]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - FMD/scripts/DrawHits.C
ZeroSuppressionCompnent as for the TPC Krypton run (Kenneth)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / FMD / scripts / DrawHits.C
1 //____________________________________________________________________
2 //
3 // $Id$
4 //
5 // Script that contains a class to draw hits, using the
6 // AliFMDInputHits class in the util library. 
7 //
8 // It draws the energy loss versus the p/(mq^2).  It can be overlayed
9 // with the Bethe-Bloc curve to show how the simulation behaves
10 // relative to the expected. 
11 //
12 // Use the script `Compile.C' to compile this class using ACLic. 
13 //
14 #include <TH2D.h>
15 #include <AliFMDHit.h>
16 #include <AliFMDInput.h>
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <TStyle.h>
19 #include <TArrayF.h>
20 #include <TParticle.h>
21 #include <TCanvas.h>
22 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
23 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
24 #include <TParticlePDG.h>
25 #include <TLegend.h>
26 #include <TArrow.h>
27 #include <TLatex.h>
28 #include <TF1.h>
30 /** @class DrawHits
31     @brief Draw hit energy loss
32     @code 
33     Root> .L Compile.C
34     Root> Compile("DrawHits.C")
35     Root> DrawHits c
36     Root> c.Run();
37     @endcode
38     @ingroup FMD_script
39  */
40 class DrawHits : public AliFMDInput
41 {
42 private:
43   TH2D* fElossVsPMQ; // Histogram 
44   TH1D* fEloss;
45   TParticlePDG* fPdg;
46   const Double_t fRho;
47   const Double_t fBetaGammaMip;
48 public:
49   //__________________________________________________________________
50   DrawHits(const char* pdgName="pi+",
51            Int_t m=1000, Double_t emin=1, Double_t emax=1000, 
52            Int_t n=900, Double_t tmin=1e-2, Double_t tmax=1e3) 
53     : fPdg(0), 
54       fRho(2.33),
55       fBetaGammaMip(3.4601)
56   { 
57     AddLoad(kKinematics);
58     AddLoad(kHits);
59     TDatabasePDG* pdgDB = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
60     fPdg                = pdgDB->GetParticle(pdgName);
61     if (!fPdg) Warning("DrawHits", "Particle %s not found", pdgName);
63     TArrayF tkine(MakeLogScale(n, tmin, tmax));
64     TArrayF eloss(MakeLogScale(m, emin, emax));
65     TString name("elossVsPMQ");
66     TString title(Form("#Delta E/#Delta x / q^{2} vs. p/m, %s", 
67                        (pdgName ? pdgName : "")));
68     fElossVsPMQ = new TH2D(name.Data(), title.Data(), 
69                            tkine.fN-1, tkine.fArray, 
70                            eloss.fN-1, eloss.fArray);
71     fElossVsPMQ->SetXTitle("p/(mq^{2})=#beta#gamma/q^{2}");
72     fElossVsPMQ->SetYTitle("#Delta E/#Delta x / q^{2} [MeV/cm]");
73     fElossVsPMQ->Sumw2();
74     fEloss = new TH1D("eloss", "#Delta E/#Delta x / q^{2}", 
75                       eloss.fN-1, eloss.fArray);
76     fEloss->SetFillColor(2);
77     fEloss->SetFillStyle(3001);
78     fEloss->SetXTitle("#Delta E/#Delta x / q^{2} [MeV/cm]");
79     fEloss->Sumw2();
80   }
81   //__________________________________________________________________
82   Bool_t ProcessHit(AliFMDHit* hit, TParticle* p) 
83   {
84     if (!hit) {
85       std::cout << "No hit" << std::endl;
86       return kFALSE;
87     }
89     if (!p) {
90       std::cout << "No track" << std::endl;
91       return kFALSE;
92     }
93     if (!p->IsPrimary()) return kTRUE;
94     if (hit->IsStop()) return kTRUE;
96     Float_t x = hit->P();
97     Float_t y = hit->Edep()/hit->Length();
98     Float_t q = hit->Q() / 3.;
99     Float_t m = hit->M();
100     if (m == 0 || q == 0) return kTRUE;
102     x /= hit->M();
103     y /= q * q;
104     fElossVsPMQ->Fill(x, y);
105     fEloss->Fill(y);
107     return kTRUE;
108   }
109   //__________________________________________________________________
110   Bool_t Finish()
111   {
112     gStyle->SetPalette(1);
113     // gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
114     gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(1);
115     gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0);
116     gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
117     gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
118     gStyle->SetCanvasBorderSize(0);
119     gStyle->SetPadColor(0);
120     gStyle->SetPadBorderSize(0);
121     TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("elossVsP", "Energy loss versus momentum");
122     c->SetLogy();
123     c->SetLogx();
125     TString title(Form("%s, %d events", fElossVsPMQ->GetTitle(), fEventCount));
126     fElossVsPMQ->SetTitle(title.Data());
127     fElossVsPMQ->SetStats(kFALSE);
128     fElossVsPMQ->Draw("AXIS");
129     fElossVsPMQ->Draw("ACOLZ same");
130     TGraph*  mate    = FromGFMATE();
131     TGraph*  bb      = FromRPPFull();
132     TGraph*  nodelta = FromRPPNoDelta();
133     TGraph*  norad   = FromRPPNoRad();
134     TGraph*  mean    = FromRPPMean();
135     // fElossVsPMQ->Draw("ACOLZ same");
136     TLegend* l       = new TLegend(.5, .6, .89, .89);
137     // l->AddEntry(fElossVsPMQ, fElossVsPMQ->GetTitle(), "pf");
138     l->AddEntry(mate,        mate->GetTitle(),    "lf");
139     l->AddEntry(bb,          bb->GetTitle(),      "l");
140     l->AddEntry(nodelta,     nodelta->GetTitle(), "l");
141     l->AddEntry(norad,       norad->GetTitle(),   "l");
142     l->AddEntry(mean,        mean->GetTitle(),    "l");
143     l->Draw("same");
144     Double_t min = fElossVsPMQ->GetYaxis()->GetFirst();
145     TArrow* a = new TArrow(fBetaGammaMip, min, fBetaGammaMip, 35*min, 03, "<|");
146     a->SetAngle(30);
147     a->Draw("same");
148     TLatex* t = new TLatex(fBetaGammaMip, 40*min, "Minimum Ionising");
149     t->SetTextSize(0.04);
150     t->SetTextAlign(21);
151     t->Draw("same");
152     c->Modified();
153     c->Update();
154     c->cd();
156     c = new TCanvas("eloss", "Energy loss per unit material");
157     // c->SetLogx();
158     c->SetLogy();
159     fEloss->Scale(1. / fEloss->GetEntries());
160     fEloss->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(1, 10);
161     fEloss->Fit("landau", "", "", 1, 10);
162     TF1* land = fEloss->GetFunction("landau");
163     land->SetLineWidth(2);
164     Double_t max = fEloss->GetMaximum();
165     TGraph* resp  = GetResp();
166     Double_t* x   = resp->GetX();
167     Double_t* y   = resp->GetY();
168     TGraph*   g   = new TGraph(resp->GetN());
169     TGraph*   co  = GetCorr();
170     std::cout << "Correction factor: " << co->Eval(fBetaGammaMip) << std::endl;
171     Double_t  xs  = fRho; // * 1.19; // / 
172     for (Int_t i = 0; i < g->GetN(); i++) 
173       g->SetPoint(i, x[i] * xs, y[i] * max);
174     g->Draw("C same");
176     l = new TLegend(.6, .6, .89, .89);
177     l->AddEntry(fEloss, fEloss->GetTitle(), "lf");
178     l->AddEntry(land,   "Landau fit", "l");
179     l->AddEntry(resp,   "f(#Delta_{p}/x) [RPP fig 27.8]", "l");
180     l->Draw("same");
182     return kTRUE;
183   }
185   /** Scale a graph by density (multiply) and mass (divide). 
186       @param graph Graph to scale 
187       @param density If @c true, scale by the Si density
188       ($\rho=2.33$/cm^3$).  The y axis is assumed to have units of
189       $MeVg^{-1}cm^2$. 
190       @param mass Mass to scale with. The x axis is assumed to be the
191       kinetic energy of the particles in units of $GeV$.  */
192   void ScaleGraph(TGraph* graph, bool density=true, double mass=1) 
193   {
194       Double_t*      x   = graph->GetX();
195       Double_t*      y   = graph->GetY();
196       const Double_t rho = (density ? fRho : 1);
197       for (Int_t i = 0; i < graph->GetN(); i++) 
198         graph->SetPoint(i, x[i] / mass, y[i] * rho); 
199   }    
200   /** Draw pure Bethe-Bloc from Review of Particle Physics, fig. 27.1 
201       @return TGraph object */ 
202   TGraph* FromRPPFull() 
203   {
204     static TGraph* graph = 0;
205     if (!graph) { 
206       graph = new TGraph(20);
207       graph->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
208       graph->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("#Delta E/#Delta x [MeV/cm]");
209       graph->SetFillColor(0);
210       graph->SetLineColor(2);
211       graph->SetLineStyle(1);
212       graph->SetLineWidth(1);
213       graph->SetName("full_stop");
214       graph->SetTitle("Stopping (MeVcm^{2}/g) [RPP fig 27.1]");
215       graph->SetPoint(0,0.001461622,40.17542);
216       graph->SetPoint(1,0.003775053,91.28429);
217       graph->SetPoint(2,0.01178769,202.7359);
218       graph->SetPoint(3,0.01722915,212.1938);
219       graph->SetPoint(4,0.03162278,172.8318);
220       graph->SetPoint(5,0.06028646,91.28429);
221       graph->SetPoint(6,0.09506529,51.62633);
222       graph->SetPoint(7,0.433873,5.281682);
223       graph->SetPoint(8,1.255744,1.808947);
224       graph->SetPoint(9,2.393982,1.440177);
225       graph->SetPoint(10,3.499097,1.407715);
226       graph->SetPoint(11,10.92601,1.542122);
227       graph->SetPoint(12,60.28646,1.85066);
228       graph->SetPoint(13,236.3885,2.121938);
229       graph->SetPoint(14,468.0903,2.324538);
230       graph->SetPoint(15,1208.976,2.987085);
231       graph->SetPoint(16,6670.768,7.961412);
232       graph->SetPoint(17,23341.67,24.3298);
233       graph->SetPoint(18,110651.2,104.6651);
234       graph->SetPoint(19,264896.9,260.5203);
235       ScaleGraph(graph);
236     }
237     graph->Draw("C same");
238     return graph;
239   }
241   /** Draw pure Bethe-Bloc from Review of Particle Physics, fig. 27.1,
242       but without delta electrons  
243       @return TGraph object */ 
244   TGraph* FromRPPNoDelta() 
245   {
246     static TGraph* graph = 0;
247     if (!graph) { 
248       graph = new TGraph(20);
249       graph->SetName("stop_nodelta");
250       graph->SetTitle("Stopping w/o #delta's [RPP fig 27.1]");
251       graph->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("(MeVcm^{2}/g)");
252       graph->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
253       graph->SetFillColor(0);
254       graph->SetLineColor(3);
255       graph->SetLineStyle(1);
256       graph->SetLineWidth(1);
257       graph->SetPoint(0,0.001461622,40.17542);
258       graph->SetPoint(1,0.003775053,91.28429);
259       graph->SetPoint(2,0.01178769,202.7359);
260       graph->SetPoint(3,0.01722915,212.1938);
261       graph->SetPoint(4,0.03162278,172.8318);
262       graph->SetPoint(5,0.06028646,91.28429);
263       graph->SetPoint(6,0.09506529,51.62633);
264       graph->SetPoint(7,0.433873,5.281682);
265       graph->SetPoint(8,1.255744,1.808947);
266       graph->SetPoint(9,2.304822,1.473387);
267       graph->SetPoint(10,3.921088,1.473387);
268       graph->SetPoint(11,8.064796,1.614064);
269       graph->SetPoint(12,26.15667,1.936996);
270       graph->SetPoint(13,264.8969,2.489084);
271       graph->SetPoint(14,544.8334,2.665278);
272       graph->SetPoint(15,1163.949,2.853945);
273       graph->SetPoint(16,5312.204,3.19853);
274       graph->SetPoint(17,15374.93,3.424944);
275       graph->SetPoint(18,49865.73,3.667384);
276       graph->SetPoint(19,634158.5,4.110185);
277       ScaleGraph(graph);
278     }
279     graph->Draw("C same");
280     return graph;
281   }
283   /** Draw pure Bethe-Bloc from Review of Particle Physics, fig. 27.1,
284       but without delta electrons  
285       @return TGraph object */ 
286   TGraph* FromRPPNoRad() 
287   {
288     static TGraph* graph = 0;
289     if (!graph) { 
290       graph = new TGraph(18);
291       graph->SetName("norad_stop");
292       graph->SetTitle("Stopping w/o radiative loss [RPP fig. 27.1]");
293       graph->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("(MeVcm^{2}/g)");
294       graph->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
295       graph->SetFillColor(0);
296       graph->SetLineStyle(1);
297       graph->SetLineColor(4);
298       graph->SetLineWidth(1);
299       graph->SetPoint(0,0.001,24.3298);
300       graph->SetPoint(1,0.003117649,74.35105);
301       graph->SetPoint(2,0.008675042,172.8318);
302       graph->SetPoint(3,0.01782497,212.1938);
303       graph->SetPoint(4,0.02704573,189.3336);
304       graph->SetPoint(5,0.07481082,70.29816);
305       graph->SetPoint(6,0.3300035,8.524974);
306       graph->SetPoint(7,0.819559,2.489084);
307       graph->SetPoint(8,1.447084,1.651284);
308       graph->SetPoint(9,2.555097,1.440177);
309       graph->SetPoint(10,4.026598,1.407715);
310       graph->SetPoint(11,32.38084,1.728318);
311       graph->SetPoint(12,97.19733,1.893336);
312       graph->SetPoint(13,1732.539,2.170869);
313       graph->SetPoint(14,11098.58,2.324538);
314       graph->SetPoint(15,32075.46,2.378141);
315       graph->SetPoint(16,221655.8,2.546482);
316       graph->SetPoint(17,593830.6,2.605203);
317       ScaleGraph(graph);
318     }
319     graph->Draw("C same");
320     return graph;
321   }
323   /** Draw pure Bethe-Bloc from Review of Particle Physics, fig. 27.6 
324       @return TGraph object */ 
325   TGraph* FromRPPMean() 
326   {
327     static TGraph* graph = 0;
328     if (!graph) { 
329       graph = new TGraph(12);
330       graph->SetName("mean_eloss");
331       graph->SetTitle("Mean #Delta E/#Delta x - "
332                       "electronic only  [RPP fig. 27.6]");
333       graph->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("(MeVcm^{2}/g)");
334       graph->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#mu E_{kin} (GeV)");
335       graph->SetFillColor(1);
336       graph->SetLineStyle(1);
337       graph->SetLineWidth(1);
338       graph->SetLineColor(1);
339       graph->SetMarkerStyle(21);
340       graph->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
341       graph->SetPoint(0,0.1,1.346561);
342       graph->SetPoint(1,0.1435819,1.230159);
343       graph->SetPoint(2,0.2061576,1.156085);
344       graph->SetPoint(3,0.3698076,1.124339);
345       graph->SetPoint(4,0.4620113,1.124339);
346       graph->SetPoint(5,0.8521452,1.145503);
347       graph->SetPoint(6,1.909707,1.177249);
348       graph->SetPoint(7,4.048096,1.198413);
349       graph->SetPoint(8,12.66832,1.219577);
350       graph->SetPoint(9,48.17031,1.230159);
351       graph->SetPoint(10,285.8863,1.230159);
352       graph->SetPoint(11,894.6674,1.230159);
353       const Double_t m   = 0.10566; // Muon 
354       ScaleGraph(graph, true, m);
355     }
356     graph->Draw("C same");
357     return graph;
358   }
360   /** Draw energy loss as obtained from GEANT 3.21 GFMATE. 
361       @return TGraph object */
362   TGraph* FromGFMATE() 
363   {
364     static TGraphErrors* gre = 0;
365     if (!gre) {
366       gre = new TGraphErrors(91);
367       gre->SetName("ELOSS");
368       gre->SetTitle("Energy loss 300#mu Si [GFMATE]");
369       gre->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
370       gre->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("#Delta E/#Delta x [MeV/cm]");
371       gre->SetFillColor(6);
372       gre->SetFillStyle(3002);
373       gre->SetLineColor(1);
374       gre->SetLineStyle(1);
375       gre->SetLineWidth(1);
376       gre->SetPoint(0,7.16486e-05,1218.84);
377       gre->SetPoint(1,9.25378e-05,1221.38);
378       gre->SetPoint(2,0.000119517,1180.12);
379       gre->SetPoint(3,0.000154362,1100.31);
380       gre->SetPoint(4,0.000199367,996.621);
381       gre->SetPoint(5,0.000257492,886.005);
382       gre->SetPoint(6,0.000332563,780.483);
383       gre->SetPoint(7,0.000429522,684.927);
384       gre->SetPoint(8,0.000554749,599.407);
385       gre->SetPoint(9,0.000716486,522.375);
386       gre->SetPoint(10,0.000925378,452.497);
387       gre->SetPoint(11,0.00119517,389.101);
388       gre->SetPoint(12,0.00154362,331.974);
389       gre->SetPoint(13,0.00199367,280.969);
390       gre->SetPoint(14,0.00257492,235.689);
391       gre->SetPoint(15,0.00332564,196.156);
392       gre->SetPoint(16,0.00429522,162.402);
393       gre->SetPoint(17,0.00554749,133.87);
394       gre->SetPoint(18,0.00716486,109.959);
395       gre->SetPoint(19,0.00925378,90.2035);
396       gre->SetPoint(20,0.0119517,74.1317);
397       gre->SetPoint(21,0.0154362,60.8988);
398       gre->SetPoint(22,0.0199367,49.9915);
399       gre->SetPoint(23,0.0257492,40.9812);
400       gre->SetPoint(24,0.0332564,33.5739);
401       gre->SetPoint(25,0.0429522,27.5127);
402       gre->SetPoint(26,0.0554749,22.5744);
403       gre->SetPoint(27,0.0716486,18.5674);
404       gre->SetPoint(28,0.0925378,15.3292);
405       gre->SetPoint(29,0.119517,12.7231);
406       gre->SetPoint(30,0.154362,10.6352);
407       gre->SetPoint(31,0.199367,8.97115);
408       gre->SetPoint(32,0.257492,7.65358);
409       gre->SetPoint(33,0.332564,6.61909);
410       gre->SetPoint(34,0.429522,5.79837);
411       gre->SetPoint(35,0.554749,5.148);
412       gre->SetPoint(36,0.716486,4.65024);
413       gre->SetPoint(37,0.925378,4.27671);
414       gre->SetPoint(38,1.19517,3.99831);
415       gre->SetPoint(39,1.54362,3.79877);
416       gre->SetPoint(40,1.99367,3.6629);
417       gre->SetPoint(41,2.57492,3.57594);
418       gre->SetPoint(42,3.32564,3.52565);
419       gre->SetPoint(43,4.29522,3.50206);
420       gre->SetPoint(44,5.54749,3.49715);
421       gre->SetPoint(45,7.16486,3.50467);
422       gre->SetPoint(46,9.25378,3.51988);
423       gre->SetPoint(47,11.9517,3.53932);
424       gre->SetPoint(48,15.4362,3.56054);
425       gre->SetPoint(49,19.9367,3.58189);
426       gre->SetPoint(50,25.7492,3.60231);
427       gre->SetPoint(51,33.2564,3.62113);
428       gre->SetPoint(52,42.9522,3.638);
429       gre->SetPoint(53,55.4749,3.65275);
430       gre->SetPoint(54,71.6486,3.66537);
431       gre->SetPoint(55,92.5378,3.67586);
432       gre->SetPoint(56,119.517,3.68433);
433       gre->SetPoint(57,154.362,3.69105);
434       gre->SetPoint(58,199.367,3.6962);
435       gre->SetPoint(59,257.492,3.69997);
436       gre->SetPoint(60,332.564,3.70257);
437       gre->SetPoint(61,429.522,3.70421);
438       gre->SetPoint(62,554.749,3.70511);
439       gre->SetPoint(63,716.486,3.7055);
440       gre->SetPoint(64,925.378,3.70559);
441       gre->SetPoint(65,1195.17,3.70558);
442       gre->SetPoint(66,1543.62,3.70557);
443       gre->SetPoint(67,1993.67,3.70555);
444       gre->SetPoint(68,2574.92,3.70553);
445       gre->SetPoint(69,3325.64,3.70552);
446       gre->SetPoint(70,4295.22,3.7055);
447       gre->SetPoint(71,5547.49,3.70548);
448       gre->SetPoint(72,7164.86,3.70547);
449       gre->SetPoint(73,9253.78,3.70545);
450       gre->SetPoint(74,11951.7,3.70544);
451       gre->SetPoint(75,15436.2,3.70544);
452       gre->SetPoint(76,19936.7,3.70544);
453       gre->SetPoint(77,25749.2,3.70544);
454       gre->SetPoint(78,33256.4,3.70544);
455       gre->SetPoint(79,42952.2,3.70544);
456       gre->SetPoint(80,55474.9,3.70544);
457       gre->SetPoint(81,71648.6,3.70544);
458       gre->SetPoint(82,92537.8,3.70544);
459       gre->SetPoint(83,119517,3.70544);
460       gre->SetPoint(84,154362,3.70544);
461       gre->SetPoint(85,199367,3.70544);
462       gre->SetPoint(86,257492,3.70544);
463       gre->SetPoint(87,332563,3.70544);
464       gre->SetPoint(88,429522,3.70544);
465       gre->SetPoint(89,554749,3.70544);
466       gre->SetPoint(90,716486,3.70544);
467       // Double_t* x = gre->GetX();
468       Double_t* y = gre->GetY();
469       for (Int_t i = 0; i < gre->GetN(); i++) 
470         gre->SetPointError(i, 0, 2 * 0.1 * y[i]); // ! 1 sigma
471     }
472     gre->DrawClone("c3 same");
473     return gre;
474   }
476   /** Get the response functin @f$ f(\Delta_p/x)@f$ from Review of
477       Particle Physics (fig. 27.2).  It is scaled to the value at
478       MPV. */ 
479   TGraph* GetResp()
480   {
481     static TGraph*  graph = 0;
482     if (!graph) {
483       graph = new TGraph(16);
484       graph->SetName("si_resp");
485       graph->SetTitle("f(#Delta_{p}/x) scaled to the MPV value ");
486       graph->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#Delta_{p}/x (MeVcm^{2}/g)");
487       graph->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("f(#Delta_{p}/x)");
488       graph->SetFillColor(1);
489       graph->SetMarkerStyle(21);
490       graph->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
491       graph->SetPoint(0,0.8115124,0.009771987);
492       graph->SetPoint(1,0.9198646,0.228013);
493       graph->SetPoint(2,0.996614,0.5895765);
494       graph->SetPoint(3,1.041761,0.8241042);
495       graph->SetPoint(4,1.059819,0.8794788);
496       graph->SetPoint(5,1.077878,0.9348534);
497       graph->SetPoint(6,1.100451,0.980456);
498       graph->SetPoint(7,1.141084,0.9967427);
499       graph->SetPoint(8,1.204289,0.9153094);
500       graph->SetPoint(9,1.276524,0.742671);
501       graph->SetPoint(10,1.402935,0.465798);
502       graph->SetPoint(11,1.515801,0.3029316);
503       graph->SetPoint(12,1.73702,0.1465798);
504       graph->SetPoint(13,1.985327,0.08143322);
505       graph->SetPoint(14,2.301354,0.04234528);
506       graph->SetPoint(15,2.56772,0.02931596);
507     }
508     return graph;
509   }
511   /** Get the correction to Bethe-Bloc from Review of Particle Physics
512       (fig 27.8). 
513   */
514   TGraph* GetCorr() 
515   {
516     static TGraph* graph = 0;
517     if (!graph) {
518       graph = new TGraph(14);
519       graph->SetName("graph");
520       graph->SetTitle("(#Delta_{p}/x)/(dE/dx)|_{mip} for 320#mu Si");
521       graph->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma = p/m");
522       graph->SetFillColor(1);
523       graph->SetLineColor(7);
524       graph->SetMarkerStyle(21);
525       graph->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
526       graph->SetPoint(0,1.196058,0.9944915);
527       graph->SetPoint(1,1.28502,0.9411017);
528       graph->SetPoint(2,1.484334,0.8559322);
529       graph->SetPoint(3,1.984617,0.7491525);
530       graph->SetPoint(4,2.658367,0.6983051);
531       graph->SetPoint(5,3.780227,0.6779661);
532       graph->SetPoint(6,4.997358,0.6741525);
533       graph->SetPoint(7,8.611026,0.684322);
534       graph->SetPoint(8,15.28296,0.6995763);
535       graph->SetPoint(9,41.54516,0.7186441);
536       graph->SetPoint(10,98.91461,0.7288136);
537       graph->SetPoint(11,203.2734,0.7326271);
538       graph->SetPoint(12,505.6421,0.7338983);
539       graph->SetPoint(13,896.973,0.7338983);
540     }
541     return graph;
542   }
544   ClassDef(DrawHits,0);
545 };
547 //____________________________________________________________________
548 //
549 // EOF
550 //