]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TPC/Upgrade/macros/spaceChargeFluctuation.C
Adding static function for the PID visulaization and coparisons
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC / Upgrade / macros / spaceChargeFluctuation.C
c0172f82 1/*
2 .x ~/rootlogon.C
3 .L $ALICE_ROOT/TPC/Upgrade/macros/spaceChargeFluctuation.C+
4// GenerateMapRaw("/hera/alice/local/filtered/alice/data/2010/LHC10e/000129527/raw/merged_highpt_1.root","output.root", 50);
5 GenerateMapRawIons( "/hera/alice/local/filtered/alice/data/2010/LHC10e/000129527/raw/merged_highpt_1.root","output.root", 25);
7 */
8#include "TMath.h"
9#include "TRandom.h"
10#include "TTreeStream.h"
11#include "TVectorD.h"
12#include "TCanvas.h"
13#include "TStopwatch.h"
14#include "AliTPCParam.h"
15#include "AliTPCcalibDB.h"
16#include "AliTPCAltroMapping.h"
17#include "AliAltroRawStream.h"
18#include "AliSysInfo.h"
19#include "AliTPCRawStreamV3.h"
20#include "AliCDBManager.h"
21#include "TGeoGlobalMagField.h"
22#include "AliMagF.h"
23#include "AliRawReaderRoot.h"
24#include "AliRawReader.h"
25#include "TH3.h"
26#include "TH2.h"
29TH1 * GenerateMapRawIons(const char *fileName="raw.root", const char *outputName="histo.root", Int_t maxEvents=25);
32void spaceChargeFluctuation(Int_t mode=0){
33 //
34 //
35 if (mode==0) GenerateMapRawIons();
39void spaceChargeFluctuationMC(Int_t nframes){
40 //
41 // Toy MC to generate space charge fluctuation
42 //
43 //
44 TTreeSRedirector *pcstream = new TTreeSRedirector("spaceChargeFluctuation.root","recreate");
45 Double_t interactionRate=100000;
46 Double_t driftTime=0.1;
48 for (Int_t iframe=0; iframe<nframes; iframe++){
49 Int_t nevents=gRandom->Poisson(interactionRate*driftTime);
50 Int_t ntracksAll=0;
51 TVectorD vecAllPhi128(128);
52 TVectorD vecAllPhi36(36);
53 for (Int_t ievent=0; ievent<nevents; ievent++){
54 //
55 //
56 Int_t ntracks=gRandom->Exp(500)+gRandom->Exp(500); // to be taken form the distribution
57 ntracksAll+=ntracks;
58 for (Int_t isec=0; isec<128; isec++){
59 vecAllPhi128(isec)+=ntracks*gRandom->Rndm()/128;
60 }
61 for (Int_t isec=0; isec<36; isec++){
62 vecAllPhi36(isec)+=ntracks*gRandom->Rndm()/36;
63 }
64 }
65 (*pcstream)<<"ntracks"<<
66 "nevents="<<nevents<< // number of events withing time frame
67 "ntracksAll="<<ntracksAll<< // number of tracks within time frame
68 "vecAllPhi36="<<&vecAllPhi36<< // number of tracks in phi bin (36 bins) within time frame
69 "vecAllPhi128="<<&vecAllPhi128<< // number of tracks in phi bin (128 bins) within time frame
70 "\n";
71 }
72 delete pcstream;
76// void spaceChargeFluctuationDraw(){
77// //
78// //
79// //
80// TFile *f = TFile::Open("spaceChargeFluctuation.root");
81// TTree * tree = (TTree*)f->Get("ntracks");
82// TCanvas * canvasFluc = new TCanvas("cavasFluc","canvasFluc");
83// }
86TH1 * GenerateMapRaw(const char *fileName, const char *outputName, Int_t maxEvents){
87 //
88 // Generate 3D maps of electrons
89 // different threshold considered
90 // Paramaters:
91 // fileName - name of input raw file
92 // outputName - name of output file with the space charge histograms
93 // maxEvents - grouping of the events
94 //
95 //
96 TTreeSRedirector * pcstream = new TTreeSRedirector(outputName, "recreate");
98 const char * ocdbpath =gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_PATH") ? gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_PATH"):"local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB/";
99 AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
100 man->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbpath);
101 man->SetRun(0);
102 TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", -1., -1., AliMagF::k5kG, AliMagF::kBeamTypepp, 2.76/2.));
103 AliTPCAltroMapping** mapping =AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetMapping();
104 AliTPCParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters();
105 //
106 TStopwatch timer;
107 timer.Start();
108 TH3F * hisQ3D[3]={0};
109 TH2F * hisQ2D[3]={0};
110 TH1F * hisQ1D[3]={0};
111 //
112 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
113 char chname[100];
114 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ3D_Th%d",2*ith+2);
115 hisQ3D[ith] = new TH3F(chname, chname,180, 0,2*TMath::TwoPi(),param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,100,0,1100);
116 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ2D_Th%d",2*ith+2);
117 hisQ2D[ith] = new TH2F(chname,chname,180, 0,2*TMath::TwoPi(), param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) );
118 //
119 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ1D_Th%d",2*ith+2);
120 hisQ1D[ith] = new TH1F(chname,chname, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) );
121 hisQ3D[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
122 hisQ1D[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
123 hisQ1D[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
124 }
125 //
126 //
127 AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fileName);
128 reader->Reset();
129 AliAltroRawStream* stream = new AliAltroRawStream(reader);
130 stream->SelectRawData("TPC");
131 Int_t evtnr=0;
132 Int_t chunkNr=0;
133 //
134 while (reader->NextEvent()) {
135 if(evtnr>maxEvents) {
136 chunkNr++;
137 evtnr=0;
138 pcstream->GetFile()->mkdir(Form("Chunk%d",chunkNr));
139 pcstream->GetFile()->cd(Form("Chunk%d",chunkNr));
140 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
141 hisQ1D[ith]->Write(Form("His1D_%d",ith));
142 hisQ2D[ith]->Write(Form("His2D_%d",ith));
143 hisQ3D[ith]->Write(Form("His3D_%d",ith));
144 if (ith<3) continue;
145 hisQ1D[ith]->Reset();
146 hisQ2D[ith]->Reset();
147 hisQ3D[ith]->Reset();
148 }
149 }
150 cout<<"Chunk=\t"<<chunkNr<<"\tEvt=\t"<<evtnr<<endl;
151 evtnr++;
152 AliSysInfo::AddStamp(Form("Event%d",evtnr),evtnr);
153 AliTPCRawStreamV3 input(reader,(AliAltroMapping**)mapping);
154 //
155 while (input.NextDDL()){
156 Int_t sector = input.GetSector();
157 while ( input.NextChannel() ) {
158 Int_t row = input.GetRow();
159 Int_t rowAbs = row+ ((sector<36) ? 0: param->GetNRow(0));
160 Int_t pad = input.GetPad();
161 Int_t nPads = param->GetNPads(sector,row);
162 Double_t localX = param->GetPadRowRadii(sector,row);
163 Double_t localY = (pad-nPads)*param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
164 Double_t localPhi= TMath::ATan2(localY,localX);
165 Double_t phi = TMath::Pi()*((sector%18)+0.5)/9+localPhi;
166 if (sector%36>=18) phi+=TMath::TwoPi();
167 Double_t padLength=param->GetPadPitchLength(sector,row);
168 // Double_t padWidth=param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
169 // Double_t zLength=param->GetZLength();
170 Double_t deltaPhi=hisQ3D[0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(0);
171 Double_t deltaZ= hisQ3D[0]->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(0);
172 //
173 while ( input.NextBunch() ){
174 Int_t startTbin = (Int_t)input.GetStartTimeBin();
175 Int_t bunchlength = (Int_t)input.GetBunchLength();
176 const UShort_t *sig = input.GetSignals();
177 Int_t aboveTh[3]={0};
178 for (Int_t i=0; i<bunchlength; i++){
179 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
180 if (sig[i]>(ith*2)+2) aboveTh[ith]++;
181 }
182 }
183 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
184 if (aboveTh[ith%3]>1){
185 for (Int_t i=0; i<bunchlength; i++){
186 //
187 // normalization
188 //
189 Double_t volume3D = padLength*(localX*deltaPhi)*deltaZ;
190 if (sector%36<18) hisQ1D[ith]->Fill(rowAbs, sig[i]/volume3D);
191 hisQ2D[ith]->Fill(phi,rowAbs, sig[i]/volume3D);
192 hisQ3D[ith]->Fill(phi,rowAbs,startTbin+i,sig[i]/volume3D);
193 }
194 }
195 }
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 }
200 timer.Print();
201 delete pcstream;
202 return 0;
209TH1 * GenerateMapRawIons(const char *fileName, const char *outputName, Int_t maxEvents){
210 //
211 // Generate 3D maps of the space charge for the rad data maps
212 // different threshold considered
213 // Paramaters:
214 // fileName - name of input raw file
215 // outputName - name of output file with the space charge histograms
216 // maxEvents - grouping of the events
217 //
218 //
219 TTreeSRedirector * pcstream = new TTreeSRedirector(outputName, "recreate");
220 const char * ocdbpath =gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_PATH") ? gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_PATH"):"local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB/";
221 AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
222 man->SetDefaultStorage(ocdbpath);
223 man->SetRun(0);
224 TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", -1., -1., AliMagF::k5kG, AliMagF::kBeamTypepp, 2.76/2.));
225 AliTPCAltroMapping** mapping =AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetMapping();
226 AliTPCParam * param = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters();
227 TStopwatch timer;
228 timer.Start();
229 // arrays of space charges - different elements corresponds to different threshold to accumulate charge
230 TH3F * hisQ3D[3]={0}; // 3D maps space charge from drift volume
231 TH2F * hisQ2D[3]={0};
232 TH1F * hisQ1D[3]={0};
233 TH3F * hisQ3DROC[3]={0}; // 3D maps space charge from ROC
234 TH2F * hisQ2DROC[3]={0};
235 TH1F * hisQ1DROC[3]={0};
236 //
237 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
238 char chname[100];
239 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ3D_Th%d",2*ith+2);
240 hisQ3D[ith] = new TH3F(chname, chname,180, 0,2*TMath::TwoPi(),param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,125,-250,250);
241 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ2D_Th%d",2*ith+2);
242 hisQ2D[ith] = new TH2F(chname,chname,180, 0,2*TMath::TwoPi(), param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) );
243 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ1D_Th%d",2*ith+2);
244 hisQ1D[ith] = new TH1F(chname,chname, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) );
245 //
246 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ3DROC_Th%d",2*ith+2);
247 hisQ3DROC[ith] = new TH3F(chname, chname,180, 0,2*TMath::TwoPi(),param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,125,-250,250);
248 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ2DROC_Th%d",2*ith+2);
249 hisQ2DROC[ith] = new TH2F(chname,chname,180, 0,2*TMath::TwoPi(), param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) );
250 snprintf(chname,100,"hisQ1DROC_Th%d",2*ith+2);
251 hisQ1DROC[ith] = new TH1F(chname,chname, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) ,0, param->GetNRow(0)+param->GetNRow(36) );
252 //
253 hisQ3D[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
254 hisQ1D[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
255 hisQ1D[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
256 hisQ3DROC[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
257 hisQ1DROC[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
258 hisQ1DROC[ith]->SetDirectory(0);
259 }
260 //
261 //
262 AliRawReader *reader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fileName);
263 reader->Reset();
264 AliAltroRawStream* stream = new AliAltroRawStream(reader);
265 stream->SelectRawData("TPC");
266 Int_t evtnr=0;
267 Int_t chunkNr=0;
268 //
270 while (reader->NextEvent()) {
271 Double_t shiftZ= gRandom->Rndm()*250;
272 //
273 if(evtnr>=maxEvents) {
274 chunkNr++;
275 evtnr=0;
276 pcstream->GetFile()->mkdir(Form("Chunk%d",chunkNr));
277 pcstream->GetFile()->cd(Form("Chunk%d",chunkNr));
278 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
279 hisQ1D[ith]->Write(Form("His1DDrift_%d",ith));
280 hisQ2D[ith]->Write(Form("His2DDrift_%d",ith));
281 hisQ3D[ith]->Write(Form("His3DDrift_%d",ith));
282 hisQ1DROC[ith]->Write(Form("His1DROC_%d",ith));
283 hisQ2DROC[ith]->Write(Form("His2DROC_%d",ith));
284 hisQ3DROC[ith]->Write(Form("His3DROC_%d",ith));
285 if (ith<3) continue;
286 hisQ1D[ith]->Reset();
287 hisQ2D[ith]->Reset();
288 hisQ3D[ith]->Reset();
289 hisQ1DROC[ith]->Reset();
290 hisQ2DROC[ith]->Reset();
291 hisQ3DROC[ith]->Reset();
292 }
293 }
294 cout<<"Chunk=\t"<<chunkNr<<"\tEvt=\t"<<evtnr<<endl;
295 evtnr++;
296 AliSysInfo::AddStamp(Form("Event%d",evtnr),evtnr);
297 AliTPCRawStreamV3 input(reader,(AliAltroMapping**)mapping);
298 //
299 while (input.NextDDL()){
300 Int_t sector = input.GetSector();
301 while ( input.NextChannel() ) {
302 Int_t row = input.GetRow();
303 Int_t rowAbs = row+ ((sector<36) ? 0: param->GetNRow(0));
304 Int_t pad = input.GetPad();
305 Int_t nPads = param->GetNPads(sector,row);
306 Double_t localX = param->GetPadRowRadii(sector,row);
307 Double_t localY = (pad-nPads)*param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
308 Double_t localPhi= TMath::ATan2(localY,localX);
309 Double_t phi = TMath::Pi()*((sector%18)+0.5)/9+localPhi;
310 if (sector%36>=18) phi+=TMath::TwoPi();
311 Double_t padLength=param->GetPadPitchLength(sector,row);
312 // Double_t padWidth=param->GetPadPitchWidth(sector);
313 // Double_t zLength=param->GetZLength();
314 Double_t deltaPhi=hisQ3D[0]->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(0);
315 Double_t deltaZ= hisQ3D[0]->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(0);
316 //
317 while ( input.NextBunch() ){
318 Int_t startTbin = (Int_t)input.GetStartTimeBin();
319 Int_t bunchlength = (Int_t)input.GetBunchLength();
320 const UShort_t *sig = input.GetSignals();
321 Int_t aboveTh[3]={0};
322 for (Int_t i=0; i<bunchlength; i++){
323 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
324 if (sig[i]>(ith*2)+2) aboveTh[ith]++;
325 }
326 }
327 for (Int_t ith=0; ith<3; ith++){
328 if (aboveTh[ith%3]>1){
329 for (Int_t i=0; i<bunchlength; i++){
330 //
331 // normalization
332 //
333 Double_t volume3D = padLength*(localX*deltaPhi)*deltaZ;
334 Double_t zIonDrift = (param->GetZLength()-startTbin*param->GetZWidth());
335 zIonDrift+=shiftZ;
336 if (TMath::Abs(zIonDrift)<param->GetZLength()){
337 if ((sector%36)>=18) zIonDrift*=-1; // c side has opposite sign
338 if (sector%36<18) hisQ1D[ith]->Fill(rowAbs, sig[i]/volume3D);
339 hisQ2D[ith]->Fill(phi,rowAbs, sig[i]/volume3D);
340 hisQ3D[ith]->Fill(phi,rowAbs,zIonDrift,sig[i]/volume3D);
341 }
342 //
343 Double_t zIonROC = ((sector%36)<18)? shiftZ: -shiftZ; // z position of the "ion disc" - A side C side opposite sign
344 if (sector%36<18) hisQ1DROC[ith]->Fill(rowAbs, sig[i]/volume3D);
345 hisQ2DROC[ith]->Fill(phi,rowAbs, sig[i]/volume3D);
346 hisQ3DROC[ith]->Fill(phi,rowAbs,zIonROC,sig[i]/volume3D);
347 }
348 }
349 }
350 }
351 }
352 }
353 }
354 timer.Print();
355 delete pcstream;
356 return 0;