]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGLF/STRANGENESS/LambdaK0PbPb/runLukeAOD.C
Adding anti-Lambda and anti-Xi
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / STRANGENESS / LambdaK0PbPb / runLukeAOD.C
... / ...
1// run.C
3// Template run macro for AliAnalysisTaskLukeAOD.cxx/.h with example layout of
4// physics selections and options, in macro and task.
6// Author: Arvinder Palaha
7// Edited by Luke Hanratty for AODSExAOD
9class AliAnalysisGrid;
12void runExAOD(
13 const char* runtype = "proof", // local, proof or grid
14 const char *gridmode = "full", // Set the run mode (can be "full", "test", "offline", "submit" or "terminate"). Full & Test work for proof
15 const bool bMCtruth = 1, // 1 = MCEvent handler is on (MC truth), 0 = MCEvent handler is off (MC reconstructed/real data)
16 const bool bMCphyssel = 1, // 1 = looking at MC truth or reconstructed, 0 = looking at real data
17 const Long64_t nentries = 1000, // for local and proof mode, ignored in grid mode. Set to 1234567890 for all events.
18 const Long64_t firstentry = 0, // for local and proof mode, ignored in grid mode
19 const char *proofdataset = "/alice/sim/LHC11a10a_000138662_AOD048", //"/alice/sim/LHC11a10a_000138795_AOD048", //"/alice/data/LHC10h_000139507_p2_AOD049", //"/alice/data/LHC10e_000130375_p2", //"/alice/data/LHC10c_000120821_p1", // path to dataset on proof cluster, for proof analysis
20 const char *proofcluster = "hanratty@alice-caf.cern.ch", //"alice-caf.cern.ch", //"hanratty@skaf.saske.sk", //"alice-caf.cern.ch", // which proof cluster to use in proof mode
21 const char *taskname = "AOD_AllCent_1" // sets name of grid generated macros
22 )
24 // check run type
25 if(runtype != "local" && runtype != "proof" && runtype != "grid"){
26 Printf("\n\tIncorrect run option, check first argument of run macro");
27 Printf("\tint runtype = local, proof or grid\n");
28 return;
29 }
30 Printf("%s analysis chosen",runtype);
32 // load libraries
33 gSystem->Load("libCore.so");
34 gSystem->Load("libGeom.so");
35 gSystem->Load("libVMC.so");
36 gSystem->Load("libPhysics.so");
37 gSystem->Load("libTree.so");
38 gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase.so");
39 gSystem->Load("libESD.so");
40 gSystem->Load("libAOD.so");
41 gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS.so");
42 gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice.so");
44 // add aliroot indlude path
45 gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".include %s/include",gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE_ROOT")));
46 gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
48 // analysis manager
49 AliAnalysisManager* mgr = new AliAnalysisManager(taskname);
51 // create the alien handler and attach it to the manager
52 AliAnalysisGrid *plugin = CreateAlienHandler(taskname, gridmode, proofcluster, proofdataset);
53 mgr->SetGridHandler(plugin);
55 AliVEventHandler* aodH = new AliAODInputHandler();
56 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(aodH);
58 // mc event handler
59 /*if(bMCtruth) {
60 AliMCEventHandler* mchandler = new AliMCEventHandler();
61 // Not reading track references
62 mchandler->SetReadTR(kFALSE);
63 mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mchandler);
64 }*/
66 //gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C");
67 //AliPhysicsSelectionTask *physSelTask = AddTaskPhysicsSelection(bMCphyssel);
68 //if(!physSelTask) { Printf("no physSelTask"); return; }
69 //AliPhysicsSelection *physSel = physSelTask->GetPhysicsSelection();
70 //physSel->AddCollisionTriggerClass("+CINT1B-ABCE-NOPF-ALL");// #3119 #769");
72 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C");
73 AliPhysicsSelectionTask *physSelTask = AddTaskPhysicsSelection(bMCphyssel);
74 if(!physSelTask) { Printf("no physSelTask"); return; }
76 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPIDResponse.C");
77 AliAnalysisTask *PIDTask = AddTaskPIDResponse(bMCtruth,kTRUE);
78 if(!PIDTask) { Printf("no PIDtask"); return; }
80 /*gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskCentrality.C");
81 AliCentralitySelectionTask *centralityTask = AddTaskCentrality();
82 if(!centralityTask) { Printf("no centralityTask"); return; }
83 */
85 // create task
86 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliAnalysisTaskLukeAOD.cxx++g");
87 AliAnalysisTaskSE* task = new AliAnalysisTaskLukeAOD(taskname);
88 task->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kMB); // if physics selection performed in UserExec(), this line should be commented
89 mgr->AddTask(task);
91 // set output root file name for different analysis
92 TString outfilename = Form("list.%s.root",runtype);
94 // create containers for input/output
95 AliAnalysisDataContainer *cinput = mgr->GetCommonInputContainer();
96 AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutput1 = mgr->CreateContainer("coutput1", TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, outfilename);
98 // connect input/output
99 mgr->ConnectInput(task, 0, cinput);
100 mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 1, coutput1);
101 //mgr->ConnectInput (centralityTask,0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer());
103 // enable debug printouts
104 mgr->SetDebugLevel(2);
105 if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) return;
106 mgr->PrintStatus();
108 // start analysis
109 Printf("Starting Analysis....");
110 mgr->StartAnalysis(runtype,nentries,firstentry);
114AliAnalysisGrid* CreateAlienHandler(const char *taskname, const char *gridmode, const char *proofcluster, const char *proofdataset)
116 AliAnalysisAlien *plugin = new AliAnalysisAlien();
117 // Set the run mode (can be "full", "test", "offline", "submit" or "terminate")
118 plugin->SetRunMode(gridmode);
120 // Set versions of used packages
121 plugin->SetAPIVersion("V1.1X");
122 plugin->SetROOTVersion("v5-30-03");
123 plugin->SetAliROOTVersion("v5-02-16-AN");
125 // Declare input data to be processed.
127 // Method 1: Create automatically XML collections using alien 'find' command.
128 // Define production directory LFN
129 plugin->SetGridDataDir("/alice/data/2010/LHC10h");
130 // On real reconstructed data:
131 // plugin->SetGridDataDir("/alice/data/2009/LHC09d");
132 // Set data search pattern
133 //plugin->SetDataPattern("*ESDs.root"); // THIS CHOOSES ALL PASSES
134 // Data pattern for reconstructed data
135 plugin->SetDataPattern("*ESDs/pass2/*AOD.root"); // CHECK LATEST PASS OF DATA SET IN ALIENSH
136 plugin->SetRunPrefix("000"); // real data
137 // ...then add run numbers to be considered
138 plugin->AddRunNumber(139507);
139 //plugin->SetRunRange(114917,115322);
140 plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(1);
141 plugin->SetOutputToRunNo();
142 // comment out the next line when using the "terminate" option, unless
143 // you want separate merged files for each run
144 plugin->SetMergeViaJDL();
146 // Method 2: Declare existing data files (raw collections, xml collections, root file)
147 // If no path mentioned data is supposed to be in the work directory (see SetGridWorkingDir())
148 // XML collections added via this method can be combined with the first method if
149 // the content is compatible (using or not tags)
150 // plugin->AddDataFile("tag.xml");
151 // plugin->AddDataFile("/alice/data/2008/LHC08c/000057657/raw/Run57657.Merged.RAW.tag.root");
153 // Define alien work directory where all files will be copied. Relative to alien $HOME.
154 plugin->SetGridWorkingDir(taskname);
156 // Declare alien output directory. Relative to working directory.
157 plugin->SetGridOutputDir("out"); // In this case will be $HOME/taskname/out
159 // Declare the analysis source files names separated by blancs. To be compiled runtime
160 // using ACLiC on the worker nodes.
161 plugin->SetAnalysisSource("AliAnalysisTaskLukeAOD.cxx");
163 // Declare all libraries (other than the default ones for the framework. These will be
164 // loaded by the generated analysis macro. Add all extra files (task .cxx/.h) here.
165 plugin->SetAdditionalLibs("AliAnalysisTaskLukeAOD.h AliAnalysisTaskLukeAOD.cxx");
167 // Declare the output file names separated by blancs.
168 // (can be like: file.root or file.root@ALICE::Niham::File)
169 // To only save certain files, use SetDefaultOutputs(kFALSE), and then
170 // SetOutputFiles("list.root other.filename") to choose which files to save
171 plugin->SetDefaultOutputs();
172 //plugin->SetOutputFiles("list.root");
174 // Optionally set a name for the generated analysis macro (default MyAnalysis.C)
175 plugin->SetAnalysisMacro(Form("%s.C",taskname));
177 // Optionally set maximum number of input files/subjob (default 100, put 0 to ignore)
178 plugin->SetSplitMaxInputFileNumber(100);
180 // Optionally modify the executable name (default analysis.sh)
181 plugin->SetExecutable(Form("%s.sh",taskname));
183 // set number of test files to use in "test" mode
184 plugin->SetNtestFiles(10);
186 // Optionally resubmit threshold.
187 plugin->SetMasterResubmitThreshold(90);
189 // Optionally set time to live (default 30000 sec)
190 plugin->SetTTL(30000);
192 // Optionally set input format (default xml-single)
193 plugin->SetInputFormat("xml-single");
195 // Optionally modify the name of the generated JDL (default analysis.jdl)
196 plugin->SetJDLName(Form("%s.jdl",taskname));
198 // Optionally modify job price (default 1)
199 plugin->SetPrice(1);
201 // Optionally modify split mode (default 'se')
202 plugin->SetSplitMode("se");
204 //----------------------------------------------------------
205 //--- PROOF MODE SPECIFIC SETTINGS ------------
206 //----------------------------------------------------------
207 // Proof cluster
208 plugin->SetProofCluster(proofcluster);
209 // Dataset to be used
210 plugin->SetProofDataSet(proofdataset);
211 // May need to reset proof. Supported modes: 0-no reset, 1-soft, 2-hard
212 plugin->SetProofReset(0);
213 // May limit number of workers
214 plugin->SetNproofWorkers(10);
215 // May limit the number of workers per slave
216 plugin->SetNproofWorkersPerSlave(1);
217 // May use a specific version of root installed in proof
218 plugin->SetRootVersionForProof("VO_ALICE@ROOT::v5-30-03-1");
219 // May set the aliroot mode. Check http://aaf.cern.ch/node/83
220 plugin->SetAliRootMode("default"); // Loads AF libs by default
221 // May request ClearPackages (individual ClearPackage not supported)
222 plugin->SetClearPackages(kFALSE);
223 // Plugin test mode works only providing a file containing test file locations, used in "local" mode also
224 plugin->SetFileForTestMode("files.txt"); // file should contain path name to a local directory containg *ESDs.root etc
225 // Request connection to alien upon connection to grid
226 plugin->SetProofConnectGrid(kFALSE);
228 return plugin;