]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGJE/EMCALJetTasks/UserTasks/AliAnalysisTaskCLQA.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / EMCALJetTasks / UserTasks / AliAnalysisTaskCLQA.h
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4// $Id $
6class TClonesArray;
7class TString;
8class TH1;
9class TH1F;
10class TH2F;
11class TH3F;
12class TNtuple;
13class TNtupleD;
14class TTree;
16#include "AliAnalysisTaskEmcal.h"
18class AliNtupCumInfo;
19class AliNtupZdcInfo;
21class AliAnalysisTaskCLQA : public AliAnalysisTaskEmcal {
22 public:
23 AliAnalysisTaskCLQA();
24 AliAnalysisTaskCLQA(const char *name);
25 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskCLQA();
27 void SetCentCL1In(TH1 *h) { fCentCL1In = h; }
28 void SetCentV0AIn(TH1 *h) { fCentV0AIn = h; }
29 void SetCumParams(Double_t Mmin, Double_t ptmin, Double_t ptmax, Double_t etamin, Double_t etamax);
30 void SetDoCumulants(Bool_t b) { fDoCumulants = b; }
31 void SetDoMuonTracking(Bool_t b) { fDoMuonTracking = b; }
32 void SetDoTracking(Bool_t b) { fDoTracking = b; }
33 void SetDo2013VertexCut(Bool_t b) { fDo2013VertexCut = b; }
35 void UserCreateOutputObjects();
37 protected:
38 Bool_t FillHistograms();
39 Bool_t RetrieveEventObjects();
40 Bool_t Run();
41 void RunCumulants(Double_t Mmin, Double_t ptmin, Double_t ptmax, Double_t etamin, Double_t etamax);
43 Bool_t fDo2013VertexCut; // if true then use 2013 pA vertex check (only if 2013 pPb run)
44 Bool_t fDoTracking; // if true run tracking analysis
45 Bool_t fDoMuonTracking; // if true run muon tracking analysis
46 Bool_t fDoCumulants; // if true run cumulant analysis
47 Bool_t fDoCumNtuple; // if true then save cumulant ntuple
48 Double_t fCumPtMin; // minimum pt for cumulants
49 Double_t fCumPtMax; // maximum pt for cumulants
50 Double_t fCumEtaMin; // minimum eta for cumulants
51 Double_t fCumEtaMax; // maximum eta for cumulants
52 Double_t fCumMmin; // minimum number of tracks for cumulants
53 Int_t fCumMbins; // number of bins for M
54 TH1 *fCentCL1In; // input for MC based CL1 centrality
55 TH1 *fCentV0AIn; // input for MC based V0A centrality
56 TTree *fNtupCum; //!ntuple for cumulant analysis
57 AliNtupCumInfo *fNtupCumInfo; //!object holding cumulant results
58 AliNtupZdcInfo *fNtupZdcInfo; //!object holding zdc info
59 TH1 *fHists[1000]; //!pointers to histograms
61 private:
62 AliAnalysisTaskCLQA(const AliAnalysisTaskCLQA&); // not implemented
63 AliAnalysisTaskCLQA &operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskCLQA&); // not implemented
65 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskCLQA, 6) // Constantin's Task
68class AliNtupCumInfo {
69 public:
70 AliNtupCumInfo() : fTrig(0), fRun(0), fVz(0), fIsFEC(0), fIsVSel(0), fIsP(0),
71 fMall(0), fMall2(0), fPtMaxall(0), fMPtall(0),
72 fMPt2all(0), fMPtall2(0), fTSall(0),
73 fM(0), fQ2abs(0), fQ4abs(0), fQ42re(0), fCos2phi(0), fSin2phi(0),
74 fPtMax(0), fMPt(0), fMPt2(0), fTS(0), fMV0M(0),
75 fCl1(0), fV0M(0), fV0MEq(0), fV0A(0), fV0AEq(0), fZNA(0) {;}
76 virtual ~AliNtupCumInfo() {;}
78 public:
79 UInt_t fTrig; // trigger selection
80 Int_t fRun; // run number
81 Double_t fVz; // vertex z
82 Bool_t fIsFEC; // is first event in chunk
83 Bool_t fIsVSel; // is vertex selected
84 Bool_t fIsP; // is SPD pileup
85 Int_t fMall; // multiplicity (tracks in eta range)
86 Int_t fMall2; // multiplicity (tracks above 1 GeV/c in eta range)
87 Double32_t fPtMaxall; //[0,0,16] maximum pT
88 Double32_t fMPtall; //[0,0,16] mean pT
89 Double32_t fMPt2all; //[0,0,16] mean pT2
90 Double32_t fMPtall2; //[0,0,16] mean pT truncated above 1 GeV/c
91 Double32_t fTSall; //[0,0,16] transverse sphericity
92 Int_t fM; // multiplicity (tracks in pT range)
93 Double32_t fQ2abs; // Q2 absolute
94 Double32_t fQ4abs; // Q4 absolute
95 Double32_t fQ42re; // Re(Q2Q*Q*)
96 Double32_t fCos2phi; // Cos(2phi)
97 Double32_t fSin2phi; // Sin(2phi)
98 Double32_t fPtMax; //[0,0,16] maximum pT
99 Double32_t fMPt; //[0,0,16] mean pT
100 Double32_t fMPt2; //[0,0,16] mean pT2
101 Double32_t fTS; //[0,0,16] transverse sphericity
102 Double32_t fMV0M; // V0M amplitude
103 Double32_t fCl1; //[0,0,16] class CL1
104 Double32_t fV0M; //[0,0,16] class V0M
105 Double32_t fV0MEq; //[0,0,16] class V0M Eq
106 Double32_t fV0A; //[0,0,16] class V0A
107 Double32_t fV0AEq; //[0,0,16] class V0A Eq
108 Double32_t fZNA; //[0,0,16] class ZNA
110 ClassDef(AliNtupCumInfo,3) // Cumulant storage class
113class AliNtupZdcInfo {
114 public:
115 AliNtupZdcInfo() : fZna0(0), fZna1(0), fZna2(0), fZna3(0), fZna4(0) {;}
116 virtual ~AliNtupZdcInfo() {;}
118 public:
119 Double32_t fZna0; // ZNA energy 0
120 Double32_t fZna1; // ZNA energy 1
121 Double32_t fZna2; // ZNA energy 2
122 Double32_t fZna3; // ZNA energy 3
123 Double32_t fZna4; // ZNA energy 4
125 ClassDef(AliNtupZdcInfo,1) // ZDC storage class