]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGJE/AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2.h
improved efficiency by caching leading jet per event, changed cuts on leading jet...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2.h
... / ...
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// **************************************
8// Task used for the correction of determiantion of reconstructed jet spectra
9// Compares input (gen) and output (rec) jets
10// *******************************************
12#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
13#include "THnSparse.h" // cannot forward declare ThnSparseF
16class AliJetHeader;
17class AliESDEvent;
18class AliAODEvent;
19class AliAODExtension;
20class AliAODJet;
21class AliVParticle;
22class AliAODJetEventBackground;
23class AliGenPythiaEventHeader;
24class AliCFManager;
25class AliCFContainer;
26class AliTHn;
28class TList;
29class TChain;
30class TH1F;
31class TH2F;
32class TH3F;
33class TRandom3;
34class TProfile;
35class TProfile2D;
36class TSTring;
39class AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2 : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
41 public:
42 AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2();
43 AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2(const char* name);
44 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2();
45 // Implementation of interface methods
46 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
47 virtual void Init();
48 virtual void LocalInit() { Init(); }
49 virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option);
50 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *option);
51 virtual Bool_t Notify();
53 virtual void SetUseGlobalSelection(Bool_t b){fUseGlobalSelection = b;}
54 virtual void SetEventClass(Int_t i){fEventClass = i;}
55 virtual void SetExternalWeight(Float_t f){fExternalWeight = f;}
56 virtual void SetUseExternalWeightOnly(Bool_t b){fUseExternalWeightOnly = b;}
57 virtual void SetAODJetInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODJetInput = b;}
58 virtual void SetAODTrackInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODTrackInput = b;}
59 virtual void SetAODMCInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODMCInput = b;}
60 virtual void SetLimitGenJetEta(Bool_t b){fLimitGenJetEta = b;}
61 virtual void SetJetEtaWindow(Float_t f){fJetRecEtaWindow = f;}
62 virtual void SetTrackEtaWindow(Float_t f){fTrackRecEtaWindow = f;}
63 virtual void SetNMatchJets(Short_t f){fNMatchJets = f;}
64 virtual void SetMinJetPt(Float_t f){fMinJetPt = f;}
65 virtual void SetNRPBins(Short_t i){fNRPBins = i;}
66 virtual void SetTRP(Int_t i){fTRP=i;}
67 virtual void SetDebug(Int_t i){fDebug=i;}
68 virtual void SetNMultBins(Short_t i) {fNBinsMult=i;}
69 virtual void SetNPtLeadingBins(Short_t i) {fNBinsLeadingTrackPt=i;}
70 virtual void SetFlagJetType(Int_t iType,Int_t iF){fFlagJetType[iType] = iF;}
71 virtual void SetMinTrackPt(Float_t f){fMinTrackPt = f;}
72 virtual void SetDeltaPhiWindow(Float_t f){fDeltaPhiWindow = f;}
73 virtual void SetAnalysisType(Int_t i){fAnalysisType = i;}
74 virtual void SetBranchGen(const char* c){fBranchGen = c;}
75 virtual void SetBranchRec(const char* c){fBranchRec = c;}
76 virtual void SetBranchBkgRec(const char* c){fBranchBkgRec = c;}
77 virtual void SetBranchBkgGen(const char* c){fBranchBkgGen = c;}
78 virtual void SetTrackTypeGen(Int_t i){fTrackTypeGen = i;}
79 virtual void SetTrackTypeRec(Int_t i){fTrackTypeRec = i;}
80 virtual void SetFilterMask(UInt_t i){fFilterMask = i;}
81 virtual void SetJetTriggerExclude(UInt_t i){fJetTriggerExcludeMask = i;}
82 virtual void SetJetTriggerBest(UInt_t i){fJetTriggerBestMask = i;}
83 virtual void SetMatching(Bool_t b = kTRUE){fDoMatching = b;}
84 virtual void SetRPMethod(Int_t i){fRPMethod = i;}
85 virtual void SetEventSelectionMask(UInt_t i){fEventSelectionMask = i;}
87 virtual void SetNonStdFile(char* c){fNonStdFile = c;}
89 virtual void SetNTrigger(Int_t n);
90 virtual void SetTrigger(Int_t i,UInt_t it,const char* c = "");
93 virtual void SetNAcceptance(Int_t n);
94 virtual void SetAcceptance(Int_t i,Float_t phiMin,Float_t phiMax,Float_t etaMin,Float_t etaMax);// non overlapping regions
95 virtual Int_t CheckAcceptance(Float_t phi,Float_t eta);
96 // Helper
97 //
99 // we have different cases
100 // AOD reading -> MC from AOD
101 // ESD reading -> MC from Kinematics
102 // this has to match with our selection of input events
103 enum {kTrackUndef = 0, kTrackAOD, kTrackKineAll,kTrackKineCharged, kTrackAODMCAll, kTrackAODMCCharged, kTrackAODMCChargedAcceptance};
104 enum {kAnaMC = 0x1, kAnaMCESD = 0x2};
105 enum {kMaxJets = 2};
106 enum {kJetRec = 0, kJetGen, kJetRecFull, kJetGenFull, kJetTypes}; //
107 enum {kMaxCorrelation = 3};
109 //
110 // Stored as function of generated values
111 // 0 all gen jets
112 // 1 all gen jets in eta window
113 // 2 all gen jets with rec partner
114 // 3 all gen jets in eta window with rec partner
115 // 4 all gen jets in eta window with rec partner in eta window
116 // 5 all gen jets in eta window with rec partner in eta window with leading track on reconstructed level
117 // 6 all rec jets in eta window with gen partner
119 // Stored as function of reconstructed values:
120 // 7 all rec jets in eta window
123 enum {kStep0 = 0, kStep1, kStep2, kStep3, kStep4, kStep5, kStep6, kStep7,kMaxStep};
126 private:
128 AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2(const AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2&);
129 AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2&);
131 void MakeJetContainer();
132 Int_t GetListOfTracks(TList *list,Int_t type);
133 void FillTrackHistos(TList &particlesList,int iType);
134 Float_t GetRho(TList &list);
135 Float_t GetCentrality();
136 Bool_t CalculateReactionPlaneAngle(const TList *trackList);
137 Double_t RelativePhi(Double_t phi1,Double_t phi2);
140 Int_t GetPhiBin(Double_t phi);
141 Double_t GetPhiWeight(Double_t phi,Double_t signedpt);
142 Int_t GetListOfJets(TList *list,TClonesArray* jarray,Int_t type);
143 void FillJetHistos(TList &jetsList,TList &particlesList,Int_t iType);
145 void FillMatchHistos(TList &recJetsList,TList &genJetsList);
147 Bool_t JetSelected(AliAODJet *jet);
148 Int_t MultFromJetRefs(TClonesArray *jets);
149 AliVParticle *LeadingTrackFromJetRefs(AliAODJet* jet);
150 AliVParticle *LeadingTrackInCone(AliAODJet* jet,TList *list,Float_t r = 0.4);
153 AliJetHeader *fJetHeaderRec;//! The jet header that can be fetched from the userinfo
154 AliJetHeader *fJetHeaderGen;//! The jet header that can fetched from the userinfo
155 AliAODEvent *fAODIn; //! where we take the jets from
156 AliAODEvent *fAODOut; //! where we take the jets from
157 AliAODExtension *fAODExtension; //! where we take the jets from can be input or output AOD
159 AliCFContainer *fhnJetContainer; //! like particle container in corrfw with different steps need AliCFContainer with Scale(), and clone() to do the same
160 THnSparse *fhnCorrelation; //! response matrix for unfolding
161 THnSparseF *fhnEvent; //! event counts
162 TF1 *f1PtScale; //! correction function to correct to the average true jet energy depending on p_T,rec
164 TString fBranchRec; // AOD branch name for reconstructed
165 TString fBranchGen; // AOD brnach for genereated
166 TString fBranchBkgRec; //AOD branch for background
167 TString fBranchBkgGen; //AOD branch for background
168 TString fNonStdFile; // name of delta aod file to catch the extension
170 TRandom3* fRandomizer; //! randomizer
172 Bool_t fUseAODJetInput; // take jet from input AOD not from ouptu AOD
173 Bool_t fUseAODTrackInput; // take track from input AOD not from ouptu AOD
174 Bool_t fUseAODMCInput; // take MC from input AOD not from ouptu AOD
175 Bool_t fUseGlobalSelection; // Limit the eta of the generated jets
176 Bool_t fUseExternalWeightOnly; // use only external weight
177 Bool_t fLimitGenJetEta; // Limit the eta of the generated jets
178 Bool_t fDoMatching; // switch on the matching between rec and gen
179 Short_t fNMatchJets; // number of leading jets considered from the list
180 Short_t fNRPBins; // number of bins with respect to RP
181 Int_t fTRP; //flag to bin the RC in |phi_RP-phi
182 Int_t fDebug;
183 UInt_t fJetTriggerExcludeMask; // mask for jet triggers to exclude
184 UInt_t fJetTriggerBestMask; // mask for best jet triggers
185 UInt_t fFilterMask; // filter bit for slecected tracks
186 UInt_t fEventSelectionMask; // Selection information used to filter events
187 Int_t fNTrigger; // number of triggers for selection
188 UInt_t *fTriggerBit; //[fNTrigger] trigger bits
189 Int_t fNAcceptance; // number of triggers for selection
190 Short_t fNBinsLeadingTrackPt; // number of bins leading track pt in sparse. Two options: 1 or 10
191 Short_t fNBinsMult; // number of bins in multiplicity in sparse
192 Int_t fAnalysisType; // Analysis type
193 Int_t fTrackTypeRec; // type of tracks used for FF
194 Int_t fTrackTypeGen; // type of tracks used for FF
195 Int_t fFlagJetType[kJetTypes]; // disable the filling and booking of certain JetType histos
196 Int_t fEventClass; // event class to be looked at for this instance of the task
197 Int_t fRPMethod; // method for subevent calculation
198 Float_t fAvgTrials; // Average nimber of trials
199 Float_t fExternalWeight; // external weight
200 Float_t fJetRecEtaWindow; // eta window for rec jets
201 Float_t fTrackRecEtaWindow; // eta window for rec tracks
202 Float_t fMinJetPt; // limits the jet p_T in addition to what already is done in the jet finder, this is important for jet matching for JF with lo threshold
203 Float_t fMinTrackPt; // limits the track p_T
204 Float_t fDeltaPhiWindow; // minium angle between dijets
205 Float_t *fAcceptancePhiMin; //[fNAcceptance] minimum phi
206 Float_t *fAcceptancePhiMax; //[fNAcceptance] maximum phi
207 Float_t *fAcceptanceEtaMin; //[fNAcceptance] minimum eta
208 Float_t *fAcceptanceEtaMax; //[fNAcceptance] maximum eta
209 Float_t fCentrality; // ! centrality
210 Float_t fRPAngle; // ! RP angle of the reaction plane
211 Int_t fMultRec; // ! reconstructed track multiplicity
212 Int_t fMultGen; // ! generated track multiplicity
213 TString *fTriggerName; //[fNTrigger] array of trigger names
215 TProfile* fh1Xsec; //! pythia cross section and trials
216 TH1F* fh1Trials; //! trials are added
217 TH1F* fh1AvgTrials; //! trials are added
218 TH1F* fh1PtHard; //! Pt har of the event...
219 TH1F* fh1PtHardNoW; //! Pt har of the event without weigt
220 TH1F* fh1PtHardTrials; //! Number of trials
221 TH1F* fh1ZVtx; //! z-vtx distribution
222 TH1F* fh1RP; //! RP distribution
223 TH1F* fh1Centrality; //! centrality distribution
224 TH1F* fh1TmpRho; //! just temporary histo for calculation
225 TH2F* fh2MultRec; //! reconstructed track multiplicity
226 TH2F* fh2MultGen; //! generated track multiplicity
227 TH2F* fh2RPCentrality; //! RP vs centrality
229 TH2F* fh2PtFGen; //! found vs generated
230 TH3F* fh2deltaPt1Pt2; //! ptjet1 - ptjet2 vs ptjet1 vs ptjet2
231 TH2F* fh2RelPtFGen; //! relative difference between generated and found
232 TH3F* fh3RelPtFGenLeadTrkPt; //! relative difference between generated and found vs leading track pT
236 // Jet histos second go
238 TH1F* fh1NJets[kJetTypes]; //! nr of gen jets
239 TH1F* fh1SumPtTrack[kJetTypes]; //! sum over all track pT
241 TH1F* fh1PtIn[kJetTypes][kMaxJets+1]; //! Jet pt
242 TH1F* fh1PtJetsIn[kJetTypes]; //! Jet pt for all jets
243 TH1F* fh1PtJetsInRej[kJetTypes]; //! Jet pt for all rejected jets
244 TH1F* fh1PtJetsInBest[kJetTypes]; //! Jet pt for all rejected jets
245 TH1F* fh1PtTracksIn[kJetTypes]; //! track pt for all tracks
246 TH1F* fh1PtTracksInLow[kJetTypes]; //! track pt for all tracks
248 TH2F* fh2NJetsPt[kJetTypes]; //! Number of found jets above threshold
249 TH2F* fh2NTracksPt[kJetTypes]; //! Number of tracks above threshold
250 TProfile2D *fp2MultRPPhiTrackPt[kJetTypes]; //! for mean pT vs RP
251 TProfile2D *fp2CentRPPhiTrackPt[kJetTypes]; //! for mean pT vs RP
252 THnSparseF *fhnJetPt[kJetTypes]; //! jet pt information for analysis
253 THnSparseF *fhnJetPtBest[kJetTypes]; //! best jet for analysis
254 THnSparseF *fhnJetPtRej[kJetTypes]; //! Rej jet for analysis
255 THnSparseF *fhnJetPtQA[kJetTypes]; //! jet pt information for QA
256 THnSparseF *fhnTrackPt[kJetTypes]; //! track pt information for analysis
257 THnSparseF *fhnTrackPtQA[kJetTypes]; //! track pt information for analysis
259 TH2F* fh2LTrackPtJetPt[kJetTypes][kMaxJets+1]; //! leading track within the jet vs jet pt
261 TH1F* fh1DijetMinv[kJetTypes]; //! dijet inv mass
262 TH2F* fh2DijetDeltaPhiPt[kJetTypes]; //! dijet delta phi vs pt
263 TH2F* fh2DijetAsymPt[kJetTypes]; //! dijet asym vs pt after delta phi cut
264 TH2F* fh2DijetPt2vsPt1[kJetTypes]; //! dijet pt2 vs pt1
265 TH2F* fh2DijetDifvsSum[kJetTypes]; //! dijet dif vs sum
268 TList *fHistList; //! Output list
271 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskJetSpectrum2, 23); // Analysis task for standard jet analysis