]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - EPOS/epos167/epos-yyy-168.f
- removing PHOS digit maker from the build system
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / EPOS / epos167 / epos-yyy-168.f
1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
2       subroutine hnbaaa156(ip,iret)
3 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 c  microcanonical decay of cluster ip via loop over hnbmet
5 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6       include 'epos.inc'
7       common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
8      *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
9       parameter(maxp=500)
10       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
11       common/citer/iter,itermx
12       double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
13       common /cttaus/  tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat 
14       integer jc(nflav,2)
15       double precision p(5),c(5)
16       parameter(maxit=50000)
17       common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
18       dimension be(4),pe(5),pa(5)
19       common/yradx/yrad(maxp),phirad(maxp)
20       common/xxxspecsy/ndrop(-4:4,-4:4,-4:4)
21       common/cdelzet/delzet,delsgr /cvocell/vocell
22       call utpri('hnbaaa',ish,ishini,4)
24       if(ish.ge.3)then
25       write(ifch,140)sngl(ttaus)
26   140 format(/' ----------------------------------'/
27      *'    droplet decay  at tau =',f6.2/
28      *' ----------------------------------')
29       write(ifch,*)'droplet:'
30       call alist('&',ip,ip)
31       endif
33       iret=0
34       do j=1,5
35       c(j)=pptl(j,ip)
36       enddo
38       call idquac(ip,nqi,nsi,nai,jc)
39       keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
40       ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
41       kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
42       kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
43       keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
44       ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
45       !print*,'droplet uds=',keu,ked,kes,'   E=',pptl(5,ip)
47       volu=4./3.*pi*radptl(ip)**3
49       if(volu.le.0)call utstop('hnbaaa: volume = 0&')
50       if(volu.lt.0.01)then
51         call utmsg('hnbaaa')
52         write(ifch,*)'*****  very small volume:',volu
53         write(ifch,*)
54      *  'id:',idptl(ip),' r:',radptl(ip),' m:',pptl(5,ip)
55         call utmsgf
56       endif
58     !~~~~~redefine energy in case of radial flow       
59       amin=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,4)   !utamnu(...,4) and not utamnu(...,5) 
60       aumin=amuseg                             !otherwise droplet from remnant decay 
61       ipo=ip                                   !could be too light after flow
62       if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)ipo=iorptl(ip)
63       tecmor=pptl(5,ipo)
64       if(iappl.eq.4.or.iorsdf.ne.3
65      &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants 
66         yrmax=0                            
67       else              
68         yrmax=max(0.0,yradmx+yradmi*alog10(engy/200.))
69                 if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
70           yrmax=max(0.0,yradpp+yradpi*alog10(engy/1800.))
71                   !aumin=amin
72                   !if(yrmax.gt.0.2)print*,'===',tecmor,aamin,yrmax
73                 endif  
74       endif             
75       fradflo=1.
76       if(yrmax.ne.0.)
77      &fradflo=1./((sinh(yrmax)*yrmax-cosh(yrmax)+1.)/(yrmax**2/2.)) 
78       tecm=pptl(5,ip)
79       tecmxx=tecm
80       if(yrmax.gt.0..and.tecmor.gt.aumin
81      &  .and.tecm*fradflo.gt.amin) then
82         ! redefine energy to account for collective flow
83         ! \int_0^yrmax f(y) d2y = E_new (effective mass)  
84         ! \int_0^yrmax cosh(y) f(y) d2y = E_old
85         tecm=tecm*fradflo
86         if(tecm.lt.amin)stop'aaahnb: small mass. should not happen.   '
87       else 
88         yrmax=0.  
89       endif
91     !~~~~~redefine energy in case of long coll flow  
92       if(iappl.eq.4.or.iorsdf.ne.3
93      &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants 
94         yco=0
95       else
96        if(ylongmx.lt.0.)then
97         yco=delzet * 1.75
98        else
99         yco=ylongmx
100        endif
101       endif 
102       tecmx=tecm
103       if(yco.gt.0..and.tecmor.gt.aumin) then
104         tecm=tecm/sinh(yco)*yco     
105       else 
106         yco=0.  
107       endif
108       !print*,'========= cluster energy: ',pptl(5,ip),tecmx,tecm
110     !~~~~~~~~~redefine volume~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
112 ccc      vocri=tecm/epscri(ioclude)   !??????????????????????????????
113 ccc      volu=max(vocri,vocell)       !????????????????????????????
115     !~~~~~~~~~decay~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
116       call hnbini(iret)
117       !if(iret.ne.0)write(ifch,*)'***** unsucessfull hnbini *****'
118       if(iret.ne.0)goto1000
119       if(ioinct.ge.1)goto1
121       do iter=1,itermx
122         naccit(iter)=0
123         call hnbmet
124       enddo
126 1     continue
128       if(ioceau.eq.1.and.iappl.eq.1)call xhnbte(ip)
130     !~~~~~~~~~~long coll flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
131       if(yco.gt.0.) then
132         errlim=0.0001
133         tecm=tecmx
134  611    energ=0.
135         do i=1,np
136           yrad(i)=(2*rangen()-1)*yco
137           be(3)=sinh(yrad(i))
138           be(4)=cosh(yrad(i))
139           energ=energ+be(4)*pcm(4,i)-be(3)*pcm(3,i)
140         enddo
141         if(abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1) goto 611
142                 !print*,'===== energy after flow boosts',energ,'   soll: ',tecm
143         do j=1,4
144                   pe(j)=0.
145                 enddo
146         do i=1,np 
147           be(1)= 0
148           be(2)= 0
149           be(3)= sinh(yrad(i))
150           be(4)= cosh(yrad(i))
151           call utlob3(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1e0
152      *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
153           do j=1,4
154           pe(j)=pe(j)+pcm(j,i)
155           enddo
156         enddo
157                 pe(5)=sqrt(pe(4)**2-pe(3)**2-pe(2)**2-pe(1)**2)
158                 !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')'flow boosts',pe
159         do j=1,4
160                   pa(j)=0.
161                 enddo
162         do i=1,np 
163           call utlob3(1,pe(1),pe(2),pe(3),pe(4),pe(5)
164      *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
165           do j=1,4
166                     pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
167                   enddo
168         enddo
169                 pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
170                 !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' cms boost ',pa
171         esoll=tecm
172         scal=1.
173         do ipass=1,200
174           sum=0.
175           do  j=1,np
176             do k=1,3
177               pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
178             enddo
179             pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
180      *           +amass(j)**2)
181             sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
182           enddo          
183           scal=esoll/sum
184           !write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
185           !    $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll 
186           if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto301
187         enddo
188  301    continue      
189         do j=1,4
190                   pa(j)=0.
191                 enddo
192         do i=1,np 
193           do j=1,4
194                     pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
195                   enddo
196         enddo
197         pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
198         !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' rescaling ',pa
199       endif
201     !~~~~~~~~~~radial flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
202       if(yrmax.gt.0.) then
203         fecc=0
204                 aa=1
205                 bb=0
206                 cc=0
207                 dd=1
208         if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then                
209                   ipo=iorptl(ip)
210                   xx=uptl(ipo)   ! <x**2>
211                   yy=optl(ipo)   ! <y**2>
212                   xy=desptl(ipo) ! <x*y>
213                   dta=0.5*abs(xx-yy)
214                   ev1=(xx+yy)/2+sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
215                   ev2=(xx+yy)/2-sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
216                   if(xy.lt.0..and.dta.ne.0.)then
217                     theta=0.5*atan(-xy/dta)
218                   elseif(xy.gt.0..and.dta.ne.0.)then
219                     theta=-0.5*atan(xy/dta)
220                   else
221                     theta=0
222                   endif
223                   !eccx=(yy-xx)/(yy+xx)
224           yy=ev1
225                   xx=ev2
226                   ecc=(yy-xx)/(yy+xx)
227                   !print*,eccx,ecc,theta
228                   fecc=facecc*ecc
229                   fecc=min(0.3,fecc)
230                   phiclu=phievt+theta
231           aa=cos(phiclu)
232           bb=sin(phiclu)
233                   cc=-sin(phiclu)
234                   dd=cos(phiclu)
235         endif
236                 errlim=0.0001
237         tecm=tecmxx
238  610    energ=0.
239         do i=1,np
240           yrad(i)=sqrt(rangen())
241           phirad(i)=2.*pi*rangen()
242           bex=-dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*cos(phirad(i))*(1+fecc) 
243           bey=-dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*sin(phirad(i))*(1-fecc)
244           be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
245           be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
246           be(3)=-0d0    
247           be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
248           bp=0d0
249           do k=1,3
250             bp=bp+pcm(k,i)*be(k) 
251           enddo
252           en=be(4)*pcm(4,i)+bp
253           energ=energ+en
254         enddo
255         if(abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1) goto 610
256         energ=0.
257         do i=1,np 
258           bex=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*cos(phirad(i))*(1+fecc)
259           bey=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*sin(phirad(i))*(1-fecc)
260           be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
261           be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
262           be(3)=0d0           
263           be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
264           call utlob3(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1e0
265      *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
266           energ=energ+pcm(4,i)
267         enddo
268         esoll=tecm
269         scal=1.
270         do ipass=1,200
271           sum=0.
272           do  j=1,np
273             do k=1,3
274               pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
275             enddo
276             pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
277      *           +amass(j)**2)
278             sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
279           enddo          
280           scal=esoll/sum
281           !write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
282           ! $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll 
283           if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto300
284         enddo
285  300    continue      
286       else
287         do n=1,np
288           yrad(n)=0.
289           phirad(n)=0.
290         enddo
291       endif
292     !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
294       nptlb=nptl
295       do n=1,np
296         nptl=nptl+1
297         if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('hnbptl: mxptl too small&')
298         idptl(nptl)=ident(n)
299         do j=1,4
300           p(j)=pcm(j,n)
301         enddo
302         p(5)=amass(n)
303         call utlob2(-1,c(1),c(2),c(3),c(4),c(5),p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),10)
304         do j=1,5
305           pptl(j,nptl)=p(j)
306         enddo
307         if(tecmor.gt.aumin)then
308           ityptl(nptl)=60
309         else
310           ityptl(nptl)=19
311         endif
312         if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then
313           if(ityptl(nptl).eq.60)then
314             ipo=iorptl(ip)
315             xx=uptl(ipo)        ! <x**2>
316             yy=optl(ipo)        ! <y**2>
317             rini=sqrt(5./3.*(xx+yy)) !<r**2>=3/5*R**2 for sphere of radius R
318             r=1.15*rini*yrad(n) !yrad=y/ymax
319             tau=2.25/sqrt(yrad(n)**2+0.04)-0.75
320             z=xorptl(3,ipo)
321             t=xorptl(4,ipo)
322            !zeta=0.5*log((t+z)/(t-z))-0.5*delzet+2*0.5*delzet*rangen()
323             zeta=0.5*log((p(4)+p(3))/(p(4)-p(3)))
324             z=tau*sinh(zeta)
325             t=tau*cosh(zeta)
326             xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ipo)+r*cos(phirad(n))
327             xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ipo)+r*sin(phirad(n))
328             xorptl(3,nptl)=z
329             xorptl(4,nptl)=t
330           else
331             xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ip)
332             xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ip)
333             xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,ip)
334             xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,ip)
335           endif 
336         endif
337       enddo 
339       if(ish.ge.3)then
340         write(ifch,*)'decay products:'
341         call alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
342         if(ish.ge.5)then
343           write(ifch,*)'momentum sum:'
344           do kk=1,5
345             pptl(kk,nptl+1)=0
346             do ii=nptlb+1,nptl
347               pptl(kk,nptl+1)=pptl(kk,nptl+1)+pptl(kk,ii)
348             enddo
349             pptl(kk,nptl+2)=c(kk)
350           enddo
351           call alist('&',nptl+1,nptl+2)
352         endif
353       endif
355  1000 continue
356       call utprix('hnbaaa',ish,ishini,4)
357       return
358       end