]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TRD/AliTRDalignment.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TRD / AliTRDalignment.h
8775e4e8 1#ifndef ALITRDALIGNMENT_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
9// //
10// AliTRDalignment class is an instrument for reading, writing, and //
11// manipulating of the TRD alignment data. //
12// D.Miskowiec, November 2006 //
13// //
16#include <TObject.h>
17#include <TRandom.h>
d15124a9 18#include <TObjString.h>
69219822 19#include <AliGeomManager.h>
afba1460 20class AliSurveyObj;
8775e4e8 21
22class AliTRDalignment : public TObject {
24 public:
26 AliTRDalignment();
27 AliTRDalignment(const AliTRDalignment& source);
28 AliTRDalignment& operator=(const AliTRDalignment& source);
d15124a9 29 AliTRDalignment& operator*=(double fac);
8775e4e8 30 AliTRDalignment& operator+=(const AliTRDalignment& source);
31 AliTRDalignment& operator-=(const AliTRDalignment& source);
32 Bool_t operator==(const AliTRDalignment& source) const;
d15124a9 33 virtual ~AliTRDalignment() {};
8775e4e8 34
5626950c 35 // setters
8775e4e8 36
37 void SetSmZero(); // reset to zero supermodule data
38 void SetChZero(); // reset to zero chamber data
d15124a9 39 void SetSm(int sm, const double a[6]) {for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) fSm[sm][i] = a[i];}
40 void SetCh(int ch, const double a[6]) {for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) fCh[ch][i] = a[i];}
41 void SetSmRandom(double a[6]); // generate random gaussians with sigmas a
42 void SetChRandom(double a[6]); // generate random gaussians with sigmas a
8775e4e8 43 void SetSmFull(); // set supermodule data to initial aka full
44 void SetChFull(); // set chamber data to initial aka full
45 void SetSmResidual(); // set supermodule data to final aka residual
46 void SetChResidual(); // set chamber data to final aka residual
69219822 47 void SetZero() {SetSmZero(); SetChZero();}
48 void SetIdeal() {SetZero();}
d15124a9 49 void SetFull() {SetSmFull(); SetChFull();}
50 void SetResidual() {SetSmResidual(); SetChResidual();}
51 void SetComment(char *s) {fComment.SetString(s);}
8775e4e8 52
5626950c 53 // simple getters (for other getters see below)
55 void GetSm(int sm, double * const a) {for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) a[i] = fSm[sm][i];}
56 void GetCh(int ch, double * const a) {for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) a[i] = fCh[ch][i];}
8775e4e8 58 // dumping on screen
5626950c 60 void PrintSm(int sm, FILE * const fp = stdout) const; // print data of a supermodule
61 void PrintCh(int ch, FILE * const fp = stdout) const; // print data of a chamber
62 void PrintSm(FILE * const fp = stdout) const {for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) PrintSm(i,fp);}
63 void PrintCh(FILE * const fp = stdout) const {for (int i = 0; i < 540; i++) PrintCh(i,fp);}
64 void Print(FILE * const fp = stdout) const {PrintSm(fp); PrintCh(fp); }
d15124a9 65 void Print(Option_t *) const {Print(); }
8775e4e8 66
67 // reading-in from file
5626950c 69 void ReadAscii(const char * const filename); // read from ascii file
70 void ReadCurrentGeo(); // read from currently loaded geometry
71 void ReadRoot(const char * const filename); // read from root file
72 void ReadDB(const char * const filename); // read from DB file
73 void ReadDB(const char * const db, const char * const path, int run, int version=-1, int subversion=-1);
afba1460 74 Bool_t DecodeSurveyPointName(TString pna, Int_t &sm, Int_t &iz,Int_t &ir, Int_t &iphi);
5626950c 75 void ReadSurveyReport(const char * const filename); // read from survey report
76 void ReadSurveyReport(const AliSurveyObj * const so); // read from survey object
77 void ReadAny(const char * const filename); // read from any kind of file
8775e4e8 78
79 // writing on file
5626950c 81 void WriteAscii(const char * const filename) const; // store data on ascii file
82 void WriteRoot(const char * const filename); // store data on root file
83 void WriteDB(const char * const filename, int run0, int run1); // store data on a local DB-like file
84 void WriteDB(char * const db, const char * const pa, int r0, int r1); // store data on DB file
85 void WriteGeo(char *filename); // apply misalignment and store geometry
8775e4e8 86
87 // geometry and symbolic names getters
89 // phi-sector number of chamber ch, 0-17
69219822 90 int GetSec(int ch) const {return ch/30;}
8775e4e8 91 // stack number, 0-4
69219822 92 int GetSta(int ch) const {return ch%30/6;}
d15124a9 93 // plane number, 0-5
69219822 94 int GetPla(int ch) const {return ch%30%6;}
8775e4e8 95 // module number, 0-89
69219822 96 int GetMod(int ch) const {return 5*GetSec(ch)+GetSta(ch);}
8775e4e8 97 // layer number, 9-14
69219822 98 int GetLay(int ch) const {return AliGeomManager::kTRD1+GetPla(ch);}
8775e4e8 99 // volume id
69219822 100 UShort_t GetVoi(int ch) const {return AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(GetLay(ch),GetMod(ch));}
d15124a9 101 // symbolic name of a supermodule
69219822 102 char *GetSmName(int sm) const {return Form("TRD/sm%02d",sm);}
d15124a9 103 // symbolic name of a chamber
69219822 104 char *GetChName(int ch) const {return Form("TRD/sm%02d/st%d/pl%d",GetSec(ch),GetSta(ch),GetPla(ch));}
105 // index of a supermodule
106 int GetSmIndex(const char *name) {for (int i=0; i<18; i++) if (strcmp(name,GetSmName(i))==0) return i; return -1;}
107 // index of a chamber
108 int GetChIndex(const char *name) {for (int i=0; i<540; i++) if (strcmp(name,GetChName(i))==0) return i; return -1;}
8775e4e8 109
110 // data analysis
d15124a9 112 double GetSmRMS(int xyz) const; // calculate rms fSm[*][xyz]
113 double GetChRMS(int xyz) const; // calculate rms fCh[*][xyz]
114 void PrintSmRMS() const; // print rms of fSm
115 void PrintChRMS() const; // print rms of fCh
116 void PrintRMS() const {PrintSmRMS(); PrintChRMS();}
5626950c 118 double SurveyChi2(int i, const double * const a); // compare survey with ideal, return chi2
119 double SurveyChi2(const double * const a) {return SurveyChi2(fIbuffer[0],a);}
120 void SurveyToAlignment(int i, const char * const flag); // determine alignment of supermodule i based on survey
121 void SurveyToAlignment(const char * const flag) {for (int i=0; i<18; i++) SurveyToAlignment(i,flag);}
8775e4e8 122
123 protected:
5626950c 125 void ArToNumbers(TClonesArray * const ar); // read ar and fill fSm and fCh
126 void NumbersToAr(TClonesArray * const ar); // build ar using fSm and fCh data
69219822 127 int IsGeoLoaded(); // check if geometry is loaded
8775e4e8 128
129 protected:
d15124a9 131 double fSm[18][6]; // supermodule data
132 double fCh[540][6]; // chamber data
133 TObjString fComment; // info concerning origin of the data etc.
134 TRandom fRan; // random generator for fake alignment data
136 // Temporary storage for ideal position of the survey points and the survey data.
137 // The survey data are in master frame and in cm. Each supermodule has 8 survey marks.
138 // The indices are sm number, z-end, radius, phi.
139 // The ideal positions of survey points are in local frame of supermodule and in cm.
140 // The indices are z-end, radius, phi.
141 // The processed survey results are stored in fSm.
142 double fSurveyX[18][2][2][2]; // supermodule survey point X
143 double fSurveyY[18][2][2][2]; // supermodule survey point Y
144 double fSurveyZ[18][2][2][2]; // supermodule survey point Z
afba1460 145 double fSurveyEX[18][2][2][2]; // supermodule survey point X error
146 double fSurveyEY[18][2][2][2]; // supermodule survey point Y error
147 double fSurveyEZ[18][2][2][2]; // supermodule survey point Z error
d15124a9 148 double fSurveyX0[2][2][2]; // ideal X position of the survey marks
149 double fSurveyY0[2][2][2]; // ideal Y position of the survey marks
150 double fSurveyZ0[2][2][2]; // ideal Z position of the survey marks
151 int fIbuffer[1000]; // generic buffer for misc. operations
152 double fDbuffer[1000]; // generic buffer for misc. operations
8775e4e8 153
154 ClassDef(AliTRDalignment,1)