]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - HMPID/AliHMPIDv1.cxx
Taking into account that the default value of the beamType in the DAQ logbook
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / AliHMPIDv1.cxx
... / ...
1// **************************************************************************
2// * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3// * *
4// * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5// * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6// * *
7// * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8// * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9// * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10// * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11// * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12// * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13// * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14// **************************************************************************
17#include "AliHMPIDv1.h" //class header
18#include "AliHMPIDParam.h" //StepManager()
19#include "AliHMPIDHit.h" //Hits2SDigs(),StepManager()
20#include "AliHMPIDDigit.h" //Digits2Raw(), Raw2SDigits()
21#include "AliHMPIDRawStream.h" //Digits2Raw(), Raw2SDigits()
22#include "AliRawReader.h" //Raw2SDigits()
23#include <TVirtualMC.h> //StepManager() for gMC
24#include <TPDGCode.h> //StepHistory()
25#include <AliStack.h> //StepManager(),Hits2SDigits()
26#include <AliLoader.h> //Hits2SDigits()
27#include <AliRunLoader.h> //Hits2SDigits()
28#include <AliMC.h> //StepManager()
29#include <AliRun.h> //CreateMaterials()
30#include <AliMagF.h> //CreateMaterials()
31//#include <TGeoManager.h> //CreateGeometry()
32#include <AliCDBEntry.h> //CreateMaterials()
33#include <AliCDBManager.h> //CreateMaterials()
34#include <TF1.h> //DefineOpticalProperties()
35#include <TF2.h> //DefineOpticalProperties()
36#include <TGeoGlobalMagField.h>
37#include <TLorentzVector.h> //IsLostByFresnel()
41void AliHMPIDv1::AddAlignableVolumes()const
43// Associates the symbolic volume name with the corresponding volume path. Interface method from AliModule invoked from AliMC
44// Arguments: none
45// Returns: none
46 for(Int_t i=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;i<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;i++)
47 gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(Form("/HMPID/Chamber%i",i),Form("ALIC_1/HMPID_%i",i));
50void AliHMPIDv1::CreateMaterials()
52// Definition of available HMPID materials
53// Arguments: none
54// Returns: none
55 AliDebug(1,"Start v1 HMPID.");
57//data from PDG booklet 2002 density [gr/cm^3] rad len [cm] abs len [cm]
58 Float_t aAir[4]={12,14,16,36} , zAir[4]={6,7,8,18} , wAir[4]={0.000124,0.755267,0.231781,0.012827} , dAir=0.00120479; Int_t nAir=4;//mixture 0.9999999
59 Float_t aC6F14[2]={ 12.01 , 18.99} , zC6F14[2]={ 6 , 9} , wC6F14[2]={6 , 14} , dC6F14=1.68 ; Int_t nC6F14=-2;
60 Float_t aSiO2[2]={ 28.09 , 15.99} , zSiO2[2]={14 , 8} , wSiO2[2]={1 , 2} , dSiO2=2.64 ; Int_t nSiO2=-2;
61 Float_t aCH4[2]={ 12.01 , 1.01} , zCH4[2]={ 6 , 1} , wCH4[2]={1 , 4} , dCH4=7.17e-4 ; Int_t nCH4=-2;
62 Float_t aCsI[2]={132.90 ,126.90} , zCsI[2]={55 ,53} , wCsI[2]={1 , 1} , dCsI=0.1 ; Int_t nCsI=-2;
63 Float_t aRoha= 12.01 , zRoha= 6 , dRoha= 0.10 , radRoha= 18.80 , absRoha= 86.3/dRoha; //special material- quazi carbon
64 Float_t aCu= 63.55 , zCu= 29 , dCu= 8.96 , radCu= 1.43 , absCu= 134.9/dCu ;
65 Float_t aW=183.84 , zW= 74 , dW= 19.30 , radW= 0.35 , absW= 185.0/dW ;
66 Float_t aAl= 26.98 , zAl= 13 , dAl= 2.70 , radAl= 8.90 , absAl= 106.4/dAl ;
68 Int_t matId=0; //tmp material id number
69 Int_t unsens = 0, sens=1; //sensitive or unsensitive medium
70 Int_t itgfld = ((AliMagF*)TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField())->Integ(); //type of field intergration 0 no field -1 user in guswim 1 Runge Kutta 2 helix 3 const field along z
71 Float_t maxfld = ((AliMagF*)TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField())->Max(); //max field value
72 Float_t tmaxfd = -10.0; //max deflection angle due to magnetic field in one step
73 Float_t deemax = - 0.2; //max fractional energy loss in one step
74 Float_t stemax = - 0.1; //mas step allowed [cm]
75 Float_t epsil = 0.001; //abs tracking precision [cm]
76 Float_t stmin = - 0.001; //min step size [cm] in continius process transport, negative value: choose it automatically
77 AliMixture(++matId,"Air" ,aAir ,zAir ,dAir ,nAir ,wAir ); AliMedium(kAir ,"Air" ,matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
78 AliMixture(++matId,"C6F14",aC6F14,zC6F14,dC6F14,nC6F14,wC6F14); AliMedium(kC6F14,"C6F14",matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
79 AliMixture(++matId,"SiO2" ,aSiO2 ,zSiO2 ,dSiO2 ,nSiO2 ,wSiO2 ); AliMedium(kSiO2 ,"SiO2" ,matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
80 AliMixture(++matId,"CH4" ,aCH4 ,zCH4 ,dCH4 ,nCH4 ,wCH4 ); AliMedium(kCH4 ,"CH4" ,matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
81 AliMixture(++matId,"CsI" ,aCsI ,zCsI ,dCsI ,nCsI ,wCsI ); AliMedium(kCsI ,"CsI" ,matId, sens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);//sensitive
83 AliMaterial(++matId,"Roha",aRoha,zRoha,dRoha,radRoha,absRoha); AliMedium(kRoha,"Roha", matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
84 AliMaterial(++matId,"Cu" ,aCu ,zCu ,dCu ,radCu ,absCu ); AliMedium(kCu ,"Cu" , matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
85 AliMaterial(++matId,"W" ,aW ,zW ,dW ,radW ,absW ); AliMedium(kW ,"W" , matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
86 AliMaterial(++matId,"Al" ,aAl ,zAl ,dAl ,radAl ,absAl ); AliMedium(kAl ,"Al" , matId, unsens, itgfld, maxfld, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin);
88// DefineOpticalProperties(); // NOT TO BE CALLED BY USER CODE !!!
89}//void AliHMPID::CreateMaterials()
91void AliHMPIDv1::CreateGeometry()
93//Creates detailed geometry simulation (currently GEANT volumes tree)
94 AliDebug(1,"Start main.");
95 if(!gMC->IsRootGeometrySupported()) return;
97 Double_t cm=1,mm=0.1*cm,mkm=0.001*mm,dx,dy,dz;//default is cm
99 TGeoVolume *pRich=gGeoManager->MakeBox("HMPID",gGeoManager->GetMedium("HMPID_CH4"),dx=(6*mm+1681*mm+6*mm)/2, //main HMPID volume
100 dy=(6*mm+1466*mm+6*mm)/2,
101 dz=(80*mm+40*mm)*2/2); //x,y taken from 2033P1 z from p84 TDR
102 for(Int_t iCh=AliHMPIDParam::kMinCh;iCh<=AliHMPIDParam::kMaxCh;iCh++){//place 7 chambers
103 TGeoHMatrix *pMatrix=new TGeoHMatrix;
104 AliHMPIDParam::IdealPosition(iCh,pMatrix);
105 gGeoManager->GetVolume("ALIC")->AddNode(pRich,iCh,pMatrix);
106 }
108 Float_t par[3];
109 Int_t matrixIdReturn=0; //matrix id returned by AliMatrix
110//Pad Panel frame 6 sectors
111 par[0]=648*mm/2;par[1]= 411*mm/2;par[2]=40 *mm/2;gMC->Gsvolu("Rppf" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kAl] ,par,3);//PPF 2001P2 inner size of the slab by 1mm more
112 par[0]=181*mm/2;par[1]=89.25*mm/2;par[2]=38.3*mm/2;gMC->Gsvolu("RppfLarge","BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kAir] ,par,3);//large whole
113 par[0]=114*mm/2;par[1]=89.25*mm/2;par[2]=38.3*mm/2;gMC->Gsvolu("RppfSmall","BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kAir] ,par,3);//small whole
114 par[0]=644*mm/2;par[1]= 407*mm/2;par[2]= 1.7*mm/2;gMC->Gsvolu("Rpc" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kCsI] ,par,3);//by 0.2 mm more then actual size (PCB 2006P1)
116 gMC->Gspos("Rppf",0,"HMPID", -335*mm, -433*mm, 8*cm+20*mm, 0,"ONLY");//F1 2040P1 z p.84 TDR
117 gMC->Gspos("Rppf",1,"HMPID", +335*mm, -433*mm, 8*cm+20*mm, 0,"ONLY");
118 gMC->Gspos("Rppf",2,"HMPID", -335*mm, 0*mm, 8*cm+20*mm, 0,"ONLY");
119 gMC->Gspos("Rppf",3,"HMPID", +335*mm, 0*mm, 8*cm+20*mm, 0,"ONLY");
120 gMC->Gspos("Rppf",4,"HMPID", -335*mm, +433*mm, 8*cm+20*mm, 0,"ONLY");
121 gMC->Gspos("Rppf",5,"HMPID", +335*mm, +433*mm, 8*cm+20*mm, 0,"ONLY");
122 gMC->Gspos("Rpc" ,1,"Rppf", 0*mm, 0*mm, -19.15*mm, 0,"ONLY");//PPF 2001P2
123 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",1,"Rppf", -224.5*mm, -151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
124 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",2,"Rppf", -224.5*mm, - 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
125 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",3,"Rppf", -224.5*mm, + 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
126 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",4,"Rppf", -224.5*mm, +151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
127 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",1,"Rppf", - 65.0*mm, -151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
128 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",2,"Rppf", - 65.0*mm, - 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
129 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",3,"Rppf", - 65.0*mm, + 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
130 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",4,"Rppf", - 65.0*mm, +151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
131 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",5,"Rppf", + 65.0*mm, -151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
132 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",6,"Rppf", + 65.0*mm, - 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
133 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",7,"Rppf", + 65.0*mm, + 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
134 gMC->Gspos("RppfSmall",8,"Rppf", + 65.0*mm, +151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
135 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",5,"Rppf", +224.5*mm, -151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
136 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",6,"Rppf", +224.5*mm, - 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
137 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",7,"Rppf", +224.5*mm, + 50.625*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
138 gMC->Gspos("RppfLarge",8,"Rppf", +224.5*mm, +151.875*mm, 0.85*mm, 0,"ONLY");
139//Gap - anod wires 6 copies to HMPID
140 par[0]=648*mm/2;par[1]= 411*mm/2 ;par[2]=4.45*mm/2;gMC->Gsvolu("Rgap","BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kCH4] ,par,3);//xy as PPF 2001P2 z WP 2099P1
141 par[0]= 0*mm ;par[1]= 20*mkm/2 ;par[2]= 648*mm/2;gMC->Gsvolu("Rano","TUBE",(*fIdtmed)[kW] ,par,3);//WP 2099P1 z = gap x PPF 2001P2
142 AliMatrix(matrixIdReturn,180,0, 90,90, 90,0); //wires along x
144 gMC->Gspos("Rgap",0,"HMPID", -335*mm, -433*mm,8*cm-2.225*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //F1 2040P1 z WP 2099P1
145 gMC->Gspos("Rgap",1,"HMPID", +335*mm, -433*mm,8*cm-2.225*mm, 0,"ONLY");
146 gMC->Gspos("Rgap",2,"HMPID", -335*mm, 0*mm,8*cm-2.225*mm, 0,"ONLY");
147 gMC->Gspos("Rgap",3,"HMPID", +335*mm, 0*mm,8*cm-2.225*mm, 0,"ONLY");
148 gMC->Gspos("Rgap",4,"HMPID", -335*mm, +433*mm,8*cm-2.225*mm, 0,"ONLY");
149 gMC->Gspos("Rgap",5,"HMPID", +335*mm, +433*mm,8*cm-2.225*mm, 0,"ONLY");
150 for(int i=1;i<=96;i++)
151 gMC->Gspos("Rano",i,"Rgap", 0*mm, -411/2*mm+i*4*mm, 0.185*mm, matrixIdReturn,"ONLY"); //WP 2099P1
152//Defines radiators geometry
153 par[0]=1330*mm/2 ;par[1]= 413*mm/2 ;par[2]= 24*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("Rrad" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kC6F14] ,par,3); // Rad 2011P1
154 par[0]=1330*mm/2 ;par[1]= 413*mm/2 ;par[2]= 4*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RradFront" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kRoha] ,par,3); //front
155 par[0]=1330*mm/2 ;par[1]= 413*mm/2 ;par[2]= 5*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RradWin" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kSiO2] ,par,3); //window
156 par[0]=1330*mm/2 ;par[1]= 5*mm/2 ;par[2]= 15*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RradLong" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kRoha] ,par,3); //long side
157 par[0]= 10*mm/2 ;par[1]= 403*mm/2 ;par[2]= 15*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RradShort" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kRoha] ,par,3); //short side
158 par[0]= 0 ;par[1]= 10*mm/2 ;par[2]= 15*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RradSpacer","TUBE",(*fIdtmed)[kSiO2] ,par,3); //spacer
160 gMC->Gspos("Rrad",1,"HMPID", 0*mm,-434*mm, -12*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //3 radiators to HMPID
161 gMC->Gspos("Rrad",2,"HMPID", 0*mm, 0*mm, -12*mm, 0,"ONLY");
162 gMC->Gspos("Rrad",3,"HMPID", 0*mm,+434*mm, -12*mm, 0,"ONLY");
163 gMC->Gspos("RradFront",1,"Rrad", 0*mm, 0*mm, -10.0*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //front cover
164 gMC->Gspos("RradWin" ,1,"Rrad", 0*mm, 0*mm, 9.5*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //quartz window (back cover)
165 gMC->Gspos("RradLong" ,1,"Rrad", 0*mm,-204*mm, -0.5*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //long side
166 gMC->Gspos("RradLong" ,2,"Rrad", 0*mm,+204*mm, -0.5*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //long side
167 gMC->Gspos("RradShort",1,"Rrad",-660*mm, 0*mm, -0.5*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //short side
168 gMC->Gspos("RradShort",2,"Rrad",+660*mm, 0*mm, -0.5*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //short side
169 for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
170 for(int j=0;j<10;j++)
171 gMC->Gspos("RradSpacer",10*i+j,"Rrad",-1330*mm/2+116*mm+j*122*mm,(i-1)*105*mm,-0.5*mm,0,"ONLY");//spacers
172//Defines SandBox geometry
173 par[0]=1419*mm/2 ;par[1]=1378*mm/2;par[2]=50.5*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("Rsb" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kAir] ,par,3); //2072P1
174 par[0]=1419*mm/2 ;par[1]=1378*mm/2;par[2]= 0.5*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RsbCover","BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kAl] ,par,3); //cover
175 par[0]=1359*mm/2 ;par[1]=1318*mm/2;par[2]=49.5*mm/2; gMC->Gsvolu("RsbComb" ,"BOX ",(*fIdtmed)[kRoha] ,par,3); //honeycomb structure
177 gMC->Gspos("Rsb",1,"HMPID", 0*mm, 0*mm, -73.75*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //p.84 TDR sandbox to rich
178 gMC->Gspos("RsbComb" ,1,"Rsb", 0*mm, 0*mm, 0*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //2072P1 honeycomv to sandbox
179 gMC->Gspos("RsbCover",1,"Rsb", 0*mm, 0*mm, +25*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //cover to sandbox
180 gMC->Gspos("RsbCover",2,"Rsb", 0*mm, 0*mm, -25*mm, 0,"ONLY"); //cover to sandbox
181 AliDebug(1,"Stop v1. HMPID option");
184void AliHMPIDv1::Init()
186// This methode defines ID for sensitive volumes, i.e. such geometry volumes for which there are if(gMC->CurrentVolID()==XXX) statements in StepManager()
187// Arguments: none
188// Returns: none
189 AliDebug(1,"Start v1 HMPID.");
190 fIdRad = gMC->VolId("Rrad");
191 fIdWin = gMC->VolId("RradWin");
192 fIdPc = gMC->VolId("Rpc");
193 fIdAmpGap = gMC->VolId("Rgap");
194 fIdProxGap = gMC->VolId("Rgap");
196 AliDebug(1,"Stop v1 HMPID.");
199void AliHMPIDv1::DefineOpticalProperties()
201// Optical properties definition.
202 const Int_t kNbins=30; //number of photon energy points
203 Float_t emin=5.5,emax=8.5; //Photon energy range,[eV]
204 Float_t aEckov [kNbins];
205 Double_t dEckov [kNbins];
206 Float_t aAbsRad[kNbins], aAbsWin[kNbins], aAbsGap[kNbins], aAbsMet[kNbins];
207 Float_t aIdxRad[kNbins], aIdxWin[kNbins], aIdxGap[kNbins], aIdxMet[kNbins], aIdxPc[kNbins];
208 Float_t aQeAll [kNbins], aQePc [kNbins];
209 Double_t dReflMet[kNbins], dQePc[kNbins];
211 TF2 *pRaIF=new TF2("HidxRad","sqrt(1+0.554*(1239.84/x)^2/((1239.84/x)^2-5769)-0.0005*(y-20))" ,emin,emax,0,50); //DiMauro mail temp 0-50 degrees C
212 TF1 *pWiIF=new TF1("HidxWin","sqrt(1+46.411/(10.666*10.666-x*x)+228.71/(18.125*18.125-x*x))" ,emin,emax); //SiO2 idx TDR p.35
213 TF1 *pGaIF=new TF1("HidxGap","1+0.12489e-6/(2.62e-4 - x*x/1239.84/1239.84)" ,emin,emax); //?????? from where
215 TF1 *pRaAF=new TF1("HabsRad","(x<7.8)*(gaus+gaus(3))+(x>=7.8)*0.0001" ,emin,emax); //fit from DiMauro data 28.10.03
216 pRaAF->SetParameters(3.20491e16,-0.00917890,0.742402,3035.37,4.81171,0.626309);
217 TF1 *pWiAF=new TF1("HabsWin","(x<8.2)*(818.8638-301.0436*x+36.89642*x*x-1.507555*x*x*x)+(x>=8.2)*0.0001" ,emin,emax); //fit from DiMauro data 28.10.03
218 TF1 *pGaAF=new TF1("HabsGap","(x<7.75)*6512.399+(x>=7.75)*3.90743e-2/(-1.655279e-1+6.307392e-2*x-8.011441e-3*x*x+3.392126e-4*x*x*x)",emin,emax); //????? from where
220 TF1 *pQeF =new TF1("Hqe" ,"0+(x>6.07267)*0.344811*(1-exp(-1.29730*(x-6.07267)))" ,emin,emax); //fit from DiMauro data 28.10.03
222 for(Int_t i=0;i<kNbins;i++){
223 Float_t eV=emin+0.1*i; //Ckov energy in eV
224 aEckov [i] =1e-9*eV; //Ckov energy in GeV
225 dEckov [i] = aEckov[i];
226 aAbsRad[i]=pRaAF->Eval(eV); aIdxRad[i]=1.292;//pRaIF->Eval(eV,20); //Simulation for 20 degress C
227 aAbsWin[i]=pWiAF->Eval(eV); aIdxWin[i]=1.5787;//pWiIF->Eval(eV);
228 aAbsGap[i]=pGaAF->Eval(eV); aIdxGap[i]=1.0005;//pGaIF->Eval(eV);
229 aQeAll[i] =1; //QE for all other materials except for PC must be 1.
230 aAbsMet[i] =0.0001; aIdxMet[i]=0; //metal ref idx must be 0 in order to reflect photon
231 aIdxPc [i]=1; aQePc [i]=pQeF->Eval(eV); //PC ref idx must be 1 in order to apply photon to QE conversion
232 dQePc [i]=pQeF->Eval(eV);
233 dReflMet[i] = 0.; // no reflection on the surface of the pc (?)
234 }
235 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kC6F14] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsRad , aQeAll , aIdxRad );
236 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kSiO2] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsWin , aQeAll , aIdxWin );
237 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kCH4] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsGap , aQeAll , aIdxGap );
238 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kCu] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsMet , aQeAll , aIdxMet );
239 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kW] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsMet , aQeAll , aIdxMet ); //n=0 means reflect photons
240 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kCsI] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsMet , aQePc , aIdxPc ); //n=1 means convert photons
241 gMC->SetCerenkov((*fIdtmed)[kAl] , kNbins, aEckov, aAbsMet , aQeAll , aIdxMet );
243 // Define a skin surface for the photocatode to enable 'detection' in G4
244 gMC->DefineOpSurface("surfPc", kGlisur /*kUnified*/,kDielectric_metal,kPolished, 0.);
245 gMC->SetMaterialProperty("surfPc", "EFFICIENCY", kNbins, dEckov, dQePc);
246 gMC->SetMaterialProperty("surfPc", "REFLECTIVITY", kNbins, dEckov, dReflMet);
247 gMC->SetSkinSurface("skinPc", "Rpc", "surfPc");
249 delete pRaAF;delete pWiAF;delete pGaAF; delete pRaIF; delete pWiIF; delete pGaIF; delete pQeF;
252Bool_t AliHMPIDv1::IsLostByFresnel()
254// Calculate probability for the photon to be lost by Fresnel reflection.
255 TLorentzVector p4;
256 Double_t mom[3],localMom[3];
257 gMC->TrackMomentum(p4); mom[0]=p4(1); mom[1]=p4(2); mom[2]=p4(3);
258 localMom[0]=0; localMom[1]=0; localMom[2]=0;
259 gMC->Gmtod(mom,localMom,2);
260 Double_t localTc = localMom[0]*localMom[0]+localMom[2]*localMom[2];
261 Double_t localTheta = TMath::ATan2(TMath::Sqrt(localTc),localMom[1]);
262 Double_t cotheta = TMath::Abs(TMath::Cos(localTheta));
263 if(gMC->GetRandom()->Rndm() < Fresnel(p4.E()*1e9,cotheta,1)){
264 AliDebug(1,"Photon lost");
265 return kTRUE;
266 }else
267 return kFALSE;
270void AliHMPIDv1::GenFee(Float_t qtot)
272// Generate FeedBack photons for the current particle. To be invoked from StepManager().
273// eloss=0 means photon so only pulse height distribution is to be analysed.
274 TLorentzVector x4;
275 gMC->TrackPosition(x4);
276 Int_t iNphotons=gMC->GetRandom()->Poisson(0.02*qtot); //# of feedback photons is proportional to the charge of hit
277 AliDebug(1,Form("N photons=%i",iNphotons));
278 Int_t j;
279 Float_t cthf, phif, enfp = 0, sthf, e1[3], e2[3], e3[3], vmod, uswop,dir[3], phi,pol[3], mom[4];
280//Generate photons
281 for(Int_t i=0;i<iNphotons;i++){//feedbacks loop
282 Double_t ranf[2];
283 gMC->GetRandom()->RndmArray(2,ranf); //Sample direction
284 cthf=ranf[0]*2-1.0;
285 if(cthf<0) continue;
286 sthf = TMath::Sqrt((1. - cthf) * (1. + cthf));
287 phif = ranf[1] * 2 * TMath::Pi();
289 if(Double_t randomNumber=gMC->GetRandom()->Rndm()<=0.57)
290 enfp = 7.5e-9;
291 else if(randomNumber<=0.7)
292 enfp = 6.4e-9;
293 else
294 enfp = 7.9e-9;
297 dir[0] = sthf * TMath::Sin(phif); dir[1] = cthf; dir[2] = sthf * TMath::Cos(phif);
298 gMC->Gdtom(dir, mom, 2);
299 mom[0]*=enfp; mom[1]*=enfp; mom[2]*=enfp;
300 mom[3] = TMath::Sqrt(mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1]+mom[2]*mom[2]);
302 // Polarisation
303 e1[0]= 0; e1[1]=-dir[2]; e1[2]= dir[1];
304 e2[0]=-dir[1]; e2[1]= dir[0]; e2[2]= 0;
305 e3[0]= dir[1]; e3[1]= 0; e3[2]=-dir[0];
307 vmod=0;
308 for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e1[j]*e1[j];
309 if (!vmod) for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
310 uswop=e1[j];
311 e1[j]=e3[j];
312 e3[j]=uswop;
313 }
314 vmod=0;
315 for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e2[j]*e2[j];
316 if (!vmod) for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
317 uswop=e2[j];
318 e2[j]=e3[j];
319 e3[j]=uswop;
320 }
322 vmod=0; for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e1[j]*e1[j]; vmod=TMath::Sqrt(1/vmod); for(j=0;j<3;j++) e1[j]*=vmod;
323 vmod=0; for(j=0;j<3;j++) vmod+=e2[j]*e2[j]; vmod=TMath::Sqrt(1/vmod); for(j=0;j<3;j++) e2[j]*=vmod;
325 phi = gMC->GetRandom()->Rndm()* 2 * TMath::Pi();
326 for(j=0;j<3;j++) pol[j]=e1[j]*TMath::Sin(phi)+e2[j]*TMath::Cos(phi);
327 gMC->Gdtom(pol, pol, 2);
328 Int_t outputNtracksStored;
329 gAlice->GetMCApp()->PushTrack(1, //transport
330 gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),//parent track
331 50000051, //PID
332 mom[0],mom[1],mom[2],mom[3], //track momentum
333 x4.X(),x4.Y(),x4.Z(),x4.T(), //track origin
334 pol[0],pol[1],pol[2], //polarization
335 kPFeedBackPhoton, //process ID
336 outputNtracksStored, //on return how many new photons stored on stack
337 1.0); //weight
338 }//feedbacks loop
339 AliDebug(1,"Stop.");
342void AliHMPIDv1::Hits2SDigits()
344// Interface method ivoked from AliSimulation to create a list of sdigits corresponding to list of hits. Every hit generates one or more sdigits.
345// Arguments: none
346// Returns: none
347 AliDebug(1,"Start.");
348 for(Int_t iEvt=0;iEvt < GetLoader()->GetRunLoader()->GetNumberOfEvents();iEvt++){ //events loop
349 GetLoader()->GetRunLoader()->GetEvent(iEvt); //get next event
351 if(!GetLoader()->TreeH()) {GetLoader()->LoadHits(); }
352 if(!GetLoader()->TreeS()) {GetLoader()->MakeTree("S"); MakeBranch("S");}//to
354 for(Int_t iEnt=0;iEnt<GetLoader()->TreeH()->GetEntries();iEnt++){//prims loop
355 GetLoader()->TreeH()->GetEntry(iEnt);
356 Hit2Sdi(Hits(),SdiLst());
357 }//prims loop
358 GetLoader()->TreeS()->Fill();
359 GetLoader()->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE");
360 SdiReset();
361 }//events loop
362 GetLoader()->UnloadHits();
363 GetLoader()->UnloadSDigits();
364 AliDebug(1,"Stop.");
367void AliHMPIDv1::Hit2Sdi(TClonesArray *pHitLst,TClonesArray *pSdiLst)
369// Converts list of hits to list of sdigits.
370// Arguments: pHitLst - list of hits provided not empty
371// pSDigLst - list of sdigits where to store the results
372// Returns: none
373 for(Int_t iHit=0;iHit<pHitLst->GetEntries();iHit++){ //hits loop
374 AliHMPIDHit *pHit=(AliHMPIDHit*)pHitLst->At(iHit); //get pointer to current hit
375 pHit->Hit2Sdi(pSdiLst); //convert this hit to list of sdigits
376 }//hits loop loop
379void AliHMPIDv1::Digits2Raw()
381// Interface method invoked by AliSimulation to create raw data streams from digits. Events loop is done in AliSimulation
382// Arguments: none
383// Returns: none
384 AliDebug(1,"Start.");
385 GetLoader()->LoadDigits();
386 TTree * treeD = GetLoader()->TreeD();
387 if(!treeD) {
388 AliError("No digits tree!");
389 return;
390 }
391 treeD->GetEntry(0);
393 //AliHMPIDDigit::WriteRaw(DigLst());
394 AliHMPIDRawStream *pRS=0x0;
395 pRS->WriteRaw(DigLst());
397 GetLoader()->UnloadDigits();
398 AliDebug(1,"Stop.");
401Float_t AliHMPIDv1::Fresnel(Float_t ene,Float_t pdoti, Bool_t pola)
403// Correction for Fresnel ???????????
404// Arguments: ene - photon energy [GeV],
406// Returns:
407 Float_t en[36] = {5.0,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,5.7,5.8,5.9,6.0,6.1,6.2,
408 6.3,6.4,6.5,6.6,6.7,6.8,6.9,7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7,
409 7.8,7.9,8.0,8.1,8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5};
410 Float_t csin[36] = {2.14,2.21,2.33,2.48,2.76,2.97,2.99,2.59,2.81,3.05,
411 2.86,2.53,2.55,2.66,2.79,2.96,3.18,3.05,2.84,2.81,2.38,2.11,
412 2.01,2.13,2.39,2.73,3.08,3.15,2.95,2.73,2.56,2.41,2.12,1.95,
413 1.72,1.53};
414 Float_t csik[36] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.196,0.408,0.208,0.118,0.49,0.784,0.543,
415 0.424,0.404,0.371,0.514,0.922,1.102,1.139,1.376,1.461,1.253,0.878,
416 0.69,0.612,0.649,0.824,1.347,1.571,1.678,1.763,1.857,1.824,1.824,
417 1.714,1.498};
418 Float_t xe=ene;
419 Int_t j=Int_t(xe*10)-49;
420 Float_t cn=csin[j]+((csin[j+1]-csin[j])/0.1)*(xe-en[j]);
421 Float_t ck=csik[j]+((csik[j+1]-csik[j])/0.1)*(xe-en[j]);
424 //W.R. HUNTER, J.O.S.A. 54 (1964),15 , J.O.S.A. 55(1965),1197
426 Float_t sinin=TMath::Sqrt((1.-pdoti)*(1.+pdoti));
427 Float_t tanin=sinin/pdoti;
429 Float_t c1=cn*cn-ck*ck-sinin*sinin;
430 Float_t c2=4*cn*cn*ck*ck;
431 Float_t aO=TMath::Sqrt(0.5*(TMath::Sqrt(c1*c1+c2)+c1));
432 Float_t b2=0.5*(TMath::Sqrt(c1*c1+c2)-c1);
434 Float_t rs=((aO-pdoti)*(aO-pdoti)+b2)/((aO+pdoti)*(aO+pdoti)+b2);
435 Float_t rp=rs*((aO-sinin*tanin)*(aO-sinin*tanin)+b2)/((aO+sinin*tanin)*(aO+sinin*tanin)+b2);
439 //B.J. STAGG APPLIED OPTICS, 30(1991),4113
441 Float_t sigraf=18.;
442 Float_t lamb=1240/ene;
443 Float_t fresn;
445 Float_t rO=TMath::Exp(-(4*TMath::Pi()*pdoti*sigraf/lamb)*(4*TMath::Pi()*pdoti*sigraf/lamb));
447 if(pola)
448 {
449 Float_t pdotr=0.8; //DEGREE OF POLARIZATION : 1->P , -1->S
450 fresn=0.5*(rp*(1+pdotr)+rs*(1-pdotr));
451 }
452 else
453 fresn=0.5*(rp+rs);
455 fresn = fresn*rO;
456 return fresn;
459void AliHMPIDv1::Print(Option_t *option)const
461// Debug printout
462 TObject::Print(option);
463}//void AliHMPID::Print(Option_t *option)const
465Bool_t AliHMPIDv1::Raw2SDigits(AliRawReader *pRR)
467// Interface methode ivoked from AliSimulation to create a list of sdigits from raw digits. Events loop is done in AliSimulation
468// Arguments: pRR- raw reader
469// Returns: kTRUE on success (currently ignored in AliSimulation::ConvertRaw2SDigits())
470 //AliHMPIDDigit sdi; //tmp sdigit, raw digit will be converted to it
472 if(!GetLoader()->TreeS()) {MakeTree("S"); MakeBranch("S");}
474 TClonesArray *pSdiLst=SdiLst(); Int_t iSdiCnt=0; //tmp list of sdigits for all chambers
475 AliHMPIDRawStream stream(pRR);
476 while(stream.Next())
477 {
478 for(Int_t iPad=0;iPad<stream.GetNPads();iPad++) {
479 AliHMPIDDigit sdi(stream.GetPadArray()[iPad],stream.GetChargeArray()[iPad]);
480 new((*pSdiLst)[iSdiCnt++]) AliHMPIDDigit(sdi); //add this digit to the tmp list
481 }
482 }
484 GetLoader()->TreeS()->Fill(); GetLoader()->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE");//write out sdigits
485 SdiReset();
486 return kTRUE;
489void AliHMPIDv1::StepCount()
491// Count number of ckovs created
494void AliHMPIDv1::StepHistory()
496// This methode is invoked from StepManager() in order to print out
497 static Int_t iStepN;
498 const char *sParticle;
499 switch(gMC->TrackPid()){
500 case kProton: sParticle="PROTON" ;break;
501 case kNeutron: sParticle="neutron" ;break;
502 case kGamma: sParticle="gamma" ;break;
503 case 50000050: sParticle="CKOV" ;break;
504 case kPi0: sParticle="Pi0" ;break;
505 case kPiPlus: sParticle="Pi+" ;break;
506 case kPiMinus: sParticle="Pi-" ;break;
507 case kElectron: sParticle="electron" ;break;
508 default: sParticle="not known" ;break;
509 }
511 TString flag="fanny combination";
512 if(gMC->IsTrackAlive()) {
513 if(gMC->IsTrackEntering()) flag="enters to";
514 else if(gMC->IsTrackExiting()) flag="exits from";
515 else if(gMC->IsTrackInside()) flag="inside";
516 } else {
517 if(gMC->IsTrackStop()) flag="stopped in";
518 }
520 Int_t vid=0,copy=0;
521 TString path=gMC->CurrentVolName(); path.Prepend("-");path.Prepend(gMC->CurrentVolOffName(1));//current volume and his mother are always there
522 vid=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(2,copy); if(vid) {path.Prepend("-");path.Prepend(gMC->VolName(vid));}
523 vid=gMC->CurrentVolOffID(3,copy); if(vid) {path.Prepend("-");path.Prepend(gMC->VolName(vid));}
525 Printf("Step %i: %s (%i) %s %s m=%.6f GeV q=%.1f dEdX=%.4f",iStepN,sParticle,gMC->TrackPid(),flag.Data(),path.Data(),gMC->TrackMass(),gMC->TrackCharge(),gMC->Edep()*1e9);
527 Printf("Step %i: tid=%i flags alive=%i disap=%i enter=%i exit=%i inside=%i out=%i stop=%i new=%i",
528 iStepN, gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),
529 gMC->IsTrackAlive(), gMC->IsTrackDisappeared(),gMC->IsTrackEntering(), gMC->IsTrackExiting(),
530 gMC->IsTrackInside(),gMC->IsTrackOut(), gMC->IsTrackStop(), gMC->IsNewTrack());
532 Float_t a,z,den,rad,abs; a=z=den=rad=abs=-1;
533 Int_t mid=gMC->CurrentMaterial(a,z,den,rad,abs);
534 Printf("Step %i: id=%i a=%7.2f z=%7.2f den=%9.4f rad=%9.2f abs=%9.2f\n\n",iStepN,mid,a,z,den,rad,abs);
535 iStepN++;
538void AliHMPIDv1::StepManager()
540// Full Step Manager.
541// Arguments: none
542// Returns: none
543// StepHistory(); return; //uncomment to print tracks history
544// StepCount(); return; //uncomment to count photons
546 Int_t copy; //volume copy aka node
548//Treat photons
549 if((gMC->TrackPid()==50000050||gMC->TrackPid()==50000051)&&gMC->CurrentVolID(copy)==fIdPc){ //photon (Ckov or feedback) hit PC (fIdPc)
550 if(gMC->Edep()>0){ //photon survided QE test i.e. produces electron
551 if(IsLostByFresnel()){ gMC->StopTrack(); return;} //photon lost due to fersnel reflection on PC
552 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(2,copy); //current chamber since geomtry tree is HMPID-Rppf-Rpc
553 Int_t tid= gMC->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(); //take TID
554 Int_t pid= gMC->TrackPid(); //take PID
555 Float_t etot= gMC->Etot(); //total hpoton energy, [GeV]
556 Double_t x[3]; gMC->TrackPosition(x[0],x[1],x[2]); //take MARS position at entrance to PC
557 Float_t xl,yl; AliHMPIDParam::Instance()->Mars2Lors(copy,x,xl,yl); //take LORS position
558 new((*fHits)[fNhits++])AliHMPIDHit(copy,etot,pid,tid,xl,yl,x); //HIT for photon, position at P, etot will be set to Q
559 GenFee(etot); //generate feedback photons etot is modified in hit ctor to Q of hit
560 }//photon hit PC and DE >0
561 }//photon hit PC
563//Treat charged particles
564 static Float_t eloss; //need to store mip parameters between different steps
565 static Double_t in[3];
566 if(gMC->TrackCharge() && gMC->CurrentVolID(copy)==fIdAmpGap){ //charged particle in amplification gap (fIdAmpGap)
567 if(gMC->IsTrackEntering()||gMC->IsNewTrack()) { //entering or newly created
568 eloss=0; //reset Eloss collector
569 gMC->TrackPosition(in[0],in[1],in[2]); //take position at the entrance
570 }else if(gMC->IsTrackExiting()||gMC->IsTrackStop()||gMC->IsTrackDisappeared()){ //exiting or disappeared
571 eloss +=gMC->Edep(); //take into account last step Eloss
572 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1,copy); //take current chamber since geometry tree is HMPID-Rgap
573 Int_t tid= gMC->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(); //take TID
574 Int_t pid= gMC->TrackPid(); //take PID
575 Double_t out[3]; gMC->TrackPosition(out[0],out[1],out[2]); //take MARS position at exit
576 out[0]=0.5*(out[0]+in[0]); //>
577 out[1]=0.5*(out[1]+in[1]); //take hit position at the anod plane
578 out[2]=0.5*(out[2]+in[2]); //>
579 Float_t xl,yl;AliHMPIDParam::Instance()->Mars2Lors(copy,out,xl,yl); //take LORS position
580 new((*fHits)[fNhits++])AliHMPIDHit(copy,eloss,pid,tid,xl,yl,out); //HIT for MIP, position near anod plane, eloss will be set to Q
581 GenFee(eloss); //generate feedback photons
582 }else //just going inside
583 eloss += gMC->Edep(); //collect this step eloss
584 }//MIP in GAP