]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - FASTSIM/AliFastMuonTriggerEff.h
No HLT specific for HMPID (not needed)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FASTSIM / AliFastMuonTriggerEff.h
... / ...
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
7// Class for the fast simulation of the muon trigger efficiency
8// The trigger parametrization is computed for background levels 0., 0.5 and 1.
9// In order to set a background level different from 0 it is necessary to
10// explicitly force it with:
11// ForceBkgLevel(BkgLevel).
12// For intermediate background levels, the trigger response is linearly
13// interpolated between these values.
14// There is increased granularity in the pT region below 3 GeV. Although
15// it does not seem to be necessary it is also possible to interpolate
16// between pT bins using SetInt().
17// Author: Pietro Cortese (Universita' del Piemonte Orientale - Alessandria
18// and INFN of Torino)
20#include <AliFastResponse.h>
21#include <TString.h>
23class TH3F;
24class TAxis;
26// Debugging flag
27//#define MYTRIGDEBUG
29enum CutTupe {kLow, kHigh, kAny};
31class AliFastMuonTriggerEff : public AliFastResponse {
33 public:
34 AliFastMuonTriggerEff();
35 AliFastMuonTriggerEff(const char* /*Name*/, const char* /*Title*/);
36 AliFastMuonTriggerEff(const AliFastMuonTriggerEff& eff);
37 virtual ~AliFastMuonTriggerEff(){;}
38 virtual void Init();
39 virtual void Evaluate(Float_t charge, Float_t pt, Float_t theta, Float_t phi,
40 Float_t& effLow, Float_t& effHigh, Float_t& effAny);
41 virtual void Evaluate(Float_t pt, Float_t theta, Float_t phi,
42 Float_t& effLow, Float_t& effHigh, Float_t& effAny)
43 {Evaluate(1., pt, theta, phi, effLow, effHigh, effAny);}
44 virtual Float_t Evaluate(Float_t charge, Float_t pt, Float_t theta, Float_t phi);
46 virtual void SetCut(Int_t cut = kLow);
47 virtual Float_t Cut() const {return fCut;}
48 virtual Int_t SetBkgLevel(Float_t Bkg=0.);
49 virtual Int_t ForceBkgLevel(Float_t Bkg=0.);
50 virtual Float_t GetBkgLevel() const {return fBkg;}
51 Int_t LoadTables(Char_t *namet); // Load trigger response tables
52 void SetInt() {fInt=1;}
53 void UnsetInt() {fInt=0;}
54 Int_t GetInt() const {return fInt;}
55 // Copy
56 AliFastMuonTriggerEff& operator=(const AliFastMuonTriggerEff& rhs);
57 protected:
58 Double_t fPtMin; // Minimun pt
59 Double_t fPtMax; // Maximum pt
60 Double_t fDpt; // Delta_pt
61 Int_t fnptb; // Number of bins
62 Double_t fPhiMin; // Lower limit for phi
63 Double_t fPhiMax; // Upper limit for phi
64 Double_t fDphi; // Delta_phi
65 Int_t fnphib; // Number of bins
66 Double_t fThetaMin; // lower limit for theta
67 Double_t fThetaMax; // upper limit for theta
68 Double_t fDtheta; // Delta_theta
69 Int_t fnthetab; // Number of bins
70 Int_t fCut; // Cut type (low/high)
71 Int_t fZones; // Total number of zones
72 TH3F* fhEffAPt; // Trig. prob. for Any Pt
73 TH3F* fhEffLPt; // Trig. prob. for Low Pt
74 TH3F* fhEffHPt; // Trig. prob. for High Pt
75 TAxis* fhLX; // x-axis
76 TAxis* fhLY; // y-axis
77 TAxis* fhLZ; // z-axis
78 Float_t fBkg; // Background level
79 TString fTableTitle; // Title of the LUT
80 TString fDescription; // Description of the table content
81 Int_t fInt; // Interpolation flag (1 to interpolate)
82 private:
83 Int_t fibx; // index x
84 Int_t fiby; // index y
85 Int_t fibz; // index z
86 ClassDef(AliFastMuonTriggerEff,1) // Fast Muon Trigger response