1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 //_________________________________________________________________________
20 // A Digit is the sum of the energy lost in an EMCAL Tower
21 // It also stores information on Primary, and enterring particle
22 // tracknumbers Digits are created using AliEMCALSDigitizer, followed
23 // by AliEMCALDigitizer
25 //*-- Author: Sahal Yacoob (LBL)
26 // based on : AliPHOSDigit
27 //__________________________________________________________________________
29 // --- ROOT system ---
31 // --- Standard library ---
33 #include <Riostream.h>
35 // --- AliRoot header files ---
37 #include "AliEMCALDigit.h"
38 #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h"
40 ClassImp(AliEMCALDigit)
42 //____________________________________________________________________________
43 AliEMCALDigit::AliEMCALDigit()
59 //____________________________________________________________________________
60 AliEMCALDigit::AliEMCALDigit(Int_t primary, Int_t iparent, Int_t id, Int_t DigEnergy, Float_t time, Int_t index)
66 fPrimary = new Int_t[fNMaxPrimary] ;
67 fIparent = new Int_t[fNMaxiparent] ;
72 fIndexInList = index ;
76 fPrimary[0] = primary ;
78 fIparent[0] = iparent ;
80 else{ //If the contribution of this primary smaller than fDigitThreshold (AliEMCALv1)
88 for ( i = 1; i < fNMaxPrimary ; i++)
91 for ( i =1; i< fNMaxiparent ; i++)
95 //____________________________________________________________________________
96 AliEMCALDigit::AliEMCALDigit(const AliEMCALDigit & digit) : AliDigitNew(digit)
101 fNMaxPrimary = digit.fNMaxPrimary ;
102 fNMaxiparent = digit.fNMaxiparent ;
103 fPrimary = new Int_t[fNMaxPrimary] ;
104 fIparent = new Int_t[fNMaxiparent] ;
106 for ( i = 0; i < fNMaxPrimary ; i++)
107 fPrimary[i] = digit.fPrimary[i] ;
109 for (j = 0; j< fNMaxiparent ; j++)
110 fIparent[j] = digit.fIparent[j] ;
112 fTime = digit.fTime ;
113 fTimeR = digit.fTimeR ;
115 fMaxIter = digit.fMaxIter;
116 fIndexInList = digit.fIndexInList ;
117 fNprimary = digit.fNprimary ;
118 fNiparent = digit.fNiparent ;
121 //____________________________________________________________________________
122 AliEMCALDigit::~AliEMCALDigit()
124 // Delete array of primiries if any
129 //____________________________________________________________________________
130 Int_t AliEMCALDigit::Compare(const TObject * obj) const
132 // Compares two digits with respect to its Id
133 // to sort according increasing Id
137 AliEMCALDigit * digit = (AliEMCALDigit *)obj ;
139 Int_t iddiff = fId - digit->GetId() ;
143 else if ( iddiff < 0 )
152 //____________________________________________________________________________
153 Float_t AliEMCALDigit::GetEta() const
154 { // should be change in EMCALGeometry - 19-nov-04
155 Float_t eta=-10., phi=-10.;
157 const AliEMCALGeometry *g = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
158 g->EtaPhiFromIndex(id,eta,phi);
162 //____________________________________________________________________________
163 Float_t AliEMCALDigit::GetPhi() const
164 { // should be change in EMCALGeometry - 19-nov-04
165 Float_t eta=-10., phi=-10.;
167 const AliEMCALGeometry *g = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
168 g->EtaPhiFromIndex(id,eta,phi);
172 //____________________________________________________________________________
173 Int_t AliEMCALDigit::GetPrimary(Int_t index) const
175 // retrieves the primary particle number given its index in the list
177 if ( (index <= fNprimary) && (index > 0)){
178 rv = fPrimary[index-1] ;
185 //____________________________________________________________________________
186 Int_t AliEMCALDigit::GetIparent(Int_t index) const
188 // retrieves the primary particle number given its index in the list
190 if ( index <= fNiparent ){
191 rv = fIparent[index-1] ;
198 //____________________________________________________________________________
199 void AliEMCALDigit::ShiftPrimary(Int_t shift){
200 //shifts primary number to BIG offset, to separate primary in different TreeK
202 for(index = 0; index <fNprimary; index++ ){
203 fPrimary[index] = fPrimary[index]+ shift * 10000000 ;}
204 for(index =0; index <fNiparent; index++){
205 fIparent[index] = fIparent[index] + shift * 10000000 ;}
207 //____________________________________________________________________________
208 Bool_t AliEMCALDigit::operator==(AliEMCALDigit const & digit) const
210 // Two digits are equal if they have the same Id
212 if ( fId == digit.fId )
218 //____________________________________________________________________________
219 AliEMCALDigit& AliEMCALDigit::operator+(AliEMCALDigit const & digit)
221 // Adds the amplitude of digits and completes the list of primary particles
222 // if amplitude is larger than
225 if(fTime > digit.fTime)
226 fTime = digit.fTime ;
229 Int_t max1 = fNprimary ;
230 Int_t max2 = fNiparent ;
232 for (index = 0 ; index < digit.fNprimary ; index++){
233 Bool_t deja = kTRUE ;
235 for ( old = 0 ; (old < max1) && deja; old++) { //already have this primary?
236 if(fPrimary[old] == digit.fPrimary[index])
240 if(max1<fNMaxPrimary){ fPrimary[max1] = digit.fPrimary[index] ;
243 if(fNprimary==fNMaxPrimary) {
245 TString mess = " NMaxPrimary = " ;
246 mess += fNMaxPrimary ;
247 mess += " is too small" ;
248 Fatal("AliEMCALDigit::Operator+ -->" , mess.Data()) ;
254 for (index = 0 ; index < digit.fNiparent ; index++){
255 Bool_t dejavu = kTRUE ;
257 for ( old = 0 ; (old < max2) && dejavu; old++) { //already have this primary?
258 if(fIparent[old] == digit.fIparent[index])
262 if(max2<fNMaxiparent){ fIparent[max2] = digit.fIparent[index] ;
265 if(fNiparent==fNMaxiparent) {
267 TString mess = " NMaxiparent = " ;
268 mess += fNMaxiparent ;
269 mess += " is too small" ;
270 Fatal("AliEMCALDigit::Operator+ -->", mess.Data()) ;
279 //____________________________________________________________________________
280 AliEMCALDigit& AliEMCALDigit::operator*(Float_t factor)
282 // Multiplies the amplitude by a factor
284 Float_t tempo = static_cast<Float_t>(fAmp) ;
286 fAmp = static_cast<Int_t>(TMath::Ceil(tempo)) ;
290 //____________________________________________________________________________
291 ostream& operator << ( ostream& out , const AliEMCALDigit & digit)
293 // Prints the data of the digit
295 out << "ID " << digit.fId << " Energy = " << digit.fAmp << " Time = " << digit.fTime << endl ;
297 for(i=0;i<digit.fNprimary;i++)
298 out << "Primary " << i+1 << " = " << digit.fPrimary[i] << endl ;
300 for(j=0;j<digit.fNiparent;j++)
301 out << "Iparent " << j+1 << " = " << digit.fIparent[j] << endl ;
302 out << "Position in list = " << digit.fIndexInList << endl ;