1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
15 #include <TCanvas.h>
17 #include <TCollection.h>
18 #include <TDirectory.h>
23 #include <TIterator.h>
24 #include <TString.h>
27 #include "AliESDtrack.h"
28 #include "AliESDEvent.h"
30 #include "AliESDpid.h"
32 #include "AliESDpidCuts.h"
34 ClassImp(AliESDpidCuts)
36 const Int_t AliESDpidCuts::kNcuts = 3;
38 //_____________________________________________________________________
39 AliESDpidCuts::AliESDpidCuts(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *title):
40 AliAnalysisCuts(name, title)
42 , fTPCsigmaCutRequired(0)
43 , fTOFsigmaCutRequired(0)
44 , fCutTPCclusterRatio(0.)
45 , fMinMomentumTOF(0.5)
46 , fHcutStatistics(NULL)
47 , fHcutCorrelation(NULL)
50 // Default constructor
53 fESDpid = new AliESDpid;
54 memset(fCutTPCnSigma, 0, sizeof(Float_t)* AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
55 memset(fCutTOFnSigma, 0, sizeof(Float_t)* AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
57 memset(fHclusterRatio, 0, sizeof(TH1F *) * 2);
58 memset(fHnSigmaTPC, 0, sizeof(TH1F *) * AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
59 memset(fHnSigmaTOF, 0, sizeof(TH1F *) * AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
62 //_____________________________________________________________________
63 AliESDpidCuts::AliESDpidCuts(const AliESDpidCuts &ref):
64 AliAnalysisCuts(ref)
66 , fTPCsigmaCutRequired(ref.fTPCsigmaCutRequired)
67 , fTOFsigmaCutRequired(ref.fTOFsigmaCutRequired)
68 , fCutTPCclusterRatio(ref.fCutTPCclusterRatio)
69 , fMinMomentumTOF(ref.fMinMomentumTOF)
70 , fHcutStatistics(NULL)
71 , fHcutCorrelation(NULL)
76 fESDpid = new AliESDpid(*ref.fESDpid);
77 memcpy(fCutTPCnSigma, ref.fCutTPCnSigma, sizeof(Float_t) * AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
78 memcpy(fCutTOFnSigma, ref.fCutTOFnSigma, sizeof(Float_t) * AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
80 if(ref.fHcutStatistics) fHcutStatistics = dynamic_cast<TH1I *>(ref.fHcutStatistics->Clone());
81 if(ref.fHcutCorrelation) fHcutCorrelation = dynamic_cast<TH2I *>(ref.fHcutCorrelation->Clone());
82 for(Int_t imode = 0; imode < 2; imode++){
83 if(ref.fHclusterRatio[imode]) fHclusterRatio[imode] = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(ref.fHclusterRatio[imode]->Clone());
84 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
85 if(fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]) fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode] = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]->Clone());
86 if(fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode]) fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode] = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]->Clone());
91 //_____________________________________________________________________
92 AliESDpidCuts &AliESDpidCuts::operator=(const AliESDpidCuts &ref){
94 // Assignment operator
101 //_____________________________________________________________________
102 AliESDpidCuts::~AliESDpidCuts(){
108 delete fHcutStatistics;
109 delete fHcutCorrelation;
110 for(Int_t imode = 0; imode < 2; imode++){
111 delete fHclusterRatio[imode];
112 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
113 delete fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode];
114 delete fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode];
119 //_____________________________________________________________________
120 Bool_t AliESDpidCuts::IsSelected(TObject *obj){
124 AliESDtrack * trk = dynamic_cast<AliESDtrack*>(obj);
126 AliError("Provided object is not AliESDtrack!");
129 AliESDEvent* evt = trk->GetESDEvent();
131 AliError("No AliESDEvent!");
134 return AcceptTrack(trk, evt);
137 //_____________________________________________________________________
138 void AliESDpidCuts::Copy(TObject &c) const {
142 AliESDpidCuts &target = dynamic_cast<AliESDpidCuts &>(c);
144 target.fESDpid = new AliESDpid(*fESDpid);
146 target.fCutTPCclusterRatio = fCutTPCclusterRatio;
147 target.fMinMomentumTOF = fMinMomentumTOF;
149 target.fTPCsigmaCutRequired = fTPCsigmaCutRequired;
150 target.fTOFsigmaCutRequired = fTOFsigmaCutRequired;
152 if(fHcutStatistics) target.fHcutStatistics = dynamic_cast<TH1I *>(fHcutStatistics->Clone());
153 if(fHcutCorrelation) target.fHcutCorrelation = dynamic_cast<TH2I *>(fHcutCorrelation->Clone());
154 for(Int_t imode = 0; imode < 2; imode++){
155 if(fHclusterRatio[imode]) target.fHclusterRatio[imode] = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fHclusterRatio[imode]->Clone());
156 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
157 if(fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]) target.fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode] = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]->Clone());
158 if(fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode]) target.fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode] = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode]->Clone());
162 memcpy(target.fCutTPCnSigma, fCutTPCnSigma, sizeof(Float_t) * AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
163 memcpy(target.fCutTOFnSigma, fCutTOFnSigma, sizeof(Float_t) * AliPID::kSPECIES * 2);
165 AliESDpidCuts::Copy(c);
168 //_____________________________________________________________________
169 Long64_t AliESDpidCuts::Merge(TCollection *coll){
171 // Merge Cut objects
173 if(!coll) return 0;
174 if(coll->IsEmpty()) return 1;
175 if(!HasHistograms()) return 0;
177 TIterator *iter = coll->MakeIterator();
178 TObject *o = NULL;
179 AliESDpidCuts *ref = NULL;
181 while((o = iter->Next())){
182 ref = dynamic_cast<AliESDpidCuts *>(o);
184 if(!ref->HasHistograms()) continue;
186 fHcutStatistics->Add(ref->fHcutStatistics);
187 fHcutCorrelation->Add(ref->fHcutCorrelation);
188 for(Int_t imode = 0; imode < 2; imode++){
189 fHclusterRatio[imode]->Add(ref->fHclusterRatio[imode]);
190 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
191 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]->Add(ref->fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode]);
192 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode]->Add(ref->fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode]);
200 //_____________________________________________________________________
201 void AliESDpidCuts::DefineHistograms(Color_t color){
203 // Swich on QA and create the histograms
205 SetBit(kHasHistograms, kTRUE);
206 fHcutStatistics = new TH1I("fHcutStatistics", "Cut Statistics", kNcuts, 0, kNcuts);
207 fHcutStatistics->SetLineColor(color);
208 fHcutCorrelation = new TH2I("fHcutCorrelation", "Cut Correlation", kNcuts, 0, kNcuts, kNcuts, 0, kNcuts);
209 TString cutname[kNcuts] = {"TPCclusterRatio", "TPC sigma", "TOF sigma"};
210 for(Int_t icut = 0; icut < kNcuts; icut++){
211 fHcutStatistics->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(fHcutStatistics->GetXaxis()->GetFirst() + icut, cutname[icut].Data());
212 fHcutCorrelation->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(fHcutCorrelation->GetXaxis()->GetFirst() + icut, cutname[icut].Data());
213 fHcutCorrelation->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(fHcutCorrelation->GetYaxis()->GetFirst() + icut, cutname[icut].Data());
215 Char_t hname[256], htitle[256];
216 for(Int_t imode = 0; imode < 2; imode++){
217 snprintf(hname, 256, "fHclusterRatio%s", imode ? "After" : "Before");
218 snprintf(htitle, 256, "TPC cluster Ratio %s cuts;Ratio;Entries", imode ? "after" : "before");
219 fHclusterRatio[imode] = new TH1F(hname, htitle, 20, 0., 1.);
220 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
221 snprintf(hname, 256, "fHnSigma%sTPC%s", AliPID::ParticleName(ispec), imode ? "after" : "before");
222 snprintf(htitle, 256, "TPC sigma for %s %s cuts;sigma;Entries", AliPID::ParticleName(ispec), imode ? "after" : "before");
223 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][imode] = new TH1F(hname, htitle, 200, -10., 10.);
224 snprintf(hname, 256, "fHnSigma%sTOF%s", AliPID::ParticleName(ispec), imode ? "after" : "before");
225 snprintf(htitle, 256, "TOF sigma for %s %s cuts;sigma;Entries", AliPID::ParticleName(ispec), imode ? "after" : "before");
226 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][imode] = new TH1F(hname, htitle, 200, -10., 10.);
231 //_____________________________________________________________________
232 Bool_t AliESDpidCuts::AcceptTrack(const AliESDtrack *track, const AliESDEvent *event){
234 // Check whether the tracks survived the cuts
237 kCutClusterRatioTPC,
241 Long64_t cutRequired=0, cutFullfiled = 0;
242 if(fTOFsigmaCutRequired && event == 0) {
243 AliError("No event pointer. Need event pointer for T0 for TOF cut");
246 Double_t clusterRatio = track->GetTPCNclsF() ? static_cast<Float_t>(track->GetTPCNcls())/static_cast<Float_t>(track->GetTPCNclsF()) : 1.;
247 if(fCutTPCclusterRatio > 0.){
248 SETBIT(cutRequired, kCutClusterRatioTPC);
249 if(clusterRatio >= fCutTPCclusterRatio)
250 SETBIT(cutFullfiled, kCutClusterRatioTPC);
252 // check TPC nSigma cut
253 Float_t nsigmaTPC[AliPID::kSPECIES], nsigma; // need all sigmas for QA plotting
254 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
255 nsigmaTPC[ispec] = nsigma = fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track,(AliPID::EParticleType)ispec);
256 if(!(fTPCsigmaCutRequired & 1 << ispec)) continue;
257 SETBIT(cutRequired, kCutNsigmaTPC); // We found at least one species where the n-Sigma Cut is required
258 if(nsigma >= fCutTPCnSigma[2*ispec] && nsigma <= fCutTPCnSigma[2*ispec+1]) SETBIT(cutFullfiled, kCutNsigmaTPC); // Fullfiled for at least one species
260 // check TOF nSigma cut
261 Float_t nsigmaTOF[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // see above
262 Bool_t hasTOFpid = track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFpid; // only apply TOF n-sigma cut when PID Status Bit is set
263 Double_t times[AliPID::kSPECIES];
264 track->GetIntegratedTimes(times);
265 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
267 if(hasTOFpid && event) nsigmaTOF[ispec] = nsigma = fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track,(AliPID::EParticleType)ispec, event->GetT0());
268 if(!(fTOFsigmaCutRequired && 1 << ispec)) continue;
269 SETBIT(cutRequired, kCutNsigmaTOF);
270 if(track->GetOuterParam()->P() >= fMinMomentumTOF){
271 if(hasTOFpid && nsigma <= fCutTOFnSigma[2*ispec] && nsigma >= fCutTOFnSigma[2*ispec+1]) SETBIT(cutFullfiled, kCutNsigmaTOF);
275 // Fill Histograms before cuts
276 if(HasHistograms()){
277 fHclusterRatio[0]->Fill(clusterRatio);
278 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
279 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][0]->Fill(nsigmaTPC[ispec]);
280 if(hasTOFpid) fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][0]->Fill(nsigmaTOF[ispec]);
283 if(cutRequired != cutFullfiled){
284 // Fill cut statistics
285 if(HasHistograms()){
286 for(Int_t icut = 0; icut < kNcuts; icut++){
287 if(TESTBIT(cutRequired, icut) && !TESTBIT(cutFullfiled, icut)){
288 // cut not fullfiled
289 fHcutStatistics->Fill(icut);
290 for(Int_t jcut = 0; jcut <= icut; jcut++)
291 if(TESTBIT(cutRequired, jcut) && !TESTBIT(cutFullfiled, jcut)) fHcutCorrelation->Fill(jcut, icut);
295 return kFALSE; // At least one cut is not fullfiled
298 // Fill Histograms after cuts
299 if(HasHistograms()){
300 fHclusterRatio[1]->Fill(clusterRatio);
301 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
302 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][1]->Fill(nsigmaTPC[ispec]);
303 if(hasTOFpid) fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][1]->Fill(nsigmaTOF[ispec]);
310 //_____________________________________________________________________
311 void AliESDpidCuts::SaveHistograms(const Char_t * location){
313 // Save the histograms to a file
315 if(!HasHistograms()){
316 AliError("Histograms not on - Exiting");
319 if(!location) location = GetName();
320 gDirectory->mkdir(location);
321 gDirectory->cd(location);
322 fHcutStatistics->Write();
323 fHcutCorrelation->Write();
325 gDirectory->mkdir("before_cuts");
326 gDirectory->mkdir("after_cuts");
328 gDirectory->cd("before_cuts");
329 fHclusterRatio[0]->Write();
330 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
331 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][0]->Write();
332 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][0]->Write();
335 gDirectory->cd("../after_cuts");
336 fHclusterRatio[1]->Write();
337 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
338 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][1]->Write();
339 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][1]->Write();
342 gDirectory->cd("..");
345 //_____________________________________________________________________
346 void AliESDpidCuts::DrawHistograms(){
348 // Draw the Histograms
350 TCanvas *stat = new TCanvas("cutStat", "Cut Statistics", 640, 480);
352 fHcutStatistics->SetStats(kFALSE);
353 fHcutStatistics->Draw();
354 stat->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.gif", GetName(), stat->GetName()));
356 TCanvas *correl = new TCanvas("cutCorrelation", "Cut Correlation", 640, 480);
358 fHcutCorrelation->SetStats(kFALSE);
359 fHcutCorrelation->Draw("colz");
360 correl->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.gif", GetName(), correl->GetName()));
362 TCanvas *cRatio = new TCanvas("ClusterRatioTPC", "TPC cluster Ratio", 640, 480);
364 fHclusterRatio[0]->SetLineColor(kRed);
365 fHclusterRatio[0]->SetStats(kFALSE);
366 fHclusterRatio[0]->Draw();
367 fHclusterRatio[1]->SetLineColor(kBlue);
368 fHclusterRatio[1]->SetStats(kFALSE);
369 fHclusterRatio[1]->Draw("same");
370 cRatio->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.gif", GetName(), cRatio->GetName()));
372 TCanvas *cNsigTPC = new TCanvas("NsigmaTPC", "TPC n-sigma", 640, 480);
373 cNsigTPC->Divide(3,2);
374 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
375 cNsigTPC->cd(ispec + 1);
376 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][0]->SetLineColor(kRed);
377 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][0]->SetStats(kFALSE);
378 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][0]->Draw();
379 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][1]->SetLineColor(kBlue);
380 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][1]->SetStats(kFALSE);
381 fHnSigmaTPC[ispec][1]->Draw("same");
383 cNsigTPC->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.gif", GetName(), cNsigTPC->GetName()));
385 TCanvas *cNsigTOF = new TCanvas("NsigmaTOF", "TOF n-sigma", 640, 480);
386 cNsigTOF->Divide(3,2);
387 for(Int_t ispec = 0; ispec < AliPID::kSPECIES; ispec++){
388 cNsigTOF->cd(ispec + 1);
389 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][0]->SetLineColor(kRed);
390 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][0]->SetStats(kFALSE);
391 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][0]->Draw();
392 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][1]->SetLineColor(kBlue);
393 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][1]->SetStats(kFALSE);
394 fHnSigmaTOF[ispec][1]->Draw("same");
396 cNsigTOF->SaveAs(Form("%s_%s.gif", GetName(), cNsigTOF->GetName()));