]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TRD/qaRec/AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined.cxx
Scripts to run the FMD analysis
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TRD / qaRec / AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined.cxx
814ecea4 1/**************************************************************************
e1aa1ec4 2* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3* *
4* Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5* Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6* *
7* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
814ecea4 15
16/* $Id: AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined.cxx 27496 2008-07-22 08:35:45Z cblume $ */
19// //
20// Reconstruction QA //
21// //
22// Authors: //
23// Markus Fasel <M.Fasel@gsi.de> //
24// //
27#include <TObjArray.h>
5fbb7894 28#include <TClonesArray.h>
814ecea4 29#include <TProfile.h>
30#include <TMath.h>
31#include <TCanvas.h>
3d86166d 32#include "TTreeStream.h"
814ecea4 33
34#include "AliMagFMaps.h"
5fbb7894 35#include "AliPID.h"
814ecea4 36#include "AliTracker.h"
814ecea4 37#include "AliTrackReference.h"
814ecea4 38#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
3d86166d 39
5fbb7894 40#include "AliTRDcluster.h"
3d86166d 41#include "AliTRDseedV1.h"
42#include "AliTRDtrackV1.h"
5fbb7894 43#include "AliTRDtrackerV1.h"
44#include "Cal/AliTRDCalPID.h"
814ecea4 45#include "AliTRDtrackInfo/AliTRDtrackInfo.h"
e1aa1ec4 46#include "AliTRDtrackInfoGen.h"
814ecea4 47#include "AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined.h"
3d86166d 52AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined()
53 :AliTRDrecoTask("TrackingEffMC", "Combined Tracking Efficiency")
814ecea4 54{
55 //
56 // Default constructor
57 //
ed383798 58}
814ecea4 60
62void AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::CreateOutputObjects(){
63 //
64 // Create output objects
65 //
67 OpenFile(0, "RECREATE");
5fbb7894 68 fContainer = Histos();
814ecea4 69
814ecea4 70}
73void AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::Exec(Option_t *){
74 //
5fbb7894 75 // Execute the task:
814ecea4 76 //
5fbb7894 77 // Loop over TrackInfos
78 // 1st: check if there is a TRDtrack
79 // 2nd: put conditions on the track:
80 // - check if we did not register it before
81 // - check if we have Track References for the track
82 // 3rd: Register track:
83 // - accepted if both conditions are fulfilled
84 // - contamination if at least one condition is not fulfilled
85 // 4th: check Monte-Carlo Track wheter findable or not if there is no TRD track in this track info
86 // 5th: register MC track as rejected if findable and not jet registered
87 // Match the registers accepted and rejected and clean register rejected
88 // Fill the histograms
89 //
90 const Int_t kArraySize = 10000; // Store indices of track references in an array
91 Int_t index_accepted[kArraySize], index_rejected[kArraySize], index_contamination[kArraySize];
92 memset(index_accepted, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * kArraySize);
93 memset(index_rejected, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * kArraySize);
94 memset(index_contamination, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * kArraySize);
95 Int_t naccepted = 0, nrejected = 0, ncontamination = 0;
96 Bool_t isContamination = kFALSE;
e1aa1ec4 97
98 Int_t nTrackInfos = fTracks->GetEntriesFast();
e1aa1ec4 99 AliTRDtrackV1 *TRDtrack = 0x0;
100 AliTRDtrackInfo *trkInf = 0x0;
e1aa1ec4 101 for(Int_t itinf = 0; itinf < nTrackInfos; itinf++){
e1aa1ec4 102 trkInf = dynamic_cast<AliTRDtrackInfo *>(fTracks->UncheckedAt(itinf));
103 if(!trkInf) continue;
5fbb7894 104 if(trkInf->GetTrack() || trkInf->GetNumberOfClustersRefit()){
105 isContamination = IsRegistered(trkInf,index_accepted,naccepted);
106 if(!trkInf->GetNTrackRefs()){
107 // We reject the track since the Monte Carlo Information is missing
108 printf("Error: Track Reference missing for Track %d\n", trkInf->GetLabel());
109 isContamination = kTRUE;
110 // Debugging
111 if(TRDtrack && fDebugLevel > 5) FillStreamTrackWOMC(trkInf);
112 }
113 if(isContamination){
114 // reject kink (we count these only once)
115 if(trkInf->GetKinkIndex()) continue;
116 // Register track as contamination
117 index_contamination[ncontamination++]=itinf;
e1aa1ec4 118 continue;
119 }
5fbb7894 120 // Accept track
e1aa1ec4 121 if(fDebugLevel > 3)printf("Accept track\n");
5fbb7894 122 // Register track as accepted
123 index_accepted[naccepted++] = itinf;
124 }else{
125 if(IsFindable(trkInf)){
126 // register track as rejected if not already registered there
127 // Attention:
128 // These track infos are not!!! registered as contamination
129 if(!IsRegistered(trkInf, index_rejected, nrejected)) index_rejected[nrejected++] = itinf;
e1aa1ec4 130 }
131 }
132 }
5fbb7894 133 // we have to check if the rejected tracks are registered as found
134 // a possible source for this:
135 // first the track is not found by the barrel tracking but it is later found
136 // by the stand alone tracking, then two track info objects with the same
137 // label would be created
138 // Attention:
139 // these tracks are not! registered as contamination
140 Int_t tmprejected[kArraySize]; Int_t nrej = nrejected;
141 memcpy(tmprejected, index_rejected, sizeof(Int_t) * nrejected);
142 nrejected = 0;
143 for(Int_t irej = 0; irej < nrej; irej++){
144 trkInf = dynamic_cast<AliTRDtrackInfo *>(fTracks->At(tmprejected[irej]));
145 if(!IsRegistered(trkInf,index_accepted,naccepted)) index_rejected[nrejected++] = tmprejected[irej];
814ecea4 146 }
5fbb7894 147 // Fill Histograms
148 FillHistograms(naccepted, &index_accepted[0], kAccepted);
149 FillHistograms(nrejected, &index_rejected[0], kRejected);
150 FillHistograms(ncontamination, &index_contamination[0], kContamination);
151 Int_t nall = naccepted + nrejected;
814ecea4 152 //if(fDebugLevel>=1)
0afb0559 153 printf("%3d Tracks: MC[%3d] TRD[%3d | %5.2f%%] \n", (Int_t)AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetCurrentEntry(), nall, naccepted, nall ? 1.E2*Float_t(naccepted)/Float_t(nall) : 0.);
5fbb7894 154 printf("%3d Tracks: ALL[%3d] Contamination[%3d | %5.2f%%] \n", (Int_t)AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetCurrentEntry(), nall + ncontamination, ncontamination, nall ? 1.E2*Float_t(ncontamination)/Float_t(nall + ncontamination) : 0.);
814ecea4 155
3d86166d 156 PostData(0, fContainer);
814ecea4 157}
160void AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::Terminate(Option_t *)
162 //
163 // Termination
164 //
3d86166d 166 if(fDebugStream){
167 delete fDebugStream;
168 fDebugStream = 0x0;
169 fDebugLevel = 0;
170 }
172 fContainer = dynamic_cast<TObjArray*>(GetOutputData(0));
173 if (!fContainer) {
814ecea4 174 Printf("ERROR: list not available");
175 return;
176 }
e1aa1ec4 177}
814ecea4 178
e1aa1ec4 179//_____________________________________________________________________________
180Bool_t AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::PostProcess()
5fbb7894 182 //
183 // Post Process
184 //
185 // Change the histogram style
186 // For species histograms apply the colors connected with the given particle species
187 //
188 TH1 *histo = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencyHistogram));
e1aa1ec4 189 histo->SetMarkerStyle(22);
190 histo->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
191 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
192 histo->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
193 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency [%]");
194 histo->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.99, 1.005);
814ecea4 195
5fbb7894 196 histo = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationHistogram));
e1aa1ec4 197 histo->SetMarkerStyle(22);
198 histo->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
199 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
200 histo->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
201 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Contamination [%]");
5fbb7894 202
203 // Species Efficiency Histograms
204 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
205 histo = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencySpeciesHistogram + ispec));
206 histo->SetMarkerStyle(22);
207 histo->SetLineColor(AliTRDCalPID::GetPartColor(ispec));
208 histo->SetMarkerColor(AliTRDCalPID::GetPartColor(ispec));
209 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
210 histo->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
211 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency [%]");
212 histo->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.99, 1.005);
213 }
215 // Species Contamination Histograms
216 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
217 histo = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationSpeciesHistogram + ispec));
218 histo->SetMarkerStyle(22);
219 histo->SetLineColor(AliTRDCalPID::GetPartColor(ispec));
220 histo->SetMarkerColor(AliTRDCalPID::GetPartColor(ispec));
221 histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV/c]");
222 histo->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
223 histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Contamination [%]");
224 }
226 fNRefFigures = 6;
e1aa1ec4 227 return kTRUE;
814ecea4 229
e1aa1ec4 230//_____________________________________________________________________________
231void AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::GetRefFigure(Int_t ifig){
5fbb7894 232 //
233 // Plot the histograms
234 //
235 if(ifig >= fNRefFigures) return;
236 if(ifig < 2){
237 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(ifig)))->Draw("e1");
238 return;
239 }
240 switch(ifig){
241 case 2:
242 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencySpeciesHistogram)))->Draw("e1");
243 for(Int_t ispec = 1; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++)
244 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencySpeciesHistogram + ispec)))->Draw("e1same");
245 break;
246 case 3:
247 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationSpeciesHistogram)))->Draw("e1");
248 for(Int_t ispec = 1; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++)
249 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationSpeciesHistogram + ispec)))->Draw("e1same");
250 break;
251 case 4:
252 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencyNoPID)))->Draw("e1");
253 break;
254 case 5:
255 (dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationNoPID)))->Draw("e1");
256 break;
257 }
814ecea4 258}
5fbb7894 259
261TObjArray *AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::Histos(){
262 //
263 // Create the histograms
264 //
265 const Int_t nbins = 11;
267 if(fContainer) return fContainer;
268 Float_t xbins[nbins+1] = {.5, .7, .9, 1.3, 1.7, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 7., 9., 11.};
270 TString species[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {"Pions", "Muons", "Electrons", "Kaons", "Protons"};
271 TString species_short[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {"Pi", "Mu", "El", "Ka", "Pr"};
273 fContainer = new TObjArray();
274 fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile("trEffComb", "Combined Tracking Efficiency", nbins, xbins), kEfficiencyHistogram);
275 fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile("trContComb", "Combined Tracking Contamination", nbins, xbins), kContaminationHistogram);
276 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++)
277 fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile(Form("trEffComb%s", species_short[ispec].Data()), Form("Combined Tracking Efficiency %s", species[ispec].Data()), nbins, xbins), kEfficiencySpeciesHistogram + ispec);
278 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++)
279 fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile(Form("trContComb%s", species_short[ispec].Data()), Form("Combined Tracking Contamination %s", species[ispec].Data()), nbins, xbins), kContaminationSpeciesHistogram + ispec);
280 fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile("trEffCombNoPID", "Combined Tracking Efficiency", nbins, xbins), kEfficiencyNoPID);
281 fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile("trContCombNoPID", "Combined Tracking Contamination", nbins, xbins), kContaminationNoPID);
282 return fContainer;
286Bool_t AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::IsFindable(AliTRDtrackInfo *trkInf){
287 //
288 // Apply Cuts on the Monte Carlo track references
289 // return whether track is findable or not
290 //
291 const Float_t kAlpha = 0.349065850;
293 if(fDebugLevel>10) printf("Analysing Track References\n");
294 // Check if track is findable
295 Double_t mom = 0.;
296 Float_t xmin = 10000.0, xmax = 0.0;
297 Float_t ymin = 0.0, ymax = 0.0;
298 Float_t zmin = 0.0, zmax = 0.0;
299 Float_t lastx = 0.0, x = 0.0;
300 Int_t nLayers = 0;
301 Int_t sector[20];
302 AliTrackReference *trackRef = 0x0;
303 for(Int_t itr = 0; itr < trkInf->GetNTrackRefs(); itr++){
304 trackRef = trkInf->GetTrackRef(itr);
305 if(fDebugLevel>10) printf("%d. x[%f], y[%f], z[%f]\n", itr, trackRef->LocalX(), trackRef->LocalY(), trackRef->Z());
306 x = trackRef->LocalX();
308 // Be Sure that we are inside TRD
309 if(x < AliTRDtrackInfoGen::xTPC || x > AliTRDtrackInfoGen::xTOF) continue;
310 sector[itr] = Int_t(trackRef->Alpha()/kAlpha);
311 if(x < xmin){
312 xmin = trackRef->LocalX();
313 ymin = trackRef->LocalY();
314 zmin = trackRef->Z();
315 mom = trackRef->P();
316 } else if(x > xmax){
317 xmax = trackRef->LocalX();
318 ymax = trackRef->LocalY();
319 zmax = trackRef->Z();
320 }
321 if(itr > 0){
322 Float_t dist = TMath::Abs(x - lastx);
323 if(fDebugLevel>10) printf("x = %f, lastx = %f, dist = %f\n", x, lastx, dist);
324 if(TMath::Abs(dist - 3.7) < 0.1) nLayers++; // ref(i+1) has to be larger than ref(i)
325 }
326 lastx = x;
327 }
329 // Apply cuts
330 Bool_t findable = kTRUE;
331 if(trkInf->GetNTrackRefs() > 2 && xmax > xmin){
332 if(mom < 0.55) findable = kFALSE; // momentum cut at 0.6
333 Double_t yangle = (ymax -ymin)/(xmax - xmin);
334 Double_t zangle = (zmax -zmin)/(xmax - xmin);
335 if(fDebugLevel>10){
336 printf("track: y-Angle = %f, z-Angle = %f\n", yangle, zangle);
337 printf("nLayers = %d\n", nLayers);
338 }
339 if(TMath::ATan(TMath::Abs(yangle)) > 45.) findable = kFALSE;
340 if(TMath::ATan(TMath::Abs(zangle)) > 45.) findable = kFALSE;
341 if(nLayers < 4) findable = kFALSE;
342 if(!trkInf->IsPrimary()) findable = kFALSE;
343 Bool_t samesec = kTRUE;
344 for(Int_t iref = 1; iref < trkInf->GetNTrackRefs(); iref++)
345 if(sector[iref] != sector[0]) samesec = kFALSE;
346 if(!samesec) findable = kFALSE; // Discard all tracks which are passing more than one sector
347 if(fDebugLevel){
348 Double_t trackAngle = TMath::ATan(yangle);
349 Bool_t primary = trkInf->IsPrimary();
350 (*fDebugStream) << "NotFoundTrack"
351 << "Momentum=" << mom
352 << "trackAngle="<< trackAngle
353 << "NLayers=" << nLayers
354 << "Primary=" << primary
355 << "\n";
356 }
357 }
358 else
359 findable = kFALSE;
360 return findable;
364void AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::FillHistograms(Int_t nTracks, Int_t *indices, FillingMode_t mode){
365 //
366 // Fill Histograms in three different modes:
367 // 1st tracks which are found and accepted
368 // 2nd tracks which are not found and not already counted
369 // 3rd contaminating tracks: either double counts (kinks!) or tracks with no MC hit inside TRD
370 //
371 const Int_t pid[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {211,13,11,321,2212};
372 Double_t trkmom = 0.; // the track momentum
373 Int_t trkpid = -1; // particle species
374 AliTRDtrackInfo *trkInf = 0x0;
375 for(Int_t itk = 0; itk < nTracks; itk++){
376 trkInf = dynamic_cast<AliTRDtrackInfo *>(fTracks->At(indices[itk]));
377 if(fDebugLevel > 2)printf("Accepted MC track: %d\n", trkInf->GetLabel());
378 if(trkInf->GetNTrackRefs()){
379 // use Monte-Carlo Information for Momentum and PID
380 trkmom = trkInf->GetTrackRef(0)->P();
381 trkpid = trkInf->GetPDG();
382 }else{
383 // Use TPC Momentum
384 trkmom = trkInf->GetTrack()->P();
385 }
386 switch(mode){
387 case kAccepted:
388 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencyHistogram)))->Fill(trkmom, 1);
389 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationHistogram)))->Fill(trkmom, 0);
390 break;
391 case kRejected:
392 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencyHistogram)))->Fill(trkmom, 0);
393 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationHistogram)))->Fill(trkmom, 0);
394 break;
395 case kContamination:
396 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationHistogram)))->Fill(trkmom, 1);
397 break;
398 }
399 // Fill species histogram
400 Int_t part_spec = -1;
401 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
402 if(trkpid == pid[ispec]) part_spec = ispec;
403 }
404 if(part_spec >= 0){
405 switch(mode){
406 case kAccepted:
407 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencySpeciesHistogram + part_spec)))->Fill(trkmom, 1);
408 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationSpeciesHistogram + part_spec)))->Fill(trkmom, 0);
409 break;
410 case kRejected:
411 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencySpeciesHistogram + part_spec)))->Fill(trkmom, 0); (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationSpeciesHistogram + part_spec)))->Fill(trkmom, 0);
412 break;
413 case kContamination:
414 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationSpeciesHistogram + part_spec)))->Fill(trkmom, 1);
415 break;
416 }
417 } else {
418 // The particle Type is not registered
419 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kEfficiencyNoPID)))->Fill(trkmom, 1);
420 (dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kContaminationNoPID)))->Fill(trkmom, 1);
421 }
422 }
426void AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::FillStreamTrackWOMC(AliTRDtrackInfo *trkInf){
427 // fill debug stream
428 // we want to know:
429 // 1. The event number
430 // 2. The track label
431 // 3. The TRD track label
432 // 4. The frequency of the TRD Label
433 // 5. Momentum from TPC (NO STAND ALONE TRACK)
434 // 6. TPC Phi angle
435 // 7. the TRD track
436 // 8. Monte Carlo PID
437 // 9. We check the Labels of the TRD track according to them we search the maching Monte-Carlo track.
438 // From the matching Monte-Carlo track we store trackRefs, phi and momentum
439 // 10. We may also want to keep the kink index
440 Double_t mom = trkInf->GetOuterParam()->P();
441 Int_t event = (Int_t)AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetCurrentEntry();
442 Int_t label = trkInf->GetLabel();
443 Int_t kinkIndex = trkInf->GetKinkIndex();
444 Int_t pdg = trkInf->GetPDG();
445 Double_t TPCphi = trkInf->GetOuterParam()->Phi();
446 Int_t TRDlabels[180]; // Container for the cluster labels
447 Int_t sortlabels[360]; // Cluster Labels sorted according their occurancy
448 AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
449 AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0;
450 Int_t nclusters = 0x0;
451 AliTRDtrackV1 *TRDtrack = trkInf->GetTrack();
452 for(Int_t il = 0; il < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il++){
453 tracklet = TRDtrack->GetTracklet(il);
454 if(!tracklet) continue;
455 tracklet->ResetClusterIter();
456 c = 0x0;
457 while((c = tracklet->NextCluster())) TRDlabels[nclusters++] = c->GetLabel(0);
458 }
459 // Determine Label and Frequency
460 AliTRDtrackerV1::Freq(nclusters, const_cast<const Int_t *>(&TRDlabels[0]), &sortlabels[0], kTRUE);
461 Int_t TRDLabel = sortlabels[0];
462 Int_t freqTRD = sortlabels[1];
463 // find the track info object matching to the TRD track
464 AliTRDtrackInfo *realtrack = 0;
465 TObjArrayIter rtiter(fTracks);
466 while((realtrack = (AliTRDtrackInfo *)rtiter())){
467 if(realtrack->GetLabel() != TRDLabel) continue;
468 break;
469 }
470 TClonesArray trackRefs("AliTrackReference");
471 Int_t realPdg = -1;
472 Double_t realP = 0.;
473 Double_t realPhi = 0.;
474 if(realtrack){
475 // pack the track references into the trackRefsContainer
476 for(Int_t iref = 0; iref < realtrack->GetNTrackRefs(); iref++){
477 new(trackRefs[iref])AliTrackReference(*(realtrack->GetTrackRef(iref)));
478 }
479 realPdg = realtrack->GetPDG();
480 if(realtrack->GetNTrackRefs()){
481 realP = realtrack->GetTrackRef(0)->P();
482 realPhi = realtrack->GetTrackRef(0)->Phi();
483 }
484 }
485 (*fDebugStream) << "TrackingEffMCfake"
486 << "Event=" << event
487 << "Label=" << label
488 << "TRDLabel=" << TRDLabel
489 << "FreqTRDlabel=" << freqTRD
490 << "TPCp=" << mom
491 << "TPCphi=" << TPCphi
492 << "TRDtrack=" << TRDtrack
493 << "PDG=" << pdg
494 << "TrackRefs=" << &trackRefs
495 << "RealPDG=" << realPdg
496 << "RealP=" << realP
497 << "RealPhi" << realPhi
498 << "KinkIndex=" << kinkIndex
499 << "\n";
503Bool_t AliTRDtrackingEfficiencyCombined::IsRegistered(AliTRDtrackInfo *trkInf, Int_t *indices, Int_t nTracks){
504 //
505 // Checks if track is registered in a given mode
506 //
507 Bool_t isRegistered = kFALSE;
508 for(Int_t il = 0; il < nTracks; il++){
509 if((dynamic_cast<AliTRDtrackInfo *>(fTracks->At(indices[il])))->GetLabel() == trkInf->GetLabel()){
510 isRegistered = kTRUE;
511 break;
512 }
513 }
514 return isRegistered;