]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ZDC/ZDCtest.C
Memory leak corrected
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ZDC / ZDCtest.C
89cc6a31 1void ZDCtest (Int_t detector=0, Int_t evTot = 0)
3 delete gAlice;
4 gAlice=0;
5// Dynamically link some shared libs
6 if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
7 gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
8 loadlibs();
9 }
11// Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine, Hits and Digits
5a881c97 12 TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root");
89cc6a31 13 if (!file) {
14 printf("\n Creating galice.root \n");
5a881c97 15 file = new TFile("galice.root");
89cc6a31 16 } else {
17 printf("\n galice.root found in file list");
18 }
19 file->ls();
21// Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file
22 if (!gAlice) {
23 gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice");
24 if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n");
25 if (!gAlice) {
26 printf("\n create new gAlice object");
27 gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program");
28 }
29 }
30 file->ls();
32// Create some histograms
34 TH2F *hspotzn = new TH2F("hspotzn","Y vs X on ZN front face",100,-4.,4.,100,-4.,4.);
35 hspotzn -> SetXTitle("X on ZN");
36 hspotzn -> SetYTitle("Y on ZN");
37 TH2F *hspotzp = new TH2F("hspotzp","Y vs X on ZP front face",100,-12.,12.,100,-12.,12.);
38 hspotzp -> SetXTitle("X on ZP");
39 hspotzp -> SetYTitle("Y on ZP");
40 TH2F *hspotzem = new TH2F("hspotzem","Y vs X on ZEM front face",100,-4.,4.,100,-4.,4.);
41 hspotzem -> SetXTitle("X on ZEM");
42 hspotzem -> SetYTitle("Y on ZEM");
44 TH1F *hEzn = new TH1F("hEzn","Energy deposited in ZN",100,0,4.e3);
45 hEzn -> SetXTitle("E (GeV)");
46 TH1F *hLzn = new TH1F("hLzn", "Total light in ZN ",100,0,4.e3);
47 hLzn -> SetXTitle("phe");
48 TH1F *hPMCzn = new TH1F("hPMCzn", "Light in common PM ",100,0,1.e3);
49 hPMCzn -> SetXTitle("phe");
50 TH1F *hPMQ1zn = new TH1F("hPMQ1zn","Light in quadrant 1 PM",100,0,1.e3);
51 hPMQ1zn -> SetXTitle("phe");
52 TH1F *hPMQ2zn = new TH1F("hPMQ2zn","Light in quadrant 2 PM",100,0,1.e3);
53 hPMQ2zn -> SetXTitle("phe");
54 TH1F *hPMQ3zn = new TH1F("hPMQ3zn","Light in quadrant 3 PM",100,0,1.e3);
55 hPMQ3zn -> SetXTitle("phe");
56 TH1F *hPMQ4zn = new TH1F("hPMQ4zn","Light in quadrant 4 PM",100,0,1.e3);
57 hPMQ4zn -> SetXTitle("phe");
59 TH1F *hEzp = new TH1F("hEzp","Energy deposited in ZP",100,0,4.e3);
60 hEzp -> SetXTitle("E (GeV)");
61 TH1F *hLzp = new TH1F("hLzp", "Total light in ZP ",100,0,4.e3);
62 hLzp -> SetXTitle("phe");
63 TH1F *hPMCzp = new TH1F("hPMCzp","Light in common PM ",100,0,1.e3);
64 hPMCzp -> SetXTitle("phe");
65 TH1F *hPMQ1zp = new TH1F("hPMQ1zp","Light in quadrant 1 PM",100,0,1.e3);
66 hPMQ1zp -> SetXTitle("phe");
67 TH1F *hPMQ2zp = new TH1F("hPMQ2zp","Light in quadrant 2 PM",100,0,1.e3);
68 hPMQ2zp -> SetXTitle("phe");
69 TH1F *hPMQ3zp = new TH1F("hPMQ3zp","Light in quadrant 3 PM",100,0,1.e3);
70 hPMQ3zp -> SetXTitle("phe");
71 TH1F *hPMQ4zp = new TH1F("hPMQ4zp","Light in quadrant 4 PM",100,0,1.e3);
72 hPMQ4zp -> SetXTitle("phe");
5a881c97 75 TH1F *hEzem = new TH1F("hEzem","Energy deposited in ZEM",100,0,5.e3);
89cc6a31 76 hEzem -> SetXTitle("E (GeV)");
5a881c97 77 TH1F *hPMzem = new TH1F("hPMzem","Light produced in ZEM PM",100,0,5.e3);
89cc6a31 78 hPMzem -> SetXTitle("phe");
80 //
82 TH1F *dPMCzn = new TH1F("dPMCzn","Common PM ",100,0,1.e3);
83 dPMCzn -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
84 TH1F *dPMQ1zn = new TH1F("dPMQ1zn","Quadrant 1 PM",100,0,1.e3);
85 dPMQ1zn -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
86 TH1F *dPMQ2zn = new TH1F("dPMQ2zn","Quadrant 2 PM",100,0,1.e3);
87 dPMQ2zn -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
88 TH1F *dPMQ3zn = new TH1F("dPMQ3zn","Quadrant 3 PM",100,0,1.e3);
89 dPMQ3zn -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
90 TH1F *dPMQ4zn = new TH1F("dPMQ4zn","Quadrant 4 PM",100,0,1.e3);
91 dPMQ4zn -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
92 TH1F *dZN = new TH1F("dZN","Total light in ZN",100,0,1.e3);
93 dZN -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
95 TH1F *dPMCzp = new TH1F("dPMCzp","Common PM ",100,0,1.e3);
96 dPMCzp -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
97 TH1F *dPMQ1zp = new TH1F("dPMQ1zp","Quadrant 1 PM",100,0,1.e3);
98 dPMQ1zp -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
99 TH1F *dPMQ2zp = new TH1F("dPMQ2zp","Quadrant 2 PM",100,0,1.e3);
100 dPMQ2zp -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
101 TH1F *dPMQ3zp = new TH1F("dPMQ3zp","Quadrant 3 PM",100,0,1.e3);
102 dPMQ3zp -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
103 TH1F *dPMQ4zp = new TH1F("dPMQ4zp","Quadrant 4 PM",100,0,1.e3);
104 dPMQ4zp -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
105 TH1F *dZP = new TH1F("dZP","Total light in ZP",100,0,1.e3);
106 dZP -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
108 TH1F *dZEM = new TH1F("dZEM","Total light in ZEM",100,0,1.e3);
109 dZEM -> SetXTitle("ADC channels");
112// Loop over events
5a881c97 114// NB -> Il TClonesArray delle particelle va inizializzato prima del loop
115 TParticle *particle;
116 TClonesArray *Particles = gAlice->Particles();
89cc6a31 117
118 for (Int_t evNumber=0; evNumber<evTot; evNumber++){
120// Import the Kine and Hits Trees for the event evNumber in the file
121 Int_t nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(evNumber);
122 if (nparticles <= 0) return;
123 printf("\n --- nparticles = %d\n",nparticles);
125 Float_t energy, EtotZN=0, EtotZP=0, LightCzn=0, LightCzp=0, LtotZN=0, LtotZP=0;
126 Int_t nbytes=0, nbytesd=0, ipart, nhits, ndigits, pdgcode, ADCzn, ADCzp;
89cc6a31 127 AliZDCHit *ZDChit;
128 AliZDCDigit *ZDCdigit;
130// Get pointers to Alice detectors and Hits containers
131 AliDetector *ZDC = gAlice->GetDetector("ZDC");
89cc6a31 132 if (ZDC) {
133 TClonesArray *ZDChits = ZDC->Hits();
5a881c97 134// TClonesArray *ZDCdigits = ZDC->Digits();
89cc6a31 135 }
137// # of entries in Hits tree
138 TTree *TH = gAlice->TreeH();
139 Int_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries();
141// # of entries in Digits tree
5a881c97 142// TTree *TD = gAlice->TreeD();
143// Int_t ndigen = TD->GetEntries();
145// gAlice->ResetDigits();
146// nbytesd += TD->GetEvent(ndigen-1);
148// if (ZDC) {
149// ndigits = ZDCdigits->GetEntries();
150// printf("\n Digits Tree --- # of entries: %d; # of digits: %d\n",ndigen, ndigits);
151// }
152// for(Int_t digit=0; digit<ndigits; digit++) {
153// ZDCdigit = (AliZDCDigit*)ZDCdigits->UncheckedAt(digit);
154// printf("\n Digit# %d, fDetector = %d, fVolume = %d, fADCValue = %f\n",
155// digit,ZDCdigit->fDetector,ZDCdigit->fQuadrant,ZDCdigit->fADCValue);
156// }
89cc6a31 157
158// Start loop on tracks in the hits containers
159 for (Int_t track=0; track<ntracks; track++) {
160 gAlice->ResetHits();
161 nbytes += TH->GetEvent(track);
163 if (ZDC) {
164// nhits = ZDChits->GetEntries();
165// nhits = ZDChits->GetLast()+1;
166 nhits = ZDChits->GetEntriesFast();
167// printf("\n Hits Tree --- Event %d track %d nhits %d\n",evNumber,track,nhits);
169 particle = (TParticle*)Particles->UncheckedAt(track);
170// pdgcode = particle->GetPdgCode();
171// printf("\nParticle %d\n",pdgcode);
173 for(Int_t hit=0; hit<nhits; hit++) {
174 ZDChit = (AliZDCHit*)ZDChits->UncheckedAt(hit);
176 // Print of the hits
177// printf("\nHit # %d, fVolume = %d %d\n",hit,ZDChit->fVolume[0],ZDChit->fVolume[1]);
178// printf("Primary energy = %f, Secondary Flag = %d\n",ZDChit->fPrimKinEn,ZDChit->fSFlag);
179// printf("Impact point -> %f %f\n",ZDChit->fXImpact,ZDChit->fYImpact);
180// printf("Energy = %f, Light in quadrant = %f, Light in common PM = %f\n\n",
181// ZDChit->fEnergy,ZDChit->fLightPMQ,ZDChit->fLightPMC);
183 // Filling histos
184 if(ZDChit->fVolume[0]==1) { //ZN
185 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==1)hPMQ1zn->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
186 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==2)hPMQ2zn->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
187 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==3)hPMQ3zn->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
188 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==4)hPMQ4zn->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
189 EtotZN += ZDChit->fEnergy;
190 LtotZN += (ZDChit->fLightPMQ) + (ZDChit->fLightPMC);
191 LightCzn += ZDChit->fLightPMC;
192 hspotzn->Fill(ZDChit->fXImpact,ZDChit->fYImpact);
193 }
194 if(ZDChit->fVolume[0]==2) { //ZP
195 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==1)hPMQ1zp->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
196 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==2)hPMQ2zp->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
197 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==3)hPMQ3zp->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
198 if(ZDChit->fVolume[1]==4)hPMQ4zp->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMQ);
199 EtotZP += ZDChit->fEnergy;
200 LtotZP += (ZDChit->fLightPMQ) + (ZDChit->fLightPMC);
201 LightCzp += ZDChit->fLightPMC;
202 hspotzp->Fill(ZDChit->fXImpact,ZDChit->fYImpact);
203 }
204 if(ZDChit->fVolume[0]==3) { //ZEM
205 hEzem->Fill(ZDChit->fEnergy);
5a881c97 206 hPMzem->Fill(ZDChit->fLightPMC);
89cc6a31 207 hspotzem->Fill(ZDChit->fXImpact,ZDChit->fYImpact);
208 }
210 }
211 if(nhits!=0){
212 hEzn->Fill(EtotZN);
213 hLzn->Fill(LtotZN);
214 hPMCzn->Fill(LightCzn);
215 hEzp->Fill(EtotZP);
216 hLzp->Fill(LtotZP);
217 hPMCzp->Fill(LightCzp);
5a881c97 218// printf("\n Histos var -> Ezn = %f, Lzn = %f, Ezp = %f, Lzp = %f \n\n",
219// EtotZN, LtotZN, EtotZP, LtotZP);
89cc6a31 220 }
221 }//ZDC
222 }//Track loop
223 }//Hit loop
225// Control prints
228if(detector == 1){ // ZN histos
229 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ZN hits",0,10,580,700);
230 c1->cd();
231 TPad *pad1= new TPad("pad1"," ",0.01,0.51,0.99,0.99);
232 TPad *pad2= new TPad("pad2"," ",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.49);
233 TPad *pad3= new TPad("pad3"," ",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.49);
234 pad1->SetFillColor(18);
235 pad2->SetFillColor(18);
236 pad3->SetFillColor(18);
237 pad1->Draw();
238 pad2->Draw();
239 pad3->Draw();
240 pad1->cd();
241 hspotzn->Draw();
242 pad2->cd();
243 hEzn->Draw();
244 pad3->cd();
245 hPMCzn->Draw();
247 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","ZN hits",600,10,600,700);
248 c2->cd();
249 TPad *pad4= new TPad("pad4"," ",0.01,0.51,0.49,0.99);
250 TPad *pad5= new TPad("pad5"," ",0.51,0.51,0.99,0.99);
251 TPad *pad6= new TPad("pad6"," ",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.49);
252 TPad *pad7= new TPad("pad7"," ",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.49);
253 pad4->SetFillColor(18);
254 pad5->SetFillColor(18);
255 pad6->SetFillColor(18);
256 pad7->SetFillColor(18);
257 pad4->Draw();
258 pad5->Draw();
259 pad6->Draw();
260 pad7->Draw();
261 pad4->cd();
262 hPMQ1zn->Draw();
263 pad5->cd();
264 hPMQ2zn->Draw();
265 pad6->cd();
266 hPMQ3zn->Draw();
267 pad7->cd();
268 hPMQ4zn->Draw();
270 TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","ZN hits",300,10,600,700);
271 c3->cd();
272 hLzn->Draw();
275if(detector == 2){ // ZP histos
276 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ZP hits",0,10,580,700);
277 c1->cd();
278 TPad *pad1= new TPad("pad1"," ",0.01,0.51,0.99,0.99);
279 TPad *pad2= new TPad("pad2"," ",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.49);
280 TPad *pad3= new TPad("pad3"," ",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.49);
281 pad1->SetFillColor(18);
282 pad2->SetFillColor(18);
283 pad3->SetFillColor(18);
284 pad1->Draw();
285 pad2->Draw();
286 pad3->Draw();
287 pad1->cd();
288 hspotzp->Draw();
289 pad2->cd();
290 hEzp->Draw();
291 pad3->cd();
292 hPMCzp->Draw();
294 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","ZP hits",600,10,600,700);
295 c2->cd();
296 TPad *pad4= new TPad("pad4"," ",0.01,0.51,0.49,0.99);
297 TPad *pad5= new TPad("pad5"," ",0.51,0.51,0.99,0.99);
298 TPad *pad6= new TPad("pad6"," ",0.01,0.01,0.49,0.49);
299 TPad *pad7= new TPad("pad7"," ",0.51,0.01,0.99,0.49);
300 pad4->SetFillColor(18);
301 pad5->SetFillColor(18);
302 pad6->SetFillColor(18);
303 pad7->SetFillColor(18);
304 pad4->Draw();
305 pad5->Draw();
306 pad6->Draw();
307 pad7->Draw();
308 pad4->cd();
309 hPMQ1zp->Draw();
310 pad5->cd();
311 hPMQ2zp->Draw();
312 pad6->cd();
313 hPMQ3zp->Draw();
314 pad7->cd();
315 hPMQ4zp->Draw();
317 TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","ZP hits",300,10,600,700);
318 c3->cd();
319 hLzp->Draw();
322if(detector == 3){ // ZEM histos
323 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ZEM hits",0,10,580,700);
324 c1->cd();
325 TPad *pad1= new TPad("pad1"," ",0.01,0.51,0.99,0.99);
326 TPad *pad2= new TPad("pad2"," ",0.01,0.01,0.99,0.49);
327 pad1->SetFillColor(18);
328 pad2->SetFillColor(18);
329 pad1->Draw();
330 pad2->Draw();
331 pad1->cd();
332 hspotzem->Draw();
333 pad2->cd();
334 hEzem->Draw();
336 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","ZEM hits",600,10,600,700);
337 c2->cd();
338 hPMzem->Draw();
340// file->Close();