]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TRD/AliTRDCalibraFit.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TRD / AliTRDCalibraFit.cxx
55a288e5 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
20// AliTRDCalibraFit
22// This class is for the TRD calibration of the relative gain factor, the drift velocity,
23// the time 0 and the pad response function. It fits the histos.
24// The 2D histograms or vectors (first converted in 1D histos) will be fitted
25// if they have enough entries, otherwise the (default) value of the choosen database
26// will be put. For the relative gain calibration the resulted factors will be globally
27// normalized to the gain factors of the choosen database. It unables to precise
28// previous calibration procedure.
29// The function SetDebug enables the user to see:
30// _fDebug = 0: nothing, only the values are written in the tree if wanted
64942b85 31// _fDebug = 1: only the fit of the choosen calibration group fFitVoir (SetFitVoir)
32// _fDebug = 2: a comparaison of the coefficients found and the default values
55a288e5 33// in the choosen database.
34// fCoef , histogram of the coefs as function of the calibration group number
35// fDelta , histogram of the relative difference of the coef with the default
36// value in the database as function of the calibration group number
37// fError , dirstribution of this relative difference
55a288e5 38// _fDebug = 3: The coefficients in the choosen detector fDet (SetDet) as function of the
39// pad row and col number
40// _fDebug = 4; The coeffcicients in the choosen detector fDet (SetDet) like in the 3 but with
41// also the comparaison histograms of the 1 for this detector
44// Author:
45// R. Bailhache (R.Bailhache@gsi.de)
55a288e5 49#include <TLine.h>
50#include <TH1I.h>
51#include <TStyle.h>
52#include <TProfile2D.h>
55a288e5 53#include <TCanvas.h>
54#include <TGraphErrors.h>
55a288e5 55#include <TObjArray.h>
56#include <TH1.h>
57#include <TH1F.h>
58#include <TF1.h>
55a288e5 59#include <TAxis.h>
55a288e5 60#include <TMath.h>
55a288e5 61#include <TDirectory.h>
3a0f6479 62#include <TTreeStream.h>
63#include <TLinearFitter.h>
64#include <TVectorD.h>
daa7dc79 65#include <TROOT.h>
4c865c34 66#include <TString.h>
595cfc12 67#include <TLine.h>
55a288e5 68
69#include "AliLog.h"
3a0f6479 70#include "AliMathBase.h"
55a288e5 71
72#include "AliTRDCalibraFit.h"
73#include "AliTRDCalibraMode.h"
74#include "AliTRDCalibraVector.h"
3a0f6479 75#include "AliTRDCalibraVdriftLinearFit.h"
a0bb5615 76#include "AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit.h"
55a288e5 77#include "AliTRDcalibDB.h"
78#include "AliTRDgeometry.h"
3a0f6479 79#include "AliTRDpadPlane.h"
80#include "AliTRDgeometry.h"
a076fc2f 81#include "AliTRDCommonParam.h"
55a288e5 82#include "./Cal/AliTRDCalROC.h"
83#include "./Cal/AliTRDCalPad.h"
84#include "./Cal/AliTRDCalDet.h"
89AliTRDCalibraFit* AliTRDCalibraFit::fgInstance = 0;
90Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::fgTerminated = kFALSE;
92//_____________singleton implementation_________________________________________________
93AliTRDCalibraFit *AliTRDCalibraFit::Instance()
95 //
96 // Singleton implementation
97 //
99 if (fgTerminated != kFALSE) {
100 return 0;
101 }
103 if (fgInstance == 0) {
104 fgInstance = new AliTRDCalibraFit();
105 }
107 return fgInstance;
55a288e5 110//______________________________________________________________________________________
111void AliTRDCalibraFit::Terminate()
113 //
114 // Singleton implementation
115 // Deletes the instance of this class
116 //
118 fgTerminated = kTRUE;
120 if (fgInstance != 0) {
121 delete fgInstance;
122 fgInstance = 0;
123 }
55a288e5 126//______________________________________________________________________________________
128 :TObject()
f162af62 129 ,fGeo(0)
3a0f6479 130 ,fNumberOfBinsExpected(0)
131 ,fMethod(0)
132 ,fBeginFitCharge(3.5)
595cfc12 133 ,fOutliersFitChargeLow(0.03)
134 ,fOutliersFitChargeHigh(0.80)
3a0f6479 135 ,fFitPHPeriode(1)
413153cb 136 ,fTakeTheMaxPH(kTRUE)
137 ,fT0Shift0(0.124797)
138 ,fT0Shift1(0.267451)
3a0f6479 139 ,fRangeFitPRF(1.0)
55a288e5 140 ,fAccCDB(kFALSE)
3a0f6479 141 ,fMinEntries(800)
142 ,fRebin(1)
54f2ff1c 143 ,fScaleGain(0.02431)
55a288e5 144 ,fNumberFit(0)
145 ,fNumberFitSuccess(0)
146 ,fNumberEnt(0)
147 ,fStatisticMean(0.0)
3a0f6479 148 ,fDebugStreamer(0x0)
149 ,fDebugLevel(0)
55a288e5 150 ,fFitVoir(0)
3a0f6479 151 ,fMagneticField(0.5)
152 ,fCalibraMode(new AliTRDCalibraMode())
153 ,fCurrentCoefE(0.0)
154 ,fCurrentCoefE2(0.0)
155 ,fDect1(0)
156 ,fDect2(0)
55a288e5 157 ,fScaleFitFactor(0.0)
158 ,fEntriesCurrent(0)
3a0f6479 159 ,fCountDet(0)
160 ,fCount(0)
64942b85 161 ,fNbDet(0)
3a0f6479 162 ,fCalDet(0x0)
163 ,fCalROC(0x0)
164 ,fCalDet2(0x0)
165 ,fCalROC2(0x0)
840ec79d 166 ,fCalDetVdriftUsed(0x0)
167 ,fCalDetExBUsed(0x0)
3a0f6479 168 ,fCurrentCoefDetector(0x0)
169 ,fCurrentCoefDetector2(0x0)
170 ,fVectorFit(0)
171 ,fVectorFit2(0)
55a288e5 172{
173 //
174 // Default constructor
175 //
3a0f6479 177 fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry();
179 // Current variables initialised
180 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
181 fCurrentCoef[k] = 0.0;
182 fCurrentCoef2[k] = 0.0;
55a288e5 183 }
55a288e5 184 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3a0f6479 185 fPhd[i] = 0.0;
186 fDet[i] = 0;
55a288e5 187 }
3a0f6479 188
55a288e5 189}
55a288e5 190//______________________________________________________________________________________
191AliTRDCalibraFit::AliTRDCalibraFit(const AliTRDCalibraFit &c)
3a0f6479 192:TObject(c)
595cfc12 197,fOutliersFitChargeLow(c.fOutliersFitChargeLow)
3a0f6479 199,fFitPHPeriode(c.fFitPHPeriode)
413153cb 201,fT0Shift0(c.fT0Shift0)
3a0f6479 203,fRangeFitPRF(c.fRangeFitPRF)
54f2ff1c 207,fScaleGain(c.fScaleGain)
3a0f6479 208,fNumberFit(c.fNumberFit)
64942b85 225,fNbDet(c.fNbDet)
3a0f6479 226,fCalDet(0x0)
840ec79d 230,fCalDetVdriftUsed(0x0)
3a0f6479 232,fCurrentCoefDetector(0x0)
55a288e5 236{
237 //
238 // Copy constructor
239 //
3a0f6479 241 if(c.fCalibraMode) fCalibraMode = new AliTRDCalibraMode(*c.fCalibraMode);
243 //Current variables initialised
244 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
245 fCurrentCoef[k] = 0.0;
246 fCurrentCoef2[k] = 0.0;
247 }
248 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
249 fPhd[i] = 0.0;
250 fDet[i] = 0;
251 }
252 if(c.fCalDet) fCalDet = new AliTRDCalDet(*c.fCalDet);
253 if(c.fCalDet2) fCalDet2 = new AliTRDCalDet(*c.fCalDet2);
64942b85 254
3a0f6479 255 if(c.fCalROC) fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(*c.fCalROC);
256 if(c.fCalROC2) fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(*c.fCalROC2);
840ec79d 258 if(c.fCalDetVdriftUsed) fCalDetVdriftUsed = new AliTRDCalDet(*c.fCalDetVdriftUsed);
259 if(c.fCalDetExBUsed) fCalDetExBUsed = new AliTRDCalDet(*c.fCalDetExBUsed);
3a0f6479 261 fVectorFit.SetName(c.fVectorFit.GetName());
262 for(Int_t k = 0; k < c.fVectorFit.GetEntriesFast(); k++){
263 AliTRDFitInfo *fitInfo = new AliTRDFitInfo();
264 Int_t detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *)c.fVectorFit.UncheckedAt(k))->GetDetector();
265 Int_t ntotal = 1;
053767a4 266 if (GetStack(detector) == 2) {
3a0f6479 267 ntotal = 1728;
268 }
269 else {
270 ntotal = 2304;
271 }
272 Float_t *coef = new Float_t[ntotal];
273 for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntotal; i++) {
274 coef[i] = ((AliTRDFitInfo *)c.fVectorFit.UncheckedAt(k))->GetCoef()[i];
275 }
276 fitInfo->SetCoef(coef);
277 fitInfo->SetDetector(detector);
278 fVectorFit.Add((TObject *) fitInfo);
279 }
280 fVectorFit.SetName(c.fVectorFit.GetName());
281 for(Int_t k = 0; k < c.fVectorFit2.GetEntriesFast(); k++){
282 AliTRDFitInfo *fitInfo = new AliTRDFitInfo();
283 Int_t detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *)c.fVectorFit2.UncheckedAt(k))->GetDetector();
284 Int_t ntotal = 1;
053767a4 285 if (GetStack(detector) == 2) {
3a0f6479 286 ntotal = 1728;
287 }
288 else {
289 ntotal = 2304;
290 }
291 Float_t *coef = new Float_t[ntotal];
292 for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntotal; i++) {
293 coef[i] = ((AliTRDFitInfo *)c.fVectorFit2.UncheckedAt(k))->GetCoef()[i];
294 }
295 fitInfo->SetCoef(coef);
296 fitInfo->SetDetector(detector);
297 fVectorFit2.Add((TObject *) fitInfo);
298 }
299 if (fGeo) {
300 delete fGeo;
301 }
302 fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry();
55a288e5 303
3a0f6479 304}
55a288e5 305//____________________________________________________________________________________
308 //
309 // AliTRDCalibraFit destructor
310 //
3a0f6479 311 if ( fDebugStreamer ) delete fDebugStreamer;
312 if ( fCalDet ) delete fCalDet;
313 if ( fCalDet2 ) delete fCalDet2;
314 if ( fCalROC ) delete fCalROC;
1ca79a00 315 if ( fCalROC2 ) delete fCalROC2;
840ec79d 316 if ( fCalDetVdriftUsed) delete fCalDetVdriftUsed;
317 if ( fCalDetExBUsed) delete fCalDetExBUsed;
1ca79a00 318 if( fCurrentCoefDetector ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector;
319 if( fCurrentCoefDetector2 ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector2;
3a0f6479 320 fVectorFit.Delete();
321 fVectorFit2.Delete();
f162af62 322 if (fGeo) {
323 delete fGeo;
324 }
55a288e5 326}
55a288e5 327//_____________________________________________________________________________
328void AliTRDCalibraFit::Destroy()
330 //
331 // Delete instance
332 //
334 if (fgInstance) {
335 delete fgInstance;
336 fgInstance = 0x0;
337 }
64942b85 339}
341void AliTRDCalibraFit::DestroyDebugStreamer()
343 //
344 // Delete DebugStreamer
345 //
347 if ( fDebugStreamer ) delete fDebugStreamer;
348 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 350}
55a288e5 351//____________Functions fit Online CH2d________________________________________
979b168f 352Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyseCH(const TH2I *ch)
55a288e5 353{
354 //
355 // Fit the 1D histos, projections of the 2D ch on the Xaxis, for each
356 // calibration group normalized the resulted coefficients (to 1 normally)
55a288e5 357 //
3a0f6479 359 // Set the calibration mode
4c865c34 360 //const char *name = ch->GetTitle();
361 TString name = ch->GetTitle();
64942b85 362 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,0)) return kFALSE;
3a0f6479 363
364 // Number of Ybins (detectors or groups of pads)
365 Int_t nbins = ch->GetNbinsX();// charge
366 Int_t nybins = ch->GetNbinsY();// groups number
367 if (!InitFit(nybins,0)) {
55a288e5 368 return kFALSE;
369 }
3a0f6479 370 if (!InitFitCH()) {
55a288e5 371 return kFALSE;
372 }
373 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
374 fNumberFit = 0;
375 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
376 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 377 // Init fCountDet and fCount
378 InitfCountDetAndfCount(0);
55a288e5 379 // Beginning of the loop betwwen dect1 and dect2
3a0f6479 380 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
381 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi...
55a288e5 382 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,0);
55a288e5 383 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect, 0);
3a0f6479 384 // Take the histo
385 TH1I *projch = (TH1I *) ch->ProjectionX("projch",idect+1,idect+1,(Option_t *)"e");
386 projch->SetDirectory(0);
55a288e5 387 // Number of entries for this calibration group
388 Double_t nentries = 0.0;
389 Double_t mean = 0.0;
3a0f6479 390 for (Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++) {
391 Int_t binnb = (nbins+2)*(idect+1)+(k+1);
392 nentries += ch->GetBinContent(binnb);
55a288e5 393 mean += projch->GetBinCenter(k+1)*projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
3a0f6479 394 projch->SetBinError(k+1,TMath::Sqrt(projch->GetBinContent(k+1)));
55a288e5 395 }
3a0f6479 396 projch->SetEntries(nentries);
397 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %f\n",idect,nentries);
55a288e5 398 if (nentries > 0) {
399 fNumberEnt++;
400 mean /= nentries;
401 }
55a288e5 402 // Rebin and statistic stuff
55a288e5 403 if (fRebin > 1) {
404 projch = ReBin((TH1I *) projch);
405 }
406 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
3a0f6479 407 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
408 NotEnoughStatisticCH(idect);
409 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 410 delete projch;
411 }
412 continue;
413 }
55a288e5 414 // Statistics of the group fitted
55a288e5 415 fStatisticMean += nentries;
416 fNumberFit++;
3a0f6479 417 //Method choosen
418 switch(fMethod)
419 {
420 case 0: FitMeanW((TH1 *) projch, nentries); break;
421 case 1: FitMean((TH1 *) projch, nentries, mean); break;
595cfc12 422 case 2: FitLandau((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
423 case 3: FitCH((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
424 case 4: FitBisCH((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
425 case 5: FitBisCHEx((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
3a0f6479 426 default: return kFALSE;
427 }
55a288e5 428 // Fill Infos Fit
3a0f6479 429 FillInfosFitCH(idect);
55a288e5 430 // Memory!!!
3a0f6479 431 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 432 delete projch;
433 }
55a288e5 434 } // Boucle object
55a288e5 435 // Normierungcharge
3a0f6479 436 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 437 NormierungCharge();
438 }
55a288e5 439 // Mean Statistic
440 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 441 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit), fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 442 fStatisticMean = fStatisticMean / fNumberFit;
443 }
444 else {
445 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
446 }
3a0f6479 447 delete fDebugStreamer;
448 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 450 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 451}
55a288e5 452//____________Functions fit Online CH2d________________________________________
3a0f6479 453Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyseCH(AliTRDCalibraVector *calvect)
55a288e5 454{
455 //
456 // Reconstruct a 1D histo from the vectorCH for each calibration group,
457 // fit the histo, normalized the resulted coefficients (to 1 normally)
55a288e5 458 //
3a0f6479 460 // Set the calibraMode
4c865c34 461 //const char *name = calvect->GetNameCH();
462 TString name = calvect->GetNameCH();
64942b85 463 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,0)) return kFALSE;
55a288e5 464
3a0f6479 465 // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads)
466 if (!InitFit((432*calvect->GetDetCha0(0)+108*calvect->GetDetCha2(0)),0)) {
55a288e5 467 return kFALSE;
468 }
3a0f6479 469 if (!InitFitCH()) {
55a288e5 470 return kFALSE;
471 }
472 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
473 fNumberFit = 0;
474 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
475 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 476 // Init fCountDet and fCount
477 InitfCountDetAndfCount(0);
55a288e5 478 // Beginning of the loop between dect1 and dect2
3a0f6479 479 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
480 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi...........
55a288e5 481 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,0);
55a288e5 482 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,0);
3a0f6479 483 // Take the histo
55a288e5 484 Double_t nentries = 0.0;
485 Double_t mean = 0.0;
e526983e 486 if(!calvect->GetCHEntries(fCountDet)) {
487 NotEnoughStatisticCH(idect);
488 continue;
489 }
491 TString tname("CH");
492 tname += idect;
493 TH1F *projch = calvect->ConvertVectorCHHisto(fCountDet,(idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(0)))),(const char *) tname);
494 projch->SetDirectory(0);
495 for (Int_t k = 0; k < calvect->GetNumberBinCharge(); k++) {
496 nentries += projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
497 mean += projch->GetBinCenter(k+1)*projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
498 }
499 if (nentries > 0) {
500 fNumberEnt++;
501 mean /= nentries;
502 }
503 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %f\n",idect,nentries);
504 // Rebin
505 if (fRebin > 1) {
506 projch = ReBin((TH1F *) projch);
55a288e5 507 }
55a288e5 508 // This detector has not enough statistics or was not found in VectorCH
3a0f6479 509 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
510 NotEnoughStatisticCH(idect);
55a288e5 511 continue;
55a288e5 512 }
55a288e5 513 // Statistic of the histos fitted
55a288e5 514 fStatisticMean += nentries;
515 fNumberFit++;
3a0f6479 516 //Method choosen
517 switch(fMethod)
518 {
519 case 0: FitMeanW((TH1 *) projch, nentries); break;
520 case 1: FitMean((TH1 *) projch, nentries, mean); break;
595cfc12 521 case 2: FitLandau((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
522 case 3: FitCH((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
523 case 4: FitBisCH((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
524 case 5: FitBisCHEx((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
3a0f6479 525 default: return kFALSE;
526 }
55a288e5 527 // Fill Infos Fit
3a0f6479 528 FillInfosFitCH(idect);
55a288e5 529 } // Boucle object
55a288e5 530 // Normierungcharge
3a0f6479 531 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 532 NormierungCharge();
533 }
55a288e5 534 // Mean Statistics
535 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 536 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit), fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 537 fStatisticMean = fStatisticMean / fNumberFit;
538 }
539 else {
540 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
541 }
3a0f6479 542 delete fDebugStreamer;
543 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 544 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 545}
54f2ff1c 546//____________Functions fit Online CH2d________________________________________
547Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyseCHAllTogether(const TH2I *ch)
549 //
550 // Fit the 1D histos, projections of the 2D ch on the Xaxis, for each
551 // calibration group normalized the resulted coefficients (to 1 normally)
552 //
553 Int_t nbins = ch->GetNbinsX();// charge
554 Int_t nybins = ch->GetNbinsY();// groups number
555 // Take the histo
556 TH1I *projch = (TH1I *) ch->ProjectionX("projch",1,nybins+1,(Option_t *)"e");
557 projch->SetDirectory(0);
558 // Number of entries for this calibration group
559 Double_t nentries = 0.0;
560 Double_t mean = 0.0;
561 for (Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++) {
562 nentries += projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
563 mean += projch->GetBinCenter(k+1)*projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
564 projch->SetBinError(k+1,TMath::Sqrt(projch->GetBinContent(k+1)));
565 }
566 projch->SetEntries(nentries);
567 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %f\n",idect,nentries);
568 if (nentries > 0) {
54f2ff1c 569 mean /= nentries;
570 }
571 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
572 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
573 delete projch;
574 AliInfo(Form("There are %d entries for all together, it is not enough (%d)",(Int_t) nentries, fMinEntries));
575 return -100.0;
576 }
577 //Method choosen
578 switch(fMethod)
579 {
580 case 0: FitMeanW((TH1 *) projch, nentries); break;
581 case 1: FitMean((TH1 *) projch, nentries, mean); break;
595cfc12 582 case 2: FitLandau((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
583 case 3: FitCH((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
584 case 4: FitBisCH((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
585 case 5: FitBisCHEx((TH1 *) projch, mean, nentries); break;
b88b6bcc 586 default: return -100.0;
54f2ff1c 587 }
588 delete fDebugStreamer;
589 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
591 if(fCurrentCoef[0] > 0.0) return fCurrentCoef[0];
592 else return -100.0;
3a0f6479 595//________________functions fit Online PH2d____________________________________
b88b6bcc 596Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePHAllTogether(const TProfile2D *ph)
55a288e5 597{
598 //
3a0f6479 599 // Take the 1D profiles (average pulse height), projections of the 2D PH
600 // on the Xaxis, for each calibration group
601 // Reconstruct a drift velocity
602 // A first calibration of T0 is also made using the same method
55a288e5 603 //
3a0f6479 605 // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads)
606 Int_t nbins = ph->GetNbinsX();// time
607 Int_t nybins = ph->GetNbinsY();// calibration group
b88b6bcc 608
609 // Take the histo
610 TH1D *projph = (TH1D *) ph->ProjectionX("projph",1,nybins+1,(Option_t *) "e");
611 projph->SetDirectory(0);
612 // Number of entries for this calibration group
613 Double_t nentries = 0;
614 for(Int_t idect = 0; idect < nybins; idect++){
615 for (Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++) {
616 Int_t binnb = (nbins+2)*(idect+1)+(k+1);
617 nentries += ph->GetBinEntries(binnb);
618 }
55a288e5 619 }
b88b6bcc 620 //printf("AnalysePHAllTogether:: the number of entries is %f\n",nentries);
621 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
622 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
623 AliInfo(Form("There are %d entries for all together, it is not enough (%d)",(Int_t) nentries, fMinEntries));
624 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
625 delete projph;
626 }
627 return -100.0;
628 }
629 //Method choosen
630 //printf("Method\n");
631 switch(fMethod)
632 {
633 case 0: FitLagrangePoly((TH1 *) projph); break;
634 case 1: FitPente((TH1 *) projph); break;
635 case 2: FitPH((TH1 *) projph,0); break;
636 default: return -100.0;
637 }
638 // Memory!!!
639 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
640 delete projph;
641 }
642 delete fDebugStreamer;
643 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
645 if(fCurrentCoef[0] > 0.0) return fCurrentCoef[0];
646 else return -100.0;
649//____________Functions fit Online PH2d________________________________________
650Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePH(AliTRDCalibraVector *calvect)
652 //
653 // Reconstruct the average pulse height from the vectorPH for each
654 // calibration group
655 // Reconstruct a drift velocity
656 // A first calibration of T0 is also made using the same method (slope method)
657 //
6aafa7ea 658
b88b6bcc 659 // Set the calibration mode
660 //const char *name = calvect->GetNamePH();
661 TString name = calvect->GetNamePH();
662 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,1)) return kFALSE;
6aafa7ea 663
b88b6bcc 664 // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads)
665 if (!InitFit((432*calvect->GetDetCha0(1)+108*calvect->GetDetCha2(1)),1)) {
666 return kFALSE;
667 }
3a0f6479 668 if (!InitFitPH()) {
55a288e5 669 return kFALSE;
670 }
671 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
672 fNumberFit = 0;
673 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
674 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 675 // Init fCountDet and fCount
3a0f6479 676 InitfCountDetAndfCount(1);
677 // Beginning of the loop
678 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
b88b6bcc 679 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi...........
3a0f6479 680 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,1);
681 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,1);
682 // Take the histo
b88b6bcc 683 fEntriesCurrent = 0;
684 if(!calvect->GetPHEntries(fCountDet)) {
685 NotEnoughStatisticPH(idect,fEntriesCurrent);
686 continue;
55a288e5 687 }
b88b6bcc 688 TString tname("PH");
689 tname += idect;
690 TH1F *projph = calvect->CorrectTheError((TGraphErrors *) (calvect->ConvertVectorPHTGraphErrors(fCountDet,(idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(1)))),(const char *) tname)),fEntriesCurrent);
691 projph->SetDirectory(0);
692 if(fEntriesCurrent > 0) fNumberEnt++;
693 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %d\n",idect,fEntriesCurrent);
3a0f6479 694 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
b88b6bcc 695 if (fEntriesCurrent <= fMinEntries) {
696 //printf("Not enough stat!\n");
697 NotEnoughStatisticPH(idect,fEntriesCurrent);
55a288e5 698 continue;
55a288e5 699 }
b88b6bcc 700 // Statistic of the histos fitted
55a288e5 701 fNumberFit++;
b88b6bcc 702 fStatisticMean += fEntriesCurrent;
3a0f6479 703 // Calcul of "real" coef
704 CalculVdriftCoefMean();
705 CalculT0CoefMean();
706 //Method choosen
707 switch(fMethod)
708 {
709 case 0: FitLagrangePoly((TH1 *) projph); break;
710 case 1: FitPente((TH1 *) projph); break;
711 case 2: FitPH((TH1 *) projph,(Int_t) (idect - fDect1)); break;
712 default: return kFALSE;
713 }
714 // Fill the tree if end of a detector or only the pointer to the branch!!!
b88b6bcc 715 FillInfosFitPH(idect,fEntriesCurrent);
55a288e5 716 } // Boucle object
b88b6bcc 717
55a288e5 718 // Mean Statistic
719 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 720 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 721 fStatisticMean = fStatisticMean / fNumberFit;
722 }
723 else {
724 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
725 }
3a0f6479 726 delete fDebugStreamer;
727 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 728 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 729}
b88b6bcc 730//________________functions fit Online PH2d____________________________________
731Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePH(const TProfile2D *ph)
55a288e5 732{
733 //
b88b6bcc 734 // Take the 1D profiles (average pulse height), projections of the 2D PH
735 // on the Xaxis, for each calibration group
3a0f6479 736 // Reconstruct a drift velocity
b88b6bcc 737 // A first calibration of T0 is also made using the same method
55a288e5 738 //
3a0f6479 740 // Set the calibration mode
b88b6bcc 741 //const char *name = ph->GetTitle();
742 TString name = ph->GetTitle();
64942b85 743 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,1)) return kFALSE;
b88b6bcc 744
745 //printf("Mode calibration set\n");
3a0f6479 746
747 // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads)
b88b6bcc 748 Int_t nbins = ph->GetNbinsX();// time
749 Int_t nybins = ph->GetNbinsY();// calibration group
750 if (!InitFit(nybins,1)) {
55a288e5 751 return kFALSE;
752 }
b88b6bcc 753
754 //printf("Init fit\n");
3a0f6479 756 if (!InitFitPH()) {
55a288e5 757 return kFALSE;
758 }
b88b6bcc 759
760 //printf("Init fit PH\n");
55a288e5 762 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
763 fNumberFit = 0;
764 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
765 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 766 // Init fCountDet and fCount
767 InitfCountDetAndfCount(1);
b88b6bcc 768 //printf("Init Count Det and fCount %d, %d\n",fDect1,fDect2);
55a288e5 770 // Beginning of the loop
3a0f6479 771 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
b88b6bcc 772 //printf("idect = %d\n",idect);
773 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi.......
55a288e5 774 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,1);
55a288e5 775 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,1);
3a0f6479 776 // Take the histo
b88b6bcc 777 TH1D *projph = (TH1D *) ph->ProjectionX("projph",idect+1,idect+1,(Option_t *) "e");
778 projph->SetDirectory(0);
779 // Number of entries for this calibration group
780 Double_t nentries = 0;
781 for (Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++) {
782 Int_t binnb = (nbins+2)*(idect+1)+(k+1);
783 nentries += ph->GetBinEntries(binnb);
3a0f6479 784 }
b88b6bcc 785 if (nentries > 0) {
786 fNumberEnt++;
787 }
788 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %f\n",idect,nentries);
55a288e5 789 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
b88b6bcc 790 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
791 //printf("Not enough statistic!\n");
792 NotEnoughStatisticPH(idect,nentries);
793 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
794 delete projph;
795 }
55a288e5 796 continue;
55a288e5 797 }
b88b6bcc 798 // Statistics of the histos fitted
55a288e5 799 fNumberFit++;
b88b6bcc 800 fStatisticMean += nentries;
55a288e5 801 // Calcul of "real" coef
3a0f6479 802 CalculVdriftCoefMean();
803 CalculT0CoefMean();
804 //Method choosen
b88b6bcc 805 //printf("Method\n");
3a0f6479 806 switch(fMethod)
807 {
808 case 0: FitLagrangePoly((TH1 *) projph); break;
809 case 1: FitPente((TH1 *) projph); break;
810 case 2: FitPH((TH1 *) projph,(Int_t) (idect - fDect1)); break;
811 default: return kFALSE;
812 }
55a288e5 813 // Fill the tree if end of a detector or only the pointer to the branch!!!
b88b6bcc 814 FillInfosFitPH(idect,nentries);
815 // Memory!!!
816 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
817 delete projph;
818 }
55a288e5 819 } // Boucle object
55a288e5 820 // Mean Statistic
821 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 822 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 823 fStatisticMean = fStatisticMean / fNumberFit;
824 }
825 else {
826 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
827 }
3a0f6479 828 delete fDebugStreamer;
829 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 830 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 831}
3a0f6479 832//____________Functions fit Online PRF2d_______________________________________
979b168f 833Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePRF(const TProfile2D *prf)
55a288e5 834{
835 //
3a0f6479 836 // Take the 1D profiles (pad response function), projections of the 2D PRF
837 // on the Xaxis, for each calibration group
838 // Fit with a gaussian to reconstruct the sigma of the pad response function
55a288e5 839 //
3a0f6479 841 // Set the calibration mode
4c865c34 842 //const char *name = prf->GetTitle();
843 TString name = prf->GetTitle();
64942b85 844 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,2)) return kFALSE;
55a288e5 845
3a0f6479 846 // Number of Ybins (detectors or groups of pads)
847 Int_t nybins = prf->GetNbinsY();// calibration groups
848 Int_t nbins = prf->GetNbinsX();// bins
849 Int_t nbg = GetNumberOfGroupsPRF((const char *)prf->GetTitle());
850 if((nbg > 0) || (nbg == -1)) return kFALSE;
851 if (!InitFit(nybins,2)) {
55a288e5 852 return kFALSE;
853 }
3a0f6479 854 if (!InitFitPRF()) {
55a288e5 855 return kFALSE;
856 }
857 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
858 fNumberFit = 0;
859 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
860 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 861 // Init fCountDet and fCount
3a0f6479 862 InitfCountDetAndfCount(2);
55a288e5 863 // Beginning of the loop
3a0f6479 864 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
865 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi......
866 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,2);
867 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,2);
868 // Take the histo
869 TH1D *projprf = (TH1D *) prf->ProjectionX("projprf",idect+1,idect+1,(Option_t *) "e");
870 projprf->SetDirectory(0);
871 // Number of entries for this calibration group
872 Double_t nentries = 0;
873 for (Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++) {
874 Int_t binnb = (nbins+2)*(idect+1)+(k+1);
875 nentries += prf->GetBinEntries(binnb);
55a288e5 876 }
3a0f6479 877 if(nentries > 0) fNumberEnt++;
55a288e5 878 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
3a0f6479 879 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
880 NotEnoughStatisticPRF(idect);
881 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
882 delete projprf;
55a288e5 883 }
55a288e5 884 continue;
55a288e5 885 }
3a0f6479 886 // Statistics of the histos fitted
55a288e5 887 fNumberFit++;
3a0f6479 888 fStatisticMean += nentries;
55a288e5 889 // Calcul of "real" coef
3a0f6479 890 CalculPRFCoefMean();
891 //Method choosen
892 switch(fMethod)
893 {
894 case 0: FitPRF((TH1 *) projprf); break;
895 case 1: RmsPRF((TH1 *) projprf); break;
896 default: return kFALSE;
897 }
55a288e5 898 // Fill the tree if end of a detector or only the pointer to the branch!!!
3a0f6479 899 FillInfosFitPRF(idect);
55a288e5 900 // Memory!!!
3a0f6479 901 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
902 delete projprf;
55a288e5 903 }
55a288e5 904 } // Boucle object
55a288e5 905 // Mean Statistic
906 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
907 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries.",fNumberEnt));
908 AliInfo(Form("%d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...).",fNumberFit));
6245a86f 909 AliInfo(Form("There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits"
910 ,(Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 911 fStatisticMean = fStatisticMean / fNumberFit;
912 }
913 else {
914 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
915 }
3a0f6479 916 delete fDebugStreamer;
917 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 918 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 919}
3a0f6479 920//____________Functions fit Online PRF2d_______________________________________
979b168f 921Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePRFMarianFit(const TProfile2D *prf)
55a288e5 922{
923 //
3a0f6479 924 // Take the 1D profiles (pad response function), projections of the 2D PRF
925 // on the Xaxis, for each calibration group
926 // Fit with a gaussian to reconstruct the sigma of the pad response function
55a288e5 927 //
3a0f6479 928
929 // Set the calibration mode
4c865c34 930 //const char *name = prf->GetTitle();
931 TString name = prf->GetTitle();
64942b85 932 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,2)) return kFALSE;
3a0f6479 933
934 // Number of Ybins (detectors or groups of pads)
935 TAxis *xprf = prf->GetXaxis();
936 TAxis *yprf = prf->GetYaxis();
937 Int_t nybins = yprf->GetNbins();// calibration groups
938 Int_t nbins = xprf->GetNbins();// bins
939 Float_t lowedge = (Float_t) xprf->GetBinLowEdge(1);//lowedge in bins
940 Float_t upedge = (Float_t) xprf->GetBinUpEdge(nbins);//upedge in bins
941 Int_t nbg = GetNumberOfGroupsPRF((const char *)name);
942 if(nbg == -1) return kFALSE;
943 if(nbg > 0) fMethod = 1;
944 else fMethod = 0;
945 if (!InitFit(nybins,2)) {
55a288e5 946 return kFALSE;
947 }
3a0f6479 948 if (!InitFitPRF()) {
55a288e5 949 return kFALSE;
950 }
951 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
3a0f6479 952 fNumberFit = 0;
55a288e5 953 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
954 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 955 // Init fCountDet and fCount
3a0f6479 956 InitfCountDetAndfCount(2);
55a288e5 957 // Beginning of the loop
3a0f6479 958 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
959 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi.......
960 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,2);
961 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,2);
962 // Build the array of entries and sum
963 TArrayD arraye = TArrayD(nbins);
964 TArrayD arraym = TArrayD(nbins);
965 TArrayD arrayme = TArrayD(nbins);
966 Double_t nentries = 0;
967 //printf("nbins %d\n",nbins);
968 for (Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++) {
969 Int_t binnb = (nbins+2)*(idect+1)+(k+1);
970 Double_t entries = (Double_t)prf->GetBinEntries(binnb);
971 Double_t mean = (Double_t)prf->GetBinContent(binnb);
972 Double_t error = (Double_t)prf->GetBinError(binnb);
973 //printf("for %d we have %f\n",k,entries);
974 nentries += entries;
975 arraye.AddAt(entries,k);
976 arraym.AddAt(mean,k);
977 arrayme.AddAt(error,k);
55a288e5 978 }
3a0f6479 979 if(nentries > 0) fNumberEnt++;
980 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %f\n",idect,nentries);
55a288e5 981 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
3a0f6479 982 if (nentries <= fMinEntries) {
983 NotEnoughStatisticPRF(idect);
55a288e5 984 continue;
55a288e5 985 }
55a288e5 986 // Statistics of the histos fitted
55a288e5 987 fNumberFit++;
3a0f6479 988 fStatisticMean += nentries;
55a288e5 989 // Calcul of "real" coef
3a0f6479 990 CalculPRFCoefMean();
991 //Method choosen
992 switch(fMethod)
993 {
994 case 0: FitPRFGausMI( arraye.GetArray(), arraym.GetArray(), arrayme.GetArray(), nbins, lowedge, upedge); break;
995 case 1: FitTnpRange( arraye.GetArray(), arraym.GetArray(), arrayme.GetArray(), nbg, nbins); break;
996 default: return kFALSE;
997 }
55a288e5 998 // Fill the tree if end of a detector or only the pointer to the branch!!!
3a0f6479 999 FillInfosFitPRF(idect);
55a288e5 1000 } // Boucle object
3a0f6479 1001 // Mean Statistic
55a288e5 1002 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
1003 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries.",fNumberEnt));
1004 AliInfo(Form("%d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...).",fNumberFit));
6245a86f 1005 AliInfo(Form("There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits"
1006 ,(Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 1007 fStatisticMean = fStatisticMean / fNumberFit;
1008 }
1009 else {
1010 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
1011 }
3a0f6479 1012 delete fDebugStreamer;
1013 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 1014 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1015}
55a288e5 1016//____________Functions fit Online PRF2d_______________________________________
3a0f6479 1017Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePRF(AliTRDCalibraVector *calvect)
55a288e5 1018{
1019 //
3a0f6479 1020 // Reconstruct the 1D histo (pad response function) from the vectorPRD for
1021 // each calibration group
55a288e5 1022 // Fit with a gaussian to reconstruct the sigma of the pad response function
55a288e5 1023 //
3a0f6479 1025 // Set the calibra mode
4c865c34 1026 //const char *name = calvect->GetNamePRF();
1027 TString name = calvect->GetNamePRF();
64942b85 1028 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,2)) return kFALSE;
3a0f6479 1029 //printf("test0 %s\n",name);
55a288e5 1030
1031 // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads)
3a0f6479 1032 if (!InitFit((432*calvect->GetDetCha0(2)+108*calvect->GetDetCha2(2)),2)) {
1033 //printf("test1\n");
1034 return kFALSE;
1035 }
1036 if (!InitFitPRF()) {
1037 ///printf("test2\n");
55a288e5 1038 return kFALSE;
1039 }
1040 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
1041 fNumberFit = 0;
1042 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
1043 fNumberEnt = 0;
55a288e5 1044 // Init fCountDet and fCount
1045 InitfCountDetAndfCount(2);
55a288e5 1046 // Beginning of the loop
3a0f6479 1047 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
1048 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi........
55a288e5 1049 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,2);
55a288e5 1050 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,2);
3a0f6479 1051 // Take the histo
3a0f6479 1052 fEntriesCurrent = 0;
e526983e 1053 if(!calvect->GetPRFEntries(fCountDet)) {
1054 NotEnoughStatisticPRF(idect);
1055 continue;
3a0f6479 1056 }
e526983e 1057 TString tname("PRF");
1058 tname += idect;
1059 TH1F *projprf = calvect->CorrectTheError((TGraphErrors *) (calvect->ConvertVectorPRFTGraphErrors(fCountDet,(idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(1)))),(const char *) tname)),fEntriesCurrent);
1060 projprf->SetDirectory(0);
1061 if(fEntriesCurrent > 0) fNumberEnt++;
55a288e5 1062 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
3a0f6479 1063 if (fEntriesCurrent <= fMinEntries) {
1064 NotEnoughStatisticPRF(idect);
55a288e5 1065 continue;
55a288e5 1066 }
3a0f6479 1067 // Statistic of the histos fitted
55a288e5 1068 fNumberFit++;
3a0f6479 1069 fStatisticMean += fEntriesCurrent;
55a288e5 1070 // Calcul of "real" coef
3a0f6479 1071 CalculPRFCoefMean();
1072 //Method choosen
1073 switch(fMethod)
1074 {
1075 case 1: FitPRF((TH1 *) projprf); break;
1076 case 2: RmsPRF((TH1 *) projprf); break;
1077 default: return kFALSE;
1078 }
55a288e5 1079 // Fill the tree if end of a detector or only the pointer to the branch!!!
3a0f6479 1080 FillInfosFitPRF(idect);
55a288e5 1081 } // Boucle object
3a0f6479 1082 // Mean Statistics
55a288e5 1083 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 1084 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 1085 }
1086 else {
1087 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
1088 }
3a0f6479 1089 delete fDebugStreamer;
1090 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 1091 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1092}
55a288e5 1093//____________Functions fit Online PRF2d_______________________________________
3a0f6479 1094Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalysePRFMarianFit(AliTRDCalibraVector *calvect)
55a288e5 1095{
1096 //
1097 // Reconstruct the 1D histo (pad response function) from the vectorPRD for
1098 // each calibration group
1099 // Fit with a gaussian to reconstruct the sigma of the pad response function
55a288e5 1100 //
3a0f6479 1102 // Set the calibra mode
4c865c34 1103 //const char *name = calvect->GetNamePRF();
1104 TString name = calvect->GetNamePRF();
64942b85 1105 if(!SetModeCalibration(name,2)) return kFALSE;
3a0f6479 1106 //printf("test0 %s\n",name);
1107 Int_t nbg = GetNumberOfGroupsPRF((const char *)name);
64942b85 1108 //printf("test1 %d\n",nbg);
3a0f6479 1109 if(nbg == -1) return kFALSE;
1110 if(nbg > 0) fMethod = 1;
1111 else fMethod = 0;
1112 // Number of Xbins (detectors or groups of pads)
1113 if (!InitFit((432*calvect->GetDetCha0(2)+108*calvect->GetDetCha2(2)),2)) {
1114 //printf("test2\n");
55a288e5 1115 return kFALSE;
1116 }
3a0f6479 1117 if (!InitFitPRF()) {
1118 //printf("test3\n");
55a288e5 1119 return kFALSE;
1120 }
1121 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
1122 fNumberFit = 0;
1123 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
1124 fNumberEnt = 0;
3a0f6479 1125 // Variables
1126 Int_t nbins = 0;
1127 Double_t *arrayx = 0;
1128 Double_t *arraye = 0;
1129 Double_t *arraym = 0;
1130 Double_t *arrayme = 0;
1131 Float_t lowedge = 0.0;
1132 Float_t upedge = 0.0;
55a288e5 1133 // Init fCountDet and fCount
1134 InitfCountDetAndfCount(2);
55a288e5 1135 // Beginning of the loop
3a0f6479 1136 for (Int_t idect = fDect1; idect < fDect2; idect++) {
1137 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi......
55a288e5 1138 UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(idect,2);
55a288e5 1139 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,2);
3a0f6479 1140 // Take the histo
3a0f6479 1141 fEntriesCurrent = 0;
e526983e 1142 if(!calvect->GetPRFEntries(fCountDet)) {
1143 NotEnoughStatisticPRF(idect);
1144 continue;
3a0f6479 1145 }
e526983e 1146 TString tname("PRF");
1147 tname += idect;
1148 TGraphErrors *projprftree = calvect->ConvertVectorPRFTGraphErrors(fCountDet,(idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(1)))),(const char *) tname);
1149 nbins = projprftree->GetN();
1150 arrayx = (Double_t *)projprftree->GetX();
1151 arraye = (Double_t *)projprftree->GetEX();
1152 arraym = (Double_t *)projprftree->GetY();
1153 arrayme = (Double_t *)projprftree->GetEY();
1154 Float_t step = arrayx[1]-arrayx[0];
1155 lowedge = arrayx[0] - step/2.0;
1156 upedge = arrayx[(nbins-1)] + step/2.0;
1157 //printf("nbins est %d\n",nbins);
1158 for(Int_t k = 0; k < nbins; k++){
1159 fEntriesCurrent += (Int_t)arraye[k];
1160 //printf("for %d we have %f, %f\n",k,arraye[k],((projprftree->GetEX())[k]));
1161 if(arraye[k]>0.0) arrayme[k] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(arrayme[k]-arraym[k]*arraym[k])/arraye[k]);
1162 }
1163 if(fEntriesCurrent > 0) fNumberEnt++;
3a0f6479 1164 //printf("The number of entries for the group %d is %d\n",idect,fEntriesCurrent);
1165 // This detector has not enough statistics or was off
1166 if (fEntriesCurrent <= fMinEntries) {
1167 NotEnoughStatisticPRF(idect);
55a288e5 1168 continue;
55a288e5 1169 }
55a288e5 1170 // Statistic of the histos fitted
55a288e5 1171 fNumberFit++;
1172 fStatisticMean += fEntriesCurrent;
55a288e5 1173 // Calcul of "real" coef
3a0f6479 1174 CalculPRFCoefMean();
1175 //Method choosen
1176 switch(fMethod)
1177 {
1178 case 0: FitPRFGausMI(arraye,arraym,arrayme,nbins,lowedge,upedge); break;
1179 case 1: FitTnpRange(arraye,arraym,arrayme,nbg,nbins); break;
1180 default: return kFALSE;
1181 }
55a288e5 1182 // Fill the tree if end of a detector or only the pointer to the branch!!!
3a0f6479 1183 FillInfosFitPRF(idect);
55a288e5 1184 } // Boucle object
55a288e5 1185 // Mean Statistics
1186 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 1187 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 1188 }
1189 else {
1190 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
1191 }
3a0f6479 1192 delete fDebugStreamer;
1193 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 1194 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1195}
3a0f6479 1196//____________Functions fit Online CH2d________________________________________
1197Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyseLinearFitters(AliTRDCalibraVdriftLinearFit *calivdli)
55a288e5 1198{
1199 //
3a0f6479 1200 // The linear method
55a288e5 1201 //
55a288e5 1203 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
1204 fNumberFit = 0;
1205 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
1206 fNumberEnt = 0;
3a0f6479 1207 if(!InitFitLinearFitter()) return kFALSE;
55a288e5 1208
3a0f6479 1209
1210 for(Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){
55a288e5 1211
55a288e5 1212
3a0f6479 1213 //printf("detector number %d\n",idet);
55a288e5 1214
3a0f6479 1215 // Take the result
1216 TVectorD param(2);
1217 TVectorD error(3);
6245a86f 1218 Double_t entriesCurrent = 0;
3a0f6479 1219 fCountDet = idet;
1220 Bool_t here = calivdli->GetParam(idet,&param);
1221 Bool_t heree = calivdli->GetError(idet,&error);
1222 //printf("here %d and heree %d\n",here, heree);
1223 if(heree) {
6245a86f 1224 entriesCurrent = error[2];
55a288e5 1225 fNumberEnt++;
55a288e5 1226 }
3a0f6479 1227 //printf("Number of entries %d\n",fEntriesCurrent);
1228 // Nothing found or not enough statistic
6245a86f 1229 if((!heree) || (!here) || (entriesCurrent <= fMinEntries)) {
3a0f6479 1230 NotEnoughStatisticLinearFitter();
1231 continue;
1232 }
1233 //param.Print();
1234 //error.Print();
1235 //Statistics
1236 fNumberFit++;
6245a86f 1237 fStatisticMean += entriesCurrent;
55a288e5 1238
3a0f6479 1239 // Check the fit
6245a86f 1240 if((-(param[1])) <= 0.000001) {
3a0f6479 1241 NotEnoughStatisticLinearFitter();
1242 continue;
1243 }
55a288e5 1244
3a0f6479 1245 // CalculDatabaseVdriftandTan
1246 CalculVdriftLorentzCoef();
840ec79d 1247 //printf("AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyzeVdriftLinearFit detector %d, vdrift %f and %f and exB %f and %f\n",idet,fCalDetVdriftUsed->GetValue(idet),fCurrentCoef[1],fCalDetExBUsed->GetValue(idet),fCurrentCoef2[1]);
55a288e5 1248
3a0f6479 1249 // Statistics
1250 fNumberFitSuccess ++;
55a288e5 1251
3a0f6479 1252 // Put the fCurrentCoef
1253 fCurrentCoef[0] = -param[1];
1254 // here the database must be the one of the reconstruction for the lorentz angle....
1255 fCurrentCoef2[0] = (param[0]+fCurrentCoef[1]*fCurrentCoef2[1])/fCurrentCoef[0];
1256 fCurrentCoefE = error[1];
1257 fCurrentCoefE2 = error[0];
daa7dc79 1258 if((TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef2[0]) > 0.0000001) && (TMath::Abs(param[0]) > 0.0000001)){
3a0f6479 1259 fCurrentCoefE2 = (fCurrentCoefE2/param[0]+fCurrentCoefE/fCurrentCoef[0])*fCurrentCoef2[0];
1260 }
55a288e5 1261
3a0f6479 1262 // Fill
1263 FillInfosFitLinearFitter();
55a288e5 1264
55a288e5 1265
55a288e5 1266 }
55a288e5 1267 // Mean Statistics
1268 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 1269 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
55a288e5 1270 }
1271 else {
1272 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
1273 }
3a0f6479 1274 delete fDebugStreamer;
1275 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 1276 return kTRUE;
a0bb5615 1278}
1280Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyseExbAltFit(AliTRDCalibraExbAltFit *calivdli)
1282 //
1283 // The linear method
1284 //
1286 fStatisticMean = 0.0;
1287 fNumberFit = 0;
1288 fNumberFitSuccess = 0;
1289 fNumberEnt = 0;
1290 if(!InitFitExbAlt()) return kFALSE;
1293 for(Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){
1296 //printf("detector number %d\n",idet);
1298 // Take the result
1299 TVectorD param(3);
1300 TVectorD error(3);
6245a86f 1301 Double_t entriesCurrent = 0;
a0bb5615 1302 fCountDet = idet;
1303 Bool_t here = calivdli->GetParam(idet,&param);
1304 Bool_t heree = calivdli->GetError(idet,&error);
1305 //printf("here %d and heree %d\n",here, heree);
1306 if(heree) {
6245a86f 1307 entriesCurrent = error[2];
a0bb5615 1308 fNumberEnt++;
1309 }
1310 //printf("Number of entries %d\n",fEntriesCurrent);
1311 // Nothing found or not enough statistic
6245a86f 1312 if((!heree) || (!here) || (entriesCurrent <= fMinEntries)) {
a0bb5615 1313 NotEnoughStatisticExbAlt();
1314 continue;
1315 }
1316 //param.Print();
1317 //error.Print();
1318 //Statistics
1319 fNumberFit++;
6245a86f 1320 fStatisticMean += entriesCurrent;
a0bb5615 1321
1322 // Statistics
1323 fNumberFitSuccess ++;
1325 // Put the fCurrentCoef
1326 if(TMath::Abs(param[2])>0.0001){
1327 fCurrentCoef2[0] = -param[1]/2/param[2];
1328 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0;//error[1];
1329 }else{
1330 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 100;
1331 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0;//error[1];
1332 }
1334 // Fill
1335 FillInfosFitExbAlt();
1337 }
1338 // Mean Statistics
1339 if (fNumberFit > 0) {
6245a86f 1340 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. %d fits have been proceeded (sucessfully or not...). There is a mean statistic of: %f over these fitted histograms and %d successfulled fits",fNumberEnt, fNumberFit, (Double_t) (fStatisticMean/fNumberFit),fNumberFitSuccess));
a0bb5615 1341 }
1342 else {
1343 AliInfo(Form("There are %d with at least one entries. There is no fit!",fNumberEnt));
1344 }
1345 delete fDebugStreamer;
1346 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
1347 return kTRUE;
54f2ff1c 1349}
1350//____________Functions fit Online CH2d________________________________________
840ec79d 1351void AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyseLinearFittersAllTogether(AliTRDCalibraVdriftLinearFit *calivdli, Double_t &vdriftoverall, Double_t &exboverall)
54f2ff1c 1352{
1353 //
1354 // The linear method
1355 //
840ec79d 1357 // Get the mean vdrift and exb used
1358 Double_t meanvdriftused = 0.0;
1359 Double_t meanexbused = 0.0;
1360 Double_t counterdet = 0.0;
1361 if((!fCalDetVdriftUsed) || (!fCalDetExBUsed)) {
1362 vdriftoverall = -100.0;
1363 exboverall = 100.0;
1364 return;
1365 }
54f2ff1c 1367 // Add histos
1369 TH2S *linearfitterhisto = 0x0;
1371 for(Int_t idet = 0; idet < 540; idet++){
1373 TH2S * u = calivdli->GetLinearFitterHistoForce(idet);
840ec79d 1374 Double_t detectorentries = u->Integral();
1375 meanvdriftused += fCalDetVdriftUsed->GetValue(idet)*detectorentries;
1376 meanexbused += fCalDetExBUsed->GetValue(idet)*detectorentries;
1377 counterdet += detectorentries;
1379 //printf("detectorentries %f\n",detectorentries);
1381 //printf("AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyzeVdriftLinearFitsAllTogether detector %d, vdrift %f and exB %f\n",idet,fCalDetVdriftUsed->GetValue(idet),fCalDetExBUsed->GetValue(idet));
54f2ff1c 1383 if(idet == 0) linearfitterhisto = u;
1384 else linearfitterhisto->Add(u);
1386 }
840ec79d 1387 if(counterdet > 0.0){
1388 meanvdriftused = meanvdriftused/counterdet;
1389 meanexbused = meanexbused/counterdet;
1390 }
1391 else {
1392 vdriftoverall = -100.0;
1393 exboverall = 100.0;
1394 return;
1395 }
1398 //printf("AliTRDCalibraFit::AnalyzeVdriftLinearFitsAllTogether MEAN vdrift %f and exB %f\n",meanvdriftused,meanexbused);
54f2ff1c 1399
1400 // Fit
6245a86f 1402 Double_t entries = 0;
54f2ff1c 1403 TAxis *xaxis = linearfitterhisto->GetXaxis();
1404 TAxis *yaxis = linearfitterhisto->GetYaxis();
1405 TLinearFitter linearfitter = TLinearFitter(2,"pol1");
1406 //printf("test\n");
1407 Double_t integral = linearfitterhisto->Integral();
1408 //printf("Integral is %f\n",integral);
1409 Bool_t securitybreaking = kFALSE;
1410 if(TMath::Abs(integral-1199) < 0.00001) securitybreaking = kTRUE;
1411 for(Int_t ibinx = 0; ibinx < linearfitterhisto->GetNbinsX(); ibinx++){
1412 for(Int_t ibiny = 0; ibiny < linearfitterhisto->GetNbinsY(); ibiny++){
1413 if(linearfitterhisto->GetBinContent(ibinx+1,ibiny+1)>0){
1414 Double_t x = xaxis->GetBinCenter(ibinx+1);
1415 Double_t y = yaxis->GetBinCenter(ibiny+1);
1417 for(Int_t k = 0; k < (Int_t)linearfitterhisto->GetBinContent(ibinx+1,ibiny+1); k++){
1418 if(!securitybreaking){
1419 linearfitter.AddPoint(&x,y);
6245a86f 1420 entries = entries+1.;
54f2ff1c 1421 }
1422 else {
6245a86f 1423 if(entries< 1198.0){
54f2ff1c 1424 linearfitter.AddPoint(&x,y);
6245a86f 1425 entries = entries + 1.;
54f2ff1c 1426 }
1427 }
1428 }
1430 }
1431 }
1432 }
b88b6bcc 1434 //printf("AnalyseLinearFittersAllTogether::Find %d entries\n",entries);
1435 //printf("Minstats %d\n",fMinEntries);
54f2ff1c 1436
840ec79d 1437
1439 // Eval the linear fitter
54f2ff1c 1440 if(entries > fMinEntries){
1441 TVectorD par = TVectorD(2);
1442 //printf("Fit\n");
1443 if((linearfitter.EvalRobust(0.8)==0)) {
1444 //printf("Take the param\n");
1445 linearfitter.GetParameters(par);
1446 //printf("Done\n");
840ec79d 1447 //par.Print();
54f2ff1c 1448 //printf("Finish\n");
1449 // Put the fCurrentCoef
1450 fCurrentCoef[0] = -par[1];
1451 // here the database must be the one of the reconstruction for the lorentz angle....
6245a86f 1452 if(fCurrentCoef[0] > 0.00001) fCurrentCoef2[0] = (par[0]+meanvdriftused*meanexbused)/fCurrentCoef[0];
840ec79d 1453 else fCurrentCoef2[0] = 100.0;
1455 }
1456 else {
1458 fCurrentCoef[0] = -100.0;
1459 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 100.0;
54f2ff1c 1460
54f2ff1c 1461 }
54f2ff1c 1462
1464 }
1465 else {
840ec79d 1466
1467 fCurrentCoef[0] = -100.0;
1468 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 100.0;
54f2ff1c 1470 }
840ec79d 1472 vdriftoverall = fCurrentCoef[0];
1473 exboverall = fCurrentCoef2[0];
54f2ff1c 1476 delete linearfitterhisto;
1477 delete fDebugStreamer;
1478 fDebugStreamer = 0x0;
55a288e5 1480}
55a288e5 1481//____________Functions for seeing if the pad is really okey___________________
3a0f6479 1482//_____________________________________________________________________________
4c865c34 1483Int_t AliTRDCalibraFit::GetNumberOfGroupsPRF(TString nametitle)
3a0f6479 1484{
1485 //
1486 // Get numberofgroupsprf
1487 //
1489 // Some patterns
1490 const Char_t *pattern0 = "Ngp0";
1491 const Char_t *pattern1 = "Ngp1";
1492 const Char_t *pattern2 = "Ngp2";
1493 const Char_t *pattern3 = "Ngp3";
1494 const Char_t *pattern4 = "Ngp4";
1495 const Char_t *pattern5 = "Ngp5";
1496 const Char_t *pattern6 = "Ngp6";
1498 // Nrphi mode
4c865c34 1499 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern0)) {
3a0f6479 1500 return 0;
1501 }
4c865c34 1502 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern1)) {
3a0f6479 1503 return 1;
1504 }
4c865c34 1505 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern2)) {
3a0f6479 1506 return 2;
1507 }
4c865c34 1508 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern3)) {
3a0f6479 1509 return 3;
1510 }
4c865c34 1511 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern4)) {
3a0f6479 1512 return 4;
1513 }
4c865c34 1514 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern5)) {
3a0f6479 1515 return 5;
1516 }
4c865c34 1517 if (strstr(nametitle.Data(),pattern6)){
3a0f6479 1518 return 6;
1519 }
1520 else return -1;
55a288e5 1522
3a0f6479 1523}
55a288e5 1524//_____________________________________________________________________________
4c865c34 1525Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::SetModeCalibration(TString name, Int_t i)
55a288e5 1526{
1527 //
1528 // Set fNz[i] and fNrphi[i] of the AliTRDCalibraFit::Instance()
3a0f6479 1529 // corresponding to the given name
55a288e5 1530 //
3a0f6479 1532 if(!SetNzFromTObject(name,i)) return kFALSE;
1533 if(!SetNrphiFromTObject(name,i)) return kFALSE;
1535 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1536
3a0f6479 1537}
4c865c34 1539Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::SetNrphiFromTObject(TString name, Int_t i)
3a0f6479 1540{
1541 //
1542 // Set fNrphi[i] of the AliTRDCalibraFit::Instance()
1543 // corresponding to the given TObject
1544 //
55a288e5 1546 // Some patterns
55a288e5 1547 const Char_t *patternrphi0 = "Nrphi0";
1548 const Char_t *patternrphi1 = "Nrphi1";
1549 const Char_t *patternrphi2 = "Nrphi2";
1550 const Char_t *patternrphi3 = "Nrphi3";
1551 const Char_t *patternrphi4 = "Nrphi4";
1552 const Char_t *patternrphi5 = "Nrphi5";
1553 const Char_t *patternrphi6 = "Nrphi6";
64942b85 1555
1556 const Char_t *patternrphi10 = "Nrphi10";
1557 const Char_t *patternrphi100 = "Nrphi100";
1558 const Char_t *patternz10 = "Nz10";
1559 const Char_t *patternz100 = "Nz100";
55a288e5 1561 // Nrphi mode
4c865c34 1562 if ((strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi100)) && (strstr(name.Data(),patternz100))) {
64942b85 1563 fCalibraMode->SetAllTogether(i);
1564 fNbDet = 540;
1565 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1566 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 100",fNbDet));
1567 }
1568 return kTRUE;
1569 }
4c865c34 1570 if ((strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi10)) && (strstr(name.Data(),patternz10))) {
64942b85 1571 fCalibraMode->SetPerSuperModule(i);
1572 fNbDet = 30;
1573 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1574 AliInfo(Form("fNDet %d and 100",fNbDet));
1575 }
1576 return kTRUE;
1577 }
4c865c34 1579 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi0)) {
55a288e5 1580 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i ,0);
64942b85 1581 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1582 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 0",fNbDet));
1583 }
3a0f6479 1584 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1585 }
4c865c34 1586 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi1)) {
55a288e5 1587 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i, 1);
64942b85 1588 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1589 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 1",fNbDet));
1590 }
3a0f6479 1591 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1592 }
4c865c34 1593 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi2)) {
55a288e5 1594 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i, 2);
64942b85 1595 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1596 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 2",fNbDet));
1597 }
3a0f6479 1598 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1599 }
4c865c34 1600 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi3)) {
55a288e5 1601 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i, 3);
64942b85 1602 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1603 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 3",fNbDet));
1604 }
3a0f6479 1605 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1606 }
4c865c34 1607 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi4)) {
55a288e5 1608 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i, 4);
64942b85 1609 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1610 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 4",fNbDet));
1611 }
3a0f6479 1612 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1613 }
4c865c34 1614 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi5)) {
55a288e5 1615 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i, 5);
64942b85 1616 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1617 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 5",fNbDet));
1618 }
3a0f6479 1619 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1620 }
4c865c34 1621 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi6)) {
55a288e5 1622 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i, 6);
64942b85 1623 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1624 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 6",fNbDet));
1625 }
55a288e5 1626 return kTRUE;
1627 }
55a288e5 1628
64942b85 1629 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1630 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and rest",fNbDet));
1631 }
3a0f6479 1632 fCalibraMode->SetNrphi(i ,0);
1633 return kFALSE;
64942b85 1634
55a288e5 1635}
55a288e5 1636//_____________________________________________________________________________
4c865c34 1637Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::SetNzFromTObject(TString name, Int_t i)
55a288e5 1638{
1639 //
3a0f6479 1640 // Set fNz[i] of the AliTRDCalibraFit::Instance()
1641 // corresponding to the given TObject
55a288e5 1642 //
3a0f6479 1643
1644 // Some patterns
1645 const Char_t *patternz0 = "Nz0";
1646 const Char_t *patternz1 = "Nz1";
1647 const Char_t *patternz2 = "Nz2";
1648 const Char_t *patternz3 = "Nz3";
1649 const Char_t *patternz4 = "Nz4";
64942b85 1650
1651 const Char_t *patternrphi10 = "Nrphi10";
1652 const Char_t *patternrphi100 = "Nrphi100";
1653 const Char_t *patternz10 = "Nz10";
1654 const Char_t *patternz100 = "Nz100";
4c865c34 1656 if ((strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi100)) && (strstr(name.Data(),patternz100))) {
64942b85 1657 fCalibraMode->SetAllTogether(i);
1658 fNbDet = 540;
1659 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1660 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 100",fNbDet));
1661 }
1662 return kTRUE;
1663 }
4c865c34 1664 if ((strstr(name.Data(),patternrphi10)) && (strstr(name.Data(),patternz10))) {
64942b85 1665 fCalibraMode->SetPerSuperModule(i);
1666 fNbDet = 30;
1667 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1668 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 10",fNbDet));
1669 }
1670 return kTRUE;
1671 }
4c865c34 1672 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternz0)) {
3a0f6479 1673 fCalibraMode->SetNz(i, 0);
64942b85 1674 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1675 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 0",fNbDet));
1676 }
3a0f6479 1677 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1678 }
4c865c34 1679 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternz1)) {
3a0f6479 1680 fCalibraMode->SetNz(i ,1);
64942b85 1681 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1682 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 1",fNbDet));
1683 }
3a0f6479 1684 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1685 }
4c865c34 1686 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternz2)) {
3a0f6479 1687 fCalibraMode->SetNz(i ,2);
64942b85 1688 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1689 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 2",fNbDet));
1690 }
3a0f6479 1691 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1692 }
4c865c34 1693 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternz3)) {
3a0f6479 1694 fCalibraMode->SetNz(i ,3);
64942b85 1695 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1696 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 3",fNbDet));
1697 }
3a0f6479 1698 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1699 }
4c865c34 1700 if (strstr(name.Data(),patternz4)) {
3a0f6479 1701 fCalibraMode->SetNz(i ,4);
64942b85 1702 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1703 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and 4",fNbDet));
1704 }
3a0f6479 1705 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 1706 }
64942b85 1707
1708 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
1709 AliInfo(Form("fNbDet %d and rest",fNbDet));
1710 }
3a0f6479 1711 fCalibraMode->SetNz(i ,0);
1712 return kFALSE;
64942b85 1714//______________________________________________________________________
6aafa7ea 1715void AliTRDCalibraFit::RemoveOutliers(Int_t type, Bool_t perdetector){
1716 //
1717 // Remove the results too far from the mean value and rms
1718 // type: 0 gain, 1 vdrift
1719 // perdetector
1720 //
1722 Int_t loop = (Int_t) fVectorFit.GetEntriesFast();
1723 if(loop != 540) {
1724 AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
1725 return;
1726 }
1727 Int_t detector = -1;
81f82b26 1728 // Coverity
1729 //Int_t sector = -1;
6aafa7ea 1730 Float_t value = 0.0;
1732 /////////////////////////////////
1733 // Calculate the mean values
1734 ////////////////////////////////
1735 // Initialisation
1736 ////////////////////////
1737 Double_t meanAll = 0.0;
4f3bd513 1738 Double_t rmsAll = 0.0;
1739 Int_t countAll = 0;
1740 ////////////
6aafa7ea 1741 // compute
1742 ////////////
1743 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
1744 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetDetector();
81f82b26 1745 // Coverity
1746 //sector = GetSector(detector);
6aafa7ea 1747 if(perdetector){
1748 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
1749 if(value > 0.0) {
1750 rmsAll += value*value;
1751 meanAll += value;
1752 countAll++;
1753 }
1754 }
1755 else {
1756 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
1757 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
1758 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
1759 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
1760 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
1761 if(value > 0.0) {
1762 rmsAll += value*value;
1763 meanAll += value;
1764 countAll++;
1765 }
1767 } // Col
1768 } // Row
1769 }
1770 }
1771 if(countAll > 0) {
1772 meanAll = meanAll/countAll;
1773 rmsAll = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(rmsAll/countAll - (meanAll*meanAll)));
1774 }
1775 //printf("RemoveOutliers: meanAll %f and rmsAll %f\n",meanAll,rmsAll);
1776 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1777 // Remove outliers
1778 ////////////////////////////////////////////////
1779 Double_t defaultvalue = -1.0;
1780 if(type==1) defaultvalue = -1.5;
1781 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
1782 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetDetector();
81f82b26 1783 // Coverity
1784 //sector = GetSector(detector);
6aafa7ea 1785 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
1786 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
1787 Float_t *coef = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef();
1789 // remove the results too far away
1790 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
1791 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
1792 value = coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
1793 if((value > 0.0) && (rmsAll > 0.0) && (TMath::Abs(value-meanAll) > (2*rmsAll))) {
1794 coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = defaultvalue;
1795 }
1796 } // Col
1797 } // Row
1798 }
1801void AliTRDCalibraFit::RemoveOutliers2(Bool_t perdetector){
1802 //
1803 // Remove the results too far from the mean and rms
1804 // perdetector
1805 //
1807 Int_t loop = (Int_t) fVectorFit2.GetEntriesFast();
1808 if(loop != 540) {
1809 AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
1810 return;
1811 }
1812 Int_t detector = -1;
81f82b26 1813 // Coverity
1814 //Int_t sector = -1;
6aafa7ea 1815 Float_t value = 0.0;
1817 /////////////////////////////////
1818 // Calculate the mean values
1819 ////////////////////////////////
1820 // Initialisation
1821 ////////////////////////
1822 Double_t meanAll = 0.0;
1823 Double_t rmsAll = 0.0;
1824 Int_t countAll = 0;
1825 /////////////
1826 // compute
1827 ////////////
1828 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
1829 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetDetector();
81f82b26 1830 // Coverity
1831 //sector = GetSector(detector);
6aafa7ea 1832 if(perdetector){
1833 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
1834 if(value < 70.0) {
1835 meanAll += value;
1836 rmsAll += value*value;
1837 countAll++;
1838 }
1839 }
1840 else {
1841 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
1842 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
1843 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
1844 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
1845 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
1846 if(value < 70.0) {
1847 rmsAll += value*value;
1848 meanAll += value;
1849 countAll++;
1850 }
1851 } // Col
1852 } // Row
1853 }
1854 }
1855 if(countAll > 0) {
1856 meanAll = meanAll/countAll;
1857 rmsAll = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(rmsAll/countAll - (meanAll*meanAll)));
1858 }
1859 //printf("Remove outliers 2: meanAll %f, rmsAll %f\n",meanAll,rmsAll);
1860 /////////////////////////////////////////////////
1861 // Remove outliers
1862 ////////////////////////////////////////////////
1863 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
1864 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetDetector();
81f82b26 1865 // Coverity
1866 //sector = GetSector(detector);
6aafa7ea 1867 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
1868 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
1869 Float_t *coef = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef();
1871 // remove the results too far away
1872 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
1873 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
1874 value = coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
b88b6bcc 1875 if((value < 70.0) && (rmsAll > 0.0) && (TMath::Abs(value-meanAll) > (2.5*rmsAll))) {
1876 //printf("value outlier %f\n",value);
1877 coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = 100.0;
1878 }
6aafa7ea 1879 } // Col
1880 } // Row
1881 }
64942b85 1884void AliTRDCalibraFit::PutMeanValueOtherVectorFit(Int_t ofwhat, Bool_t perdetector){
1885 //
1886 // ofwhat is equaled to 0: mean value of all passing detectors
1887 // ofwhat is equaled to 1: mean value of the detector, otherwise supermodule, otherwise all
1888 //
1890 Int_t loop = (Int_t) fVectorFit.GetEntriesFast();
1891 if(loop != 540) {
1892 AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
1893 return;
1894 }
1895 Int_t detector = -1;
1896 Int_t sector = -1;
1897 Float_t value = 0.0;
1899 /////////////////////////////////
1900 // Calculate the mean values
1901 ////////////////////////////////
1902 // Initialisation
1903 ////////////////////////
1904 Double_t meanAll = 0.0;
1905 Double_t meanSupermodule[18];
1906 Double_t meanDetector[540];
6aafa7ea 1907 Double_t rmsAll = 0.0;
1908 Double_t rmsSupermodule[18];
1909 Double_t rmsDetector[540];
64942b85 1910 Int_t countAll = 0;
1911 Int_t countSupermodule[18];
1912 Int_t countDetector[540];
1913 for(Int_t sm = 0; sm < 18; sm++){
6aafa7ea 1914 rmsSupermodule[sm] = 0.0;
64942b85 1915 meanSupermodule[sm] = 0.0;
1916 countSupermodule[sm] = 0;
1917 }
1918 for(Int_t det = 0; det < 540; det++){
6aafa7ea 1919 rmsDetector[det] = 0.0;
64942b85 1920 meanDetector[det] = 0.0;
1921 countDetector[det] = 0;
1922 }
6aafa7ea 1923 ////////////
64942b85 1924 // compute
1925 ////////////
1926 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
1927 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetDetector();
1928 sector = GetSector(detector);
1929 if(perdetector){
1930 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
1931 if(value > 0.0) {
6aafa7ea 1932 rmsDetector[detector] += value*value;
64942b85 1933 meanDetector[detector] += value;
1934 countDetector[detector]++;
6aafa7ea 1935 rmsSupermodule[sector] += value*value;
64942b85 1936 meanSupermodule[sector] += value;
1937 countSupermodule[sector]++;
6aafa7ea 1938 rmsAll += value*value;
64942b85 1939 meanAll += value;
1940 countAll++;
1941 }
1942 }
1943 else {
1944 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
1945 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
1946 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
1947 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
1948 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
1949 if(value > 0.0) {
6aafa7ea 1950 rmsDetector[detector] += value*value;
64942b85 1951 meanDetector[detector] += value;
1952 countDetector[detector]++;
6aafa7ea 1953 rmsSupermodule[sector] += value*value;
64942b85 1954 meanSupermodule[sector] += value;
1955 countSupermodule[sector]++;
6aafa7ea 1956 rmsAll += value*value;
64942b85 1957 meanAll += value;
1958 countAll++;
1959 }
1961 } // Col
1962 } // Row
1963 }
1964 }
6aafa7ea 1965 if(countAll > 0) {
1966 meanAll = meanAll/countAll;
1967 rmsAll = TMath::Abs(rmsAll/countAll - (meanAll*meanAll));
1968 }
64942b85 1969 for(Int_t sm = 0; sm < 18; sm++){
6aafa7ea 1970 if(countSupermodule[sm] > 0) {
1971 meanSupermodule[sm] = meanSupermodule[sm]/countSupermodule[sm];
1972 rmsSupermodule[sm] = TMath::Abs(rmsSupermodule[sm]/countSupermodule[sm] - (meanSupermodule[sm]*meanSupermodule[sm]));
1973 }
64942b85 1974 }
1975 for(Int_t det = 0; det < 540; det++){
6aafa7ea 1976 if(countDetector[det] > 0) {
1977 meanDetector[det] = meanDetector[det]/countDetector[det];
1978 rmsDetector[det] = TMath::Abs(rmsDetector[det]/countDetector[det] - (meanDetector[det]*meanDetector[det]));
1979 }
64942b85 1980 }
6aafa7ea 1981 //printf("Put mean value, meanAll %f, rmsAll %f\n",meanAll,rmsAll);
1982 ///////////////////////////////////////////////
64942b85 1983 // Put the mean value for the no-fitted
1984 /////////////////////////////////////////////
1985 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
1986 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetDetector();
1987 sector = GetSector(detector);
1988 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
1989 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
1990 Float_t *coef = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef();
1992 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
1993 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
1994 value = coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
1995 if(value < 0.0) {
6aafa7ea 1996 if((ofwhat == 0) && (meanAll > 0.0) && (countAll > 15)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = -TMath::Abs(meanAll);
64942b85 1997 if(ofwhat == 1){
6aafa7ea 1998 if((meanDetector[detector] > 0.0) && (countDetector[detector] > 20)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = -TMath::Abs(meanDetector[detector]);
1999 else if((meanSupermodule[sector] > 0.0) && (countSupermodule[sector] > 15)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = -TMath::Abs(meanSupermodule[sector]);
2000 else if((meanAll > 0.0) && (countAll > 15)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = -TMath::Abs(meanAll);
64942b85 2001 }
2002 }
2003 // Debug
2004 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
2006 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
2007 //debug stream
2008 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
2009 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFit.root");
2010 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
2011 }
2013 Float_t coefnow = coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2015 (* fDebugStreamer) << "PutMeanValueOtherVectorFit"<<
2016 "detector="<<detector<<
2017 "sector="<<sector<<
2018 "row="<<row<<
2019 "col="<<col<<
2020 "before="<<value<<
2021 "after="<<coefnow<<
2022 "\n";
2023 }
2024 } // Col
2025 } // Row
2026 }
64942b85 2027}
2029void AliTRDCalibraFit::PutMeanValueOtherVectorFit2(Int_t ofwhat, Bool_t perdetector){
2030 //
2031 // ofwhat is equaled to 0: mean value of all passing detectors
2032 // ofwhat is equaled to 1: mean value of the detector, otherwise supermodule, otherwise all
2033 //
2035 Int_t loop = (Int_t) fVectorFit2.GetEntriesFast();
2036 if(loop != 540) {
2037 AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2038 return;
2039 }
2040 Int_t detector = -1;
2041 Int_t sector = -1;
2042 Float_t value = 0.0;
2044 /////////////////////////////////
2045 // Calculate the mean values
2046 ////////////////////////////////
2047 // Initialisation
2048 ////////////////////////
2049 Double_t meanAll = 0.0;
6aafa7ea 2050 Double_t rmsAll = 0.0;
64942b85 2051 Double_t meanSupermodule[18];
6aafa7ea 2052 Double_t rmsSupermodule[18];
64942b85 2053 Double_t meanDetector[540];
6aafa7ea 2054 Double_t rmsDetector[540];
64942b85 2055 Int_t countAll = 0;
2056 Int_t countSupermodule[18];
2057 Int_t countDetector[540];
2058 for(Int_t sm = 0; sm < 18; sm++){
6aafa7ea 2059 rmsSupermodule[sm] = 0.0;
64942b85 2060 meanSupermodule[sm] = 0.0;
2061 countSupermodule[sm] = 0;
2062 }
2063 for(Int_t det = 0; det < 540; det++){
6aafa7ea 2064 rmsDetector[det] = 0.0;
64942b85 2065 meanDetector[det] = 0.0;
2066 countDetector[det] = 0;
2067 }
2068 // compute
2069 ////////////
2070 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2071 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetDetector();
2072 sector = GetSector(detector);
2073 if(perdetector){
2074 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
2075 if(value < 70.0) {
6aafa7ea 2076 rmsDetector[detector] += value*value;
64942b85 2077 meanDetector[detector] += value;
2078 countDetector[detector]++;
6aafa7ea 2079 rmsSupermodule[sector] += value*value;
64942b85 2080 meanSupermodule[sector] += value;
2081 countSupermodule[sector]++;
2082 meanAll += value;
6aafa7ea 2083 rmsAll += value*value;
64942b85 2084 countAll++;
2085 }
2086 }
2087 else {
2088 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2089 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
2090 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2091 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2092 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2093 if(value < 70.0) {
6aafa7ea 2094 rmsDetector[detector] += value*value;
64942b85 2095 meanDetector[detector] += value;
2096 countDetector[detector]++;
6aafa7ea 2097 rmsSupermodule[sector] += value*value;
64942b85 2098 meanSupermodule[sector] += value;
2099 countSupermodule[sector]++;
6aafa7ea 2100 rmsAll += value*value;
64942b85 2101 meanAll += value;
2102 countAll++;
2103 }
2105 } // Col
2106 } // Row
2107 }
2108 }
6aafa7ea 2109 if(countAll > 0) {
2110 meanAll = meanAll/countAll;
2111 rmsAll = TMath::Abs(rmsAll/countAll - (meanAll*meanAll));
2112 }
64942b85 2113 for(Int_t sm = 0; sm < 18; sm++){
6aafa7ea 2114 if(countSupermodule[sm] > 0) {
2115 meanSupermodule[sm] = meanSupermodule[sm]/countSupermodule[sm];
2116 rmsSupermodule[sm] = TMath::Abs(rmsSupermodule[sm]/countSupermodule[sm] - (meanSupermodule[sm]*meanSupermodule[sm]));
2117 }
64942b85 2118 }
2119 for(Int_t det = 0; det < 540; det++){
6aafa7ea 2120 if(countDetector[det] > 0) {
2121 meanDetector[det] = meanDetector[det]/countDetector[det];
2122 rmsDetector[det] = TMath::Abs(rmsDetector[det]/countDetector[det] - (meanDetector[det]*meanDetector[det]));
2123 }
64942b85 2124 }
6aafa7ea 2125 //printf("Put mean value 2: meanAll %f, rmsAll %f\n",meanAll,rmsAll);
2126 ////////////////////////////////////////////
64942b85 2127 // Put the mean value for the no-fitted
2128 /////////////////////////////////////////////
2129 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2130 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetDetector();
2131 sector = GetSector(detector);
2132 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2133 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
2134 Float_t *coef = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef();
2136 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2137 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2138 value = coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2139 if(value > 70.0) {
840ec79d 2140 if((ofwhat == 0) && (meanAll > -3.0) && (countAll > 15)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = meanAll+100.0;
64942b85 2141 if(ofwhat == 1){
840ec79d 2142 if((meanDetector[detector] > -3.0) && (countDetector[detector] > 20)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = meanDetector[detector]+100.0;
2143 else if((meanSupermodule[sector] > -3.0) && (countSupermodule[sector] > 15)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = meanSupermodule[sector]+100.0;
2144 else if((meanAll > -3.0) && (countAll > 15)) coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)] = meanAll+100.0;
64942b85 2145 }
2146 }
2147 // Debug
2148 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
2150 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
2151 //debug stream
2152 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
2153 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFit.root");
2154 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
2155 }
2157 Float_t coefnow = coef[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2159 (* fDebugStreamer) << "PutMeanValueOtherVectorFit2"<<
2160 "detector="<<detector<<
2161 "sector="<<sector<<
2162 "row="<<row<<
2163 "col="<<col<<
2164 "before="<<value<<
2165 "after="<<coefnow<<
2166 "\n";
2167 }
2168 } // Col
2169 } // Row
2170 }
3a0f6479 2173//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2174AliTRDCalDet *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreateDetObjectVdrift(const TObjArray *vectorFit, Bool_t perdetector)
3a0f6479 2175{
2176 //
2177 // It creates the AliTRDCalDet object from the AliTRDFitInfo
2178 // It takes the mean value of the coefficients per detector
2179 // This object has to be written in the database
2180 //
55a288e5 2181
3a0f6479 2182 // Create the DetObject
2183 AliTRDCalDet *object = new AliTRDCalDet("ChamberVdrift","TRD drift velocities (detector value)");
2185 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2186 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2187 Int_t detector = -1;
2188 Float_t value = 0.0;
64942b85 2189
2190 //
3a0f6479 2191 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2192 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2193 Float_t mean = 0.0;
2194 if(perdetector){
2195 mean = TMath::Abs(((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[0]);
55a288e5 2196 }
2197 else {
3a0f6479 2198 Int_t count = 0;
053767a4 2199 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2200 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
3a0f6479 2201 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2202 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2203 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2204 mean += TMath::Abs(value);
2205 count++;
2206 } // Col
2207 } // Row
2208 if(count > 0) mean = mean/count;
55a288e5 2209 }
2210 object->SetValue(detector,mean);
2211 }
3a0f6479 2212
55a288e5 2213 return object;
55a288e5 2214}
55a288e5 2215//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2216AliTRDCalDet *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreateDetObjectGain(const TObjArray *vectorFit, Bool_t meanOtherBefore, Double_t scaleFitFactor, Bool_t perdetector)
55a288e5 2217{
2218 //
3a0f6479 2219 // It creates the AliTRDCalDet object from the AliTRDFitInfo
2220 // It takes the mean value of the coefficients per detector
55a288e5 2221 // This object has to be written in the database
2222 //
2224 // Create the DetObject
3a0f6479 2225 AliTRDCalDet *object = new AliTRDCalDet("ChamberGainFactor","GainFactor (detector value)");
55a288e5 2226
54f2ff1c 2227 fScaleGain = scaleFitFactor;
3a0f6479 2228
2229 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2230 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2231 Int_t detector = -1;
2232 Float_t value = 0.0;
2234 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2235 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2236 Float_t mean = 0.0;
2237 if(perdetector){
2238 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
64942b85 2239 if(!meanOtherBefore){
2240 if(value > 0) value = value*scaleFitFactor;
2241 }
2242 else value = value*scaleFitFactor;
3a0f6479 2243 mean = TMath::Abs(value);
2244 }
2245 else{
2246 Int_t count = 0;
053767a4 2247 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2248 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
3a0f6479 2249 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2250 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2251 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
64942b85 2252 if(!meanOtherBefore) {
2253 if(value > 0) value = value*scaleFitFactor;
2254 }
2255 else value = value*scaleFitFactor;
3a0f6479 2256 mean += TMath::Abs(value);
2257 count++;
2258 } // Col
2259 } // Row
2260 if(count > 0) mean = mean/count;
2261 }
ba1aa7a7 2262 if(mean < 0.1) mean = 0.1;
3a0f6479 2263 object->SetValue(detector,mean);
55a288e5 2264 }
3a0f6479 2265
2266 return object;
979b168f 2269AliTRDCalDet *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreateDetObjectT0(const TObjArray *vectorFit, Bool_t perdetector)
3a0f6479 2270{
2271 //
2272 // It creates the AliTRDCalDet object from the AliTRDFitInfo2
2273 // It takes the min value of the coefficients per detector
2274 // This object has to be written in the database
2275 //
55a288e5 2276
3a0f6479 2277 // Create the DetObject
2278 AliTRDCalDet *object = new AliTRDCalDet("ChamberT0","T0 (detector value)");
55a288e5 2279
3a0f6479 2280 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2281 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2282 Int_t detector = -1;
2283 Float_t value = 0.0;
2285 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2286 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2287 Float_t min = 100.0;
2288 if(perdetector){
64942b85 2289 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
b88b6bcc 2290 //printf("Create det object %f for %d\n",value,k);
64942b85 2291 // check successful
2292 if(value > 70.0) value = value-100.0;
2293 //
2294 min = value;
55a288e5 2295 }
3a0f6479 2296 else{
053767a4 2297 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2298 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
3a0f6479 2299 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2300 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2301 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
64942b85 2302 // check successful
2303 if(value > 70.0) value = value-100.0;
2304 //
3a0f6479 2305 if(min > value) min = value;
2306 } // Col
2307 } // Row
2308 }
2309 object->SetValue(detector,min);
55a288e5 2310 }
2312 return object;
55a288e5 2315//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2316AliTRDCalDet *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreateDetObjectLorentzAngle(const TObjArray *vectorFit)
55a288e5 2317{
2318 //
3a0f6479 2319 // It creates the AliTRDCalDet object from the AliTRDFitInfo2
2320 // It takes the min value of the coefficients per detector
55a288e5 2321 // This object has to be written in the database
2322 //
2324 // Create the DetObject
3a0f6479 2325 AliTRDCalDet *object = new AliTRDCalDet("tan(lorentzangle)","tan(lorentzangle) (detector value)");
2328 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2329 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2330 Int_t detector = -1;
2331 Float_t value = 0.0;
55a288e5 2332
3a0f6479 2333 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2334 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2335 /*
053767a4 2336 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2337 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
3a0f6479 2338 Float_t min = 100.0;
2339 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2340 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2341 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2342 mean += -TMath::Abs(value);
2343 count++;
55a288e5 2344 } // Col
3a0f6479 2345 } // Row
2346 if(count > 0) mean = mean/count;
2347 */
2348 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
840ec79d 2349 if(value > 70.0) value = value-100.0;
2350 object->SetValue(detector,value);
55a288e5 2351 }
2353 return object;
3a0f6479 2354
a0bb5615 2355}
2357AliTRDCalDet *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreateDetObjectExbAlt(const TObjArray *vectorFit)
2359 //
2360 // It creates the AliTRDCalDet object from the AliTRDFitInfo2
2361 // It takes the min value of the coefficients per detector
2362 // This object has to be written in the database
2363 //
2365 // Create the DetObject
2366 AliTRDCalDet *object = new AliTRDCalDet("tan(lorentzangle)","tan(lorentzangle) (detector value)");
2369 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2370 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2371 Int_t detector = -1;
2372 Float_t value = 0.0;
2374 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2375 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2376 /*
2377 Int_t rowMax = fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(detector),GetStack(detector),GetSector(detector));
2378 Int_t colMax = fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(detector));
2379 Float_t min = 100.0;
2380 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2381 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2382 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit2.At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2383 mean += -TMath::Abs(value);
2384 count++;
2385 } // Col
2386 } // Row
2387 if(count > 0) mean = mean/count;
2388 */
2389 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
2390 //if(value > 70.0) value = value-100.0;
2391 object->SetValue(detector,value);
2392 }
2394 return object;
55a288e5 2396}
55a288e5 2397//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2398TObject *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreatePadObjectGain(const TObjArray *vectorFit, Double_t scaleFitFactor, const AliTRDCalDet *detobject)
3a0f6479 2399{
55a288e5 2400 //
3a0f6479 2401 // It Creates the AliTRDCalPad object from AliTRDFitInfo
2402 // You need first to create the object for the detectors,
2403 // where the mean value is put.
2404 // This object has to be written in the database
55a288e5 2405 //
3a0f6479 2406
2407 // Create the DetObject
2408 AliTRDCalPad *object = new AliTRDCalPad("GainFactor","GainFactor (local variations)");
2410 if(!vectorFit){
2411 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2412 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(k);
2413 Int_t nchannels = calROC->GetNchannels();
2414 for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nchannels; ch++){
2415 calROC->SetValue(ch,1.0);
2416 }
2417 }
55a288e5 2418 }
3a0f6479 2419 else{
2421 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2422 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2423 Int_t detector = -1;
2424 Float_t value = 0.0;
2426 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2427 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2428 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(detector);
2429 Float_t mean = detobject->GetValue(detector);
daa7dc79 2430 if(TMath::Abs(mean) <= 0.0000000001) continue;
3a0f6479 2431 Int_t rowMax = calROC->GetNrows();
2432 Int_t colMax = calROC->GetNcols();
2433 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2434 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2435 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2436 if(value > 0) value = value*scaleFitFactor;
2437 calROC->SetValue(col,row,TMath::Abs(value)/mean);
2438 } // Col
2439 } // Row
2440 }
55a288e5 2441 }
3a0f6479 2443 return object;
55a288e5 2444}
55a288e5 2445//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2446TObject *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreatePadObjectVdrift(const TObjArray *vectorFit, const AliTRDCalDet *detobject)
3a0f6479 2447{
55a288e5 2448 //
3a0f6479 2449 // It Creates the AliTRDCalPad object from AliTRDFitInfo
2450 // You need first to create the object for the detectors,
2451 // where the mean value is put.
2452 // This object has to be written in the database
55a288e5 2453 //
3a0f6479 2455 // Create the DetObject
2456 AliTRDCalPad *object = new AliTRDCalPad("LocalVdrift","TRD drift velocities (local variations)");
2458 if(!vectorFit){
2459 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2460 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(k);
2461 Int_t nchannels = calROC->GetNchannels();
2462 for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nchannels; ch++){
2463 calROC->SetValue(ch,1.0);
2464 }
2465 }
55a288e5 2466 }
2467 else {
3a0f6479 2468
2469 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2470 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2471 Int_t detector = -1;
2472 Float_t value = 0.0;
2474 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2475 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2476 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(detector);
2477 Float_t mean = detobject->GetValue(detector);
2478 if(mean == 0) continue;
2479 Int_t rowMax = calROC->GetNrows();
2480 Int_t colMax = calROC->GetNcols();
2481 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2482 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2483 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2484 calROC->SetValue(col,row,TMath::Abs(value)/mean);
2485 } // Col
2486 } // Row
2487 }
55a288e5 2488 }
3a0f6479 2489 return object;
55a288e5 2490
55a288e5 2492//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2493TObject *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreatePadObjectT0(const TObjArray *vectorFit, const AliTRDCalDet *detobject)
3a0f6479 2494{
55a288e5 2495 //
3a0f6479 2496 // It Creates the AliTRDCalPad object from AliTRDFitInfo2
2497 // You need first to create the object for the detectors,
2498 // where the mean value is put.
2499 // This object has to be written in the database
55a288e5 2500 //
3a0f6479 2501
2502 // Create the DetObject
2503 AliTRDCalPad *object = new AliTRDCalPad("LocalT0","T0 (local variations)");
2505 if(!vectorFit){
2506 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2507 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(k);
2508 Int_t nchannels = calROC->GetNchannels();
2509 for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nchannels; ch++){
2510 calROC->SetValue(ch,0.0);
2511 }
2512 }
55a288e5 2513 }
2514 else {
3a0f6479 2515
2516 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2517 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2518 Int_t detector = -1;
2519 Float_t value = 0.0;
2521 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2522 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2523 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(detector);
2524 Float_t min = detobject->GetValue(detector);
2525 Int_t rowMax = calROC->GetNrows();
2526 Int_t colMax = calROC->GetNcols();
2527 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2528 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2529 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
64942b85 2530 // check successful
2531 if(value > 70.0) value = value - 100.0;
2532 //
3a0f6479 2533 calROC->SetValue(col,row,value-min);
2534 } // Col
2535 } // Row
2536 }
55a288e5 2537 }
3a0f6479 2538 return object;
55a288e5 2539
3a0f6479 2541//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2542TObject *AliTRDCalibraFit::CreatePadObjectPRF(const TObjArray *vectorFit)
3a0f6479 2543{
2544 //
2545 // It Creates the AliTRDCalPad object from AliTRDFitInfo
2546 // This object has to be written in the database
2547 //
2549 // Create the DetObject
2550 AliTRDCalPad *object = new AliTRDCalPad("PRFWidth","PRFWidth");
2552 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2553 if(loop != 540) AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete!");
2554 Int_t detector = -1;
2555 Float_t value = 0.0;
55a288e5 2556
3a0f6479 2557 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2558 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2559 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(detector);
2560 Int_t rowMax = calROC->GetNrows();
2561 Int_t colMax = calROC->GetNcols();
2562 for (Int_t row = 0; row < rowMax; row++) {
2563 for (Int_t col = 0; col < colMax; col++) {
2564 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[(Int_t)(col*rowMax+row)];
2565 calROC->SetValue(col,row,TMath::Abs(value));
2566 } // Col
2567 } // Row
2568 }
2570 return object;
55a288e5 2573//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 2574AliTRDCalDet *AliTRDCalibraFit::MakeOutliersStatDet(const TObjArray *vectorFit, const char *name, Double_t &mean)
3a0f6479 2575{
2576 //
2577 // It Creates the AliTRDCalDet object from AliTRDFitInfo
2578 // 0 successful fit 1 not successful fit
2579 // mean is the mean value over the successful fit
2580 // do not use it for t0: no meaning
2581 //
2583 // Create the CalObject
2584 AliTRDCalDet *object = new AliTRDCalDet(name,name);
2585 mean = 0.0;
2586 Int_t count = 0;
2588 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2589 if(loop != 540) {
2590 AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete! We initialise all outliers");
2591 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2592 object->SetValue(k,1.0);
2593 }
2594 }
2595 Int_t detector = -1;
2596 Float_t value = 0.0;
2598 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2599 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2600 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[0];
2601 if(value <= 0) object->SetValue(detector,1.0);
2602 else {
2603 object->SetValue(detector,0.0);
2604 mean += value;
2605 count++;
2606 }
2607 }
2608 if(count > 0) mean /= count;
2609 return object;
979b168f 2612TObject *AliTRDCalibraFit::MakeOutliersStatPad(const TObjArray *vectorFit, const char *name, Double_t &mean)
3a0f6479 2613{
2614 //
2615 // It Creates the AliTRDCalPad object from AliTRDFitInfo
2616 // 0 not successful fit 1 successful fit
2617 // mean mean value over the successful fit
2618 //
2620 // Create the CalObject
2621 AliTRDCalPad *object = new AliTRDCalPad(name,name);
2622 mean = 0.0;
2623 Int_t count = 0;
2625 Int_t loop = (Int_t) vectorFit->GetEntriesFast();
2626 if(loop != 540) {
2627 AliInfo("The Vector Fit is not complete! We initialise all outliers");
2628 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2629 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(k);
2630 Int_t nchannels = calROC->GetNchannels();
2631 for(Int_t ch = 0; ch < nchannels; ch++){
2632 calROC->SetValue(ch,1.0);
2633 }
2634 }
2635 }
2636 Int_t detector = -1;
2637 Float_t value = 0.0;
2639 for (Int_t k = 0; k < loop; k++) {
2640 detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetDetector();
2641 AliTRDCalROC *calROC = object->GetCalROC(detector);
2642 Int_t nchannels = calROC->GetNchannels();
2643 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < nchannels; ch++) {
2644 value = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) vectorFit->At(k))->GetCoef()[ch];
2645 if(value <= 0) calROC->SetValue(ch,1.0);
2646 else {
2647 calROC->SetValue(ch,0.0);
2648 mean += value;
2649 count++;
2650 }
2651 } // channels
2652 }
2653 if(count > 0) mean /= count;
2654 return object;
2657void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetPeriodeFitPH(Int_t periodeFitPH)
55a288e5 2658{
2659 //
3a0f6479 2660 // Set FitPH if 1 then each detector will be fitted
55a288e5 2661 //
3a0f6479 2663 if (periodeFitPH > 0) {
2664 fFitPHPeriode = periodeFitPH;
55a288e5 2665 }
2666 else {
3a0f6479 2667 AliInfo("periodeFitPH must be higher than 0!");
55a288e5 2668 }
55a288e5 2671//_____________________________________________________________________________
2672void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetBeginFitCharge(Float_t beginFitCharge)
2674 //
2675 // The fit of the deposited charge distribution begins at
2676 // histo->Mean()/beginFitCharge
2677 // You can here set beginFitCharge
2678 //
2680 if (beginFitCharge > 0) {
2681 fBeginFitCharge = beginFitCharge;
2682 }
2683 else {
2684 AliInfo("beginFitCharge must be strict positif!");
2685 }
413153cb 2690void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetT0Shift0(Float_t t0Shift)
2692 //
2693 // The t0 calculated with the maximum positif slope is shift from t0Shift0
2694 // You can here set t0Shift0
2695 //
2697 if (t0Shift > 0) {
2698 fT0Shift0 = t0Shift;
2699 }
2700 else {
2701 AliInfo("t0Shift0 must be strict positif!");
2702 }
2707void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetT0Shift1(Float_t t0Shift)
55a288e5 2708{
2709 //
413153cb 2710 // The t0 calculated with the maximum of the amplification region is shift from t0Shift1
2711 // You can here set t0Shift1
55a288e5 2712 //
2714 if (t0Shift > 0) {
413153cb 2715 fT0Shift1 = t0Shift;
55a288e5 2716 }
2717 else {
2718 AliInfo("t0Shift must be strict positif!");
2719 }
2724void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetRangeFitPRF(Float_t rangeFitPRF)
2726 //
2727 // The fit of the PRF is from -rangeFitPRF to rangeFitPRF
2728 // You can here set rangeFitPRF
2729 //
2731 if ((rangeFitPRF > 0) &&
2732 (rangeFitPRF <= 1.5)) {
2733 fRangeFitPRF = rangeFitPRF;
2734 }
2735 else {
2736 AliInfo("rangeFitPRF must be between 0 and 1.0");
2737 }
3a0f6479 2741//_____________________________________________________________________________
2742void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetMinEntries(Int_t minEntries)
2744 //
2745 // Minimum entries for fitting
2746 //
2748 if (minEntries > 0) {
2749 fMinEntries = minEntries;
2750 }
2751 else {
2752 AliInfo("fMinEntries must be >= 0.");
2753 }
55a288e5 2757//_____________________________________________________________________________
2758void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetRebin(Short_t rebin)
2760 //
2761 // Rebin with rebin time less bins the Ch histo
2762 // You can set here rebin that should divide the number of bins of CH histo
2763 //
2765 if (rebin > 0) {
2766 fRebin = rebin;
2767 AliInfo("You have to be sure that fRebin divides fNumberBinCharge used!");
2768 }
2769 else {
2770 AliInfo("You have to choose a positiv value!");
2771 }
55a288e5 2774//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 2775Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillVectorFit()
55a288e5 2776{
2777 //
3a0f6479 2778 // For the Fit functions fill the vector Fit
55a288e5 2779 //
55a288e5 2780
3a0f6479 2781 AliTRDFitInfo *fitInfo = new AliTRDFitInfo();
55a288e5 2782
3a0f6479 2783 Int_t ntotal = 1;
053767a4 2784 if (GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) {
3a0f6479 2785 ntotal = 1728;
55a288e5 2786 }
3a0f6479 2787 else {
2788 ntotal = 2304;
55a288e5 2789 }
3a0f6479 2790
2791 //printf("For the detector %d , ntotal %d and fCoefCH[0] %f\n",countdet,ntotal,fCoefCH[0]);
2792 Float_t *coef = new Float_t[ntotal];
2793 for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntotal; i++) {
2794 coef[i] = fCurrentCoefDetector[i];
55a288e5 2795 }
3a0f6479 2796
2797 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
2798 // Set
2799 fitInfo->SetCoef(coef);
2800 fitInfo->SetDetector(detector);
2801 fVectorFit.Add((TObject *) fitInfo);
2803 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 2804
3a0f6479 2805}
55a288e5 2806//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 2807Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillVectorFit2()
55a288e5 2808{
2809 //
3a0f6479 2810 // For the Fit functions fill the vector Fit
55a288e5 2811 //
55a288e5 2812
3a0f6479 2813 AliTRDFitInfo *fitInfo = new AliTRDFitInfo();
55a288e5 2814
3a0f6479 2815 Int_t ntotal = 1;
053767a4 2816 if (GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) {
3a0f6479 2817 ntotal = 1728;
55a288e5 2818 }
3a0f6479 2819 else {
2820 ntotal = 2304;
55a288e5 2821 }
3a0f6479 2822
2823 //printf("For the detector %d , ntotal %d and fCoefCH[0] %f\n",countdet,ntotal,fCoefCH[0]);
2824 Float_t *coef = new Float_t[ntotal];
2825 for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntotal; i++) {
2826 coef[i] = fCurrentCoefDetector2[i];
55a288e5 2827 }
3a0f6479 2828
2829 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
2830 // Set
2831 fitInfo->SetCoef(coef);
2832 fitInfo->SetDetector(detector);
2833 fVectorFit2.Add((TObject *) fitInfo);
55a288e5 2834
3a0f6479 2835 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 2836
3a0f6479 2837}
2838//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
2839Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::InitFit(Int_t nbins, Int_t i)
55a288e5 2840{
2841 //
3a0f6479 2842 // Init the number of expected bins and fDect1[i] fDect2[i]
55a288e5 2843 //
3a0f6479 2845 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
2846 gStyle->SetOptStat(1111);
2847 gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
2848 gStyle->SetCanvasColor(10);
2849 gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13);
2850 gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.01);
2852 // Mode groups of pads: the total number of bins!
2853 CalculNumberOfBinsExpected(i);
2855 // Quick verification that we have the good pad calibration mode!
2856 if (fNumberOfBinsExpected != nbins) {
64942b85 2857 AliInfo(Form("It doesn't correspond to the mode of pad group calibration: expected %d and seen %d!",fNumberOfBinsExpected,nbins));
3a0f6479 2858 return kFALSE;
55a288e5 2859 }
3a0f6479 2860
2861 // Security for fDebug 3 and 4
2862 if ((fDebugLevel >= 3) &&
2863 ((fDet[0] > 5) ||
2864 (fDet[1] > 4) ||
2865 (fDet[2] > 17))) {
2866 AliInfo("This detector doesn't exit!");
2867 return kFALSE;
55a288e5 2868 }
3a0f6479 2870 // Determine fDet1 and fDet2 and set the fNfragZ and fNfragRphi for debug 3 and 4
2871 CalculDect1Dect2(i);
55a288e5 2872
3a0f6479 2873
2874 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 2875}
3a0f6479 2876//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
2877Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::InitFitCH()
55a288e5 2878{
2879 //
3a0f6479 2880 // Init the fVectorFitCH for normalisation
2881 // Init the histo for debugging
55a288e5 2882 //
3a0f6479 2884 gDirectory = gROOT;
2886 fScaleFitFactor = 0.0;
f29cf84c 2887 if( fCurrentCoefDetector ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector;
3a0f6479 2888 fCurrentCoefDetector = new Float_t[2304];
2889 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
2890 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
2891 }
2892 fVectorFit.SetName("gainfactorscoefficients");
55a288e5 2893
3a0f6479 2894 // fDebug == 0 nothing
2895 // fDebug == 1 and fFitVoir no histo
2896 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
2897 if(!CheckFitVoir()) return kFALSE;
2898 }
2899 //Get the CalDet object
2900 if(fAccCDB){
2901 AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance();
2902 if (!cal) {
2903 AliInfo("Could not get calibDB");
2904 return kFALSE;
55a288e5 2905 }
3a0f6479 2906 if(fCalDet) delete fCalDet;
2907 fCalDet = new AliTRDCalDet(*(cal->GetGainFactorDet()));
55a288e5 2908 }
3a0f6479 2909 else{
2910 Float_t devalue = 1.0;
2911 if(fCalDet) delete fCalDet;
2912 fCalDet = new AliTRDCalDet("ChamberGainFactor","GainFactor (detector value)");
2913 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2914 fCalDet->SetValue(k,devalue);
55a288e5 2915 }
2916 }
3a0f6479 2917 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 2919}
3a0f6479 2920//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
2921Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::InitFitPH()
55a288e5 2922{
2923 //
3a0f6479 2924 // Init the arrays of results
2925 // Init the histos for debugging
55a288e5 2926 //
55a288e5 2927
3a0f6479 2928 gDirectory = gROOT;
2929 fVectorFit.SetName("driftvelocitycoefficients");
2930 fVectorFit2.SetName("t0coefficients");
55a288e5 2931
f29cf84c 2932 if( fCurrentCoefDetector ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector;
3a0f6479 2933 fCurrentCoefDetector = new Float_t[2304];
2934 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
2935 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
2936 }
f29cf84c 2937 if( fCurrentCoefDetector2 ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector2;
3a0f6479 2938 fCurrentCoefDetector2 = new Float_t[2304];
2939 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
2940 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
55a288e5 2941 }
3a0f6479 2943 //fDebug == 0 nothing
2944 // fDebug == 1 and fFitVoir no histo
2945 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
2946 if(!CheckFitVoir()) return kFALSE;
2947 }
2948 //Get the CalDet object
2949 if(fAccCDB){
2950 AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance();
2951 if (!cal) {
2952 AliInfo("Could not get calibDB");
2953 return kFALSE;
2954 }
2955 if(fCalDet) delete fCalDet;
2956 if(fCalDet2) delete fCalDet2;
2957 fCalDet = new AliTRDCalDet(*(cal->GetVdriftDet()));
2958 fCalDet2 = new AliTRDCalDet(*(cal->GetT0Det()));
2959 }
2960 else{
2961 Float_t devalue = 1.5;
2962 Float_t devalue2 = 0.0;
2963 if(fCalDet) delete fCalDet;
2964 if(fCalDet2) delete fCalDet2;
2965 fCalDet = new AliTRDCalDet("ChamberVdrift","TRD drift velocities (detector value)");
2966 fCalDet2 = new AliTRDCalDet("ChamberT0","T0 (detector value)");
2967 for(Int_t k = 0; k < 540; k++){
2968 fCalDet->SetValue(k,devalue);
2969 fCalDet2->SetValue(k,devalue2);
2970 }
2971 }
2972 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 2973}
3a0f6479 2974//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
2975Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::InitFitPRF()
55a288e5 2976{
2977 //
3a0f6479 2978 // Init the calibration mode (Nz, Nrphi), the histograms for
2979 // debugging the fit methods if fDebug > 0,
2980 //
2982 gDirectory = gROOT;
2983 fVectorFit.SetName("prfwidthcoefficients");
f29cf84c 2985 if( fCurrentCoefDetector ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector;
3a0f6479 2986 fCurrentCoefDetector = new Float_t[2304];
2987 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
2988 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
55a288e5 2989 }
3a0f6479 2991 // fDebug == 0 nothing
2992 // fDebug == 1 and fFitVoir no histo
2993 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
2994 if(!CheckFitVoir()) return kFALSE;
2995 }
2996 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 2997}
3a0f6479 2998//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
2999Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::InitFitLinearFitter()
55a288e5 3000{
3001 //
3a0f6479 3002 // Init the fCalDet, fVectorFit fCurrentCoefDetector
55a288e5 3003 //
3a0f6479 3004
3005 gDirectory = gROOT;
f29cf84c 3007 if( fCurrentCoefDetector ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector;
3008 if( fCurrentCoefDetector2 ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector2;
3a0f6479 3009 fCurrentCoefDetector = new Float_t[2304];
3010 fCurrentCoefDetector2 = new Float_t[2304];
3011 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3012 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3013 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
55a288e5 3014 }
840ec79d 3016 if((!fCalDetVdriftUsed) || (!fCalDetExBUsed)) return kFALSE;
55a288e5 3018 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 3019}
55a288e5 3020//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
a0bb5615 3021Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::InitFitExbAlt()
3023 //
3024 // Init the fCalDet, fVectorFit fCurrentCoefDetector
3025 //
3027 gDirectory = gROOT;
f29cf84c 3029 if( fCurrentCoefDetector2 ) delete [] fCurrentCoefDetector2;
3030 fCurrentCoefDetector2 = new Float_t[2304];
a0bb5615 3031 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3032 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
3033 }
3035 return kTRUE;
3037//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3a0f6479 3038void AliTRDCalibraFit::InitfCountDetAndfCount(Int_t i)
55a288e5 3039{
3040 //
3a0f6479 3041 // Init the current detector where we are fCountDet and the
3042 // next fCount for the functions Fit...
55a288e5 3043 //
3a0f6479 3045 // Loop on the Xbins of ch!!
3046 fCountDet = -1; // Current detector
3047 fCount = 0; // To find the next detector
3049 // If fDebug >= 3
3050 if (fDebugLevel >= 3) {
3051 // Set countdet to the detector
3052 fCountDet = AliTRDgeometry::GetDetector(fDet[0],fDet[1],fDet[2]);
3053 // Set counter to write at the end of the detector
3054 fCount = fDect2;
3055 // Get the right calib objects
3056 SetCalROC(i);
3057 }
3058 if(fDebugLevel == 1) {
3059 fCountDet = 0;
3060 fCalibraMode->CalculXBins(fCountDet,i);
6aafa7ea 3061 if((fCalibraMode->GetNz(i)!=100) && (fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(i)!=100)){
3062 while(fCalibraMode->GetXbins(i) <=fFitVoir){
3063 fCountDet++;
3064 fCalibraMode->CalculXBins(fCountDet,i);
3065 //printf("GetXBins %d\n",fCalibraMode->GetXbins(i));
3066 }
3067 }
3068 else {
3a0f6479 3069 fCountDet++;
6aafa7ea 3070 }
3a0f6479 3071 fCount = fCalibraMode->GetXbins(i);
3072 fCountDet--;
3073 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
053767a4 3074 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),i);
3075 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3076 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3077 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),i);
3a0f6479 3078 }
3081void AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculNumberOfBinsExpected(Int_t i)
3083 //
3084 // Calculate the number of bins expected (calibration groups)
3085 //
3087 fNumberOfBinsExpected = 0;
64942b85 3088 // All
3089 if((fCalibraMode->GetNz(i) == 100) && (fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(i) == 100)){
3090 fNumberOfBinsExpected = 1;
3091 return;
3092 }
3093 // Per supermodule
3094 if((fCalibraMode->GetNz(i) == 10) && (fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(i) == 10)){
3095 fNumberOfBinsExpected = 18;
3096 return;
3097 }
3098 // More
55a288e5 3099 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration(2,i);
3100 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation(0,2,0,i);
3101 fCalibraMode->SetDetChamb2(i);
3a0f6479 3102 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
55a288e5 3103 AliInfo(Form("For the chamber 2: %d",fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(i)));
3104 }
3a0f6479 3105 fNumberOfBinsExpected += 6 * 18 * fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb2(i);
55a288e5 3106 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration(0,i);
3107 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation(0,0,0,i);
3108 fCalibraMode->SetDetChamb0(i);
3a0f6479 3109 if (fDebugLevel > 1) {
55a288e5 3110 AliInfo(Form("For the other chamber 0: %d",fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(i)));
3111 }
3a0f6479 3112 fNumberOfBinsExpected += 6 * 4 * 18 * fCalibraMode->GetDetChamb0(i);
3116void AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculDect1Dect2(Int_t i)
3118 //
3119 // Calculate the range of fits
3120 //
55a288e5 3121
3a0f6479 3122 fDect1 = -1;
3123 fDect2 = -1;
3124 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
3125 fDect1 = fFitVoir;
3126 fDect2 = fDect1 +1;
55a288e5 3127 }
3a0f6479 3128 if ((fDebugLevel == 2) || (fDebugLevel == 0)) {
3129 fDect1 = 0;
3130 fDect2 = fNumberOfBinsExpected;
55a288e5 3131 }
3a0f6479 3132 if (fDebugLevel >= 3) {
3133 fCountDet = AliTRDgeometry::GetDetector(fDet[0],fDet[1],fDet[2]);
3134 fCalibraMode->CalculXBins(fCountDet,i);
3135 fDect1 = fCalibraMode->GetXbins(i);
3136 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
053767a4 3137 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),i);
3138 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3139 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3140 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),i);
3a0f6479 3141 // Set for the next detector
3142 fDect2 = fDect1 + fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(i)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(i);
55a288e5 3143 }
55a288e5 3144}
3a0f6479 3145//_______________________________________________________________________________
3146Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::CheckFitVoir()
55a288e5 3147{
3148 //
3a0f6479 3149 // Check if fFitVoir is in the range
55a288e5 3150 //
3a0f6479 3152 if (fFitVoir < fNumberOfBinsExpected) {
3153 AliInfo(Form("We will see the fit of the object %d",fFitVoir));
55a288e5 3154 }
3a0f6479 3155 else {
3156 AliInfo("fFitVoir is out of range of the histo!");
3157 return kFALSE;
3158 }
3159 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 3160}
55a288e5 3161//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3162void AliTRDCalibraFit::UpdatefCountDetAndfCount(Int_t idect, Int_t i)
3164 //
3165 // See if we are in a new detector and update the
3166 // variables fNfragZ and fNfragRphi if yes
3a0f6479 3167 // Will never happen for only one detector (3 and 4)
3168 // Doesn't matter for 2
3169 //
3170 if (fCount == idect) {
64942b85 3171 // On en est au detector (or first detector in the group)
3172 fCountDet += 1;
3173 AliDebug(2,Form("We are at the detector %d\n",fCountDet));
3174 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3175 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),i);
3176 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
053767a4 3177 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3178 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),i);
64942b85 3179 // Set for the next detector
3180 fCount += fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(i)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(i);
3181 // calib objects
3182 SetCalROC(i);
3183 }
55a288e5 3184}
55a288e5 3185//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3186void AliTRDCalibraFit::ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(Int_t idect, Int_t i)
3188 //
3189 // Reconstruct the min pad row, max pad row, min pad col and
3190 // max pad col of the calibration group for the Fit functions
64942b85 3191 // idect is the calibration group inside the detector
55a288e5 3192 //
3a0f6479 3193 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
3194 fCalibraMode->ReconstructionRowPadGroup((Int_t) (idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(i)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(i)))),i);
55a288e5 3195 }
64942b85 3196 AliDebug(2,Form("AliTRDCalibraFit::ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax: the local calibration group is %d",idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(i)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(i)))));
3197 AliDebug(2,Form("AliTRDCalibraFit::ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax: the number of group per detector is %d",fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(i)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(i)));
55a288e5 3198}
55a288e5 3199//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3a0f6479 3200Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::NotEnoughStatisticCH(Int_t idect)
55a288e5 3201{
3202 //
3203 // For the case where there are not enough entries in the histograms
3a0f6479 3204 // of the calibration group, the value present in the choosen database
3205 // will be put. A negativ sign enables to know that a fit was not possible.
3206 //
3208 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
3209 AliInfo("The element has not enough statistic to be fitted");
55a288e5 3210 }
64942b85 3211 else if (fNbDet > 0){
3212 Int_t firstdetector = fCountDet;
3213 Int_t lastdetector = fCountDet+fNbDet;
840ec79d 3214 //AliInfo(Form("The element %d containing the detectors %d to %d has not enough statistic to be fitted",idect,firstdetector,lastdetector));
64942b85 3215 // loop over detectors
3216 for(Int_t det = firstdetector; det < lastdetector; det++){
3218 //Set the calibration object again
3219 fCountDet = det;
3220 SetCalROC(0);
3222 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3223 // Put them at 1
3224 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),0);
3225 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3226 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3227 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),0);
3228 // Reconstruct row min row max
3229 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,0);
3231 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen for the detector
3232 CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
3234 //stack 2, not stack 2
3235 Int_t factor = 0;
3236 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3237 else factor = 16;
3239 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3240 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0); k++) {
3241 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0); j++) {
3242 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3243 }
3244 }
3246 //Put default value negative
3247 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3248 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
3250 // Fill the stuff
3251 FillVectorFit();
3252 // Debug
3253 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
3255 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
3256 //debug stream
3257 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
3258 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitCH.root");
3259 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
3260 }
3262 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
3263 Int_t caligroup = idect;
3264 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0);
3265 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0);
3266 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0);
3267 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0);
3268 Float_t gf = fCurrentCoef[0];
3269 Float_t gfs = fCurrentCoef[1];
3270 Float_t gfE = fCurrentCoefE;
3272 (*fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillCH" <<
3273 "detector=" << detector <<
3274 "caligroup=" << caligroup <<
3275 "rowmin=" << rowmin <<
3276 "rowmax=" << rowmax <<
3277 "colmin=" << colmin <<
3278 "colmax=" << colmax <<
3279 "gf=" << gf <<
3280 "gfs=" << gfs <<
3281 "gfE=" << gfE <<
3282 "\n";
3284 }
3285 // Reset
3286 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3287 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3288 }
3290 }// loop detector
3291 AliDebug(2,Form("Check the count now: fCountDet %d",fCountDet));
3292 }
3a0f6479 3293 else {
55a288e5 3294
840ec79d 3295//AliInfo(Form("The element %d in this detector %d has not enough statistic to be fitted",idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(0)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(0))),fCountDet));
3a0f6479 3296
3297 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen
3298 CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
55a288e5 3299
053767a4 3300 //stack 2, not stack 2
3a0f6479 3301 Int_t factor = 0;
053767a4 3302 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3a0f6479 3303 else factor = 16;
55a288e5 3304
3a0f6479 3305 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3306 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0); k++) {
3307 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0); j++) {
3308 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
55a288e5 3309 }
3310 }
3a0f6479 3311
3312 //Put default value negative
3313 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3314 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
3316 FillFillCH(idect);
3317 }
3319 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 3320}
3a0f6479 3322
3323//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
64942b85 3324Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::NotEnoughStatisticPH(Int_t idect,Double_t nentries)
55a288e5 3325{
3326 //
3a0f6479 3327 // For the case where there are not enough entries in the histograms
3328 // of the calibration group, the value present in the choosen database
3329 // will be put. A negativ sign enables to know that a fit was not possible.
55a288e5 3330 //
3a0f6479 3331 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
3332 AliInfo("The element has not enough statistic to be fitted");
3333 }
64942b85 3334 else if (fNbDet > 0) {
3336 Int_t firstdetector = fCountDet;
3337 Int_t lastdetector = fCountDet+fNbDet;
840ec79d 3338//AliInfo(Form("The element %d containing the detectors %d to %d has not enough statistic to be fitted",idect,firstdetector,lastdetector));
64942b85 3339 // loop over detectors
3340 for(Int_t det = firstdetector; det < lastdetector; det++){
3342 //Set the calibration object again
3343 fCountDet = det;
3344 SetCalROC(1);
3346 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3347 // Put them at 1
3348 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),1);
3349 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3350 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3351 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),1);
3352 // Reconstruct row min row max
3353 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,1);
3355 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen for the detector
3356 CalculVdriftCoefMean();
3357 CalculT0CoefMean();
3359 //stack 2, not stack 2
3360 Int_t factor = 0;
3361 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3362 else factor = 16;
3364 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3365 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1); k++) {
3366 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1); j++) {
3367 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3368 fCurrentCoefDetector2[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
3369 }
3370 }
3372 //Put default value negative
3373 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3374 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
3375 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
3376 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0.0;
3378 // Fill the stuff
3379 FillVectorFit();
3380 FillVectorFit2();
3381 // Debug
3382 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
3384 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
3385 //debug stream
3386 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
3387 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPH.root");
3388 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
3389 }
3392 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
3393 Int_t caligroup = idect;
3394 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1);
3395 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1);
3396 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1);
3397 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1);
3398 Float_t vf = fCurrentCoef[0];
3399 Float_t vs = fCurrentCoef[1];
3400 Float_t vfE = fCurrentCoefE;
3401 Float_t t0f = fCurrentCoef2[0];
3402 Float_t t0s = fCurrentCoef2[1];
3403 Float_t t0E = fCurrentCoefE2;
3407 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillPH"<<
3408 "detector="<<detector<<
3409 "nentries="<<nentries<<
3410 "caligroup="<<caligroup<<
3411 "rowmin="<<rowmin<<
3412 "rowmax="<<rowmax<<
3413 "colmin="<<colmin<<
3414 "colmax="<<colmax<<
3415 "vf="<<vf<<
3416 "vs="<<vs<<
3417 "vfE="<<vfE<<
3418 "t0f="<<t0f<<
3419 "t0s="<<t0s<<
3420 "t0E="<<t0E<<
3421 "\n";
3422 }
3423 // Reset
3424 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3425 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3426 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
3427 }
3429 }// loop detector
3430 AliDebug(2,Form("Check the count now: fCountDet %d",fCountDet));
3431 }
3a0f6479 3432 else {
55a288e5 3433
840ec79d 3434//AliInfo(Form("The element %d in this detector %d has not enough statistic to be fitted",idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(1)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(1))),fCountDet));
55a288e5 3435
3a0f6479 3436 CalculVdriftCoefMean();
3437 CalculT0CoefMean();
55a288e5 3438
053767a4 3439 //stack 2 and not stack 2
3a0f6479 3440 Int_t factor = 0;
053767a4 3441 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3a0f6479 3442 else factor = 16;
55a288e5 3443
55a288e5 3444
3a0f6479 3445 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector 2
3446 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1); k++) {
3447 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1); j++) {
3448 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
64942b85 3449 fCurrentCoefDetector2[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 3450 }
3451 }
55a288e5 3452
3a0f6479 3453 // Put the default value
3454 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3455 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
64942b85 3456 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
3a0f6479 3457 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0.0;
64942b85 3459 FillFillPH(idect,nentries);
3a0f6479 3460
3461 }
55a288e5 3462
3a0f6479 3463 return kTRUE;
64942b85 3464
3a0f6479 3465}
3468//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3469Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::NotEnoughStatisticPRF(Int_t idect)
3471 //
3472 // For the case where there are not enough entries in the histograms
3473 // of the calibration group, the value present in the choosen database
3474 // will be put. A negativ sign enables to know that a fit was not possible.
3475 //
55a288e5 3476
3a0f6479 3477 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
3478 AliInfo("The element has not enough statistic to be fitted");
55a288e5 3479 }
64942b85 3480 else if (fNbDet > 0){
3482 Int_t firstdetector = fCountDet;
3483 Int_t lastdetector = fCountDet+fNbDet;
840ec79d 3484// AliInfo(Form("The element %d containing the detectors %d to %d has not enough statistic to be fitted",idect,firstdetector,lastdetector));
64942b85 3485
3486 // loop over detectors
3487 for(Int_t det = firstdetector; det < lastdetector; det++){
3489 //Set the calibration object again
3490 fCountDet = det;
3491 SetCalROC(2);
3493 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3494 // Put them at 1
3495 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),2);
3496 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3497 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3498 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),2);
3499 // Reconstruct row min row max
3500 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,2);
3502 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen for the detector
3503 CalculPRFCoefMean();
3505 //stack 2, not stack 2
3506 Int_t factor = 0;
3507 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3508 else factor = 16;
3510 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3511 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2); k++) {
3512 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2); j++) {
3513 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3514 }
3515 }
3517 //Put default value negative
3518 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3519 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
3521 // Fill the stuff
3522 FillVectorFit();
3523 // Debug
3524 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
3526 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
3527 //debug stream
3528 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
3529 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3530 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
3531 }
3533 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
3534 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3535 Int_t caligroup = idect;
3536 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2);
3537 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2);
3538 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2);
3539 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2);
3540 Float_t widf = fCurrentCoef[0];
3541 Float_t wids = fCurrentCoef[1];
3542 Float_t widfE = fCurrentCoefE;
3544 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillPRF"<<
3545 "detector="<<detector<<
3546 "layer="<<layer<<
3547 "caligroup="<<caligroup<<
3548 "rowmin="<<rowmin<<
3549 "rowmax="<<rowmax<<
3550 "colmin="<<colmin<<
3551 "colmax="<<colmax<<
3552 "widf="<<widf<<
3553 "wids="<<wids<<
3554 "widfE="<<widfE<<
3555 "\n";
3556 }
3557 // Reset
3558 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3559 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3560 }
3562 }// loop detector
3563 AliDebug(2,Form("Check the count now: fCountDet %d",fCountDet));
3564 }
3a0f6479 3565 else {
840ec79d 3567// AliInfo(Form("The element %d in this detector %d has not enough statistic to be fitted",idect-(fCount-(fCalibraMode->GetNfragZ(2)*fCalibraMode->GetNfragRphi(2))),fCountDet));
3a0f6479 3568
3569 CalculPRFCoefMean();
053767a4 3571 // stack 2 and not stack 2
3a0f6479 3572 Int_t factor = 0;
053767a4 3573 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3a0f6479 3574 else factor = 16;
55a288e5 3575
55a288e5 3576
3a0f6479 3577 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector
3578 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2); k++) {
3579 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2); j++) {
64942b85 3580 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
55a288e5 3581 }
3582 }
55a288e5 3583
3a0f6479 3584 // Put the default value
64942b85 3585 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3a0f6479 3586 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
3588 FillFillPRF(idect);
3589 }
3591 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 3592
3a0f6479 3593}
3594//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3595Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::NotEnoughStatisticLinearFitter()
55a288e5 3596{
3597 //
3a0f6479 3598 // For the case where there are not enough entries in the histograms
3599 // of the calibration group, the value present in the choosen database
3600 // will be put. A negativ sign enables to know that a fit was not possible.
3601 //
3603 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen
3604 CalculVdriftLorentzCoef();
3606 Int_t factor = 0;
053767a4 3607 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 1728;
3a0f6479 3608 else factor = 2304;
3611 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector
3612 for (Int_t k = 0; k < factor; k++) {
3613 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3614 // should be negative
840ec79d 3615 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = fCurrentCoef2[1]+100.0;
55a288e5 3616 }
3a0f6479 3617
840ec79d 3619 //Put default opposite sign only for vdrift
3a0f6479 3620 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3621 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
840ec79d 3622 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1]+100.0;
3a0f6479 3623 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0.0;
3625 FillFillLinearFitter();
3627 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 3628}
a0bb5615 3630//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3631Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::NotEnoughStatisticExbAlt()
3633 //
3634 // For the case where there are not enough entries in the histograms
3635 // of the calibration group, the value present in the choosen database
3636 // will be put. A negativ sign enables to know that a fit was not possible.
3637 //
3639 Int_t factor = 0;
3640 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 1728;
3641 else factor = 2304;
3644 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector
3645 for (Int_t k = 0; k < factor; k++) {
3646 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 100.0;
3647 }
3649 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 100.0;
3650 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0.0;
3652 FillFillExbAlt();
3654 return kTRUE;
3a0f6479 3657//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3658Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillInfosFitCH(Int_t idect)
55a288e5 3659{
3660 //
3a0f6479 3661 // Fill the coefficients found with the fits or other
3662 // methods from the Fit functions
3663 //
3665 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
64942b85 3666 if (fNbDet > 0){
3667 Int_t firstdetector = fCountDet;
3668 Int_t lastdetector = fCountDet+fNbDet;
840ec79d 3669 // AliInfo(Form("The element %d containing the detectors %d to %d has been fitted",idect,firstdetector,lastdetector));
64942b85 3670 // loop over detectors
3671 for(Int_t det = firstdetector; det < lastdetector; det++){
3673 //Set the calibration object again
3674 fCountDet = det;
3675 SetCalROC(0);
3677 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3678 // Put them at 1
3679 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),0);
3680 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3681 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3682 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),0);
3683 // Reconstruct row min row max
3684 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,0);
3686 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen for the detector
3687 if(fCurrentCoef[0] < 0.0) CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
3688 else CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
3690 //stack 2, not stack 2
3691 Int_t factor = 0;
3692 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3693 else factor = 16;
3695 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3696 Double_t coeftoput = 1.0;
3697 if(fCurrentCoef[0] < 0.0) coeftoput = - TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3698 else coeftoput = fCurrentCoef[0];
3699 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0); k++) {
3700 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0); j++) {
3701 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = coeftoput;
3702 }
3703 }
3705 // Fill the stuff
3706 FillVectorFit();
3707 // Debug
3708 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
3710 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
3711 //debug stream
3712 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
3713 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitCH.root");
3714 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
3715 }
3717 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
3718 Int_t caligroup = idect;
3719 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0);
3720 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0);
3721 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0);
3722 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0);
3723 Float_t gf = fCurrentCoef[0];
3724 Float_t gfs = fCurrentCoef[1];
3725 Float_t gfE = fCurrentCoefE;
3727 (*fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillCH" <<
3728 "detector=" << detector <<
3729 "caligroup=" << caligroup <<
3730 "rowmin=" << rowmin <<
3731 "rowmax=" << rowmax <<
3732 "colmin=" << colmin <<
3733 "colmax=" << colmax <<
3734 "gf=" << gf <<
3735 "gfs=" << gfs <<
3736 "gfE=" << gfE <<
3737 "\n";
3739 }
3740 // Reset
3741 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3742 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3743 }
3745 }// loop detector
3746 //printf("Check the count now: fCountDet %d\n",fCountDet);
3747 }
3748 else{
3750 Int_t factor = 0;
3751 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3752 else factor = 16;
3754 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0); k++) {
3755 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0); j++) {
3756 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = fCurrentCoef[0];
3757 }
3a0f6479 3758 }
64942b85 3759
3760 FillFillCH(idect);
55a288e5 3761 }
3762 }
55a288e5 3763
3a0f6479 3764 return kTRUE;
3767//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
64942b85 3768Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillInfosFitPH(Int_t idect,Double_t nentries)
55a288e5 3769{
3770 //
3a0f6479 3771 // Fill the coefficients found with the fits or other
3772 // methods from the Fit functions
3773 //
3775 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
64942b85 3776 if (fNbDet > 0){
3778 Int_t firstdetector = fCountDet;
3779 Int_t lastdetector = fCountDet+fNbDet;
840ec79d 3780// AliInfo(Form("The element %d containing the detectors %d to %d has been fitted",idect,firstdetector,lastdetector));
64942b85 3781
3782 // loop over detectors
3783 for(Int_t det = firstdetector; det < lastdetector; det++){
3785 //Set the calibration object again
3786 fCountDet = det;
3787 SetCalROC(1);
3789 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3790 // Put them at 1
3791 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),1);
3792 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3793 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3794 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),1);
3795 // Reconstruct row min row max
3796 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,1);
3798 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen for the detector
3799 CalculVdriftCoefMean();
3800 CalculT0CoefMean();
3802 //stack 2, not stack 2
3803 Int_t factor = 0;
3804 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3805 else factor = 16;
3807 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3808 Double_t coeftoput = 1.5;
3809 Double_t coeftoput2 = 0.0;
3811 if(fCurrentCoef[0] < 0.0) coeftoput = - TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3812 else coeftoput = fCurrentCoef[0];
3814 if(fCurrentCoef2[0] > 70.0) coeftoput2 = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
3815 else coeftoput2 = fCurrentCoef2[0];
3817 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1); k++) {
3818 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1); j++) {
3819 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = coeftoput;
3820 fCurrentCoefDetector2[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = coeftoput2;
3821 }
3822 }
3824 // Fill the stuff
3825 FillVectorFit();
3826 FillVectorFit2();
3827 // Debug
3828 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
3830 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
3831 //debug stream
3832 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
3833 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPH.root");
3834 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
3835 }
3838 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
3839 Int_t caligroup = idect;
3840 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1);
3841 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1);
3842 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1);
3843 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1);
3844 Float_t vf = fCurrentCoef[0];
3845 Float_t vs = fCurrentCoef[1];
3846 Float_t vfE = fCurrentCoefE;
3847 Float_t t0f = fCurrentCoef2[0];
3848 Float_t t0s = fCurrentCoef2[1];
3849 Float_t t0E = fCurrentCoefE2;
3853 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillPH"<<
3854 "detector="<<detector<<
3855 "nentries="<<nentries<<
3856 "caligroup="<<caligroup<<
3857 "rowmin="<<rowmin<<
3858 "rowmax="<<rowmax<<
3859 "colmin="<<colmin<<
3860 "colmax="<<colmax<<
3861 "vf="<<vf<<
3862 "vs="<<vs<<
3863 "vfE="<<vfE<<
3864 "t0f="<<t0f<<
3865 "t0s="<<t0s<<
3866 "t0E="<<t0E<<
3867 "\n";
3868 }
3869 // Reset
3870 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3871 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3872 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
3873 }
3875 }// loop detector
3876 //printf("Check the count now: fCountDet %d\n",fCountDet);
3877 }
3878 else {
3880 Int_t factor = 0;
3881 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3882 else factor = 16;
3884 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1); k++) {
3885 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1); j++) {
3886 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = fCurrentCoef[0];
3887 fCurrentCoefDetector2[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = fCurrentCoef2[0];
3888 }
3889 }
3891 FillFillPH(idect,nentries);
3892 }
55a288e5 3893 }
3a0f6479 3894 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 3895}
3a0f6479 3896//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
3897Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillInfosFitPRF(Int_t idect)
55a288e5 3898{
3899 //
3a0f6479 3900 // Fill the coefficients found with the fits or other
3901 // methods from the Fit functions
55a288e5 3902 //
3a0f6479 3903
3904 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
64942b85 3905 if (fNbDet > 0){
3a0f6479 3906
64942b85 3907 Int_t firstdetector = fCountDet;
3908 Int_t lastdetector = fCountDet+fNbDet;
840ec79d 3909// AliInfo(Form("The element %d containing the detectors %d to %d has been fitted",idect,firstdetector,lastdetector));
64942b85 3910
3911 // loop over detectors
3912 for(Int_t det = firstdetector; det < lastdetector; det++){
3914 //Set the calibration object again
3915 fCountDet = det;
3916 SetCalROC(2);
3918 // Determination of fNnZ, fNnRphi, fNfragZ and fNfragRphi
3919 // Put them at 1
3920 fCalibraMode->ModePadCalibration((Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet),2);
3921 fCalibraMode->ModePadFragmentation((Int_t) GetLayer(fCountDet)
3922 ,(Int_t) GetStack(fCountDet)
3923 ,(Int_t) GetSector(fCountDet),2);
3924 // Reconstruct row min row max
3925 ReconstructFitRowMinRowMax(idect,2);
3927 // Calcul the coef from the database choosen for the detector
3928 CalculPRFCoefMean();
3930 //stack 2, not stack 2
3931 Int_t factor = 0;
3932 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3933 else factor = 16;
3935 // Fill the fCurrentCoefDetector with negative value to say: not fitted
3936 Double_t coeftoput = 1.0;
3937 if(fCurrentCoef[0] < 0.0) coeftoput = - TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
3938 else coeftoput = fCurrentCoef[0];
3939 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2); k++) {
3940 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2); j++) {
3941 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = coeftoput;
3942 }
3943 }
3945 // Fill the stuff
3946 FillVectorFit();
3947 // Debug
3948 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
3950 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
3951 //debug stream
3952 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
3953 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3954 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
3955 }
3957 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
3958 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3959 Int_t caligroup = idect;
3960 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2);
3961 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2);
3962 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2);
3963 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2);
3964 Float_t widf = fCurrentCoef[0];
3965 Float_t wids = fCurrentCoef[1];
3966 Float_t widfE = fCurrentCoefE;
3968 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillPRF"<<
3969 "detector="<<detector<<
3970 "layer="<<layer<<
3971 "caligroup="<<caligroup<<
3972 "rowmin="<<rowmin<<
3973 "rowmax="<<rowmax<<
3974 "colmin="<<colmin<<
3975 "colmax="<<colmax<<
3976 "widf="<<widf<<
3977 "wids="<<wids<<
3978 "widfE="<<widfE<<
3979 "\n";
3980 }
3981 // Reset
3982 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
3983 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
3984 }
3986 }// loop detector
3987 //printf("Check the count now: fCountDet %d\n",fCountDet);
3988 }
3989 else {
3991 Int_t factor = 0;
3992 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 12;
3993 else factor = 16;
3995 // Pointer to the branch
3996 for (Int_t k = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2); k < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2); k++) {
3997 for (Int_t j = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2); j < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2); j++) {
3998 fCurrentCoefDetector[(Int_t)(j*factor+k)] = fCurrentCoef[0];
3999 }
3a0f6479 4000 }
64942b85 4001 FillFillPRF(idect);
55a288e5 4002 }
4003 }
64942b85 4004
3a0f6479 4005 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4006
3a0f6479 4007}
4008//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
4009Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillInfosFitLinearFitter()
55a288e5 4010{
4011 //
3a0f6479 4012 // Fill the coefficients found with the fits or other
4013 // methods from the Fit functions
55a288e5 4014 //
3a0f6479 4015
4016 Int_t factor = 0;
053767a4 4017 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 1728;
3a0f6479 4018 else factor = 2304;
4020 // Pointer to the branch
4021 for (Int_t k = 0; k < factor; k++) {
4022 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = fCurrentCoef[0];
4023 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = fCurrentCoef2[0];
55a288e5 4024 }
3a0f6479 4025
4026 FillFillLinearFitter();
4028 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4029
a0bb5615 4030}
4031//____________Functions for initialising the AliTRDCalibraFit in the code_________
4032Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FillInfosFitExbAlt()
4034 //
4035 // Fill the coefficients found with the fits or other
4036 // methods from the Fit functions
4037 //
4039 Int_t factor = 0;
4040 if(GetStack(fCountDet) == 2) factor = 1728;
4041 else factor = 2304;
4043 // Pointer to the branch
4044 for (Int_t k = 0; k < factor; k++) {
4045 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = fCurrentCoef2[0];
4046 }
4048 FillFillExbAlt();
4050 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4052}
3a0f6479 4053//________________________________________________________________________________
4054void AliTRDCalibraFit::FillFillCH(Int_t idect)
55a288e5 4055{
4056 //
3a0f6479 4057 // DebugStream and fVectorFit
55a288e5 4058 //
3a0f6479 4060 // End of one detector
79a5b6a3 4061 if (idect == (fCount-1)) {
3a0f6479 4062 FillVectorFit();
4063 // Reset
4064 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
4065 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
4066 }
55a288e5 4067 }
3a0f6479 4069 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
55a288e5 4070
3a0f6479 4071 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
4072 //debug stream
4073 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 4074 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitCH.root");
3a0f6479 4075 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
4076 }
4078 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
4079 Int_t caligroup = idect;
4080 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0);
4081 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0);
4082 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0);
4083 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0);
4084 Float_t gf = fCurrentCoef[0];
4085 Float_t gfs = fCurrentCoef[1];
4086 Float_t gfE = fCurrentCoefE;
413153cb 4088 (*fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillCH" <<
3a0f6479 4089 "detector=" << detector <<
4090 "caligroup=" << caligroup <<
4091 "rowmin=" << rowmin <<
4092 "rowmax=" << rowmax <<
4093 "colmin=" << colmin <<
4094 "colmax=" << colmax <<
4095 "gf=" << gf <<
4096 "gfs=" << gfs <<
4097 "gfE=" << gfE <<
4098 "\n";
4100 }
64942b85 4103void AliTRDCalibraFit::FillFillPH(Int_t idect,Double_t nentries)
55a288e5 4104{
4105 //
3a0f6479 4106 // DebugStream and fVectorFit and fVectorFit2
55a288e5 4107 //
3a0f6479 4108
4109 // End of one detector
79a5b6a3 4110 if (idect == (fCount-1)) {
3a0f6479 4111 FillVectorFit();
4112 FillVectorFit2();
4113 // Reset
4114 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
4115 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
4116 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
4117 }
4118 }
4120 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
4122 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
4123 //debug stream
4124 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 4125 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPH.root");
3a0f6479 4126 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
4127 }
4130 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
4131 Int_t caligroup = idect;
4132 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1);
4133 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1);
4134 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1);
4135 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1);
4136 Float_t vf = fCurrentCoef[0];
4137 Float_t vs = fCurrentCoef[1];
4138 Float_t vfE = fCurrentCoefE;
4139 Float_t t0f = fCurrentCoef2[0];
4140 Float_t t0s = fCurrentCoef2[1];
4141 Float_t t0E = fCurrentCoefE2;
55a288e5 4143
3a0f6479 4144
413153cb 4145 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillPH"<<
3a0f6479 4146 "detector="<<detector<<
64942b85 4147 "nentries="<<nentries<<
3a0f6479 4148 "caligroup="<<caligroup<<
4149 "rowmin="<<rowmin<<
4150 "rowmax="<<rowmax<<
4151 "colmin="<<colmin<<
4152 "colmax="<<colmax<<
4153 "vf="<<vf<<
4154 "vs="<<vs<<
4155 "vfE="<<vfE<<
4156 "t0f="<<t0f<<
4157 "t0s="<<t0s<<
4158 "t0E="<<t0E<<
4159 "\n";
4160 }
55a288e5 4161
3a0f6479 4163//________________________________________________________________________________
4164void AliTRDCalibraFit::FillFillPRF(Int_t idect)
4166 //
4167 // DebugStream and fVectorFit
4168 //
55a288e5 4169
3a0f6479 4170 // End of one detector
79a5b6a3 4171 if (idect == (fCount-1)) {
3a0f6479 4172 FillVectorFit();
4173 // Reset
4174 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
4175 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
4176 }
4177 }
4180 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
4182 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
4183 //debug stream
4184 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 4185 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3a0f6479 4186 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
4187 }
4189 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
053767a4 4190 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3a0f6479 4191 Int_t caligroup = idect;
4192 Short_t rowmin = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2);
4193 Short_t rowmax = fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2);
4194 Short_t colmin = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2);
4195 Short_t colmax = fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2);
4196 Float_t widf = fCurrentCoef[0];
4197 Float_t wids = fCurrentCoef[1];
4198 Float_t widfE = fCurrentCoefE;
413153cb 4200 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillPRF"<<
3a0f6479 4201 "detector="<<detector<<
053767a4 4202 "layer="<<layer<<
3a0f6479 4203 "caligroup="<<caligroup<<
4204 "rowmin="<<rowmin<<
4205 "rowmax="<<rowmax<<
4206 "colmin="<<colmin<<
4207 "colmax="<<colmax<<
4208 "widf="<<widf<<
4209 "wids="<<wids<<
4210 "widfE="<<widfE<<
4211 "\n";
4212 }
4216void AliTRDCalibraFit::FillFillLinearFitter()
55a288e5 4217{
4218 //
3a0f6479 4219 // DebugStream and fVectorFit
55a288e5 4220 //
3a0f6479 4221
4222 // End of one detector
4223 FillVectorFit();
4224 FillVectorFit2();
4227 // Reset
4228 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
4229 fCurrentCoefDetector[k] = 0.0;
4230 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
55a288e5 4231 }
3a0f6479 4232
55a288e5 4233
3a0f6479 4234 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
55a288e5 4235
3a0f6479 4236 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
4237 //debug stream
4238 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 4239 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitLinearFitter.root");
3a0f6479 4240 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
4241 }
4243 //Debug: comparaison of the different methods (okey for first time but not for iterative procedure)
053767a4 4244 AliTRDpadPlane *padplane = fGeo->GetPadPlane(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet));
3a0f6479 4245 Float_t rowmd = (padplane->GetRow0()+padplane->GetRowEnd())/2.;
053767a4 4246 Float_t r = AliTRDgeometry::GetTime0(GetLayer(fCountDet));
3a0f6479 4247 Float_t tiltangle = padplane->GetTiltingAngle();
4248 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
053767a4 4249 Int_t stack = GetStack(fCountDet);
4250 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3a0f6479 4251 Float_t vf = fCurrentCoef[0];
4252 Float_t vs = fCurrentCoef[1];
4253 Float_t vfE = fCurrentCoefE;
4254 Float_t lorentzangler = fCurrentCoef2[0];
e6381f8e 4255 Float_t elorentzangler = fCurrentCoefE2;
3a0f6479 4256 Float_t lorentzangles = fCurrentCoef2[1];
413153cb 4258 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillLinearFitter"<<
3a0f6479 4259 "detector="<<detector<<
053767a4 4260 "stack="<<stack<<
4261 "layer="<<layer<<
3a0f6479 4262 "rowmd="<<rowmd<<
4263 "r="<<r<<
4264 "tiltangle="<<tiltangle<<
4265 "vf="<<vf<<
4266 "vs="<<vs<<
4267 "vfE="<<vfE<<
4268 "lorentzangler="<<lorentzangler<<
e6381f8e 4269 "Elorentzangler="<<elorentzangler<<
3a0f6479 4270 "lorentzangles="<<lorentzangles<<
4271 "\n";
4272 }
a0bb5615 4274}
4276void AliTRDCalibraFit::FillFillExbAlt()
4278 //
4279 // DebugStream and fVectorFit
4280 //
4282 // End of one detector
4283 FillVectorFit2();
4286 // Reset
4287 for (Int_t k = 0; k < 2304; k++) {
4288 fCurrentCoefDetector2[k] = 0.0;
4289 }
4292 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
4294 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
4295 //debug stream
4296 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4297 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitExbAlt.root");
4298 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
4299 }
4301 //Debug: comparaison of the different methods (okey for first time but not for iterative procedure)
4302 AliTRDpadPlane *padplane = fGeo->GetPadPlane(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet));
4303 Float_t rowmd = (padplane->GetRow0()+padplane->GetRowEnd())/2.;
4304 Float_t r = AliTRDgeometry::GetTime0(GetLayer(fCountDet));
4305 Float_t tiltangle = padplane->GetTiltingAngle();
4306 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
4307 Int_t stack = GetStack(fCountDet);
4308 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
4309 Float_t vf = fCurrentCoef2[0];
4310 Float_t vfE = fCurrentCoefE2;
4312 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FillFillLinearFitter"<<
4313 "detector="<<detector<<
4314 "stack="<<stack<<
4315 "layer="<<layer<<
4316 "rowmd="<<rowmd<<
4317 "r="<<r<<
4318 "tiltangle="<<tiltangle<<
4319 "vf="<<vf<<
4320 "vfE="<<vfE<<
4321 "\n";
4322 }
3a0f6479 4324}
55a288e5 4325//
4326//____________Calcul Coef Mean_________________________________________________
55a288e5 4328//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 4329Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculT0CoefMean()
55a288e5 4330{
4331 //
4332 // For the detector Dect calcul the mean time 0
4333 // for the calibration group idect from the choosen database
4334 //
3a0f6479 4336 fCurrentCoef2[1] = 0.0;
4337 if(fDebugLevel != 1){
64942b85 4338 if(((fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) > 0) ||
4339 (fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(1) > 0)) && ((fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) != 10) && (fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) != 100))) {
3a0f6479 4341 for (Int_t row = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1); row < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1); row++) {
4342 for (Int_t col = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1); col < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1); col++) {
4343 fCurrentCoef2[1] += (Float_t) (fCalROC2->GetValue(col,row)+fCalDet2->GetValue(fCountDet));
55a288e5 4344 }
3a0f6479 4345 }
64942b85 4346
3a0f6479 4347 fCurrentCoef2[1] = fCurrentCoef2[1] / ((fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1)-fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1))*(fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1)-fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1)));
64942b85 4348
3a0f6479 4349 }
4350 else {
64942b85 4351
3a0f6479 4352 if(!fAccCDB){
4353 fCurrentCoef2[1] = fCalDet2->GetValue(fCountDet);
4354 }
4355 else{
64942b85 4356
053767a4 4357 for(Int_t row = 0; row < fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet),GetSector(fCountDet)); row++){
4358 for(Int_t col = 0; col < fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(fCountDet)); col++){
3a0f6479 4359 fCurrentCoef2[1] += (Float_t) (fCalROC2->GetValue(col,row)+fCalDet2->GetValue(fCountDet));
4360 }
55a288e5 4361 }
053767a4 4362 fCurrentCoef2[1] = fCurrentCoef2[1] / ((fGeo->GetRowMax(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet),GetSector(fCountDet)))*(fGeo->GetColMax(GetLayer(fCountDet))));
64942b85 4363
55a288e5 4364 }
4365 }
55a288e5 4366 }
55a288e5 4367 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4368}
3a0f6479 4371Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculChargeCoefMean(Bool_t vrai)
55a288e5 4372{
4373 //
4374 // For the detector Dect calcul the mean gain factor
4375 // for the calibration group idect from the choosen database
4376 //
3a0f6479 4378 fCurrentCoef[1] = 0.0;
4379 if(fDebugLevel != 1){
64942b85 4380 if (((fCalibraMode->GetNz(0) > 0) ||
4381 (fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(0) > 0)) && ((fCalibraMode->GetNz(0) != 10) && (fCalibraMode->GetNz(0) != 100))) {
3a0f6479 4382 for (Int_t row = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0); row < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0); row++) {
4383 for (Int_t col = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0); col < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0); col++) {
4384 fCurrentCoef[1] += (Float_t) (fCalROC->GetValue(col,row)*fCalDet->GetValue(fCountDet));
4385 if (vrai) fScaleFitFactor += (Float_t) (fCalROC->GetValue(col,row)*fCalDet->GetValue(fCountDet));
55a288e5 4386 }
4387 }
3a0f6479 4388 fCurrentCoef[1] = fCurrentCoef[1] / ((fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0)-fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0))*(fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0)-fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0)));
55a288e5 4389 }
3a0f6479 4390 else {
4391 //Per detectors
4392 fCurrentCoef[1] = (Float_t) fCalDet->GetValue(fCountDet);
4393 if (vrai) fScaleFitFactor += ((Float_t) fCalDet->GetValue(fCountDet))*(fCalibraMode->GetColMax(0)-fCalibraMode->GetColMin(0))*(fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(0)-fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(0));
4394 }
55a288e5 4395 }
55a288e5 4396 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4397}
55a288e5 4398//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 4399Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculPRFCoefMean()
55a288e5 4400{
4401 //
4402 // For the detector Dect calcul the mean sigma of pad response
4403 // function for the calibration group idect from the choosen database
4404 //
3a0f6479 4405
4406 fCurrentCoef[1] = 0.0;
4407 if(fDebugLevel != 1){
55a288e5 4408 for (Int_t row = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2); row < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2); row++) {
4409 for (Int_t col = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2); col < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2); col++) {
3a0f6479 4410 fCurrentCoef[1] += (Float_t) fCalROC->GetValue(col,row);
55a288e5 4411 }
4412 }
3a0f6479 4413 fCurrentCoef[1] = fCurrentCoef[1] / ((fCalibraMode->GetColMax(2)-fCalibraMode->GetColMin(2))*(fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(2)-fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(2)));
55a288e5 4414 }
55a288e5 4415 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4416}
55a288e5 4417//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 4418Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculVdriftCoefMean()
55a288e5 4419{
4420 //
4421 // For the detector dect calcul the mean drift velocity for the
4422 // calibration group idect from the choosen database
4423 //
3a0f6479 4425 fCurrentCoef[1] = 0.0;
4426 if(fDebugLevel != 1){
64942b85 4427 if (((fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) > 0) ||
4428 (fCalibraMode->GetNrphi(1) > 0)) && ((fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) != 10) && (fCalibraMode->GetNz(1) != 100))) {
3a0f6479 4430 for (Int_t row = fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1); row < fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1); row++) {
4431 for (Int_t col = fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1); col < fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1); col++) {
4432 fCurrentCoef[1] += (Float_t) (fCalROC->GetValue(col,row)*fCalDet->GetValue(fCountDet));
55a288e5 4433 }
4434 }
64942b85 4435
3a0f6479 4436 fCurrentCoef[1] = fCurrentCoef[1] / ((fCalibraMode->GetColMax(1)-fCalibraMode->GetColMin(1))*(fCalibraMode->GetRowMax(1)-fCalibraMode->GetRowMin(1)));
64942b85 4437
55a288e5 4438 }
3a0f6479 4439 else {
4440 //per detectors
4441 fCurrentCoef[1] = (Float_t) fCalDet->GetValue(fCountDet);
4442 }
55a288e5 4443 }
55a288e5 4444 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4445}
3a0f6479 4446//_____________________________________________________________________________
4447Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculVdriftLorentzCoef()
4449 //
4450 // For the detector fCountDet, mean drift velocity and tan lorentzangle
4451 //
840ec79d 4453 fCurrentCoef[1] = fCalDetVdriftUsed->GetValue(fCountDet);
4454 fCurrentCoef2[1] = fCalDetExBUsed->GetValue(fCountDet);
55a288e5 4455
3a0f6479 4456 return kTRUE;
55a288e5 4458//_____________________________________________________________________________
053767a4 4459Float_t AliTRDCalibraFit::GetPRFDefault(Int_t layer) const
55a288e5 4460{
4461 //
4462 // Default width of the PRF if there is no database as reference
4463 //
053767a4 4464 switch(layer)
3a0f6479 4465 {
4466 // default database
4467 //case 0: return 0.515;
4468 //case 1: return 0.502;
4469 //case 2: return 0.491;
4470 //case 3: return 0.481;
4471 //case 4: return 0.471;
4472 //case 5: return 0.463;
4473 //default: return 0.0;
4475 // fit database
4476 case 0: return 0.538429;
4477 case 1: return 0.524302;
4478 case 2: return 0.511591;
4479 case 3: return 0.500140;
4480 case 4: return 0.489821;
4481 case 5: return 0.480524;
4482 default: return 0.0;
55a288e5 4483 }
3a0f6479 4484}
4486void AliTRDCalibraFit::SetCalROC(Int_t i)
4488 //
4489 // Set the calib object for fCountDet
4490 //
4492 Float_t value = 0.0;
4494 //Get the CalDet object
4495 if(fAccCDB){
4496 AliTRDcalibDB *cal = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance();
4497 if (!cal) {
4498 AliInfo("Could not get calibDB");
4499 return;
4500 }
4501 switch (i)
4502 {
4503 case 0:
64942b85 4504 if( fCalROC ){
4505 fCalROC->~AliTRDCalROC();
4506 new(fCalROC) AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetGainFactorROC(fCountDet)));
4507 }else fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetGainFactorROC(fCountDet)));
3a0f6479 4508 break;
4509 case 1:
64942b85 4510 if( fCalROC ){
4511 fCalROC->~AliTRDCalROC();
4512 new(fCalROC) AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetVdriftROC(fCountDet)));
4513 }else fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetVdriftROC(fCountDet)));
4514 if( fCalROC2 ){
4515 fCalROC2->~AliTRDCalROC();
4516 new(fCalROC2) AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetT0ROC(fCountDet)));
4517 }else fCalROC2 = new AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetT0ROC(fCountDet)));
3a0f6479 4518 break;
4519 case 2:
64942b85 4520 if( fCalROC ){
4521 fCalROC->~AliTRDCalROC();
4522 new(fCalROC) AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetPRFROC(fCountDet)));
4523 }else fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(*(cal->GetPRFROC(fCountDet)));
4524 break;
3a0f6479 4525 default: return;
4526 }
55a288e5 4527 }
3a0f6479 4528 else{
4529 switch (i)
4530 {
4531 case 0:
4532 if(fCalROC) delete fCalROC;
053767a4 4533 fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet));
3a0f6479 4534 for(Int_t k = 0; k < fCalROC->GetNchannels(); k++){
4535 fCalROC->SetValue(k,1.0);
4536 }
4537 break;
4538 case 1:
4539 if(fCalROC) delete fCalROC;
4540 if(fCalROC2) delete fCalROC2;
053767a4 4541 fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet));
4542 fCalROC2 = new AliTRDCalROC(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet));
3a0f6479 4543 for(Int_t k = 0; k < fCalROC->GetNchannels(); k++){
4544 fCalROC->SetValue(k,1.0);
4545 fCalROC2->SetValue(k,0.0);
4546 }
4547 break;
4548 case 2:
4549 if(fCalROC) delete fCalROC;
053767a4 4550 value = GetPRFDefault(GetLayer(fCountDet));
4551 fCalROC = new AliTRDCalROC(GetLayer(fCountDet),GetStack(fCountDet));
3a0f6479 4552 for(Int_t k = 0; k < fCalROC->GetNchannels(); k++){
4553 fCalROC->SetValue(k,value);
4554 }
4555 break;
4556 default: return;
4557 }
55a288e5 4558 }
55a288e5 4561//____________Fit Methods______________________________________________________
3a0f6479 4564void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitPente(TH1* projPH)
55a288e5 4565{
4566 //
4567 // Slope methode for the drift velocity
4568 //
4570 // Constants
4571 const Float_t kDrWidth = AliTRDgeometry::DrThick();
3a0f6479 4572 Int_t binmax = 0;
4573 Int_t binmin = 0;
4574 fPhd[0] = 0.0;
4575 fPhd[1] = 0.0;
4576 fPhd[2] = 0.0;
4577 Int_t ju = 0;
4578 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
4579 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0.0;
4580 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
4581 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 0.0;
4582 TLine *line = new TLine();
55a288e5 4583
4584 // Some variables
4585 TAxis *xpph = projPH->GetXaxis();
4586 Int_t nbins = xpph->GetNbins();
4587 Double_t lowedge = xpph->GetBinLowEdge(1);
4588 Double_t upedge = xpph->GetBinUpEdge(xpph->GetNbins());
4589 Double_t widbins = (upedge - lowedge) / nbins;
4590 Double_t limit = upedge + 0.5 * widbins;
4591 Bool_t put = kTRUE;
4593 // Beginning of the signal
4594 TH1D *pentea = new TH1D("pentea","pentea",projPH->GetNbinsX(),0,(Float_t) limit);
4595 for (Int_t k = 1; k < projPH->GetNbinsX(); k++) {
4596 pentea->SetBinContent(k,(Double_t) (projPH->GetBinContent(k+1) - projPH->GetBinContent(k)));
4597 }
55a288e5 4598 binmax = (Int_t) pentea->GetMaximumBin();
55a288e5 4599 if (binmax <= 1) {
4600 binmax = 2;
4601 AliInfo("Put the binmax from 1 to 2 to enable the fit");
4602 }
4603 if (binmax >= nbins) {
4604 binmax = nbins-1;
4605 put = kFALSE;
4606 AliInfo("Put the binmax from nbins-1 to nbins-2 to enable the fit");
4607 }
4608 pentea->Fit("pol2","0MR","",TMath::Max(pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-1),0.0),pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+1));
4609 Float_t l3P1am = pentea->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(1);
4610 Float_t l3P2am = pentea->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(2);
4611 Float_t l3P1amE = pentea->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParError(1);
4612 Float_t l3P2amE = pentea->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParError(2);
daa7dc79 4613 if (TMath::Abs(l3P2am) > 0.00000001) {
55a288e5 4614 fPhd[0] = -(l3P1am / (2 * l3P2am));
4615 }
4616 if(!fTakeTheMaxPH){
daa7dc79 4617 if((TMath::Abs(l3P1am) > 0.0000000001) && (TMath::Abs(l3P2am) > 0.00000000001)){
3a0f6479 4618 fCurrentCoefE2 = (l3P1amE/l3P1am + l3P2amE/l3P2am)*fPhd[0];
55a288e5 4619 }
4620 }
55a288e5 4621 // Amplification region
4622 binmax = 0;
4623 ju = 0;
4624 for (Int_t kbin = 1; kbin < projPH->GetNbinsX(); kbin ++) {
3a0f6479 4625 if (((projPH->GetBinContent(kbin+1) - projPH->GetBinContent(kbin)) <= 0.0) && (ju == 0) && (kbin > (fPhd[0]/widbins))) {
55a288e5 4626 binmax = kbin;
4627 ju = 1;
4628 }
4629 }
55a288e5 4630 if (binmax <= 1) {
4631 binmax = 2;
4632 AliInfo("Put the binmax from 1 to 2 to enable the fit");
4633 }
4634 if (binmax >= nbins) {
4635 binmax = nbins-1;
4636 put = kFALSE;
4637 AliInfo("Put the binmax from nbins-1 to nbins-2 to enable the fit");
4638 }
4639 projPH->Fit("pol2","0MR","",TMath::Max(projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-1),0.0),projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+1));
4640 Float_t l3P1amf = projPH->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(1);
4641 Float_t l3P2amf = projPH->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(2);
4642 Float_t l3P1amfE = projPH->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParError(1);
4643 Float_t l3P2amfE = projPH->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParError(2);
daa7dc79 4644 if (TMath::Abs(l3P2amf) > 0.00000000001) {
55a288e5 4645 fPhd[1] = -(l3P1amf / (2 * l3P2amf));
4646 }
daa7dc79 4647 if((TMath::Abs(l3P1amf) > 0.0000000001) && (TMath::Abs(l3P2amf) > 0.000000001)){
3a0f6479 4648 fCurrentCoefE = (l3P1amfE/l3P1amf + l3P2amfE/l3P2amf)*fPhd[1];
55a288e5 4649 }
4650 if(fTakeTheMaxPH){
3a0f6479 4651 fCurrentCoefE2 = fCurrentCoefE;
55a288e5 4652 }
55a288e5 4653 // Drift region
4654 TH1D *pente = new TH1D("pente","pente",projPH->GetNbinsX(),0,(Float_t) limit);
4655 for (Int_t k = TMath::Min(binmax+4,projPH->GetNbinsX()); k < projPH->GetNbinsX(); k++) {
4656 pente->SetBinContent(k,(Double_t) (projPH->GetBinContent(k+1) - projPH->GetBinContent(k)));
4657 }
4658 binmin = 0;
4659 if(pente->GetEntries() > 0) binmin = (Int_t) pente->GetMinimumBin();
4660 if (binmin <= 1) {
4661 binmin = 2;
4662 AliInfo("Put the binmax from 1 to 2 to enable the fit");
4663 }
4664 if (binmin >= nbins) {
4665 binmin = nbins-1;
4666 put = kFALSE;
4667 AliInfo("Put the binmax from nbins-1 to nbins-2 to enable the fit");
4668 }
55a288e5 4669 pente->Fit("pol2"
4670 ,"0MR"
4671 ,""
4672 ,TMath::Max(pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1), 0.0)
4673 ,TMath::Min(pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1),(Double_t) limit));
4674 Float_t l3P1dr = pente->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(1);
4675 Float_t l3P2dr = pente->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(2);
4676 Float_t l3P1drE = pente->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParError(1);
4677 Float_t l3P2drE = pente->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParError(2);
daa7dc79 4678 if (TMath::Abs(l3P2dr) > 0.00000001) {
55a288e5 4679 fPhd[2] = -(l3P1dr / (2 * l3P2dr));
4680 }
daa7dc79 4681 if((TMath::Abs(l3P1dr) > 0.0000000001) && (TMath::Abs(l3P2dr) > 0.00000000001)){
3a0f6479 4682 fCurrentCoefE += (l3P1drE/l3P1dr + l3P2drE/l3P2dr)*fPhd[2];
55a288e5 4683 }
413153cb 4684 Float_t fPhdt0 = 0.0;
4685 Float_t t0Shift = 0.0;
4686 if(fTakeTheMaxPH) {
4687 fPhdt0 = fPhd[1];
4688 t0Shift = fT0Shift1;
4689 }
4690 else {
4691 fPhdt0 = fPhd[0];
4692 t0Shift = fT0Shift0;
4693 }
55a288e5 4694
4695 if ((fPhd[2] > fPhd[0]) &&
4696 (fPhd[2] > fPhd[1]) &&
4697 (fPhd[1] > fPhd[0]) &&
4698 (put)) {
3a0f6479 4699 fCurrentCoef[0] = (kDrWidth) / (fPhd[2]-fPhd[1]);
4700 fNumberFitSuccess++;
55a288e5 4702 if (fPhdt0 >= 0.0) {
413153cb 4703 fCurrentCoef2[0] = (fPhdt0 - t0Shift) / widbins;
b88b6bcc 4704 if (fCurrentCoef2[0] < -3.0) {
64942b85 4705 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 4706 }
4707 }
4708 else {
64942b85 4709 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 4710 }
3a0f6479 4711
55a288e5 4712 }
4713 else {
3a0f6479 4714 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
64942b85 4715 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 4716 }
3a0f6479 4718 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
55a288e5 4719 TCanvas *cpentei = new TCanvas("cpentei","cpentei",50,50,600,800);
4720 cpentei->cd();
4721 projPH->Draw();
4722 line->SetLineColor(2);
4723 line->DrawLine(fPhd[0],0,fPhd[0],projPH->GetMaximum());
4724 line->DrawLine(fPhd[1],0,fPhd[1],projPH->GetMaximum());
4725 line->DrawLine(fPhd[2],0,fPhd[2],projPH->GetMaximum());
4726 AliInfo(Form("fPhd[0] (beginning of the signal): %f" ,(Float_t) fPhd[0]));
4727 AliInfo(Form("fPhd[1] (end of the amplification region): %f" ,(Float_t) fPhd[1]));
4728 AliInfo(Form("fPhd[2] (end of the drift region): %f" ,(Float_t) fPhd[2]));
3a0f6479 4729 AliInfo(Form("fVriftCoef[1] (with only the drift region(default)): %f",(Float_t) fCurrentCoef[0]));
55a288e5 4730 TCanvas *cpentei2 = new TCanvas("cpentei2","cpentei2",50,50,600,800);
4731 cpentei2->cd();
4732 pentea->Draw();
4733 TCanvas *cpentei3 = new TCanvas("cpentei3","cpentei3",50,50,600,800);
4734 cpentei3->cd();
4735 pente->Draw();
4736 }
3a0f6479 4737 else {
55a288e5 4738 delete pentea;
55a288e5 4739 delete pente;
4740 }
55a288e5 4741}
55a288e5 4742//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 4743void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitLagrangePoly(TH1* projPH)
55a288e5 4744{
4745 //
4746 // Slope methode but with polynomes de Lagrange
4747 //
6aafa7ea 4748
55a288e5 4749 // Constants
4750 const Float_t kDrWidth = AliTRDgeometry::DrThick();
3a0f6479 4751 Int_t binmax = 0;
4752 Int_t binmin = 0;
fdc15553 4753 //Double_t *x = new Double_t[5];
4754 //Double_t *y = new Double_t[5];
4755 Double_t x[5];
4756 Double_t y[5];
3a0f6479 4757 x[0] = 0.0;
4758 x[1] = 0.0;
4759 x[2] = 0.0;
4760 x[3] = 0.0;
4761 x[4] = 0.0;
4762 y[0] = 0.0;
4763 y[1] = 0.0;
4764 y[2] = 0.0;
4765 y[3] = 0.0;
4766 y[4] = 0.0;
4767 fPhd[0] = 0.0;
4768 fPhd[1] = 0.0;
4769 fPhd[2] = 0.0;
4770 Int_t ju = 0;
4771 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
4772 fCurrentCoefE2 = 1.0;
4773 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
4774 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 0.0;
55a288e5 4775 TLine *line = new TLine();
4776 TF1 * polynome = 0x0;
4777 TF1 * polynomea = 0x0;
4778 TF1 * polynomeb = 0x0;
3b0c1edc 4779 Double_t c0 = 0.0;
4780 Double_t c1 = 0.0;
4781 Double_t c2 = 0.0;
4782 Double_t c3 = 0.0;
4783 Double_t c4 = 0.0;
55a288e5 4784
4785 // Some variables
4786 TAxis *xpph = projPH->GetXaxis();
4787 Int_t nbins = xpph->GetNbins();
4788 Double_t lowedge = xpph->GetBinLowEdge(1);
4789 Double_t upedge = xpph->GetBinUpEdge(xpph->GetNbins());
4790 Double_t widbins = (upedge - lowedge) / nbins;
4791 Double_t limit = upedge + 0.5 * widbins;
4794 Bool_t put = kTRUE;
4f3bd513 4796 ///////////////////////////////
55a288e5 4797 // Beginning of the signal
4f3bd513 4798 //////////////////////////////
55a288e5 4799 TH1D *pentea = new TH1D("pentea","pentea",projPH->GetNbinsX(),0,(Float_t) limit);
4800 for (Int_t k = 1; k < projPH->GetNbinsX(); k++) {
4801 pentea->SetBinContent(k,(Double_t) (projPH->GetBinContent(k+1) - projPH->GetBinContent(k)));
4802 }
4804 binmax = (Int_t) pentea->GetMaximumBin();
55a288e5 4805
4806 Double_t minnn = 0.0;
4807 Double_t maxxx = 0.0;
3a0f6479 4809 Int_t kase = nbins-binmax;
4811 switch(kase)
4812 {
4813 case 0:
4814 put = kFALSE;
4815 break;
4816 case 1:
4817 minnn = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4818 maxxx = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4819 x[0] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4820 x[1] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4821 x[2] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4822 y[0] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-2);
4823 y[1] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4824 y[2] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax);
3b0c1edc 4825 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
b2277aa2 4826 //AliInfo("At the limit for beginning!");
3a0f6479 4827 break;
4828 case 2:
4829 minnn = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4830 maxxx = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4831 x[0] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4832 x[1] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4833 x[2] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4834 x[3] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4835 y[0] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-2);
4836 y[1] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4837 y[2] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax);
4838 y[3] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
3b0c1edc 4839 CalculPolynomeLagrange3(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4840 break;
4841 default:
4842 switch(binmax){
4843 case 0:
4844 put = kFALSE;
4845 break;
4846 case 1:
4847 minnn = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4848 maxxx = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4849 x[0] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4850 x[1] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4851 x[2] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4852 y[0] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax);
4853 y[1] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
4854 y[2] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+2);
3b0c1edc 4855 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4856 break;
4857 case 2:
4858 minnn = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4859 maxxx = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4860 x[0] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4861 x[1] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4862 x[2] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4863 x[3] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4864 y[0] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4865 y[1] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax);
4866 y[2] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
4867 y[3] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+2);
3b0c1edc 4868 CalculPolynomeLagrange3(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4869 break;
4870 default:
4871 minnn = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4872 maxxx = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4873 x[0] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4874 x[1] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4875 x[2] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4876 x[3] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4877 x[4] = pentea->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4878 y[0] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-2);
4879 y[1] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4880 y[2] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax);
4881 y[3] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
4882 y[4] = pentea->GetBinContent(binmax+2);
3b0c1edc 4883 CalculPolynomeLagrange4(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4884 break;
4885 }
4886 break;
55a288e5 4887 }
3a0f6479 4888
55a288e5 4890 if(put) {
4891 polynomeb = new TF1("polb","[0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x+[3]*x*x*x+[4]*x*x*x*x",minnn,maxxx);
3b0c1edc 4892 polynomeb->SetParameters(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4893
55a288e5 4894 Double_t step = (maxxx-minnn)/10000;
4895 Double_t l = minnn;
4896 Double_t maxvalue = 0.0;
4897 Double_t placemaximum = minnn;
4898 for(Int_t o = 0; o < 10000; o++){
4899 if(o == 0) maxvalue = polynomeb->Eval(l);
4900 if(maxvalue < (polynomeb->Eval(l))){
4901 maxvalue = polynomeb->Eval(l);
4902 placemaximum = l;
4903 }
4904 l += step;
4905 }
4906 fPhd[0] = placemaximum;
4907 }
55a288e5 4908
4f3bd513 4909 /////////////////////////////
55a288e5 4910 // Amplification region
4f3bd513 4911 /////////////////////////////
55a288e5 4912 binmax = 0;
4913 ju = 0;
4914 for (Int_t kbin = 1; kbin < projPH->GetNbinsX(); kbin ++) {
3a0f6479 4915 if (((projPH->GetBinContent(kbin+1) - projPH->GetBinContent(kbin)) <= 0.0) && (ju == 0) && (kbin > (fPhd[0]/widbins))) {
55a288e5 4916 binmax = kbin;
4917 ju = 1;
4918 }
4919 }
3a0f6479 4920
55a288e5 4921 Double_t minn = 0.0;
4922 Double_t maxx = 0.0;
3a0f6479 4923 x[0] = 0.0;
4924 x[1] = 0.0;
4925 x[2] = 0.0;
4926 x[3] = 0.0;
4927 x[4] = 0.0;
4928 y[0] = 0.0;
4929 y[1] = 0.0;
4930 y[2] = 0.0;
4931 y[3] = 0.0;
4932 y[4] = 0.0;
4934 Int_t kase1 = nbins - binmax;
55a288e5 4935
4936 //Determination of minn and maxx
4937 //case binmax = nbins
4938 //pol2
3a0f6479 4939 switch(kase1)
4940 {
4941 case 0:
4942 minn = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4943 maxx = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4944 x[0] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4945 x[1] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4946 x[2] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4947 y[0] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-2);
4948 y[1] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4949 y[2] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax);
3b0c1edc 4950 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4951 //AliInfo("At the limit for the drift!");
4952 break;
4953 case 1:
4954 minn = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4955 maxx = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4956 x[0] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4957 x[1] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4958 x[2] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4959 x[3] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4960 y[0] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-2);
4961 y[1] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4962 y[2] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax);
4963 y[3] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
3b0c1edc 4964 CalculPolynomeLagrange3(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4965 break;
4966 default:
4967 switch(binmax)
4968 {
4969 case 0:
4970 put = kFALSE;
4971 break;
4972 case 1:
4973 minn = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4974 maxx = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4975 x[0] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4976 x[1] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4977 x[2] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4978 y[0] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax);
4979 y[1] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
4980 y[2] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+2);
3b0c1edc 4981 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4982 break;
4983 case 2:
4984 minn = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4985 maxx = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4986 x[0] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
4987 x[1] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
4988 x[2] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
4989 x[3] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4990 y[0] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
4991 y[1] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax);
4992 y[2] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
4993 y[3] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+2);
3b0c1edc 4994 CalculPolynomeLagrange3(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 4995 break;
4996 default:
4997 minn = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
4998 maxx = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
4999 x[0] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-2);
5000 x[1] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax-1);
5001 x[2] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax);
5002 x[3] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+1);
5003 x[4] = projPH->GetBinCenter(binmax+2);
5004 y[0] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-2);
5005 y[1] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax-1);
5006 y[2] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax);
5007 y[3] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+1);
5008 y[4] = projPH->GetBinContent(binmax+2);
3b0c1edc 5009 CalculPolynomeLagrange4(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 5010 break;
5011 }
5012 break;
55a288e5 5013 }
3a0f6479 5014
55a288e5 5015 if(put) {
5016 polynomea = new TF1("pola","[0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x+[3]*x*x*x+[4]*x*x*x*x",minn,maxx);
3b0c1edc 5017 polynomea->SetParameters(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 5018
55a288e5 5019 Double_t step = (maxx-minn)/1000;
5020 Double_t l = minn;
5021 Double_t maxvalue = 0.0;
5022 Double_t placemaximum = minn;
5023 for(Int_t o = 0; o < 1000; o++){
5024 if(o == 0) maxvalue = polynomea->Eval(l);
5025 if(maxvalue < (polynomea->Eval(l))){
5026 maxvalue = polynomea->Eval(l);
5027 placemaximum = l;
5028 }
5029 l += step;
5030 }
5031 fPhd[1] = placemaximum;
5032 }
4f3bd513 5033
5034 //////////////////
55a288e5 5035 // Drift region
4f3bd513 5036 //////////////////
5037 Bool_t putd = kTRUE;
55a288e5 5038 TH1D *pente = new TH1D("pente","pente", projPH->GetNbinsX(),0,(Float_t) limit);
5039 for (Int_t k = TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()); k < projPH->GetNbinsX(); k++) {
5040 pente->SetBinContent(k,(Double_t) (projPH->GetBinContent(k+1) - projPH->GetBinContent(k)));
5041 }
5042 binmin = 0;
5043 if(pente->GetEntries() > 0) binmin = (Int_t) pente->GetMinimumBin();
5045 //should not happen
5046 if (binmin <= 1) {
5047 binmin = 2;
4f3bd513 5048 putd = 1;
b2277aa2 5049 //AliInfo("Put the binmax from 1 to 2 to enable the fit");
55a288e5 5050 }
5052 //check
64942b85 5053 if((projPH->GetBinContent(binmin)-projPH->GetBinError(binmin)) < (projPH->GetBinContent(binmin+1))) {
b2277aa2 5054 //AliInfo("Too many fluctuations at the end!");
4f3bd513 5055 putd = kFALSE;
64942b85 5056 }
5057 if((projPH->GetBinContent(binmin)+projPH->GetBinError(binmin)) > (projPH->GetBinContent(binmin-1))) {
b2277aa2 5058 //AliInfo("Too many fluctuations at the end!");
4f3bd513 5059 putd = kFALSE;
64942b85 5060 }
daa7dc79 5061 if(TMath::Abs(pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1)) <= 0.0000000000001){
b2277aa2 5062 //AliInfo("No entries for the next bin!");
64942b85 5063 pente->SetBinContent(binmin,0);
5064 if(pente->GetEntries() > 0) binmin = (Int_t) pente->GetMinimumBin();
5065 }
3a0f6479 5067
5068 x[0] = 0.0;
5069 x[1] = 0.0;
5070 x[2] = 0.0;
5071 x[3] = 0.0;
5072 x[4] = 0.0;
5073 y[0] = 0.0;
5074 y[1] = 0.0;
5075 y[2] = 0.0;
5076 y[3] = 0.0;
5077 y[4] = 0.0;
55a288e5 5078 Double_t min = 0.0;
5079 Double_t max = 0.0;
5080 Bool_t case1 = kFALSE;
5081 Bool_t case2 = kFALSE;
5082 Bool_t case4 = kFALSE;
5084 //Determination of min and max
5085 //case binmin <= nbins-3
5086 //pol4 case 3
5087 if((binmin <= (nbins-3)) && ((binmin-2) >= TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))){
5088 min = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-2);
5089 max = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+2);
5090 x[0] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-2);
5091 x[1] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5092 x[2] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5093 x[3] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5094 x[4] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+2);
5095 y[0] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2);
5096 y[1] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1);
5097 y[2] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin);
5098 y[3] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1);
5099 y[4] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2);
5100 //Calcul the polynome de Lagrange
3b0c1edc 5101 CalculPolynomeLagrange4(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
55a288e5 5102 //richtung +/-
5103 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1)) &&
64942b85 5104 (pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1))) {
5105 //AliInfo("polynome 4 false 1");
4f3bd513 5106 putd = kFALSE;
64942b85 5107 }
55a288e5 5108 if(((binmin+3) <= (nbins-1)) &&
5109 (pente->GetBinContent(binmin+3) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2)) &&
5110 ((binmin-3) >= TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX())) &&
64942b85 5111 (pente->GetBinContent(binmin-3) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2))) {
b2277aa2 5112 //AliInfo("polynome 4 false 2");
4f3bd513 5113 putd = kFALSE;
64942b85 5114 }
5115 // poly 3
55a288e5 5116 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1)) &&
64942b85 5117 (pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2) > pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1))) {
5118 //AliInfo("polynome 4 case 1");
5119 case1 = kTRUE;
5120 }
55a288e5 5121 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2) > pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1)) &&
64942b85 5122 (pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1))) {
5123 //AliInfo("polynome 4 case 4");
5124 case4 = kTRUE;
5125 }
55a288e5 5127 }
5128 //case binmin = nbins-2
5129 //pol3 case 1
5130 if(((binmin == (nbins-2)) && ((binmin-2) >= TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))) ||
5131 (case1)){
5132 min = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-2);
5133 max = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5134 x[0] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-2);
5135 x[1] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5136 x[2] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5137 x[3] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5138 y[0] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2);
5139 y[1] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1);
5140 y[2] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin);
5141 y[3] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1);
5142 //Calcul the polynome de Lagrange
3b0c1edc 5143 CalculPolynomeLagrange3(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
55a288e5 5144 //richtung +: nothing
5145 //richtung -
64942b85 5146 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1))) {
5147 //AliInfo("polynome 3- case 2");
5148 case2 = kTRUE;
5149 }
55a288e5 5150 }
5151 //pol3 case 4
5152 if(((binmin <= (nbins-3)) && ((binmin-1) == TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))) ||
5153 (case4)){
5154 min = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5155 max = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+2);
5156 x[0] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5157 x[1] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5158 x[2] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5159 x[3] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+2);
5160 y[0] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1);
5161 y[1] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin);
5162 y[2] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1);
5163 y[3] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2);
5164 //Calcul the polynome de Lagrange
3b0c1edc 5165 CalculPolynomeLagrange3(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
55a288e5 5166 //richtung +
64942b85 5167 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1))) {
5168 //AliInfo("polynome 3+ case 2");
5169 case2 = kTRUE;
5170 }
55a288e5 5171 }
5172 //pol2 case 5
5173 if((binmin <= (nbins-3)) && (binmin == TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))){
5174 min = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5175 max = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+2);
5176 x[0] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5177 x[1] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5178 x[2] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+2);
5179 y[0] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin);
5180 y[1] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1);
5181 y[2] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2);
5182 //Calcul the polynome de Lagrange
3b0c1edc 5183 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
55a288e5 5184 //richtung +
64942b85 5185 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin+2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1))) {
5186 //AliInfo("polynome 2+ false");
4f3bd513 5187 putd = kFALSE;
64942b85 5188 }
55a288e5 5189 }
5190 //pol2 case 2
5191 if(((binmin == (nbins-2)) && ((binmin-1) == TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))) ||
5192 (case2)){
5193 min = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5194 max = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5195 x[0] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5196 x[1] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5197 x[2] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin+1);
5198 y[0] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1);
5199 y[1] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin);
5200 y[2] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin+1);
5201 //Calcul the polynome de Lagrange
3b0c1edc 5202 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
55a288e5 5203 //richtung +: nothing
5204 //richtung -: nothing
5205 }
5206 //case binmin = nbins-1
5207 //pol2 case 0
5208 if((binmin == (nbins-1)) && ((binmin-2) >= TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))){
5209 min = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-2);
5210 max = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5211 x[0] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-2);
5212 x[1] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin-1);
5213 x[2] = pente->GetBinCenter(binmin);
5214 y[0] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2);
5215 y[1] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1);
5216 y[2] = pente->GetBinContent(binmin);
5217 //Calcul the polynome de Lagrange
3b0c1edc 5218 CalculPolynomeLagrange2(x,y,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
3a0f6479 5219 //AliInfo("At the limit for the drift!");
55a288e5 5220 //fluctuation too big!
5221 //richtung +: nothing
5222 //richtung -
64942b85 5223 if((pente->GetBinContent(binmin-2) <= pente->GetBinContent(binmin-1))) {
5224 //AliInfo("polynome 2- false ");
4f3bd513 5225 putd = kFALSE;
64942b85 5226 }
55a288e5 5227 }
5228 if((binmin == (nbins-1)) && ((binmin-2) < TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))) {
4f3bd513 5229 putd = kFALSE;
b2277aa2 5230 //AliInfo("At the limit for the drift and not usable!");
55a288e5 5231 }
5233 //pass
5234 if((binmin == (nbins-2)) && ((binmin-1) < TMath::Min(binmax+4, projPH->GetNbinsX()))){
4f3bd513 5235 putd = kFALSE;
b2277aa2 5236 //AliInfo("For the drift...problem!");
55a288e5 5237 }
55a288e5 5238 //pass but should not happen
64942b85 5239 if((binmin <= (nbins-3)) && (binmin < TMath::Min(binmax+6, projPH->GetNbinsX()))){
4f3bd513 5240 putd = kFALSE;
b2277aa2 5241 //AliInfo("For the drift...problem!");
55a288e5 5242 }
3a0f6479 5243
4f3bd513 5244 if(putd) {
55a288e5 5245 polynome = new TF1("pol","[0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x+[3]*x*x*x+[4]*x*x*x*x",min,max);
3b0c1edc 5246 polynome->SetParameters(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4);
55a288e5 5247 //AliInfo(Form("GetMinimum of the function %f",polynome->GetMinimumX()));
5248 Double_t step = (max-min)/1000;
5249 Double_t l = min;
5250 Double_t minvalue = 0.0;
5251 Double_t placeminimum = min;
5252 for(Int_t o = 0; o < 1000; o++){
5253 if(o == 0) minvalue = polynome->Eval(l);
5254 if(minvalue > (polynome->Eval(l))){
5255 minvalue = polynome->Eval(l);
5256 placeminimum = l;
5257 }
5258 l += step;
5259 }
5260 fPhd[2] = placeminimum;
5261 }
64942b85 5262 //printf("La fin %d\n",((Int_t)(fPhd[2]*10.0))+2);
5263 if((((Int_t)(fPhd[2]*10.0))+2) >= projPH->GetNbinsX()) fPhd[2] = 0.0;
5264 if(((((Int_t)(fPhd[2]*10.0))+2) < projPH->GetNbinsX()) && (projPH->GetBinContent(((Int_t)(fPhd[2]*10.0))+2)==0)) fPhd[2] = 0.0;
3a0f6479 5265
413153cb 5266 Float_t fPhdt0 = 0.0;
5267 Float_t t0Shift = 0.0;
5268 if(fTakeTheMaxPH) {
5269 fPhdt0 = fPhd[1];
5270 t0Shift = fT0Shift1;
5271 }
5272 else {
5273 fPhdt0 = fPhd[0];
5274 t0Shift = fT0Shift0;
5275 }
55a288e5 5276
5277 if ((fPhd[2] > fPhd[0]) &&
5278 (fPhd[2] > fPhd[1]) &&
5279 (fPhd[1] > fPhd[0]) &&
4f3bd513 5280 (put) &&
5281 (putd)) {
3a0f6479 5282 fCurrentCoef[0] = (kDrWidth) / (fPhd[2]-fPhd[1]);
6210514c 5283 if(fCurrentCoef[0] > 2.5) fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
6aafa7ea 5284 else fNumberFitSuccess++;
55a288e5 5285 if (fPhdt0 >= 0.0) {
413153cb 5286 fCurrentCoef2[0] = (fPhdt0 - t0Shift) / widbins;
b88b6bcc 5287 //printf("Value of timeoffset %f\n",fCurrentCoef2[0]);
5288 if (fCurrentCoef2[0] < -3.0) {
64942b85 5289 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 5290 }
5291 }
5292 else {
64942b85 5293 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 5294 }
5295 }
5296 else {
b88b6bcc 5297 ////printf("Put default %f\n",-TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]));
6210514c 5298 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
64942b85 5300 if((fPhd[1] > fPhd[0]) &&
5301 (put)) {
5302 if (fPhdt0 >= 0.0) {
5303 fCurrentCoef2[0] = (fPhdt0 - t0Shift) / widbins;
b88b6bcc 5304 if (fCurrentCoef2[0] < -3.0) {
64942b85 5305 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
5306 }
4f3bd513 5307 else fNumberFitSuccess++;
64942b85 5308 }
5309 else {
5310 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
5311 }
5312 }
5313 else{
64942b85 5314 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
5315 //printf("Fit failed!\n");
5316 }
55a288e5 5317 }
3a0f6479 5319 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
55a288e5 5320 TCanvas *cpentei = new TCanvas("cpentei","cpentei",50,50,600,800);
5321 cpentei->cd();
5322 projPH->Draw();
4f3bd513 5323 if(polynomea) polynomea->Draw("same");
55a288e5 5324 line->SetLineColor(2);
5325 line->DrawLine(fPhd[0],0,fPhd[0],projPH->GetMaximum());
5326 line->DrawLine(fPhd[1],0,fPhd[1],projPH->GetMaximum());
5327 line->DrawLine(fPhd[2],0,fPhd[2],projPH->GetMaximum());
5328 AliInfo(Form("fPhd[0] (beginning of the signal): %f" ,(Float_t) fPhd[0]));
5329 AliInfo(Form("fPhd[1] (end of the amplification region): %f" ,(Float_t) fPhd[1]));
5330 AliInfo(Form("fPhd[2] (end of the drift region): %f" ,(Float_t) fPhd[2]));
4f3bd513 5331 AliInfo(Form("Vdrift (with only the drift region(default)): %f",(Float_t) fCurrentCoef[0]));
5332 AliInfo(Form("Timeoffset (with only the drift region(default)): %f",(Float_t) fCurrentCoef2[0]));
55a288e5 5333 TCanvas *cpentei2 = new TCanvas("cpentei2","cpentei2",50,50,600,800);
5334 cpentei2->cd();
5335 pentea->Draw();
5336 TCanvas *cpentei3 = new TCanvas("cpentei3","cpentei3",50,50,600,800);
5337 cpentei3->cd();
5338 pente->Draw();
5339 }
3a0f6479 5340 else {
a987273c 5341 delete pentea;
5342 delete pente;
1ca79a00 5343 if(polynome) delete polynome;
5344 if(polynomea) delete polynomea;
5345 if(polynomeb) delete polynomeb;
fdc15553 5346 //if(x) delete [] x;
5347 //if(y) delete [] y;
1ca79a00 5348 if(line) delete line;
55a288e5 5350 }
64942b85 5351
5352 //Provisoire
5353 //if(fCurrentCoef[0] > 1.7) fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
5354 //if((fCurrentCoef2[0] > 2.6) || (fCurrentCoef2[0] < 2.1)) fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
b88b6bcc 5355 //printf("Value of timeoffset final %f\n",fCurrentCoef2[0]);
55a288e5 5356 projPH->SetDirectory(0);
5361void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitPH(TH1* projPH, Int_t idect)
5363 //
5364 // Fit methode for the drift velocity
5365 //
5367 // Constants
5368 const Float_t kDrWidth = AliTRDgeometry::DrThick();
5370 // Some variables
5371 TAxis *xpph = projPH->GetXaxis();
5372 Double_t upedge = xpph->GetBinUpEdge(xpph->GetNbins());
5374 TF1 *fPH = new TF1("fPH",AliTRDCalibraFit::PH,-0.05,3.2,6);
5375 fPH->SetParameter(0,0.469); // Scaling
5376 fPH->SetParameter(1,0.18); // Start
5377 fPH->SetParameter(2,0.0857325); // AR
5378 fPH->SetParameter(3,1.89); // DR
5379 fPH->SetParameter(4,0.08); // QA/QD
5380 fPH->SetParameter(5,0.0); // Baseline
5382 TLine *line = new TLine();
3a0f6479 5384 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
5385 fCurrentCoef2[0] = 0.0;
5386 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5387 fCurrentCoefE2 = 0.0;
55a288e5 5388
5389 if (idect%fFitPHPeriode == 0) {
3a0f6479 5391 AliInfo(Form("The detector %d will be fitted",idect));
55a288e5 5392 fPH->SetParameter(0,(projPH->Integral()-(projPH->GetBinContent(1)*projPH->GetNbinsX())) * 0.00028); // Scaling
5393 fPH->SetParameter(1,fPhd[0] - 0.1); // Start
5394 fPH->SetParameter(2,fPhd[1] - fPhd[0]); // AR
5395 fPH->SetParameter(3,fPhd[2] - fPhd[1]); // DR
5396 fPH->SetParameter(4,0.225); // QA/QD
5397 fPH->SetParameter(5,(Float_t) projPH->GetBinContent(1));
3a0f6479 5399 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 5400 projPH->Fit(fPH,"0M","",0.0,upedge);
5401 }
3a0f6479 5402 else {
55a288e5 5403 TCanvas *cpente = new TCanvas("cpente","cpente",50,50,600,800);
5404 cpente->cd();
5405 projPH->Fit(fPH,"M+","",0.0,upedge);
5406 projPH->Draw("E0");
5407 line->SetLineColor(4);
5408 line->DrawLine(fPH->GetParameter(1)
5409 ,0
5410 ,fPH->GetParameter(1)
5411 ,projPH->GetMaximum());
5412 line->DrawLine(fPH->GetParameter(1)+fPH->GetParameter(2)
5413 ,0
5414 ,fPH->GetParameter(1)+fPH->GetParameter(2)
5415 ,projPH->GetMaximum());
5416 line->DrawLine(fPH->GetParameter(1)+fPH->GetParameter(2)+fPH->GetParameter(3)
5417 ,0
5418 ,fPH->GetParameter(1)+fPH->GetParameter(2)+fPH->GetParameter(3)
5419 ,projPH->GetMaximum());
5420 }
5422 if (fPH->GetParameter(3) != 0) {
3a0f6479 5423 fNumberFitSuccess++;
5424 fCurrentCoef[0] = kDrWidth / (fPH->GetParameter(3));
5425 fCurrentCoefE = (fPH->GetParError(3)/fPH->GetParameter(3))*fCurrentCoef[0];
5426 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fPH->GetParameter(1);
5427 fCurrentCoefE2 = fPH->GetParError(1);
55a288e5 5428 }
5429 else {
3a0f6479 5430 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
64942b85 5431 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 5432 }
3a0f6479 5433
55a288e5 5434 }
55a288e5 5435 else {
3a0f6479 5437 // Put the default value
5438 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
64942b85 5439 fCurrentCoef2[0] = fCurrentCoef2[1] + 100.0;
55a288e5 5440 }
3a0f6479 5442 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 5443 delete fPH;
5444 }
55a288e5 5447//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 5448Bool_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FitPRFGausMI(Double_t *arraye, Double_t *arraym, Double_t *arrayme, Int_t nBins, Float_t xMin, Float_t xMax)
55a288e5 5449{
5450 //
5451 // Fit methode for the sigma of the pad response function
5452 //
3a0f6479 5453
5454 TVectorD param(3);
55a288e5 5455
3a0f6479 5456 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
5457 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5459 Double_t ret = FitGausMI(arraye, arraym, arrayme, nBins, xMin, xMax,&param);
daa7dc79 5461 if(TMath::Abs(ret+4) <= 0.000000001){
3a0f6479 5462 fCurrentCoef[0] = -fCurrentCoef[1];
5463 return kFALSE;
5464 }
5465 else {
5466 fNumberFitSuccess++;
5467 fCurrentCoef[0] = param[2];
5468 fCurrentCoefE = ret;
5469 return kTRUE;
5470 }
7bce990c 5473Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FitGausMI(Double_t *arraye, Double_t *arraym, Double_t *arrayme, Int_t nBins, Float_t xMin, Float_t xMax, TVectorD *param, Bool_t bError)
3a0f6479 5474{
5475 //
5476 // Fit methode for the sigma of the pad response function
5477 //
5479 //We should have at least 3 points
5480 if(nBins <=3) return -4.0;
5482 TLinearFitter fitter(3,"pol2");
5483 fitter.StoreData(kFALSE);
5484 fitter.ClearPoints();
5485 TVectorD par(3);
5486 Float_t binWidth = (xMax-xMin)/(Float_t)nBins;
5487 Float_t entries = 0;
5488 Int_t nbbinwithentries = 0;
5489 for (Int_t i=0; i<nBins; i++){
5490 entries+=arraye[i];
5491 if(arraye[i] > 15) nbbinwithentries++;
5492 //printf("entries for i %d: %f\n",i,arraye[i]);
5493 }
5494 if ((entries<700) || (nbbinwithentries < ((Int_t)(nBins/2)))) return -4;
5495 //printf("entries %f\n",entries);
5496 //printf("nbbinwithentries %d\n",nbbinwithentries);
5498 Int_t npoints=0;
5499 Float_t errorm = 0.0;
5500 Float_t errorn = 0.0;
5501 Float_t error = 0.0;
5503 //
5504 for (Int_t ibin=0;ibin<nBins; ibin++){
5505 Float_t entriesI = arraye[ibin];
5506 Float_t valueI = arraym[ibin];
5507 Double_t xcenter = 0.0;
5508 Float_t val = 0.0;
5509 if ((entriesI>15) && (valueI>0.0)){
5510 xcenter = xMin+(ibin+0.5)*binWidth;
5511 errorm = 0.0;
5512 errorn = 0.0;
5513 error = 0.0;
7bce990c 5514 if(!bError){
3a0f6479 5515 if((valueI + 0.01) > 0.0) errorm = TMath::Log((valueI + 0.01)/valueI);
5516 if((valueI - 0.01) > 0.0) errorn = TMath::Log((valueI - 0.01)/valueI);
5517 error = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(errorm),TMath::Abs(errorn));
5518 }
5519 else{
5520 if((valueI + arrayme[ibin]) > 0.0) errorm = TMath::Log((valueI + arrayme[ibin])/valueI);
5521 if((valueI - arrayme[ibin]) > 0.0) errorn = TMath::Log((valueI - arrayme[ibin])/valueI);
5522 error = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(errorm),TMath::Abs(errorn));
5523 }
daa7dc79 5524 if(TMath::Abs(error) < 0.000000001) continue;
3a0f6479 5525 val = TMath::Log(Float_t(valueI));
5526 fitter.AddPoint(&xcenter,val,error);
5527 npoints++;
5528 }
5530 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
55a288e5 5531
3a0f6479 5532 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
5533 //debug stream
5534 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 5535 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3a0f6479 5536 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
5537 }
5539 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
053767a4 5540 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3a0f6479 5541 Int_t group = ibin;
5543 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FitGausMIFill"<<
5544 "detector="<<detector<<
053767a4 5545 "layer="<<layer<<
3a0f6479 5546 "nbins="<<nBins<<
5547 "group="<<group<<
5548 "entriesI="<<entriesI<<
5549 "valueI="<<valueI<<
5550 "val="<<val<<
5551 "xcenter="<<xcenter<<
5552 "errorm="<<errorm<<
5553 "errorn="<<errorn<<
5554 "error="<<error<<
7bce990c 5555 "bError="<<bError<<
3a0f6479 5556 "\n";
5557 }
5559 }
5561 if(npoints <=3) return -4.0;
5563 Double_t chi2 = 0;
5564 if (npoints>3){
5565 fitter.Eval();
5566 fitter.GetParameters(par);
5567 chi2 = fitter.GetChisquare()/Float_t(npoints);
55a288e5 5568
3a0f6479 5569
5570 if (!param) param = new TVectorD(3);
daa7dc79 5571 if(TMath::Abs(par[2]) <= 0.000000001) return -4.0;
3a0f6479 5572 Double_t x = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(-2*par[2]));
5573 Double_t deltax = (fitter.GetParError(2))/x;
5574 Double_t errorparam2 = TMath::Abs(deltax)/(x*x);
5575 chi2 = errorparam2;
55a288e5 5576
3a0f6479 5577 (*param)[1] = par[1]/(-2.*par[2]);
5578 (*param)[2] = 1./TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(-2.*par[2]));
5579 Double_t lnparam0 = par[0]+ par[1]* (*param)[1] + par[2]*(*param)[1]*(*param)[1];
5580 if ( lnparam0>307 ) return -4;
5581 (*param)[0] = TMath::Exp(lnparam0);
5583 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
5585 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
5586 //debug stream
5587 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 5588 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3a0f6479 5589 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
5590 }
5592 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
053767a4 5593 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3a0f6479 5594
5596 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FitGausMIFit"<<
5597 "detector="<<detector<<
053767a4 5598 "layer="<<layer<<
3a0f6479 5599 "nbins="<<nBins<<
5600 "errorsigma="<<chi2<<
5601 "mean="<<(*param)[1]<<
5602 "sigma="<<(*param)[2]<<
5603 "constant="<<(*param)[0]<<
5604 "\n";
5605 }
5606 }
5608 if((chi2/(*param)[2]) > 0.1){
7bce990c 5609 if(bError){
3a0f6479 5610 chi2 = FitGausMI(arraye,arraym,arrayme,nBins,xMin,xMax,param,kFALSE);
5611 }
5612 else return -4.0;
55a288e5 5613 }
3a0f6479 5614
5615 if(fDebugLevel == 1){
5616 TString name("PRF");
5617 name += (Int_t)xMin;
5618 name += (Int_t)xMax;
5619 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas((const char *)name,(const char *)name,50,50,600,800);
5620 c1->cd();
5621 name += "histo";
5622 TH1F *histo = new TH1F((const char *)name,(const char *)name,nBins,xMin,xMax);
5623 for(Int_t k = 0; k < nBins; k++){
5624 histo->SetBinContent(k+1,arraym[k]);
5625 histo->SetBinError(k+1,arrayme[k]);
5626 }
5627 histo->Draw();
5628 name += "functionf";
5629 TF1 *f1= new TF1((const char*)name,"[0]*exp(-(x-[1])^2/(2*[2]*[2]))",xMin,xMax);
5630 f1->SetParameter(0, (*param)[0]);
5631 f1->SetParameter(1, (*param)[1]);
5632 f1->SetParameter(2, (*param)[2]);
5633 f1->Draw("same");
5634 }
5637 return chi2;
5641void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitPRF(TH1 *projPRF)
5643 //
5644 // Fit methode for the sigma of the pad response function
5645 //
55a288e5 5646
3a0f6479 5647 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
5648 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5650 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
5651 projPRF->Fit("gaus","0M","",-fRangeFitPRF,fRangeFitPRF);
5652 }
5653 else {
55a288e5 5654 TCanvas *cfit = new TCanvas("cfit","cfit",50,50,600,800);
5655 cfit->cd();
5656 projPRF->Fit("gaus","M+","",-fRangeFitPRF,fRangeFitPRF);
5657 projPRF->Draw();
55a288e5 5658 }
3a0f6479 5659 fCurrentCoef[0] = projPRF->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
5660 fCurrentCoefE = projPRF->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2);
5661 if(fCurrentCoef[0] <= 0.0) fCurrentCoef[0] = -fCurrentCoef[1];
55a288e5 5662 else {
3a0f6479 5663 fNumberFitSuccess++;
55a288e5 5664 }
3a0f6479 5665}
5667void AliTRDCalibraFit::RmsPRF(TH1 *projPRF)
5669 //
5670 // Fit methode for the sigma of the pad response function
5671 //
5672 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
5673 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5674 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
5675 TCanvas *cfit = new TCanvas("cfit","cfit",50,50,600,800);
5676 cfit->cd();
5677 projPRF->Draw();
55a288e5 5678 }
3a0f6479 5679 fCurrentCoef[0] = projPRF->GetRMS();
5680 if(fCurrentCoef[0] <= 0.0) fCurrentCoef[0] = -fCurrentCoef[1];
5681 else {
5682 fNumberFitSuccess++;
55a288e5 5683 }
55a288e5 5684}
55a288e5 5685//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 5686void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitTnpRange(Double_t *arraye, Double_t *arraym, Double_t *arrayme, Int_t nbg, Int_t nybins)
55a288e5 5687{
5688 //
3a0f6479 5689 // Fit methode for the sigma of the pad response function with 2*nbg tan bins
55a288e5 5690 //
3a0f6479 5692 TLinearFitter linearfitter = TLinearFitter(3,"pol2");
55a288e5 5693
55a288e5 5694
3a0f6479 5695 Int_t nbins = (Int_t)(nybins/(2*nbg));
5696 Float_t lowedge = -3.0*nbg;
5697 Float_t upedge = lowedge + 3.0;
5698 Int_t offset = 0;
5699 Int_t npoints = 0;
5700 Double_t xvalues = -0.2*nbg+0.1;
5701 Double_t y = 0.0;
5702 Int_t total = 2*nbg;
55a288e5 5703
3a0f6479 5704
5705 for(Int_t k = 0; k < total; k++){
5706 if(FitPRFGausMI(arraye+offset, arraym+offset, arrayme+offset, nbins, lowedge, upedge)){
5707 npoints++;
5708 y = fCurrentCoef[0]*fCurrentCoef[0];
5709 linearfitter.AddPoint(&xvalues,y,2*fCurrentCoefE*fCurrentCoef[0]);
5710 }
5712 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
5714 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
5715 //debug stream
5716 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 5717 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3a0f6479 5718 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
5719 }
5721 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
053767a4 5722 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3a0f6479 5723 Int_t nbtotal = total;
5724 Int_t group = k;
5725 Float_t low = lowedge;
5726 Float_t up = upedge;
5727 Float_t tnp = xvalues;
5728 Float_t wid = fCurrentCoef[0];
5729 Float_t widfE = fCurrentCoefE;
413153cb 5731 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FitTnpRange0"<<
3a0f6479 5732 "detector="<<detector<<
053767a4 5733 "layer="<<layer<<
3a0f6479 5734 "nbtotal="<<nbtotal<<
5735 "group="<<group<<
5736 "low="<<low<<
5737 "up="<<up<<
5738 "offset="<<offset<<
5739 "tnp="<<tnp<<
5740 "wid="<<wid<<
5741 "widfE="<<widfE<<
5742 "\n";
5743 }
5745 offset += nbins;
5746 lowedge += 3.0;
5747 upedge += 3.0;
5748 xvalues += 0.2;
5750 }
5752 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5753 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
5755 //printf("npoints\n",npoints);
5757 if(npoints < 3){
5758 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
5759 }
5760 else{
5762 TVectorD pars0;
5763 linearfitter.Eval();
5764 linearfitter.GetParameters(pars0);
92c79bd7 5765 // Coverity
5766 //Double_t pointError0 = TMath::Sqrt(linearfitter.GetChisquare()/npoints);
5767 //Double_t errorsx0 = linearfitter.GetParError(2)*pointError0;
3a0f6479 5768 Double_t min0 = 0.0;
81f82b26 5769 // Coverity
5770 //Double_t ermin0 = 0.0;
3a0f6479 5771 //Double_t prfe0 = 0.0;
5772 Double_t prf0 = 0.0;
daa7dc79 5773 if((pars0[2] > 0.000000000001) && (TMath::Abs(pars0[1]) >= 0.000000000001)) {
3a0f6479 5774 min0 = -pars0[1]/(2*pars0[2]);
81f82b26 5775 // Coverity
5776 //ermin0 = TMath::Abs(min0*(errorsx0/pars0[2]+linearfitter.GetParError(1)*pointError0/pars0[1]));
3a0f6479 5777 prf0 = pars0[0]+pars0[1]*min0+pars0[2]*min0*min0;
5778 if(prf0 > 0.0) {
5779 /*
5780 prfe0 = linearfitter->GetParError(0)*pointError0
5781 +(linearfitter->GetParError(1)*pointError0/pars0[1]+ermin0/min0)*pars0[1]*min0
5782 +(linearfitter->GetParError(2)*pointError0/pars0[2]+2*ermin0/min0)*pars0[2]*min0*min0;
5783 prfe0 = prfe0/(2*TMath::Sqrt(prf0));
5784 fCurrentCoefE = (Float_t) prfe0;
5785 */
5786 fCurrentCoef[0] = (Float_t) TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(prf0));
5787 }
5788 else{
5789 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
5790 }
5791 }
5792 else {
5793 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
5794 }
55a288e5 5795
3a0f6479 5796 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
5798 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
5799 //debug stream
5800 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 5801 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitPRF.root");
3a0f6479 5802 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
5803 }
5805 Int_t detector = fCountDet;
053767a4 5806 Int_t layer = GetLayer(fCountDet);
3a0f6479 5807 Int_t nbtotal = total;
5808 Double_t colsize[6] = {0.635,0.665,0.695,0.725,0.755,0.785};
053767a4 5809 Double_t sigmax = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pars0[2]))*10000*colsize[layer];
3a0f6479 5810
413153cb 5811 (* fDebugStreamer) << "FitTnpRange1"<<
3a0f6479 5812 "detector="<<detector<<
053767a4 5813 "layer="<<layer<<
3a0f6479 5814 "nbtotal="<<nbtotal<<
5815 "par0="<<pars0[0]<<
5816 "par1="<<pars0[1]<<
5817 "par2="<<pars0[2]<<
5818 "npoints="<<npoints<<
5819 "sigmax="<<sigmax<<
5820 "tan="<<min0<<
5821 "sigmaprf="<<fCurrentCoef[0]<<
5822 "sigprf="<<fCurrentCoef[1]<<
5823 "\n";
5824 }
55a288e5 5826 }
55a288e5 5829//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 5830void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitMean(TH1 *projch, Double_t nentries, Double_t mean)
55a288e5 5831{
5832 //
5833 // Only mean methode for the gain factor
5834 //
3a0f6479 5836 fCurrentCoef[0] = mean;
5837 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5838 if(nentries > 0) fCurrentCoefE = projch->GetRMS()/TMath::Sqrt(nentries);
5839 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
55a288e5 5840 TCanvas *cpmean = new TCanvas("cpmean","cpmean",50,50,600,800);
5841 cpmean->cd();
5842 projch->Draw();
5843 }
3a0f6479 5844 CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
5845 fNumberFitSuccess++;
55a288e5 5846}
55a288e5 5847//_____________________________________________________________________________
3a0f6479 5848void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitMeanW(TH1 *projch, Double_t nentries)
55a288e5 5849{
5850 //
5851 // mean w methode for the gain factor
5852 //
5854 //Number of bins
5855 Int_t nybins = projch->GetNbinsX();
5857 //The weight function
5858 Double_t a = 0.00228515;
5859 Double_t b = -0.00231487;
5860 Double_t c = 0.00044298;
5861 Double_t d = -0.00379239;
5862 Double_t e = 0.00338349;
3a0f6479 5864// 0 |0.00228515
5865// 1 |-0.00231487
5866// 2 |0.00044298
5867// 3 |-0.00379239
5868// 4 |0.00338349
55a288e5 5871
5872 //A arbitrary error for the moment
3a0f6479 5873 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5874 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
55a288e5 5875
5876 //Calcul
5877 Double_t sumw = 0.0;
5878 Double_t sum = 0.0;
3a0f6479 5879 Float_t sumAll = (Float_t) nentries;
55a288e5 5880 Int_t sumCurrent = 0;
5881 for(Int_t k = 0; k <nybins; k++){
5882 Double_t fraction = Float_t(sumCurrent)/Float_t(sumAll);
595cfc12 5883 if (fraction<fOutliersFitChargeLow) {
5884 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
5885 //printf("Take only after bin %d\n",k);
5886 continue;
5887 }
5888 if (fraction>fOutliersFitChargeHigh) {
5889 //printf("Break by the bin %d\n",k);
5890 break;
5891 }
55a288e5 5892 Double_t weight = a + b*fraction + c*fraction*fraction + d *fraction*fraction*fraction+
5893 e*fraction*fraction*fraction*fraction;
5894 sumw += weight*projch->GetBinContent(k+1)*projch->GetBinCenter(k+1);
5895 sum += weight*projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
5896 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
5897 //printf("fraction %f, weight %f, bincontent %f\n",fraction,weight,projch->GetBinContent(k+1));
5898 }
3a0f6479 5899 if(sum > 0.0) fCurrentCoef[0] = (sumw/sum);
55a288e5 5900
3a0f6479 5901 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
55a288e5 5902 TCanvas *cpmeanw = new TCanvas("cpmeanw","cpmeanw",50,50,600,800);
5903 cpmeanw->cd();
5904 projch->Draw();
595cfc12 5905 TLine *line = new TLine(fCurrentCoef[0],0.0,fCurrentCoef[0],20000.0);
5906 line->Draw("same");
55a288e5 5907 }
3a0f6479 5908 fNumberFitSuccess++;
5909 CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
5912void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitMeanWSm(TH1 *projch, Float_t sumAll)
5914 //
5915 // mean w methode for the gain factor
5916 //
5918 //Number of bins
5919 Int_t nybins = projch->GetNbinsX();
5921 //The weight function
5922 Double_t a = 0.00228515;
5923 Double_t b = -0.00231487;
5924 Double_t c = 0.00044298;
5925 Double_t d = -0.00379239;
5926 Double_t e = 0.00338349;
5928// 0 |0.00228515
5929// 1 |-0.00231487
5930// 2 |0.00044298
5931// 3 |-0.00379239
5932// 4 |0.00338349
5936 //A arbitrary error for the moment
5937 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
5938 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
55a288e5 5939
3a0f6479 5940 //Calcul
5941 Double_t sumw = 0.0;
5942 Double_t sum = 0.0;
5943 Int_t sumCurrent = 0;
5944 for(Int_t k = 0; k <nybins; k++){
5945 Double_t fraction = Float_t(sumCurrent)/Float_t(sumAll);
5946 if (fraction>0.95) break;
5947 Double_t weight = a + b*fraction + c*fraction*fraction + d *fraction*fraction*fraction+
5948 e*fraction*fraction*fraction*fraction;
5949 sumw += weight*projch->GetBinContent(k+1)*projch->GetBinCenter(k+1);
5950 sum += weight*projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
5951 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
5952 //printf("fraction %f, weight %f, bincontent %f\n",fraction,weight,projch->GetBinContent(k+1));
55a288e5 5953 }
3a0f6479 5954 if(sum > 0.0) fCurrentCoef[0] = (sumw/sum);
55a288e5 5955
3a0f6479 5956 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
5957 TCanvas *cpmeanw = new TCanvas("cpmeanw","cpmeanw",50,50,600,800);
5958 cpmeanw->cd();
5959 projch->Draw();
595cfc12 5960 TLine *line = new TLine(fCurrentCoef[0],0.0,fCurrentCoef[0],20000.0);
5961 line->Draw("same");
3a0f6479 5962 }
5963 fNumberFitSuccess++;
55a288e5 5964}
55a288e5 5965//_____________________________________________________________________________
595cfc12 5966void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitLandau(TH1 *projch, Double_t mean, Double_t nentries)
55a288e5 5967{
5968 //
5969 // Fit methode for the gain factor
5970 //
595cfc12 5971
5973 //Calcul Range of the fit
5974 Double_t lastvalue = 0.0;
5975 Float_t sumAll = (Float_t) nentries;
5976 Int_t sumCurrent = 0;
5977 //printf("There are %d bins\n",nybins);
5978 for(Int_t k = 0; k <projch->GetNbinsX(); k++){
5979 Double_t fraction = Float_t(sumCurrent)/Float_t(sumAll);
5980 if (fraction>fOutliersFitChargeHigh) {
5981 lastvalue = projch->GetBinCenter(k+1);
5982 //printf("Break by %f\n",lastvalue);
5983 break;
5984 }
5985 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
5986 }
5987 //
5989 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
5990 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
81f82b26 5991 // Coverity
5992 //Double_t chisqrl = 0.0;
595cfc12 5993
5994 projch->Fit("landau","WWQ+",""
5995 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
5996 ,lastvalue);
81f82b26 5997 // Coverity
5998 //chisqrl = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetChisquare();
595cfc12 5999
6000 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
6001 TCanvas *cp = new TCanvas("cp","cp",50,50,600,800);
6002 cp->cd();
6003 projch->Draw();
6004 TLine *line = new TLine( projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1),0.0,projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1),20000.0);
6005 line->Draw("same");
6006 }
6008 if ((projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1) > 0) && (projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParError(1) < (0.05*projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1)))) {
6009 fNumberFitSuccess++;
6010 CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
6011 fCurrentCoef[0] = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1);
6012 fCurrentCoefE = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParError(1);
6013 }
6014 else {
6015 CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
6016 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
6017 }
6023void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitCH(TH1 *projch, Double_t mean, Double_t nentries)
6025 //
6026 // Fit methode for the gain factor
6027 //
6029 //Calcul Range of the fit
6030 Double_t lastvalue = 0.0;
6031 Float_t sumAll = (Float_t) nentries;
6032 Int_t sumCurrent = 0;
6033 //printf("There are %d bins\n",nybins);
6034 for(Int_t k = 0; k <projch->GetNbinsX(); k++){
6035 Double_t fraction = Float_t(sumCurrent)/Float_t(sumAll);
6036 if (fraction>fOutliersFitChargeHigh) {
6037 lastvalue = projch->GetBinCenter(k+1);
6038 //printf("Break by %f\n",lastvalue);
6039 break;
6040 }
6041 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
6042 }
6043 //
55a288e5 6044
3a0f6479 6045 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
6046 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
55a288e5 6047 Double_t chisqrl = 0.0;
6048 Double_t chisqrg = 0.0;
3a0f6479 6049 Double_t chisqr = 0.0;
595cfc12 6050 TF1 *fLandauGaus = new TF1("fLandauGaus",FuncLandauGaus,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge,lastvalue,5);
55a288e5 6051
595cfc12 6052 projch->Fit("landau","WWQ0",""
3a0f6479 6053 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
595cfc12 6054 ,lastvalue);
55a288e5 6055 Double_t l3P0 = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(0);
6056 Double_t l3P1 = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1);
6057 Double_t l3P2 = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(2);
6058 chisqrl = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetChisquare();
595cfc12 6060 projch->Fit("gaus","WWQ0",""
3a0f6479 6061 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
595cfc12 6062 ,lastvalue);
55a288e5 6063 Double_t g3P0 = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(0);
6064 Double_t g3P2 = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
6065 chisqrg = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetChisquare();
6067 fLandauGaus->SetParameters(l3P0,l3P1,l3P2,g3P0,g3P2);
3a0f6479 6068 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
595cfc12 6069 projch->Fit("fLandauGaus","WWQ0",""
3a0f6479 6070 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
595cfc12 6071 ,lastvalue);
55a288e5 6072 chisqr = projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetChisquare();
3a0f6479 6073 }
6074 else {
55a288e5 6075 TCanvas *cp = new TCanvas("cp","cp",50,50,600,800);
6076 cp->cd();
595cfc12 6077 projch->Fit("fLandauGaus","WWQ+",""
3a0f6479 6078 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
595cfc12 6079 ,lastvalue);
55a288e5 6080 chisqr = projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetChisquare();
6081 projch->Draw();
6082 fLandauGaus->Draw("same");
595cfc12 6083 TLine *line = new TLine(projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParameter(1),0.0,projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParameter(1),20000.0);
6084 line->Draw("same");
55a288e5 6085 }
3a0f6479 6087 if ((projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParameter(1) > 0) && (projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParError(1) < (0.05*projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParameter(1))) && (chisqr < chisqrl) && (chisqr < chisqrg)) {
3a0f6479 6088 fNumberFitSuccess++;
6089 CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
6090 fCurrentCoef[0] = projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParameter(1);
6091 fCurrentCoefE = projch->GetFunction("fLandauGaus")->GetParError(1);
55a288e5 6092 }
6093 else {
3a0f6479 6094 CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
6095 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
55a288e5 6096 }
3a0f6479 6098 if (fDebugLevel != 1) {
55a288e5 6099 delete fLandauGaus;
6100 }
55a288e5 6103//_____________________________________________________________________________
595cfc12 6104void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitBisCH(TH1* projch, Double_t mean, Double_t nentries)
55a288e5 6105{
6106 //
6107 // Fit methode for the gain factor more time consuming
6108 //
595cfc12 6110 //Calcul Range of the fit
6111 Double_t lastvalue = 0.0;
6112 Float_t sumAll = (Float_t) nentries;
6113 Int_t sumCurrent = 0;
6114 //printf("There are %d bins\n",nybins);
6115 for(Int_t k = 0; k <projch->GetNbinsX(); k++){
6116 Double_t fraction = Float_t(sumCurrent)/Float_t(sumAll);
6117 if (fraction>fOutliersFitChargeHigh) {
6118 lastvalue = projch->GetBinCenter(k+1);
6119 //printf("Break by %f\n",lastvalue);
6120 break;
6121 }
6122 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
6123 }
6124 //
3a0f6479 6125
55a288e5 6126 //Some parameters to initialise
e6381f8e 6127 Double_t widthLandau, widthGaus, mPV, integral;
55a288e5 6128 Double_t chisquarel = 0.0;
6129 Double_t chisquareg = 0.0;
595cfc12 6130 projch->Fit("landau","WWQ0M+",""
6131 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
6132 ,lastvalue);
55a288e5 6133 widthLandau = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(2);
6134 chisquarel = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetChisquare();
595cfc12 6135 projch->Fit("gaus","WWQ0M+",""
6136 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
6137 ,lastvalue);
55a288e5 6138 widthGaus = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
6139 chisquareg = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetChisquare();
3a0f6479 6140
e6381f8e 6141 mPV = (projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1))/2;
6142 integral = (projch->GetFunction("gaus")->Integral(0.3*mean,3*mean)+projch->GetFunction("landau")->Integral(0.3*mean,3*mean))/2;
3a0f6479 6143
55a288e5 6144 // Setting fit range and start values
6145 Double_t fr[2];
e6381f8e 6146 Double_t sv[4] = { widthLandau, mPV, integral, widthGaus};
55a288e5 6147 Double_t pllo[4] = { 0.001, 0.001, projch->Integral()/3, 0.001};
6148 Double_t plhi[4] = { 300.0, 300.0, 30*projch->Integral(), 300.0};
6149 Double_t fp[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
6150 Double_t fpe[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
595cfc12 6151 fr[0] = mean/fBeginFitCharge;
6152 fr[1] = lastvalue;
3a0f6479 6153 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
6154 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
55a288e5 6155
56786b3a 6156 Double_t chisqr;
6157 Int_t ndf;
55a288e5 6158 TF1 *fitsnr = LanGauFit(projch,&fr[0],&sv[0]
6159 ,&pllo[0],&plhi[0]
6160 ,&fp[0],&fpe[0]
6161 ,&chisqr,&ndf);
595cfc12 6163 //Double_t projchPeak;
6164 //Double_t projchFWHM;
6165 //LanGauPro(fp,projchPeak,projchFWHM);
55a288e5 6166
6167 if ((fp[1] > 0) && ((fpe[1] < (0.05*fp[1])) && (chisqr < chisquarel) && (chisqr < chisquareg))) {
6168 //if ((fp[1] > 0) && ((chisqr < chisquarel) && (chisqr < chisquareg))) {
3a0f6479 6169 fNumberFitSuccess++;
6170 CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
6171 fCurrentCoef[0] = fp[1];
6172 fCurrentCoefE = fpe[1];
55a288e5 6173 //chargeCoefE2 = chisqr;
6174 }
6175 else {
3a0f6479 6176 CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
6177 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
55a288e5 6178 }
3a0f6479 6179 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
6180 AliInfo(Form("fChargeCoef[0]: %f",(Float_t) fCurrentCoef[0]));
55a288e5 6181 TCanvas *cpy = new TCanvas("cpy","cpy",50,50,600,800);
6182 cpy->cd();
6183 projch->Draw();
6184 fitsnr->Draw("same");
595cfc12 6185 TLine *line = new TLine(fp[1],0.0,fp[1],20000.0);
6186 line->Draw("same");
6187 }
6188 else {
6189 delete fitsnr;
6190 }
6193void AliTRDCalibraFit::FitBisCHEx(TH1* projch, Double_t mean, Double_t nentries)
6195 //
6196 // Fit methode for the gain factor more time consuming
6197 //
6199 //Calcul Range of the fit
6200 Double_t lastvalue = 0.0;
6201 Float_t sumAll = (Float_t) nentries;
6202 Int_t sumCurrent = 0;
6203 //printf("There are %d bins\n",nybins);
6204 for(Int_t k = 0; k <projch->GetNbinsX(); k++){
6205 Double_t fraction = Float_t(sumCurrent)/Float_t(sumAll);
6206 if (fraction>fOutliersFitChargeHigh) {
6207 lastvalue = projch->GetBinCenter(k+1);
6208 //printf("Break by %f\n",lastvalue);
6209 break;
6210 }
6211 sumCurrent += (Int_t) projch->GetBinContent(k+1);
6212 }
6213 //
6216 //Some parameters to initialise
6217 Double_t widthLandau, widthGaus, mPV, integral;
6218 Double_t chisquarel = 0.0;
6219 Double_t chisquareg = 0.0;
6220 projch->Fit("landau","WWQM+",""
6221 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
6222 ,lastvalue);
6223 widthLandau = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(2);
6224 chisquarel = projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetChisquare();
6225 projch->Fit("gaus","WWQM+",""
6226 ,(Double_t) mean/fBeginFitCharge
6227 ,lastvalue);
6228 widthGaus = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
6229 chisquareg = projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetChisquare();
6231 mPV = (projch->GetFunction("landau")->GetParameter(1))/2;
6232 integral = (projch->GetFunction("gaus")->Integral(0.3*mean,3*mean)+projch->GetFunction("landau")->Integral(0.3*mean,3*mean))/2;
6234 // Setting fit range and start values
6235 Double_t fr[2];
6236 //Double_t sv[4] = { l3P2, fChargeCoef[1], projch->Integral("width"), fG3P2 };
6237 //Double_t sv[4] = { fL3P2, fChargeCoef[1], fL3P0, fG3P2 };
6238 Double_t sv[5] = { widthLandau, mPV, integral, widthGaus, 0.0};
6239 Double_t pllo[5] = { 0.001, 0.001, projch->Integral()/3, 0.001, 0.0};
6240 Double_t plhi[5] = { 300.0, 300.0, 30*projch->Integral(), 300.0, 2.0};
6241 Double_t fp[5] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
6242 Double_t fpe[5] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
6243 //
6244 //fr[0] = 0.3 * mean;
6245 //fr[1] = 3.0 * mean;
6246 //
6247 fr[0] = mean/fBeginFitCharge;
6248 fr[1] = lastvalue;
6250 fCurrentCoef[0] = 0.0;
6251 fCurrentCoefE = 0.0;
56786b3a 6253 Double_t chisqr = 100.0;
6254 Int_t ndf = 1;
595cfc12 6255
6256 TF1 *fitsnr = 0x0;
6258 if((mPV > 0.0) && (projch->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1) > 0.0)) {
6259 fitsnr = LanGauFitEx(projch,&fr[0],&sv[0]
6260 ,&pllo[0],&plhi[0]
6261 ,&fp[0],&fpe[0]
6262 ,&chisqr,&ndf);
6263 }
6265 //Double_t projchPeak;
6266 //Double_t projchFWHM;
6267 //LanGauProEx(fp,projchPeak,projchFWHM);
6269 if ((fp[1] > 0) && ((fpe[1] < (0.05*fp[1])) && (chisqr < chisquarel) && (chisqr < chisquareg))) {
6270 //if ((fp[1] > 0) && ((chisqr < chisquarel) && (chisqr < chisquareg))) {
6271 fNumberFitSuccess++;
6272 CalculChargeCoefMean(kTRUE);
6273 fCurrentCoef[0] = fp[1];
6274 fCurrentCoefE = fpe[1];
6275 //chargeCoefE2 = chisqr;
6276 }
6277 else {
6278 CalculChargeCoefMean(kFALSE);
6279 fCurrentCoef[0] = -TMath::Abs(fCurrentCoef[1]);
6280 }
6281 if (fDebugLevel == 1) {
6282 AliInfo(Form("fChargeCoef[0]: %f",(Float_t) fCurrentCoef[0]));
6283 TCanvas *cpy = new TCanvas("cpy","cpy",50,50,600,800);
6284 cpy->cd();
6285 projch->Draw();
6286 if(fitsnr) fitsnr->Draw("same");
6287 TLine *line = new TLine(fp[1],0.0,fp[1],20000.0);
6288 line->Draw("same");
55a288e5 6289 }
3a0f6479 6290 else {
55a288e5 6291 delete fitsnr;
6292 }
3a0f6479 6293}
55a288e5 6294//_____________________________________________________________________________
3b0c1edc 6295void AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculPolynomeLagrange2(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Double_t &c0, Double_t &c1, Double_t &c2, Double_t &c3, Double_t &c4) const
55a288e5 6296{
6297 //
6298 // Calcul the coefficients of the polynome passant par ces trois points de degre 2
6299 //
55a288e5 6300 Double_t x0 = y[0]/((x[0]-x[1])*(x[0]-x[2]));
6301 Double_t x1 = y[1]/((x[1]-x[0])*(x[1]-x[2]));
6302 Double_t x2 = y[2]/((x[2]-x[0])*(x[2]-x[1]));
3b0c1edc 6304 c4 = 0.0;
6305 c3 = 0.0;
6306 c2 = x0+x1+x2;
6307 c1 = -(x0*(x[1]+x[2])+x1*(x[0]+x[2])+x2*(x[0]+x[1]));
6308 c0 = x0*x[1]*x[2]+x1*x[0]*x[2]+x2*x[0]*x[1];
3a0f6479 6309
55a288e5 6310}
3b0c1edc 6313void AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculPolynomeLagrange3(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Double_t &c0, Double_t &c1, Double_t &c2, Double_t &c3, Double_t &c4) const
55a288e5 6314{
6315 //
6316 // Calcul the coefficients of the polynome passant par ces quatre points de degre 3
6317 //
55a288e5 6318 Double_t x0 = y[0]/((x[0]-x[1])*(x[0]-x[2])*(x[0]-x[3]));
6319 Double_t x1 = y[1]/((x[1]-x[0])*(x[1]-x[2])*(x[1]-x[3]));
6320 Double_t x2 = y[2]/((x[2]-x[0])*(x[2]-x[1])*(x[2]-x[3]));
6321 Double_t x3 = y[3]/((x[3]-x[0])*(x[3]-x[1])*(x[3]-x[2]));
3b0c1edc 6323 c4 = 0.0;
6324 c3 = x0+x1+x2+x3;
6325 c2 = -(x0*(x[1]+x[2]+x[3])
55a288e5 6326 +x1*(x[0]+x[2]+x[3])
6327 +x2*(x[0]+x[1]+x[3])
6328 +x3*(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]));
3b0c1edc 6329 c1 = (x0*(x[1]*x[2]+x[1]*x[3]+x[2]*x[3])
55a288e5 6330 +x1*(x[0]*x[2]+x[0]*x[3]+x[2]*x[3])
6331 +x2*(x[0]*x[1]+x[0]*x[3]+x[1]*x[3])
6332 +x3*(x[0]*x[1]+x[0]*x[2]+x[1]*x[2]));
3b0c1edc 6334 c0 = -(x0*x[1]*x[2]*x[3]
55a288e5 6335 +x1*x[0]*x[2]*x[3]
6336 +x2*x[0]*x[1]*x[3]
6337 +x3*x[0]*x[1]*x[2]);
3a0f6479 6339
55a288e5 6340}
3b0c1edc 6343void AliTRDCalibraFit::CalculPolynomeLagrange4(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, Double_t &c0, Double_t &c1, Double_t &c2, Double_t &c3, Double_t &c4) const
55a288e5 6344{
6345 //
6346 // Calcul the coefficients of the polynome passant par ces cinqs points de degre 4
6347 //
55a288e5 6348 Double_t x0 = y[0]/((x[0]-x[1])*(x[0]-x[2])*(x[0]-x[3])*(x[0]-x[4]));
6349 Double_t x1 = y[1]/((x[1]-x[0])*(x[1]-x[2])*(x[1]-x[3])*(x[1]-x[4]));
6350 Double_t x2 = y[2]/((x[2]-x[0])*(x[2]-x[1])*(x[2]-x[3])*(x[2]-x[4]));
6351 Double_t x3 = y[3]/((x[3]-x[0])*(x[3]-x[1])*(x[3]-x[2])*(x[3]-x[4]));
6352 Double_t x4 = y[4]/((x[4]-x[0])*(x[4]-x[1])*(x[4]-x[2])*(x[4]-x[3]));
3a0f6479 6353
55a288e5 6354
3b0c1edc 6355 c4 = x0+x1+x2+x3+x4;
6356 c3 = -(x0*(x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4])
55a288e5 6357 +x1*(x[0]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4])
6358 +x2*(x[0]+x[1]+x[3]+x[4])
6359 +x3*(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]+x[4])
6360 +x4*(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]+x[3]));
3b0c1edc 6361 c2 = (x0*(x[1]*x[2]+x[1]*x[3]+x[1]*x[4]+x[2]*x[3]+x[2]*x[4]+x[3]*x[4])
55a288e5 6362 +x1*(x[0]*x[2]+x[0]*x[3]+x[0]*x[4]+x[2]*x[3]+x[2]*x[4]+x[3]*x[4])
6363 +x2*(x[0]*x[1]+x[0]*x[3]+x[0]*x[4]+x[1]*x[3]+x[1]*x[4]+x[3]*x[4])
6364 +x3*(x[0]*x[1]+x[0]*x[2]+x[0]*x[4]+x[1]*x[2]+x[1]*x[4]+x[2]*x[4])
6365 +x4*(x[0]*x[1]+x[0]*x[2]+x[0]*x[3]+x[1]*x[2]+x[1]*x[3]+x[2]*x[3]));
3b0c1edc 6367 c1 = -(x0*(x[1]*x[2]*x[3]+x[1]*x[2]*x[4]+x[1]*x[3]*x[4]+x[2]*x[3]*x[4])
55a288e5 6368 +x1*(x[0]*x[2]*x[3]+x[0]*x[2]*x[4]+x[0]*x[3]*x[4]+x[2]*x[3]*x[4])
6369 +x2*(x[0]*x[1]*x[3]+x[0]*x[1]*x[4]+x[0]*x[3]*x[4]+x[1]*x[3]*x[4])
6370 +x3*(x[0]*x[1]*x[2]+x[0]*x[1]*x[4]+x[0]*x[2]*x[4]+x[1]*x[2]*x[4])
6371 +x4*(x[0]*x[1]*x[2]+x[0]*x[1]*x[3]+x[0]*x[2]*x[3]+x[1]*x[2]*x[3]));
3b0c1edc 6373 c0 = (x0*x[1]*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]
55a288e5 6374 +x1*x[0]*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]
6375 +x2*x[0]*x[1]*x[3]*x[4]
6376 +x3*x[0]*x[1]*x[2]*x[4]
6377 +x4*x[0]*x[1]*x[2]*x[3]);
55a288e5 6379}
55a288e5 6380//_____________________________________________________________________________
6381void AliTRDCalibraFit::NormierungCharge()
6383 //
6384 // Normalisation of the gain factor resulting for the fits
6385 //
6387 // Calcul of the mean of choosen method by fFitChargeNDB
6388 Double_t sum = 0.0;
6389 //printf("total number of entries %d\n",fVectorFitCH->GetEntriesFast());
3a0f6479 6390 for (Int_t k = 0; k < (Int_t) fVectorFit.GetEntriesFast(); k++) {
55a288e5 6391 Int_t total = 0;
3a0f6479 6392 Int_t detector = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetDetector();
6393 Float_t *coef = ((AliTRDFitInfo *) fVectorFit.At(k))->GetCoef();
55a288e5 6394 //printf("detector %d coef[0] %f\n",detector,coef[0]);
053767a4 6395 if (GetStack(detector) == 2) {
55a288e5 6396 total = 1728;
6397 }
053767a4 6398 if (GetStack(detector) != 2) {
55a288e5 6399 total = 2304;
6400 }
6401 for (Int_t j = 0; j < total; j++) {
6402 if (coef[j] >= 0) {
6403 sum += coef[j];
6404 }
6405 }
6406 }
6408 if (sum > 0) {
6409 fScaleFitFactor = fScaleFitFactor / sum;
6410 }
6411 else {
6412 fScaleFitFactor = 1.0;
3a0f6479 6413 }
55a288e5 6414
3a0f6479 6415 //methode de boeuf mais bon...
6416 Double_t scalefactor = fScaleFitFactor;
55a288e5 6417
3a0f6479 6418 if(fDebugLevel > 1){
6420 if ( !fDebugStreamer ) {
6421 //debug stream
6422 TDirectory *backup = gDirectory;
4aad967c 6423 fDebugStreamer = new TTreeSRedirector("TRDDebugFitCH.root");
3a0f6479 6424 if ( backup ) backup->cd(); //we don't want to be cd'd to the debug streamer
6425 }
413153cb 6426 (* fDebugStreamer) << "NormierungCharge"<<
3a0f6479 6427 "scalefactor="<<scalefactor<<
6428 "\n";
6429 }
55a288e5 6430}
55a288e5 6431//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 6432TH1I *AliTRDCalibraFit::ReBin(const TH1I *hist) const
55a288e5 6433{
6434 //
6435 // Rebin of the 1D histo for the gain calibration if needed.
6436 // you have to choose fRebin, divider of fNumberBinCharge
6437 //
3a0f6479 6439 TAxis *xhist = hist->GetXaxis();
6440 TH1I *rehist = new TH1I("projrebin","",(Int_t) xhist->GetNbins()/fRebin
6441 ,xhist->GetBinLowEdge(1)
6442 ,xhist->GetBinUpEdge(xhist->GetNbins()));
55a288e5 6443
3a0f6479 6444 AliInfo(Form("fRebin: %d",fRebin));
6445 Int_t i = 1;
6446 for (Int_t k = 1; k <= (Int_t) xhist->GetNbins()/fRebin; k++) {
6447 Double_t sum = 0.0;
6448 for (Int_t ji = i; ji < i+fRebin; ji++) {
6449 sum += hist->GetBinContent(ji);
6450 }
6451 sum = sum / fRebin;
6452 rehist->SetBinContent(k,sum);
6453 i += fRebin;
6454 }
55a288e5 6455
3a0f6479 6456 return rehist;
55a288e5 6457
979b168f 6461TH1F *AliTRDCalibraFit::ReBin(const TH1F *hist) const
55a288e5 6462{
6463 //
6464 // Rebin of the 1D histo for the gain calibration if needed
6465 // you have to choose fRebin divider of fNumberBinCharge
6466 //
6468 TAxis *xhist = hist->GetXaxis();
6469 TH1F *rehist = new TH1F("projrebin","",(Int_t) xhist->GetNbins()/fRebin
6470 ,xhist->GetBinLowEdge(1)
6471 ,xhist->GetBinUpEdge(xhist->GetNbins()));
6473 AliInfo(Form("fRebin: %d",fRebin));
6474 Int_t i = 1;
6475 for (Int_t k = 1; k <= (Int_t) xhist->GetNbins()/fRebin; k++) {
6476 Double_t sum = 0.0;
6477 for (Int_t ji = i; ji < i+fRebin; ji++) {
6478 sum += hist->GetBinContent(ji);
6479 }
6480 sum = sum/fRebin;
6481 rehist->SetBinContent(k,sum);
6482 i += fRebin;
6483 }
55a288e5 6485 return rehist;
55a288e5 6487}
55a288e5 6488//
6489//____________Some basic geometry function_____________________________________
053767a4 6493Int_t AliTRDCalibraFit::GetLayer(Int_t d) const
55a288e5 6494{
6495 //
6496 // Reconstruct the plane number from the detector number
6497 //
6499 return ((Int_t) (d % 6));
053767a4 6504Int_t AliTRDCalibraFit::GetStack(Int_t d) const
55a288e5 6505{
6506 //
053767a4 6507 // Reconstruct the stack number from the detector number
55a288e5 6508 //
053767a4 6509 const Int_t kNlayer = 6;
55a288e5 6510
053767a4 6511 return ((Int_t) (d % 30) / kNlayer);
55a288e5 6512
6516Int_t AliTRDCalibraFit::GetSector(Int_t d) const
6518 //
6519 // Reconstruct the sector number from the detector number
6520 //
6521 Int_t fg = 30;
6523 return ((Int_t) (d / fg));
6528//____________Fill and Init tree Gain, PRF, Vdrift and T0______________________
3a0f6479 6530//_______________________________________________________________________________
6531void AliTRDCalibraFit::ResetVectorFit()
55a288e5 6532{
e6381f8e 6533 //
6534 // Reset the VectorFits
6535 //
3a0f6479 6537 fVectorFit.SetOwner();
6538 fVectorFit.Clear();
6539 fVectorFit2.SetOwner();
6540 fVectorFit2.Clear();
55a288e5 6541
55a288e5 6542}
55a288e5 6543//
6544//____________Private Functions________________________________________________
979b168f 6548Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::PH(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *par)
55a288e5 6549{
6550 //
6551 // Function for the fit
6552 //
6554 //TF1 *fAsymmGauss = new TF1("fAsymmGauss",AsymmGauss,0,4,6);
6557 // PASAv.4
6558 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(0,0.113755);
6559 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(1,0.350706);
6560 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(2,0.0604244);
6561 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(3,7.65596);
6562 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(4,1.00124);
6563 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(5,0.870597); // No tail cancelation
6565 Double_t xx = x[0];
6567 if (xx < par[1]) {
6568 return par[5];
6569 }
6571 Double_t dx = 0.005;
6572 Double_t xs = par[1];
6573 Double_t ss = 0.0;
6574 Double_t paras[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
6576 while (xs < xx) {
6577 if ((xs >= par[1]) &&
6578 (xs < (par[1]+par[2]))) {
6579 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(0,par[0]);
6580 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(1,xs);
6581 //ss += fAsymmGauss->Eval(xx);
6582 paras[0] = par[0];
6583 paras[1] = xs;
6584 ss += AsymmGauss(&xx,paras);
6585 }
6586 if ((xs >= (par[1]+par[2])) &&
6587 (xs < (par[1]+par[2]+par[3]))) {
6588 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(0,par[0]*par[4]);
6589 //fAsymmGauss->SetParameter(1,xs);
6590 //ss += fAsymmGauss->Eval(xx);
6591 paras[0] = par[0]*par[4];
6592 paras[1] = xs;
6593 ss += AsymmGauss(&xx,paras);
6594 }
6595 xs += dx;
6596 }
6598 return ss + par[5];
979b168f 6603Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::AsymmGauss(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *par)
55a288e5 6604{
6605 //
6606 // Function for the fit
6607 //
6609 //par[0] = normalization
6610 //par[1] = mean
6611 //par[2] = sigma
6612 //norm0 = 1
6613 //par[3] = lambda0
6614 //par[4] = norm1
6615 //par[5] = lambda1
6617 Double_t par1save = par[1];
6618 //Double_t par2save = par[2];
6619 Double_t par2save = 0.0604244;
6620 //Double_t par3save = par[3];
6621 Double_t par3save = 7.65596;
6622 //Double_t par5save = par[5];
6623 Double_t par5save = 0.870597;
6624 Double_t dx = x[0] - par1save;
6626 Double_t sigma2 = par2save*par2save;
6627 Double_t sqrt2 = TMath::Sqrt(2.0);
6628 Double_t exp1 = par3save * TMath::Exp(-par3save * (dx - 0.5 * par3save * sigma2))
bb7e41dd 6629 * (1.0 - AliMathBase::ErfFast((par3save * sigma2 - dx) / (sqrt2 * par2save)));
55a288e5 6630 Double_t exp2 = par5save * TMath::Exp(-par5save * (dx - 0.5 * par5save * sigma2))
bb7e41dd 6631 * (1.0 - AliMathBase::ErfFast((par5save * sigma2 - dx) / (sqrt2 * par2save)));
55a288e5 6632
6633 //return par[0]*(exp1+par[4]*exp2);
6634 return par[0] * (exp1 + 1.00124 * exp2);
979b168f 6639Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::FuncLandauGaus(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *par)
55a288e5 6640{
6641 //
6642 // Sum Landau + Gaus with identical mean
6643 //
6645 Double_t valLandau = par[0] * TMath::Landau(x[0],par[1],par[2]);
6646 //Double_t valGaus = par[3] * TMath::Gaus(x[0],par[4],par[5]);
6647 Double_t valGaus = par[3] * TMath::Gaus(x[0],par[1],par[4]);
6648 Double_t val = valLandau + valGaus;
6650 return val;
979b168f 6655Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::LanGauFun(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *par)
55a288e5 6656{
6657 //
6658 // Function for the fit
6659 //
6660 // Fit parameters:
6661 // par[0]=Width (scale) parameter of Landau density
6662 // par[1]=Most Probable (MP, location) parameter of Landau density
6663 // par[2]=Total area (integral -inf to inf, normalization constant)
6664 // par[3]=Width (sigma) of convoluted Gaussian function
6665 //
6666 // In the Landau distribution (represented by the CERNLIB approximation),
6667 // the maximum is located at x=-0.22278298 with the location parameter=0.
6668 // This shift is corrected within this function, so that the actual
6669 // maximum is identical to the MP parameter.
6670 //
6672 // Numeric constants
6673 Double_t invsq2pi = 0.3989422804014; // (2 pi)^(-1/2)
6674 Double_t mpshift = -0.22278298; // Landau maximum location
6676 // Control constants
6677 Double_t np = 100.0; // Number of convolution steps
6678 Double_t sc = 5.0; // Convolution extends to +-sc Gaussian sigmas
6680 // Variables
595cfc12 6681 Double_t xx = 0.0;
6682 Double_t mpc = 0.0;
6683 Double_t fland = 0.0;
6684 Double_t sum = 0.0;
6685 Double_t xlow = 0.0;
6686 Double_t xupp = 0.0;
6687 Double_t step = 0.0;
6688 Double_t i = 0.0;
6690 // MP shift correction
6691 mpc = par[1] - mpshift * par[0];
6693 // Range of convolution integral
6694 xlow = x[0] - sc * par[3];
6695 xupp = x[0] + sc * par[3];
6697 step = (xupp - xlow) / np;
6699 // Convolution integral of Landau and Gaussian by sum
6700 for (i = 1.0; i <= np/2; i++) {
6702 xx = xlow + (i-.5) * step;
6703 if(par[0] > 0.0) fland = TMath::Landau(xx,mpc,par[0]) / par[0];
6704 sum += fland * TMath::Gaus(x[0],xx,par[3]);
6706 xx = xupp - (i-.5) * step;
6707 if(par[0] > 0.0) fland = TMath::Landau(xx,mpc,par[0]) / par[0];
6708 sum += fland * TMath::Gaus(x[0],xx,par[3]);
6710 }
6712 if(par[3] > 0.0) return (par[2] * step * sum * invsq2pi / par[3]);
6713 else return 0.0;
6717Double_t AliTRDCalibraFit::LanGauFunEx(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *par)
6719 //
6720 // Function for the fit
6721 //
6722 // Fit parameters:
6723 // par[0]=Width (scale) parameter of Landau density
6724 // par[1]=Most Probable (MP, location) parameter of Landau density
6725 // par[2]=Total area (integral -inf to inf, normalization constant)
6726 // par[3]=Width (sigma) of convoluted Gaussian function
6727 // par[4]=Exponential Slope Parameter
6728 //
6729 // In the Landau distribution (represented by the CERNLIB approximation),
6730 // the maximum is located at x=-0.22278298 with the location parameter=0.
6731 // This shift is corrected within this function, so that the actual
6732 // maximum is identical to the MP parameter.
6733 //
6735 // Numeric constants
6736 Double_t invsq2pi = 0.3989422804014; // (2 pi)^(-1/2)
6737 Double_t mpshift = -0.22278298; // Landau maximum location
6739 // Control constants
6740 Double_t np = 100.0; // Number of convolution steps
6741 Double_t sc = 5.0; // Convolution extends to +-sc Gaussian sigmas
6743 // Variables
6744 Double_t xx= 0.0;
6745 Double_t mpc= 0.0;
6746 Double_t fland = 0.0;
55a288e5 6747 Double_t sum = 0.0;
595cfc12 6748 Double_t xlow= 0.0;
6749 Double_t xupp= 0.0;
6750 Double_t step= 0.0;
6751 Double_t i= 0.0;
55a288e5 6752
6753 // MP shift correction
6754 mpc = par[1] - mpshift * par[0];
6756 // Range of convolution integral
6757 xlow = x[0] - sc * par[3];
6758 xupp = x[0] + sc * par[3];
6760 step = (xupp - xlow) / np;
6762 // Convolution integral of Landau and Gaussian by sum
6763 for (i = 1.0; i <= np/2; i++) {
6765 xx = xlow + (i-.5) * step;
595cfc12 6766 if(par[0] > 0.0) fland = TMath::Landau(xx,mpc,par[0])*TMath::Exp(-par[4]*xx) / par[0];
55a288e5 6767 sum += fland * TMath::Gaus(x[0],xx,par[3]);
6769 xx = xupp - (i-.5) * step;
595cfc12 6770 if(par[0] > 0.0) fland = TMath::Landau(xx,mpc,par[0])*TMath::Exp(-par[4]*xx) / par[0];
55a288e5 6771 sum += fland * TMath::Gaus(x[0],xx,par[3]);
6773 }
595cfc12 6775 if(par[3] > 0.0) return (par[2] * step * sum * invsq2pi / par[3]);
6776 else return 0.0;
55a288e5 6777
55a288e5 6779//_____________________________________________________________________________
979b168f 6780TF1 *AliTRDCalibraFit::LanGauFit(TH1 *his, const Double_t *fitrange, const Double_t *startvalues
6781 , const Double_t *parlimitslo, const Double_t *parlimitshi
55a288e5 6782 , Double_t *fitparams, Double_t *fiterrors
e6381f8e 6783 , Double_t *chiSqr, Int_t *ndf) const
55a288e5 6784{
6785 //
6786 // Function for the fit
6787 //
6789 Int_t i;
6790 Char_t funname[100];
6792 TF1 *ffitold = (TF1 *) gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(funname);
6793 if (ffitold) {
6794 delete ffitold;
6795 }
6797 TF1 *ffit = new TF1(funname,LanGauFun,fitrange[0],fitrange[1],4);
6798 ffit->SetParameters(startvalues);
6799 ffit->SetParNames("Width","MP","Area","GSigma");
6801 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
6802 ffit->SetParLimits(i,parlimitslo[i],parlimitshi[i]);
6803 }
595cfc12 6805 his->Fit(funname,"WWQRB0"); // Fit within specified range, use ParLimits, do not plot
55a288e5 6806
6807 ffit->GetParameters(fitparams); // Obtain fit parameters
6808 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
6809 fiterrors[i] = ffit->GetParError(i); // Obtain fit parameter errors
6810 }
6811 chiSqr[0] = ffit->GetChisquare(); // Obtain chi^2
6812 ndf[0] = ffit->GetNDF(); // Obtain ndf
6814 return (ffit); // Return fit function
55a288e5 6817//_____________________________________________________________________________
595cfc12 6818TF1 *AliTRDCalibraFit::LanGauFitEx(TH1 *his, const Double_t *fitrange, const Double_t *startvalues
6819 , const Double_t *parlimitslo, const Double_t *parlimitshi
6820 , Double_t *fitparams, Double_t *fiterrors
6821 , Double_t *chiSqr, Int_t *ndf) const
55a288e5 6822{
6823 //
6824 // Function for the fit
6825 //
55a288e5 6826
595cfc12 6827 Int_t i;
6828 Char_t funname[100];
55a288e5 6829
595cfc12 6830 TF1 *ffitold = (TF1 *) gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(funname);
6831 if (ffitold) {
6832 delete ffitold;
6833 }
55a288e5 6834
595cfc12 6835 TF1 *ffit = new TF1(funname,LanGauFunEx,fitrange[0],fitrange[1],5);
6836 ffit->SetParameters(startvalues);
6837 ffit->SetParNames("Width","MP","Area","GSigma","Ex");
55a288e5 6838
595cfc12 6839 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
6840 ffit->SetParLimits(i,parlimitslo[i],parlimitshi[i]);
55a288e5 6841 }
595cfc12 6843 his->Fit(funname,"WWQRB0"); // Fit within specified range, use ParLimits, do not plot
55a288e5 6844
595cfc12 6845 ffit->GetParameters(fitparams); // Obtain fit parameters
6846 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
6847 fiterrors[i] = ffit->GetParError(i); // Obtain fit parameter errors
55a288e5 6848 }
595cfc12 6849 chiSqr[0] = ffit->GetChisquare(); // Obtain chi^2
6850 ndf[0] = ffit->GetNDF(); // Obtain ndf
55a288e5 6851
595cfc12 6852 return (ffit); // Return fit function
55a288e5 6854}
55a288e5 6855
4c865c34 6856
3b0c1edc 6857