]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - ITS/AliITSHandleDaSSD.h
Adding the correction task for the multi-dimensional balance function analysis
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSHandleDaSSD.h
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4/* Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* */
7/* $Id$ */
9#include <string>
10#include "TObject.h"
11#include "TArrayS.h"
12#include "AliITSModuleDaSSD.h"
16/// This class provides ITS SSD data handling
17/// used by DA.
18// Author: Oleksandr Borysov
19// Date: 09/02/2010
22using namespace std;
24class AliITSBadChannelsSSDv2;
25class AliITSNoiseSSDv2;
27class AliITSHandleDaSSD : public TObject {
28 public :
29 AliITSHandleDaSSD();
30 explicit AliITSHandleDaSSD(Char_t *rdfname);
31 AliITSHandleDaSSD(const AliITSHandleDaSSD& ssdadldc);
32 AliITSHandleDaSSD& operator = (const AliITSHandleDaSSD& ssdadldc);
33 virtual ~AliITSHandleDaSSD();
35 virtual Bool_t Init(Char_t *rdfname);
36 Bool_t SetRawFileName (Char_t *rdfname) {return Init(rdfname); }
38 void SetZsDefaul(const Int_t zs) { fZsDefault = zs; }
39 void SetOffsetDefault(const Int_t offs) { fOffsetDefault = offs; }
40 void SetZsMinimum(const Int_t zsm) { if (zsm >= 0) if (static_cast<UInt_t>(zsm) <= fgkZsBitMask) fZsMinimum = zsm; }
41 void SetMergeBCFlag(const Byte_t mbcf) { fMergeBCLists = mbcf; }
42 void SetZsFactor(const Float_t zsf) { fZsFactor = zsf; }
43 void SetPedestalThresholdFactor(const Float_t pthf) { fPedestalThresholdFactor = pthf; }
44 void SetCmThresholdFactor(const Float_t cmthf) { fCmThresholdFactor = cmthf; }
45 void SetALaddersOff(const Int_t n, const Short_t *allist) { fALaddersOff.Set(n, allist); }
46 void SetCLaddersOff(const Int_t n, const Short_t *cllist) { fCLaddersOff.Set(n, cllist); }
47 void SetLaddersOff(const Int_t na, const Short_t *allist, const Int_t nc, const Short_t *cllist)
48 { SetALaddersOff(na, allist); SetCLaddersOff(nc, cllist); }
50 Int_t GetNumberOfEvents() const { return fNumberOfEvents; }
51 Int_t GetZsDefault() const { return fZsDefault; }
52 Int_t GetOffsetDefault() const { return fOffsetDefault; }
53 Float_t GetZsFactor() const { return fZsFactor; }
54 Int_t GetZsMinimum() const { return fZsMinimum; }
55 Bool_t GetMergeBCFlag() const { return static_cast<Bool_t>(fMergeBCLists); }
56 Float_t GetPedestalThresholdFactor() const { return fPedestalThresholdFactor; }
57 Float_t GetCmThresholdFactor() const { return fCmThresholdFactor; }
58 TArrayS GetALaddersOff () const { return fALaddersOff; }
59 TArrayS GetCLaddersOff () const { return fCLaddersOff; }
60 Int_t GetEqIndex(const Short_t eq) const { for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEqIndex.GetSize(); i++) if (eq == fEqIndex.At(i)) return i; return -1; }
62 Int_t GetNumberOfModules() const { return fNumberOfModules; }
63 UInt_t GetLdcId() const { return fLdcId; }
64 UInt_t GetRunId() const { return fRunId; }
65 AliITSModuleDaSSD* GetModule (const UChar_t ddlID, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc) const;
66 AliITSModuleDaSSD* GetModule (const Int_t index) const
67 {if ((fModules) && (index < fNumberOfModules)) return fModules[index]; else return NULL;}
68 Int_t GetModuleIndex (const UChar_t ddlID, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc) const;
69 AliITSChannelDaSSD* GetStrip (const UChar_t ddlID, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc, const UShort_t stripID) const;
70 AliITSNoiseSSDv2* GetCalibrationOCDBNoise() const;
71 AliITSBadChannelsSSDv2* GetCalibrationBadChannels() const;
72 Bool_t SaveCalibrationSSDLDC(Char_t*& dafname);
73 Int_t MergeBadChannels(AliITSBadChannelsSSDv2*& bcl) const;
75 void SetModIndProcessed(Int_t mi) {fModIndProcessed = mi;}
76 void SetModIndRead (Int_t mr) {fModIndRead = mr;}
77 Bool_t SetNumberOfModules (const Int_t numberofmodules);
78 Bool_t SetModule(AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module, const Int_t index);
79 virtual Bool_t ReadStaticBadChannelsMap(const Char_t *filename = NULL);
80 virtual Bool_t ReadDDLModuleMap(const Char_t *filename = NULL);
81 Int_t ReadCalibrationDataFile (char* fileName, const Long_t eventsnumber);
82 virtual Int_t ReadModuleRawData (const Int_t modulesnumber);
84 virtual Bool_t CalculatePedestal(const AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
85 virtual Bool_t CalculateNoise(const AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
86 virtual Bool_t CalculateNoiseCM(AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
87 virtual Bool_t CalculateCM(AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
88 virtual Bool_t CalculatePedNoiseW(const AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
89 virtual Bool_t CalculateCMW(AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
90 virtual Bool_t CalculateNoiseCMW(AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
91 virtual Bool_t AddFeromCm(const AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module);
92 virtual Bool_t ProcessRawData(const Int_t nmread = fgkNumberOfSSDModulesPerDdl, const Bool_t usewelford = kTRUE);
93 virtual Bool_t RelocateModules();
94 virtual Bool_t AllocateSimulatedModules(const Int_t copymodind = 0);
96 Bool_t AdDataPresent(const Int_t ddl, const Int_t ad) const;
97 Int_t DdlToEquipmentId (Int_t ddl) const { return (512 + ddl); }
98 Int_t ChannelIsBad(const UChar_t ddl, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc, const Int_t strn) const;
99 UChar_t EvaluateIfChannelIsBad(const AliITSModuleDaSSD *const module, const Int_t stripn) const;
100 Int_t LadderIsOff(const UChar_t ddl, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc) const;
101 Bool_t SaveEqSlotCalibrationData(const Int_t ddl, const Int_t ad, const Char_t *fname) const;
102 ULong_t OffsetValue(const AliITSChannelDaSSD *strip, const UChar_t ddl = 0, const UChar_t ad = 0,
103 const UChar_t adc = 0, const Int_t strn = -1) const;
104 ULong_t OffsetValue(const UChar_t ddl, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc, const Int_t strn) const;
105 ULong_t ZsThreshold(const AliITSChannelDaSSD *strip) const;
106 ULong_t ZsThreshold(const UChar_t ddl, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc, const Int_t strn) const;
108 virtual void Reset();
109 virtual Short_t RetrieveModuleId(const UChar_t ddlID, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc) const;
110 Bool_t DumpModInfo(const Float_t meannosethreshold) const;
111 Bool_t PrintModCalibrationData(const UChar_t ddlID, const UChar_t ad, const UChar_t adc, const Char_t *fname = NULL) const;
112 Int_t CheckOffChips() const;
113 void DumpInitData(const Char_t *str = "") const;
114 void DeleteSignalAll() { if (fModules) for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNumberOfModules; i++) if (fModules[i]) fModules[i]->DeleteSignal();}
115 void DeleteSignal() { if (fModules) for (Int_t i = fModIndProcessed; i < fModIndRead; i++) if (fModules[i]) fModules[i]->DeleteSignal();}
116 void DeleteCMAll() { if (fModules) for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNumberOfModules; i++) if (fModules[i]) fModules[i]->DeleteCM();}
117 void DeleteCM() { if (fModules) for (Int_t i = fModIndProcessed; i < fModIndRead; i++) if (fModules[i]) fModules[i]->DeleteCM();}
118 void DeleteCMFerom() { if (fModules) for (Int_t i = fModIndProcessed; i < fModIndRead; i++) if (fModules[i]) fModules[i]->DeleteCMFerom ();}
120 static Int_t GetNumberOfSSDModulesConst() { return fgkNumberOfSSDModules; }
122 protected :
124 static const Int_t fgkNumberOfSSDModules ; // Number of SSD modules in ITS
125 static const Int_t fgkNumberOfSSDModulesPerDdl; // Number of SSD modules in DDL
126 static const Int_t fgkNumberOfSSDModulesPerSlot; // Number of SSD modules in Slot
127 static const Short_t fgkMinSSDModuleId; // Initial SSD modules number
128 static const Int_t fgkNumberOfSSDDDLs; // Number of DDLs in SSD
129 static const Int_t fgkNumberOfSSDSlotsPerDDL; // Number of SSD slots per DDL
130 static const Float_t fgkPedestalThresholdFactor; // Defalt value for fPedestalThresholdFactor
131 static const Float_t fgkCmThresholdFactor; // Defalt value for fCmThresholdFactor
133 static const UInt_t fgkZsBitMask ; // Bit mask for FEROM ZS
134 static const UInt_t fgkOffSetBitMask; // Bit mask for FEROM Offset correction
135 static const UInt_t fgkBadChannelMask; // Mask to suppress the channel from the bad channel list
136 static const Int_t fgkAdcPerDBlock; // FEROM configuration file constant
138 Char_t *fRawDataFileName; // Name of the file with raw data
139 Int_t fNumberOfModules; // number of AliITSModuleDaSSD to allocate
140 AliITSModuleDaSSD **fModules; //[fNumberOfModules] array of pointer on AliITSModuleDaSSD objects (1698 SSD Modules)
141 Int_t fModIndProcessed; //! index of the last module in fModules array with processed data
142 Int_t fModIndRead; //! index of the last module in fModules array with adc data present (read)
143 Int_t *fModIndex; //! index array for fModules
144 TArrayS fEqIndex; //! index array of equipmnts (DDLs).
145 Long_t fNumberOfEvents; // Number of physics or calibration events in raw data file fRawDataFileName
147 AliITSBadChannelsSSDv2 *fBadChannelsList; //! List of bad channels: static or created on base of calculated noise and pedestal
148 Int_t *fDDLModuleMap; //! DDL map
149 TArrayS fALaddersOff; //! Lisst of ladders of side A that are off and should be suppressed
150 TArrayS fCLaddersOff; //! Lisst of ladders of side C that are off and should be suppressed
152 UInt_t fLdcId; // LDC number, read from header
153 UInt_t fRunId; // Run number, read from header
155 Float_t fPedestalThresholdFactor; // configuration parameter: ThresholdFactor for pedestal calculation
156 Float_t fCmThresholdFactor; // configuration parameter: ThresholdFactor for CM calculation
157 Int_t fZsDefault; // default value for ZS threshold
158 Int_t fOffsetDefault; // default value for offset correction
159 Int_t fZsMinimum; // minimum value for ZS threshold
160 Byte_t fMergeBCLists; // Flag, if it is not zero the static bad channels list is merged with dynamic one
161 Float_t fZsFactor; // zs factor 3.0
163 protected :
164 Bool_t SignalOutOfRange (const Short_t signal) const { return ((signal >= AliITSChannelDaSSD::GetOverflowConst()) ||
165 (signal <= AliITSChannelDaSSD::GetUnderflowConst())); }
166 string ConvBase(const unsigned long value, const long base) const;
168 ClassDef(AliITSHandleDaSSD, 8)