]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - ITS/AliITSPreprocessorSPD.cxx
protect against wrong instantiation of trending manager
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSPreprocessorSPD.cxx
... / ...
2// Author: Henrik Tydesjo //
3// Preprocessor Class for the SPD //
4// //
7#include "AliITSPreprocessorSPD.h"
8#include "AliITSCalibrationSPD.h"
9#include "AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler.h"
10#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
11#include "AliCDBMetaData.h"
12#include "AliShuttleInterface.h"
13#include "AliLog.h"
14#include <TTimeStamp.h>
15#include <TObjString.h>
16#include <TSystem.h>
17#include <fstream>
19/* $Id$ */
21using std::ifstream;
25AliITSPreprocessorSPD::AliITSPreprocessorSPD(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) :
26 AliPreprocessor("SPD", shuttle), fIdList()
28 // constructor
29 AddRunType("DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN");
30 AddRunType("DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN");
31 AddRunType("DAQ_GEN_DAC_SCAN");
33 AddRunType("DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN");
34 AddRunType("DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN");
35 AddRunType("DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN");
36 AddRunType("PHYSICS");
38 fIdList.SetOwner(kTRUE);
44 // destructor
48void AliITSPreprocessorSPD::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime,
49 UInt_t endTime)
51 // initialize
52 AliPreprocessor::Initialize(run, startTime, endTime);
54 AliInfo(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s", run,
55 TTimeStamp(startTime).AsString(),
56 TTimeStamp(endTime).AsString()));
60UInt_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::Process(TMap* /*dcsAliasMap*/)
62 // Do the actual preprocessing
65 // *** GET RUN TYPE ***
67 TString runType = GetRunType();
70 fIdList.Clear();
73 // ******************************************************************************************** //
75 if (runType == "DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN" ||
76 runType == "DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN" ||
77 runType == "DAQ_GEN_DAC_SCAN" ||
78 runType == "DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN" ||
79 runType == "DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN" ||
80 runType == "DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN" ||
81 runType == "DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN" ||
82 runType == "PHYSICS") {
83 TString idListId = "SPD_id_list";
84 TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,idListId.Data());
85 UInt_t nrIdFiles = 0;
86 if (list) {
87 TListIter *iter = new TListIter(list);
88 while (TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) iter->Next()) {
89 TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, idListId.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
90 if (fileName.IsNull()) {
91 Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()));
92 return 1;
93 }
94 nrIdFiles++;
95 ifstream idFile;
96 idFile.open(fileName.Data(), ifstream::in);
97 if (idFile.fail()) {
98 Log(Form("Could not open file (%s) for reading.",fileName.Data()));
99 return 1;
100 }
101 else {
102 while(1) {
103 Char_t id[50];
104 idFile >> id;
105 if (idFile.eof()) break;
106 // Add id to the list;
107 fIdList.AddLast(new TObjString(id));
108 }
109 }
110 idFile.close();
111 }
112 delete iter;
113 }
114 if (nrIdFiles==0) {
115 Log("Failed to retrieve any id list file.");
116 return 1;
117 }
118 }
121 // ******************************************************************************************** //
122 // *** REFERENCE DATA *** //
124 // SCAN runs:
125 if (runType == "DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN" ||
126 runType == "DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN" ||
127 runType == "DAQ_GEN_DAC_SCAN" ||
128 runType == "DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN" ||
129 runType == "DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN" ||
130 runType == "DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN") {
131 // Store scan container files for all equipments used - as reference data
132 // ids from FXS follow ("SPD_ref_scan_%d",eq), while Alien follow ("SPD_ref_scan_eq_%d",eq)
133 // the first part of the id is passed as argument here:
134 if (!StoreRefForIdStartingWith("SPD_ref_scan")) return 1;
135 }
137 // FO runs:
138 else if (runType == "DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN") {
139 // Store fo container files for all equipments used - as reference data
140 // ids from FXS follow ("SPD_ref_fo_%d",eq), while Alien follow ("SPD_ref_fo_eq_%d",eq)
141 // the first part of the id is passed as argument here:
142 if (!StoreRefForIdStartingWith("SPD_ref_fo")) return 1;
143 }
145 // Physics runs (online monitoring):
146 else if (runType == "PHYSICS") {
147 // Store the phys "per run" container files - as reference data
148 if (!StoreRefFromTarForId("SPD_ref_phys")) return 1;
149 // Store the phys "dead" container files - as reference data
150 if (!StoreRefFromTarForId("SPD_ref_phys_dead")) return 1;
151 }
155 // ******************************************************************************************** //
156 // *** NOISY AND DEAD DATA *** //
158 // Standalone runs:
159 if (runType == "DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN") {
160 // Retrieve and unpack tared calibration files from FXS
161 TString id = "SPD_scan_noisy";
162 TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id.Data());
163 if (list) {
164 UInt_t index = 0;
165 while (list->At(index)!=NULL) {
166 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index);
167 TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
168 if (fileName.IsNull()) {
169 Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()));
170 return 1;
171 }
172 if (!RemoveIdFromList("SPD_scan_noisy")) {
173 Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id.Data()));
174 }
175 TString command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data());
176 gSystem->Exec(command.Data());
177 index++;
178 }
179 }
180 // Create new database entries
181 TObjArray* spdEntryNoisy = new TObjArray(240);
182 spdEntryNoisy->SetOwner(kTRUE);
183 for(UInt_t module=0; module<240; module++){
184 AliITSCalibrationSPD* calObj = new AliITSCalibrationSPD();
185 spdEntryNoisy->Add(calObj);
186 }
187 // Add noisy from the copied FXS files
188 AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler();
189 TString fileLoc = ".";
190 handler->SetFileLocation(fileLoc.Data());
191 handler->ReadNoisyFromFiles();
192 for (Int_t module=0; module<240; module++) {
193 ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetNrBadSingle( handler->GetNrNoisySingle(module) );
194 ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetBadList( handler->GetNoisyArray(module) );
195 }
196 delete handler;
197 // Store the new calibration objects in OCDB
198 Log("Noisy lists (scan) will be stored...");
199 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
200 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
201 metaData.SetResponsible("Henrik Tydesjo");
202 metaData.SetComment("Created by SPD PreProcessor");
203 // validity for this run until infinity
204 if (!Store("Calib", "SPDNoisy", spdEntryNoisy, &metaData, 0, kTRUE)) {
205 Log("Failed to store calibration data.");
206 return 1;
207 }
208 Log("Database updated.");
209 delete spdEntryNoisy;
210 }
212 // Physics runs (online monitoring):
213 else if (runType == "PHYSICS") {
215 // Noisy pixels:
216 // Read noisy from previous calibration
217 AliCDBEntry* cdbEntry = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "SPDNoisy");
218 TObjArray* spdEntryNoisy;
219 if(cdbEntry) {
220 spdEntryNoisy = (TObjArray*)cdbEntry->GetObject();
221 if(!spdEntryNoisy) return 1;
222 }
223 else {
224 Log("Old calibration not found in database. This is required for further processing.");
225 return 1;
226 }
227 AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handOld = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler();
228 handOld->ReadNoisyFromCalibObj(spdEntryNoisy);
229 // Retrieve and unpack tared calibration files from FXS
230 TString idN = "SPD_phys_noisy";
231 TList* listN = GetFileSources(kDAQ,idN.Data());
232 if (listN) {
233 UInt_t index = 0;
234 while (listN->At(index)!=NULL) {
235 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) listN->At(index);
236 TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, idN.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
237 if (fileName.IsNull()) {
238 Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()));
239 return 1;
240 }
241 if (!RemoveIdFromList(idN.Data())) {
242 Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",idN.Data()));
243 }
244 TString command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data());
245 gSystem->Exec(command.Data());
246 index++;
247 }
248 }
249 AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handNew = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler();
250 handNew->SetFileLocation(".");
251 handNew->ReadNoisyFromFiles();
252 // add the new list to the old one
253 UInt_t nrNewNoisy = handOld->AddNoisyFrom(handNew);
254 // If new noisy pixels were found: Update calibration objects
255 if (nrNewNoisy>0) {
256 for (Int_t module=0; module<240; module++) {
257 ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetNrBadSingle( handOld->GetNrNoisySingle(module) );
258 ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetBadList( handOld->GetNoisyArray(module) );
259 }
260 // Store the new calibration objects in OCDB
261 Log("Noisy lists (phys) will be stored...");
262 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
263 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
264 metaData.SetResponsible("Henrik Tydesjo");
265 metaData.SetComment("Created by SPD PreProcessor");
266 // validity for this run only
267 if (!Store("Calib", "SPDNoisy", spdEntryNoisy, &metaData, 0, kFALSE)) {
268 Log("Failed to store calibration data.");
269 return 1;
270 }
271 Log("Database updated.");
272 }
273 delete handNew;
275 // Dead pixels:
276 // Retrieve and unpack tared calibration files from FXS
277 TString idD = "SPD_phys_dead";
278 TList* listD = GetFileSources(kDAQ,idD.Data());
279 UInt_t nrPhysDeadFiles = 0;
280 if (listD) {
281 UInt_t index = 0;
282 while (listD->At(index)!=NULL) {
283 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) listD->At(index);
284 TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, idD.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
285 if (fileName.IsNull()) {
286 Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()));
287 return 1;
288 }
289 nrPhysDeadFiles++;
290 if (!RemoveIdFromList("SPD_phys_dead")) {
291 Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",idD.Data()));
292 }
293 TString command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data());
294 gSystem->Exec(command.Data());
295 index++;
296 }
297 }
298 if (nrPhysDeadFiles==0) {
299 Log(Form("Could not find files with id %s. Should be present for each run.",idD.Data()));
300 return 1;
301 }
302 // Create new database entries
303 TObjArray* spdEntryDead = new TObjArray(240);
304 spdEntryDead->SetOwner(kTRUE);
305 for(UInt_t module=0; module<240; module++){
306 AliITSCalibrationSPD* calObj = new AliITSCalibrationSPD();
307 spdEntryDead->Add(calObj);
308 }
309 // Add dead from the copied FXS files
310 handOld->SetFileLocation(".");
311 handOld->ReadSilentFromFiles();
312 for (UInt_t module=0; module<240; module++) {
313 AliITSCalibrationSPD* calibSPD = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryDead->At(module);
314 calibSPD->SetNrBadSingle( handOld->GetNrDeadSingle(module) );
315 calibSPD->SetBadList( handOld->GetDeadArray(module) );
316 for (UInt_t chipIndex=0; chipIndex<5; chipIndex++) {
317 UInt_t eq,hs,chip,col,row;
318 AliITSRawStreamSPD::OfflineToOnline(module, chipIndex*32, 0, eq, hs, chip, col, row);
319 if (handOld->IsSilentChip(eq,hs,chip)) {
320 calibSPD->SetChipBad(chipIndex);
321 }
322 else {
323 calibSPD->UnSetChipBad(chipIndex);
324 }
325 }
326 }
327 delete handOld;
328 // Store the new calibration objects in OCDB
329 Log("Dead lists (phys) will be stored...");
330 AliCDBMetaData metaData;
331 metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0);
332 metaData.SetResponsible("Henrik Tydesjo");
333 metaData.SetComment("Created by SPD PreProcessor");
334 // validity for this run only
335 if (!Store("Calib", "SPDDead", spdEntryDead, &metaData, 0, kFALSE)) {
336 Log("Failed to store calibration data.");
337 return 1;
338 }
339 Log("Database updated.");
340 delete spdEntryDead;
342 }
346 // ******************************************************************************************** //
347 // check that there are no ids left in the list:
348 if (fIdList.First()!=NULL) {
349 TString logMessage = "";
350 TListIter *iter = new TListIter(&fIdList);
351 while (TObjString *st = (TObjString*)iter->Next()) {
352 logMessage.Append(st->GetString());
353 logMessage.Append(" ");
354 }
355 delete iter;
356 Log(Form("Files with the following ids were never retrieved: %s.",logMessage.Data()));
357 return 1;
358 }
359 fIdList.Clear();
362 return 0; // 0 means success
366Bool_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::RemoveIdFromList(const Char_t *id) {
367 // removes id from the list of ids
368 Bool_t found = kFALSE;
369 TListIter *iter = new TListIter(&fIdList);
370 while (TObjString *st = (TObjString*)iter->Next()) {
371 if (st->GetString().CompareTo(id)==0) {
372 fIdList.Remove(st);
373 found = kTRUE;
374 break;
375 }
376 }
377 delete iter;
378 return found;
381Bool_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::StoreRefForIdStartingWith(const Char_t *idStart) {
382 // Store the standalone container files as reference data (0 or 1 file for each equipment)
383 // idStart is the first part of the id string (which also should contain the actual eq)
384 for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) {
385 TString id = Form("%s_%d",idStart,eq);
386 TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id.Data()); // (the id should be unique, so always 1 file)
387 if (list) {
388 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->First();
389 if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) {
390 TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id, fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
391 if (fileName.IsNull()) {
392 Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()));
393 return kFALSE;
394 }
395 if (!RemoveIdFromList(id.Data())) {
396 Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id.Data()));
397 }
398 TString refCAT = Form("%s_eq_%d",idStart,eq);
399 if (!StoreReferenceFile(fileName.Data(),refCAT.Data())) {
400 Log(Form("Failed to store reference file %s.",fileName.Data()));
401 return kFALSE;
402 }
403 }
404 }
405 }
406 return kTRUE;
409Bool_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::StoreRefFromTarForId(const Char_t *id) {
410 // store reference files from tar file for the id given (this is just to not duplicate code)
411 TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id);
412 if (list) {
413 UInt_t index = 0;
414 while (list->At(index)!=NULL) {
415 TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index);
416 TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id, fileNameEntry->GetString().Data());
417 if (fileName.IsNull()) {
418 Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()));
419 return kFALSE;
420 }
421 if (!RemoveIdFromList(id)) {
422 Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id));
423 }
424 // get the file names from the tar file
425 // TString pwd = gSystem->pwd();
426 // TString tempFileName = Form("%s/tempTar.txt",pwd.Data());
427 TString tempFileName = "tempTar.txt";
428 TString command = Form("tar -tf %s > %s",fileName.Data(),tempFileName.Data());
429 gSystem->Exec(command.Data());
430 TList fList;
431 ifstream tempFile;
432 tempFile.open(tempFileName.Data(), ifstream::in);
433 if (tempFile.fail()) {
434 Log(Form("Could not open file (%s) for reading.",tempFileName.Data()));
435 return kFALSE;
436 }
437 else {
438 while(1) {
439 Char_t fileN[100];
440 tempFile >> fileN;
441 if (tempFile.eof()) break;
442 fList.AddLast(new TObjString(fileN));
443 }
444 }
445 // close and remove temp file
446 tempFile.close();
447 command = Form("rm -f %s",tempFileName.Data());
448 gSystem->Exec(command.Data());
449 // unpack
450 command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data());
451 gSystem->Exec(command.Data());
452 // store each file
453 UInt_t index2 = 0;
454 while (fList.At(index2)!=NULL) {
455 TString eqFileName = ((TObjString*)fList.At(index2))->GetString();
456 // get eq id
457 TString eqStr = eqFileName.Data();
458 UInt_t len = eqStr.Length();
459 eqStr.Replace(0,len-7,"",0);
460 eqStr.ReplaceAll("_",1,"",0);
461 eqStr.ReplaceAll(".root",5,"",0);
462 Int_t eqId = eqStr.Atoi();
463 if (eqId>=0 && eqId<20) {
464 TString refCAT = Form("%s_eq_%d",id,eqId);
465 if (!StoreReferenceFile(eqFileName.Data(),refCAT.Data())) {
466 Log(Form("Failed to store reference file %s.",eqFileName.Data()));
467 return kFALSE;
468 }
469 }
470 else {
471 Log(Form("Eq ID %d out of bounds for file %s",eqId,eqFileName.Data()));
472 fList.Clear();
473 return kFALSE;
474 }
475 index2++;
476 }
477 fList.Clear();
478 index++;
479 }
480 }
481 return kTRUE;