]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCcalibUnlinearity.cxx
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCcalibUnlinearity.cxx
c11fe047 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17 Class for histogramming of cluster residuals
28b5b7c8 18 and fitting of the unlinearities. To be used only for data without
19 magnetic field. The laser tracks should be also rejected.
20 //
22 Track fitting:
23 The track is fitted using linear and parabolic model
24 The edge clusters are removed from the fit.
25 Edge pad-row - first and last 15 padrows removed from the fit
27 Unlinearities fitting:
28 Unlinearities at the edge aproximated using two exponential decays.
30 Model:
31 dz = dz0(r,z) +dr(r,z)*tan(theta)
32 dy = +dr(r,z)*tan(phi)
37fb53c1 35 .x ~/NimStyle.C
36 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
37 gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib");
38 TFile fcalib("CalibObjects.root");
39 TObjArray * array = (TObjArray*)fcalib.Get("TPCCalib");
40 AliTPCcalibUnlinearity * calibUnlin = ( AliTPCcalibUnlinearity *)array->FindObject("calibUnlinearity");
41 //
c11fe047 43*/
46#include "TLinearFitter.h"
48#include "Riostream.h"
49#include "TChain.h"
50#include "TTree.h"
51#include "TH1F.h"
52#include "TH2F.h"
53#include "TH3F.h"
54#include "THnSparse.h"
55#include "TList.h"
56#include "TMath.h"
57#include "TCanvas.h"
58#include "TFile.h"
59#include "TF1.h"
60#include "TVectorD.h"
61#include "TProfile.h"
62#include "TGraphErrors.h"
63#include "TCanvas.h"
28b5b7c8 64#include "TCut.h"
c11fe047 66
67#include "AliTPCclusterMI.h"
68#include "AliTPCseed.h"
69#include "AliESDVertex.h"
70#include "AliESDEvent.h"
71#include "AliESDfriend.h"
72#include "AliESDInputHandler.h"
73#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
74#include "AliTracker.h"
f7a1cc68 75#include "AliMagF.h"
c11fe047 76#include "AliTPCCalROC.h"
78#include "AliLog.h"
81#include "TTreeStream.h"
82#include "AliTPCTracklet.h"
83#include "TTimeStamp.h"
84#include "AliTPCcalibDB.h"
c11fe047 85#include "AliDCSSensorArray.h"
86#include "AliDCSSensor.h"
87#include "TLinearFitter.h"
28b5b7c8 88#include "AliTPCClusterParam.h"
89#include "TStatToolkit.h"
c11fe047 90
92#include "AliTPCcalibUnlinearity.h"
37fb53c1 93#include "AliTPCPointCorrection.h"
c11fe047 94
99 AliTPCcalibBase(),
37fb53c1 100 fInit(kFALSE),
101 fDiffHistoLineY(0),
102 fDiffHistoParY(0),
103 fDiffHistoLineZ(0),
104 fDiffHistoParZ(0),
c11fe047 105 fFittersOutR(38),
28b5b7c8 106 fFittersOutZ(38),
107 fParamsOutR(38),
108 fParamsOutZ(38),
109 fErrorsOutR(38),
37fb53c1 110 fErrorsOutZ(38),
111 fDistRPHIPlus(74),
112 fDistRPHIMinus(74),
113 fFitterQuadrantY(16*38),
114 fFitterQuadrantPhi(16*38)
c11fe047 115{
116 //
117 // Defualt constructor
118 //
121AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::AliTPCcalibUnlinearity(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title):
122 AliTPCcalibBase(name,title),
37fb53c1 123 fInit(kFALSE),
124 fDiffHistoLineY(0),
125 fDiffHistoParY(0),
126 fDiffHistoLineZ(0),
127 fDiffHistoParZ(0),
c11fe047 128 fFittersOutR(38),
28b5b7c8 129 fFittersOutZ(38),
130 fParamsOutR(38),
131 fParamsOutZ(38),
132 fErrorsOutR(38),
37fb53c1 133 fErrorsOutZ(38),
134 fDistRPHIPlus(74),
135 fDistRPHIMinus(74),
136 fFitterQuadrantY(16*38),
137 fFitterQuadrantPhi(16*38)
c11fe047 138{
139 //
140 // Non default constructor
141 //
37fb53c1 142 MakeHisto();
c11fe047 143}
146 //
147 //
148 //
37fb53c1 149 if (fDiffHistoLineZ) delete fDiffHistoLineY;
150 if (fDiffHistoParZ) delete fDiffHistoParY;
151 if (fDiffHistoLineZ) delete fDiffHistoLineZ;
152 if (fDiffHistoParZ) delete fDiffHistoParZ;
c11fe047 153}
28b5b7c8 156
c11fe047 159void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::Process(AliTPCseed *seed) {
160 //
161 //
162 //
37fb53c1 163 if (!fInit) {
164 Init(); // work around for PROOF - initialize firs time used
165 }
c11fe047 166 const Int_t kdrow=10;
167 const Int_t kMinCluster=35;
c11fe047 168 if (!seed) return;
28b5b7c8 169 if (TMath::Abs(fMagF)>0.01) return; // use only data without field
c11fe047 170 Int_t counter[72];
171 for (Int_t i=0;i<72;i++) counter[i]=0;
172 for (Int_t irow=kdrow;irow<159-kdrow;irow++) {
173 AliTPCclusterMI *cluster=seed->GetClusterPointer(irow);
174 if (!cluster) continue;
175 if (cluster->GetType()<0) continue;
176 counter[cluster->GetDetector()]++;
177 }
178 //
179 for (Int_t is=0; is<72;is++){
180 if (counter[is]>kMinCluster) ProcessDiff(seed, is);
37fb53c1 181 if (counter[is]>kMinCluster) {
182 AlignOROC(seed, is);
183 }
c11fe047 184 }
188void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::ProcessDiff(AliTPCseed *track, Int_t isec){
189 //
190 // process differnce of the cluster in respect with linear and parabolic fit
191 //
192 const Double_t kXmean=134;
193 const Int_t kdrow=10;
37fb53c1 194 const Float_t kSagitaCut = 1;
c11fe047 195 static TLinearFitter fy1(2,"pol1");
196 static TLinearFitter fy2(3,"pol2");
197 static TLinearFitter fz1(2,"pol1");
198 static TLinearFitter fz2(3,"pol2");
199 //
200 static TVectorD py1(2);
201 static TVectorD py2(3);
202 static TVectorD pz1(2);
203 static TVectorD pz2(3);
204 //
205 fy1.ClearPoints();
206 fy2.ClearPoints();
207 fz1.ClearPoints();
208 fz2.ClearPoints();
209 //
210 for (Int_t irow=kdrow;irow<159-kdrow;irow++) {
211 AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(irow);
212 if (!c) continue;
213 if (c->GetDetector()!=isec) continue;
214 if (c->GetType()<0) continue;
28b5b7c8 215 Double_t dx = c->GetX()-kXmean;
c11fe047 216 Double_t x[2]={dx, dx*dx};
217 fy1.AddPoint(x,c->GetY());
218 fy2.AddPoint(x,c->GetY());
219 fz1.AddPoint(x,c->GetZ());
220 fz2.AddPoint(x,c->GetZ());
221 }
222 fy1.Eval(); fy1.GetParameters(py1);
223 fy2.Eval(); fy2.GetParameters(py2);
224 fz1.Eval(); fz1.GetParameters(pz1);
225 fz2.Eval(); fz2.GetParameters(pz2);
226 //
228 for (Int_t irow=0;irow<159;irow++) {
229 AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(irow);
230 if (!c) continue;
231 if (c->GetDetector()!=isec) continue;
28b5b7c8 232 Double_t dx = c->GetX()-kXmean;
233 Double_t y1 = py1[0]+py1[1]*dx;
234 Double_t y2 = py2[0]+py2[1]*dx+py2[2]*dx*dx;
c11fe047 235 //
28b5b7c8 236 Double_t z1 = pz1[0]+pz1[1]*dx;
237 Double_t z2 = pz2[0]+pz2[1]*dx+pz2[2]*dx*dx;
c11fe047 238 //
37fb53c1 239 Double_t edgeMinus= -y1+c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.);
240 Double_t edgePlus = y1+c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.);
241 Int_t npads = AliTPCROC::Instance()->GetNPads(isec,c->GetRow());
242 Float_t dpad = TMath::Min(c->GetPad(), npads-1- c->GetPad());
243 Float_t dy =c->GetY()-y1;
244 //
245 // Corrections
246 //
247 AliTPCPointCorrection * corr = AliTPCPointCorrection::Instance();
248 Double_t corrclY=0, corrtrY=0, corrR=0;
249 corrclY = corr->RPhiCOGCorrection(isec,c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(),
250 c->GetY(),c->GetY(), c->GetZ(), py1[1],c->GetMax(),2.5);
251 corrtrY = corr->RPhiCOGCorrection(isec,c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(),
252 c->GetY(),y1, c->GetZ(), py1[1], c->GetMax(),2.5);
253 corrR = corr->CorrectionOutR0(kFALSE,kFALSE,c->GetX(),c->GetY(),c->GetZ(),isec);
254 //
c11fe047 255 //
c11fe047 256 //
c11fe047 257 if (fStreamLevel>1){
258 TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer();
259 if (cstream){
260 (*cstream)<<"Diff"<<
28b5b7c8 261 "run="<<fRun<< // run number
262 "event="<<fEvent<< // event number
263 "time="<<fTime<< // time stamp of event
264 "trigger="<<fTrigger<< // trigger
265 "mag="<<fMagF<< // magnetic field
37fb53c1 266 "isec="<<isec<< // current sector
267 "npads="<<npads<< // number of pads at given sector
268 "dpad="<<dpad<< // distance to edge pad
269 //
270 "crR="<<corrR<< // radial correction
271 "cclY="<<corrclY<< // edge effect correction cl
272 "ctrY="<<corrtrY<< // edge effect correction using track
273 //
c11fe047 274 "Cl.="<<c<<
275 "y1="<<y1<<
276 "y2="<<y2<<
277 "z1="<<z1<<
278 "z2="<<z2<<
279 "py1.="<<&py1<<
280 "py2.="<<&py2<<
281 "pz1.="<<&pz1<<
282 "pz2.="<<&pz2<<
37fb53c1 283 "eP="<<edgePlus<<
284 "eM="<<edgeMinus<<
c11fe047 285 "\n";
286 }
287 }
37fb53c1 288 if (TMath::Min(edgeMinus,edgePlus)<6){
289 AddPointRPHI(isec,c->GetX(),c->GetY(),c->GetZ(),y1,z1,py1[1],pz1[1],1);
290 TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer();
291 if (TMath::Abs(dy)<2 && cstream){
292 (*cstream)<<"rphi"<<
293 "isec="<<isec<< // current sector
294 "npads="<<npads<< // number of pads at given sector
295 "dpad="<<dpad<< // distance to edge pad
296 "eP="<<edgePlus<< // distance to edge
297 "eM="<<edgeMinus<< // distance to edge minus
298 //
299 "crR="<<corrR<< // radial correction
300 "cclY="<<corrclY<< // edge effect correction cl
301 "ctrY="<<corrtrY<< // edge effect correction using track
302 //
303 "dy="<<dy<< // dy
304 "Cl.="<<c<<
305 "y1="<<y1<<
306 "y2="<<y2<<
307 "z1="<<z1<<
308 "z2="<<z2<<
309 "py1.="<<&py1<<
310 "pz1.="<<&pz1<<
311 "\n";
312 }
313 }
314 if (c->GetType()<0) continue; // don't use edge rphi cluster
315 //
316 //
317 Double_t x[10];
318 x[0]=c->GetDetector();
319 x[1]=c->GetRow();
320 x[2]=c->GetY()/c->GetX();
321 x[3]=c->GetZ();
322 //
323 // apply sagita cut
324 //
325 if (TMath::Abs(py2[2]*150*150/4)<kSagitaCut &&
326 TMath::Abs(pz2[2]*150*150/4)<kSagitaCut){
327 //
328 x[4]=py1[1];
329 x[5]=c->GetY()-y1;
330 fDiffHistoLineY->Fill(x);
331 x[5]=c->GetY()-y2;
332 //fDiffHistoParY->Fill(x);
333 //
334 x[4]=pz1[1];
335 x[5]=c->GetY()-z1;
336 fDiffHistoLineZ->Fill(x);
337 x[5]=c->GetY()-z2;
338 //fDiffHistoParZ->Fill(x);
339 // Apply sagita cut
340 AddPoint(isec,c->GetX(),c->GetY(),c->GetZ(),y1,z1,py1[1],pz1[1],1);
341 }
c11fe047 343 }
37fb53c1 347void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::AlignOROC(AliTPCseed *track, Int_t isec){
348 //
349 // fit the tracklet in OROC sepatately in Quadrant
350 //
351 //
352 if (isec<36) return;
353 const Int_t kMinClusterF=35;
354 const Int_t kMinClusterQ=10;
355 //
356 const Int_t kdrow1 =8; // rows to skip at the end
357 const Int_t kdrow0 =2; // rows to skip at beginning
358 const Float_t kedgey=3;
359 const Float_t kMaxDist=0.5;
360 const Float_t kMaxCorrY=0.1;
361 const Float_t kPRFWidth = 0.6; //cut 2 sigma of PRF
362 //
363 //
364 AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance();
365 AliTPCPointCorrection * corr = AliTPCPointCorrection::Instance();
366 const Double_t kXmean=roc->GetPadRowRadii(isec,53);
367 //
368 // full track fit parameters
369 //
370 TLinearFitter fyf(2,"pol1");
371 TLinearFitter fzf(2,"pol1");
372 TVectorD pyf(2), peyf(2),pzf(2), pezf(2);
373 Int_t nf=0;
374 //
375 // make full fit as reference
376 //
377 for (Int_t iter=0; iter<2; iter++){
378 fyf.ClearPoints();
379 for (Int_t irow=kdrow0;irow<159-kdrow1;irow++) {
380 AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(irow);
381 if (!c) continue;
382 if (c->GetDetector()!=isec) continue;
383 if (c->GetRow()<kdrow0) continue;
384 Double_t dx = c->GetX()-kXmean;
385 Double_t x[2]={dx, dx*dx};
386 if (iter==0 &&c->GetType()<0) continue;
387 if (iter==1){
388 Double_t yfit = pyf[0]+pyf[1]*dx;
389 Double_t dedge = c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.)-TMath::Abs(yfit);
390 if (TMath::Abs(c->GetY()-yfit)>kMaxDist) continue;
391 if (dedge<kedgey) continue;
392 Double_t corrtrY =
393 corr->RPhiCOGCorrection(isec,c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(),
394 c->GetY(),yfit, c->GetZ(), pyf[1], c->GetMax(),2.5);
395 if (TMath::Abs(corrtrY)>kMaxCorrY) continue;
396 }
397 fyf.AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1);
398 fzf.AddPoint(x,c->GetZ(),0.1);
399 }
400 nf = fyf.GetNpoints();
401 if (nf<kMinClusterF) return; // not enough points - skip
402 fyf.Eval();
403 fyf.GetParameters(pyf);
404 fyf.GetErrors(peyf);
405 fzf.Eval();
406 fzf.GetParameters(pzf);
407 fzf.GetErrors(pezf);
408 }
409 //
410 // Make Fitters and params for 3 fitters
411 //
412 TLinearFitter *fitters[4];
413 Int_t npoints[4];
414 TVectorD params[4];
415 TVectorD errors[4];
416 Double_t chi2C[4];
417 for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
418 fitters[i] = new TLinearFitter(2,"pol1");
419 npoints[i]=0;
420 params[i].ResizeTo(2);
421 errors[i].ResizeTo(2);
422 }
423 //
424 // Update fitters
425 //
426 for (Int_t irow=kdrow0;irow<159-kdrow1;irow++) {
427 AliTPCclusterMI *c=track->GetClusterPointer(irow);
428 if (!c) continue;
429 if (c->GetDetector()!=isec) continue;
430 if (c->GetRow()<kdrow0) continue;
431 Double_t dx = c->GetX()-kXmean;
432 Double_t x[2]={dx, dx*dx};
433 Double_t yfit = pyf[0]+pyf[1]*dx;
434 Double_t dedge = c->GetX()*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.)-TMath::Abs(yfit);
435 if (TMath::Abs(c->GetY()-yfit)>kMaxDist) continue;
436 if (dedge<kedgey) continue;
437 Double_t corrtrY =
438 corr->RPhiCOGCorrection(isec,c->GetRow(), c->GetPad(),
439 c->GetY(),yfit, c->GetZ(), pyf[1], c->GetMax(),2.5);
440 if (TMath::Abs(corrtrY)>kMaxCorrY) continue;
441 if (dx<0){
442 if (yfit<-kPRFWidth) fitters[0]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1);
443 if (yfit>kPRFWidth) fitters[1]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1);
444 }
445 if (dx>0){
446 if (yfit<-kPRFWidth) fitters[2]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1);
447 if (yfit>kPRFWidth) fitters[3]->AddPoint(x,c->GetY(),0.1);
448 }
449 }
451 for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
452 npoints[i] = fitters[i]->GetNpoints();
453 if (npoints[i]>=kMinClusterQ){
454 fitters[i]->Eval();
455 Double_t chi2Fac = TMath::Sqrt(fitters[i]->GetChisquare()/(fitters[i]->GetNpoints()-2));
456 chi2C[i]=chi2Fac;
457 fitters[i]->GetParameters(params[i]);
458 fitters[i]->GetErrors(errors[i]);
459 // renormalize errors
460 errors[i][0]*=chi2Fac;
461 errors[i][1]*=chi2Fac;
462 }
463 }
464 //
465 // Fill fitters
466 //
467 for (Int_t i0=0;i0<4;i0++){
468 for (Int_t i1=0;i1<4;i1++){
469 if (i0==i1) continue;
470 if(npoints[i0]<kMinClusterQ) continue;
471 if(npoints[i1]<kMinClusterQ) continue;
472 Int_t index0=i0*4+i1;
473 Double_t xy[1];
474 Double_t xfi[1];
475 xy[0] = pyf[1];
476 xfi[0] = pyf[1];
477 //
478 Double_t dy = params[i1][0]-params[i0][0];
479 Double_t sy = TMath::Sqrt(errors[i1][0]*errors[i1][0]+errors[i0][0]*errors[i0][0]);
480 Double_t dphi = params[i1][1]-params[i0][1];
481 Double_t sphi = TMath::Sqrt(errors[i1][1]*errors[i1][1]+errors[i0][1]*errors[i0][1]);
482 //
483 Int_t sector = isec-36;
484 //
485 if (TMath::Abs(dy/(sy+0.1))>5.) continue; // 5 sigma cut
486 if (TMath::Abs(dphi/(sphi+0.004))>5.) continue; // 5 sigma cut
487 TLinearFitter * fitterY,*fitterPhi;
488 fitterY = (TLinearFitter*) fFitterQuadrantY.At(16*sector+index0);
489 if (TMath::Abs(dy/(sy+0.1))<5.) fitterY->AddPoint(xy,dy,sy);
490 fitterY = (TLinearFitter*) fFitterQuadrantY.At(16*36+index0);
491 if (TMath::Abs(dy/(sy+0.1))<5.) fitterY->AddPoint(xy,dy,sy);
492 //
493 fitterPhi = (TLinearFitter*) fFitterQuadrantPhi.At(16*sector+index0);
494 if (TMath::Abs(dphi/(sphi+0.001))<5.) fitterPhi->AddPoint(xfi,dphi,sphi);
495 fitterPhi = (TLinearFitter*) fFitterQuadrantPhi.At(16*36+index0);
496 if (TMath::Abs(dphi/(sphi+0.001))<5.) fitterPhi->AddPoint(xfi,dphi,sphi);
497 }
498 }
499 //
500 // Dump debug information
501 //
502 if (fStreamLevel>0){
503 TTreeSRedirector *cstream = GetDebugStreamer();
504 Int_t sector = isec-36;
505 if (cstream){
506 for (Int_t i0=0;i0<4;i0++){
507 for (Int_t i1=i0;i1<4;i1++){
508 if (i0==i1) continue;
509 if(npoints[i0]<kMinClusterQ) continue;
510 if(npoints[i1]<kMinClusterQ) continue;
511 (*cstream)<<"fitQ"<<
512 "run="<<fRun<< // run number
513 "event="<<fEvent<< // event number
514 "time="<<fTime<< // time stamp of event
515 "trigger="<<fTrigger<< // trigger
516 "mag="<<fMagF<< // magnetic field
517 "sec="<<sector<< // current sector from 0 to 36
518 "isec="<<isec<< // current sector
519 // full fit
520 "nf="<<nf<< // total number of points
521 "pyf.="<<&pyf<< // full OROC fit y
522 "pzf.="<<&pzf<< // full OROC fit z
523 // quadrant fit
524 "i0="<<i0<< // quadrant number
525 "i1="<<i1<<
526 "n0="<<npoints[i0]<< // number of points
527 "n1="<<npoints[i1]<<
528 "p0.="<<&params[i0]<< // parameters
529 "p1.="<<&params[i1]<<
530 "e0.="<<&errors[i0]<< // errors
531 "e1.="<<&errors[i1]<<
532 "chi0="<<chi2C[i0]<< // chi2s
533 "chi1="<<chi2C[i1]<<
535 "\n";
536 }
537 }
538 }
539 }
c11fe047 546void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::MakeHisto(){
547 //
548 //
549 //
550 TString axisName[10];
551 Double_t xmin[10], xmax[10];
552 Int_t nbins[10];
553 //
554 //
555 axisName[0]="sector";
556 xmin[0]=0; xmax[0]=72; nbins[0]=72;
37fb53c1 557 //
c11fe047 558 axisName[1]="row";
37fb53c1 559 xmin[1]=0; xmax[1]=96; nbins[1]=96;
c11fe047 560 //
37fb53c1 561 axisName[2]="tphi"; // tan phi - ly/lx
562 xmin[2]=-0.17; xmax[2]=0.17; nbins[2]=5;
563 //
564 axisName[3]="lz"; // global z
565 xmin[3]=-250; xmax[3]=250; nbins[3]=10;
566 //
567 axisName[4]="k"; // tangent - in angle
568 xmin[4]=-0.5; xmax[4]=0.5; nbins[4]=10;
569 //
570 //
571 axisName[5]="delta"; // delta
572 xmin[5]=-0.5; xmax[5]=0.5; nbins[5]=100;
573 //
574 //
575 fDiffHistoLineY = new THnSparseF("hnDistHistoLineY","hnDistHistoLineY",6,nbins,xmin,xmax);
576 fDiffHistoParY = new THnSparseF("hnDistHistoParY","hnDistHistoParY",6,nbins,xmin,xmax);
577 fDiffHistoLineZ = new THnSparseF("hnDistHistoLineZ","hnDistHistoLineZ",6,nbins,xmin,xmax);
578 fDiffHistoParZ = new THnSparseF("hnDistHistoParZ","hnDistHistoParZ",6,nbins,xmin,xmax);
579 // for (Int_t i=0; i<8;i++){
580// fDiffHistoLineY->GetAxis(i)->SetName(axisName[i].Data());
581// fDiffHistoParY->GetAxis(i)->SetName(axisName[i].Data());
582// fDiffHistoLineY->GetAxis(i)->SetTitle(axisName[i].Data());
583// fDiffHistoParY->GetAxis(i)->SetTitle(axisName[i].Data());
584// fDiffHistoLineZ->GetAxis(i)->SetName(axisName[i].Data());
585// fDiffHistoParZ->GetAxis(i)->SetName(axisName[i].Data());
586// fDiffHistoLineZ->GetAxis(i)->SetTitle(axisName[i].Data());
587// fDiffHistoParZ->GetAxis(i)->SetTitle(axisName[i].Data());
588// }
c11fe047 590 //
37fb53c1 591 //
c11fe047 592 //
37fb53c1 593 char hname[1000];
594 TH2F * his=0;
595 for (Int_t isec=0;isec<74;isec++){
596 sprintf(hname,"DeltaRPhiPlus_Sector%d",isec);
597 his = new TH2F(hname,hname,100,1,4,100,-0.5,0.5);
598 his->SetDirectory(0);
599 fDistRPHIPlus.AddAt(his,isec);
600 sprintf(hname,"DeltaRPhiMinus_Sector%d",isec);
601 his = new TH2F(hname,hname,100,1,4,100,-0.5,0.5);
602 his->SetDirectory(0);
603 fDistRPHIMinus.AddAt(his,isec);
c11fe047 604 }
608void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::Terminate(){
609 //
610 // Terminate function
611 // call base terminate + Eval of fitters
612 //
613 Info("AliTPCcalibUnlinearities","Terminate");
614 EvalFitters();
615 DumpTree();
616 AliTPCcalibBase::Terminate();
37fb53c1 619Long64_t AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::Merge(TCollection *list) {
620 //
621 // merge results
622 //
623 TIterator* iter = list->MakeIterator();
624 AliTPCcalibUnlinearity* cal = 0;
625 //
626 while ((cal = (AliTPCcalibUnlinearity*)iter->Next())) {
627 if (!cal->InheritsFrom(AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::Class())) {
628 return -1;
629 }
630 Add(cal);
631 }
632 return 0;
635void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::Add(AliTPCcalibUnlinearity * calib){
636 //
637 //
638 //
639 if (!fInit) Init();
640 if (fDiffHistoLineY && calib->fDiffHistoLineY){
641 fDiffHistoLineY->Add(calib->fDiffHistoLineY);
642 }
643 if (fDiffHistoParY && calib->fDiffHistoParY){
644 fDiffHistoParY->Add(calib->fDiffHistoParY);
645 }
646 if (fDiffHistoLineZ && calib->fDiffHistoLineZ){
647 fDiffHistoLineZ->Add(calib->fDiffHistoLineZ);
648 }
649 if (fDiffHistoParZ && calib->fDiffHistoParZ){
650 fDiffHistoParZ->Add(calib->fDiffHistoParZ);
651 }
652 for (Int_t isec=0;isec<38;isec++){
653 TLinearFitter *f0r = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutR.At(isec);
654 TLinearFitter *f1r = (TLinearFitter*)(calib->fFittersOutR.At(isec));
655 if (f0r&&f1r) f0r->Add(f1r);
656 TLinearFitter *f0z = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutZ.At(isec);
657 TLinearFitter *f1z = (TLinearFitter*)(calib->fFittersOutZ.At(isec));
658 if (f0z&&f1z) f0z->Add(f1z);
659 }
661 for (Int_t isec=0;isec<16*38;isec++){
662 TLinearFitter *f0y = (TLinearFitter*)fFitterQuadrantY.At(isec);
663 TLinearFitter *f1y = (TLinearFitter*)(calib->fFitterQuadrantY.At(isec));
664 if (f0y&&f1y) f0y->Add(f1y);
665 TLinearFitter *f0phi = (TLinearFitter*)fFitterQuadrantPhi.At(isec);
666 TLinearFitter *f1phi = (TLinearFitter*)(calib->fFitterQuadrantPhi.At(isec));
667 if (f0phi&&f1phi) f0phi->Add(f1phi);
668 }
671 for (Int_t isec=0;isec<74;isec++){
672 TH2F * h0p= (TH2F*)(fDistRPHIPlus.At(isec));
673 TH2F * h1p= (TH2F*)(calib->fDistRPHIPlus.At(isec));
674 if (h0p&&h1p) h0p->Add(h1p);
675 TH2F * h0m= (TH2F*)(fDistRPHIMinus.At(isec));
676 TH2F * h1m= (TH2F*)(calib->fDistRPHIMinus.At(isec));
677 if (h0m&&h1m) h0m->Add(h1m);
678 }
c11fe047 684
37fb53c1 685void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::DumpTree(const char *fname){
c11fe047 686 //
687 //
688 //
37fb53c1 689 TTreeSRedirector *cstream =new TTreeSRedirector(fname);
c11fe047 690 if (!cstream) return;
691 //
692 THnSparse *his=0;
693 Double_t position[10];
694 Double_t value;
695 Int_t *bins = new Int_t[10];
696 //
697 for (Int_t ihis=0; ihis<2; ihis++){
37fb53c1 698 his = (ihis==0)? fDiffHistoLineY:fDiffHistoParY;
c11fe047 699 if (!his) continue;
700 //
701 Int_t ndim = his->GetNdimensions();
702 //
703 for (Long64_t i = 0; i < his->GetNbins(); ++i) {
704 value = his->GetBinContent(i, bins);
705 for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < ndim; idim++) {
706 position[idim] = his->GetAxis(idim)->GetBinCenter(bins[idim]);
707 }
708 (*cstream)<<"Resol"<<
709 "ihis="<<ihis<<
710 "bincont="<<value;
711 for (Int_t idim=0;idim<ndim;idim++){
712 (*cstream)<<"Resol"<<Form("%s=", his->GetAxis(idim)->GetName())<<position[idim];
713 }
714 (*cstream)<<"Resol"<<
715 "\n";
716 }
717 }
37fb53c1 718 delete cstream;
c11fe047 719}
37fb53c1 722void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::AddPoint(Int_t sector, Double_t cx, Double_t cy, Double_t cz, Double_t ty, Double_t tz, Double_t ky, Double_t kz, Int_t npoints){
c11fe047 723 //
724 //
725 // Simple distortion fit in outer sectors
726 //
727 // Model - 2 exponential decay toward the center of chamber
28b5b7c8 728 // - Decay length 10 and 5 cm
c11fe047 729 // - Decay amplitude - Z dependent
730 //
37fb53c1 731
28b5b7c8 732 Double_t side = (-1+((sector%36)<18)*2); // A side +1 C side -1
37fb53c1 733 Double_t dzt = (cz-tz)*side;
734 Double_t radius = TMath::Sqrt(cx*cx+cy*cy);
735 AliTPCROC * roc = AliTPCROC::Instance();
736 Double_t xout = roc->GetPadRowRadiiUp(roc->GetNRows(37)-1);
737 Double_t dout = xout-radius;
738 if (dout>30) return;
739 //drift
740 Double_t dr = 0.5 - TMath::Abs(cz/250.);
741 Double_t dy = cy-ty;
28b5b7c8 742 Double_t eout10 = TMath::Exp(-dout/10.);
743 Double_t eout5 = TMath::Exp(-dout/5.);
744 //
745 Double_t eoutp = (eout10+eout5)*0.5;
746 Double_t eoutm = (eout10-eout5)*0.5;
c11fe047 748 //
749 Double_t xxxR[6], xxxZ[6], xxxRZ[6];
750 //TString fstring="";
28b5b7c8 751 xxxZ[0]=eoutp; //fstring+="eoutp++";
752 xxxZ[1]=eoutm; //fstring+="eoutm++";
753 xxxZ[2]=dr*eoutp; //fstring+="dr*eoutp++";
754 xxxZ[3]=dr*eoutm; //fstring+="dr*eoutm++";
755 xxxZ[4]=dr*dr*eoutp; //fstring+="dr*dr*eoutp++";
756 xxxZ[5]=dr*dr*eoutm; //fstring+="dr*dr*eoutm++";
757 //
37fb53c1 758 xxxR[0]=ky*eoutp; //fstring+="eoutp++";
759 xxxR[1]=ky*eoutm; //fstring+="eoutm++";
760 xxxR[2]=ky*dr*eoutp; //fstring+="dr*eoutp++";
761 xxxR[3]=ky*dr*eoutm; //fstring+="dr*eoutm++";
762 xxxR[4]=ky*dr*dr*eoutp; //fstring+="dr*dr*eoutp++";
763 xxxR[5]=ky*dr*dr*eoutm; //fstring+="dr*dr*eoutm++";
28b5b7c8 764 //
37fb53c1 765 xxxRZ[0]=kz*eoutp; //fstring+="eoutp++";
766 xxxRZ[1]=kz*eoutm; //fstring+="eoutm++";
767 xxxRZ[2]=kz*dr*eoutp; //fstring+="dr*eoutp++";
768 xxxRZ[3]=kz*dr*eoutm; //fstring+="dr*eoutm++";
769 xxxRZ[4]=kz*dr*dr*eoutp; //fstring+="dr*dr*eoutp++";
770 xxxRZ[5]=kz*dr*dr*eoutm; //fstring+="dr*dr*eoutm++";
c11fe047 771 //
772 TLinearFitter * fitter=0;
28b5b7c8 773 Double_t err=0.1;
c11fe047 774 for (Int_t ip=0; ip<npoints; ip++){
775 //
776 fitter = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutR.At(sector%36);
28b5b7c8 777 fitter->AddPoint(xxxR,dy,err);
778 //fitter->AddPoint(xxxRZ,dz);
c11fe047 779 fitter = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutZ.At(sector%36);
28b5b7c8 780 fitter->AddPoint(xxxZ,dzt,err);
c11fe047 781 //
782 if (side>0){
783 fitter = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutR.At(36);
28b5b7c8 784 fitter->AddPoint(xxxR,dy,err);
785 //fitter->AddPoint(xxxRZ,dz);
c11fe047 786 fitter = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutZ.At(36);
28b5b7c8 787 fitter->AddPoint(xxxZ,dzt,err);
c11fe047 788 }
789 if (side<0){
28b5b7c8 790 fitter = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutR.At(37);
791 fitter->AddPoint(xxxR,dy,err);
792 //fitter->AddPoint(xxxRZ,dz);
793 fitter = (TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutZ.At(37);
794 fitter->AddPoint(xxxZ,dzt,err);
c11fe047 795 }
796 }
37fb53c1 798void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::AddPointRPHI(Int_t sector, Double_t cx, Double_t cy, Double_t cz, Double_t ty, Double_t tz, Double_t /*ky*/, Double_t /*kz*/, Int_t npoints){
799 //
800 //
801 //
802 Float_t kMaxDz = 0.5; // cut on z in cm
803 Double_t dy = cy-ty;
804 Double_t dz = cz-tz;
805 if (TMath::Abs(dz)>kMaxDz) return;
806 Double_t edgeMinus= -ty+cx*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.);
807 Double_t edgePlus = ty+cx*TMath::Tan(TMath::Pi()/18.);
808 //
809 TH2F * his =0;
810 his = (TH2F*)fDistRPHIPlus.At(sector);
811 his->Fill(edgePlus,dy,npoints);
812 his = (TH2F*)((sector<36)? fDistRPHIPlus.At(72):fDistRPHIPlus.At(73));
813 his->Fill(edgePlus,dy,npoints);
814 his = (TH2F*)fDistRPHIMinus.At(sector);
815 his->Fill(edgeMinus,dy,npoints);
816 his = (TH2F*)((sector<36)? fDistRPHIMinus.At(72):fDistRPHIMinus.At(73));
817 his->Fill(edgeMinus,dy,npoints);
c11fe047 820
37fb53c1 822void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::Init(){
c11fe047 823 //
824 //
825 //
37fb53c1 826 //
827 MakeHisto();
c11fe047 828 // Make outer fitters
829 TLinearFitter * fitter = 0;
830 for (Int_t ifit=0; ifit<38; ifit++){
831 fitter = new TLinearFitter(7,"hyp6");
832 fitter->StoreData(kFALSE);
833 fFittersOutR.AddAt(fitter,ifit);
834 fitter = new TLinearFitter(7,"hyp6");
835 fitter->StoreData(kFALSE);
836 fFittersOutZ.AddAt(fitter,ifit);
837 }
37fb53c1 838 for (Int_t ifit=0; ifit<16*38;ifit++){
839 fitter = new TLinearFitter(2,"hyp1");
840 fitter->StoreData(kFALSE);
841 fFitterQuadrantY.AddAt(fitter,ifit);
842 fitter = new TLinearFitter(2,"hyp1");
843 fitter->StoreData(kFALSE);
844 fFitterQuadrantPhi.AddAt(fitter,ifit);
845 }
846 fInit= kTRUE;
c11fe047 847}
849void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::EvalFitters(){
850 //
851 //
852 // Evaluate fitters
853 //
854 TLinearFitter * fitter = 0;
28b5b7c8 855 TVectorD vec;
c11fe047 856 for (Int_t ifit=0; ifit<38; ifit++){
857 fitter=(TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutR.At(ifit);
28b5b7c8 858 if (fitter) {
859 fitter->Eval();
860 fitter->GetParameters(vec);
861 fParamsOutR.AddAt(vec.Clone(),ifit);
862 fitter->GetErrors(vec);
863 fErrorsOutR.AddAt(vec.Clone(),ifit);
864 }
c11fe047 865 fitter=(TLinearFitter*)fFittersOutZ.At(ifit);
28b5b7c8 866 if (fitter) {
867 fitter->Eval();
868 fitter->GetParameters(vec);
869 fParamsOutZ.AddAt(vec.Clone(),ifit);
870 fitter->GetErrors(vec);
871 fErrorsOutZ.AddAt(vec.Clone(),ifit);
872 }
c11fe047 873 }
28b5b7c8 876
880void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::ProcessTree(TTree * tree, Long64_t nmaxPoints){
c11fe047 881 //
882 //
883 //
884 // TTree * tree = chainUnlinP;
885 AliTPCcalibUnlinearity *calib = this;
886 //
887 AliTPCclusterMI * cl=0;
28b5b7c8 888 Double_t ty,tz;
c11fe047 889 TVectorD *vy=0, *vz=0;
28b5b7c8 890 TVectorD *vy2=0, *vz2=0;
891 Long64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries();
892 if (nmaxPoints>0) nentries = TMath::Min(nentries,nmaxPoints);
c11fe047 893 //
894 {
28b5b7c8 895 for (Long64_t i=0; i<nentries; i++){
c11fe047 896 tree->SetBranchAddress("Cl.",&cl);
897 tree->SetBranchAddress("y1",&ty);
898 tree->SetBranchAddress("z1",&tz);
899 tree->SetBranchAddress("py1.",&vy);
900 tree->SetBranchAddress("pz1.",&vz);
28b5b7c8 901 tree->SetBranchAddress("py2.",&vy2);
902 tree->SetBranchAddress("pz2.",&vz2);
c11fe047 903 //
904 tree->GetEntry(i);
905 if (!cl) continue;
28b5b7c8 906 if (i%10000==0) printf("%d\n",(Int_t)i);
907 Int_t row= cl->GetRow();
908 if (cl->GetDetector()>36) row+=64;
37fb53c1 909 calib->AddPointRPHI(cl->GetDetector(),cl->GetX(),cl->GetY(),cl->GetZ(),
910 ty,tz,(*vy)[1],(*vz)[1],1);
28b5b7c8 912 if (cl->GetType()<0) continue;
913 Double_t dy = cl->GetY()-ty;
914 Double_t dz = cl->GetZ()-tz;
28b5b7c8 915 //
916 //
917 if (TMath::Abs(dy)>0.25) continue;
918 if (TMath::Abs(dz)>0.25) continue;
920 if (TMath::Abs((*vy2)[2]*150*150/4)>1) continue;
921 if (TMath::Abs((*vz2)[2]*150*150/4)>1) continue;
922 // Apply sagita cut
37fb53c1 923 if (cl->GetType()>=0) {
924 calib->AddPoint(cl->GetDetector(),cl->GetX(),cl->GetY(),cl->GetZ(),
925 ty,tz,(*vy)[1],(*vz)[1],1);
926 }
c11fe047 927 }
928 }
28b5b7c8 930
932void AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::MakeQPosNormAll(TTree * chainUnlinD, AliTPCClusterParam * param, Int_t maxPoints){
933 //
934 // Make position corrections
935 // for the moment Only using debug streamer
936 // chainUnlinD - debug tree
937 // param - parameters to be updated
938 // maxPoints - maximal number of points using for fit
939 // verbose - print info flag
940 //
941 // Current implementation - only using debug streamers
942 //
944 /*
945 //Defaults
946 Int_t maxPoints=100000;
947 */
948 /*
949 Usage:
950 //0. Load libraries
951 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
952 gSystem->Load("libSTAT");
953 gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib");
956 //1. Load Parameters to be modified:
957 //e.g:
162637e4 959 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB");
28b5b7c8 960 AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetRun(0)
961 AliTPCClusterParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam();
962 //
963 //2. Load the debug streamer
964 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros");
965 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/TPC/macros/AliXRDPROOFtoolkit.cxx+")
966 AliXRDPROOFtoolkit tool;
967 TChain * chainUnlin = tool.MakeChain("unlin.txt","Resol",0,10200);
968 chainUnlin->Lookup();
969 TChain * chainUnlinD = tool.MakeChain("unlin.txt","Diff",0,10200);
970 chainUnlinD->Lookup();
972 //3. Do fits and store results
973 //
974 AliTPCcalibUnlinearity::MakeQPosNormAll(chainUnlinD,param,200000,0) ;
975 TFile f("paramout.root","recreate");
976 param->Write("clusterParam");
977 f.Close();
978 //4. Verification
979 TFile f2("paramout.root");
980 AliTPCClusterParam *param2 = (AliTPCClusterParam*)f2.Get("clusterParam");
981 param2->SetInstance(param2);
982 chainUnlinD->Draw("fitZ0:AliTPCClusterParam::SPosCorrection(1,0,Cl.fPad,Cl.fTimeBin,Cl.fZ,Cl.fSigmaY2,Cl.fSigmaZ2,Cl.fMax)","Cl.fDetector<36","",10000); // should be line
984 */
987 TStatToolkit toolkit;
988 Double_t chi2;
989 TVectorD fitParamY0;
990 TVectorD fitParamY1;
991 TVectorD fitParamZ0;
992 TVectorD fitParamZ1;
993 TMatrixD covMatrix;
994 Int_t npoints;
996 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("dp","(-1+(Cl.fZ>0)*2)*((Cl.fPad-int(Cl.fPad))-0.5)");
997 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("dt","(-1+(Cl.fZ>0)*2)*((Cl.fTimeBin-0.66-int(Cl.fTimeBin-0.66))-0.5)");
998 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("sp","(sin(dp*pi)-dp*pi)");
999 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("st","(sin(dt)-dt)");
1000 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("dq","(-1+(Cl.fZ>0)*2)/Cl.fMax");
1001 //
1002 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("di","sqrt(1.-abs(Cl.fZ/250.))");
1003 //
1004 //
1005 //
1006 TCut cutE("Cl.fType>=0");
1007 TCut cutDy("abs(Cl.fY-y1)<0.4");
1008 TCut cutDz("abs(Cl.fZ-z1)<0.4");
1009 TCut cutY2("abs(py2.fElements[2])*150^2/4<1");
1010 TCut cutZ2("abs(pz2.fElements[2])*150^2/4<1");
1011 TCut cutAll = cutE+cutDy+cutDz+cutY2+cutZ2;
1012 //
1013 TCut cutA("Cl.fZ>0");
1014 TCut cutC("Cl.fZ<0");
1016 TString fstringY="";
1017 //
1018 fstringY+="(dp)++"; //1
1019 fstringY+="(dp)*di++"; //2
1020 fstringY+="(sp)++"; //3
1021 fstringY+="(sp)*di++"; //4
1022 fstringY+="(dq)++"; //5
1023 TString fstringZ="";
1024 fstringZ+="(dt)++"; //1
1025 fstringZ+="(dt)*di++"; //2
1026 fstringZ+="(st)++"; //3
1027 fstringZ+="(st)*di++"; //4
1028 fstringZ+="(dq)++"; //5
1029 //
1030 // Z corrections
1031 //
1032 TString *strZ0 = toolkit.FitPlane(chainUnlinD,"(Cl.fZ-z2):1",fstringZ.Data(), "Cl.fDetector<36"+cutAll, chi2,npoints,fitParamZ0,covMatrix,-1,0,maxPoints);
1033 printf("Z0 - chi2/npoints = %f\n",TMath::Sqrt(chi2/npoints));
1034 strZ0->Tokenize("++")->Print();
798017c7 1035 param->PosZcor(0) = (TVectorD*) fitParamZ0.Clone();
28b5b7c8 1036 //
1037 TString *strZ1 = toolkit.FitPlane(chainUnlinD,"(Cl.fZ-z2):1",fstringZ.Data(), "Cl.fDetector>36"+cutAll, chi2,npoints,fitParamZ1,covMatrix,-1,0,maxPoints);
1038 //
1039 printf("Z1 - chi2/npoints = %f\n",TMath::Sqrt(chi2/npoints));
1040 strZ1->Tokenize("++")->Print();
798017c7 1041 param->PosZcor(1) = (TVectorD*) fitParamZ1.Clone();
1042 param->PosZcor(2) = (TVectorD*) fitParamZ1.Clone();
28b5b7c8 1043 //
1044 // Y corrections
1045 //
1046 TString *strY0 = toolkit.FitPlane(chainUnlinD,"(Cl.fY-y2):1",fstringY.Data(), "Cl.fDetector<36"+cutAll, chi2,npoints,fitParamY0,covMatrix,-1,0,maxPoints);
1047 printf("Y0 - chi2/npoints = %f\n",TMath::Sqrt(chi2/npoints));
1048 strY0->Tokenize("++")->Print();
798017c7 1049 param->PosYcor(0) = (TVectorD*) fitParamY0.Clone();
28b5b7c8 1050
1052 TString *strY1 = toolkit.FitPlane(chainUnlinD,"(Cl.fY-y2):1",fstringY.Data(), "Cl.fDetector>36"+cutAll, chi2,npoints,fitParamY1,covMatrix,-1,0,maxPoints);
1053 //
1054 printf("Y1 - chi2/npoints = %f\n",TMath::Sqrt(chi2/npoints));
1055 strY1->Tokenize("++")->Print();
798017c7 1056 param->PosYcor(1) = (TVectorD*) fitParamY1.Clone();
1057 param->PosYcor(2) = (TVectorD*) fitParamY1.Clone();
28b5b7c8 1058 //
1059 //
1060 //
1061 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("fitZ0",strZ0->Data());
1062 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("fitZ1",strZ1->Data());
1063 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("fitY0",strY0->Data());
1064 chainUnlinD->SetAlias("fitY1",strY1->Data());