]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGGA/CaloTrackCorrelations/AliAnaPi0EbE.h
add histograms with sum of split energy or pT of split clusters after selection as pi0
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / CaloTrackCorrelations / AliAnaPi0EbE.h
... / ...
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
8// Class for the analysis of high pT pi0 event by event
9// Pi0/Eta identified by one of the following:
10// -Invariant mass of 2 cluster in calorimeter
11// -Shower shape analysis in calorimeter
12// -Invariant mass of one cluster in calorimeter and one photon reconstructed in TPC (in near future)
14//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) & Raphaelle Ichou (SUBATECH)
18// --- ROOT system ---
19class TList ;
20class TObjString;
22// --- ANALYSIS system ---
23#include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h"
25class AliAnaPi0EbE : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass {
27 public:
28 AliAnaPi0EbE() ; // default ctor
29 virtual ~AliAnaPi0EbE() { ; } //virtual dtor
31 TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts();
33 TList * GetCreateOutputObjects();
35 Int_t GetMCIndex(const Int_t aodTag);
37 void Init();
39 void InitParameters();
41 void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ;
43 void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ;
45 void Print(const Option_t * opt) const;
47 // Main
49 void FillPileUpHistograms(const Float_t energy, const Float_t time) ;
51 void FillRejectedClusterHistograms(const TLorentzVector mom, const Int_t mctag);
53 void FillSelectedClusterHistograms(AliVCluster* cluster,
54 const Int_t nLocMax,
55 const Int_t tag,
56 const Float_t asy = 0);
58 void FillWeightHistograms(AliVCluster *clus);
60 void HasPairSameMCMother(AliAODPWG4Particle * photon1,
61 AliAODPWG4Particle * photon2,
62 Int_t & label, Int_t & tag);
64 void MakeInvMassInCalorimeter() ;
66 void MakeInvMassInCalorimeterAndCTS() ;
68 void MakeShowerShapeIdentification() ;
70 //Setters Getters
72 //Analysis types
73 enum anaTypes {kIMCalo, kSSCalo, kIMCaloTracks};
74 anaTypes GetAnalysisType() const { return fAnaType ; }
75 void SetAnalysisType(anaTypes ana) { fAnaType = ana ; }
77 TString GetInputAODGammaConvName() const { return fInputAODGammaConvName ; }
78 void SetInputAODGammaConvName(TString name) { fInputAODGammaConvName = name ; }
80 //Only for pi0 SS identification case
81 void SetCalorimeter(TString & det) { fCalorimeter = det ; }
83 void SetMinDistanceToBadChannel(Float_t m1, Float_t m2, Float_t m3) {
84 fMinDist = m1; fMinDist2 = m2; fMinDist3 = m3 ; }
86 void SetNLMCut(Int_t min, Int_t max) { fNLMCutMin = min;
87 fNLMCutMax = max ; }
88 Int_t GetNLMCutMin() const { return fNLMCutMin ; }
89 Int_t GetNLMCutMax() const { return fNLMCutMax ; }
91 void SetNLMMinEnergy(Int_t i, Float_t min) { if (i < 3 && i >=0 ) fNLMECutMin[i] = min ; }
92 Float_t GetNLMMinEnergy(Int_t i) const { if( i < 3 && i >=0 ) return fNLMECutMin[i] ; else return 0 ; }
94 void SetTimeCut(Double_t min, Double_t max) { fTimeCutMin = min;
95 fTimeCutMax = max ; }
96 Double_t GetTimeCutMin() const { return fTimeCutMin ; }
97 Double_t GetTimeCutMax() const { return fTimeCutMax ; }
99 void SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kTRUE ; }
100 void SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kFALSE ; }
102 void SwitchOnFillWeightHistograms() { fFillWeightHistograms = kTRUE ; }
103 void SwitchOffFillWeightHistograms() { fFillWeightHistograms = kFALSE ; }
105 void SwitchOnTMHistoFill() { fFillTMHisto = kTRUE ; }
106 void SwitchOffTMHistoFill() { fFillTMHisto = kFALSE ; }
108 void SwitchOnSelectedClusterHistoFill() { fFillSelectClHisto = kTRUE ; }
109 void SwitchOffSelectedClusterHistoFill() { fFillSelectClHisto = kFALSE ; }
111 void SwitchOnOnlySimpleSSHistoFill() { fFillOnlySimpleSSHisto = kTRUE ; }
112 void SwitchOffOnlySimpleHistoFill() { fFillOnlySimpleSSHisto = kFALSE ; }
116 //For histograms
117 enum mcTypes { kmcPhoton = 0, kmcConversion = 1, kmcPi0 = 2,
118 kmcEta = 3, kmcElectron = 4, kmcHadron = 5 };
120 private:
122 anaTypes fAnaType; // Select analysis type
124 //Only for pi0 SS identification case, kSSCalo
125 TString fCalorimeter ; // Calorimeter where the gamma is searched;
126 Float_t fMinDist ; // Minimal distance to bad channel to accept cluster
127 Float_t fMinDist2; // Cuts on Minimal distance to study acceptance evaluation
128 Float_t fMinDist3; // One more cut on distance used for acceptance-efficiency study
129 Int_t fNLMCutMin ; // Remove clusters/cells with number of local maxima smaller than this value
130 Int_t fNLMCutMax ; // Remove clusters/cells with number of local maxima larger than this value
131 Float_t fNLMECutMin[3] ; // Minimum energy of the cluster, depending on nlm.
133 Double_t fTimeCutMin ; // Remove clusters/cells with time smaller than this value, in ns
134 Double_t fTimeCutMax ; // Remove clusters/cells with time larger than this value, in ns
136 Bool_t fFillPileUpHistograms; // Fill pile-up related histograms
137 Bool_t fFillWeightHistograms ; // Fill weigth histograms
138 Bool_t fFillTMHisto; // Fill track matching plots
139 Bool_t fFillSelectClHisto; // Fill selected cluster histograms
140 Bool_t fFillOnlySimpleSSHisto; // Fill selected cluster histograms, selected SS histograms
143 //Only for combination of calorimeter and conversion photons, kIMCaloTracks
144 TString fInputAODGammaConvName; // Name of AOD branch with conversion photons
146 //Histograms
148 TH1F * fhPt ; //! Number of identified pi0/eta vs pT
149 TH1F * fhE ; //! Number of identified pi0/eta vs E
150 TH2F * fhEEta ; //! E vs eta of identified pi0/eta
151 TH2F * fhEPhi ; //! E vs phi of identified pi0/eta
152 TH2F * fhEtaPhi ; //! eta vs phi of identified pi0/eta
154 TH2F * fhPtCentrality ; //! centrality vs pi0/eta pT
155 TH2F * fhPtEventPlane ; //! event plane vs pi0/eta pT
157 TH1F * fhPtReject ; //! Number of rejected as pi0/eta vs pT
158 TH1F * fhEReject ; //! Number of rejected as pi0/eta vs E
159 TH2F * fhEEtaReject ; //! E vs eta of rejected as pi0/eta
160 TH2F * fhEPhiReject ; //! E vs phi of rejected as pi0/eta
161 TH2F * fhEtaPhiReject ; //! eta vs phi of rejected as pi0/eta
163 TH2F * fhMass ; //! pair mass vs E, for all pairs
164 TH2F * fhAsymmetry ; //! cluster E vs asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters
165 TH2F * fhSelectedMass ; //! pair mass vs E, for selected pairs
166 TH2F * fhSelectedAsymmetry ; //! cluster E vs asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters, for selected pairs
167 TH1F * fhSplitE ; //! split sub-cluster pair energy sum
168 TH1F * fhSplitPt ; //! split sub-cluster pair pT sum
170 TH1F * fhPtDecay ; //! Number of identified pi0/eta decay photons vs pT
171 TH1F * fhEDecay ; //! Number of identified pi0/eta decay photons vs E
173 TH2F * fhEDispersion ; //! E vs disp of selected cluster
174 TH2F * fhELambda0 ; //! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster
175 TH2F * fhELambda1 ; //! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster
176 TH2F * fhELambda0NoTRD ; //! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, not behind TRD
177 TH2F * fhELambda0FracMaxCellCut ;//! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, fraction of cluster energy in max cell cut
178 TH2F * fhEFracMaxCell ; //! E vs frac max cell of selected cluster
179 TH2F * fhEFracMaxCellNoTRD ; //! E vs frac max cell of selected cluster, not behind TRD
180 TH2F * fhENCells; //! E vs N cells in selected cluster
181 TH2F * fhETime; //! E vs Time of selected cluster
182 TH2F * fhEPairDiffTime; //! E vs Pair of clusters time difference vs E
184 TH2F * fhDispEtaE ; //! shower dispersion in eta direction
185 TH2F * fhDispPhiE ; //! shower dispersion in phi direction
186 TH2F * fhLambda0DispEta[7] ; //! shower shape correlation l0 vs disp eta
187 TH2F * fhLambda0DispPhi[7] ; //! shower shape correlation l0 vs disp phi
188 TH2F * fhSumEtaE ; //! shower dispersion in eta direction
189 TH2F * fhSumPhiE ; //! shower dispersion in phi direction
190 TH2F * fhSumEtaPhiE ; //! shower dispersion in eta and phi direction
191 TH2F * fhDispEtaPhiDiffE ; //! shower dispersion eta - phi
192 TH2F * fhSphericityE ; //! shower sphericity in eta vs phi
193 TH2F * fhDispEtaDispPhi[7] ; //! shower dispersion in eta direction vs phi direction for 5 E bins [0-2],[2-4],[4-6],[6-10],[> 10]
194 TH2F * fhAsymmetryLambda0[7] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs lam0 for 5 E bins
195 TH2F * fhAsymmetryDispEta[7] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs lam0 for 5 E bins
196 TH2F * fhAsymmetryDispPhi[7] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs lam0 for 5 E bins
198 //MC histograms
200 TH2F * fhEMCLambda0[6] ; //! E vs lambda0 of pi0 pairs but really from MC particle
201 TH2F * fhEMCLambda1[6] ; //! E vs lambda1 of pi0 pairs but really from MC particle
202 TH2F * fhEMCDispersion[6] ; //! E vs dispersion of pi0 pairs but really from MC particle
203 TH2F * fhEMCLambda0NoTRD[6] ; //! E vs lambda0 of pi0 pairs but really from MC particle, not behind TRD
204 TH2F * fhEMCLambda0FracMaxCellCut[6] ;//! E vs lambda0 of pi0 pairs but really from MC particle, fraction of cluster energy in max cell cut
205 TH2F * fhEMCFracMaxCell[6] ; //! E vs fraction of max cell
207 TH2F * fhMCEDispEta[6] ; //! shower dispersion in eta direction
208 TH2F * fhMCEDispPhi[6] ; //! shower dispersion in phi direction
209 TH2F * fhMCLambda0DispEta[7][6] ; //! shower shape correlation l0 vs disp eta
210 TH2F * fhMCLambda0DispPhi[7][6] ; //! shower shape correlation l0 vs disp phi
211 TH2F * fhMCESumEtaPhi[6] ; //! shower dispersion in eta vs phi direction
212 TH2F * fhMCEDispEtaPhiDiff[6] ; //! shower dispersion in eta -phi direction
213 TH2F * fhMCESphericity[6] ; //! shower sphericity, eta vs phi
214 TH2F * fhMCDispEtaDispPhi[7][6] ; //! shower dispersion in eta direction vs phi direction for 5 E bins [0-2],[2-4],[4-6],[6-10],[> 10]
215 TH2F * fhMCEAsymmetry[6] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs cluster E
216 TH2F * fhMCAsymmetryLambda0[7][6] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs lam0 for 5 E bins
217 TH2F * fhMCAsymmetryDispEta[7][6] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs lam0 for 5 E bins
218 TH2F * fhMCAsymmetryDispPhi[7][6] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs lam0 for 5 E bins
220 TH1F * fhMCE[6]; //! Number of identified as pi0 vs E coming from X
221 TH1F * fhMCPt[6]; //! Number of identified as pi0 vs Pt coming from X
222 TH2F * fhMCPhi[6]; //! Phi of identified as pi0, coming from X
223 TH2F * fhMCEta[6]; //! eta of identified as pi0, coming from X
224 TH1F * fhMCEReject[6]; //! Number of rejected as pi0 vs E coming from X
225 TH1F * fhMCPtReject[6]; //! Number of rejected as pi0 vs Pt coming from X
227 TH1F * fhMCSplitE[6]; //! Number of identified as pi0 vs sum E split coming from X
228 TH1F * fhMCSplitPt[6]; //! Number of identified as pi0 vs sum Pt split coming from X
231 TH2F * fhMCPtCentrality[6] ; //! centrality vs pi0/eta pT coming from X
234 TH2F * fhMCPi0PtGenRecoFraction; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 2 photon, pi0 primary, pt vs E prim pi0 / E reco
235 TH2F * fhMCEtaPtGenRecoFraction; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 2 photon, eta primary, pt vs E prim eta / E reco
236 TH1F * fhMCPi0DecayPt; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 1 photon, pi0 decay primary, pt
237 TH2F * fhMCPi0DecayPtFraction; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 1 photon, pi0 decay primary, pt vs pt decay / pt mother
238 TH1F * fhMCEtaDecayPt; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 1 photon, eta decay primary, pt
239 TH2F * fhMCEtaDecayPtFraction; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 1 photon, eta decay primary, pt vs pt decay / pt mother
240 TH1F * fhMCOtherDecayPt; //! SS id, clusters id as pi0 (eta), coming from 1 photon, other decay primary, pt
242 TH2F * fhMassPairMCPi0; //! pair mass, origin is same pi0
243 TH2F * fhMassPairMCEta; //! pair mass, origin is same eta
244 TH2F * fhAnglePairMCPi0; //! pair opening angle, origin is same pi0
245 TH2F * fhAnglePairMCEta; //! pair opening angle, origin is same eta
247 // Weight studies
249 TH2F * fhECellClusterRatio; //! e cell / e cluster vs e cluster for selected photons
250 TH2F * fhECellClusterLogRatio; //! log (e cell / e cluster) vs e cluster for selected photons
251 TH2F * fhEMaxCellClusterRatio; //! e max cell / e cluster vs e cluster for selected photons
252 TH2F * fhEMaxCellClusterLogRatio;//! log (e max cell / e cluster) vs e cluster for selected photons
253 TH2F * fhLambda0ForW0[14]; //! L0 for 7 defined w0= 3, 3.5 ... 6 for selected photons
254 //TH2F * fhLambda1ForW0[7]; //! L1 for 7 defined w0= 3, 3.5 ... 6 for selected photons
256 // Track Matching
257 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedDEta ; //! Eta distance between track and cluster vs cluster E
258 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedDPhi ; //! Phi distance between track and cluster vs cluster E
259 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedDEtaDPhi ; //! Eta vs Phi distance between track and cluster, E cluster > 0.5 GeV
260 TH2F * fhTrackMatchedMCParticle; //! Trace origin of matched particle
261 TH2F * fhdEdx ; //! matched track dEdx vs cluster E
262 TH2F * fhEOverP; //! matched track E cluster over P track vs cluster E
263 TH2F * fhEOverPNoTRD; //! matched track E cluster over P track vs cluster E, not behind TRD
265 // Local maxima
266 TH2F * fhNLocMax; //! number of maxima in selected clusters
267 TH2F * fhELambda0LocMax[3] ; //! E vs lambda0 of selected cluster, 1,2,>2 local maxima in cluster
268 TH2F * fhELambda1LocMax[3] ; //! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, 1,2,>2 local maxima in cluster
269 TH2F * fhEDispersionLocMax[3] ; //! E vs lambda1 of selected cluster, 1,2,>2 local maxima in cluster
270 TH2F * fhEDispEtaLocMax[3] ; //! E vs eta dispersion of selected cluster, 1,2,>2 local maxima in cluster
271 TH2F * fhEDispPhiLocMax[3] ; //! E vs phi dispersion of selected cluster, 1,2,>2 local maxima in cluster
272 TH2F * fhESumEtaPhiLocMax[3] ; //! E vs dispersion in eta and phi direction
273 TH2F * fhEDispEtaPhiDiffLocMax[3] ; //! E vs dispersion eta - phi
274 TH2F * fhESphericityLocMax[3] ; //! E vs sphericity in eta vs phi
275 TH2F * fhEAsymmetryLocMax[3] ; //! E asymmetry of 2 splitted clusters vs cluster E for different NLM
277 TH2F * fhMassPairLocMax[8]; //! pair mass, origin is same pi0, combine clusters depending on number of maxima
279 // Pile-up
280 TH1F * fhPtPi0PileUp[7]; //! pT distribution of selected pi0/eta
281 TH2F * fhTimeENoCut; //! time of cluster vs E, no cut
282 TH2F * fhTimeESPD; //! time of cluster vs E, IsSPDPileUp
283 TH2F * fhTimeESPDMulti; //! time of cluster vs E, IsSPDPileUpMulti
284 TH2F * fhTimeNPileUpVertSPD; //! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertices from SPD
285 TH2F * fhTimeNPileUpVertTrack; //! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertices from Tracks
286 TH2F * fhTimeNPileUpVertContributors; //! time of cluster vs n pile-up vertex from SPD contributors
287 TH2F * fhTimePileUpMainVertexZDistance; //! time of cluster vs difference of z main vertex and pile-up vertex
288 TH2F * fhTimePileUpMainVertexZDiamond; //! time of cluster vs difference of z diamond and pile-up vertex
290 AliAnaPi0EbE( const AliAnaPi0EbE & pi0ebe) ; // cpy ctor
291 AliAnaPi0EbE & operator = (const AliAnaPi0EbE & pi0ebe) ; // cpy assignment
293 ClassDef(AliAnaPi0EbE,24)
294} ;
297#endif //ALIANAPI0EBE_H