1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16 //_________________________________________________________________________
17 // Reconstructed Points for the EMCAL
18 // A RecPoint is a cluster of digits
21 //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH)
22 //*-- Author: Dmitri Peressounko (RRC KI & SUBATECH)
23 //*-- Author: Heather Gray (LBL) merged AliEMCALRecPoint and AliEMCALTowerRecPoint 02/04
25 // --- ROOT system ---
28 #include "TPaveText.h"
29 #include "TClonesArray.h"
31 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
32 #include "TGeoManager.h"
33 #include "TGeoPhysicalNode.h"
36 // --- Standard library ---
37 #include <Riostream.h>
39 // --- AliRoot header files ---
40 //#include "AliGenerator.h"
44 #include "AliGeomManager.h"
45 #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h"
46 #include "AliEMCALHit.h"
47 #include "AliEMCALDigit.h"
48 #include "AliEMCALRecPoint.h"
49 #include "AliCaloCalibPedestal.h"
50 #include "AliEMCALGeoParams.h"
52 ClassImp(AliEMCALRecPoint)
54 //____________________________________________________________________________
55 AliEMCALRecPoint::AliEMCALRecPoint()
56 : AliCluster(), fGeomPtr(0),
57 fAmp(0), fIndexInList(-1), //to be set when the point is already stored
58 fGlobPos(0,0,0),fLocPos(0,0,0),
59 fMaxDigit(100), fMulDigit(0), fMaxTrack(200),
60 fMulTrack(0), fDigitsList(0), fTracksList(0),
61 fClusterType(-1), fCoreEnergy(0), fDispersion(0),
62 fEnergyList(0), fAbsIdList(0),
63 fTime(0.), fNExMax(0), fCoreRadius(10), //HG check this
64 fDETracksList(0), fMulParent(0), fMaxParent(0),
65 fParentsList(0), fDEParentsList(0), fSuperModuleNumber(0),
66 fDigitIndMax(-1), fDistToBadTower(-1), fSharedCluster(kFALSE)
69 fGeomPtr = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
76 //____________________________________________________________________________
77 AliEMCALRecPoint::AliEMCALRecPoint(const char *)
78 : AliCluster(), fGeomPtr(0),
79 fAmp(0), fIndexInList(-1), //to be set when the point is already stored
80 fGlobPos(0,0,0), fLocPos(0,0,0),
81 fMaxDigit(100), fMulDigit(0), fMaxTrack(1000), fMulTrack(0),
82 fDigitsList(new Int_t[fMaxDigit]), fTracksList(new Int_t[fMaxTrack]),
83 fClusterType(-1), fCoreEnergy(0), fDispersion(0),
84 fEnergyList(new Float_t[fMaxDigit]),
85 fAbsIdList(new Int_t[fMaxDigit]), fTime(-1.), fNExMax(0), fCoreRadius(10),
86 fDETracksList(new Float_t[fMaxTrack]), fMulParent(0), fMaxParent(1000),
87 fParentsList(new Int_t[fMaxParent]), fDEParentsList(new Float_t[fMaxParent]),
88 fSuperModuleNumber(0), fDigitIndMax(-1), fDistToBadTower(-1),fSharedCluster(kFALSE)
91 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxTrack; i++)
93 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxParent; i++) {
95 fDEParentsList[i] = 0;
98 fGeomPtr = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
103 //____________________________________________________________________________
104 AliEMCALRecPoint::AliEMCALRecPoint(const AliEMCALRecPoint & rp)
105 : AliCluster(rp), fGeomPtr(rp.fGeomPtr),
106 fAmp(rp.fAmp), fIndexInList(rp.fIndexInList),
107 fGlobPos(rp.fGlobPos),fLocPos(rp.fLocPos),
108 fMaxDigit(rp.fMaxDigit), fMulDigit(rp.fMulDigit),
109 fMaxTrack(rp.fMaxTrack), fMulTrack(rp.fMaxTrack),
110 fDigitsList(new Int_t[rp.fMaxDigit]), fTracksList(new Int_t[rp.fMaxTrack]),
111 fClusterType(rp.fClusterType), fCoreEnergy(rp.fCoreEnergy),
112 fDispersion(rp.fDispersion),
113 fEnergyList(new Float_t[rp.fMaxDigit]),
114 fAbsIdList(new Int_t[rp.fMaxDigit]), fTime(rp.fTime), fNExMax(rp.fNExMax),fCoreRadius(rp.fCoreRadius),
115 fDETracksList(new Float_t[rp.fMaxTrack]), fMulParent(rp.fMulParent),
116 fMaxParent(rp.fMaxParent), fParentsList(new Int_t[rp.fMaxParent]),
117 fDEParentsList(new Float_t[rp.fMaxParent]),
118 fSuperModuleNumber(rp.fSuperModuleNumber), fDigitIndMax(rp.fDigitIndMax),
119 fDistToBadTower(rp.fDistToBadTower), fSharedCluster(rp.fSharedCluster)
122 fLambda[0] = rp.fLambda[0];
123 fLambda[1] = rp.fLambda[1];
125 for(Int_t i = 0; i < rp.fMulDigit; i++) {
126 fEnergyList[i] = rp.fEnergyList[i];
127 fAbsIdList[i] = rp.fAbsIdList[i];
130 for(Int_t i = 0; i < rp.fMulTrack; i++) fDETracksList[i] = rp.fDETracksList[i];
132 for(Int_t i = 0; i < rp.fMulParent; i++) {
133 fParentsList[i] = rp.fParentsList[i];
134 fDEParentsList[i] = rp.fDEParentsList[i];
138 //____________________________________________________________________________
139 AliEMCALRecPoint::~AliEMCALRecPoint()
143 delete[] fEnergyList ;
145 delete[] fAbsIdList ;
147 delete[] fDETracksList;
149 delete[] fParentsList;
151 delete[] fDEParentsList;
153 delete [] fDigitsList ;
154 delete [] fTracksList ;
157 //____________________________________________________________________________
158 AliEMCALRecPoint& AliEMCALRecPoint::operator= (const AliEMCALRecPoint &rp)
160 // assignment operator
162 if(&rp == this) return *this;
164 fGeomPtr = rp.fGeomPtr;
166 fIndexInList = rp.fIndexInList;
167 fGlobPos = rp.fGlobPos;
168 fLocPos = rp.fLocPos;
169 fMaxDigit = rp.fMaxDigit;
170 fMulDigit = rp.fMulDigit;
171 fMaxTrack = rp.fMaxTrack;
172 fMulTrack = rp.fMaxTrack;
173 for(Int_t i = 0; i<fMaxDigit; i++) fDigitsList[i] = rp.fDigitsList[i];
174 for(Int_t i = 0; i<fMaxTrack; i++) fTracksList[i] = rp.fTracksList[i];
175 fClusterType = rp.fClusterType;
176 fCoreEnergy = rp.fCoreEnergy;
177 fDispersion = rp.fDispersion;
178 for(Int_t i = 0; i<fMaxDigit; i++) {
179 fEnergyList[i] = rp.fEnergyList[i];
180 fAbsIdList[i] = rp.fAbsIdList[i];
183 fNExMax = rp.fNExMax;
184 fCoreRadius = rp.fCoreRadius;
185 for(Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxTrack; i++) fDETracksList[i] = rp.fDETracksList[i];
186 fMulParent = rp.fMulParent;
187 fMaxParent = rp.fMaxParent;
188 for(Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxParent; i++) {
189 fParentsList[i] = rp.fParentsList[i];
190 fDEParentsList[i] = rp.fDEParentsList[i];
192 fSuperModuleNumber = rp.fSuperModuleNumber;
193 fDigitIndMax = rp.fDigitIndMax;
195 fLambda[0] = rp.fLambda[0];
196 fLambda[1] = rp.fLambda[1];
198 fDistToBadTower = rp.fDistToBadTower;
199 fSharedCluster = rp.fSharedCluster;
205 //____________________________________________________________________________
206 void AliEMCALRecPoint::AddDigit(AliEMCALDigit & digit, const Float_t energy, const Bool_t shared)
208 // Adds a digit to the RecPoint
209 // and accumulates the total amplitude and the multiplicity
212 fEnergyList = new Float_t[fMaxDigit];
214 if(fAbsIdList == 0) {
215 fAbsIdList = new Int_t [fMaxDigit];
218 if ( fMulDigit >= fMaxDigit ) { // increase the size of the lists
220 Int_t * tempo = new Int_t [fMaxDigit];
221 Float_t * tempoE = new Float_t[fMaxDigit];
222 Int_t * tempoId = new Int_t [fMaxDigit];
225 for ( index = 0 ; index < fMulDigit ; index++ ){
226 tempo [index] = fDigitsList[index] ;
227 tempoE [index] = fEnergyList[index] ;
228 tempoId[index] = fAbsIdList [index] ;
231 delete [] fDigitsList ;
232 delete [] fEnergyList ;
233 delete [] fAbsIdList ;
236 fEnergyList = tempoE;
237 fAbsIdList = tempoId;
240 fDigitsList[fMulDigit] = digit.GetIndexInList() ;
241 fEnergyList[fMulDigit] = energy ;
242 fAbsIdList [fMulDigit] = digit.GetId();
246 if(shared) fSharedCluster = kTRUE;
248 //____________________________________________________________________________
249 Bool_t AliEMCALRecPoint::AreNeighbours(AliEMCALDigit * digit1, AliEMCALDigit * digit2 ) const
251 // Tells if (true) or not (false) two digits are neighbours
252 // A neighbour is defined as being two digits which share a corner
255 Bool_t areNeighbours = kFALSE ;
256 Int_t nSupMod=0, nModule=0, nIphi=0, nIeta=0;
257 Int_t nSupMod1=0, nModule1=0, nIphi1=0, nIeta1=0;
258 Int_t relid1[2] , relid2[2] ; // ieta, iphi
259 Int_t rowdiff=0, coldiff=0;
261 areNeighbours = kFALSE ;
263 fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit1->GetId(), nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta);
264 fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta, relid1[0],relid1[1]);
266 fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit2->GetId(), nSupMod1,nModule1,nIphi1,nIeta1);
267 fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod1,nModule1,nIphi1,nIeta1, relid2[0],relid2[1]);
269 // In case of a shared cluster, index of SM in C side, columns start at 48 and ends at 48*2-1
270 // C Side impair SM, nSupMod%2=1; A side pair SM nSupMod%2=0
272 if(nSupMod1%2) relid1[1]+=AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
273 else relid2[1]+=AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
276 rowdiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[0] - relid2[0] ) ;
277 coldiff = TMath::Abs( relid1[1] - relid2[1] ) ;
279 if (( coldiff <= 1 ) && ( rowdiff <= 1 ) && (coldiff + rowdiff > 0))
280 areNeighbours = kTRUE ;
282 return areNeighbours;
285 //____________________________________________________________________________
286 Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::Compare(const TObject * obj) const
288 // Compares two RecPoints according to their position in the EMCAL modules
290 Float_t delta = 1 ; //Width of "Sorting row".
294 AliEMCALRecPoint * clu = (AliEMCALRecPoint *)obj ;
297 GetLocalPosition(locpos1);
299 clu->GetLocalPosition(locpos2);
301 Int_t rowdif = (Int_t)(TMath::Ceil(locpos1.X()/delta)-TMath::Ceil(locpos2.X()/delta)) ;
306 else if(locpos1.Y()>locpos2.Y())
314 //___________________________________________________________________________
315 void AliEMCALRecPoint::Draw(Option_t *option)
317 // Draw this AliEMCALRecPoint with its current attributes
322 //____________________________________________________________________________
323 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalAll(Float_t logWeight,TClonesArray * digits, const Bool_t justClusters)
325 // Evaluates cluster parameters
327 // First calculate the index of digit with maximum amplitude and get
328 // the supermodule number where it sits.
330 fDigitIndMax = GetMaximalEnergyIndex();
331 fSuperModuleNumber = fGeomPtr->GetSuperModuleNumber(GetAbsIdMaxDigit());
333 //Evaluate global and local position
334 EvalGlobalPosition(logWeight, digits) ;
335 EvalLocalPosition(logWeight, digits) ;
337 //Evaluate shower parameters
338 EvalElipsAxis(logWeight, digits) ;
339 EvalDispersion(logWeight, digits) ;
341 //EvalCoreEnergy(logWeight, digits);
343 EvalPrimaries(digits) ;
346 //Called last because it sets the global position of the cluster?
347 //Do not call it when recalculating clusters out of standard reconstruction
349 EvalLocal2TrackingCSTransform();
354 //____________________________________________________________________________
355 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDispersion(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits)
357 // Calculates the dispersion of the shower at the origin of the RecPoint
358 // in cell units - Nov 16,2006
360 Double_t d = 0., wtot = 0., w = 0.;
361 Int_t iDigit=0, nstat=0;
362 AliEMCALDigit * digit=0;
364 // Calculates the dispersion in cell units
365 Double_t etai, phii, etaMean=0.0, phiMean=0.0;
366 int nSupMod=0, nModule=0, nIphi=0, nIeta=0;
368 // Calculate mean values
369 for(iDigit=0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
370 digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ;
372 if (fAmp>0 && fEnergyList[iDigit]>0) {
373 fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit->GetId(), nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta);
374 fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta);
376 // In case of a shared cluster, index of SM in C side, columns start at 48 and ends at 48*2
377 // C Side impair SM, nSupMod%2=1; A side pair SM nSupMod%2=0
378 if(fSharedCluster && nSupMod%2) ieta+=AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
382 w = TMath::Max(0.,logWeight+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ;
394 } else AliError(Form("Wrong weight %f\n", wtot));
396 // Calculate dispersion
397 for(iDigit=0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
398 digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ;
400 if (fAmp>0 && fEnergyList[iDigit]>0) {
401 fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit->GetId(), nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta);
402 fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta);
404 // In case of a shared cluster, index of SM in C side, columns start at 48 and ends at 48*2
405 // C Side impair SM, nSupMod%2=1; A side pair SM, nSupMod%2=0
406 if(fSharedCluster && nSupMod%2) ieta+=AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
410 w = TMath::Max(0.,logWeight+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ;
414 d += w*((etai-etaMean)*(etai-etaMean)+(phii-phiMean)*(phii-phiMean));
419 if ( wtot > 0 && nstat>1) d /= wtot ;
422 fDispersion = TMath::Sqrt(d) ;
423 //printf("AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDispersion() : Dispersion %f \n",fDispersion);
426 //____________________________________________________________________________
427 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDistanceToBadChannels(AliCaloCalibPedestal* caloped)
429 //For each EMC rec. point set the distance to the nearest bad channel.
430 //AliInfo(Form("%d bad channel(s) found.\n", caloped->GetDeadTowerCount()));
431 //It is done in cell units and not in global or local position as before (Sept 2010)
433 if(!caloped->GetDeadTowerCount()) return;
435 //Get channels map of the supermodule where the cluster is.
436 TH2D* hMap = caloped->GetDeadMap(fSuperModuleNumber);
439 Float_t minDist = 10000.;
441 Int_t nSupMod, nModule;
444 fDigitIndMax = GetMaximalEnergyIndex();
445 fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(fAbsIdList[fDigitIndMax], nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta);
446 fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta);
448 //Loop on tower status map
449 for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows; irow++){
450 for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; icol++){
451 //Check if tower is bad.
452 if(hMap->GetBinContent(icol,irow)==AliCaloCalibPedestal::kAlive) continue;
453 //printf("AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDistanceToBadChannels() - Bad channel in SM %d, col %d, row %d\n",iSM,icol, irow);
455 dRrow=TMath::Abs(irow-iphi);
456 dReta=TMath::Abs(icol-ieta);
457 dist=TMath::Sqrt(dRrow*dRrow+dReta*dReta);
458 if(dist < minDist) minDist = dist;
463 //In case the cluster is shared by 2 SuperModules, need to check the map of the second Super Module
464 if (fSharedCluster) {
468 //The only possible combinations are (0,1), (2,3) ... (10,11)
469 if(fSuperModuleNumber%2) nSupMod2 = fSuperModuleNumber-1;
470 else nSupMod2 = fSuperModuleNumber+1;
471 hMap2 = caloped->GetDeadMap(nSupMod2);
473 //Loop on tower status map of second super module
474 for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALRows; irow++){
475 for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols; icol++){
476 //Check if tower is bad.
477 if(hMap2->GetBinContent(icol,irow)==AliCaloCalibPedestal::kAlive) continue;
478 //printf("AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDistanceToBadChannels() - Bad channel in SM %d, col %d, row %d\n",iSM,icol, irow);
479 dRrow=TMath::Abs(irow-iphi);
481 if(fSuperModuleNumber%2) {
482 dReta=TMath::Abs(icol-(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols+ieta));
485 dReta=TMath::Abs(AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols+icol-ieta);
488 dist=TMath::Sqrt(dRrow*dRrow+dReta*dReta);
489 if(dist < minDist) minDist = dist;
494 }// shared cluster in 2 SuperModules
496 fDistToBadTower = minDist;
497 //printf("AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalDistanceToBadChannel() - Distance to Bad is %f cm, shared cluster? %d \n",fDistToBadTower,fSharedCluster);
501 //____________________________________________________________________________
502 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPosition(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits)
504 // Calculates the center of gravity in the local EMCAL-module coordinates
505 // Info("Print", " logWeight %f : cluster energy %f ", logWeight, fAmp); // for testing
507 AliEMCALDigit * digit=0;
510 Double_t dist = TmaxInCm(Double_t(fAmp));
511 //Int_t idMax = GetAbsIdMaxDigit();// idMax is not used at all in RelPosCellInSModule, why use it?
513 Double_t clXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, clRmsXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, xyzi[3], wtot=0., w=0.;
515 //printf(" dist : %f e : %f \n", dist, fAmp);
516 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
517 digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit])) ;
520 AliError("No Digit!!");
524 fGeomPtr->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), dist, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
526 //Temporal patch, due to mapping problem, need to swap "y" in one of the 2 SM, although no effect in position calculation. GCB 05/2010
527 if(fSharedCluster && fSuperModuleNumber != fGeomPtr->GetSuperModuleNumber(digit->GetId())) xyzi[1]*=-1;
529 //printf("EvalLocalPosition Cell: Id %i, SM %i : dist %f Local x,y,z %f %f %f \n",
530 // digit->GetId(), fGeomPtr->GetSuperModuleNumber(digit->GetId()), dist, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
532 if(logWeight > 0.0) w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp ));
533 else w = fEnergyList[iDigit]; // just energy
538 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
539 clXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]);
540 clRmsXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]*xyzi[i]);
544 // cout << " wtot " << wtot << endl;
546 // xRMS = TMath::Sqrt(x2m - xMean*xMean);
547 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
550 clRmsXYZ[i] /= (wtot*wtot);
551 clRmsXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] - clXYZ[i]*clXYZ[i];
552 if(clRmsXYZ[i] > 0.0) {
553 clRmsXYZ[i] = TMath::Sqrt(clRmsXYZ[i]);
554 } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0;
555 } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0;
558 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
559 clXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] = -1.;
563 // // Cluster of one single digit, smear the position to avoid discrete position
564 // // smear x and z with +- 3 cm to uniform (avoid discrete effects). Tower size is approx 6 cm.
565 // // Rndm generates a number in ]0,1]
566 // if (fMulDigit==1) {
567 // clXYZ[0] += fGeomPtr->GetPhiTileSize()*(0.5 - gRandom->Rndm());
568 // clXYZ[2] += fGeomPtr->GetEtaTileSize()*(0.5 - gRandom->Rndm());
571 //Set position in local vector
572 fLocPos.SetX(clXYZ[0]);
573 fLocPos.SetY(clXYZ[1]);
574 fLocPos.SetZ(clXYZ[2]);
577 printf("EvalLocalPosition Cluster: Local (x,y,z) = (%f,%f,%f) \n", fLocPos.X(), fLocPos.Y(), fLocPos.Z()) ;
582 //____________________________________________________________________________
583 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalGlobalPosition(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits)
585 // Calculates the center of gravity in the global ALICE coordinates
586 // Info("Print", " logWeight %f : cluster energy %f ", logWeight, fAmp); // for testing
588 AliEMCALDigit * digit=0;
591 Double_t dist = TmaxInCm(Double_t(fAmp));
592 //Int_t idMax = GetAbsIdMaxDigit();// idMax is not used at all in RelPosCellInSModule, why use it?
594 Double_t clXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, clRmsXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, lxyzi[3], xyzi[3], wtot=0., w=0.;
596 //printf(" dist : %f e : %f \n", dist, fAmp);
597 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
598 digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit])) ;
601 AliError("No Digit!!");
605 //Get the local coordinates of the cell
606 fGeomPtr->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), dist, lxyzi[0], lxyzi[1], lxyzi[2]);
608 //Now get the global coordinate
609 fGeomPtr->GetGlobal(lxyzi,xyzi, fGeomPtr->GetSuperModuleNumber(digit->GetId()));
610 //TVector3 pos(xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
611 //printf("EvalGlobalPosition Cell: Id %i, SM %i : dist %f Local (x,y,z) = (%f %f %f), eta %f, phi%f \n",
612 // digit->GetId(), fGeomPtr->GetSuperModuleNumber(digit->GetId()),dist, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2],pos.Eta(),pos.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg());
614 if(logWeight > 0.0) w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp ));
615 else w = fEnergyList[iDigit]; // just energy
620 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
621 clXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]);
622 clRmsXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]*xyzi[i]);
626 // cout << " wtot " << wtot << endl;
628 // xRMS = TMath::Sqrt(x2m - xMean*xMean);
629 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
632 clRmsXYZ[i] /= (wtot*wtot);
633 clRmsXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] - clXYZ[i]*clXYZ[i];
634 if(clRmsXYZ[i] > 0.0) {
635 clRmsXYZ[i] = TMath::Sqrt(clRmsXYZ[i]);
636 } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0;
637 } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0;
640 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
641 clXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] = -1.;
645 // // Cluster of one single digit, smear the position to avoid discrete position
646 // // smear x and z with +- 3 cm to uniform (avoid discrete effects). Tower size is approx 6 cm.
647 // // Rndm generates a number in ]0,1]
648 // if (fMulDigit==1) {
649 // clXYZ[0] += fGeomPtr->GetPhiTileSize()*(0.5 - gRandom->Rndm());
650 // clXYZ[2] += fGeomPtr->GetEtaTileSize()*(0.5 - gRandom->Rndm());
653 //Set position in global vector
654 fGlobPos.SetX(clXYZ[0]);
655 fGlobPos.SetY(clXYZ[1]);
656 fGlobPos.SetZ(clXYZ[2]);
659 printf("EvalGlobalPosition Cluster: (x ,y ,z) = (%f,%f,%f), eta %f,phi %f\n",
660 fGlobPos.X(), fGlobPos.Y(), fGlobPos.Z(),fGlobPos.Eta(),fGlobPos.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg()) ;
663 //____________________________________________________________________________
664 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPositionFit(Double_t deff, Double_t logWeight,
665 Double_t phiSlope, TClonesArray * digits)
667 // Evaluates local position of clusters in SM
670 AliEMCALDigit *digit=0;
672 Double_t clXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, clRmsXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, xyzi[3], wtot=0., w=0.;
674 Double_t dist = TmaxInCm(Double_t(fAmp));
675 //Int_t idMax = GetAbsIdMaxDigit();// idMax is not used at all in RelPosCellInSModule, why use it?
677 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit<digits->GetEntries(); iDigit++) {
678 digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit])) ;
681 //fGeomPtr->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), idMax, dist, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
682 fGeomPtr->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), dist, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
684 if(logWeight > 0.0) w = TMath::Max( 0., logWeight + TMath::Log( fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp ));
685 else w = fEnergyList[iDigit]; // just energy
690 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
691 clXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]);
692 clRmsXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]*xyzi[i]);
695 }else AliError("Digit null");
697 // cout << " wtot " << wtot << endl;
699 // xRMS = TMath::Sqrt(x2m - xMean*xMean);
700 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
703 clRmsXYZ[i] /= (wtot*wtot);
704 clRmsXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] - clXYZ[i]*clXYZ[i];
705 if(clRmsXYZ[i] > 0.0) {
706 clRmsXYZ[i] = TMath::Sqrt(clRmsXYZ[i]);
707 } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0;
708 } else clRmsXYZ[i] = 0;
711 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
712 clXYZ[i] = clRmsXYZ[i] = -1.;
716 if(phiSlope != 0.0 && logWeight > 0.0 && wtot) {
717 // Correction in phi direction (y - coords here); Aug 16;
718 // May be put to global level or seperate method
719 ycorr = clXYZ[1] * (1. + phiSlope);
720 //printf(" y %f : ycorr %f : slope %f \n", clXYZ[1], ycorr, phiSlope);
724 fLocPos.SetX(clXYZ[0]);
725 fLocPos.SetY(clXYZ[1]);
726 fLocPos.SetZ(clXYZ[2]);
729 // printf("EvalLocalPosition: eta,phi,r = %f,%f,%f", fLocPos.X(), fLocPos.Y(), fLocPos.Z()) ;
732 //_____________________________________________________________________________
733 Bool_t AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPosition2(TClonesArray * digits, TArrayD &ed)
735 // Evaluated local position of rec.point using digits
736 // and parametrisation of w0 and deff
737 //printf(" <I> AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPosition2() \n");
738 return AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPositionFromDigits(digits, ed, fLocPos);
741 //_____________________________________________________________________________
742 Bool_t AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPositionFromDigits(TClonesArray *digits, TArrayD &ed, TVector3 &locPos)
744 // Used when digits should be recalibrated
745 Double_t deff=0, w0=0, esum=0;
747 // AliEMCALDigit *digit;
749 if(ed.GetSize() && (digits->GetEntries()!=ed.GetSize())) return kFALSE;
751 // Calculate sum energy of digits
753 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<ed.GetSize(); iDigit++) esum += ed[iDigit];
755 GetDeffW0(esum, deff, w0);
757 return EvalLocalPositionFromDigits(esum, deff, w0, digits, ed, locPos);
760 //_____________________________________________________________________________
761 Bool_t AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocalPositionFromDigits(const Double_t esum, const Double_t deff, const Double_t w0, TClonesArray *digits, TArrayD &ed, TVector3 &locPos)
763 //Evaluate position of digits in supermodule.
764 AliEMCALDigit *digit=0;
767 Double_t clXYZ[3]={0.,0.,0.}, xyzi[3], wtot=0., w=0.;
768 //Int_t idMax = GetAbsIdMaxDigit();// idMax is not used at all in RelPosCellInSModule, why use it?
770 // Get pointer to EMCAL geometry
771 // (can't use fGeomPtr in static method)
772 AliEMCALGeometry* geo = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance();
774 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit<digits->GetEntries(); iDigit++) {
775 digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At(iDigit));
777 //geo->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), idMax, deff, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
778 geo->RelPosCellInSModule(digit->GetId(), deff, xyzi[0], xyzi[1], xyzi[2]);
780 if(w0 > 0.0) w = TMath::Max( 0., w0 + TMath::Log(ed[iDigit] / esum));
781 else w = ed[iDigit]; // just energy
786 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
787 clXYZ[i] += (w*xyzi[i]);
790 }else AliError("Digit null");
792 // cout << " wtot " << wtot << endl;
794 for(i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
797 locPos.SetX(clXYZ[0]);
798 locPos.SetY(clXYZ[1]);
799 locPos.SetZ(clXYZ[2]);
807 //_____________________________________________________________________________
808 void AliEMCALRecPoint::GetDeffW0(const Double_t esum , Double_t &deff, Double_t &w0)
812 // Applied for simulation data with threshold 3 adc
813 // Calculate efective distance (deff) and weigh parameter (w0)
814 // for coordinate calculation; 0.5 GeV < esum <100 GeV.
815 // Look to: http://rhic.physics.wayne.edu/~pavlinov/ALICE/SHISHKEBAB/RES/CALIB/GEOMCORR/deffandW0VaEgamma_2.gif
818 const Double_t kdp0=9.25147, kdp1=1.16700; // Hard coded now
819 const Double_t kwp0=4.83713, kwp1=-2.77970e-01, kwp2 = 4.41116;
821 // No extrapolation here
822 e = esum<0.5?0.5:esum;
825 deff = kdp0 + kdp1*TMath::Log(e);
826 w0 = kwp0 / (1. + TMath::Exp(kwp1*(e+kwp2)));
827 //printf("<I> AliEMCALRecPoint::GetDeffW0 esum %5.2f : deff %5.2f : w0 %5.2f \n", esum, deff, w0);
830 //______________________________________________________________________________
831 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalCoreEnergy(Float_t logWeight, TClonesArray * digits)
833 // This function calculates energy in the core,
834 // i.e. within a radius rad = fCoreEnergy around the center. Beyond this radius
835 // in accordance with shower profile the energy deposition
836 // should be less than 2%
837 // Unfinished - Nov 15,2006
838 // Distance is calculate in (phi,eta) units
840 AliEMCALDigit * digit = 0 ;
844 if (!fLocPos.Mag()) {
845 EvalLocalPosition(logWeight, digits);
848 Double_t phiPoint = fLocPos.Phi(), etaPoint = fLocPos.Eta();
849 Double_t eta, phi, distance;
850 for(iDigit=0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
851 digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) ( digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ) ;
854 fGeomPtr->EtaPhiFromIndex(digit->GetId(),eta, phi) ;
855 phi = phi * TMath::DegToRad();
857 distance = TMath::Sqrt((eta-etaPoint)*(eta-etaPoint)+(phi-phiPoint)*(phi-phiPoint));
858 if(distance < fCoreRadius)
859 fCoreEnergy += fEnergyList[iDigit] ;
863 //____________________________________________________________________________
864 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalElipsAxis(Float_t logWeight,TClonesArray * digits)
866 // Calculates the axis of the shower ellipsoid in eta and phi
869 TString gn(fGeomPtr->GetName());
878 AliEMCALDigit * digit = 0;
880 Double_t etai =0, phii=0, w=0;
881 int nSupMod=0, nModule=0, nIphi=0, nIeta=0;
883 for(Int_t iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
884 digit = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ;
886 // Nov 15,2006 - use cell numbers as coordinates
887 // Copied for shish-kebab geometry, ieta,iphi is cast as double as eta,phi
888 // We can use the eta,phi(or coordinates) of cell
889 nSupMod = nModule = nIphi = nIeta = iphi = ieta = 0;
891 fGeomPtr->GetCellIndex(digit->GetId(), nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta);
892 fGeomPtr->GetCellPhiEtaIndexInSModule(nSupMod,nModule,nIphi,nIeta, iphi,ieta);
894 // In case of a shared cluster, index of SM in C side, columns start at 48 and ends at 48*2
895 // C Side impair SM, nSupMod%2=1; A side pair SM, nSupMod%2=0
896 if(fSharedCluster && nSupMod%2) ieta+=AliEMCALGeoParams::fgkEMCALCols;
901 w = TMath::Max(0.,logWeight+TMath::Log(fEnergyList[iDigit]/fAmp ) ) ;
902 // fAmp summed amplitude of digits, i.e. energy of recpoint
903 // Gives smaller value of lambda than log weight
904 // w = fEnergyList[iDigit] / fAmp; // Nov 16, 2006 - try just energy
906 dxx += w * etai * etai ;
908 dzz += w * phii * phii ;
911 dxz += w * etai * phii ;
926 fLambda[0] = 0.5 * (dxx + dzz) + TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ) ;
928 fLambda[0] = TMath::Sqrt(fLambda[0]) ;
932 fLambda[1] = 0.5 * (dxx + dzz) - TMath::Sqrt( 0.25 * (dxx - dzz) * (dxx - dzz) + dxz * dxz ) ;
934 if(fLambda[1] > 0) //To avoid exception if numerical errors lead to negative lambda.
935 fLambda[1] = TMath::Sqrt(fLambda[1]) ;
943 //printf("AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalElipsAxis() lambdas = %f,%f \n", fLambda[0],fLambda[1]) ;
947 //______________________________________________________________________________
948 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalPrimaries(TClonesArray * digits)
950 // Constructs the list of primary particles (tracks) which
951 // have contributed to this RecPoint and calculate deposited energy
954 AliEMCALDigit * digit =0;
955 Int_t * primArray = new Int_t[fMaxTrack] ;
956 memset(primArray,-1,sizeof(Int_t)*fMaxTrack);
957 Float_t * dEPrimArray = new Float_t[fMaxTrack] ;
958 memset(dEPrimArray,-1,sizeof(Int_t)*fMaxTrack);
961 for ( index = 0 ; index < GetDigitsMultiplicity() ; index++ ) { // all digits
962 digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At( fDigitsList[index] )) ;
964 AliError("No Digit!!");
968 Int_t nprimaries = digit->GetNprimary() ;
969 if ( nprimaries == 0 ) continue ;
971 for ( jndex = 0 ; jndex < nprimaries ; jndex++ ) { // all primaries in digit
972 if ( fMulTrack > fMaxTrack ) {
973 fMulTrack = fMaxTrack ;
974 Error("EvalPrimaries", "increase fMaxTrack ") ;
977 Int_t newPrimary = digit->GetPrimary(jndex+1);
978 Float_t dEPrimary = digit->GetDEPrimary(jndex+1);
980 Bool_t already = kFALSE ;
981 for ( kndex = 0 ; kndex < fMulTrack ; kndex++ ) { //check if not already stored
982 if ( newPrimary == primArray[kndex] ){
984 dEPrimArray[kndex] += dEPrimary;
988 if ( !already && (fMulTrack < fMaxTrack)) { // store it
989 primArray[fMulTrack] = newPrimary ;
990 dEPrimArray[fMulTrack] = dEPrimary ;
993 } // all primaries in digit
996 Int_t *sortIdx = new Int_t[fMulTrack];
997 TMath::Sort(fMulTrack,dEPrimArray,sortIdx);
998 for(index = 0; index < fMulTrack; index++) {
999 fTracksList[index] = primArray[sortIdx[index]] ;
1000 fDETracksList[index] = dEPrimArray[sortIdx[index]] ;
1003 delete [] primArray ;
1004 delete [] dEPrimArray ;
1008 //______________________________________________________________________________
1009 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalParents(TClonesArray * digits)
1011 // Constructs the list of parent particles (tracks) which have contributed to this RecPoint
1013 AliEMCALDigit * digit=0 ;
1014 Int_t * parentArray = new Int_t[fMaxTrack] ;
1015 memset(parentArray,-1,sizeof(Int_t)*fMaxTrack);
1016 Float_t * dEParentArray = new Float_t[fMaxTrack] ;
1017 memset(dEParentArray,-1,sizeof(Int_t)*fMaxTrack);
1020 for ( index = 0 ; index < GetDigitsMultiplicity() ; index++ ) { // all digits
1021 if (fDigitsList[index] >= digits->GetEntries() || fDigitsList[index] < 0)
1022 AliError(Form("Trying to get invalid digit %d (idx in WriteRecPoint %d)",fDigitsList[index],index));
1023 digit = dynamic_cast<AliEMCALDigit *>(digits->At( fDigitsList[index] )) ;
1025 AliError("No Digit!!");
1029 Int_t nparents = digit->GetNiparent() ;
1030 if ( nparents == 0 ) continue ;
1033 for ( jndex = 0 ; jndex < nparents ; jndex++ ) { // all primaries in digit
1034 if ( fMulParent > fMaxParent ) {
1036 Error("EvalParents", "increase fMaxParent") ;
1039 Int_t newParent = digit->GetIparent(jndex+1) ;
1040 Float_t newdEParent = digit->GetDEParent(jndex+1) ;
1042 Bool_t already = kFALSE ;
1043 for ( kndex = 0 ; kndex < fMulParent ; kndex++ ) { //check if not already stored
1044 if ( newParent == parentArray[kndex] ){
1045 dEParentArray[kndex] += newdEParent;
1050 if ( !already && (fMulParent < fMaxParent)) { // store it
1051 parentArray[fMulParent] = newParent ;
1052 dEParentArray[fMulParent] = newdEParent ;
1055 } // all parents in digit
1059 Int_t *sortIdx = new Int_t[fMulParent];
1060 TMath::Sort(fMulParent,dEParentArray,sortIdx);
1061 for(index = 0; index < fMulParent; index++) {
1062 fParentsList[index] = parentArray[sortIdx[index]] ;
1063 fDEParentsList[index] = dEParentArray[sortIdx[index]] ;
1068 delete [] parentArray;
1069 delete [] dEParentArray;
1072 //____________________________________________________________________________
1073 void AliEMCALRecPoint::GetLocalPosition(TVector3 & lpos) const
1075 // returns the position of the cluster in the local reference system
1076 // of the sub-detector
1081 //____________________________________________________________________________
1082 void AliEMCALRecPoint::GetGlobalPosition(TVector3 & gpos) const
1084 // returns the position of the cluster in the global reference system of ALICE
1085 // These are now the Cartesian X, Y and Z
1086 // cout<<" geom "<<geom<<endl;
1087 // fGeomPtr->GetGlobal(fLocPos, gpos, fSuperModuleNumber);
1092 //____________________________________________________________________________
1093 //void AliEMCALRecPoint::GetGlobalPosition(TVector3 & gpos, TMatrixF & gmat) const
1095 // // returns the position of the cluster in the global reference system of ALICE
1096 // // These are now the Cartesian X, Y and Z
1097 // // cout<<" geom "<<geom<<endl;
1099 // //To be implemented
1100 // fGeomPtr->GetGlobalEMCAL(this, gpos, gmat);
1104 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1105 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalLocal2TrackingCSTransform()
1107 //Evaluates local to "tracking" c.s. transformation (B.P.).
1108 //All evaluations should be completed before calling for this
1110 //See ALICE PPR Chapter 5 p.18 for "tracking" c.s. definition,
1111 //or just ask Jouri Belikov. :)
1113 SetVolumeId(AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(AliGeomManager::kEMCAL,GetSuperModuleNumber()));
1115 const TGeoHMatrix* tr2loc = GetTracking2LocalMatrix();
1116 if(!tr2loc) AliFatal(Form("No Tracking2LocalMatrix found."));
1118 Double_t lxyz[3] = {fLocPos.X(),fLocPos.Y(),fLocPos.Z()};
1119 Double_t txyz[3] = {0,0,0};
1121 tr2loc->MasterToLocal(lxyz,txyz);
1122 SetX(txyz[0]); SetY(txyz[1]); SetZ(txyz[2]);
1124 if(AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>0) {
1125 TVector3 gpos; //TMatrixF gmat;
1126 //GetGlobalPosition(gpos,gmat); //Not doing anythin special, replace by next line.
1127 fGeomPtr->GetGlobal(fLocPos, gpos, GetSuperModuleNumber());
1131 AliInfo(Form("lCS-->(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f), tCS-->(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f), gCS-->(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f), gCScalc-\
1132 ->(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f), supermodule %d",
1133 fLocPos.X(),fLocPos.Y(),fLocPos.Z(),
1134 GetX(),GetY(),GetZ(),
1135 gpos.X(),gpos.Y(),gpos.Z(),
1136 gxyz[0],gxyz[1],gxyz[2],GetSuperModuleNumber()));
1141 //____________________________________________________________________________
1142 Float_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetMaximalEnergy(void) const
1144 // Finds the maximum energy in the cluster
1146 Float_t menergy = 0. ;
1149 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
1151 if(fEnergyList[iDigit] > menergy)
1152 menergy = fEnergyList[iDigit] ;
1157 //____________________________________________________________________________
1158 Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetMaximalEnergyIndex(void) const
1160 // Finds the maximum energy in the cluster
1162 Float_t menergy = 0. ;
1166 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
1168 if(fEnergyList[iDigit] > menergy){
1169 menergy = fEnergyList[iDigit] ;
1172 }//loop on cluster digits
1178 //____________________________________________________________________________
1179 Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetMultiplicityAtLevel(Float_t H) const
1181 // Calculates the multiplicity of digits with energy larger than H*energy
1185 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
1187 if(fEnergyList[iDigit] > H * fAmp)
1193 //____________________________________________________________________________
1194 Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetNumberOfLocalMax(AliEMCALDigit ** maxAt, Float_t * maxAtEnergy,
1195 Float_t locMaxCut,TClonesArray * digits) const
1197 // Calculates the number of local maxima in the cluster using fLocalMaxCut as the minimum
1198 // energy difference between two local maxima
1200 AliEMCALDigit * digit = 0;
1201 AliEMCALDigit * digitN = 0;
1206 for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++)
1207 maxAt[iDigit] = (AliEMCALDigit*) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigit]) ;
1209 for(iDigit = 0 ; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
1211 digit = maxAt[iDigit] ;
1213 for(iDigitN = 0; iDigitN < fMulDigit; iDigitN++) {
1214 digitN = (AliEMCALDigit *) digits->At(fDigitsList[iDigitN]) ;
1216 if ( AreNeighbours(digit, digitN) ) {
1217 if (fEnergyList[iDigit] > fEnergyList[iDigitN] ) {
1218 maxAt[iDigitN] = 0 ;
1219 // but may be digit too is not local max ?
1220 if(fEnergyList[iDigit] < fEnergyList[iDigitN] + locMaxCut)
1225 // but may be digitN too is not local max ?
1226 if(fEnergyList[iDigit] > fEnergyList[iDigitN] - locMaxCut)
1227 maxAt[iDigitN] = 0 ;
1229 } // if Areneighbours
1235 for(iDigit = 0; iDigit < fMulDigit; iDigit++) {
1237 maxAt[iDigitN] = maxAt[iDigit] ;
1238 maxAtEnergy[iDigitN] = fEnergyList[iDigit] ;
1245 //____________________________________________________________________________
1246 Int_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetPrimaryIndex() const
1248 // Get the primary track index in TreeK which deposits the most energy
1249 // in Digits which forms RecPoint.
1252 return fTracksList[0];
1256 //____________________________________________________________________________
1257 void AliEMCALRecPoint::EvalTime(TClonesArray * digits){
1258 // time is set to the time of the digit with the maximum energy
1262 for(Int_t idig=0; idig < fMulDigit; idig++){
1263 if(fEnergyList[idig] > maxE){
1264 maxE = fEnergyList[idig] ;
1268 fTime = ((AliEMCALDigit*) digits->At(fDigitsList[maxAt]))->GetTime() ;
1272 //______________________________________________________________________________
1273 void AliEMCALRecPoint::Paint(Option_t *)
1275 // Paint this ALiRecPoint as a TMarker with its current attributes
1277 TVector3 pos(0.,0.,0.) ;
1278 GetLocalPosition(pos) ;
1279 Coord_t x = pos.X() ;
1280 Coord_t y = pos.Z() ;
1281 Color_t markercolor = 1 ;
1282 Size_t markersize = 1.;
1283 Style_t markerstyle = 5 ;
1285 if (!gPad->IsBatch()) {
1286 gVirtualX->SetMarkerColor(markercolor) ;
1287 gVirtualX->SetMarkerSize (markersize) ;
1288 gVirtualX->SetMarkerStyle(markerstyle) ;
1290 gPad->SetAttMarkerPS(markercolor,markerstyle,markersize) ;
1291 gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1,&x,&y,"") ;
1294 //_____________________________________________________________________
1295 Double_t AliEMCALRecPoint::TmaxInCm(const Double_t e , const Int_t key)
1298 // key = 0(gamma, default)
1300 const Double_t ca = 4.82; // shower max parameter - first guess; ca=TMath::Log(1000./8.07)
1301 Double_t tmax = 0.; // position of electromagnetic shower max in cm
1303 Double_t x0 = 1.31; // radiation lenght (cm)
1304 //If old geometry in use
1305 if(!((fGeomPtr->GetEMCGeometry()->GetGeoName()).Contains("V1"))) x0 = 1.28;
1308 tmax = TMath::Log(e) + ca;
1309 if (key==0) tmax += 0.5;
1311 tmax *= x0; // convert to cm
1316 //______________________________________________________________________________
1317 Float_t AliEMCALRecPoint::EtaToTheta(Float_t arg) const
1319 //Converts Theta (Radians) to Eta(Radians)
1320 return (2.*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-arg)));
1323 //______________________________________________________________________________
1324 Float_t AliEMCALRecPoint::ThetaToEta(Float_t arg) const
1326 //Converts Eta (Radians) to Theta(Radians)
1327 return (-1 * TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5 * arg)));
1330 //____________________________________________________________________________
1331 void AliEMCALRecPoint::Print(Option_t *opt) const
1333 // Print the list of digits belonging to the cluster
1334 if(strlen(opt)==0) return;
1336 message = "AliEMCALRecPoint:\n" ;
1337 message += " digits # = " ;
1338 AliInfo(message.Data()) ;
1341 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++)
1342 printf(" %d ", fDigitsList[iDigit] ) ;
1345 AliInfo(" Energies = ") ;
1346 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++)
1347 printf(" %f ", fEnergyList[iDigit] ) ;
1350 AliInfo("\n Abs Ids = ") ;
1351 for(iDigit=0; iDigit<fMulDigit; iDigit++)
1352 printf(" %i ", fAbsIdList[iDigit] ) ;
1355 AliInfo(" Primaries ") ;
1356 for(iDigit = 0;iDigit < fMulTrack; iDigit++)
1357 printf(" %d ", fTracksList[iDigit]) ;
1359 printf("\n Local x %6.2f y %7.2f z %7.1f \n", fLocPos[0], fLocPos[1], fLocPos[2]);
1361 message = " ClusterType = %d" ;
1362 message += " Multiplicity = %d" ;
1363 message += " Cluster Energy = %f" ;
1364 message += " Core energy = %f" ;
1365 message += " Core radius = %f" ;
1366 message += " Number of primaries %d" ;
1367 message += " Stored at position %d" ;
1368 AliInfo(Form(message.Data(), fClusterType, fMulDigit, fAmp, fCoreEnergy, fCoreRadius, fMulTrack, GetIndexInList()) ) ;
1371 //___________________________________________________________
1372 Double_t AliEMCALRecPoint::GetPointEnergy() const
1374 //Returns energy ....
1376 for(int ic=0; ic<GetMultiplicity(); ic++) e += double(fEnergyList[ic]);