]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - EMCAL/AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module.h
protection + extension of Nch weights to 100
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EMCAL / AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module.h
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4/* Copyright(c) 1998-2010, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7/* $Id$ */
9// Main class for TRD1 geometry of Shish-Kebab case.
10// Author: Alexei Pavlinov(WSU).
11// Nov 2004; Feb 2006; Apr 2010; Oct 23, 2010
13#include <TNamed.h>
14#include <TMath.h>
15#include <TVector2.h>
17class AliEMCALEMCGeometry;
19class AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module : public TNamed {
20 public:
21 AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module(Double_t theta=0.0, AliEMCALEMCGeometry *g=0);
22 AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module(AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module &leftNeighbor);
23 void Init(Double_t A, Double_t B);
24 void DefineAllStaff();
25 AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module(const AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module& mod);
27 AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module & operator = (const AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module& /*rvalue*/) {
28 Fatal("operator =", "not implemented") ;
29 return *this ;
30 }
32 virtual ~AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module(void) {}
33 Bool_t GetParameters();
34 void DefineName(Double_t theta);
35 void DefineFirstModule(const Int_t key=0); // key=0-zero tilt of first module
37 Double_t GetTheta() const {return fTheta;}
38 TVector2& GetCenterOfModule() {return fOK;}
40 Double_t GetPosX() const {return fOK.Y();}
41 Double_t GetPosZ() const {return fOK.X();}
42 Double_t GetPosXfromR() const {return fOK.Y() - fgr;}
43 Double_t GetA() const {return fA;}
44 Double_t GetB() const {return fB;}
45 Double_t GetRadius() const {return fgr;}
46 TVector2 GetORB() const {return fORB;}
47 TVector2 GetORT() const {return fORT;}
48 // Additional offline staff
49 // ieta=0 or 1 - Jun 02, 2006
50 TVector2& GetCenterOfCellInLocalCoordinateofSM(Int_t ieta)
51 {
52 if(ieta<=0) return fOK2;
53 else return fOK1;
54 }
55 void GetCenterOfCellInLocalCoordinateofSM(Int_t ieta, Double_t &xr, Double_t &zr, Int_t pri=0) const
56 {
57 if(ieta<=0) {xr = fOK2.Y(); zr = fOK2.X();
58 } else {xr = fOK1.Y(); zr = fOK1.X();
59 }
60 if(pri>0) printf(" %s ieta %2.2i xr %8.4f zr %8.4f \n", GetName(), ieta, xr, zr);
61 }
62 void GetCenterOfCellInLocalCoordinateofSM3X3(Int_t ieta, Double_t &xr, Double_t &zr) const
63 { // 3X3 case - Nov 9,2006
64 if(ieta < 0) ieta = 0; //ieta = ieta<0? ieta=0 : ieta; // check index
65 if(ieta > 2) ieta = 2; //ieta = ieta>2? ieta=2 : ieta;
66 xr = fOK3X3[2-ieta].Y(); zr = fOK3X3[2-ieta].X();
67 }
68 void GetCenterOfCellInLocalCoordinateofSM1X1(Double_t &xr, Double_t &zr) const
69 { // 1X1 case - Nov 27,2006 // Center of cell is center of module
70 xr = fOK.Y() - fgr;
71 zr = fOK.X();
72 }
73 // 15-may-06
74 TVector2& GetCenterOfModuleFace() {return fOB;}
75 TVector2& GetCenterOfModuleFace(Int_t ieta) {
76 if(ieta<=0) return fOB2;
77 else return fOB1;
78 }
79 // Jul 30, 2007
80 void GetPositionAtCenterCellLine(Int_t ieta, Double_t dist, TVector2 &v);
81 //
82 Double_t GetTanBetta() const {return fgtanBetta;}
83 Double_t Getb() const {return fgb;}
84 // service methods
85 void PrintShish(Int_t pri=1) const; // *MENU*
86 Double_t GetThetaInDegree() const;
87 Double_t GetEtaOfCenterOfModule() const;
88 Double_t GetMaxEtaOfModule(int pri=0) const;
89 static Double_t ThetaToEta(Double_t theta)
90 {return -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(theta/2.));}
92 protected:
93 // geometry info
94 AliEMCALEMCGeometry *fGeometry; //!
95 static Double_t fga; // 2*dx1=2*dy1
96 static Double_t fga2; // 2*dx2
97 static Double_t fgb; // 2*dz1
98 static Double_t fgangle; // in rad (1.5 degree)
99 static Double_t fgtanBetta; // tan(fgangle/2.)
100 static Double_t fgr; // radius to IP
102 TVector2 fOK; // position the module center in ALICE system; x->y; z->x;
103 Double_t fA; // parameters of right line : y = A*z + B
104 Double_t fB; // system where zero point is IP.
105 Double_t fThetaA; // angle coresponding fA - for convinience
106 Double_t fTheta; // theta angle of perpendicular to SK module
107 // position of towers(cells) with differents ieta (1 or 2) in local coordinate of SM
108 // Nov 04,2004; Feb 19,2006
109 TVector2 fOK1; // ieta=1
110 TVector2 fOK2; // ieta=0
111 // May 13, 2006; local position of module (cells) center face
112 TVector2 fOB; // module
113 TVector2 fOB1; // ieta=1
114 TVector2 fOB2; // ieta=0
115 // Jul 30, 2007
116 Double_t fThetaOB1; // theta of cell center line (go through OB1)
117 Double_t fThetaOB2; // theta of cell center line (go through OB2)
118 // 3X3 case - Nov 9,2006
119 TVector2 fOK3X3[3];
120 // Apr 14, 2010 - checking of geometry
121 TVector2 fORB; // position of right/bottom point of module
122 TVector2 fORT; // position of right/top point of module
123 // public:
124 ClassDef(AliEMCALShishKebabTrd1Module, 5) // TRD1 Shish-Kebab module