]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - ITS/AliITSFindClustersV2.cxx
Bug correction: charge not read
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSFindClustersV2.cxx
... / ...
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id$ */
18#include <TROOT.h>
19#include <TFile.h>
20#include <TTree.h>
21#include <TBranch.h>
22#include <TClonesArray.h>
23#include <TParticle.h>
25#include "AliRun.h"
26#include "AliHeader.h"
28#include "AliITS.h"
29#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
30#include "AliITSFindClustersV2.h"
31#include "AliITSclusterV2.h"
32#include "AliITSgeom.h"
38 // Default constructor.
39 // Inputs:
40 // none.
41 // Outputs:
42 // none.
43 // Return:
44 // A zero-ed constructed AliITSFindClustersV2 class.
46 fAr = 0;
47 fDeletfAr = kFALSE; // fAr=0 dont't delete it.
48 fGeom = 0;
49 fInFileName = 0;
50 fOutFileName = 0;
51 fIn = 0;
52 fOut = 0;
53 fSlowFast = kFALSE; // slow simulation
54 fInit = kFALSE; // Init failed
57AliITSFindClustersV2::AliITSFindClustersV2(const TString infile,
58 const TString outfile){
59 // Standard constructor.
60 // Inputs:
61 // const TString infile Input file name where the RecPoints are
62 // to be read from.
63 // const TString outfile Output file where V2 tracking clulsters
64 // are to be written. if =="" writen to the
65 // same file as input.
66 // Outputs:
67 // none.
68 // Return:
69 // A standardly constructed AliITSFindClustersV2 class.
71 fAr = 0;
72 fDeletfAr = kFALSE; // fAr=0 dont't delete it.
73 fGeom = 0;
74 fInFileName = 0;
75 fOutFileName = 0;
76 fIn = 0;
77 fOut = 0;
78 fSlowFast = kFALSE; // slow simulation
79 fInit = kFALSE; // Init failed
81 fInFileName = new TString(infile);
82 if(outfile.CompareTo("")!=0){
83 fOutFileName = new TString(outfile);
84 } // end if outfile.CompareeTo("")!=0
86 if(fOutFileName!=0){
87 fIn = new TFile(fInFileName->Data(),"READ");
88 fOut = new TFile(fOutFileName->Data(),"UPDATE");
89 }else{ // open fIn file for update
90 fIn = new TFile(fInFileName->Data(),"UPDATE");
91 } // end if
93 fAr = (AliRun*) fIn->Get("gAlice");
94 if(!fAr){
95 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
96 "Can't fine gAlice in file %s. Aborting.",fIn->GetName());
97 return;
98 } // end if !fAr
99 fDeletfAr = kTRUE; // Since gAlice was read in, delete it.
101 AliITS *its = (AliITS*) fAr->GetModule("ITS");
102 if(!its){
103 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
104 "Can't fine the ITS in gAlice. Aborting.");
105 return;
106 } // end if !its
107 fGeom = its->GetITSgeom();
108 if(!fGeom){
109 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
110 "Can't fine the ITS geometry in gAlice. Aborting.");
111 return;
112 } // end if !fGeom
114 if(fOut) fOut->cd();
115 fInit = kTRUE;
118AliITSFindClustersV2::AliITSFindClustersV2(TFile *in,
119 TFile *out){
120 // Standard constructor.
121 // Inputs:
122 // const TFile *in Input file where the RecPoints are
123 // to be read from.
124 // const Tfile *out Output file where V2 tracking clulsters
125 // are to be written. if ==0 writen to the
126 // same file as input.
127 // Outputs:
128 // none.
129 // Return:
130 // A standardly constructed AliITSFindClustersV2 class.
132 fAr = 0;
133 fDeletfAr = kFALSE; // fAr=0 dont't delete it.
134 fGeom = 0;
135 fInFileName = 0;
136 fOutFileName = 0;
137 fIn = 0;
138 fOut = 0;
139 fSlowFast = kFALSE; // slow simulation
140 fInit = kFALSE; // Init failed
142 fIn = in;
143 fOut = out;
144 fAr = (AliRun*) fIn->Get("gAlice");
145 if(!fAr){
146 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
147 "Can't fine gAlice in file %s. Aborting.",fIn->GetName());
148 return;
149 } // end if !fAr
150 fDeletfAr = kTRUE; // Since gAlice was read in, delete it.
151 AliITS *its = (AliITS*) fAr->GetModule("ITS");
152 if(!its){
153 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
154 "Can't fine the ITS in gAlice. Aborting.");
155 return;
156 } // end if !its
157 fGeom = its->GetITSgeom();
158 if(!fGeom){
159 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
160 "Can't fine the ITS geometry in gAlice. Aborting.");
161 return;
162 } // end if !fGeom
164 if(fOut) fOut->cd();
165 fInit = kTRUE;
168AliITSFindClustersV2::AliITSFindClustersV2(AliRun *ar,
169 const TString outfile){
170 // Standard constructor.
171 // Inputs:
172 // const TString infile Input file name where the RecPoints are
173 // to be read from.
174 // const TString outfile Output file where V2 tracking clulsters
175 // are to be written. if =="" writen to the
176 // same file as input.
177 // Outputs:
178 // none.
179 // Return:
180 // A standardly constructed AliITSFindClustersV2 class.
182 fAr = 0;
183 fDeletfAr = kFALSE; // fAr=0 dont't delete it.
184 fGeom = 0;
185 fInFileName = 0;
186 fOutFileName = 0;
187 fIn = 0;
188 fOut = 0;
189 fSlowFast = kFALSE; // slow simulation
190 fInit = kFALSE; // Init failed
192 if(outfile.CompareTo("")!=0){
193 fOutFileName = new TString(outfile);
194 } // end if outfile.CompareeTo("")!=0
196 if(fOutFileName!=0){
197 fOut = new TFile(fOutFileName->Data(),"UPDATE");
198 } // end if
200 fAr = ar;
201 if(!fAr){
202 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
203 "ar==0. Aborting.");
204 return;
205 } // end if !fAr
206 AliITS *its = (AliITS*) fAr->GetModule("ITS");
207 if(!its){
208 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
209 "Can't fine the ITS in gAlice. Aborting.");
210 return;
211 } // end if !its
212 fGeom = its->GetITSgeom();
213 if(!fGeom){
214 Warning("AliITSFindClusterV2",
215 "Can't fine the ITS geometry in gAlice. Aborting.");
216 return;
217 } // end if !fGeom
219 if(fOut) fOut->cd();
220 fInit = kTRUE;
224 // Default constructor.
225 // Inputs:
226 // none.
227 // Outputs:
228 // none.
229 // Return:
230 // A destroyed AliITSFindclustersV2 class.
232 fGeom = 0; // Deleted when AliRun/ITS is deleted.
233 if(fInFileName!=0){ // input file opened by AliITSFindClustersV2
234 if(fIn!=0){
235 if(fIn->IsOpen()) fIn->Close();
236 delete fIn;
237 fIn = 0;
238 } // end if
239 delete fInFileName;
240 fInFileName = 0;
241 } // end if
243 if(fOutFileName!=0){ // input file opened by AliITSFindClustersV2
244 if(fOut!=0){
245 if(fOut->IsOpen()) fOut->Close();
246 delete fOut;
247 fOut = 0;
248 } // end if
249 delete fOutFileName;
250 fOutFileName = 0;
251 } // end if
252 if(fDeletfAr && !fAr){
253 cout << "deleting fAr."<< endl;
254 delete fAr;
255 fAr = 0;
256 cout << "fAr deleted OK."<< endl;
257 } // end if fDeletfAr
260void AliITSFindClustersV2::Exec(const Option_t *opt){
261 // Main FindclustersV2 function.
262 // Inputs:
263 // Option_t * opt list of subdetector to digitize. =0 all.
264 // Outputs:
265 // none.
266 // Return:
267 // none.
268 Char_t name[50];
270 if(!fInit){
271 Warning("Exec","Initilization not succesfull. Aborting.");
272 return;
273 } // end if !fInit
275 fGeom->Write();
277 fAr->GetEvent(0);
278 TTree *pTree = fAr->TreeR();
279 if(!pTree){
280 Warning("Exec","Error getting TreeR. TreeR=%p",pTree);
281 return;
282 } // end if !pTree
283 TBranch *branch = 0;
284 if(fSlowFast) sprintf(name,"ITSRecPointsF");
285 else sprintf(name,"ITSRecPoints");
286 branch = pTree->GetBranch(name);
287 if(!branch){
288 Warning("Exec","Can't find branch %s in TreeR fSlowFast=%d",
289 name,fSlowFast);
290 return;
291 } // end if !branch
292 TClonesArray *points = new TClonesArray("AliITSRecPoint",10000);
293 branch->SetAddress(&points);
294 Int_t nentr = (Int_t) branch->GetEntries();
296 if(fOut) fOut->cd();
297 TClonesArray *cluster = new TClonesArray("AliITSclusterV2",10000);
298 sprintf(name,"TreeC_ITS_%d",fAr->GetHeader()->GetEvent());
299 TTree *cTree = new TTree(name,"ITS clusters");
300 cTree->Branch("Clusters",&cluster);
301 TClonesArray &cl = *cluster;
303 Float_t lp[5];
304 Int_t lab[6];
305 Int_t i,j,lay,lad,det,nclusters=0,ncl;
306 Float_t kmip,x,y,zshift,yshift;
307 Double_t rot[9];
308 AliITSRecPoint *p;
309 TParticle *part;
311 for(i=0;i<nentr;i++){
312 points->Clear();
313 branch->GetEvent(i);
314 ncl = points->GetEntriesFast();
315 if(ncl<=0) {
316 cTree->Fill();
317 continue;
318 } // end if ncl<=0
319 nclusters += ncl;
320 fGeom->GetModuleId(i,lay,lad,det);
321 fGeom->GetTrans(i,x,y,zshift);
322 fGeom->GetRotMatrix(i,rot);
323 yshift = x*rot[0] + y*rot[1];
324 kmip = 1.0; // fGeom->GetModuletype(i)==kSPD
325 if(fGeom->GetModuleType(i)==kSDD) kmip = 280.0;
326 if(fGeom->GetModuleType(i)==kSSD) kmip = 38.0;
327 for(j=0;j<ncl;j++){
328 p = (AliITSRecPoint*)(points->UncheckedAt(j));
329 lp[0] = - (p->GetX() + yshift);
330 if(lay==1) lp[0] = -lp[0];
331 lp[1] = p->GetZ() + zshift;
332 lp[2] = p->GetSigmaX2();
333 lp[3] = p->GetSigmaZ2();
334 lp[4] = p->GetQ()/kmip;
335 lab[0] = p->GetLabel(0);
336 lab[1] = p->GetLabel(1);
337 lab[2] = p->GetLabel(2);
338 lab[3] = i;
339 lad = lab[0];
340 if(lad>=0){
341 part = (TParticle*) fAr->Particle(lad);
342 lad = -3;
343 while(part->P() < 0.005){
344 if(part->GetFirstMother()<0){
345 Warning("Exec","Primary momentum: %e",part->P());
346 break;
347 } // end if part->GetFirstMother()<0
348 lad = part->GetFirstMother();
349 part = (TParticle*) fAr->Particle(lad);
350 } // end while part->P() < 0.005
351 if(lab[1]<0) lab[1] = lad;
352 else if(lab[2]<0) lab[2] = lad;
353 else Warning("Exec","No empty lables!");
354 } // end if lab>=0
355 new(cl[j]) AliITSclusterV2(lab,lp);
356 } // end for j
357 cTree->Fill();
358 cluster->Delete();
359 points->Delete();
360 } // end for i
361 cTree->Write();
363 delete cTree;
364 delete cluster;
365 delete points;