1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16 Based on the QA code for PHOS written by Yves Schutz July 2007
18 Authors: J.Klay (Cal Poly) May 2008
19 S. Salur LBL April 2008
21 Created one histogram for QA shifter;-- Yaxian Mao: 11/2009
22 The idea:average counts for all the towers should be flat
23 Change all existing histograms as experts
25 Change histograms for DQM shifter: -- Yaxian Mao 04/2010
26 Calcuate the amplitude ratio from current run and the LED reference, for QAChecker use
27 Also calculate the ratio of amplitude from LED Monitor system (current/Reference), to check LED system
31 // --- ROOT system ---
32 #include <TClonesArray.h>
40 #include <TProfile2D.h>
42 // --- Standard library ---
45 // --- AliRoot header files ---
47 #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h"
48 #include "AliESDCaloCells.h"
49 #include "AliESDEvent.h"
51 #include "AliEMCALQADataMakerRec.h"
52 #include "AliQAChecker.h"
53 #include "AliEMCALDigit.h"
54 #include "AliEMCALRecPoint.h"
55 #include "AliEMCALRawUtils.h"
56 #include "AliEMCALReconstructor.h"
57 #include "AliEMCALRecParam.h"
58 #include "AliRawReader.h"
59 #include "AliCaloRawStreamV3.h"
60 #include "AliEMCALGeoParams.h"
61 #include "AliRawEventHeaderBase.h"
62 #include "AliQAManager.h"
63 #include "AliCDBEntry.h"
65 #include "AliCaloBunchInfo.h"
66 #include "AliCaloFitResults.h"
67 #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerFastFit.h"
68 #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerNN.h"
69 //#include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerLMS.h"
70 #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard.h"
71 #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerPeakFinder.h"
72 #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerCrude.h"
73 #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h"
74 #include "AliEMCALTriggerSTURawStream.h"
76 #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory.h"
80 ClassImp(AliEMCALQADataMakerRec)
82 //____________________________________________________________________________
83 AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::AliEMCALQADataMakerRec(fitAlgorithm fitAlgo) :
84 AliQADataMakerRec(AliQAv1::GetDetName(AliQAv1::kEMCAL), "EMCAL Quality Assurance Data Maker"),
89 fSuperModules(12), // FIXME!!! number of SuperModules; 12 for 2012; update default for later runs
90 fFirstPedestalSample(0),
91 fLastPedestalSample(3),
92 fFirstPedestalSampleTRU(0),
93 fLastPedestalSampleTRU(3),
95 fMaxSignalLG(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkSampleMax),
97 fMaxSignalHG(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkSampleMax),
99 fMaxSignalTRU(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkSampleMax),
100 fMinSignalLGLEDMon(0),
101 fMaxSignalLGLEDMon(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkSampleMax),
102 fMinSignalHGLEDMon(0),
103 fMaxSignalHGLEDMon(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkSampleMax),
104 fCalibRefHistoPro(NULL),
105 fCalibRefHistoH2F(NULL),
106 fLEDMonRefHistoPro(NULL),
107 fHighEmcHistoH2F(NULL)
108 // fTextSM(new TText*[fSuperModules]) ,
114 SetFittingAlgorithm(fitAlgo);
116 //fRawAnalyzerTRU = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerLMS();
118 fRawAnalyzerTRU = ( AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard*)AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory::CreateAnalyzer(kLMS);
120 fRawAnalyzerTRU->SetFixTau(kTRUE);
121 fRawAnalyzerTRU->SetTau(2.5); // default for TRU shaper
123 fGeom = new AliEMCALGeometry("EMCAL_COMPLETE12SMV1", "EMCAL");
124 // for (Int_t sm = 0 ; sm < fSuperModules ; sm++){
125 // fTextSM[sm] = NULL ;
129 //____________________________________________________________________________
130 AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::AliEMCALQADataMakerRec(const AliEMCALQADataMakerRec& qadm) :
132 fFittingAlgorithm(0),
136 fSuperModules(qadm.GetSuperModules()),
137 fFirstPedestalSample(qadm.GetFirstPedestalSample()),
138 fLastPedestalSample(qadm.GetLastPedestalSample()),
139 fFirstPedestalSampleTRU(qadm.GetFirstPedestalSampleTRU()),
140 fLastPedestalSampleTRU(qadm.GetLastPedestalSampleTRU()),
141 fMinSignalLG(qadm.GetMinSignalLG()),
142 fMaxSignalLG(qadm.GetMaxSignalLG()),
143 fMinSignalHG(qadm.GetMinSignalHG()),
144 fMaxSignalHG(qadm.GetMaxSignalHG()),
145 fMinSignalTRU(qadm.GetMinSignalTRU()),
146 fMaxSignalTRU(qadm.GetMaxSignalTRU()),
147 fMinSignalLGLEDMon(qadm.GetMinSignalLGLEDMon()),
148 fMaxSignalLGLEDMon(qadm.GetMaxSignalLGLEDMon()),
149 fMinSignalHGLEDMon(qadm.GetMinSignalHGLEDMon()),
150 fMaxSignalHGLEDMon(qadm.GetMaxSignalHGLEDMon()),
151 fCalibRefHistoPro(NULL),
152 fCalibRefHistoH2F(NULL),
153 fLEDMonRefHistoPro(NULL),
154 fHighEmcHistoH2F(NULL)
155 // fTextSM(new TText*[fSuperModules]) ,
160 SetName((const char*)qadm.GetName()) ;
161 SetTitle((const char*)qadm.GetTitle());
162 SetFittingAlgorithm(qadm.GetFittingAlgorithm());
164 //fRawAnalyzerTRU = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerLMS();
165 fRawAnalyzerTRU = (AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard*)AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory::CreateAnalyzer(kLMS);
166 fRawAnalyzerTRU->SetFixTau(kTRUE);
167 fRawAnalyzerTRU->SetTau(2.5); // default for TRU shaper
168 // for (Int_t sm = 0 ; sm < fSuperModules ; sm++){
169 // fTextSM[sm] = qadm.fTextSM[sm] ;
173 //__________________________________________________________________
174 AliEMCALQADataMakerRec& AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::operator = (const AliEMCALQADataMakerRec& qadm )
177 this->~AliEMCALQADataMakerRec();
178 new(this) AliEMCALQADataMakerRec(qadm);
181 // for (Int_t sm = 0 ; sm < fSuperModules ; sm++){
182 // fTextSM[sm] = qadm.fTextSM[sm] ;
187 //____________________________________________________________________________
188 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::EndOfDetectorCycle(AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t task, TObjArray ** list)
190 //Detector specific actions at end of cycle
193 // GetRawsData(kNEventsPerTower)->Scale(1./fCycleCounter);
195 // do the QA checking
196 ResetEventTrigClasses(); // reset triggers list to select all histos
197 AliQAChecker::Instance()->Run(AliQAv1::kEMCAL, task, list) ;
200 //____________________________________________________________________________
201 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::GetCalibRefFromOCDB()
203 //Get the reference histogram from OCDB
204 TString sName1("hHighEmcalRawMaxMinusMin") ;
205 TString sName2("hLowLEDMonEmcalRawMaxMinusMin") ;
206 sName1.Prepend(Form("%s_", AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(AliRecoParam::kCalib))) ;
207 sName2.Prepend(Form("%s_", AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(AliRecoParam::kCalib))) ;
209 TString refStorage(AliQAv1::GetQARefStorage()) ;
210 if (!refStorage.Contains(AliQAv1::GetLabLocalOCDB()) && !refStorage.Contains(AliQAv1::GetLabAliEnOCDB())) {
211 AliFatal(Form("%s is not a valid location for reference data", refStorage.Data())) ;
213 AliQAManager* manQA = AliQAManager::QAManager(AliQAv1::kRAWS) ;
214 AliQAv1::SetQARefDataDirName(AliRecoParam::kCalib) ;
215 if ( ! manQA->GetLock() ) {
216 manQA->SetDefaultStorage(AliQAv1::GetQARefStorage()) ;
217 manQA->SetSpecificStorage("*", AliQAv1::GetQARefStorage()) ;
218 manQA->SetRun(AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetRun()) ;
221 char * detOCDBDir = Form("%s/%s/%s", GetName(), AliQAv1::GetRefOCDBDirName(), AliQAv1::GetRefDataDirName()) ;
222 AliCDBEntry * entry = manQA->Get(detOCDBDir, manQA->GetRun()) ;
224 TList * listDetQAD =static_cast<TList *>(entry->GetObject()) ;
225 if ( strcmp(listDetQAD->ClassName(), "TList") != 0 ) {
226 AliError(Form("Expected a Tlist and found a %s for detector %s", listDetQAD->ClassName(), GetName())) ;
229 TObjArray * dirOCDB= NULL ;
231 dirOCDB = static_cast<TObjArray *>(listDetQAD->FindObject(Form("%s/%s", AliQAv1::GetTaskName(AliQAv1::kRAWS).Data(), AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(AliRecoParam::kCalib)))) ;
233 fCalibRefHistoPro = dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(dirOCDB->FindObject(sName1.Data())) ;
234 fLEDMonRefHistoPro = dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(dirOCDB->FindObject(sName2.Data())) ;
239 if(fCalibRefHistoPro && fLEDMonRefHistoPro){
241 //Defining histograms binning, each 2D histogram covers all SMs
242 Int_t nSMSectors = fSuperModules / 2; // 2 SMs per sector
243 Int_t nbinsZ = 2*AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
244 Int_t nbinsPhi = nSMSectors * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
246 if(!fCalibRefHistoH2F)
247 fCalibRefHistoH2F = new TH2F("hCalibRefHisto", "hCalibRefHisto", nbinsZ, -0.5, nbinsZ - 0.5, nbinsPhi, -0.5, nbinsPhi -0.5);
248 ConvertProfile2H(fCalibRefHistoPro,fCalibRefHistoH2F) ;
250 AliFatal(Form("No reference object with name %s or %s found", sName1.Data(), sName2.Data())) ;
253 //____________________________________________________________________________
254 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::InitESDs()
256 //Create histograms to controll ESD
257 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
258 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
260 TH1F * h1 = new TH1F("hESDCaloClusterE", "ESDs CaloCluster energy in EMCAL;Energy [GeV];Counts", 200, 0., 100.) ;
262 Add2ESDsList(h1, kESDCaloClusE, !expert, image) ;
264 TH1I * h2 = new TH1I("hESDCaloClusterM", "ESDs CaloCluster multiplicity in EMCAL;# of Clusters;Entries", 100, 0, 100) ;
266 Add2ESDsList(h2, kESDCaloClusM, !expert, image) ;
268 TH1F * h3 = new TH1F("hESDCaloCellA", "ESDs CaloCell amplitude in EMCAL;Energy [GeV];Counts", 500, 0., 50.) ;
270 Add2ESDsList(h3, kESDCaloCellA, !expert, image) ;
272 TH1I * h4 = new TH1I("hESDCaloCellM", "ESDs CaloCell multiplicity in EMCAL;# of Clusters;Entries", 200, 0, 1000) ;
274 Add2ESDsList(h4, kESDCaloCellM, !expert, image) ;
276 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kESDS); // this should be the last line
279 //____________________________________________________________________________
280 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::InitDigits()
282 // create Digits histograms in Digits subdir
283 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
284 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
286 TH1I * h0 = new TH1I("hEmcalDigits", "Digits amplitude distribution in EMCAL;Amplitude [ADC counts];Counts", 500, 0, 500) ;
288 Add2DigitsList(h0, 0, !expert, image) ;
289 TH1I * h1 = new TH1I("hEmcalDigitsMul", "Digits multiplicity distribution in EMCAL;# of Digits;Entries", 200, 0, 2000) ;
291 Add2DigitsList(h1, 1, !expert, image) ;
293 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kDIGITS); // this should be the last line
296 //____________________________________________________________________________
297 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::InitRecPoints()
299 // create Reconstructed PoInt_ts histograms in RecPoints subdir
300 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
301 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
303 TH1F* h0 = new TH1F("hEMCALRpE","EMCAL RecPoint energies;Energy [GeV];Counts",200, 0.,20.); //GeV
305 Add2RecPointsList(h0,kRecPE, !expert, image);
307 TH1I* h1 = new TH1I("hEMCALRpM","EMCAL RecPoint multiplicities;# of Clusters;Entries",100,0,100);
309 Add2RecPointsList(h1,kRecPM, !expert, image);
311 TH1I* h2 = new TH1I("hEMCALRpDigM","EMCAL RecPoint Digit Multiplicities;# of Digits;Entries",20,0,20);
313 Add2RecPointsList(h2,kRecPDigM, !expert, image);
315 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRECPOINTS); // this should be the last line
318 //____________________________________________________________________________
319 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::InitRaws()
321 // create Raws histograms in Raws subdir
322 const Bool_t expert = kTRUE ;
323 const Bool_t saveCorr = kTRUE ;
324 const Bool_t image = kTRUE ;
325 const Option_t *profileOption = "s";
327 Int_t nTowersPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; // number of towers in a SuperModule; 24x48
328 Int_t nTot = fSuperModules * nTowersPerSM; // max number of towers in all SuperModules
330 //Defining histograms binning, each 2D histogram covers all SMs
331 Int_t nSMSectors = fSuperModules / 2; // 2 SMs per sector
332 Int_t nbinsZ = 2*AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
333 Int_t nbinsPhi = nSMSectors * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
335 Int_t nTRUCols = 2*AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALTRUCols; //total TRU columns for 2D TRU histos
336 Int_t nTRURows = nSMSectors*AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALTRUsPerSM*AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALTRURows; //total TRU rows for 2D TRU histos
337 // counter info: number of channels per event (bins are SM index)
338 TProfile * h0 = new TProfile("hLowEmcalSupermodules", "Low Gain EMC: # of towers vs SuperMod;SM Id;# of towers",
339 fSuperModules, -0.5, fSuperModules-0.5, profileOption) ;
340 Add2RawsList(h0, kNsmodLG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
341 TProfile * h1 = new TProfile("hHighEmcalSupermodules", "High Gain EMC: # of towers vs SuperMod;SM Id;# of towers",
342 fSuperModules, -0.5, fSuperModules-0.5, profileOption) ;
343 Add2RawsList(h1, kNsmodHG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
345 // where did max sample occur? (bins are towers)
346 TProfile * h2 = new TProfile("hLowEmcalRawtime", "Low Gain EMC: Time at Max vs towerId;Tower Id;Time [ticks]",
347 nTot, -0.5, nTot-0.5, profileOption) ;
348 Add2RawsList(h2, kTimeLG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
349 TProfile * h3 = new TProfile("hHighEmcalRawtime", "High Gain EMC: Time at Max vs towerId;Tower Id;Time [ticks]",
350 nTot, -0.5, nTot-0.5, profileOption) ;
351 Add2RawsList(h3, kTimeHG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
353 // how much above pedestal was the max sample? (bins are towers)
354 TProfile * h4 = new TProfile("hLowEmcalRawMaxMinusMin", "Low Gain EMC: Max - Min vs towerId;Tower Id;Max-Min [ADC counts]",
355 nTot, -0.5, nTot-0.5, profileOption) ;
356 Add2RawsList(h4, kSigLG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
357 TProfile * h5 = new TProfile("hHighEmcalRawMaxMinusMin", "High Gain EMC: Max - Min vs towerId;Tower Id;Max-Min [ADC counts]",
358 nTot, -0.5, nTot-0.5, profileOption) ;
359 Add2RawsList(h5, kSigHG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
361 // total counter: channels per event
362 TH1I * h6 = new TH1I("hLowNtot", "Low Gain EMC: Total Number of found towers;# of Towers;Counts", 200, 0, nTot) ;
364 Add2RawsList(h6, kNtotLG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
365 TH1I * h7 = new TH1I("hHighNtot", "High Gain EMC: Total Number of found towers;# of Towers;Counts", 200,0, nTot) ;
367 Add2RawsList(h7, kNtotHG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
369 // pedestal (bins are towers)
370 TProfile * h8 = new TProfile("hLowEmcalRawPed", "Low Gain EMC: Pedestal vs towerId;Tower Id;Pedestal [ADC counts]",
371 nTot, -0.5, nTot-0.5, profileOption) ;
372 Add2RawsList(h8, kPedLG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
373 TProfile * h9 = new TProfile("hHighEmcalRawPed", "High Gain EMC: Pedestal vs towerId;Tower Id;Pedestal [ADC counts]",
374 nTot, -0.5, nTot-0.5, profileOption) ;
375 Add2RawsList(h9, kPedHG, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
378 // now repeat the same for TRU and LEDMon data
379 Int_t nTot2x2 = fSuperModules * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALTRUsPerSM * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCAL2x2PerTRU; // max number of TRU channels for all SuperModules
381 // counter info: number of channels per event (bins are SM index)
382 TProfile * hT0 = new TProfile("hTRUEmcalSupermodules", "TRU EMC: # of TRU channels vs SuperMod;SM Id;# of TRU channels",
383 fSuperModules, -0.5, fSuperModules-0.5, profileOption) ;
384 Add2RawsList(hT0, kNsmodTRU, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
386 // how much above pedestal was the max sample? (bins are TRU channels)
387 TProfile * hT1 = new TProfile("hTRUEmcalRawMaxMinusMin", "TRU EMC: Max - Min vs 2x2Id;2x2 Id;Max-Min [ADC counts]",
388 nTot2x2, -0.5, nTot2x2-0.5, profileOption) ;
389 Add2RawsList(hT1, kSigTRU, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
391 // total counter: channels per event
392 TH1I * hT2 = new TH1I("hTRUNtot", "TRU EMC: Total Number of found TRU channels;# of TRU Channels;Counts", 200, 0, nTot2x2) ;
394 Add2RawsList(hT2, kNtotTRU, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
396 // L0 trigger hits: # of hits (bins are TRU channels)
397 TH2I * hT3 = new TH2I("hTRUEmcalL0hits", "L0 trigger hits: Total number of 2x2 L0 generated", nTRUCols, -0.5, nTRUCols - 0.5, nTRURows, -0.5, nTRURows-0.5);
398 hT3->SetOption("COLZ");
400 Add2RawsList(hT3, kNL0TRU, expert, image, !saveCorr);
402 // L0 trigger hits: average time (bins are TRU channels)
403 TProfile2D * hT4 = new TProfile2D("hTRUEmcalL0hitsAvgTime", "L0 trigger hits: average time bin", nTRUCols, -0.5, nTRUCols - 0.5, nTRURows, -0.5, nTRURows-0.5, profileOption);
404 hT4->SetOption("COLZ");
405 Add2RawsList(hT4, kTimeL0TRU, expert, image, !saveCorr);
407 // L0 trigger hits: first in the event (bins are TRU channels)
408 TH1I * hT5 = new TH1I("hTRUEmcalL0hitsFirst", "L0 trigger hits: First hit in the event", nTot2x2, -0.5, nTot2x2);
410 Add2RawsList(hT5, kNL0FirstTRU, expert, !image, !saveCorr);
412 // L0 trigger hits: average time of first hit in the event (bins are TRU channels)
413 TProfile * hT6 = new TProfile("hTRUEmcalL0hitsFirstAvgTime", "L0 trigger hits: average time of first hit", nTot2x2, -0.5, nTot2x2, profileOption);
414 Add2RawsList(hT6, kTimeL0FirstTRU, expert, !image, !saveCorr);
416 // and also LED Mon..
417 // LEDMon has both high and low gain channels, just as regular FEE/towers
418 Int_t nTotLEDMon = fSuperModules * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs; // max number of LEDMon channels for all SuperModules
420 // counter info: number of channels per event (bins are SM index)
421 TProfile * hL0 = new TProfile("hLowLEDMonEmcalSupermodules", "LowLEDMon Gain EMC: # of strips vs SuperMod;SM Id;# of strips",
422 fSuperModules, -0.5, fSuperModules-0.5, profileOption) ;
423 Add2RawsList(hL0, kNsmodLGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
424 TProfile * hL1 = new TProfile("hHighLEDMonEmcalSupermodules", "HighLEDMon Gain EMC: # of strips vs SuperMod;SM Id;# of strips",
425 fSuperModules, -0.5, fSuperModules-0.5, profileOption) ;
426 Add2RawsList(hL1, kNsmodHGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
428 // where did max sample occur? (bins are strips)
429 TProfile * hL2 = new TProfile("hLowLEDMonEmcalRawtime", "LowLEDMon Gain EMC: Time at Max vs stripId;Strip Id;Time [ticks]",
430 nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5, profileOption) ;
431 Add2RawsList(hL2, kTimeLGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
432 TProfile * hL3 = new TProfile("hHighLEDMonEmcalRawtime", "HighLEDMon Gain EMC: Time at Max vs stripId;Strip Id;Time [ticks]",
433 nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5, profileOption) ;
434 Add2RawsList(hL3, kTimeHGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
436 // how much above pedestal was the max sample? (bins are strips)
437 TProfile * hL4 = new TProfile("hLowLEDMonEmcalRawMaxMinusMin", "LowLEDMon Gain EMC: Max - Min vs stripId;Strip Id;Max-Min [ADC counts]",
438 nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5, profileOption) ;
439 Add2RawsList(hL4, kSigLGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
440 TProfile * hL5 = new TProfile("hHighLEDMonEmcalRawMaxMinusMin", "HighLEDMon Gain EMC: Max - Min vs stripId;Strip Id;Max-Min [ADC counts]",
441 nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5, profileOption) ;
442 Add2RawsList(hL5, kSigHGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
444 // total counter: channels per event
445 TH1I * hL6 = new TH1I("hLowLEDMonNtot", "LowLEDMon Gain EMC: Total Number of found strips;# of Strips;Counts", 200, 0, nTotLEDMon) ;
447 Add2RawsList(hL6, kNtotLGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
448 TH1I * hL7 = new TH1I("hHighLEDMonNtot", "HighLEDMon Gain EMC: Total Number of found strips;# of Strips;Counts", 200,0, nTotLEDMon) ;
450 Add2RawsList(hL7, kNtotHGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
452 // pedestal (bins are strips)
453 TProfile * hL8 = new TProfile("hLowLEDMonEmcalRawPed", "LowLEDMon Gain EMC: Pedestal vs stripId;Strip Id;Pedestal [ADC counts]",
454 nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5, profileOption) ;
455 Add2RawsList(hL8, kPedLGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
456 TProfile * hL9 = new TProfile("hHighLEDMonEmcalRawPed", "HighLEDMon Gain EMC: Pedestal vs stripId;Strip Id;Pedestal [ADC counts]",
457 nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5, profileOption) ;
458 Add2RawsList(hL9, kPedHGLEDMon, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
460 //temp 2D amplitude histogram for the current run
461 fHighEmcHistoH2F = new TH2F("h2DHighEC2", "High Gain EMC:Max - Min [ADC counts]", nbinsZ, -0.5 , nbinsZ-0.5, nbinsPhi, -0.5, nbinsPhi-0.5);
462 fHighEmcHistoH2F->SetDirectory(0) ; // this histo must be memory resident
463 //add ratio histograms: to comapre the current run with the reference data
464 TH2F * h15 = new TH2F("h2DRatioAmp", "High Gain Ratio to Reference:Amplitude_{current run}/Amplitude_{reference run}", nbinsZ, -0.5 , nbinsZ-0.5,
465 nbinsPhi, -0.5, nbinsPhi-0.5);
466 //settings for display in amore
467 h15->SetTitle("Amplitude_{current run}/Amplitude_{reference run}");
468 h15->SetMaximum(2.0);
469 h15->SetMinimum(0.1);
470 h15->SetOption("COLZ");
471 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
472 Int_t color[] = {4,3,2} ;
473 gStyle->SetPalette(3,color);
474 h15->GetZaxis()->SetNdivisions(3);
475 h15->UseCurrentStyle();
476 h15->SetDirectory(0);
477 Add2RawsList(h15, k2DRatioAmp, expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
479 TH1F * h16 = new TH1F("hRatioDist", "Amplitude_{current run}/Amplitude_{reference run} ratio distribution", nTot, 0., 2.);
480 // h16->SetMinimum(0.1);
481 // h16->SetMaximum(100.);
482 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
483 h16->UseCurrentStyle();
484 h16->SetDirectory(0);
485 Add2RawsList(h16, kRatioDist, !expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
487 //add two histograms for shifter from the LED monitor system: comapre LED monitor with the reference run
488 //to be used for decision whether we need to change reference data
489 TH1F * hL10 = new TH1F("hMaxMinusMinLEDMonRatio", "LEDMon amplitude, Ratio to reference run", nTotLEDMon, -0.5, nTotLEDMon-0.5) ;
490 //settings for display in amore
491 hL10->SetTitle("Amplitude_{LEDMon current}/Amplitude_{LEDMon reference}");
492 hL10->SetMaximum(2.0);
493 hL10->SetMinimum(0.1);
494 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
495 hL10->UseCurrentStyle();
496 hL10->SetDirectory(0);
497 // hL10->SetOption("E");
498 Add2RawsList(hL10, kLEDMonRatio, expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
500 TH1F * hL11 = new TH1F("hMaxMinusMinLEDMonRatioDist", "LEDMon amplitude, Ratio distribution", nTotLEDMon, 0, 2);
501 // hL11->SetMinimum(0.1) ;
502 gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
503 hL11->UseCurrentStyle();
504 hL11->SetDirectory(0);
505 Add2RawsList(hL11, kLEDMonRatioDist, expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
507 GetCalibRefFromOCDB();
513 Int_t nSTUCols = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALSTUCols;
514 Int_t nSTURows = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALSTURows;
515 // kAmpL1, kGL1, kJL1,
516 // kGL1V0, kJL1V0, kSTUTRU
518 TProfile2D *hS0 = new TProfile2D("hL1Amp", "Mean STU signal per Row and Column", nSTUCols, -0.5, nSTUCols-0.5, nSTURows, -0.5, nSTURows-0.5);
519 Add2RawsList(hS0, kAmpL1, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
521 TH2F *hS1 = new TH2F("hL1Gamma", "L1 Gamma patch position (FastOR top-left)", nSTUCols, -0.50, nSTUCols-0.5, nSTURows + 5, -0.5, nSTURows-0.5 + 5); //+5 for better visible error box
522 Add2RawsList(hS1, kGL1, !expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
524 TH2F *hS2 = new TH2F("hL1Jet", "L1 Jet patch position (FastOR top-left)", 12, -0.5, nSTUCols-0.5, 16, 0, nSTURows-0.5);
525 Add2RawsList(hS2, kJL1, !expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
527 TH2I *hS3 = new TH2I("hL1GV0", "L1 Gamma patch amplitude versus V0 signal", 500, 0, 50000, 1500, 0, 1500);
528 Add2RawsList(hS3, kGL1V0, expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
530 TH2I *hS4 = new TH2I("hL1JV0", "L1 Jet patch amplitude versus V0 signal", 500, 0, 50000, 1000, 0, 1000);
531 Add2RawsList(hS4, kJL1V0, expert, !image, !saveCorr) ;
533 TH1I *hS5 = new TH1I("hFrameR","Link between TRU and STU", 32, 0, 32);
534 Add2RawsList(hS5, kSTUTRU, !expert, image, !saveCorr) ;
536 hS0->SetOption("COLZ");
537 hS1->SetOption("COLZ");
538 hS2->SetOption("COLZ");
539 hS3->SetOption("COLZ");
540 hS4->SetOption("COLZ");
543 ClonePerTrigClass(AliQAv1::kRAWS); // this should be the last line
546 //____________________________________________________________________________
547 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeESDs(AliESDEvent * esd)
549 // make QA data from ESDs
552 for ( Int_t index = 0; index < esd->GetNumberOfCaloClusters() ; index++ ) {
553 AliESDCaloCluster * clu = esd->GetCaloCluster(index) ;
554 if( clu->IsEMCAL() ) {
555 FillESDsData(kESDCaloClusE,clu->E()) ;
559 FillESDsData(kESDCaloClusM,nTot) ;
562 AliESDCaloCells* cells = esd->GetEMCALCells();
563 FillESDsData(kESDCaloCellM,cells->GetNumberOfCells()) ;
565 for ( Int_t index = 0; index < cells->GetNumberOfCells() ; index++ ) {
566 FillESDsData(kESDCaloCellA,cells->GetAmplitude(index)) ;
569 IncEvCountCycleESDs();
570 IncEvCountTotalESDs();
573 //____________________________________________________________________________
574 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeRaws(AliRawReader* rawReader)
576 // Check that all the reference histograms exist before we try to use them - otherwise call InitRaws
577 // RS: Attention: the counters are increments after custom modification of eventSpecie
578 if (!fCalibRefHistoPro || !fCalibRefHistoH2F || !fLEDMonRefHistoPro || !fHighEmcHistoH2F) {
582 // make sure EMCal was readout during the event
583 Int_t emcID = AliDAQ::DetectorID("EMCAL"); // bit 18..
584 const UInt_t *detPattern = rawReader->GetDetectorPattern();
585 UInt_t emcInReadout = ( ((1 << emcID) & detPattern[0]) >> emcID);
586 if (! emcInReadout) return; // no poInt_t in looking at this event, if no EMCal data
590 AliCaloRawStreamV3 in(rawReader,"EMCAL");
591 rawReader->Select("EMCAL", 0, AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkLastAltroDDL) ; //select EMCAL DDL's
593 AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t saveSpecie = fEventSpecie ;
594 if (rawReader->GetType() == AliRawEventHeaderBase::kCalibrationEvent) {
595 SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kCalib) ;
598 const Int_t nTowersPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; // number of towers in a SuperModule; 24x48
599 const Int_t nRows = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows; // number of rows per SuperModule
600 const Int_t nStripsPerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALLEDRefs; // number of strips per SuperModule
601 const Int_t n2x2PerSM = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALTRUsPerSM * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCAL2x2PerTRU; // number of TRU 2x2's per SuperModule
602 const Int_t n2x2PerTRU = AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCAL2x2PerTRU;
603 const Int_t nTot2x2 = fSuperModules * n2x2PerSM; // total TRU channel
605 // SM counters; decl. should be safe, assuming we don't get more than expected SuperModules..
606 Int_t nTotalSMLG[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules] = {0};
607 Int_t nTotalSMHG[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules] = {0};
608 Int_t nTotalSMTRU[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules] = {0};
609 Int_t nTotalSMLGLEDMon[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules] = {0};
610 Int_t nTotalSMHGLEDMon[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALModules] = {0};
612 const Int_t nTRUL0ChannelBits = 10; // used for L0 trigger bits checks
613 int firstL0TimeBin = 999;
614 int triggers[nTot2x2][24]; //auxiliary array for L0 trigger - TODO remove hardcoded 24
615 memset(triggers, 0, sizeof(int) * 24 * nTot2x2);
617 Int_t iSM = 0; // SuperModule index
618 // start loop over input stream
619 while (in.NextDDL()) {
620 Int_t iRCU = in.GetDDLNumber() % 2; // RCU0 or RCU1, within SuperModule
621 Int_t iDDL = in.GetDDLNumber();
622 fRawAnalyzer->SetIsZeroSuppressed( in.GetZeroSupp() );
624 while (in.NextChannel()) {
625 Int_t iBranch = in.GetBranch();
627 iSM = in.GetModule(); // SuperModule
628 //prInt_tf("iSM %d DDL %d", iSM, in.GetDDLNumber());
629 if (iSM>=0 && iSM<fSuperModules) { // valid module reading
632 vector<AliCaloBunchInfo> bunchlist;
633 while (in.NextBunch()) {
634 nsamples += in.GetBunchLength();
635 bunchlist.push_back( AliCaloBunchInfo(in.GetStartTimeBin(), in.GetBunchLength(), in.GetSignals() ) );
638 if (nsamples > 0) { // this check is needed for when we have zero-supp. on, but not sparse readout
641 // indices for pedestal calc.
642 Int_t firstPedSample = 0;
643 Int_t lastPedSample = 0;
644 bool isTRUL0IdData = false;
646 if (! in.IsTRUData() ) { // high gain, low gain, LED Mon data - all have the same shaper/sampling
647 AliCaloFitResults fitResults = fRawAnalyzer->Evaluate( bunchlist, in.GetAltroCFG1(), in.GetAltroCFG2());
648 amp = fitResults.GetAmp();
649 time = fitResults.GetTof();
650 firstPedSample = fFirstPedestalSample;
651 lastPedSample = fLastPedestalSample;
653 else { // TRU data is special, needs its own analyzer
654 AliCaloFitResults fitResults = fRawAnalyzerTRU->Evaluate( bunchlist, in.GetAltroCFG1(), in.GetAltroCFG2());
655 amp = fitResults.GetAmp();
656 time = fitResults.GetTof();
657 firstPedSample = fFirstPedestalSampleTRU;
658 lastPedSample = fLastPedestalSampleTRU;
659 if (in.GetColumn() >= n2x2PerTRU) {
660 isTRUL0IdData = true;
666 vector<Int_t> pedSamples;
668 // select earliest bunch
669 unsigned int bunchIndex = 0;
670 unsigned int startBin = bunchlist.at(0).GetStartBin();
671 if (bunchlist.size() > 0) {
672 for(unsigned int ui=1; ui < bunchlist.size(); ui++ ) {
673 if (startBin > bunchlist.at(ui).GetStartBin() ) {
674 startBin = bunchlist.at(ui).GetStartBin();
680 // check bunch for entries in the pedestal sample range
681 Int_t bunchLength = bunchlist.at(bunchIndex).GetLength();
682 const UShort_t *sig = bunchlist.at(bunchIndex).GetData();
685 if (! isTRUL0IdData) { // regular data, can look at pedestals
686 for (Int_t i = 0; i<bunchLength; i++) {
687 timebin = startBin--;
688 if ( firstPedSample<=timebin && timebin<=lastPedSample ) {
689 pedSamples.push_back( sig[i] );
694 else { // TRU L0 Id Data
695 // which TRU the channel belongs to?
696 Int_t iTRUId = in.GetModule()*3 + (iRCU*in.GetBranch() + iRCU);
698 for (Int_t i = 0; i< bunchLength; i++) {
699 for( Int_t j = 0; j < nTRUL0ChannelBits; j++ ){
700 // check if the bit j is 1
701 if( (sig[i] & ( 1 << j )) > 0 ){
702 Int_t iTRUIdInSM = (in.GetColumn() - n2x2PerTRU)*nTRUL0ChannelBits+j;
703 if(iTRUIdInSM < n2x2PerTRU) {
704 Int_t iTRUAbsId = iTRUIdInSM + n2x2PerTRU * iTRUId;
705 // Fill the histograms
706 Int_t globTRUCol, globTRURow;
707 GetTruChannelPosition(globTRURow, globTRUCol, iSM, iDDL, iBranch, iTRUIdInSM );
709 FillRawsData(kNL0TRU, globTRUCol, globTRURow);
710 FillRawsData(kTimeL0TRU, globTRUCol, globTRURow, startBin);
711 triggers[iTRUAbsId][startBin] = 1;
713 if((int)startBin < firstL0TimeBin) firstL0TimeBin = startBin;
722 if ( in.IsLowGain() || in.IsHighGain() ) { // regular towers
723 Int_t towerId = iSM*nTowersPerSM + in.GetColumn()*nRows + in.GetRow();
724 if ( in.IsLowGain() ) {
726 if ( (amp > fMinSignalLG) && (amp < fMaxSignalLG) ) {
727 FillRawsData(kSigLG,towerId, amp);
728 FillRawsData(kTimeLG,towerId, time);
731 for (Int_t i=0; i<nPed; i++) {
732 FillRawsData(kPedLG,towerId, pedSamples[i]);
736 else if ( in.IsHighGain() ) {
738 if ( (amp > fMinSignalHG) && (amp < fMaxSignalHG) ) {
739 FillRawsData(kSigHG,towerId, amp);
740 FillRawsData(kTimeHG,towerId, time);
743 for (Int_t i=0; i<nPed; i++) {
744 FillRawsData(kPedHG,towerId, pedSamples[i]);
748 } // low or high gain
750 else if ( in.IsTRUData() && in.GetColumn()<AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCAL2x2PerTRU) {
751 // for TRU data, the mapping class holds the TRU Int_ternal 2x2 number (0..95) in the Column var..
752 Int_t iTRU = (iRCU*in.GetBranch() + iRCU); //TRU0 is from RCU0, TRU1 from RCU1, TRU2 is from branch B on RCU1
753 Int_t iTRU2x2Id = iSM*n2x2PerSM + iTRU*AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCAL2x2PerTRU
756 if ( (amp > fMinSignalTRU) && (amp < fMaxSignalTRU) ) {
757 FillRawsData(kSigTRU,iTRU2x2Id, amp);
758 //FillRawsData(kTimeTRU,iTRU2x2Id, time);
761 //for (Int_t i=0; i<nPed; i++) {
762 //FillRawsData(kPedTRU,iTRU2x2Id, pedSamples[i]);
767 else if ( in.IsLEDMonData() ) {
768 // for LED Mon data, the mapping class holds the gain info in the Row variable
769 // and the Strip number in the Column..
770 Int_t gain = in.GetRow();
771 Int_t stripId = iSM*nStripsPerSM + in.GetColumn();
774 nTotalSMLGLEDMon[iSM]++;
775 if ( (amp > fMinSignalLGLEDMon) && (amp < fMaxSignalLGLEDMon) ) {
776 FillRawsData(kSigLGLEDMon,stripId, amp);
777 FillRawsData(kTimeLGLEDMon,stripId, time);
780 for (Int_t i=0; i<nPed; i++) {
781 FillRawsData(kPedLGLEDMon,stripId, pedSamples[i]);
785 else if ( gain == 1 ) {
786 nTotalSMHGLEDMon[iSM]++;
787 if ( (amp > fMinSignalHGLEDMon) && (amp < fMaxSignalHGLEDMon) ) {
788 FillRawsData(kSigHGLEDMon,stripId, amp);
789 FillRawsData(kTimeHGLEDMon,stripId, time);
792 for (Int_t i=0; i<nPed; i++) {
793 FillRawsData(kPedHGLEDMon,stripId, pedSamples[i]);
796 } // low or high gain
801 } // nsamples>0 check, some data found for this channel; not only trailer/header
802 }// end while over channel
804 }//end while over DDL's, of input stream
805 //filling some L0 trigger histos
806 if( firstL0TimeBin < 999 ){
807 for(Int_t i = 0; i < nTot2x2; i++) {
808 if( triggers[i][firstL0TimeBin] > 0 ) {
810 FillRawsData(kNL0FirstTRU, i);
811 FillRawsData(kTimeL0FirstTRU, i, firstL0TimeBin);
816 //calculate the ratio of the amplitude and fill the histograms, only if the events type is Calib
817 // RS: operation on the group of histos kSigHG,k2DRatioAmp,kRatioDist,kLEDMonRatio,kLEDMonRatio,kSigLGLEDMon
818 const int hGrp[] = {kSigHG,k2DRatioAmp,kRatioDist,kLEDMonRatio,kLEDMonRatioDist,kSigLGLEDMon};
819 if ( rawReader->GetType() == AliRawEventHeaderBase::kCalibrationEvent &&
820 CheckCloningConsistency(fRawsQAList, hGrp, sizeof(hGrp)/sizeof(int)) ) { // RS converting original code to loop over all matching triggers
821 int nTrig =IsClonedPerTrigClass(kSigHG,fRawsQAList) ? GetNEventTrigClasses() : 0; // loop over triggers only if histos were cloned
823 for (int itr=-1;itr<nTrig;itr++) { // start from -1 to acknowledge original histos if they were kept
824 TObjArray* trArr = GetMatchingRawsHistosSet(hGrp, sizeof(hGrp)/sizeof(int) ,itr);
825 if (!trArr) continue; // no histos for current trigger
827 Double_t binContent = 0.;
828 TProfile* prSigHG = (TProfile *)trArr->At(0); //kSigHG
829 TH1* th2DRatioAmp = (TH1*) trArr->At(1); //k2DRatioAmp
830 TH1* thRatioDist = (TH1*) trArr->At(2); //kRatioDist
831 TH1* thLEDMonRatio = (TH1*) trArr->At(3); //kLEDMonRatio
832 TH1* thLEDMonRatioDist = (TH1*) trArr->At(4); //kLEDMonRatio
833 TH1* hSigLGLEDMon = (TH1*) trArr->At(5); //kSigLGLEDMon
834 th2DRatioAmp->Reset("ICE");
835 thRatioDist->Reset("ICE");
836 thLEDMonRatio->Reset("ICE");
837 thLEDMonRatioDist->Reset("ICE");
838 th2DRatioAmp->ResetStats();
839 thRatioDist->ResetStats();
840 thLEDMonRatio->ResetStats();
841 thLEDMonRatioDist->ResetStats();
842 ConvertProfile2H(prSigHG, fHighEmcHistoH2F);
844 for(Int_t ix = 1; ix <= fHighEmcHistoH2F->GetNbinsX(); ix++) {
845 for(Int_t iy = 1; iy <= fHighEmcHistoH2F->GetNbinsY(); iy++) {
846 if(fCalibRefHistoH2F->GetBinContent(ix, iy))
847 binContent = fHighEmcHistoH2F->GetBinContent(ix, iy)/fCalibRefHistoH2F->GetBinContent(ix, iy);
848 th2DRatioAmp->SetBinContent(ix, iy, binContent);
849 thRatioDist->Fill(binContent);
853 //Now for LED monitor system, to calculate the ratio as well
854 Double_t binError = 0. ;
855 // for the binError, we add the relative errors, squared
856 Double_t relativeErrorSqr = 0. ;
858 for(int ib = 1; ib <= fLEDMonRefHistoPro->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
860 if(fLEDMonRefHistoPro->GetBinContent(ib) != 0) {
861 binContent = hSigLGLEDMon->GetBinContent(ib) / fLEDMonRefHistoPro->GetBinContent(ib);
863 relativeErrorSqr = TMath::Power( (fLEDMonRefHistoPro->GetBinError(ib) / fLEDMonRefHistoPro->GetBinContent(ib)), 2);
864 if( hSigLGLEDMon->GetBinContent(ib) != 0) {
865 relativeErrorSqr += TMath::Power( (hSigLGLEDMon->GetBinError(ib)/hSigLGLEDMon->GetBinContent(ib)), 2);
868 else { // ref. run info is zero
870 relativeErrorSqr = 1;
872 thLEDMonRatio->SetBinContent(ib, binContent);
874 binError = sqrt(relativeErrorSqr) * binContent;
875 thLEDMonRatio->SetBinError(ib, binError);
876 thLEDMonRatioDist->Fill(thLEDMonRatio->GetBinContent(ib));
878 } // loop over eventual trigger clones
880 // let's also fill the SM and event counter histograms
884 Int_t nTotalHGLEDMon = 0;
885 Int_t nTotalLGLEDMon = 0;
886 for (iSM=0; iSM<fSuperModules; iSM++) {
887 nTotalLG += nTotalSMLG[iSM];
888 nTotalHG += nTotalSMHG[iSM];
889 nTotalTRU += nTotalSMTRU[iSM];
890 nTotalLGLEDMon += nTotalSMLGLEDMon[iSM];
891 nTotalHGLEDMon += nTotalSMHGLEDMon[iSM];
892 FillRawsData(kNsmodLG,iSM, nTotalSMLG[iSM]);
893 FillRawsData(kNsmodHG,iSM, nTotalSMHG[iSM]);
894 FillRawsData(kNsmodTRU,iSM, nTotalSMTRU[iSM]);
895 FillRawsData(kNsmodLGLEDMon,iSM, nTotalSMLGLEDMon[iSM]);
896 FillRawsData(kNsmodHGLEDMon,iSM, nTotalSMHGLEDMon[iSM]);
899 FillRawsData(kNtotLG,nTotalLG);
900 FillRawsData(kNtotHG,nTotalHG);
901 FillRawsData(kNtotTRU,nTotalTRU);
902 FillRawsData(kNtotLGLEDMon,nTotalLGLEDMon);
903 FillRawsData(kNtotHGLEDMon,nTotalHGLEDMon);
905 IncEvCountCycleESDs();
906 IncEvCountTotalESDs();
907 SetEventSpecie(saveSpecie) ;
909 MakeRawsSTU(rawReader);
911 // just in case the next rawreader consumer forgets to reset; let's do it here again..
916 //____________________________________________________________________________
917 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeDigits()
919 // makes data from Digits
920 FillDigitsData(1,fDigitsArray->GetEntriesFast()) ;
921 TIter next(fDigitsArray) ;
922 AliEMCALDigit * digit ;
923 while ( (digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(next())) ) {
924 FillDigitsData(0, digit->GetAmplitude()) ;
929 //____________________________________________________________________________
930 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeDigits(TTree * digitTree)
932 // makes data from Digit Tree
933 // RS: Attention: the counters are increments in the MakeDigits()
935 fDigitsArray->Clear("C") ;
937 fDigitsArray = new TClonesArray("AliEMCALDigit", 1000) ;
939 TBranch * branch = digitTree->GetBranch("EMCAL") ;
940 if ( ! branch ) { AliWarning("EMCAL branch in Digit Tree not found"); return; }
942 branch->SetAddress(&fDigitsArray) ;
943 branch->GetEntry(0) ;
946 IncEvCountCycleDigits();
947 IncEvCountTotalDigits();
951 //____________________________________________________________________________
952 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeRecPoints(TTree * clustersTree)
954 // makes data from RecPoints
955 TBranch *emcbranch = clustersTree->GetBranch("EMCALECARP");
957 AliError("can't get the branch with the EMCAL clusters !");
961 TObjArray * emcRecPoints = new TObjArray(100) ;
962 emcbranch->SetAddress(&emcRecPoints);
963 emcbranch->GetEntry(0);
965 FillRecPointsData(kRecPM,emcRecPoints->GetEntriesFast()) ;
966 TIter next(emcRecPoints) ;
967 AliEMCALRecPoint * rp ;
968 while ( (rp = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALRecPoint *>(next())) ) {
969 FillRecPointsData(kRecPE,rp->GetEnergy()) ;
970 FillRecPointsData(kRecPDigM,rp->GetMultiplicity());
972 emcRecPoints->Delete();
974 IncEvCountCycleRecPoints();
975 IncEvCountTotalRecPoints();
978 //____________________________________________________________________________
979 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::StartOfDetectorCycle()
981 //Detector specific actions at start of cycle
985 //____________________________________________________________________________
986 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::SetFittingAlgorithm(Int_t fitAlgo)
988 //Set fitting algorithm and initialize it if this same algorithm was not set before.
989 //printf("**** Set Algorithm , number %d ****\n",fitAlgo);
992 fRawAnalyzer = AliCaloRawAnalyzerFactory::CreateAnalyzer(fitAlgo);
993 fFittingAlgorithm = fitAlgo;
996 if(fitAlgo == fFittingAlgorithm && fRawAnalyzer) {
997 //Do nothing, this same algorithm already set before.
998 //printf("**** Algorithm already set before, number %d, %s ****\n",fitAlgo, fRawAnalyzer->GetName());
1001 //Initialize the requested algorithm
1002 if(fitAlgo != fFittingAlgorithm || !fRawAnalyzer) {
1003 //printf("**** Init Algorithm , number %d ****\n",fitAlgo);
1005 fFittingAlgorithm = fitAlgo;
1006 if (fRawAnalyzer) delete fRawAnalyzer; // delete prev. analyzer if existed.
1008 if (fitAlgo == kFastFit) {
1009 fRawAnalyzer = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerFastFit();
1011 else if (fitAlgo == kNeuralNet) {
1012 fRawAnalyzer = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerNN();
1014 else if (fitAlgo == kLMS) {
1015 fRawAnalyzer = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerLMS();
1017 else if (fitAlgo == kPeakFinder) {
1018 fRawAnalyzer = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerPeakFinder();
1020 else if (fitAlgo == kCrude) {
1021 fRawAnalyzer = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerCrude();
1024 AliWarning("EMCAL QA invalid fit algorithm choice") ;
1032 //_____________________________________________________________________________________
1033 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::ConvertProfile2H(TProfile * p, TH2 * histo)
1036 histo->Reset("ICE") ;
1037 histo->ResetStats();
1039 Int_t nbinsProf = p->GetNbinsX();
1041 // loop through the TProfile p and fill the TH2F histo
1044 Double_t binContent = 0;
1045 Int_t towerNum = 0; // global tower Id
1046 // i = 0; // tower Id within SuperModule
1047 Int_t iSM = 0; // SuperModule index
1048 Int_t iSMSide = 0; // 0=A, 1=C side
1049 Int_t iSMSector = 0; // 2 SM's per sector
1051 // indices for 2D plots
1055 for (Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= nbinsProf; ibin++) {
1056 towerNum = (Int_t) p->GetBinCenter(ibin);
1057 binContent = p->GetBinContent(ibin);
1059 // figure out what the tower indices are: col, row within a SuperModule
1060 iSM = towerNum/(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols);
1061 col = (towerNum/AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows) % (AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols);
1062 row = towerNum % (AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows);
1064 //DecodeTowerNum(towerNum, &SM, &col, &row);
1065 // then we calculate what the global 2D coord are, based on which SM
1067 iSMSector = iSM / 2;
1070 if (iSMSide == 1) { // C side, shown to the right
1071 col2d = col + AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
1073 else { // A side, shown to the left
1077 row2d = row + iSMSector * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows;
1079 histo->SetBinContent(col2d+1, row2d+1, binContent);
1082 //____________________________________________________________________________
1083 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::GetTruChannelPosition( Int_t &globRow, Int_t &globColumn, Int_t module, Int_t ddl, Int_t branch, Int_t column ) const
1084 { // from local to global indices
1094 // 12 rows of 2x2s in a module (3 TRUs by 4 rows)
1095 mrow = (module/2) * 12;
1096 // 24 columns per module, odd module numbers increased by 24
1097 mcol = (module%2) * 24;
1099 // position within TRU coordinates
1104 if( module%2 == 0 ){ // A side
1108 // TRU in module row addition
1109 drow = (rcu*branch+rcu) * 4;
1116 // TRU in module row addition
1117 drow = (2 - (rcu*branch+rcu)) * 4;
1120 // output global row/collumn position (0,0 = SMA0, phi = 0, |eta| = max)
1121 globRow = mrow + drow + trow;
1122 globColumn = mcol + tcol;
1126 //____________________________________________________________________________
1127 void AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeRawsSTU(AliRawReader* rawReader)
1129 AliEMCALTriggerSTURawStream* inSTU = new AliEMCALTriggerSTURawStream(rawReader);
1132 rawReader->Select("EMCAL", 44);
1135 Int_t sizeL1gsubr = 1;
1136 Int_t sizeL1gpatch = 2;
1137 Int_t sizeL1jsubr = 4;
1139 Int_t iEMCALtrig[AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALSTUCols][AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALSTURows];
1140 memset(iEMCALtrig, 0, sizeof(int) * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALSTUCols * AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALSTURows);
1142 if (inSTU->ReadPayLoad())
1144 //Fw version (use in case of change in L1 jet
1145 Int_t fw = inSTU->GetFwVersion();
1146 Int_t sizeL1jpatch = 2+(fw >> 16);
1149 Int_t mask = inSTU->GetFrameReceived() ^ inSTU->GetRegionEnable();
1151 for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
1153 if (!((mask >> i) & 0x1)) FillRawsData(kSTUTRU, i);
1157 Int_t iV0Sig = inSTU->GetV0A()+inSTU->GetV0C();
1159 //FastOR amplitude receive from TRU
1160 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
1163 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 96; j++) adc[j] = 0;
1165 inSTU->GetADC(i, adc);
1167 Int_t iTRU = fGeom->GetTRUIndexFromSTUIndex(i);
1169 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 96; j++)
1172 fGeom->GetAbsFastORIndexFromTRU(iTRU, j, idx);
1175 fGeom->GetPositionInEMCALFromAbsFastORIndex(idx, px, py);
1177 iEMCALtrig[px][py] = adc[j];
1182 Int_t iTRUSTU, x, y;
1183 for (Int_t i = 0; i < inSTU->GetNL1GammaPatch(0); i++)
1185 if (inSTU->GetL1GammaPatch(i, 0, iTRUSTU, x, y)) // col (0..23), row (0..3)
1188 iTRU = fGeom->GetTRUIndexFromSTUIndex(iTRUSTU);
1190 Int_t etaG = 23-x, phiG = y + 4 * int(iTRU/2); //position in EMCal
1191 if (iTRU%2) etaG += 24; //C-side
1193 etaG = etaG - sizeL1gsubr * sizeL1gpatch + 1;
1195 //Position of patch L1G (bottom-left FastOR of the patch)
1196 FillRawsData(kGL1, etaG, phiG);
1198 //loop to sum amplitude of FOR in the gamma patch
1199 Int_t iL1GPatchAmp = 0;
1200 for (Int_t L1Gx = 0; L1Gx < sizeL1gpatch; L1Gx ++)
1202 for (Int_t L1Gy = 0; L1Gy < sizeL1gpatch; L1Gy ++)
1204 if (etaG+L1Gx < 48 && phiG+L1Gy < 64) iL1GPatchAmp += iEMCALtrig[etaG+L1Gx][phiG+L1Gy];
1205 //cout << iEMCALtrig[etaG+L1Gx][phiG+L1Gy] << endl;
1209 //if (iL1GPatchAmp > 500) cout << "L1G amp =" << iL1GPatchAmp << endl;
1210 FillRawsData(kGL1V0, iV0Sig, iL1GPatchAmp);
1216 for (Int_t i = 0; i < inSTU->GetNL1JetPatch(0); i++)
1218 if (inSTU->GetL1JetPatch(i, 0, x, y)) // col (0,15), row (0,11)
1221 Int_t etaJ = sizeL1jsubr * (11-y-sizeL1jpatch + 1);
1222 Int_t phiJ = sizeL1jsubr * (15-x-sizeL1jpatch + 1);
1224 //position of patch L1J (FOR bottom-left)
1225 FillRawsData(kJL1, etaJ, phiJ);
1227 //loop the sum aplitude of FOR in the jet patch
1228 Int_t iL1JPatchAmp = 0;
1229 for (Int_t L1Jx = 0; L1Jx < sizeL1jpatch*4; L1Jx ++)
1231 for (Int_t L1Jy = 0; L1Jy < sizeL1jpatch*4; L1Jy ++)
1233 if (etaJ+L1Jx < 48 && phiJ+L1Jy < 64) iL1JPatchAmp += iEMCALtrig[etaJ+L1Jx][phiJ+L1Jy];
1237 //cout << "L1J amp =" << iL1JPatchAmp << endl;
1238 FillRawsData(kJL1V0, iV0Sig, iL1JPatchAmp);
1243 //Fill FOR amplitude histo
1244 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 48; i++)
1246 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 60; j++)
1248 if (iEMCALtrig[i][j] != 0) FillRawsData(kAmpL1, i, j, iEMCALtrig[i][j]);