]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCcalibTracksGain.h
fixes to cuts
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCcalibTracksGain.h
10757ee9 1#ifndef AliTPCCALIBTRACKSGAIN_H
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
b8601924 6
10757ee9 7#include <TChain.h>
8#include <TNamed.h>
11#include <TObjArray.h>
12#include <TH2D.h>
13#include <TVectorD.h>
14#include <TMatrixD.h>
16#include <iostream>
17#include <TH1F.h>
b8601924 19#include <AliTPCcalibBase.h>
10757ee9 21using namespace std;
23class TTreeSRedirector;
c6f3749a 24class TObjString;
10757ee9 25class TLinearFitter;
c6f3749a 26class TProfile;
27class TProfile2D;
28class TH1F;
10757ee9 29
30class AliTPCClusterParam;
31class AliTPCParamSR;
32class AliTPCCalROC;
33class AliTPCCalPad;
34class AliTPCseed;
35class AliTPCclusterMI;
36class AliTrackPointArray;
37class TTreeStream;
38class AliTPCcalibTracksCuts;
39class AliTPCFitPad;
8076baa0 40class TGraph;
41class AliTPCCClusterParam;
10757ee9 42
b8601924 43class AliTPCcalibTracksGain : public AliTPCcalibBase {
10757ee9 44public:
45 enum {
46 kShortPads = 0,
47 kMediumPads = 1,
48 kLongPads = 2
49 };
50 enum {
51 kSimpleFitter = 0,
52 kSqrtFitter = 1,
53 kLogFitter = 2
54 };
c6f3749a 56 AliTPCcalibTracksGain();
57 AliTPCcalibTracksGain(const AliTPCcalibTracksGain& obj);
0ffd2ae1 58 AliTPCcalibTracksGain(const char* name, const char* title, AliTPCcalibTracksCuts* cuts);
c6f3749a 59 virtual ~AliTPCcalibTracksGain();
60 AliTPCcalibTracksGain& operator=(const AliTPCcalibTracksGain& rhs);
b8601924 61 virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection *list);
62 virtual void Process(AliTPCseed* seed);
63 virtual void Terminate();
64 virtual void Analyze();
c6f3749a 65 //
2acad464 66 // Tracks and cluster manipulation
c6f3749a 67 //
489dce1b 68 Float_t GetGain(AliTPCclusterMI *cl);
69 Float_t GetMaxNorm(AliTPCclusterMI * cl, Float_t ky, Float_t kz);
70 Float_t GetQNorm(AliTPCclusterMI * cl, Float_t ky, Float_t kz);
c6f3749a 71 void AddTrack(AliTPCseed* seed);
c6f3749a 72 void DumpTrack(AliTPCseed* track);
73 Bool_t GetDedx(AliTPCseed* track, Int_t padType, Int_t*rows,
74 Int_t &sector, Int_t& npoints,
75 TVectorD &dedxM, TVectorD &dedxQ,
76 TVectorD &parY, TVectorD &parZ, TVectorD & meanPos);
77 void AddCluster(AliTPCclusterMI* cluster, Float_t momenta, Float_t mdedx, Int_t padType, Float_t xcenter, TVectorD &dedxQ, TVectorD & dedxM, Float_t fraction, Float_t fraction2, Float_t dedge, TVectorD& parY, TVectorD& parZ, TVectorD& meanPos);
78 void AddTracklet(UInt_t sector, UInt_t padType,TVectorD &dedxQ, TVectorD &dedxM,TVectorD& parY, TVectorD& parZ, TVectorD& meanPos);
10757ee9 79
c6f3749a 80 void Add(AliTPCcalibTracksGain* cal);
da7d274e 81
c6f3749a 82 //
83 // Get Derived results - gain maps
84 //
85 AliTPCCalPad* CreateFitCalPad(UInt_t fitType, Bool_t undoTransformation = kFALSE, Bool_t normalizeToPadSize = kFALSE);
86 AliTPCCalROC* CreateFitCalROC(UInt_t sector, UInt_t fitType, Bool_t undoTransformation = kFALSE, Bool_t normalizeToPadSize = kFALSE);
87 AliTPCCalROC* CreateFitCalROC(UInt_t sector, UInt_t padType, TVectorD &fitParam, UInt_t fitType, Bool_t undoTransformation = kFALSE, Bool_t normalizeToPadSize = kFALSE);
88 AliTPCCalROC* CreateCombinedCalROC(const AliTPCCalROC* roc1, const AliTPCCalROC* roc2);
89 //
90 void Evaluate(Bool_t robust = kFALSE, Double_t frac = -1.);
684602c8 91 Bool_t GetParameters(UInt_t segment, UInt_t padType, UInt_t fitType, TVectorD &fitParam);
c6f3749a 92 void GetErrors(UInt_t segment, UInt_t padType, UInt_t fitType, TVectorD &fitError);
93 Double_t GetRedChi2(UInt_t segment, UInt_t padType, UInt_t fitType);
94 void GetCovarianceMatrix(UInt_t segment, UInt_t padType, UInt_t fitType, TMatrixD& covMatrix);
8076baa0 95 //
96 //
97 void UpdateClusterParam(AliTPCClusterParam *param);
98 TGraph * CreateAmpGraph(Int_t ipad, Bool_t qmax);
1aa15e8d 101 TLinearFitter* GetFitter(UInt_t segment, UInt_t padType, UInt_t fitType);
102 void Process(AliESDEvent *event) {AliTPCcalibBase::Process(event);};
103 void Process(AliESDtrack *track, Int_t runNo=-1){AliTPCcalibBase::Process(track,runNo);};
b8601924 104
c6f3749a 105public:
106 //
107 // Helper function
108 //
109 static Double_t GetPadLength(Double_t lx);
110 static Int_t GetPadType(Double_t lx);
c6f3749a 111 //
112 //
c6f3749a 113 AliTPCcalibTracksCuts* fCuts; // cuts that are used for sieving the tracks used for calibration
114 //
489dce1b 115 // kalman fit - alignment of dEdx
c6f3749a 116 //
c6f3749a 117 //
118 // Fitters
119 //
120 AliTPCFitPad* fSimpleFitter; // simple fitter for short pads
121 AliTPCFitPad* fSqrtFitter; // sqrt fitter for medium pads
122 AliTPCFitPad* fLogFitter; // log fitter for long pads
684602c8 123 //
c6f3749a 124 TLinearFitter* fFitter0M; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction, and mean chamber gain
125 TLinearFitter* fFitter1M; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction, and mean chamber gain
126 TLinearFitter* fFitter2M; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction, and mean chamber gain
127 TLinearFitter* fFitter0T; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction, and mean chamber gain
128 TLinearFitter* fFitter1T; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction, and mean chamber gain
129 TLinearFitter* fFitter2T; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction, and mean chamber gain
684602c8 130 //
131 // angular adn diffusion effect fitter
132 //
133 TLinearFitter* fDFitter0M; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction
134 TLinearFitter* fDFitter1M; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction
135 TLinearFitter* fDFitter2M; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction
136 TLinearFitter* fDFitter0T; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction
137 TLinearFitter* fDFitter1T; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction
138 TLinearFitter* fDFitter2T; // fitting of the atenuation, angular correction
139 //
489dce1b 140 AliTPCFitPad* fSingleSectorFitter; // just for debugging
c6f3749a 141 //
142 // Conters
143 //
144 UInt_t fTotalTracks; // just for debugging
145 UInt_t fAcceptedTracks; // just for debugging
c6f3749a 146 UInt_t fNShortClusters[36]; // number of clusters registered on short pads
147 UInt_t fNMediumClusters[36]; // number of clusters registered on medium pads
148 UInt_t fNLongClusters[36]; // number of clusters registered on long pads
149 //
150 //
c6f3749a 151 //
152 // Setup
153 //
10757ee9 154 static AliTPCParamSR* fgTPCparam; //! helper object for geometry related operations
155 static const Double_t fgkM; // value used in the transformation of the charge values for the logarithmic fitter
156 static const char* fgkDebugStreamFileName; // filename of the debug stream file
157 static const Bool_t fgkUseTotalCharge; // whether to use the cluster's total or maximum charge
159 ClassDef(AliTPCcalibTracksGain, 1);