]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/cgpack/cghshi.F
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / cgpack / cghshi.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:19:44  cernlib
6 * Geant
7 *
8 *
9 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
10 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.31  by  S.Giani
11 *-- Author :
13 ************************************************************************
14 *                                                                      *
15 *     Name: CGHSHI                                                     *
16 *     Author: E. Chernyaev                       Date:    07.08.88     *
17 *                                                Revised:              *
18 *                                                                      *
19 *     Function: Shift face array and set pointers to faces             *
20 *                                                                      *
21 *     References:                                                      *
22 *                                                                      *
23 *     Input : NSIZE - size of IHIDE array (in INTEGER*2 words)         *
24 *     Output: NFACE - number of faces before and after shift           *
25 *             NEDGE - number of edges before and after shift           *
26 *          IHIDE(*) - old face array                                   *
27 *          IFACE(*) - new face array                                   *
28 *         IPFACE(*) - pointers to faces beginings in IFACE             *
29 *                                                                      *
30 *     Errors: none                                                     *
31 *                                                                      *
32 ************************************************************************
33 *SG
34       INTEGER  IHIDE(*),IFACE(*)
35       INTEGER  IPFACE(*)
36 *SG
37 *-
38       NF     = 0
39       NE     = 0
40       JHIDE  = NSIZE - (NFACE+NEDGE*2) + 1
41       JFACE  = 1
42       DO 200 NNF=1,NFACE
43         IE     = 0
44         IEDGE  = IHIDE(JHIDE)
45         JHIDE  = JHIDE + 1
46         JWF    = JFACE + 1
47         DO 100 NNE=1,IEDGE
48           N1     = IHIDE(JHIDE)
49           N2     = IHIDE(JHIDE+1)
50           JHIDE  = JHIDE + 2
51           IF (N1 .EQ. N2)       GOTO 100
52           IFACE(JWF)   = N1
53           IFACE(JWF+1) = N2
54           JWF    = JWF + 2
55           IE     = IE + 1
56   100     CONTINUE
57         IF (IE .EQ. 0)          GOTO 200
58         NF     = NF + 1
59         NE     = NE + IE
60         IFACE(JFACE) = IE
61         IPFACE(NF)   = JFACE
62         JFACE  = JWF
63   200   CONTINUE
64       NFACE  = NF
65       NEDGE  = NE
66       RETURN
67       END