]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - macros/PlotSys.C
modified macros for getting balance function in the old way (first project over full...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / macros / PlotSys.C
6efecea1 1/*
2 Origin: marian.ivanov@cern.ch
3 Make sys watch default plots (see $ALICE_ROOT/STEER/AliSysInfo.cxx):
4 Input - syswatch.log - text log file created by process to be monitored
5 Output - syswatch.root - root files with default histograms
6 Number of top violators - only top consumer displayed
6efecea1 7 Default histogram:
ab557934 8 TOP violators - CPU and Virtual memory usage
6efecea1 9 Detector reports - CPU and Virtual memory usage per detector
ab557934 10 //
12 Example usage:
13 // 1. Initialize
6efecea1 14 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/macros/PlotSys.C+");
ab557934 15 PInit("syswatch.log","syswatch.root","syswatch.sum");
16 // 2. Make ascii report.
17 SumDetector()
18 // 3. Make histos of top violators
19 MakePlots(20);
20 // 4. Browse the results
6efecea1 21 TFile f("syswatch.root");
22 TBrowser b;
ab557934 23 */
6efecea1 24
ab557934 25#include <stdio.h>
26#include "AliReconstruction.h"
6efecea1 27#include "TMath.h"
28#include "TH1F.h"
29#include "TH2F.h"
30#include "TTree.h"
31#include "TFile.h"
32#include "TCut.h"
33#include "TStyle.h"
34#include "AliSysInfo.h"
ab557934 36const Int_t kNDetectors=AliReconstruction::kNDetectors;
37const char* fgkDetectorName[kNDetectors] = {"ITS", "TPC", "TRD", "TOF", "PHOS", "HMPID", "EMCAL", "MUON", "FMD", "ZDC", "PMD", "T0", "VZERO", "ACORDE", "HLT"};
6efecea1 41TObject * htemp;
42TTree *tree=0;
43TFile *fout=0;
ab557934 44TString sumFile;
6efecea1 45TCut cutVM("cutVM","deltaVM>10");
46TCut cutDT("cutDT","deltaT>2");
ab557934 47Int_t ctop=20;
6efecea1 48
50Float_t TopUsage(TTree* tree, const char *exp, const char*cut, Int_t order);
ab557934 51Double_t SumUsage(TTree* tree, const char *exp, const char*cut);
6efecea1 52void TopVM();
53void TopCPU();
54void TopVMDetector();
55void TopCPUDetector();
ab557934 56void SumDetector();
6efecea1 57
ab557934 58void PInit(const char *log="syswatch.log", const char *out="syswatch.root", const char * sumName="syswatch.sum"){
6efecea1 59 //
60 // Set Input output
61 //
62 tree = AliSysInfo::MakeTree(log);
63 fout = new TFile(out,"recreate");
ab557934 64 sumFile=sumName;
6efecea1 65}
ab557934 69void MakePlots(Int_t top=20){
6efecea1 70 //
71 //
72 //
73 ctop=top;
6efecea1 74 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
75 //
76 // Top users
77 //
78 TopVM();
79 TopCPU();
80 //
81 // Reports per detector
82 //
6efecea1 83 fout->cd();
ab557934 84 for (Int_t idet=0; idet<kNDetectors;idet++){
85 fout->cd();
86 fout->mkdir(fgkDetectorName[idet]);
87 }
88 TopVMDetector();
6efecea1 89 TopCPUDetector();
6efecea1 90 //
91 fout->Close();
92 ctop=top;
93 delete fout;
96void TopVM(){
97 //
98 // select top user of virtual Memory
99 // MakeReport - ASCII and histogram
100 //
101 TH1 * his=0;
102 TH2 * his2=0;
103 Float_t thVM = TopUsage(tree,"deltaVM","",ctop);
104 cutVM = TCut("cutDT",Form("deltaVM>%f",thVM));
105 //
106 //
107 printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n\n\n");
108 printf("TOP Virtual memory user\n");
ab557934 109 //tree->Scan("deltaVM:sname",cutVM,"colsize=20");
6efecea1 110 printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n\n\n");
111 //
112 tree->Draw("deltaVM:sname>>hhh","1"+cutVM,"*");
113 his2 = (TH2F*)(tree->GetHistogram())->Clone("dvmsname");
114 delete tree->GetHistogram();
115 his2->SetYTitle("Delta Virtual Memory (MBy)");
116 his2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
117 his2->SetMarkerSize(1);
118 his2->Draw("l*");
119 his2->Write("DVMvsName");
120 delete his2;
121 //
122 tree->Draw("VM:sname>>hhh","id2<3"+cutVM,"*");
123 his2 = (TH2F*)(tree->GetHistogram())->Clone("vmsname");
124 delete tree->GetHistogram();
125 his2->SetYTitle("Delta Virtual Memory (MBy)");
126 his2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
127 his2->SetMarkerSize(1);
128 his2->Draw("l*");
129 his2->Write("VMvsName");
130 delete his2;
131 //
132 //
133 tree->Draw("VM:T>>hhh","deltaVM>1","line*");
134 his = (TH1*)tree->GetHistogram()->Clone("vmt");
135 delete tree->GetHistogram();
136 his->SetXTitle("Time (sec)");
137 his->SetYTitle("Virtual Memory (MBy)");
138 his->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
139 his->SetMarkerStyle(22);
140 his->SetMarkerSize(1);
141 his->Draw();
142 his->Write("VMvsTime");
143 delete his;
146void TopCPU(){
147 //
148 // select top user of CPU
149 // MakeReport - ASCII and histogram
150 //
151 TH2 * his2=0;
152 Float_t thDT = TopUsage(tree,"deltaT","id2<3",ctop);
153 cutDT = TCut("cutDT",Form("deltaT>%f",thDT));
154 //
155 printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
156 printf("/n/n/nTOP CPU user\n");
ab557934 157 //tree->Scan("deltaT:sname",cutDT,"colsize=20");
6efecea1 158 printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
159 //
160 tree->Draw("deltaT:sname>>hhh","id2<3"+cutDT,"*");
161 his2 = (TH2F*)(tree->GetHistogram())->Clone("tsname");
162 delete tree->GetHistogram();
163 his2->SetName("VMsanme");
164 his2->SetYTitle("Delta CPU time(sec)");
165 his2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
166 his2->SetMarkerSize(1);
167 his2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
168 his2->Draw("l*");
169 his2->Write("CPUvsName");
170 delete his2;
174void TopVMDetector(){
175 //
176 // Draw usage of VM
177 //
178 TH2 * his2=0;
179 //
180 //
181 //detector part
182 //
ab557934 183 for (Int_t idet=0; idet<kNDetectors; idet++){
184 fout->cd();
185 fout->cd(fgkDetectorName[idet]);
6efecea1 186 char cdet[100];
187 char cdvm[100];
188 sprintf(cdet,"id0==%d",idet);
189 char expr[100];
190 sprintf(expr,"deltaVM:sname>>hhh");
191 //
192 Float_t thDVM = TopUsage(tree,"deltaVM",cdet,ctop);
ab557934 193 sprintf(cdvm,"%s&&deltaVM>%f",cdet, thDVM);
6efecea1 194 //
ab557934 195 tree->Draw(expr,cdvm,"GOFF");
6efecea1 196 his2 = (TH2F*)(tree->GetHistogram())->Clone("xxx");
197 delete tree->GetHistogram();
198 his2->SetYTitle("Delta Virtual Memory (MBy)");
199 his2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
200 his2->SetMarkerSize(1);
ab557934 201 //his2->Draw("l*");
6efecea1 202 his2->Write(Form("DVMvsName_%d",idet));
203 delete his2;
204 //
205 //
206 sprintf(expr,"VM:sname>>hhh");
ab557934 207 tree->Draw(expr,cdvm,"goff");
6efecea1 208 his2 = (TH2F*)(tree->GetHistogram())->Clone("yyy");
209 delete tree->GetHistogram();
210 his2->SetYTitle("Delta Virtual Memory (MBy)");
211 his2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
212 his2->SetMarkerSize(1);
ab557934 213 //his2->Draw("l*");
6efecea1 214 his2->Write(Form("VMvsName_%d",idet));
215 delete his2;
216 }
ab557934 217 fout->cd();
6efecea1 218}
222void TopCPUDetector(){
223 //
224 // Draw usage of CPU
225 //
226 TH2 * his2=0;
227 //
228 //
229 // CPU
230 //
ab557934 231 for (Int_t idet=0; idet<kNDetectors; idet++){
232 fout->cd();
233 fout->cd(fgkDetectorName[idet]);
6efecea1 234 char cdet[100];
235 char cdtime[100];
236 sprintf(cdet,"id0==%d",idet);
237 char expr[100];
238 sprintf(expr,"deltaT:sname>>hhh");
239 //
240 Float_t thDT = TopUsage(tree,"deltaT",cdet,ctop);
241 sprintf(cdtime,"%s&&deltaT>%f",cdet, thDT);
242 //
ab557934 243 tree->Draw(expr,cdtime,"goff");
6efecea1 244 his2 = (TH2F*)(tree->GetHistogram())->Clone("dtsname");
245 delete tree->GetHistogram();
246 his2->SetYTitle("Delta CPU time(sec)");
247 his2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
248 his2->SetMarkerSize(1);
249 his2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
ab557934 250 //his2->Draw("l*");
6efecea1 251 his2->Write(Form("CPUvsName_%d",idet));
252 delete his2;
253 }
ab557934 254 fout->cd();
257void SumDetector(){
258 //
259 // Sum - detector information
260 //
261 FILE * pFile;
262 pFile = fopen (sumFile,"w");
263 char cdet[100];
264 char expr[100];
265 sprintf(cdet,"id0>=0&&id2>=0");
266 Double_t sumdTAll = SumUsage(tree,"deltaT",cdet);
267 Double_t sumdVMAll = SumUsage(tree,"deltaVM",cdet);
268 printf("%s%s%s%s%s\n","Det/C:","sumDt/F:","sumDvm/F:","fracDt/F:","fracDvm/F");
269 printf("%s\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\n","all", sumdTAll,sumdVMAll,100.,100.);
270 fprintf(pFile,"%s%s%s%s%s\n","Det/C:","sumDt/F:","sumDvm/F:","fracDt/F:","fracDvm/F");
271 fprintf(pFile,"%s\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\n","all", sumdTAll,sumdVMAll,100.,100.);
272 for (Int_t idet=0; idet<kNDetectors; idet++){
273 sprintf(cdet,"id0==%d&&id2>=0",idet);
274 sprintf(expr,"deltaT:sname>>hhh");
275 Double_t sumdT = SumUsage(tree,"deltaT",cdet);
276 Double_t sumdVM = SumUsage(tree,"deltaVM",cdet);
277 printf("%s\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\n",fgkDetectorName[idet], sumdT,sumdVM,100.*sumdT/sumdTAll, 100.*sumdVM/sumdVMAll);
278 fprintf(pFile,"%s\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\n",fgkDetectorName[idet], sumdT,sumdVM,100.*sumdT/sumdTAll, 100.*sumdVM/sumdVMAll);
279 }
280 fclose (pFile);
6efecea1 281}
ab557934 283
6efecea1 284
288Float_t TopUsage(TTree* tree, const char *exp, const char*cut, Int_t order){
289 //
290 //
291 // Find value for given order
292 // Used to select top violator
293 //
294 Int_t entries = tree->Draw(Form("%s>>hhh1",exp),cut,"goff");
295 if (entries<=1) {
296 if (tree->GetHistogram()) delete tree->GetHistogram();
297 printf("%s\t No entries\n",cut);
298 return -10000;
299 }
300 if (!tree->GetV1()) {
301 printf("%s\t No entries\n",cut);
302 return -10000;
303 }
304 Int_t *index = new Int_t[entries];
305 TMath::Sort(entries, tree->GetV1(), index);
306 Int_t oindex = TMath::Min(order, entries);
307 Float_t val = tree->GetV1()[index[oindex-1]];
308 if (tree->GetHistogram()) delete tree->GetHistogram();
309 delete [] index;
310 return val;
ab557934 312
314Double_t SumUsage(TTree* tree, const char *exp, const char*cut){
315 //
316 // return sum of usage
317 //
318 Int_t entries = tree->Draw(Form("%s",exp),cut,"goff");
319 if (entries==0) return 0;
320 Double_t mean = TMath::Mean(entries, tree->GetV1());
321 return entries*mean;