]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/AliTPCtrack.h
Corrections to obey coding conventions
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / AliTPCtrack.h
73042f01 1#ifndef ALITPCTRACK_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
0938c7d3 6/* $Id$ */
73042f01 10//-------------------------------------------------------
11// TPC Track Class
13// Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
be9c5115 16/*****************************************************************************
17 * December 18, 2000 *
18 * Internal view of the TPC track parametrisation as well as the order of *
19 * track parameters are subject for possible changes ! *
20 * Use GetExternalParameters() and GetExternalCovariance() to access TPC *
21 * track information regardless of its internal representation. *
22 * This formation is now fixed in the following way: *
23 * external param0: local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) *
24 * external param1: local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) *
25 * external param2: local sine of the track momentum azimuth angle *
26 * external param3: tangent of the track momentum dip angle *
27 * external param4: 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) *
28 *****************************************************************************/
b19a0509 30#include <AliKalmanTrack.h>
73042f01 31#include <TMath.h>
73042f01 32
b9de75e1 33#include "AliTPCreco.h"
73042f01 35class AliTPCClustersArray;
36class AliTPCcluster;
b19a0509 39class AliTPCtrack : public AliKalmanTrack {
73042f01 40public:
9c8948ff 41 AliTPCtrack();
b19a0509 42 AliTPCtrack(UInt_t index, const Double_t xx[5],
43 const Double_t cc[15], Double_t xr, Double_t alpha);
b9de75e1 44 AliTPCtrack(const AliKalmanTrack& t, Double_t alpha);
b19a0509 45 AliTPCtrack(const AliTPCtrack& t);
7f6ddf58 46 Int_t PropagateToVertex(Double_t x0=36.66,Double_t rho=1.2e-3);
b19a0509 47 Int_t Rotate(Double_t angle);
7f6ddf58 48 void SetdEdx(Double_t dedx) {fdEdx=dedx;}
b19a0509 49
be9c5115 50 Double_t GetX() const {return fX;}
51 Double_t GetAlpha() const {return fAlpha;}
52 Double_t GetdEdx() const {return fdEdx;}
b19a0509 54 Double_t GetY() const {return fP0;}
55 Double_t GetZ() const {return fP1;}
b9de75e1 56 Double_t GetSnp() const {return fX*fP4 - fP2;}
024a7fe9 57 Double_t
58 Get1Pt() const { return (1e-9*TMath::Abs(fP4)/fP4 + fP4)*GetConvConst(); }
b9de75e1 59 Double_t GetTgl() const {return fP3;}
be9c5115 60
b19a0509 61 Double_t GetSigmaY2() const {return fC00;}
62 Double_t GetSigmaZ2() const {return fC11;}
be9c5115 63
77e58468 64// Some methods useful for users. Implementation is not
65// optimized for speed but for minimal maintanance effort
66 Double_t Phi() const;
67 Double_t Theta() const {return TMath::Pi()/2.-TMath::ATan(GetTgl());}
68 Double_t Px() const {return TMath::Cos(Phi())/TMath::Abs(Get1Pt());}
69 Double_t Py() const {return TMath::Sin(Phi())/TMath::Abs(Get1Pt());}
70 Double_t Pz() const {return GetTgl()/TMath::Abs(Get1Pt());}
71 Double_t Pt() const {return 1./Get1Pt();}
72 Double_t P() const {return TMath::Sqrt(Pt()*Pt()+Pz()*Pz());}
be9c5115 74 Int_t Compare(const TObject *o) const;
76 void GetExternalParameters(Double_t& xr, Double_t x[5]) const ;
77 void GetExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const ;
b9de75e1 79 Int_t GetClusterIndex(Int_t i) const {return fIndex[i];}
be9c5115 81//******** To be removed next release !!! **************
82 Double_t GetEta() const {return fP2;}
b9de75e1 83 Double_t GetC() const {return fP4;}
be9c5115 84 void GetCovariance(Double_t cc[15]) const {
85 cc[0 ]=fC00;
86 cc[1 ]=fC10; cc[2 ]=fC11;
87 cc[3 ]=fC20; cc[4 ]=fC21; cc[5 ]=fC22;
b9de75e1 88 cc[6 ]=fC40; cc[7 ]=fC41; cc[8 ]=fC42; cc[9 ]=fC44;
89 cc[10]=fC30; cc[11]=fC31; cc[12]=fC32; cc[13]=fC43; cc[14]=fC33;
be9c5115 90 }
be9c5115 93 virtual Double_t GetPredictedChi2(const AliCluster *cluster) const;
7f6ddf58 94 Int_t PropagateTo(Double_t xr,Double_t x0=28.94,Double_t rho=0.9e-3);
be9c5115 95 Int_t Update(const AliCluster* c, Double_t chi2, UInt_t i);
b9de75e1 96 void ResetCovariance();
73042f01 97
1c53abe2 98protected:
be9c5115 99 Double_t fX; // X-coordinate of this track (reference plane)
100 Double_t fAlpha; // Rotation angle the local (TPC sector)
101 // coordinate system and the global ALICE one.
73042f01 102
7f6ddf58 103 Double_t fdEdx; // dE/dx
73042f01 104
be9c5115 105 Double_t fP0; // Y-coordinate of a track
106 Double_t fP1; // Z-coordinate of a track
107 Double_t fP2; // C*x0
b9de75e1 108 Double_t fP3; // tangent of the track momentum dip angle
109 Double_t fP4; // track curvature
be9c5115 110
111 Double_t fC00; // covariance
112 Double_t fC10, fC11; // matrix
113 Double_t fC20, fC21, fC22; // of the
114 Double_t fC30, fC31, fC32, fC33; // track
115 Double_t fC40, fC41, fC42, fC43, fC44; // parameters
b9de75e1 117 UInt_t fIndex[kMaxRow]; // indices of associated clusters
73042f01 118
b19a0509 119 ClassDef(AliTPCtrack,1) // Time Projection Chamber reconstructed tracks
73042f01 120};
be9c5115 122inline
123void AliTPCtrack::GetExternalParameters(Double_t& xr, Double_t x[5]) const {
124 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
125 // This function return external TPC track representation
126 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
127 xr=fX;
128 x[0]=GetY(); x[1]=GetZ(); x[2]=GetSnp(); x[3]=GetTgl(); x[4]=Get1Pt();
73042f01 131#endif