]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGHF/hfe/macros/DrawSliceProton.C
Update of hfe code
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / hfe / macros / DrawSliceProton.C
... / ...
1void DrawSliceProton(Double_t p, Bool_t singlePiGauss){
2 //TVirtualFitter::Set
3 TFile *in = TFile::Open("HFEtask.root");
4 TList *qa = (TList *)in->Get("HFE_QA");
6 // Make Plots for TPC
7 TList *pidqa = (TList *)qa->FindObject("HFEpidQA");
8 AliHFEtpcPIDqa *tpcqa = (AliHFEtpcPIDqa *)pidqa->FindObject("TPCQA");
9 TH2 *hTPCsig = tpcqa->MakeSpectrumNSigma(AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID);
11 // define cut model
12 TF1 cutmodel("cutmodel", "[0] * TMath::Exp([1]*x) + [2]", 0, 20);
13 cutmodel.SetParameter(0, -2.75);
14 cutmodel.SetParameter(1, -0.8757);
15 cutmodel.SetParameter(2, -0.9);
17 Int_t nBinsP = 2;
18 Int_t pbin = hTPCsig->GetXaxis()->FindBin(p);
19 TH1 *hslice = hTPCsig->ProjectionY("hslice", pbin - nBinsP, pbin + nBinsP);
21 // Functions needed
22 TF1 *pi1 = new TF1("pi1", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2]) + [3]*TMath::Gaus(x, [4], [5]) + [6]*TMath::Gaus(x, [7], [8])", -20, 20),
23 *pi2 = new TF1("pi2", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2]) + [3]*TMath::Gaus(x, [4], [5]) + [6]*TMath::Gaus(x, [7], [8])", -20, 20),
24 *el1 = new TF1("el1", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -20, 20),
25 *el2 = new TF1("el1", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2])", -20, 20),
26 *combined = new TF1("combined", "[0] * TMath::Gaus(x, [1], [2]) + [3]*TMath::Gaus(x, [4], [5]) +[6] * TMath::Gaus(x, [7], [8]) + [9]*TMath::Gaus(x, [10], [11])" , -20, 20);
28 // Constraints
29 Double_t minele = 1e0;
30 Double_t maxele = 1e3;
31 Double_t minpr = 1e1;
32 Double_t maxpr = 1e4;
33 Double_t minpi = 1e2;
34 Double_t maxpi = 1e5;
35 pi1->SetParLimits(0, minpi, maxpi); pi1->SetParLimits(3, minpi, maxpi);
36 pi1->SetParLimits(2, 0.4, 1.5); pi1->SetParLimits(5, 0.4, 1.5);
37 pi1->SetParLimits(1, -8,-4); pi1->SetParLimits(4, -5.5,-3);
38 if(singlePiGauss){
39 pi1->FixParameter(3,0);
40 pi1->FixParameter(4,0);
41 pi1->FixParameter(5,0);
42 }
43 // Set Protons
44 pi1->SetParLimits(6, minpr, maxpr);
45 pi1->SetParLimits(7, -7., -5.8);
46 pi1->SetParLimits(8, 0.1, 1.3);
47 // Set Electrons
48 el1->SetParLimits(0, minele, maxele);
49 el1->SetParLimits(1, -0.9., 0.);
50 el1->SetParLimits(2, 0.9, 1.5);
51 el1->SetParameter(1, -0.1);
52 //el1->FixParameter(1, -1.34726e-01);
53 //el1->FixParameter(2, 9.77243e-01);
54 hslice->Fit(pi1, "N", "", -8, -1);
55 hslice->Fit(el1, "NL", "", -.8, 3);
57 // Use single fits to constrain combined fit
58 combined->FixParameter(1, pi1->GetParameter(1));
59 combined->FixParameter(2, pi1->GetParameter(2));
60 combined->FixParameter(4, pi1->GetParameter(4));
61 combined->FixParameter(5, pi1->GetParameter(5));
62 if(singlePiGauss)
63 combined->FixParameter(3, 0);
64 else
65 combined->SetParLimits(3, minpi, maxpi);
66 // Protons
67 combined->FixParameter(7, pi1->GetParameter(7));
68 combined->FixParameter(8, pi1->GetParameter(8));
69 // Electrons
70 combined->FixParameter(10, el1->GetParameter(1));
71 combined->FixParameter(11, el1->GetParameter(2));
72 combined->SetParLimits(0, minpi, maxpi);
73 combined->SetParLimits(6, minpr, maxpr);
74 combined->SetParLimits(9, minele, maxele);
76 hslice->Fit(combined, "N", "", -8., 3.);
78 for(Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < 9; ipar++) pi2->SetParameter(ipar, combined->GetParameter(ipar));
79 for(Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < 3; ipar++) el2->SetParameter(ipar, combined->GetParameter(ipar+9));
81 combined->SetLineColor(kBlack);
82 el2->SetLineColor(kGreen);
83 pi2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
84 combined->SetLineWidth(2);
85 el2->SetLineWidth(2);
86 pi2->SetLineWidth(2);
87 el2->SetLineStyle(2);
88 pi2->SetLineStyle(2);
90 hslice->SetStats(kFALSE);
91 hslice->SetTitle("TPC Signal");
92 hslice->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TPC dE/dx - <dE/dx>|_{electrons} [#sigma]");
94 TCanvas *output = new TCanvas("output", "Slice output");
95 output->SetLogy();
96 output->cd();
97 hslice->Draw();
98 combined->Draw("same");
99 el2->Draw("same");
100 pi2->Draw("same");
102 TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.5, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89);
103 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
104 leg->SetBorderSize(0);
105 leg->AddEntry(hslice, "Measurement", "l");
106 leg->AddEntry(combined, "Electrons + Pions", "l");
107 leg->AddEntry(el2, "Electrons", "l");
108 leg->AddEntry(pi2, "Pions", "l");
109 leg->Draw();
111 TPaveText *momentum = new TPaveText(0.6, 0.45, 0.8, 0.55, "NDC");
112 momentum->SetBorderSize(0);
113 momentum->SetFillStyle(0);
114 momentum->AddText(Form("p = %.2fGeV/c", p));
115 momentum->Draw();
117 // Draw also Selection Bands
118 TF1 *fBandPions = new TF1(*pi2), *fBandElectrons = new TF1(*el2);
119 fBandPions->SetRange(cutmodel.Eval(p), 5);
120 fBandElectrons->SetRange(cutmodel.Eval(p), 5);
122 fBandPions->SetFillColor(kBlue);
123 fBandPions->SetFillStyle(3004);
124 fBandElectrons->SetFillColor(kGreen);
125 fBandElectrons->SetFillStyle(3005);
126 fBandPions->SetLineWidth(0);
127 fBandElectrons->SetLineWidth(0);
129 fBandElectrons->Draw("same");
130 fBandPions->Draw("same");
132 // Now calculate the contamination
133 Double_t nPions = pi2->Integral(cutmodel.Eval(p), 5);
134 Double_t nCandidates = combined->Integral(cutmodel.Eval(p), 5);
135 Double_t contamination = nPions/nCandidates;
136 Double_t nCandidatesHisto = hslice->Integral(hslice->GetXaxis()->FindBin(cutmodel.Eval(p)), hslice->GetXaxis()->FindBin(5));
137 Double_t nPionsBefore = pi1->Integral(cutmodel.Eval(p), 5);
138 Double_t contaminationHisto = nPionsBefore/nCandidatesHisto;
139 printf("Contamination @ %.3fGeV/c: %f\n", p, contamination);
140 printf("Contamination @ %.3fGeV/c: %f (determined from double gauss and histogram)\n", p, contaminationHisto);
142 TPaveText *tcont = new TPaveText(0.45, 0.35, 0.9, 0.45, "NDC");
143 tcont->SetBorderSize(0);
144 tcont->SetFillStyle(0);
145 tcont->AddText(Form("contamination: %f", contamination));
146 tcont->Draw();
148 // Save Canvas
149 TFile *out = new TFile(Form("slice%dpr.root", ((Int_t)(100*p))), "RECREATE");
150 out->cd();
151 output->Write();
152 out->Close(); delete out;