsePadNorm,0);
341 // non trucated dEdx
342 dEdxTotFull[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxNorm(0.0,0.99,0,row0,row1,fUseShapeNorm,fUsePosNorm,fUsePadNorm,0);
343 dEdxMaxFull[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxNorm(0.0,0.99,1,row0,row1,fUseShapeNorm,fUsePosNorm,fUsePadNorm,0);
344 }else{
345 dEdxTot[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxAnalytical(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,0,row0,row1);
346 dEdxMax[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxAnalytical(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,1,row0,row1);
347 // non trucated dEdx
348 dEdxTotFull[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxAnalytical(0.0,0.99,0,row0,row1);
349 dEdxMaxFull[itype]= (1/fMIP)*seed->CookdEdxAnalytical(0.0,0.99,1,row0,row1);
350 }
37fb53c1 351
8a92e133 352 ncl[itype]=(seed->CookdEdxAnalytical(fLowerTrunc,fUpperTrunc,1,row0,row1,2));
37fb53c1 353 }
354 //
355 //
356 //
357 Float_t wmeanTot=0, wmeanMax=0, sumW=0;
358 Double_t length[3] = {0.75,1,1.5};
8a92e133 359 // //
37fb53c1 361 for (Int_t ipad=0; ipad<3; ipad++){
362 if (ncl[1+ipad]<3) continue;
363 Double_t weight = Double_t(ncl[1+ipad])*TMath::Sqrt(length[ipad]);
364 wmeanTot+=dEdxTot[1+ipad]*weight;
365 wmeanMax+=dEdxMax[1+ipad]*weight;
366 sumW+=weight;
367 }
368 if (sumW>0){
369 dEdxTot[4]= wmeanTot/sumW;
370 dEdxMax[4]= wmeanMax/sumW;
371 }
372 for (Int_t itype=0;itype<5;itype++){
373 //
374 Float_t snp=(TMath::Abs(snpIn)+TMath::Abs(snpOut))*0.5;
8a92e133 375 Float_t tgl=(tglIn+tglOut)*0.5;
37fb53c1 376 Float_t drift = (driftIn+driftOut)*0.5;
8a92e133 377 if (itype==1) {snp = TMath::Abs(snpIn); tgl = tglIn; drift= driftIn;};
378 if (itype==3) {snp = TMath::Abs(snpOut); tgl = tglOut;drift=driftOut;};
37fb53c1 379 if (ncl[itype]<kMinClustersTracklet) continue;
380 Float_t deltaL = TMath::Sqrt(1+snp*snp+tgl*tgl);
381 //
14fae91a 382 Double_t vecQmax[8] = {dEdxMax[itype],drift,snp,tgl,meanP,meanP/mass,nclsDeDx, itype};
383 Double_t vecQtot[8] = {dEdxTot[itype],drift,snp,tgl,meanP,meanP/mass,nclsDeDx, itype};
37fb53c1 384 //
385 //
386 //
387 Double_t ratioMaxTot = (dEdxTot[itype]>0) ? dEdxMax[itype]/dEdxTot[itype]:0;
388 Double_t ratioTrackletTot = (dEdxTot[0]>0) ? dEdxTot[itype]/dEdxTot[0]:0;
389 Double_t ratioTrackletMax = (dEdxMax[0]>0) ? dEdxMax[itype]/dEdxMax[0]:0;
390 Double_t ratioTrackletTruncTot = (dEdxTot[0]>0) ? dEdxTotFull[itype]/dEdxTot[itype]:0;
391 Double_t ratioTrackletTruncMax = (dEdxMax[0]>0) ? dEdxMaxFull[itype]/dEdxMax[itype]:0;
14fae91a 393 Double_t vecRatioMaxTot[8] = {ratioMaxTot, drift,snp,tgl,dEdxTot[0], dEdxTot[0]*deltaL,nclsDeDx,itype};
394 Double_t vecRatioTrackletTot[8] = {ratioTrackletTot, drift,snp,tgl,dEdxTot[0], dEdxTot[0]*deltaL,nclsDeDx,itype};
395 Double_t vecRatioTrackletMax[8] = {ratioTrackletMax, drift,snp,tgl,dEdxMax[0], dEdxMax[0]*deltaL,nclsDeDx,itype};
396 Double_t vecRatioTrackletTruncTot[8] = {ratioTrackletTruncTot, drift,snp,tgl,dEdxTot[0], dEdxTot[0]*deltaL,nclsDeDx,itype};
397 Double_t vecRatioTrackletTruncMax[8] = {ratioTrackletTruncMax, drift,snp,tgl,dEdxMax[0], dEdxMax[0]*deltaL,nclsDeDx,itype};
37fb53c1 398 fDeDxQmax->Fill(vecQmax);
399 fDeDxQtot->Fill(vecQtot);
400 fDeDxRatioMaxTot->Fill(vecRatioMaxTot);
f44de3d8 401 fDeDxRatioQmax->Fill(vecRatioTrackletMax);
402 fDeDxRatioQtot->Fill(vecRatioTrackletTot);
403 fDeDxRatioTruncQmax->Fill(vecRatioTrackletTruncMax);
404 fDeDxRatioTruncQtot->Fill(vecRatioTrackletTruncTot);
37fb53c1 405 //
406 TTreeSRedirector * cstream = GetDebugStreamer();
407 if (cstream){
408 TVectorD vQT(9,vecQtot);
409 TVectorD vQM(9,vecQmax);
410 TVectorD vQMT(9, vecRatioMaxTot);
411 TVectorD vQRT(9,vecRatioTrackletTot);
412 TVectorD vQRM(9,vecRatioTrackletMax);
413 TVectorD vQRTT(9,vecRatioTrackletTruncTot);
414 TVectorD vQRTM(9,vecRatioTrackletTruncMax);
8a92e133 415 TVectorF vNcl(5,ncl);
37fb53c1 416 (*cstream) << "dEdx" <<
417 "run="<<fRun<< // run number
418 "event="<<fEvent<< // event number
419 "time="<<fTime<< // time stamp of event
420 "trigger="<<fTrigger<< // trigger
421 "mag="<<fMagF<< // magnetic field
422 "track.="<<seed<< // original seed
8a92e133 423 "trin.="<<trackIn<< // inner param
424 "trout.="<<trackOut<< // outer param
425 "ncl.="<<&vNcl<< // number of clusters
426 "itype="<<itype<<
37fb53c1 427 //
428 "vQT.="<<&vQT<< // trunc mean - total charge
429 "vQM.="<<&vQM<< // trunc mean - max charge
430 //
431 "vQMT.="<<&vQMT<< // ratio max/tot
432 "vQRT.="<<&vQRT<< // ratio tracklet/track - total charge
433 "vQRM.="<<&vQRM<< // ratio tracklet/track - max charge
434 "vQRTT.="<<&vQRTT<< // ratio trunc/full - total charge
435 "vQRTM.="<<&vQRTM<< // ratio trunc/full - max charge
436 "\n";
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 }
401ad2f1 441}
445void AliTPCcalibPID::Analyze() {
448 return;
453Long64_t AliTPCcalibPID::Merge(TCollection *li) {
455 TIterator* iter = li->MakeIterator();
456 AliTPCcalibPID* cal = 0;
458 while ((cal = (AliTPCcalibPID*)iter->Next())) {
459 if (!cal->InheritsFrom(AliTPCcalibPID::Class())) {
460 Error("Merge","Attempt to add object of class %s to a %s", cal->ClassName(), this->ClassName());
461 return -1;
462 }
464 if (cal->GetHistNTracks()) fHistNTracks->Add(cal->GetHistNTracks());
465 if (cal->GetHistClusters()) fClusters->Add(cal->GetHistClusters());
466 if (cal->GetHistPileUp()) fPileUp->Add(cal->GetHistPileUp());
467 if (cal->GetHistLandau()) fLandau->Add(cal->GetHistLandau());
468 //
469 if (cal->GetHistQmax()) fDeDxQmax->Add(cal->GetHistQmax());
470 if (cal->GetHistQtot()) fDeDxQtot->Add(cal->GetHistQtot());
37fb53c1 471 if (cal->GetHistRatioMaxTot()) fDeDxRatioMaxTot->Add(cal->GetHistRatioMaxTot());
472 if (cal->GetHistRatioQmax()) fDeDxRatioQmax->Add(cal->GetHistRatioQmax());
473 if (cal->GetHistRatioQtot()) fDeDxRatioQtot->Add(cal->GetHistRatioQtot());
474 if (cal->GetHistRatioTruncQmax()) fDeDxRatioTruncQmax->Add(cal->GetHistRatioTruncQmax());
475 if (cal->GetHistRatioTruncQtot()) fDeDxRatioTruncQtot->Add(cal->GetHistRatioTruncQtot());
401ad2f1 476 }
478 return 0;
401ad2f1 484void AliTPCcalibPID::BinLogX(THnSparse *h, Int_t axisDim) {
486 // Method for the correct logarithmic binning of histograms
488 TAxis *axis = h->GetAxis(axisDim);
489 int bins = axis->GetNbins();
491 Double_t from = axis->GetXmin();
492 Double_t to = axis->GetXmax();
3226e48f 493 Double_t *newBins = new Double_t[bins + 1];
401ad2f1 494
3226e48f 495 newBins[0] = from;
401ad2f1 496 Double_t factor = pow(to/from, 1./bins);
498 for (int i = 1; i <= bins; i++) {
3226e48f 499 newBins[i] = factor * newBins[i-1];
401ad2f1 500 }
3226e48f 501 axis->Set(bins, newBins);
4ce766eb 502 delete [] newBins;
401ad2f1 503
37fb53c1 506
510void AliTPCcalibPID::MakeReport(const char *outputpath) {
511 //
512 // Make a standard QA plots
513 //
514 for (Int_t ipad=0;ipad<4;ipad++){
515 DrawRatioTot(ipad,outputpath);
516 DrawRatioMax(ipad,outputpath);
517 }
518 DrawRatiodEdx(0.5,3,outputpath);
8a92e133 519 DrawResolBGQtot(140,160,1,40,outputpath);
520 DrawResolBGQmax(140,160,1,40,outputpath);
37fb53c1 521 return;
524void AliTPCcalibPID::DrawRatioTot(Int_t ipad, const char* outputpath){
525 //
526 // Draw default ratio histogram for given pad type
527 // ipad - 0 - short pads
528 // 1 - medium pads
529 // 2 - long pads
530 //
531 // Int_t kmicolors[10]={1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11};
532 Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
533 AliTPCcalibPID * pid = this;
8a92e133 534 TCanvas *canvas= new TCanvas(Form("QtotRatio%d)",ipad),Form("QtotRatio%d)",ipad),600,800);
37fb53c1 535 canvas->Divide(3,2);
536 pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(ipad+2,ipad+2);
537 canvas->cd(1);
538 TH1 * his0 = pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0);
539 his0->SetXTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
540 his0->SetYTitle("");
541 his0->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
542 his0->Draw();
543 //
544 canvas->cd(2);
545 TH1 * hprofz = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0,1)->ProfileX());
546 hprofz->SetXTitle("drift length");
547 hprofz->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
548 hprofz->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
549 hprofz->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
550 hprofz->SetMaximum(1.1);
551 hprofz->SetMinimum(0.9);
552 hprofz->Draw();
553 //
554 canvas->cd(3);
555 TH1 * hprofphi = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0,2)->ProfileX());
556 hprofphi->SetXTitle("sin(#phi)");
557 hprofphi->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
558 hprofphi->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
559 hprofphi->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
560 hprofz->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
561 hprofphi->SetMaximum(1.1);
562 hprofphi->SetMinimum(0.9);
563 hprofphi->Draw();
564 //
565 canvas->cd(4);
566 TH1 * hproftheta = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0,3)->ProfileX());
567 hproftheta->SetXTitle("tan(#theta)");
568 hproftheta->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
569 hproftheta->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
570 hproftheta->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
571 hproftheta->SetMaximum(1.1);
572 hproftheta->SetMinimum(0.9);
573 hproftheta->Draw();
574 //
575 canvas->cd(5);
576 TH1 * hprofdedx = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0,4)->ProfileX());
577 hprofdedx->SetXTitle("dEdx_{track}");
578 hprofdedx->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
579 hprofdedx->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
580 hprofdedx->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
581 hprofdedx->SetMaximum(1.1);
582 hprofdedx->SetMinimum(0.9);
583 hprofdedx->Draw();
585 canvas->cd(6);
586 TH1 * hprofdedxL = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0,5)->ProfileX());
587 hprofdedxL->SetXTitle("dEdx_{track}#Delta_{x}");
588 hprofdedxL->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
589 hprofdedxL->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
590 hprofdedxL->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
591 hprofdedxL->SetMaximum(1.1);
592 hprofdedxL->SetMinimum(0.9);
593 hprofdedxL->Draw();
597 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/QtotRatioType%d.eps",outputpath,ipad));
598 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/QtotRatioType%d.gif",outputpath,ipad));
601void AliTPCcalibPID::DrawRatioMax(Int_t ipad, const char* outputpath){
602 //
603 // Draw default ration histogram for given pad type
604 // ipad - 0 - short pads
605 // 1 - medium pads
606 // 2 - long pads
607 //
608 // Int_t kmicolors[10]={1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11};
609 Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
610 AliTPCcalibPID * pid = this;
8a92e133 611 TCanvas *canvas= new TCanvas(Form("QmaxRatio%d)",ipad),Form("QmaxRatio%d)",ipad),600,800);
37fb53c1 612 canvas->Divide(3,2);
613 pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(ipad+2,ipad+2);
614 canvas->cd(1);
615 TH1 * his0 = pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0);
616 his0->SetXTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
617 his0->SetYTitle("");
618 his0->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
619 his0->Draw();
620 //
621 canvas->cd(2);
622 TH1 * hprofz = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0,1)->ProfileX());
623 hprofz->SetXTitle("drift length");
624 hprofz->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
625 hprofz->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
626 hprofz->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
627 hprofz->SetMaximum(1.1);
628 hprofz->SetMinimum(0.9);
629 hprofz->Draw();
630 //
631 canvas->cd(3);
632 TH1 * hprofphi = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0,2)->ProfileX());
633 hprofphi->SetXTitle("sin(#phi)");
634 hprofphi->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
635 hprofphi->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
636 hprofphi->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
637 hprofphi->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
638 hprofphi->SetMaximum(1.1);
639 hprofphi->SetMinimum(0.9);
640 hprofphi->Draw();
641 //
642 canvas->cd(4);
643 TH1 * hproftheta = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0,3)->ProfileX());
644 hproftheta->SetXTitle("tan(#theta)");
645 hproftheta->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
646 hproftheta->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
647 hproftheta->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
648 hproftheta->SetMaximum(1.1);
649 hproftheta->SetMinimum(0.9);
650 hproftheta->Draw();
652 canvas->cd(5);
653 TH1 * hprofdedx = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0,4)->ProfileX());
654 hprofdedx->SetXTitle("dEdx_{track}");
655 hprofdedx->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
656 hprofdedx->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
657 hprofdedx->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
658 hprofdedx->SetMaximum(1.1);
659 hprofdedx->SetMinimum(0.9);
660 hprofdedx->Draw();
662 canvas->cd(6);
663 TH1 * hprofdedxL = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0,5)->ProfileX());
664 hprofdedxL->SetXTitle("dEdx_{track}#Delta_{x}");
665 hprofdedxL->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
666 hprofdedxL->SetTitle(Form("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
667 hprofdedxL->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
668 hprofdedxL->SetMaximum(1.1);
669 hprofdedxL->SetMinimum(0.9);
670 hprofdedxL->Draw();
673 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/QmaxRatioType%d.eps",outputpath,ipad));
674 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/QmaxRatioType%d.gif",outputpath,ipad));
679void AliTPCcalibPID::DrawRatiodEdx(Float_t demin, Float_t demax, const char* outputpath){
680 //
681 //
682 //
683 //
684 // Int_t kmicolors[10]={1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11};
685 Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
686 AliTPCcalibPID * pid = this;
8a92e133 687 TCanvas *canvas= new TCanvas("QRatiodEdx","QRatiodEdx",600,800);
37fb53c1 688 canvas->Divide(2,4);
689 canvas->SetLogx(kTRUE);
690 TH1 * hprofP=0;
691 for (Int_t ipad=0;ipad<4;ipad++){
692 pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(ipad+2,ipad+2);
693 pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(ipad+2,ipad+2);
694 pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->GetAxis(5)->SetRangeUser(demin,demax);
695 pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->GetAxis(5)->SetRangeUser(demin,demax);
697 canvas->cd(ipad*2+1)->SetLogx(kFALSE);
698 hprofP = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQmax()->Projection(0,5)->ProfileX());
699 hprofP->SetXTitle("dEdx_{track}");
700 hprofP->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
8a92e133 701 hprofP->SetTitle(Form("Q_{max} dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
37fb53c1 702 hprofP->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
703 hprofP->SetMaximum(1.1);
704 hprofP->SetMinimum(0.9);
705 hprofP->Draw();
706 // pad Tot
707 canvas->cd(ipad*2+2)->SetLogx(kFALSE);
708 hprofP = (TH1*) (pid->GetHistRatioQtot()->Projection(0,5)->ProfileX());
709 hprofP->SetXTitle("dEdx_{track}");
710 hprofP->SetYTitle("dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track}");
8a92e133 711 hprofP->SetTitle(Form("Q_{tot} dEdx_{tracklet}/dEdx_{track} type %d",ipad));
37fb53c1 712 hprofP->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
713 hprofP->SetMaximum(1.1);
714 hprofP->SetMinimum(0.9);
715 hprofP->Draw();
716 }
717 //
718 //
8a92e133 719 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/QratiodEdx.eps",outputpath));
720 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/QratiodEdx.gif",outputpath));
37fb53c1 721}
8a92e133 725void AliTPCcalibPID::DrawResolBGQtot(Int_t minClusters, Int_t maxClusters, Float_t minp, Float_t maxp, const char *outputpath, Bool_t resol){
37fb53c1 726 //
727 //
728 //
729 AliTPCcalibPID * pid = this;
730 Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
732 TObjArray arr;
733 TH2 * his =0;
734 TH1 * hmean =0;
735 TH1 * hsigma=0;
736 //
737 // set cut
738 pid->GetHistQtot()->GetAxis(6)->SetRangeUser(minClusters,maxClusters);
739 pid->GetHistQtot()->GetAxis(5)->SetRangeUser(1,10000);
8a92e133 740 pid->GetHistQtot()->GetAxis(4)->SetRangeUser(minp,maxp);
741 TCanvas *canvas= new TCanvas("dEdxResolQ_{Tot}","dEdxResolQ_{Tot}",800,600);
37fb53c1 742 canvas->Divide(2,3);
743 //
744 //
745 //
746 for (Int_t ipad=0;ipad<5;ipad++){
747 canvas->cd(1+ipad)->SetLogx(kTRUE);
748 if (ipad<4) pid->GetHistQtot()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(ipad+2,ipad+2);
749 if (ipad==4) pid->GetHistQtot()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(1,1);
750 his = (TH2*)(pid->GetHistQtot()->Projection(0,5));
751 his->FitSlicesY(0,0,-1,0,"QNR",&arr);
8a92e133 752 if (resol){
753 hmean = (TH1*)arr.At(1);
754 hsigma = (TH1*)arr.At(2)->Clone();
755 hsigma->SetMaximum(0.11);
756 hsigma->SetMinimum(0.4);
757 hsigma->Divide(hmean);
758 }else{
759 hsigma = (TH1*)arr.At(1)->Clone();
760 hsigma->SetMaximum(2);
761 hsigma->SetMinimum(0.5);
762 }
37fb53c1 763 arr.SetOwner(kTRUE);
764 arr.Delete();
765 delete his;
767 hsigma->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
768 hsigma->SetYTitle("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx");
769 hsigma->SetTitle(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{tot} Pad %d",ipad));
770 hsigma->SetName(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{tot} Pad %d",ipad));
771 if (ipad==4) {
772 hsigma->SetTitle(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{tot} Full"));
773 hsigma->SetName(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{tot} Full"));
774 }
775 hsigma->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
37fb53c1 776 hsigma->Draw();
777 }
8a92e133 778 if (resol){
779 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxResolTot.eps",outputpath));
780 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxResolTot.gif",outputpath));
781 }else {
782 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxBGTot.eps",outputpath));
783 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxBGTot.gif",outputpath));
784 }
37fb53c1 785}
8a92e133 787void AliTPCcalibPID::DrawResolBGQmax(Int_t minClusters, Int_t maxClusters, Float_t minp, Float_t maxp, const char *outputpath, Bool_t resol){
37fb53c1 788 //
789 // Int_t minClusters=140; Int_t maxClusters=200; const char *outputpath="picPID06"
790 //
791 Int_t kmimarkers[10]={21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30};
792 AliTPCcalibPID * pid = this;
793 TObjArray arr;
794 TH2 * his =0;
795 TH1 * hmean =0;
796 TH1 * hsigma=0;
797 //
798 // set cut
799 pid->GetHistQmax()->GetAxis(6)->SetRangeUser(minClusters,maxClusters);
8a92e133 800 pid->GetHistQmax()->GetAxis(4)->SetRangeUser(minp,maxp);
37fb53c1 801 pid->GetHistQmax()->GetAxis(5)->SetRangeUser(1,10000);
8a92e133 802 TCanvas *canvas= new TCanvas("dEdxResolQ_{Max}","dEdxResolQ_{Max}",800,600);
37fb53c1 803 canvas->Divide(2,3);
804 //
805 //
806 //
807 for (Int_t ipad=0;ipad<5;ipad++){
808 canvas->cd(1+ipad)->SetLogx(kTRUE);
809 if (ipad<4) pid->GetHistQmax()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(ipad+2,ipad+2);
810 if (ipad==4) pid->GetHistQmax()->GetAxis(7)->SetRange(1,1);
811 his = (TH2*)(pid->GetHistQmax()->Projection(0,5));
812 his->FitSlicesY(0,0,-1,0,"QNR",&arr);
8a92e133 813 if (resol){
814 hmean = (TH1*)arr.At(1);
815 hsigma = (TH1*)arr.At(2)->Clone();
816 hsigma->SetMaximum(0.11);
817 hsigma->SetMinimum(0.4);
818 hsigma->Divide(hmean);
819 }else{
820 hsigma = (TH1*)arr.At(1)->Clone();
821 hsigma->SetMaximum(2.);
822 hsigma->SetMinimum(0.5);
823 }
37fb53c1 824 arr.SetOwner(kTRUE);
825 arr.Delete();
826 delete his;
827 hsigma->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
828 hsigma->SetYTitle("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx");
829 hsigma->SetTitle(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{max} Pad %d",ipad));
830 hsigma->SetName(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{max} Pad %d",ipad));
831 if (ipad==4){
832 hsigma->SetTitle(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{max} Full"));
833 hsigma->SetName(Form("#sigma_{dEdx}/dEdx_{max} Full"));
834 }
835 hsigma->SetMarkerStyle(kmimarkers[0]);
37fb53c1 836 hsigma->Draw();
837 }
8a92e133 838
839 if (resol){
840 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxResolMax.eps",outputpath));
841 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxResolMax.gif",outputpath));
842 }else {
843 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxBGMax.eps",outputpath));
844 canvas->SaveAs(Form("%s/dEdxBGMax.gif",outputpath));
845 }
37fb53c1 848}
852void AliTPCcalibPID::DumpTree(THnSparse * hndim, const char * outname){
853 //
854 // make a tree
855 // the tree will be written to the file - outname
856 //
8a92e133 857 //
37fb53c1 860 TTreeSRedirector *pcstream = new TTreeSRedirector(outname);
861 //
862 //
863 Double_t position[10];
864 Double_t value;
865 Int_t *bins = new Int_t[10];
866 //
867 //
8a92e133 868 const Float_t rmsy0=0.5, rmsz0=1;
869 //
37fb53c1 870 Int_t ndim = hndim->GetNdimensions();
871 //
8a92e133 872 AliTPCParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters();
37fb53c1 873 for (Long64_t i = 0; i < hndim->GetNbins(); ++i) {
874 value = hndim->GetBinContent(i, bins);
875 for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < ndim; idim++) {
876 position[idim] = hndim->GetAxis(idim)->GetBinCenter(bins[idim]);
877 }
8a92e133 878 Int_t sector=36;
879 Int_t row=0;
880 if (TMath::Abs(position[7]-1.5)<0.1) sector=0; // inner sector
881 if (TMath::Abs(position[7]-3.5)<0.1) row=96; // long pads
37fb53c1 883 Double_t ty = TMath::Tan(TMath::ASin(position[2]));
884 Double_t tz = position[3]*TMath::Sqrt(1+ty*ty);
8a92e133 885 Double_t padLength= param->GetPadPitchLength(sector,row);
886 Double_t padWidth = param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
887 Double_t zwidth = param->GetZWidth();
888 Double_t zlength=250-TMath::Abs(position[1])*250.;
889 // diffusion in pad, time bin units
890 Double_t diffT=TMath::Sqrt(zlength)*param->GetDiffT()/padWidth;
891 Double_t diffL=TMath::Sqrt(zlength)*param->GetDiffL()/zwidth;
892 //
893 // transform angular effect to pad units
894 Double_t pky = ty*padLength/padWidth;
895 Double_t pkz = tz*padLength/zwidth;
896 //
37fb53c1 897 //
8a92e133 898 Double_t sy = TMath::Sqrt(rmsy0*rmsy0+diffT*diffT+pky*pky/12.);
899 Double_t sz = TMath::Sqrt(rmsz0*rmsz0+diffL*diffL+pkz*pkz/12.);
900 Int_t ipad = TMath::Nint(position[7]-1.5);
901 //
37fb53c1 902 (*pcstream)<<"Dump"<<
903 "bincont="<<value<< // bin content
904 "val="<<position[0]<< // parameter difference
8a92e133 905 "ipad="<<ipad<< // pad type
37fb53c1 906 "dr="<<position[1]<< //drift
907 "ty="<<ty<< //phi
908 "tz="<<tz<< //theta
909 "p2="<<position[2]<< //p2
910 "p3="<<position[3]<< //p3
911 "p="<<position[4]<< //p
912 "bg="<<position[5]<< //bg
913 "ncl="<<position[6]<< //ncl
914 "type="<<position[7]<< //tracklet
915 "tot="<<position[8]<< //is tot
8a92e133 916 "sy="<<sy<< // sigma y
917 "sz="<<sz<< // sigma z
918 "pky="<<pky<< // ky - angle in pad units
919 "pkz="<<pkz<< // kz - angle in pad units
920 "diy="<<diffT<<
921 "diz="<<diffL<<
37fb53c1 922 "\n";
923 }
924 delete pcstream;
928void AliTPCcalibPID::DumpTrees(){
929 //
930 // dump the content of histogram to the tree
931 //
932 AliTPCcalibPID *pid = this;
933 DumpTree(pid->GetHistQtot(),"dumpQtot.root");
934 DumpTree(pid->GetHistQmax(),"dumpQmax.root");
935 DumpTree(pid->GetHistRatioQtot(),"dumpRatioQtot.root");
936 DumpTree(pid->GetHistRatioQmax(),"dumpRatioQmax.root");