]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - FMD/AliFMDRawReader.cxx
Creating the TOFQA.root file before the QA histograms and the calibration tree (Chiara)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / AliFMDRawReader.cxx
... / ...
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
15/* $Id$ */
16/** @file AliFMDRawReader.cxx
17 @author Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
18 @date Mon Mar 27 12:45:23 2006
19 @brief Class to read raw data
20 @ingroup FMD_rec
24// Class to read ADC values from a AliRawReader object.
26// This class uses the AliFMDRawStreamer class to read the ALTRO
27// formatted data.
29// +-------+
30// | TTask |
31// +-------+
32// ^
33// |
34// +-----------------+ <<references>> +--------------+
35// | AliFMDRawReader |<>----------------| AliRawReader |
36// +-----------------+ +--------------+
37// | ^
38// | <<uses>> |
39// V |
40// +-----------------+ <<uses>> |
41// | AliFMDRawStream |------------------------+
42// +-----------------+
43// |
44// V
45// +----------------+
46// | AliAltroStream |
47// +----------------+
49// #include <AliLog.h> // ALILOG_H
50#include "AliFMDDebug.h" // Better debug macros
51#include "AliFMDParameters.h" // ALIFMDPARAMETERS_H
52#include "AliFMDDigit.h" // ALIFMDDIGIT_H
53#include "AliFMDRawStream.h" // ALIFMDRAWSTREAM_H
54#include "AliRawReader.h" // ALIRAWREADER_H
55#include "AliFMDRawReader.h" // ALIFMDRAWREADER_H
56#include "AliFMDDebug.h"
57#include "AliFMDCalibSampleRate.h"
58#include "AliFMDCalibStripRange.h"
59// #include "AliFMDAltroIO.h" // ALIFMDALTROIO_H
60#include <TArrayS.h> // ROOT_TArrayS
61#include <TTree.h> // ROOT_TTree
62#include <TClonesArray.h> // ROOT_TClonesArray
63#include <TString.h>
64 #include <iostream>
65// #include <iomanip>
69#if 0
70 ; // This is here to keep Emacs for indenting the next line
74AliFMDRawReader::AliFMDRawReader(AliRawReader* reader, TTree* tree)
75 : TTask("FMDRawReader", "Reader of Raw ADC values from the FMD"),
76 fTree(tree),
77 fReader(reader),
78 fSampleRate(1),
79 fData(0),
80 fNbytes(0)
82 // Default CTOR
89 // Read the data
90 TClonesArray* array = new TClonesArray("AliFMDDigit");
91 if (!fTree) {
92 AliError("No tree");
93 return;
94 }
95 fTree->Branch("FMD", &array);
98 ReadAdcs(array);
99 Int_t nWrite = fTree->Fill();
100 AliFMDDebug(1, ("Got a grand total of %d digits, wrote %d bytes to tree",
101 array->GetEntriesFast(), nWrite));
105#if 1
108AliFMDRawReader::ReadAdcs(TClonesArray* array)
111 fReader->Select("FMD");
112 // Read raw data into the digits array, using AliFMDAltroReader.
113 if (!array) {
114 AliError("No TClonesArray passed");
115 return kFALSE;
116 }
117 // if (!fReader->ReadHeader()) {
118 // AliError("Couldn't read header");
119 // return kFALSE;
120 // }
121 // Get sample rate
122 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
123 AliFMDRawStream input(fReader);
124 AliFMDDebug(5, ("Setting 7 word headers"));
125 input.SetShortDataHeader(!pars->HasCompleteHeader());
127 UShort_t stripMin = 0;
128 UShort_t stripMax = 127;
129 UShort_t preSamp = 14+5;
131 UInt_t ddl = 0;
132 UInt_t rate = 0;
133 UInt_t last = 0;
134 UInt_t hwaddr = 0;
135 // Data array is approx twice the size needed.
136 UShort_t data[2048];
138 Bool_t isGood = kTRUE;
139 while (isGood) {
140 isGood = input.ReadChannel(ddl, hwaddr, last, data);
141 // if (!isGood) break;
142 if (ddl >= UInt_t(-1)) {
143 AliFMDDebug(5, ("At end of event with %d digits",
144 array->GetEntriesFast()));
145 break;
146 }
148 AliFMDDebug(5, ("Read channel 0x%x of size %d", hwaddr, last));
149 UShort_t det, sec, str;
150 Char_t ring;
151 if (!pars->Hardware2Detector(ddl, hwaddr, det, ring, sec, str)) {
152 AliError(Form("Failed to get detector id from DDL %d "
153 "and hardware address 0x%x", ddl, hwaddr));
154 continue;
155 }
157 rate = pars->GetSampleRate(det, ring, sec, str);
158 stripMin = pars->GetMinStrip(det, ring, sec, str);
159 stripMax = pars->GetMaxStrip(det, ring, sec, str);
160 preSamp = pars->GetPreSamples(det, ring, sec, str);
161 AliFMDDebug(5, ("DDL 0x%04x, address 0x%03x maps to FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d]",
162 ddl, hwaddr, det, ring, sec, str));
164 // Loop over the `timebins', and make the digits
165 for (size_t i = 0; i < last; i++) {
166 if (i < preSamp) continue;
167 Int_t n = array->GetEntriesFast();
168 Short_t curStr = str + stripMin + (i-preSamp) / rate;
169 if ((curStr-str) > stripMax) {
170 // AliInfo(Form("timebin %4d -> (%3d+%3d+(%4d-%d)/%d) -> %d",
171 // i, str, stripMin, i, preSamp, rate, curStr));
172 // AliError(Form("Current strip is %3d (0x%04x,0x%03x,%4d) "
173 // "but DB says max is %3d (rate=%d)",
174 // curStr, ddl, hwaddr, i, str+stripMax, rate));
175 // Garbage timebins - ignore
176 continue;
177 }
178 AliFMDDebug(5, ("making digit for FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d] from sample %4d",
179 det, ring, sec, curStr, i));
180 new ((*array)[n]) AliFMDDigit(det, ring, sec, curStr, data[i],
181 (rate >= 2 ? data[i+1] : 0),
182 (rate >= 3 ? data[i+2] : 0),
183 (rate >= 4 ? data[i+3] : 0));
184 if (rate >= 2) i++;
185 if (rate >= 3) i++;
186 if (rate >= 4) i++;
187 }
188 }
189 return kTRUE;
194AliFMDRawReader::ReadAdcs(TClonesArray* array)
196 // Read raw data into the digits array, using AliFMDAltroReader.
197 if (!array) {
198 AliError("No TClonesArray passed");
199 return kFALSE;
200 }
201 // if (!fReader->ReadHeader()) {
202 // AliError("Couldn't read header");
203 // return kFALSE;
204 // }
205 // Get sample rate
206 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
208 // Select FMD DDL's
209 fReader->Select("FMD");
211 UShort_t stripMin = 0;
212 UShort_t stripMax = 127;
213 UShort_t preSamp = 0;
215 do {
216 UChar_t* cdata;
217 if (!fReader->ReadNextData(cdata)) break;
218 size_t nchar = fReader->GetDataSize();
219 UShort_t ddl = fReader->GetDDLID();
220 UShort_t rate = 0;
221 AliFMDDebug(1, ("Reading %d bytes (%d 10bit words) from %d",
222 nchar, nchar * 8 / 10, ddl));
223 // Make a stream to read from
224 std::string str((char*)(cdata), nchar);
225 std::istringstream s(str);
226 // Prep the reader class.
227 AliFMDAltroReader r(s);
228 // Data array is approx twice the size needed.
229 UShort_t data[2048], hwaddr, last;
230 while (r.ReadChannel(hwaddr, last, data) > 0) {
231 AliFMDDebug(5, ("Read channel 0x%x of size %d", hwaddr, last));
232 UShort_t det, sec, str;
233 Char_t ring;
234 if (!pars->Hardware2Detector(ddl, hwaddr, det, ring, sec, str)) {
235 AliError(Form("Failed to detector id from DDL %d "
236 "and hardware address 0x%x", ddl, hwaddr));
237 continue;
238 }
239 rate = pars->GetSampleRate(det, ring, sec, str);
240 stripMin = pars->GetMinStrip(det, ring, sec, str);
241 stripMax = pars->GetMaxStrip(det, ring, sec, str);
242 AliFMDDebug(5, ("DDL 0x%04x, address 0x%03x maps to FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d]",
243 ddl, hwaddr, det, ring, sec, str));
245 // Loop over the `timebins', and make the digits
246 for (size_t i = 0; i < last; i++) {
247 if (i < preSamp) continue;
248 Int_t n = array->GetEntries();
249 UShort_t curStr = str + stripMin + i / rate;
250 if ((curStr-str) > stripMax) {
251 AliError(Form("Current strip is %d but DB says max is %d",
252 curStr, stripMax));
253 }
254 AliFMDDebug(5, ("making digit for FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d] from sample %4d",
255 det, ring, sec, curStr, i));
256 new ((*array)[n]) AliFMDDigit(det, ring, sec, curStr, data[i],
257 (rate >= 2 ? data[i+1] : 0),
258 (rate >= 3 ? data[i+2] : 0));
259 if (rate >= 2) i++;
260 if (rate >= 3) i++;
261 }
262 if (r.IsBof()) break;
263 }
264 } while (true);
265 return kTRUE;
270// This is the old method, for comparison. It's really ugly, and far
271// too convoluted.
276 // Read raw data into the digits array
277 // if (!fReader->ReadHeader()) {
278 // Error("ReadAdcs", "Couldn't read header");
279 // return;
280 // }
282 Int_t n = 0;
283 TClonesArray* array = new TClonesArray("AliFMDDigit");
284 fTree->Branch("FMD", &array);
286 // Get sample rate
287 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
288 fSampleRate = pars->GetSampleRate(0);
290 // Use AliAltroRawStream to read the ALTRO format. No need to
291 // reinvent the wheel :-)
292 AliFMDRawStream input(fReader, fSampleRate);
293 // Select FMD DDL's
294 fReader->Select("FMD");
296 Int_t oldDDL = -1;
297 Int_t count = 0;
298 UShort_t detector = 1; // Must be one here
299 UShort_t oldDetector = 0;
300 Bool_t next = kTRUE;
302 // local Cache
303 TArrayI counts(10);
304 counts.Reset(-1);
306 // Loop over data in file
307 while (next) {
308 next = input.Next();
310 count++;
311 Int_t ddl = fReader->GetDDLID();
312 AliFMDDebug(10, ("Current DDL is %d", ddl));
313 if (ddl != oldDDL || input.IsNewStrip() || !next) {
314 // Make a new digit, if we have some data (oldDetector == 0,
315 // means that we haven't really read anything yet - that is,
316 // it's the first time we get here).
317 if (oldDetector > 0) {
318 // Got a new strip.
319 AliFMDDebug(10, ("Add a new strip: FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d] "
320 "(current: FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d])",
321 oldDetector, input.PrevRing(),
322 input.PrevSector() , input.PrevStrip(),
323 detector , input.Ring(), input.Sector(),
324 input.Strip()));
325 new ((*array)[n]) AliFMDDigit(oldDetector,
326 input.PrevRing(),
327 input.PrevSector(),
328 input.PrevStrip(),
329 counts[0], counts[1], counts[2]);
330 n++;
331#if 0
332 AliFMDDigit* digit =
333 static_cast<AliFMDDigit*>(fFMD->Digits()->
334 UncheckedAt(fFMD->GetNdigits()-1));
336 }
338 if (!next) {
339 AliFMDDebug(10, ("Read %d channels for FMD%d",
340 count + 1, detector));
341 break;
342 }
345 // If we got a new DDL, it means we have a new detector.
346 if (ddl != oldDDL) {
347 if (detector != 0)
348 AliFMDDebug(10, ("Read %d channels for FMD%d", count + 1, detector));
349 // Reset counts, and update the DDL cache
350 count = 0;
351 oldDDL = ddl;
352 // Check that we're processing a FMD detector
353 Int_t detId = fReader->GetDetectorID();
354 if (detId != (AliDAQ::DetectorID("FMD"))) {
355 AliError(Form("Detector ID %d != %d",
356 detId, (AliDAQ::DetectorID("FMD"))));
357 break;
358 }
359 // Figure out what detector we're deling with
360 oldDetector = detector;
361 switch (ddl) {
362 case 0: detector = 1; break;
363 case 1: detector = 2; break;
364 case 2: detector = 3; break;
365 default:
366 AliError(Form("Unknown DDL 0x%x for FMD", ddl));
367 return;
368 }
369 AliFMDDebug(10, ("Reading ADCs for 0x%x - That is FMD%d",
370 fReader->GetEquipmentId(), detector));
371 }
372 counts.Reset(-1);
373 }
375 counts[input.Sample()] = input.Count();
377 AliFMDDebug(10, ("ADC of FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d] += %d",
378 detector, input.Ring(), input.Sector(),
379 input.Strip(), input.Count()));
380 oldDetector = detector;
381 }
382 fTree->Fill();
383 return;
388Bool_t AliFMDRawReader::ReadSODevent(AliFMDCalibSampleRate* sampleRate,
389 AliFMDCalibStripRange* stripRange,
390 TArrayS &pulseSize,
391 TArrayS &pulseLength) {
393 AliFMDDebug(0, ("Start of SOD/EOD"));
395 UInt_t shift_clk[18];
396 UInt_t sample_clk[18];
397 UInt_t strip_low[18];
398 UInt_t strip_high[18];
399 UInt_t pulse_size[18];
400 UInt_t pulse_length[18];
402 while(fReader->ReadNextData(fData)) {
404 Int_t ddl = fReader->GetDDLID();
405 Int_t detID = fReader->GetDetectorID();
406 AliFMDDebug(0, (" From reader: DDL number is %d , det ID is %d",ddl,detID));
408 fNbytes = fReader->GetDataSize();
410 ULong_t nWords = GetNwords();
411 UInt_t trailerLast = Get32bitWord(nWords);
412 AliFMDDebug(20, (" # Bytes: %d, # Words: %d, Last word: 0x%08x",
413 fNbytes, nWords, trailerLast));
414 if ((trailerLast & 0xFFFF0000) != 0xAAAA0000) {
415 AliWarning(Form("Last word 0x%08x does not match RCU II trailer",
416 trailerLast));
417 return kFALSE;
418 }
420 ULong_t nTrailerWords = trailerLast & 0x7f; // 7 last bits is size of trailer
422 ULong_t nPayloadWords = Get32bitWord(nWords - nTrailerWords+1);
423 AliFMDDebug(20, (" # trailer words: %d, # payload words: %d",
424 nTrailerWords, nPayloadWords));
427 for (ULong_t i = 1; i <= nPayloadWords ; i++) {
428 UInt_t payloadWord = Get32bitWord(i);
430 // address is only 24 bit
431 UInt_t address = (0xffffff & payloadWord);
432 UInt_t type = ((address >> 21) & 0xf);
433 UInt_t error = ((address >> 20) & 0x1);
434 UInt_t bcast = ((address >> 18) & 0x1);
435 UInt_t bc_not_altro = ((address >> 17) & 0x1);
436 UInt_t board = ((address >> 12) & 0x1f);
437 UInt_t instruction = 0;
438 UInt_t chip = 0;
439 UInt_t channel = 0;
440 if(bc_not_altro)
441 instruction = address & 0xfff;
442 else {
443 chip = ((address >> 9) & 0x7);
444 channel = ((address >> 5) & 0x5);
445 instruction = (address & 0x1f);
446 }
448 Bool_t readDataWord = kFALSE;
449 switch(type) {
450 case 0x0: // Fec read
451 readDataWord = kTRUE;
452 case 0x1: // Fec cmd
453 case 0x2: // Fec write
454 i++;
455 break;
456 case 0x4: // Loop
457 case 0x5: // Wait
458 break;
459 case 0x6: // End sequence
460 case 0x7: // End Mem
461 i = nPayloadWords + 1;
462 break;
463 default:
464 break;
465 }
469 if(!readDataWord) //Don't read unless we have a FEC_RD
470 continue;
471 UInt_t dataWord = Get32bitWord(i);
472 UInt_t data = (0xFFFFF & dataWord) ;
473 //UInt_t data = (0xFFFF & dataWord) ;
475 if(error) {
476 AliWarning(Form("error bit detected at Word 0x%06x; "
477 "error % d, type %d, bc_not_altro %d, "
478 "bcast %d, board 0x%02x, chip 0x%x, "
479 "channel 0x%02x, instruction 0x%03x",
480 address, error, type, bc_not_altro,
481 bcast,board,chip,channel,instruction));
484 //process error
485 continue;
486 }
489 switch(instruction) {
491 case 0x01: break; // First ADC T
492 case 0x02: break; // I 3.3 V
493 case 0x03: break; // I 2.5 V altro digital
494 case 0x04: break; // I 2.5 V altro analog
495 case 0x05: break; // I 2.5 V VA
496 case 0x06: break; // First ADC T
497 case 0x07: break; // I 3.3 V
498 case 0x08: break; // I 2.5 V altro digital
499 case 0x09: break; // I 2.5 V altro analog
500 case 0x0A: break; // I 2.5 V VA
501 case 0x2D: break; // Second ADC T
502 case 0x2E: break; // I 1.5 V VA
503 case 0x2F: break; // I -2.0 V
504 case 0x30: break; // I -2.0 V VA
505 case 0x31: break; // 2.5 V Digital driver
506 case 0x32: break; // Second ADC T
507 case 0x33: break; // I 1.5 V VA
508 case 0x34: break; // I -2.0 V
509 case 0x35: break; // I -2.0 V VA
510 case 0x36: break; // 2.5 V Digital driver
511 case 0x37: break; // Third ADC T
512 case 0x38: break; // Temperature sens. 1
513 case 0x39: break; // Temperature sens. 2
514 case 0x3A: break; // U 2.5 altro digital (m)
515 case 0x3B: break; // U 2.5 altro analog (m)
516 case 0x3C: break; // Third ADC T
517 case 0x3D: break; // Temperature sens. 1
518 case 0x3E: break; // Temperature sens. 2
519 case 0x3F: break; // U 2.5 altro digital (m)
520 case 0x40: break; // U 2.5 altro analog (m)
521 case 0x41: break; // Forth ADC T
522 case 0x42: break; // U 2.5 VA (m)
523 case 0x43: break; // U 1.5 VA (m)
524 case 0x44: break; // U -2.0 VA (m)
525 case 0x45: break; // U -2.0 (m)
526 case 0x46: break; // Forth ADC T
527 case 0x47: break; // U 2.5 VA (m)
528 case 0x48: break; // U 1.5 VA (m)
529 case 0x49: break; // U -2.0 VA (m)
530 case 0x4A: break; // U -2.0 (m)
531 // Counters
532 case 0x0B: break; // L1 trigger CouNTer
533 case 0x0C: break; // L2 trigger CouNTer
534 case 0x0D: break; // Sampling CLK CouNTer
535 case 0x0E: break; // DSTB CouNTer
536 // Test mode
537 case 0x0F: break; // Test mode word
538 case 0x10: break; // Undersampling ratio.
539 // Configuration and status
540 case 0x11: break; // Config/Status Register 0
541 case 0x12: break; // Config/Status Register 1
542 case 0x13: break; // Config/Status Register 2
543 case 0x14: break; // Config/Status Register 3
544 case 0x15: break; // Free
545 // Comands:
546 case 0x16: break; // Latch L1, L2, SCLK Counters
547 case 0x17: break; // Clear counters
548 case 0x18: break; // Clear CSR1
549 case 0x19: break; // rstb ALTROs
550 case 0x1A: break; // rstb BC
551 case 0x1B: break; // Start conversion
552 case 0x1C: break; // Scan event length
553 case 0x1D: break; // Read event length
554 case 0x1E: break; // Start test mode
555 case 0x1F: break; // Read acquisition memory
556 // FMD
557 case 0x20: break; // FMDD status
558 case 0x21: break; // L0 counters
559 case 0x22: break; // FMD: Wait to hold
560 case 0x23: break; // FMD: L1 timeout
561 case 0x24: break; // FMD: L2 timeout
562 case 0x25: // FMD: Shift clk
563 shift_clk[board] = ((data >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
564 break;
565 case 0x26: // FMD: Strips
566 strip_low[board] = ((data >> 0 ) & 0xFF);
567 strip_high[board] = ((data >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
568 break;
569 case 0x27: // FMD: Cal pulse
570 pulse_size[board] = ((data >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
571 break;
572 case 0x28: break; // FMD: Shape bias
573 case 0x29: break; // FMD: Shape ref
574 case 0x2A: break; // FMD: Preamp ref
575 case 0x2B: // FMD: Sample clk
576 sample_clk[board] = ((data >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
577 break;
578 case 0x2C: break; // FMD: Commands
579 case 0x4B: // FMD: Cal events
580 pulse_length[board] = ((data >> 0 ) & 0xFF);
581 break;
582 default: break;
584 }
585 AliFMDDebug(50, ("instruction 0x%x, dataword 0x%x",instruction,dataWord));
586 }
588 UShort_t det,sector,strip;
589 Char_t ring;
591 const UInt_t boards[4] = {0,1,16,17};
592 for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
593 if(ddl==0 && (i==1 || i==3))
594 continue;
595 UInt_t chip =0, channel=0;
597 AliFMDParameters::Instance()->Hardware2Detector(ddl,boards[i],chip,channel,det,ring,sector,strip);
599 UInt_t samplerate = 1;
601 if(sample_clk[boards[i]] == 0) {
602 if(ddl == 0) {
603 Int_t sample1 = sample_clk[boards[0]];
604 Int_t sample2 = sample_clk[boards[2]];
605 if(sample1) sample_clk[boards[i]] = sample1;
606 else sample_clk[boards[i]] = sample2;
607 }
609 if(ddl!=0) {
610 Int_t sample1 = sample_clk[boards[0]];
611 Int_t sample2 = sample_clk[boards[1]];
612 Int_t sample3 = sample_clk[boards[2]];
613 Int_t sample4 = sample_clk[boards[3]];
614 Int_t agreement = 0;
615 if(sample1 == sample2) agreement++;
616 if(sample1 == sample3) agreement++;
617 if(sample1 == sample4) agreement++;
618 if(sample2 == sample3) agreement++;
619 if(sample2 == sample4) agreement++;
620 if(sample3 == sample4) agreement++;
622 Int_t idx = 0;
623 if(i<3) idx = i+1;
624 else idx = i-1;
625 if(agreement == 3) {
626 sample_clk[boards[i]] = sample_clk[boards[idx]];
627 shift_clk[boards[i]] = shift_clk[boards[idx]];
628 strip_low[boards[i]] = strip_low[boards[idx]];
629 strip_high[boards[i]] = strip_high[boards[idx]];
630 pulse_length[boards[i]] = pulse_length[boards[idx]];
631 pulse_size[boards[i]] = pulse_size[boards[idx]];
632 AliFMDDebug(0, ("Vote taken for ddl %d, board 0x%x",ddl,boards[i]));
633 }
634 }
635 }
637 if(sample_clk[boards[i]])
638 samplerate = shift_clk[boards[i]]/sample_clk[boards[i]];
639 sampleRate->Set(det,ring,sector,0,samplerate);
640 stripRange->Set(det,ring,sector,0,strip_low[boards[i]],strip_high[boards[i]]);
642 AliFMDDebug(20, ("det %d, ring %c, ",det,ring));
643 pulseLength.AddAt(pulse_length[boards[i]],GetHalfringIndex(det,ring,boards[i]/16));
644 pulseSize.AddAt(pulse_size[boards[i]],GetHalfringIndex(det,ring,boards[i]/16));
648 AliFMDDebug(20, (": Board: 0x%02x\n"
649 "\tstrip_low %3d, strip_high %3d\n"
650 "\tshift_clk %3d, sample_clk %3d\n"
651 "\tpulse_size %3d, pulse_length %3d",
652 boards[i],
653 strip_low[boards[i]], strip_high[boards[i]],
654 shift_clk[boards[i]], sample_clk[boards[i]],
655 pulse_size[boards[i]],pulse_length[boards[i]]));
656 }
658 }
660 AliFMDParameters::Instance()->SetSampleRate(sampleRate);
661 AliFMDParameters::Instance()->SetStripRange(stripRange);
663 AliFMDDebug(0, ("End of SOD/EOD"));
669UInt_t AliFMDRawReader::Get32bitWord(Int_t idx)
671 // This method returns the 32 bit word at a given
672 // position inside the raw data payload.
673 // The 'index' points to the beginning of the next word.
674 // The method is supposed to be endian (platform)
675 // independent.
676 if (!fData) {
677 AliFatal("Raw data paylod buffer is not yet initialized !");
678 }
680 Int_t index = 4*idx;
682 if (index < 4) {
683 // fRawReader->AddFatalErrorLog(k32bitWordReadErr,Form("pos = %d",index));
684 // PrintDebug();
685 AliWarning(Form("Invalid raw data payload position (%d) !",index));
686 }
688 UInt_t word = 0;
690 word = fData[--index] << 24;
691 word |= fData[--index] << 16;
692 word |= fData[--index] << 8;
693 word |= fData[--index] << 0 ;
695 return word;
698Int_t AliFMDRawReader::GetHalfringIndex(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t board) {
700 UShort_t iring = (ring == 'I' ? 1 : 0);
702 Int_t index = (((det-1) << 2) | (iring << 1) | (board << 0));
704 return index-2;
709// EOF