]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/CalibMacros/CalibTimeVdrift.C
Adding macro for ExB global fit
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / CalibMacros / CalibTimeVdrift.C
60932c73 1/*
2 Small macro to generate and update OCDB entries for a given run:
3 To be used together with pother macros to create OCDB entries
4 // How to use it...
5 //
6 // 1. go to the directory with the "CalibObjectsTrain1.root" file and start your aliroot
7 //
8 // 2. copy and paste the following commands
9 //
10 gSystem->Load("libSTEER");
11 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS");
12 gSystem->Load("libSTAT");
13 gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib");
14 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/STEER");
15 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/TPC");
16 .L $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/CalibMacros/CalibTimeVdrift.C+
18 //
19 // 3. setup your OCDB output path e.g:
20 //
21 ocdbStorage="local://"+gSystem->GetFromPipe("pwd")+"/OCDB";
22 //
23 // 4. simple execution
24 //
bade7d8d 25 CalibTimeVdrift("CalibObjectsTrain1.root", 110000, AliCDBRunRange::Infinity())
60932c73 26 //
27 // 5. try to visualize new entry
28 //
29 TObjArray *picArray = new TObjArray;
30 MakeDefaultPlots(vdriftArray,picArray);
15e6432c 31*/
60932c73 33
34#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
191306e9 35#include "TMap.h"
15e6432c 36#include "TGraphErrors.h"
37#include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
38#include "TFile.h"
39#include "TGraph.h"
191306e9 40#include "TMultiGraph.h"
41#include "TCanvas.h"
42#include "THnSparse.h"
43#include "TLegend.h"
44#include "TPad.h"
60932c73 45#include "TH2D.h"
47#include "AliESDfriend.h"
191306e9 48
15e6432c 49
50#include "AliTPCcalibTime.h"
51#include "AliSplineFit.h"
52#include "AliCDBMetaData.h"
53#include "AliCDBId.h"
54#include "AliCDBManager.h"
55#include "AliCDBStorage.h"
191306e9 56#include "AliTPCcalibBase.h"
57#include "AliTPCcalibDB.h"
58#include "AliTPCcalibDButil.h"
59#include "AliRelAlignerKalman.h"
5813554a 60#include "AliTPCParamSR.h"
60932c73 61#endif
15e6432c 63
191306e9 64TString ocdbStorage="dummy";
85bef226 65const Int_t kMinEntries=100; // minimal number of entries
66Int_t startRun=0, endRun=0;
67Int_t startTime=0, endTime=0;
68TObjArray * vdriftArray = 0;
69AliTPCcalibTime * timeDrift=0;
191306e9 70//
60932c73 71// functions:
191306e9 72//
bade7d8d 73void CalibTimeVdrift(Char_t* file="CalibObjectsTrain1.root", Int_t ustartRun=0, Int_t uendRun=AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(),TString ocdbStorage="");
60932c73 74void UpdateOCDBDrift(Int_t ustartRun, Int_t uendRun);
191306e9 75void AddHistoGraphs( TObjArray * vdriftArray, AliTPCcalibTime *timeDrift, Int_t minEntries);
76void AddAlignmentGraphs( TObjArray * vdriftArray, AliTPCcalibTime *timeDrift);
77void AddLaserGraphs( TObjArray * vdriftArray, AliTPCcalibTime *timeDrift);
60932c73 78void SetDefaultGraphDrift(TGraph *graph, Int_t color, Int_t style);
191306e9 79TGraphErrors* FilterGraphMedianAbs(TGraphErrors * graph, Float_t cut,Double_t &medianY);
80TGraphErrors* FilterGraphDrift(TGraphErrors * graph, Float_t errSigmaCut, Float_t medianCutAbs);
60932c73 81TGraphErrors * MakeGraphFilter0(THnSparse *hisN, Int_t itime, Int_t ival, Int_t minEntries, Double_t offset=0);
9ad02593 82
85bef226 84void GetRunRange(AliTPCcalibTime* timeDrift){
85bef226 85 //
86 // find the fist and last run
87 //
191306e9 88 TObjArray *hisArray =timeDrift->GetHistoDrift();
89 {for (Int_t i=0; i<hisArray->GetEntriesFast(); i++){
90 THnSparse* addHist=(THnSparse*)hisArray->UncheckedAt(i);
91 if (addHist->GetEntries()<kMinEntries) continue;
92 if (!addHist) continue;
93 TH1D* histo =addHist->Projection(3);
85bef226 94 TH1D* histoTime=addHist->Projection(0);
95 printf("%s\t%f\t%d\t%d\n",histo->GetName(), histo->GetEntries(),histo->FindFirstBinAbove(0),histo->FindLastBinAbove(0));
97 if (startRun<=0){
191306e9 98 startRun=histo->FindFirstBinAbove(0);
99 endRun =histo->FindLastBinAbove(0);
85bef226 100 }else{
101 startRun=TMath::Min(histo->FindFirstBinAbove(0),startRun);
102 endRun =TMath::Max(histo->FindLastBinAbove(0),endRun);
191306e9 103 }
104 if (startTime==0){
105 startTime=histoTime->FindFirstBinAbove(0);
106 endTime =histoTime->FindLastBinAbove(0);
107 }else{
108 startTime=TMath::Min(histoTime->FindFirstBinAbove(0),startTime);
109 endTime =TMath::Max(histoTime->FindLastBinAbove(0),endTime);
110 }
111 delete histo;
112 delete histoTime;
113 }}
85bef226 114 if (startRun<0) startRun=0;
115 if (endRun<0) endRun=100000000;
116 printf("Run range :\t%d-%d\n", startRun, endRun);
117 printf("Time range :\t%d-%d\n", startTime, endTime);
9ad02593 120
85bef226 122
bade7d8d 123void CalibTimeVdrift(Char_t* file, Int_t ustartRun, Int_t uendRun, TString pocdbStorage){
60932c73 124 //
125 //
126 //
85bef226 127 const Int_t kMinEntries=500; // minimal number of entries
bade7d8d 128 if (pocdbStorage.Length()>0) ocdbStorage=pocdbStorage;
85bef226 129 //
130 // 1. Initialization and run range setting
131 TFile fcalib(file);
132 timeDrift=(AliTPCcalibTime*)fcalib.Get("calibTime");
133 startRun=ustartRun;
134 endRun=ustartRun;
135 TObjArray *hisArray =timeDrift->GetHistoDrift();
136 GetRunRange(timeDrift);
137 for (Int_t i=0; i<hisArray->GetEntriesFast(); i++){
138 THnSparse* addHist=(THnSparse*)hisArray->At(i);
139 if (!addHist) continue;
140 if (startTime<endTime) addHist->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(startTime-1,endTime+1);
141 if (startRun<endRun) addHist->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(startRun-1,endRun+1);
191306e9 142 }
85bef226 143 //
191306e9 144 //
145 // 2. extraction of the information
146 //
85bef226 147 vdriftArray = new TObjArray();
191306e9 148 AddAlignmentGraphs(vdriftArray,timeDrift);
149 AddHistoGraphs(vdriftArray,timeDrift,kMinEntries);
150 AddLaserGraphs(vdriftArray,timeDrift);
151 //
bade7d8d 152 // 3. Append QA plots
191306e9 153 //
bade7d8d 154 MakeDefaultPlots(vdriftArray,vdriftArray);
155 //
156 //
157 // 4. update of OCDB
15e6432c 158 //
15e6432c 159 //
85bef226 160 UpdateOCDBDrift(ustartRun,uendRun);
163void UpdateOCDBDrift( Int_t ustartRun, Int_t uendRun){
60932c73 164 //
165 // Update OCDB
166 //
191306e9 167 AliCDBMetaData *metaData= new AliCDBMetaData();
168 metaData->SetObjectClassName("TObjArray");
9ad02593 169 metaData->SetResponsible("Marian Ivanov");
191306e9 170 metaData->SetBeamPeriod(1);
171 metaData->SetAliRootVersion("05-25-01"); //root version
60932c73 172 metaData->SetComment("Calibration of the time dependence of the drift velocity");
191306e9 173 AliCDBId* id1=NULL;
85bef226 174 id1=new AliCDBId("TPC/Calib/TimeDrift", ustartRun, uendRun);
191306e9 175 AliCDBStorage* gStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(ocdbStorage);
176 gStorage->Put(vdriftArray, (*id1), metaData);
191306e9 177}
85bef226 180
5813554a 181void UpdateDriftParam(AliTPCParam *param, TObjArray *arr, Int_t startRun){
182 //
183 // update the OCDB entry for the nominal time0
184 //
185 //
186 // AliTPCParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters();
187 AliTPCParam *paramNew = (AliTPCParam *)param->Clone();
188 TGraphErrors *grT = (TGraphErrors *)arr->FindObject("ALIGN_ITSM_TPC_T0");
189 Double_t deltaTcm = TMath::Median(grT->GetN(),grT->GetY());
190 Double_t deltaT = deltaTcm/param->GetDriftV();
191 paramNew->SetL1Delay(param->GetL1Delay()-deltaT);
192 paramNew->Update();
194 AliCDBMetaData *metaData= new AliCDBMetaData();
195 metaData->SetObjectClassName("TObjArray");
196 metaData->SetResponsible("Marian Ivanov");
197 metaData->SetBeamPeriod(1);
198 metaData->SetAliRootVersion("05-25-02"); //root version
199 metaData->SetComment("Updated calibration of nominal time 0");
200 AliCDBId* id1=NULL;
201 id1=new AliCDBId("TPC/Calib/Parameters", startRun, AliCDBRunRange::Infinity());
202 AliCDBStorage* gStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(ocdbStorage);
203 gStorage->Put(param, (*id1), metaData);
191306e9 207
208void PrintArray(TObjArray *array){
209 //
210 //
211 //
212 Int_t entries = array->GetEntries();
213 for (Int_t i=0; i<entries; i++){
60932c73 214 printf("%d\t %s\n", i, array->At(i)->GetName());
191306e9 215 }
15e6432c 217
191306e9 218
191306e9 219
220TGraphErrors* FilterGraphDrift(TGraphErrors * graph, Float_t errSigmaCut, Float_t medianCutAbs){
221 // 2 filters:
222 // 1. filter graph - error cut errSigmaCut
223 // 2. filter graph - medianCutAbs around median
224 //
225 // errSigmaCut - cut on error
226 // medianCutAbs - cut on value around median
227 Double_t dummy=0; //
228 //
229 // 1. filter graph - error cut errSigmaCut
230 //
231 TGraphErrors *graphF;
232 graphF = AliTPCcalibDButil::FilterGraphMedianErr(graph,errSigmaCut,dummy);
233 delete graph;
234 if (!graphF) return 0;
235 graph = AliTPCcalibDButil::FilterGraphMedianErr(graphF,errSigmaCut,dummy);
236 delete graphF;
237 if (!graph) return 0;
238 //
239 // filter graph - kMedianCutAbs around median
240 //
241 graphF=FilterGraphMedianAbs(graph, medianCutAbs,dummy);
242 delete graph;
243 if (!graphF) return 0;
244 graph=FilterGraphMedianAbs(graphF, medianCutAbs,dummy);
245 delete graphF;
246 if (!graph) return 0;
247 return graph;
252TGraphErrors* FilterGraphMedianAbs(TGraphErrors * graph, Float_t cut,Double_t &medianY){
253 //
254 // filter outlyer measurement
255 // Only points around median +- cut filtered
256 //
257 if (!graph) return 0;
258 Int_t kMinPoints=2;
259 Int_t npoints0 = graph->GetN();
260 Int_t npoints=0;
261 Float_t rmsY=0;
262 Double_t *outx=new Double_t[npoints0];
263 Double_t *outy=new Double_t[npoints0];
264 Double_t *errx=new Double_t[npoints0];
265 Double_t *erry=new Double_t[npoints0];
266 //
267 //
268 if (npoints0<kMinPoints) return 0;
269 for (Int_t iter=0; iter<3; iter++){
270 npoints=0;
271 for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipoint<npoints0; ipoint++){
272 if (graph->GetY()[ipoint]==0) continue;
273 if (iter>0 &&TMath::Abs(graph->GetY()[ipoint]-medianY)>cut) continue;
274 outx[npoints] = graph->GetX()[ipoint];
275 outy[npoints] = graph->GetY()[ipoint];
276 errx[npoints] = graph->GetErrorX(ipoint);
277 erry[npoints] = graph->GetErrorY(ipoint);
278 npoints++;
279 }
280 if (npoints<=1) break;
281 medianY =TMath::Median(npoints,outy);
282 rmsY =TMath::RMS(npoints,outy);
283 }
284 TGraphErrors *graphOut=0;
285 if (npoints>1) graphOut= new TGraphErrors(npoints,outx,outy,errx,erry);
286 return graphOut;
290void AddHistoGraphs( TObjArray * vdriftArray, AliTPCcalibTime *timeDrift, Int_t minEntries){
291 //
292 // Add graphs corresponding to the alignment
293 //
294 const Double_t kErrSigmaCut=5; // error sigma cut - for filtering
295 const Double_t kMedianCutAbs=0.03; // error sigma cut - for filtering
296 //
297 TObjArray * array=timeDrift->GetHistoDrift();
298 if (array){
299 THnSparse* hist=NULL;
300 // 2.a) cosmics with different triggers
301 for (Int_t i=0; i<array->GetEntriesFast();i++){
302 hist=(THnSparseF*)array->UncheckedAt(i);
303 if(!hist) continue;
304 if (hist->GetEntries()<minEntries) continue;
305 //hist->Print();
306 TString name=hist->GetName();
307 Int_t dim[4]={0,1,2,3};
308 THnSparse* newHist=hist->Projection(4,dim);
309 newHist->SetName(name);
310 TGraphErrors* graph=AliTPCcalibBase::FitSlices(newHist,2,0,400,100,0.05,0.95, kTRUE);
311 printf("name=%s graph=%i, N=%i\n", name.Data(), graph==0, graph->GetN());
312 Int_t pos=name.Index("_");
313 name=name(pos,name.Capacity()-pos);
314 TString graphName=graph->ClassName();
315 graphName+=name;
316 graphName.ToUpper();
317 //
318 graph = FilterGraphDrift(graph, kErrSigmaCut, kMedianCutAbs);
319 if (!graph) {
320 printf("Graph =%s filtered out\n", name.Data());
321 continue;
322 }
323 //
324 graph->SetMarkerStyle(i%8+20);
325 graph->SetMarkerColor(i%7);
326 graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time");
327 graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("v_{dcor}");
328 graph->SetName(graphName);
329 graph->SetTitle(graphName);
330 printf("Graph %d\t=\t%s\n", i, graphName.Data());
331 vdriftArray->Add(graph);
332 }
333 }
339void AddAlignmentGraphs( TObjArray * vdriftArray, AliTPCcalibTime *timeDrift){
340 //
341 // Add graphs corresponding to alignment to the object array
342 //
343 TObjArray *arrayITS=0;
344 TObjArray *arrayTOF=0;
345 TObjArray *arrayTRD=0;
346 TMatrixD *mstatITS=0;
347 TMatrixD *mstatTOF=0;
348 TMatrixD *mstatTRD=0;
349 //
350 arrayITS=timeDrift->GetAlignITSTPC();
351 arrayTRD=timeDrift->GetAlignTRDTPC();
352 arrayTOF=timeDrift->GetAlignTOFTPC();
9ad02593 353
85bef226 354 if (arrayITS->GetEntries()>0) mstatITS= AliTPCcalibDButil::MakeStatRelKalman(arrayITS,0.9,50,0.025);
355 if (arrayTOF->GetEntries()>0) mstatTOF= AliTPCcalibDButil::MakeStatRelKalman(arrayTOF,0.9,1000,0.025);
356 if (arrayTRD->GetEntries()>0) mstatTRD= AliTPCcalibDButil::MakeStatRelKalman(arrayTRD,0.9,50,0.025);
191306e9 357 //
358 TObjArray * arrayITSP= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayITS,*mstatITS, 0, 5.);
359 TObjArray * arrayITSM= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayITS,*mstatITS, 1, 5.);
5813554a 360 TObjArray * arrayITSB= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayITSP,arrayITSM);
191306e9 361 TObjArray * arrayTOFP= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayTOF,*mstatTOF, 0, 5.);
362 TObjArray * arrayTOFM= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayTOF,*mstatTOF, 1, 5.);
5813554a 363 TObjArray * arrayTOFB= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayTOFP,arrayTOFM);
9ad02593 365 TObjArray * arrayTRDP= 0x0;
366 TObjArray * arrayTRDM= 0x0;
367 TObjArray * arrayTRDB= 0x0;
85bef226 368 arrayTRDP= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayTRD,*mstatTRD, 0, 5.);
369 arrayTRDM= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayTRD,*mstatTRD, 1, 5.);
370 arrayTRDB= AliTPCcalibDButil::SmoothRelKalman(arrayTRDP,arrayTRDM);
191306e9 371 //
372 //
373 Int_t entries=TMath::Max(arrayITS->GetEntriesFast(),arrayTOF->GetEntriesFast());
5813554a 374 TObjArray *arrays[12]={arrayITS, arrayITSP, arrayITSM, arrayITSB,
375 arrayTRD, arrayTRDP, arrayTRDM, arrayTRDB,
376 arrayTOF, arrayTOFP, arrayTOFM, arrayTOFB};
377 TString grnames[12]={"ALIGN_ITS", "ALIGN_ITSP", "ALIGN_ITSM", "ALIGN_ITSB",
191306e9 380 TString grpar[9]={"DELTAPSI", "DELTATHETA", "DELTAPHI",
382 "DRIFTVD", "T0", "VDGY"};
5813554a 384
191306e9 385 TVectorD vX(entries);
386 TVectorD vY(entries);
387 TVectorD vEx(entries);
388 TVectorD vEy(entries);
389 TObjArray *arr=0;
5813554a 390 for (Int_t iarray=0; iarray<12; iarray++){
191306e9 391 arr = arrays[iarray];
392 if (arr==0) continue;
393 for (Int_t ipar=0; ipar<9; ipar++){
394 Int_t counter=0;
395 for (Int_t itime=0; itime<arr->GetEntriesFast(); itime++){
396 AliRelAlignerKalman * kalman = (AliRelAlignerKalman *) arr->UncheckedAt(itime);
397 if (!kalman) continue;
398 vX[counter]=kalman->GetTimeStamp();
399 vY[counter]=(*(kalman->GetState()))[ipar];
400 if (ipar==6) vY[counter]=1./(*(kalman->GetState()))[ipar]-1;
401 vEx[counter]=0;
402 vEy[counter]=TMath::Sqrt((*(kalman->GetStateCov()))(ipar,ipar));
403 counter++;
404 }
406 TGraphErrors * graph=new TGraphErrors(counter, vX.GetMatrixArray(),
407 vY.GetMatrixArray(),
408 vEx.GetMatrixArray(),
409 vEy.GetMatrixArray());
410 TString grName=grnames[iarray];
411 grName+="_TPC_";
412 grName+=grpar[ipar];
413 graph->SetName(grName.Data());
414 vdriftArray->AddLast(graph);
415 }
416 }
60932c73 421
191306e9 422void AddLaserGraphs( TObjArray * vdriftArray, AliTPCcalibTime *timeDrift){
423 //
60932c73 424 // add graphs for laser
425 //
bade7d8d 426 const Double_t delayL0L1 = 0.071; //this is hack for 1/2 weeks
60932c73 427 THnSparse *hisN=0;
428 TGraphErrors *grLaser[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0};
429 hisN = timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(0);
430 if (timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(0)){
431 grLaser[0]=MakeGraphFilter0(timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(0),0,2,5,delayL0L1);
432 grLaser[0]->SetName("GRAPH_MEAN_DELAY_LASER_ALL_A");
433 vdriftArray->AddLast(grLaser[0]);
434 }
435 if (timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(1)){
436 grLaser[1]=MakeGraphFilter0(timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(1),0,2,5);
437 grLaser[1]->SetName("GRAPH_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_A");
438 vdriftArray->AddLast(grLaser[1]);
439 }
440 if (timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(2)){
441 grLaser[2]=MakeGraphFilter0(timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserA(2),0,2,5);
443 vdriftArray->AddLast(grLaser[2]);
444 }
445 if (timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserC(0)){
446 grLaser[3]=MakeGraphFilter0(timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserC(0),0,2,5,delayL0L1);
447 grLaser[3]->SetName("GRAPH_MEAN_DELAY_LASER_ALL_C");
448 vdriftArray->AddLast(grLaser[3]);
449 }
450 if (timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserC(1)){
451 grLaser[4]=MakeGraphFilter0(timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserC(1),0,2,5);
452 grLaser[4]->SetName("GRAPH_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_C");
453 vdriftArray->AddLast(grLaser[4]);
454 }
455 if (timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserC(2)){
456 grLaser[5]=MakeGraphFilter0(timeDrift->GetHistVdriftLaserC(2),0,2,5);
458 vdriftArray->AddLast(grLaser[5]);
459 }
460 for (Int_t i=0; i<6;i++){
461 if (grLaser[i]) {
462 SetDefaultGraphDrift(grLaser[i], 1,(i+20));
463 grLaser[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Laser Correction");
464 }
191306e9 465 }
60932c73 466}
469TGraphErrors * MakeGraphFilter0(THnSparse *hisN, Int_t itime, Int_t ival, Int_t minEntries, Double_t offset){
470 //
471 // Make graph with mean values and rms
472 //
473 hisN->GetAxis(itime)->SetRange(0,100000000);
474 hisN->GetAxis(ival)->SetRange(0,100000000);
475 TH1 * hisT = hisN->Projection(itime);
476 TH1 * hisV = hisN->Projection(ival);
477 //
478 Int_t firstBinA = hisT->FindFirstBinAbove(2);
479 Int_t lastBinA = hisT->FindLastBinAbove(2);
480 Int_t firstBinV = hisV->FindFirstBinAbove(0);
481 Int_t lastBinV = hisV->FindLastBinAbove(0);
482 hisN->GetAxis(itime)->SetRange(firstBinA,lastBinA);
483 hisN->GetAxis(ival)->SetRange(firstBinV,lastBinV);
484 Int_t entries=0;
485 for (Int_t ibin=firstBinA; ibin<lastBinA; ibin++){
486 Double_t cont = hisT->GetBinContent(ibin);
487 if (cont<minEntries) continue;
488 entries++;
191306e9 489 }
60932c73 490 TVectorD vecTime(entries);
491 TVectorD vecMean0(entries);
492 TVectorD vecRMS0(entries);
493 TVectorD vecMean1(entries);
494 TVectorD vecRMS1(entries);
495 entries=0;
496 {for (Int_t ibin=firstBinA; ibin<lastBinA; ibin++){
497 Double_t cont = hisT->GetBinContent(ibin);
498 if (cont<minEntries) continue;
499 hisN->GetAxis(itime)->SetRange(ibin-1,ibin+1);
500 Double_t time = hisT->GetBinCenter(ibin);
501 TH1 * his = hisN->Projection(ival);
502 Double_t nentries0= his->GetBinContent(his->FindBin(0));
503 if (cont-nentries0<minEntries) continue;
504 //
505 his->SetBinContent(his->FindBin(0),0);
506 vecTime[entries]=time;
507 vecMean0[entries]=his->GetMean()+offset;
508 vecMean1[entries]=his->GetMeanError();
509 vecRMS0[entries] =his->GetRMS();
510 vecRMS1[entries] =his->GetRMSError();
511 delete his;
512 entries++;
513 }}
514 delete hisT;
515 delete hisV;
516 TGraphErrors * graph = new TGraphErrors(entries,vecTime.GetMatrixArray(), vecMean0.GetMatrixArray(), 0, vecMean1.GetMatrixArray());
517 return graph;
191306e9 522
191306e9 523
191306e9 524
191306e9 525
191306e9 526
527void SetDefaultGraphDrift(TGraph *graph, Int_t color, Int_t style){
528 //
529 //
530 //
531 graph->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(kTRUE);
532 graph->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("#splitline{%d/%m}{%H:%M}");
533 graph->SetMaximum( 0.025);
534 graph->SetMinimum(-0.025);
535 graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time");
536 graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("v_{dcorr}");
537 //
538 graph->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
539 graph->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
540 //
541 graph->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(10,5,0);
542 graph->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(10,5,0);
543 //
544 graph->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.02);
545 graph->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.005);
546 //
547 graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
548 graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
549 //
550 graph->SetMarkerColor(color);
551 graph->SetLineColor(color);
552 graph->SetMarkerStyle(style);
555void SetPadStyle(TPad *pad, Float_t mx0, Float_t mx1, Float_t my0, Float_t my1){
556 //
557 //
558 pad->SetTicks(1,1);
559 pad->SetMargin(mx0,mx1,my0,my1);
563void MakeDefaultPlots(TObjArray * arr, TObjArray *picArray){
564 //
565 //
566 //
567 // margins
568 Float_t mx0=0.12, mx1=0.1, my0=0.15, my1=0.1;
15e6432c 569 //
191306e9 570 TGraphErrors* laserA =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("GRAPH_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_A");
571 TGraphErrors* laserC =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("GRAPH_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_C");
572 TGraphErrors* cosmic =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("TGRAPHERRORS_MEAN_VDRIFT_COSMICS_ALL");
573 TGraphErrors* cross =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("TGRAPHERRORS_VDRIFT_CROSS_ALL");
574 TGraphErrors* itstpcP =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("ALIGN_ITSP_TPC_DRIFTVD");
575 TGraphErrors* itstpcM =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("ALIGN_ITSM_TPC_DRIFTVD");
85bef226 576 TGraphErrors* itstpcB =(TGraphErrors*)arr->FindObject("ALIGN_ITSB_TPC_DRIFTVD");
15e6432c 577 //
191306e9 578 if (laserA) SetDefaultGraphDrift(laserA,2,25);
579 if (laserC) SetDefaultGraphDrift(laserC,4,26);
580 if (cosmic) SetDefaultGraphDrift(cosmic,3,27);
581 if (cross) SetDefaultGraphDrift(cross,4,28);
582 if (itstpcP) SetDefaultGraphDrift(itstpcP,2,29);
583 if (itstpcM) SetDefaultGraphDrift(itstpcM,4,30);
85bef226 584 if (itstpcB) SetDefaultGraphDrift(itstpcB,1,31);
191306e9 585 //
586 //
587 TPad *pad=0;
588 //
589 // Laser-Laser
590 //
591 if (laserA&&laserC){
592 pad = new TCanvas("TPCLaserVDrift","TPCLaserVDrift");
593 laserA->Draw("alp");
594 SetPadStyle(pad,mx0,mx1,my0,my1);
595 laserA->Draw("apl");
596 laserC->Draw("p");
597 TLegend *legend = new TLegend(mx0+0.01,1-my1-0.2, 0.5, 1-my1-0.01, "Drift velocity correction");
598 legend->AddEntry(laserA,"Laser A side");
599 legend->AddEntry(laserC,"Laser C side");
600 legend->Draw();
601 picArray->AddLast(pad);
602 }
604 if (itstpcP&&itstpcM){
605 pad = new TCanvas("ITSTPC","ITSTPC");
606 itstpcP->Draw("alp");
607 SetPadStyle(pad,mx0,mx1,my0,my1);
608 itstpcP->Draw("alp");
609 gPad->Clear();
610 itstpcM->Draw("apl");
611 itstpcP->Draw("p");
85bef226 612 itstpcB->Draw("p");
191306e9 613 TLegend *legend = new TLegend(mx0+0.01,1-my1-0.2, 0.5, 1-my1-0.01, "Drift velocity correction");
85bef226 614 legend->AddEntry(itstpcP,"ITS-TPC smooth plus");
615 legend->AddEntry(itstpcM,"ITS-TPC smooth minus");
616 legend->AddEntry(itstpcB,"ITS-TPC smooth ");
191306e9 617 legend->Draw();
618 picArray->AddLast(pad);
619 }
85bef226 621 if (itstpcB&&laserA){
191306e9 622 pad = new TCanvas("ITSTPC_LASER","ITSTPC_LASER");
623 SetPadStyle(pad,mx0,mx1,my0,my1);
624 laserA->Draw("alp");
85bef226 625 itstpcP->Draw("p");
191306e9 626 itstpcM->Draw("p");
85bef226 627 itstpcB->Draw("p");
191306e9 628 TLegend *legend = new TLegend(mx0+0.01,1-my1-0.2, 0.5, 1-my1-0.01, "Drift velocity correction");
629 legend->AddEntry(laserA,"TPC laser");
85bef226 630 legend->AddEntry(itstpcP,"ITS-TPC smooth plus");
631 legend->AddEntry(itstpcM,"ITS-TPC smooth minus");
632 legend->AddEntry(itstpcB,"ITS-TPC smooth ");
191306e9 633 legend->Draw();
634 picArray->AddLast(pad);
635 }
637 if (itstpcP&&cross){
638 pad = new TCanvas("ITSTPC_CROSS","ITSTPC_CROSS");
639 SetPadStyle(pad,mx0,mx1,my0,my1);
640 itstpcP->Draw("alp");
641 pad->Clear();
642 cross->Draw("ap");
643 itstpcP->Draw("p");
644 //
645 TLegend *legend = new TLegend(mx0+0.01,1-my1-0.2, 0.5, 1-my1-0.01, "Drift velocity correction");
647 legend->AddEntry(cross,"TPC cross tracks");
85bef226 648 legend->AddEntry(itstpcB,"ITS-TPC smooth");
191306e9 649 legend->Draw();
650 picArray->AddLast(pad);
651 }
652 if (itstpcP&&cosmic){
653 pad = new TCanvas("ITSTPC_COSMIC","ITSTPC_COSMIC");
654 SetPadStyle(pad,mx0,mx1,my0,my1);
655 itstpcP->Draw("alp");
656 pad->Clear();
657 cosmic->Draw("ap");
658 itstpcP->Draw("p");
659 //
660 TLegend *legend = new TLegend(mx0+0.01,1-my1-0.2, 0.5, 1-my1-0.01, "Drift velocity correction");
662 legend->AddEntry(cosmic,"TPC cross tracks0 up-down");
85bef226 663 legend->AddEntry(itstpcB,"ITS-TPC smooth");
191306e9 664 legend->Draw();
665 picArray->AddLast(pad);
666 }
191306e9 670