]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - SHUTTLE/schema/shuttle.schema
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.cern.ch/reps/AliRoot
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / SHUTTLE / schema / shuttle.schema
... / ...
1objectidentifier SHUTTLE_BASE 1.1.1
5attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:1 NAME 'det' DESC 'Detector name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
6attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:6 NAME 'strictRunOrder' DESC 'Strict run ordering flag' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
7attributetype ( DETECTOR_CONFIG:7 NAME 'responsible' DESC 'responsible email address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUP mail )
9objectclass ( DETECTOR_CONFIG
10 NAME 'detectorConfig'
11 DESC 'ALICE: Shuttle configuration object.'
12 SUP top
13 MUST (det $ strictRunOrder)
14 MAY (responsible) )
16objectidentifier DCS_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:2
18attributetype ( DCS_CONFIG:1 NAME 'dcsHost' DESC 'DCS host' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
19attributetype ( DCS_CONFIG:2 NAME 'dcsPort' DESC 'DCS port' SUP ipServicePort SINGLE-VALUE )
20attributetype ( DCS_CONFIG:3 NAME 'dcsAlias' DESC 'alias name(s)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name )
21attributetype ( DCS_CONFIG:4 NAME 'dcsDP' DESC 'Data Point name(s)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name )
22attributetype ( DCS_CONFIG:5 NAME 'multiSplit' DESC 'N. of DPs in multiRequest' EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
24objectclass ( DCS_CONFIG
25 NAME 'dcsConfig'
26 DESC 'ALICE: Shuttle configuration of the DCS Amanda server(s).'
27 SUP top
28 MUST (dcsHost $ dcsPort)
29 MAY (dcsAlias $ dcsDP $ multiSplit) )
31objectidentifier FXS_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:3
33attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:1 NAME 'system' DESC 'System name (DAQ, DCS, HLT)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
34attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:2 NAME 'dbHost' DESC 'FXS MySQL DB host' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
35attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:3 NAME 'dbPort' DESC 'FXS MySQL DB port' SUP ipServicePort SINGLE-VALUE )
36attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:4 NAME 'dbUser' DESC 'FXS MySQL DB user' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
37attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:5 NAME 'dbName' DESC 'FXS MySQL DB name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
38attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:6 NAME 'dbTable' DESC 'FXS MySQL DB table' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
39attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:7 NAME 'fxsHost' DESC 'FXS host' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
40attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:8 NAME 'fxsPort' DESC 'FXS port' SUP ipServicePort SINGLE-VALUE )
41attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:9 NAME 'fxsUser' DESC 'FXS user' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
42attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:10 NAME 'fxsPasswd' DESC 'FXS Password' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
43attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:11 NAME 'fxsAdmin' DESC 'FXS admin(s) email address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUP mail )
44attributetype ( FXS_CONFIG:12 NAME 'fxsBaseFolder' DESC 'FXS Base Folder' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
46objectclass ( FXS_CONFIG
47 NAME 'fxsConfig'
48 DESC 'ALICE: Configuration of the Shuttle for access to the File Exchange Servers'
49 SUP top
50 MUST (system $ dbHost $ dbUser $ dbName $ dbTable $ fxsHost $ fxsUser $ fxsBaseFolder)
51 MAY ( dbPort $ fxsPasswd $ fxsPort $ fxsAdmin) )
54objectidentifier GLOBAL_CONFIG SHUTTLE_BASE:4
56attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:1 NAME 'daqLbHost' DESC 'DAQ Logbook host' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
57attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:2 NAME 'daqLbPort' DESC 'DAQ Logbook port' SUP ipServicePort SINGLE-VALUE )
58attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:3 NAME 'daqLbUser' DESC 'DAQ Logbook user' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
59attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:4 NAME 'daqLbDB' DESC 'DAQ Logbook DB' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
60attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:5 NAME 'daqLbTable' DESC 'DAQ Logbook table' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
61attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:6 NAME 'shuttleLbTable' DESC 'SHUTTLE Logbook table' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
62attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:7 NAME 'runTypeLbTable' DESC 'RunType Logbook table' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
63attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:8 NAME 'ppmaxRetries' DESC 'retries before pp fail' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
64attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:9 NAME 'ppTimeOut' DESC 'seconds before pp abort' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
65attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:10 NAME 'ppMaxMem' DESC 'max pp mem consumption (KB)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
66attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:11 NAME 'monitorHost' DESC 'monitoring server host' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
67attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:12 NAME 'monitorTable' DESC 'monitoring table name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
68attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:13 NAME 'triggerWait' DESC 'max time waiting for next trigger before starting a new collection'
69 EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
70attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:14 NAME 'mode' DESC 'production mode (test, prod)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
71attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:15 NAME 'shuttleAdmin' DESC 'SHUTTLE administrator(s) email address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUP mail )
72attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:16 NAME 'amandaAdmin' DESC 'Amanda admin(s) email address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUP mail )
74attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:17 NAME 'sendMail' DESC 'Send email flag (1/0)' EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
75attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:18 NAME 'keepDCSMap' DESC 'keep DCS map flag (1/0)' EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
76attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:19 NAME 'keepTempFolder' DESC 'keep temp folder flag (1/0)' EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
77attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:20 NAME 'dcsTimeOut' DESC 'seconds before dcs abort' EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
78attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:21 NAME 'nDCSretries' DESC 'number of dcs retries before abort' EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
79attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:22 NAME 'passwdFilePath' DESC 'PWD File Path' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
80attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:23 NAME 'AliEnPath' DESC 'AliEn Path' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
81attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:24 NAME 'DCSQueryOffset' DESC 'DCS Query Offset (s)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
82attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:25 NAME 'DCSDelay' DESC 'DCS Delay (s)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
83attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:26 NAME 'ShuttleFileSystem' DESC 'file system where the shuttle runs/writes/reads'
84 EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
85attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:27 NAME 'terminateFilePath' DESC 'Terminate File Path (inter-process communication)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
86attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:28 NAME 'FreeDiskWarningThreshold' DESC 'threshold for the free disk to send a warning mail'
87 EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
88attributetype ( GLOBAL_CONFIG:29 NAME 'FreeDiskFatalThreshold' DESC 'threshold for the free disk to send a terminate signal to the Shuttle trigger'
89 EQUALITY integerMatch SUP uidNumber SINGLE-VALUE )
91objectclass ( GLOBAL_CONFIG
92 NAME 'globalConfig'
93 DESC 'ALICE: settings for DAQ logbook access'
94 SUP top
95 MUST (name $ passwdFilePath $ AlienPath $ daqLbHost $ daqLbUser $ daqLbDB $ daqLbTable $ shuttleLbTable $ runTypeLbTable $ ppMaxRetries $ ppTimeOut $ ppMaxMem $ dcsTimeOut $ nDCSretries $ DCSQueryOffset $ DCSDelay $ monitorHost $ monitorTable)
96 MAY ( daqLbPort $ triggerWait $ mode $ keepDCSMap $ keepTempFolder $ shuttleAdmin $ amandaAdmin $ sendMail $ ShuttleFileSystem $ terminateFilePath $ FreeDiskWarningThreshold $ FreeDiskFatalThreshold ) )
101attributetype ( INSTANCE_CONFIG:1 NAME 'shuttleHost' DESC 'Host that is running the Shuttle' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name SINGLE-VALUE )
102attributetype ( INSTANCE_CONFIG:2 NAME 'detectors' DESC 'Detector list' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUP name )
104objectclass ( INSTANCE_CONFIG
105 NAME 'ShuttleInstance'
106 DESC 'ALICE: Shuttle instance configuration.'
107 SUP top
108 MUST (name $ shuttleHost)
109 MAY (detectors)
110 )