]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - TOF/TestTOFPID.C
Change in AliZDCDigitizer to work with cocktail generator
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TOF / TestTOFPID.C
... / ...
1TestTOFPID(const Char_t *filename, Bool_t calibrateESD = kTRUE, Bool_t correctTExp = kTRUE, Bool_t useT0TOF = kTRUE, Double_t timeResolution = 100., Bool_t tuneTOFMC = kFALSE)
3 /* PID analysis */
5 /* check MC flag */
6 if (tuneTOFMC) calibrateESD = kFALSE;
8 /* init ESD */
9 TFile *filein = TFile::Open(filename);
10 TTree *treein = (TTree *)filein->Get("esdTree");
11 AliESDEvent *event = new AliESDEvent();
12 event->ReadFromTree(treein);
13 /* init OCDB */
14 treein->GetEvent(0);
15 Int_t run = event->GetRunNumber();
16 AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance();
17 cdb->SetDefaultStorage("raw://");
18 cdb->SetRun(run);
19 /* init TOF calibration */
20 AliTOFcalib *tofCalib = new AliTOFcalib();
21 if (correctTExp)
22 tofCalib->SetCorrectTExp(kTRUE);
23 tofCalib->Init();
24 /* init TOF T0-maker */
25 AliESDpid *fPIDesd = new AliESDpid();
26 AliTOFT0maker *t0maker = new AliTOFT0maker(fPIDesd, tofCalib);
27 t0maker->SetTimeResolution(timeResolution);
29 /* pid histos */
30 TH2F *hTOFpid[AliPID::kSPECIES];
31 TH2F *hTOFpidSigma[AliPID::kSPECIES];
32 for (Int_t ipart = 0; ipart < AliPID::kSPECIES; ipart++) {
33 hTOFpid[ipart] = new TH2F(Form("hTOFpid_%s", AliPID::ParticleName(ipart)), Form("%s-ID;p (GeV/c);t - t^{%s}_{exp} (ps)", AliPID::ParticleName(ipart), AliPID::ParticleLatexName(ipart)), 200, 0., 10., 2000, -24400., 24400.);
34 hTOFpidSigma[ipart] = new TH2F(Form("hTOFpidSigma_%s", AliPID::ParticleName(ipart)), Form("%s-ID;p (GeV/c);(t - t^{%s}_{exp}) / #sigma^{%s}_{exp} (ps)", AliPID::ParticleName(ipart), AliPID::ParticleLatexName(ipart), AliPID::ParticleLatexName(ipart)), 200, 0., 10., 2000, -10., 10.);
35 }
37 AliESDtrack *track;
38 Double_t p, time, timei[AliPID::kSPECIES], sigma[AliPID::kSPECIES];
39 /* loop over events */
40 for (Int_t iev = 0; iev < treein->GetEntries(); iev++) {
42 /* get event */
43 treein->GetEvent(iev);
45 /* calibrate ESD */
46 if (calibrateESD)
47 tofCalib->CalibrateESD(event);
49 /* tune TOF if requested for MC */
50 if (tuneTOFMC) {
51 t0maker->TuneForMC(event);
52 }
54 /* compute and apply T0-TOF */
55 if (useT0TOF) {
56 t0maker->ComputeT0TOF(event);
57 t0maker->ApplyT0TOF(event);
58 fPIDesd->MakePID(event,kFALSE,0.);
59 }
61 /* loop over tracks */
62 for (Int_t itrk = 0; itrk < event->GetNumberOfTracks(); itrk++) {
63 track = event->GetTrack(itrk);
64 /* check TOF match */
65 if (!track ||
66 !(track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFout) ||
67 !(track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTIME)) continue;
69 /* get track momentum */
70 p = track->P();
71 /* get TOF time */
72 time = track->GetTOFsignal();
73 /* get expected times */
74 track->GetIntegratedTimes(timei);
76 /* fill PID histos */
77 for (Int_t ipart = 0; ipart < AliPID::kSPECIES; ipart++){
78 sigma[ipart] = t0maker->GetExpectedSigma(p, timei[ipart], AliPID::ParticleMass(ipart));
79 hTOFpid[ipart]->Fill(p, (time - timei[ipart]));
80 hTOFpidSigma[ipart]->Fill(p, (time - timei[ipart]) / sigma[ipart]);
81 }
82 }
83 }
85 /* write output */
86 TFile *fileout = TFile::Open("testPID.root", "RECREATE");
87 for (Int_t ipart = 0; ipart < 5; ipart++){
88 hTOFpid[ipart]->Write();
89 hTOFpidSigma[ipart]->Write();
90 }
91 fileout->Close();