]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/fluka/fkerup.F
Remove AliTRDconst.h
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / fluka / fkerup.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:20:06  cernlib
6 * Geant
7 *
8 *
9 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
10 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.45  by  S.Giani
11 *-- Author :
12 *=== erup =============================================================*
13 *                                                                      *
16 #include "geant321/dblprc.inc"
17 #include "geant321/dimpar.inc"
18 #include "geant321/iounit.inc"
19 *
20 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
21 *                                                                      *
22 *     Created  on   15 may 1990     by     Alfredo & Paola Sala        *
23 *                                              INFN - Milan            *
24 *     Last change  on   10-apr-93   by     Alfredo Ferrari, INFN-Milan *
25 *                                                                      *
26 *     Derived from the ERUP routine of EVAP-V, HERMES, KFA-Julich      *
27 *                                                                      *
28 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
29 *
31 #include "geant321/eva1.inc"
32 #include "geant321/forcn.inc"
33 #include "geant321/inpflg.inc"
34 #include "geant321/hetc5.inc"
35 #include "geant321/hetc7.inc"
36 #include "geant321/hettp.inc"
37 #include "geant321/higfis.inc"
38 *     COMMON / AZ /    LOWAZ
40       DIMENSION  FPART (6)
41 C     -------------------------------------- CHECK PARAMETER
42       FISINH=.FALSE.
43 *  +-------------------------------------------------------------------*
44 *  |  Check the excitation energy
45       IF ( EX .LE. ZERZER ) THEN
46 *  |  No excitation energy:
47          IF ( JFISS .LE. 0 ) THEN
48             DO 201 I=1,6
49                NPART(I)=0
50   201       CONTINUE
51             HEVSUM = ZERZER
52          END IF
53 *        UU = ZERZER
54          UU = EX
55          RETURN
56 *  |
57 *  +-------------------------------------------------------------------*
58 *  |  Positive excitation energy:
59       ELSE
60 *  |  Try evaporation
61          M2 = NINT (APR)
62          M3 = NINT (ZPR)
63  8801    CONTINUE
65          FPARTT = ZERZER
66 *  |  +----------------------------------------------------------------*
67 *  |  |  No previous evaporation for this event
68          IF ( JFISS .LE. 0 ) THEN
69             DO 801 I=1,6
70                FPART(I) = NPART(I)
71                FPARTT   = FPARTT + FPART (I)
72   801       CONTINUE
73 *  |  |
74 *  |  +----------------------------------------------------------------*
75 *  |  |  Other evaporation trials already performed for this event
76          ELSE
77             DO 802 I=1,6
78                FPART(I) = NPART(I)-NPARTF(I,JFISS-1)
79                FPARTT   = FPARTT + FPART (I)
80   802       CONTINUE
81          END IF
82 *  |  |
83 *  |  +----------------------------------------------------------------*
84 *  |  +----------------------------------------------------------------*
85 *  |  |  No particle evaporated and pairing corrections accounted for
86          IF ( FPARTT + FKEY .LT. ANGLGB ) THEN
87             IF ( .NOT. LOPPAR ) GO TO 8802
88             FKEY = ONEONE
89             GO TO 8801
90          END IF
91 *  |  |
92 *  |  +----------------------------------------------------------------*
93  8802    CONTINUE
94          FKEY = ZERZER
95          ZPR  = ZPR - FPART(2) - FPART(3) - TWOTWO * ( FPART(5)
96      &        + FPART(6)) - FPART(4)
97          APR  = APR - FPART(1) - FPART(2) - TWOTWO * FPART(3)
98      &        - THRTHR * ( FPART(4) + FPART(5) ) - FOUFOU * FPART(6)
99          IF (IANG .GT. 0) THEN
100          ELSE
101             DO 440 K=1,6
102                NP = NPART(K)
103                IF ( JFISS .GT. 0 ) THEN
104                   NP0 = NPARTF(K,JFISS-1) + 1
105                ELSE
106                   NP0 = 1
107                END IF
108                DO 410 J=NP0,NP
109                   CALL RACO(COSEVP(1,J,K),COSEVP(2,J,K),COSEVP(3,J,K))
110   410          CONTINUE
111   440       CONTINUE
112          END IF
113       END IF
114 *  |
115 *  +-------------------------------------------------------------------*
116       RETURN
117 *=== End of subroutine Erup ===========================================*
118       END