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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / ESD / AliESDFMD.h
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1#ifndef ALIESDFMD_H
2#define ALIESDFMD_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights
4 * reserved.
5 *
6 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice
7 */
10// AliESDFMD is the Event Summary Data entry for the FMD. It contains
11// a rough estimate of the charged particle multiplicity in each strip
12// of the FMD. It also contains the psuedo-rapidity of each strip.
13// This is important, as it varies from event to event, due to a
14// finite interaction point probability distribution.
16#ifndef ROOT_TObject
17# include <TObject.h>
20# include "AliFMDFloatMap.h"
24/** @class AliESDFMD
25 @brief Event Summary Data for the Forward Multiplicity Detector.
26 @ingroup FMD_data
27 This stores the psuedo-multiplicity and -rapidiy for each strip of
28 the FMD.
29 */
30class AliESDFMD : public TObject
33 /**
34 * Base class of looping over the FMD ESD object
35 *
36 * A simple example could be
37 *
38 * @code
39 * struct ESDFMDPrinter : AliESDFMD::ForOne
40 * {
41 * Bool_t operator()(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t,
42 * Float_t m, Float_t e)
43 * {
44 * Printf("FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d]=%7.4f @ %7.4f", d, r, s, t, m, e);
45 * return kTRUE;
46 * }
47 * };
48 * @endcode
49 */
50 class ForOne
51 {
52 public:
53 /**
54 * Destructor
55 */
56 virtual ~ForOne() {}
57 /**
58 * Functional operator called for each entry
59 *
60 * @param d Detector number
61 * @param r Ring identifier
62 * @param s Sector number
63 * @param t Strip number
64 * @param m 'Bare' multiplicity of this strip
65 * @param e Pseudo-rapidity of this strip
66 *
67 * @return @c kTRUE in case of success, @c kFALSE in case of failure.
68 * If the method returns @c kFALSE, the loop stops.
69 */
70 virtual bool operator()(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t,
71 Float_t m, Float_t e) = 0;
72 };
73 enum {
74 kNeedNoiseFix = (1 << 14)
75 };
76 /**
77 * Default constructor
78 */
79 AliESDFMD();
80 /**
81 * Copy constructor
82 *
83 * @param other Object to construct from
84 */
85 AliESDFMD(const AliESDFMD& other);
86 /**
87 * Assignment operator
88 *
89 * @param other Object to assign from
90 *
91 * @return reference to this object
92 */
93 AliESDFMD& operator=(const AliESDFMD& other);
94 /**
95 * Destructor - does nothing
96 */
97 virtual ~AliESDFMD() {}
98 /**
99 * Copy the content of this object to @a obj which must have been
100 * preallocated
101 *
102 * @param obj Object to copy to
103 */
104 virtual void Copy(TObject &obj) const;
106 /**
107 * Reset the object
108 */
109 void Clear(Option_t *option="");
110 /**
111 * Get the pseudo-multiplicity of
112 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
113 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
114 *
115 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
116 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
117 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
118 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
119 *
120 * @return Psuedo multiplicity
121 */
122 Float_t Multiplicity(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
123 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip) const;
124 /**
125 * Get the pseudo-rapidity of
126 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
127 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
128 *
129 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
130 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
131 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
132 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
133 *
134 * @return Psuedo rapidity
135 */
136 Float_t Eta(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
137 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip) const;
138 /**
139 * Get the azimuthal angle of
140 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
141 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
142 *
143 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
144 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
145 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
146 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
147 *
148 * @return Azimuthal angle
149 */
150 Float_t Phi(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
151 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip) const;
152 /**
153 * Get the polar angle (in degrees) from beam line of
154 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
155 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
156 *
157 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
158 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
159 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
160 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
161 *
162 * @return Polar angle
163 */
164 Float_t Theta(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
165 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip) const;
166 /**
167 * Get the radial distance (in cm) from beam line of
168 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
169 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
170 *
171 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
172 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
173 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
174 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
175 *
176 * @return Radial distance
177 */
178 Float_t R(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
179 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip) const;
180 /**
181 * Set the pseudo-multiplicity of
182 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
183 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
184 *
185 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
186 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
187 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
188 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
189 * @param mult Psuedo multiplicity
190 */
191 void SetMultiplicity(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
192 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip,
193 Float_t mult);
194 /**
195 * Set the pseudo-rapidity of
196 * @f$ \text{FMD}\langle detector\rangle\lange ring\rangle_{\langle
197 * sector\rangle\langle strip\rangle}@f$
198 *
199 * @param detector Detector number (1-3)
200 * @param ring Ring identifier ('I' or 'O')
201 * @param sector Sector number (0-511, or 0-255)
202 * @param strip Strip number (0-19, or 0-39)
203 * @param eta Psuedo rapidity
204 */
205 void SetEta(UShort_t detector, Char_t ring,
206 UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip,
207 Float_t eta);
208 /**
209 * @param f the factor for noise suppression
210 */
211 void SetNoiseFactor(Float_t f) { fNoiseFactor = f; }
212 /**
213 * @param done Whether we've done angle correction or not
214 */
215 void SetAngleCorrected(Bool_t done) { fAngleCorrected = done; }
216 /**
217 * @return Whether we've done angle correction or not
218 */
219 Bool_t IsAngleCorrected() const { return fAngleCorrected; }
220 /**
221 * @return the factor for noise suppression
222 */
223 Float_t GetNoiseFactor() const { return fNoiseFactor; }
224 /**
225 * @return maximum number of detectors
226 */
227 UShort_t MaxDetectors() const { return fMultiplicity.MaxDetectors(); }
228 /**
229 * @return maximum number of rings
230 */
231 UShort_t MaxRings() const { return fMultiplicity.MaxRings(); }
232 /**
233 * @return maximum number of sectors
234 */
235 UShort_t MaxSectors() const { return fMultiplicity.MaxSectors(); }
236 /**
237 * @return Maximum number of strips
238 */
239 UShort_t MaxStrips() const { return fMultiplicity.MaxStrips(); }
240 /**
241 * Print this object to standard out.
242 *
243 * @param option Options
244 */
245 void Print(Option_t* option="") const;
246 /**
247 * Check if we need the @c UShort_t fix
248 *
249 * @param file File this object was read from
250 */
251 void CheckNeedUShort(TFile* file);
252 /**
253 * Check if we need the noise fix
254 *
255 * @return true if class version of read object is 3 or smaller
256 */
257 Bool_t NeedNoiseFix() const { return TestBit(kNeedNoiseFix); }
258 /**
259 * Call the function operator of the passed object @a algo for each
260 * entry in this object
261 *
262 * @param algo Algorithm
263 *
264 * @return @c kTRUE on success, @c kFALSE if the passed object
265 * failed at any entry. It will return immediately on error.
266 */
267 Bool_t ForEach(ForOne& algo) const;
268 enum {
269 /** Value used for undefined multiplicity */
270 kInvalidMult = 1024
271 };
272 enum {
273 /** Value used for undefined pseudo rapidity */
274 kInvalidEta = 1024
275 };
276 /**
277 * @return constant reference to multiplicity map
278 */
279 const AliFMDFloatMap& MultiplicityMap() const { return fMultiplicity; }
280 /**
281 * @return constant reference to pseudo-rapidity map
282 */
283 const AliFMDFloatMap& EtaMap() const { return fEta; }
285 AliFMDFloatMap fMultiplicity; // Psuedo multplicity per strip
286 AliFMDFloatMap fEta; // Psuedo-rapidity per strip
287 Float_t fNoiseFactor; // Factor used for noise suppresion
288 Bool_t fAngleCorrected; // Whether we've done angle correction
289 ClassDef(AliESDFMD,4) // ESD info from FMD
294// Local Variables:
295// mode: C++
296// End:
298// EOF