]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - test/QA/menuQA.C
Coverity fix
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / test / QA / menuQA.C
384c0618 1/*
2 * menuQA.C
3 *
4 *
5 * Created by schutz on 01/08/08.
6 * Copyright 2008 CERN. All rights reserved.
7 *fQA
8 */
9gROOT->Reset("a") ;
11TControlBar * fQA = NULL ;
12TControlBar * fDet = NULL ;
13TControlBar * fHist = NULL ;
f889de31 14const Int_t fRun = atoi(gSystem->Getenv("RUNNUM")) ;
384c0618 15AliQA * fQAResult = NULL ;
16TCanvas * fCa = NULL ;
18void menuQA()
20 cout << AliQA::GetQAResultFileName() << endl ;
21 TFile * qaResultFile = TFile::Open("QA.root") ; //AliQA::GetQAResultFileName() ) ;
22 if ( ! qaResultFile ) {
23 printf("File %s not found in current directory\n", AliQA::GetQAResultFileName() ) ;
24 return ;
25 }
26 fQAResult = (AliQA *)qaResultFile->Get("QA") ;
27 if ( ! fQAResult ) {
28 printf("QA object not found in %s\n", AliQA::GetQAResultFileName() ) ;
29 return ;
30 }
32 TFile * qaDataFile = TFile::Open(Form("Merged.QA.%d.root", fRun)) ;
33 if ( ! qaDataFile ) {
34 printf("File Merged.QA.%d.root not found in current directory\n", fRun) ;
35 return ;
36 }
37 if (fQA)
38 delete fQA ;
72b79cf7 39 fQA = new TControlBar("vertical", Form("Active detectors in Run %d", fRun), 40, 20);
40 fQA->SetButtonWidth(400) ;
384c0618 41 fQA->AddButton("Clean Screen", "Cls()", "Clean the screen");
42 // search active detectors
43 TList * listOfDetectors = qaDataFile->GetListOfKeys() ;
44 for (Int_t det = 0 ; det < listOfDetectors->GetEntries() ; det++) {
45 char * detName = listOfDetectors->At(det)->GetName() ;
46 if (fQAResult->IsSetAny(AliQA::GetDetIndex(detName)))
a0e083a2 47 char * buttonName = Form("QA SIGNALS ERROR !! : %s", detName) ;
384c0618 48 else
49 char * buttonName = Form("QA OK : %s", detName) ;
50 fQA->AddButton(buttonName, Form("MakeDetMenu(\"%s\")", detName), Form("Display the QA histograms for %s", detName));
51 }
52 fQA->Show();
55void MakeDetMenu(char * detName)
57 if (fDet)
58 delete fDet ;
59 if (fHist)
60 delete fHist ;
61 if (fCa)
62 delete fCa ;
72b79cf7 63 fDet = new TControlBar("vertical", detName, 9000, 8000);
64 fDet->SetButtonWidth(300) ;
384c0618 65 // serach all the QA tasks
66 TDirectory * save = gDirectory ;
67 gDirectory->cd(detName) ;
68 TList * listOfTasks = gDirectory->GetListOfKeys() ;
69 for (Int_t task = 0 ; task < listOfTasks->GetEntries() ; task++) {
f889de31 70 TString taskName = listOfTasks->At(task)->GetName() ;
71 AliQA::ALITASK_t tt = AliQA::kNULLTASK ;
72 if (taskName.Contains(AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kRAWS)) )
73 tt = AliQA::kRAW ;
74 else if (taskName.Contains(AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kRECPOINTS)) ||
1f76df3f 75 taskName.Contains(AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kESDS)) )
f889de31 76 tt = AliQA::kREC ;
77 else if (taskName.Contains(AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kHITS)) ||
78 taskName.Contains(AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kSDIGITS)) ||
79 taskName.Contains(AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kDIGITS)) )
80 tt = AliQA::kSIM ;
81 if (fQAResult->IsSetAny(AliQA::GetDetIndex(detName), tt))
a0e083a2 82 char * buttonName = Form("QA SIGNALS ERROR!! : %s", taskName.Data()) ;
384c0618 83 else
f889de31 84 char * buttonName = Form("QA OK : %s", taskName.Data()) ;
85 fDet->AddButton(buttonName, Form("MakeTaskMenu(\"%s\", \"%s\")", detName, taskName.Data()), Form("Display the QA histograms for %s", taskName.Data()));
384c0618 86 }
87 fDet->Show() ;
88 gDirectory = save ;
91void MakeTaskMenu(char * detName, char * taskName )
93 if (fHist)
94 delete fHist ;
95 if (fCa)
96 delete fCa ;
384c0618 97 TDirectory * save = gDirectory ;
98 gDirectory->cd(Form("%s/%s", detName, taskName)) ;
99 TList * listOfHistos = gDirectory->GetListOfKeys() ;
a0e083a2 100 if ( listOfHistos->GetEntries() == 0 ) {
101 printf(" no histograms found for %s/%s\n", detName, taskName) ;
102 } else {
103 fHist = new TControlBar("vertical", Form("QA histos for %s/%s", detName, taskName), 900, 300);
104 fHist->SetButtonWidth(300) ;
105 fHist->AddButton("ALL", Form("DisplayAll(\"%s\", \"%s\")", detName, taskName), Form("Display the QA histograms for %s", detName));
106 for (Int_t h = 0 ; h < listOfHistos->GetEntries() ; h++) {
107 char * hName = listOfHistos->At(h)->GetName() ;
108 fHist->AddButton(hName, Form("Display(\"%s\")", hName), Form("Display the QA histograms %s", hName));
109 }
110 fHist->Show() ;
111 }
384c0618 112 gDirectory = save ;
116void Display(char * hName)
118 if (fCa)
119 delete fCa ;
120 cout << Display << " " << hName << endl ;
121 fCa = new TCanvas(hName, "test", 800, 600) ;
122 fCa->SetLogy() ;
123 TH1 * hh = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(gDirectory->FindObjectAny(hName));
124 if (hh) {
125 hh->Draw() ;
126 fCa->Modified() ;
127 fCa->Update() ;
128 }
131void DisplayAll(char * detName, char * taskName)
133 cout << Display << " " << detName << endl ;
134 TDirectory * save = gDirectory ;
135 gDirectory->cd(Form("%s/%s", detName, taskName)) ;
136 TList * listOfHistos = gDirectory->GetListOfKeys() ;
137 Int_t nHisto = listOfHistos->GetEntries() ;
a0e083a2 138 if ( nHisto == 0 ) {
139 printf(" no histograms found for %s/%s\n", detName, taskName) ;
140 } else {
141 Int_t ny = TMath::Sqrt(nHisto) ;
142 Int_t nx = 1 ;
143 if ( ny > 0 )
144 nx = nHisto / ny + 1 ;
145 if (fCa)
146 delete fCa ;
147 fCa = new TCanvas(Form("QA %s in %s", taskName, detName), Form("QA %s in %s", taskName, detName), nx*300, ny*300) ;
148 fCa->Divide(nx, ny) ;
149 for (Int_t h = 0 ; h < listOfHistos->GetEntries() ; h++) {
150 char * hName = listOfHistos->At(h)->GetName() ;
151 TH1 * hh = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(gDirectory->FindObjectAny(hName));
152 TPad * pad = fCa->cd(h+1) ;
153 if (hh) {
154 if ( hh->GetEntries())
155 pad->SetLogy() ;
156 hh->Draw() ;
157 fCa->Modified() ;
158 fCa->Update() ;
159 }
384c0618 160 }
a0e083a2 161 fCa->Modified() ;
162 fCa->Update() ;
384c0618 163 }
384c0618 164 gDirectory = save ;
167void Cls()
169 if (fDet)
170 delete fDet ;
171 if (fHist)
172 delete fHist ;
173 if (fCa)
174 delete fCa ;