]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWG/FLOW/Tasks/AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG / FLOW / Tasks / AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow.h
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1/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. */
2/* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
3/* $Id$ */
5// AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow:
6// origin: Redmer Alexander Bertens (rbertens@nikhef.nl)
7// analyis task for phi-meson reconstruction and estimation of v_n
12class TH1F;
13class TH2F;
14class TProfile;
15class AliESDEvent;
16class AliESDtrackCuts;
17class AliFlowTrackCuts;
18class AliFlowEvent;
19class AliFlowCandidateTrack;
20class AliFlowBayesianPID;
21class AliEventPoolManager;
22class AliPIDCombined;
24#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
26class AliPhiMesonHelperTrack : public TObject
29 AliPhiMesonHelperTrack(Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Float_t p, Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t pt, Int_t charge) : fEta(eta), fPhi(phi), fp(p), fpX(px), fpY(py), fpZ(pz), fpT(pt), fCharge(charge) { }
30 ~AliPhiMesonHelperTrack() {}
31 virtual Double_t P() const { return fp; }
32 virtual Double_t Px() const { return fpX; }
33 virtual Double_t Py() const { return fpY; }
34 virtual Double_t Pz() const { return fpZ; }
35 virtual Double_t Pt() const { return fpT; }
36 virtual Double_t Phi() const { return fPhi; }
37 virtual Double_t Eta() const { return fEta; }
38 virtual Int_t Charge() const { return fCharge; }
39 void InitializeHelperTrack(Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Float_t p, Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t pt, Int_t charge) { fEta = eta; fPhi = phi; fp = p; fpX = px; fpY = py; fpZ = pz; fpT = pt; fCharge = charge; }
41 Float_t fEta; // eta
42 Float_t fPhi; // phi
43 Float_t fp; // p
44 Float_t fpX; // pX
45 Float_t fpY; // pY
46 Float_t fpZ; // pZ
47 Float_t fpT; // pT
48 Int_t fCharge; // charge
49 ClassDef(AliPhiMesonHelperTrack, 1); // lightweight helper track for phi reconstruction
52class AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
55 AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow();
56 AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow(const char *name);
57 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow();
58 Int_t SetDebugLevelPhiTask(Int_t debug) {fDebug = debug; return fDebug; }
59 Bool_t SetIsMC(Bool_t ismc) {fIsMC = ismc; return fIsMC; }
60 Bool_t UseEventMixing(Bool_t mix, Bool_t type) {fEventMixing = mix; fTypeMixing = type; return mix; }
61 Bool_t SetVZEROSubEvents(Bool_t v0) { fV0 = v0; return v0; }
62 TH1F* BookHistogram(const char * name);
63 TH2F* BookPIDHistogram(const char * name, Bool_t TPC);
64 TH1F* InitPtSpectraHistograms(Float_t nmin, Float_t nmax);
65 TH1F* BookPtHistogram(const char* name);
66 void AddPhiIdentificationOutputObjects();
67 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
68 AliEventPoolManager* InitializeEventMixing();
69 void SetPtBins(Float_t bin[19], Int_t n) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < n+1; i++) fPtBins[i] = bin[i]; fNPtBins = n; }
70 template <typename T> Double_t InvariantMass(const T* track1, const T* track2) const;
71// template <typename T> Double_t DeltaDipAngle(const T* track1, const T* track2) const;
72// template <typename T> Bool_t CheckDeltaDipAngle(const T* track1, const T* track2) const;
73 template <typename T> Bool_t CheckCandidateEtaPtCut(const T* track1, const T* track2) const;
74 void SetCentralityParameters(Double_t min, Double_t max, const char* a, const char* b, Bool_t c, Bool_t d) {
75 fCentralityMin = min;
76 fCentralityMax = max;
77 fkCentralityMethodA = a;
78 fkCentralityMethodB = b;
79 fCentralityCut2010 = c;
80 fCentralityCut2011 = d;}
81 void SetCurrentCentralityBin(Double_t c) {fCentrality = c; }
82 Double_t GetCenMin() const {return fCentralityMin; }
83 Double_t GetCenMax() const {return fCentralityMax; }
84 const char* GetCentralityMethod() const {return fkCentralityMethodA; }
85 void SetVertexZ(Float_t z) { fVertexRange = z; }
86 Float_t GetVertexZ() const { return fVertexRange; }
87// void SetMaxDeltaDipAngleAndPt(Float_t a, Float_t pt) { fDeltaDipAngle = a;
88// fDeltaDipPt = pt;
89// fApplyDeltaDipCut = kTRUE; };
90// Float_t GetDeltaDipAngle() const {return fDeltaDipAngle; }
91// Float_t GetDeltaDipPt() const {return fDeltaDipPt; }
92 template <typename T> Bool_t EventCut(T* event);
93 template <typename T> void PlotMultiplcities(const T* event) const;
94 template <typename T> Bool_t CheckVertex(const T* event);
95 template <typename T> Bool_t CheckCentrality(T* event);
96 void InitializeBayesianPID(AliAODEvent* event);
97 template <typename T> Bool_t PassesTPCbayesianCut(T* track) const;
98 Bool_t PassesDCACut(AliAODTrack* track) const;
99 Bool_t IsKaon(AliAODTrack* track) const;
100 template <typename T> Double_t PhiPt(const T* track_1, const T* track_2) const;
101 template <typename T> void PtSelector(Int_t _track_type, const T* track_1, const T* track_2) const;
102 template <typename T> Bool_t PhiTrack(T* track) const;
103 template <typename T> void SetNullCuts(T* esd);
104 void PrepareFlowEvent(Int_t iMulti);
105 void VZEROSubEventAnalysis();
106 virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option);
107 virtual void Exec(Option_t *);
108 void ReconstructionWithEventMixing(TObjArray* MixingCandidates) const;
109 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *);
110 void SetPOICuts(AliFlowTrackCuts *cutsPOI) { fPOICuts = cutsPOI; }
111 void SetRPCuts(AliFlowTrackCuts *cutsRP) { fCutsRP = cutsRP; }
112 AliFlowTrackCuts* GetPOICuts() const {return fPOICuts;}
113 AliFlowTrackCuts* GetRPCuts() const {return fCutsRP;}
114 void SetPIDConfiguration(Double_t prob[7]) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) fPIDConfig[i] = prob[i]; }
115 void GetPIDConfiguration(Double_t prob[7]) const {for(Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) prob[i] = fPIDConfig[i]; }
116 void SetPOIDCAXYZ(Double_t dca[5]) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) fDCAConfig[i] = dca[i]; }
117 void GetPOIDCZXYZ(Double_t dca[5]) const { for(Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) dca[i] = fDCAConfig[i]; }
118 void SetMixingBins(Int_t c[20], Int_t v[20]) {for(Int_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) { fCentralityMixingBins[i] = c[i];
119 fVertexMixingBins[i] = v[i]; } }
120 void SetMixingParameters(Int_t p[3]) { for(Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) fMixingParameters[i] = p[i]; }
121 void GetMixingParameters(Int_t p[3]) const { for(Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) p[i] = fMixingParameters[i]; }
122 void SetCandidateEtaAndPt(Double_t mineta, Double_t maxeta, Double_t minpt, Double_t maxpt) { fCandidateMinEta = mineta;
123 fCandidateMaxEta = maxeta;
124 fCandidateMinPt = minpt;
125 fCandidateMaxPt = maxpt;
126 fCandidateEtaPtCut = kTRUE;}
127 void GetCandidateEtaAndPt(Double_t etapt[4]) const { etapt[0] = fCandidateMinEta;
128 etapt[1] = fCandidateMaxEta;
129 etapt[2] = fCandidateMinPt;
130 etapt[3] = fCandidateMaxPt; }
131 void SetCommonConstants(Int_t massBins, Double_t minMass, Double_t maxMass) { fMassBins = massBins;
132 fMinMass = minMass;
133 fMaxMass= maxMass; }
134 void IsMC();
135 Bool_t SetQA(Bool_t qa) {fQA = qa; return fQA;}
136 void SetSkipEventSelection(Bool_t s) {
137 fSkipEventSelection = s;
138 fUsePidResponse = kTRUE; // bayesian pid object will require some event info
139 fCentrality = 5.;} // should be set by user, skipping event selection will also forego centrality selection
140 void SetUsePidResponse(Bool_t s) {fUsePidResponse = s;}
144 Int_t fDebug; // debug level (0 none, 1 fcn calls, 2 verbose)
145 Bool_t fIsMC; // use mc mode
146 Bool_t fEventMixing; // use event mixing
147 Bool_t fTypeMixing; // select type: kTRUE for unlike sign background, kFALSE for like sign background
148 Bool_t fQA; // make qa plots
149 Bool_t fV0; // use three subevents including vzero
150 Int_t fMassBins; // mass bins
151 Double_t fMinMass; // mass range
152 Double_t fMaxMass; // mass range
153 AliFlowTrackCuts *fCutsRP; // track cuts for reference particles
154 AliFlowTrackCuts *fNullCuts; // dummy cuts for flow event tracks
155 AliPIDResponse *fPIDResponse; //! pid response object
156 AliFlowEvent *fFlowEvent; //! flow events (one for each inv mass band)
157 AliFlowBayesianPID *fBayesianResponse; //!PID response object
158 TObjArray *fCandidates; // candidate array
159 Bool_t fCandidateEtaPtCut; // set eta and pt cut for candidate tracks and combinatorial background
160 Double_t fCandidateMinEta; // minimum eta for candidates
161 Double_t fCandidateMaxEta; // maximum eta for candidates
162 Double_t fCandidateMinPt; // minimum pt for candidates
163 Double_t fCandidateMaxPt; // maximum pt for candidates
164 Double_t fPIDConfig[7]; // configure pid routine
165 Double_t fDCAConfig[5]; // configure dca routine
166 Int_t fMixingParameters[3]; // mixing: poolsize, mixing tracks, pool buffer
167 Int_t fCentralityMixingBins[20]; // configure centrality bins for event mixing
168 Int_t fVertexMixingBins[20]; // configure vertex bins for event mixing
169 Float_t fPtBins[19]; // pt bin borders
170 Int_t fNPtBins; // no of pt bins + 1
171 Double_t fCentrality; // event centrality
172 Double_t fVertex; // event vertex z
173 AliAODEvent *fAOD; //! AOD oject
174 AliEventPoolManager *fPoolManager; //! event pool manager
175 TList *fOutputList; // ! Output list
176 TH1F *fEventStats; // ! Histogram for event statistics
177 TH1F *fCentralityPass; // ! QA histogram of events that pass centrality cut
178 TH1F *fCentralityNoPass; //! QA histogram of events that do not pass centrality cut
179 TH2F *fNOPID;//! QA histogram of TPC response of all charged particles
180 TH2F *fPIDk;//! QA histogram of TPC response of kaons
181 TH2F *fNOPIDTOF; //! QA histo of TOF repsonse charged particles
182 TH2F *fPIDTOF; //! QA histo of TOF response kaons
183 TH1F *fInvMNP[18]; //! unlike sign kaon pairs
184 TH1F *fInvMNN[18]; //! like-sign kaon pairs
185 TH1F *fInvMPP[18]; //! like-sign kaon pairs
186 TH1F *fPtSpectra[18]; //! pt spectra
187 TH1F *fPtP; //! QA histogram of p_t distribution of positive particles
188 TH1F *fPtN; //! QA histogram of p_t distribution of negative particles
189 TH1F *fPtKP; //! QA histogram of p_t distribution of positive kaons
190 TH1F *fPtKN; //! QA histogram of p_t distribution of negative kaons
191 TH2F *fMultCorAfterCuts; //! QA profile global and tpc multiplicity after outlier cut
192 TH2F *fMultvsCentr; //! QA profile of centralty vs multiplicity
193 Double_t fCentralityMin; // lower bound of cenrality bin
194 Double_t fCentralityMax; // upper bound of centrality bin
195 const char *fkCentralityMethodA; // method used to determine centrality, default
196 const char *fkCentralityMethodB; // method used to determine centrality, fallback
197 Bool_t fCentralityCut2010; // cut away the multiplicity outliers 2010
198 Bool_t fCentralityCut2011; // cut away the multiplicity outliers 2011
199 AliFlowTrackCuts *fPOICuts; // cuts for particles of interest (flow package)
200 Float_t fVertexRange; // absolute value of maximum distance of vertex along the z-axis
201 TH1F *fPhi; //! QA plot of azimuthal distribution of tracks used for event plane estimation
202 TH1F *fPt; //! QA plot of p_t sectrum of tracks used for event plane estimation
203 TH1F *fEta; //! QA plot of eta distribution of tracks used for event plane estimation
204 TH1F *fVZEROA; //! QA plot vzeroa multiplicity (all tracks in event)
205 TH1F *fVZEROC; //! QA plot vzeroc multiplicity (all tracks in event)
206 TH1F *fTPCM; //! QA plot TPC multiplicity (tracks used for event plane estimation)
207// Float_t fDeltaDipAngle; // absolute value of delta dip angle to be excluded
208// Float_t fDeltaDipPt; // upper value of pt range in which delta dip angle must be applied
209// Bool_t fApplyDeltaDipCut; // enforce delta dip cut
210 TH2F *fDCAAll;//! qa dca of all charged particles
211 TH1F *fDCAXYQA; //! qa plot of dca xz
212 TH1F *fDCAZQA; //!qa plot of dca z
213 TH2F *fDCAPrim; //!dca of primaries (mc) or kaons (data)
214 TH2F *fDCASecondaryWeak; //! dca of weak (mc)
215 TH2F *fDCAMaterial; //!dca material (mc) all (data)
216 TProfile *fSubEventDPhiv2; //! subevent resolution info for v2
217 TProfile *fV0Data[18][2]; //! profiles for vzero vn(minv)
218 Bool_t fSkipEventSelection;// skip event selection and set bayesian pid object to MC mode
219 Bool_t fUsePidResponse;//use pid response instead of aliflowbayesianpid object for pid
220 AliPIDCombined* fPIDCombined; // pid combined
221 AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow(const AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow&); // Not implemented
222 AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow&); // Not implemented
223 void MakeTrack(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Int_t , Int_t[]) const;
225 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskPhiFlow, 7);