]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - test/Warnings.cmake
Transition to new base class (from Redmer)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / test / Warnings.cmake
... / ...
1cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
4 if(POLICY CMP0009)
5 cmake_policy(SET CMP0009 NEW)
6 endif(POLICY CMP0009)
8set(rs "$ENV{ROOTSYS}")
9set(ar "$ENV{ALICE_ROOT}")
10#warnings exceptions
11set(exceptions "always evaluates both arguments" "std::" "TGeoMatrix::operator\\*" "struct AliRawDataHeader" "/usr/local/dim" " from " "JETAN/fastjet/fastjet/" "G__" "base class .struct AliHLTCaloChannelDataStruct. has a non-virtual destructor")
13#Function to count no of lines in a file equivalent to wc -l
14function (wcl _nLinesVar fileName)
15 file(READ ${fileName} fileData)
16 if(fileData)
17 if(WIN32)
18 string(REGEX MATCHALL "\r\n" nLines ${fileData})
19 else()
20 string(REGEX MATCHALL "[\r\n]" nLines ${fileData})
21 endif(WIN32)
22 list(LENGTH nLines nLines)
23 set(${_nLinesVar} ${nLines} PARENT_SCOPE)
24 else()
25 set(${_nLinesVar} -1 PARENT_SCOPE)
26 endif()
29find_program(svn_command svn)
31if(ar AND rs)
32 #Read build log from (default - make.log)
33 set(buildLog "$ENV{ALICE_INSTALL}/make.log")
34 file(READ ${buildLog} lineList)
35 string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" "lineList" "${lineList}")
36 foreach (line ${lineList})
37 set(warning "")
38 string(REGEX MATCH ".+warning:.+" "warning" "${line}")
39 if(warning)
40 # message("${warning}")
41 list(APPEND warnList "${line}")
42 string(REGEX MATCH "(.+):[0-9]+" "file" "${line}")
43 string(REGEX REPLACE ":[0-9]+" "" "file" "${file}")
44 list(APPEND fileList "${file}")
45 endif(warning)
46 endforeach(line)
47 list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES fileList)
48 set(rootOut "+--| ROOT\n")
49 set(aliOut "+--| ALIROOT\n")
50 list(SORT fileList)
51 foreach(file ${fileList})
52 set(root "")
53 set(aliroot "")
54 string(REGEX MATCH "${rs}" "root" "${file}")
55 string(REGEX MATCH "${ar}" "aliroot" "${aliroot}")
56 if(root)
57 string(REGEX REPLACE "${root}[/]*" "" "file" "${file}")
58 set(rootOut "${rootOut} |\n")
59 set(rootOut "${rootOut} +--| ${file}\n")
60 else()
61 set(aliroot ${ar})
62 string(REGEX REPLACE "${aliroot}[/]*" "" "file" "${file}")
63 set(aliOut "${aliOut} |\n")
64 set(aliOut "${aliOut} +--| ${file}\n")
65 endif(root)
66 list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES warnList)
67 foreach(line ${warnList})
68 set(match "")
69 string(REGEX MATCH "${file}[:]*" "match" "${line}")
70 if(match)
71 string(REGEX REPLACE "${match}" "" "line" "${line}")
72 if(aliroot)
73 string(REGEX REPLACE "${aliroot}" "" "line" "${line}")
74 set(aliOut "${aliOut} +--| ${line}\n")
75 elseif(root)
76 string(REGEX REPLACE "${root}" "" "line" "${line}")
77 set(rootOut "${rootOut} +--| ${line}\n")
78 endif(aliroot)
79 endif(match)
80 endforeach(line)
81 endforeach(file)
83set(tot 0)
84set (anlys "${anlys}\n\n==============================Detailed Analysis==============================\n")
85#Blaming people
86set (anlys "${anlys}+--| AliRoot\n")
87foreach( blameFile ${fileList} )
88 string(REPLACE "$ENV{ALICE_ROOT}/" "" mainFile ${blameFile})
89 set(anlys "${anlys} |\n")
90 execute_process(COMMAND "${svn_command}" "blame" "${blameFile}"
92 OUTPUT_FILE tmpViols
94 wcl(fileLen "$ENV{ALICE_ROOT}/tmpViols")
95 set(anlys "${anlys} |--| ${mainFile} |-- ${fileLen} lines\n")
96 set(nameList "")
97 file(STRINGS "$ENV{ALICE_ROOT}/tmpViols" violData)
98 # file(READ "tmpViols" violData)
99 # string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" "violData" "${violData}")
100 foreach(violLine ${violData})
101 string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+[ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+" "name" "${violLine}")
102 string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+[ ]+" "" "name" "${name}")
103 list(APPEND nameList ${name})
104 list(APPEND fullViolList ${name})
105 endforeach(violLine)
106 list(LENGTH violData tot)
107 set (userList ${nameList})
108 set(finale "")
109 if(userList)
110 list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES userList)
111 endif(userList)
112 foreach(name ${userList})
113 string(REGEX MATCHALL "${name}" "nameCount" "${nameList}")
114 list(LENGTH nameCount nameCount)
115 math(EXPR num "(${nameCount}*100)/${tot}")
116 math(EXPR dec "((10000*${nameCount}/${tot}-100*${num}+5))")
117 if( ${dec} GREATER 99 )
118 set(dec 0)
119 math(EXPR num "${num}+1")
120 endif(${dec} GREATER 99)
121 math(EXPR dec "${dec}/10")
122 math(EXPR pcnt "99999 - ${num}${dec}")
123 string(LENGTH ${num} digit)
124 if(digit EQUAL 1)
125 set(space " ")
126 elseif(digit EQUAL 2)
127 set(space " ")
128 endif(digit EQUAL 1)
129 list(APPEND finale "${pcnt}-${space}${num}.${dec}% | ${name} |-- ${nameCount} lines")
130 endforeach(name)
131 list(SORT finale)
132 foreach(record ${finale})
133 string(LENGTH ${record} recLen)
134 math(EXPR recLen "${recLen}-6")
135 string(SUBSTRING ${record} 6 ${recLen} record)
136 set(anlys "${anlys} +--|${record}\n")
137 endforeach(record)
138endforeach( blameFile)
143 message("==============================ROOT FILE WARNINGS==============================\n")
144 message("${rootOut}")
145 message("\n\n==============================ALIROOT FILE WARNINGS==============================\n")
146 message("${aliOut}")
147 else()
148 message(WARNING "Environment Variable ALICE_ROOT and ROOTSYS must be set")
149 endif(ar AND rs)