]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/gdraw/gdahit.F
Fix needed on Sun and Alpha
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / gdraw / gdahit.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:20:19  cernlib
6 * Geant
7 *
8 *
9 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
10 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.25  by  S.Giani
11 *-- Author :
13 C.
14 C.    ******************************************************************
15 C.    *                                                                *
16 C.    *       Draw an HIT point at (X,Y,Z)                             *
17 C.    *                                                                *
18 C.    *       The hit belongs to track -ITR3D (in common GCDRAW)       *
19 C.    *       if GDAHIT is called from GDHITS or GDCHIT, otherwise     *
20 C.    *       it belongs to track ITRA (in common GCKINE)              *
21 C.    *       if GDAHIT is called directly from user hit routines.     *
22 C.    *                                                                *
23 C.    *       The following characters may be chosen :                 *
24 C.    *          ISYMB = -1   hardware character    (fast),            *
25 C.    *                =  0   crosses X by TVDRAW   (default),         *
26 C.    *                       (size = SIZSYM in cm, default = 0.1),    *
27 C.    *                = 840  characters by HPLSOF                     *
28 C.    *                   .   according to the table p. 25             *
29 C.    *                   .   of the HPLOT manual                      *
30 C.    *                  853  (size = SIZSYM in cm)                    *
31 C.    *             (844,854  white, black asterisk * in addition).    *
32 C.    *                                                                *
33 C.    *    ==>Called by : <USER>, GDCHIT, GDHITS                       *
34 C.    *       Authors : R.Brun, P.Zanarini   **********                *
35 C.    *                                                                *
36 C.    ******************************************************************
37 C.
38 #include "geant321/gcdraw.inc"
39 #include "geant321/gckine.inc"
41       DIMENSION        HITS(3),UU(2),VV(2),JSYMB(10)
43       DATA             JSYMB/  840 ,  841 ,  842 ,  843 ,  844
44      +,                        850 ,  851 ,  852 ,  853 ,  854 /
45       DATA             LSYMB/'"<0$','"<1$','"<2$','"<3$','"<4$'
46      +,                      '">0$','">1$','">2$','">3$','">4$'/
47       DATA IFIRST/0/
48 C.
49 C.    ------------------------------------------------------------------
50 C.
51       IF (IFIRST.EQ.0) THEN
52          IFIRST=1
53          CALL UCTOH('OFF ',IOFF,4,4)
54       ENDIF
55 C
56 C            Set IOBJ to HIT
57 C
58       IOBJ=3
59 C
60       HITS(1)= X
61       HITS(2)= Y
62       HITS(3)= Z
63 C
64 C            Find mode of drawing
65 C
66       KSYMB      = ISYMB
70       IF (SSYMB.EQ.0.)   SSYMB=0.1
71 C
72 C            If THRZ option is set on (R-Z projection) and
73 C            the cut is lateral (vertical or horizontal) then :
74 C            if ITR3D is not set by GDHITS or GDCHIT
75 C            then use -ITRA from common /GCKINE/
76 C            else do not modify ITR3D already set
77 C
79          IF (ICUT.EQ.1.OR.ICUT.EQ.2) THEN
80             IF (ITR3D.EQ.0) ITR3D=-ITRA
81          ENDIF
82       ELSE
83          ITR3D=0
84       ENDIF
85 C
86 C            Draw the hit
87 C
88       CALL GDFR3D(HITS,1,U,V)
89 C
90 CM             Short circuit in case of GMR
91 C
92       IF ( IGMR .NE. 0 ) GO TO 999
93 CM
94 C
95       IF (KSYMB.LT.0) THEN
96 C
97 C            ' ' for hardware points, or 'x' for hardware crosses
98 C
99          CALL IPM(1,U,V)
100 C
101       ELSE IF (KSYMB.GT.0) THEN
102 C
103 C            soft-characters 840...854 (see above)
104 C
105          V=V-SSYMB*0.5
106          CALL UHTOC(MSYMB,4,CHTEXT,4)
107          CALL GDRAWT(U,V,CHTEXT,SSYMB,0.,1,0)
108 C
109       ELSE
110 C
111 C            default crosses of size SSYMB cm
112 C
113          DP = 0.5 * SSYMB
114          UU(1) = U-DP
115          UU(2) = U+DP
116          VV(1) = V+DP
117          VV(2) = V-DP
118          CALL GDRAWV(UU,VV,2)
119          UU(1) = U+DP
120          UU(2) = U-DP
121          VV(1) = V+DP
122          VV(2) = V-DP
123          CALL GDRAWV(UU,VV,2)
124 C
125       ENDIF
126 C
127   999 RETURN
128       END