]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/ggeom/gncone.F
100 parameters now allowed for geant shapes
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / ggeom / gncone.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:20:51  cernlib
6 * Geant
7 *
8 *
9 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
10 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.29  by  S.Giani
11 *-- Author :
13 C.    ******************************************************************
14 C.    *                                                                *
15 C.    *      Compute distance to intersection with boundary surface of *
16 C     *      volume CONE or CONS, from point X(1),X(2),X(3) inside     *
17 C     *      the volume along track with direction cosines X(4),X(5),  *
18 C     *      X(6)                                                      *
19 C.    *      P     (input)  : volume parameters                        *
20 C.    *      IACT  (input)  : action flag                              *
21 C.    *         = 0  Compute SAFE only                                 *
22 C.    *         = 1  Compute SAFE, compute SNXT only if SAFE.LT.SNEXT  *
23 C.    *         = 2  Compute both SAFE and SNXT                        *
24 C.    *         = 3  Compute SNXT only                                 *
25 C.    *      IFL   (input)  : 1 for CONE, 2 for PHI segmented CONE     *
26 C.    *      SNEXT (input)  : see IACT = 1                             *
27 C.    *      SNXT  (output) : distance to volume boundary along track  *
28 C.    *      SAFE  (output) : not larger than scalar distance to       *
29 C.    *                       volume boundaray                         *
30 C.    *      Called by : GNEXT, GNOPCO, GTNEXT                         *
31 C.    *                                                                *
32 C.    *      Authors   : Michel Maire and Rolf Nierhaus    21-JUN-1990 *
33 C.    *                                                                *
34 C.    ******************************************************************
35 C.    *                                                                *
36 C.    * 'CONE'    is a conical tube. It has 5 parameters :             *
37 C.    *           the half length in z,                                *
38 C.    *           the inside and outside radii at the low z limit,     *
39 C.    *           and those at the high z limit.                       *
40 C.    * 'CONS'    is a phi segment of a  conical tube.  It has 7       *
41 C.    *           parameters, the same 5 as 'CONE' plus the phi limits.*
42 C.    *           The segment starts at the first limit and  includes  *
43 C.    *           increasing phi  value up  to the  second limit  or   *
44 C.    *           that plus 360 degrees.                               *
45 C.    *                                                                *
46 C.    ******************************************************************
47 #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE)
50       PARAMETER (F=0.01745329251994330D0)
51 #endif
52 #if defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE)
53       PARAMETER (F=0.01745329251994330)
54 #endif
55       REAL X(6),P(7)
56 *
57 *     this part has to be moved outside the routine
58       RO1=0.5*(P(4)+P(2))
59       TG1=0.5*(P(4)-P(2))/P(1)
60       CR1=1./SQRT(1.+TG1*TG1)
61       RO2=0.5*(P(5)+P(3))
62       TG2=0.5*(P(5)-P(3))/P(1)
63       CR2=1./SQRT(1.+TG2*TG2)
64       IF (IFL.EQ.2) THEN
65          P6=P(6)*F
66          P7=P(7)*F
67          IF (P7.LT.P6) P7=P7+F*360.
68          C1=COS(P6)
69          S1=SIN(P6)
70          C2=COS(P7)
71          S2=SIN(P7)
72          FIO=0.5*(P7+P6)
73          CFIO=COS(FIO)
74          SFIO=SIN(FIO)
75       END IF
76 *
77       SNXT=1.E10
78       R   =SQRT(X(1)**2+X(2)**2)
79       RIN =TG1*X(3)+RO1
80       ROUT=TG2*X(3)+RO2
81 *
82 *     Compute SAFE radius
83       IF (IACT.LT.3) THEN
84          SAF1=(R -RIN)*CR1
85          SAF2=(ROUT-R)*CR2
86          SAF3=P(1)-ABS(X(3))
87          SAF4=1.E10
88          IF (IFL.EQ.2) THEN
89             IF ((X(2)*CFIO-X(1)*SFIO).LE.0.) THEN
90                SAF4=ABS(X(1)*S1-X(2)*C1)
91             ELSE
92                SAF4=ABS(X(1)*S2-X(2)*C2)
93             END IF
94          END IF
95          SAFE=MIN(SAF1,SAF2,SAF3,SAF4)
96          IF (IACT.EQ.0) GO TO 999
97          IF (IACT.EQ.1.AND.SNEXT.LE.SAFE) GO TO 999
98       END IF
99 *
100 *     Intersection with z-plane
101       IF (X(6).GT. 1.E-20) THEN
102          SZ= (P(1)-X(3))/X(6)
103       ELSEIF (X(6).LT.-1.E-20) THEN
104          SZ=-(P(1)+X(3))/X(6)
105       ELSE
106          SZ= 1.E10
107       END IF
108 *
109 *     Intersection with cones
110 *     Intersection point (x,y,z)
111 *     (x,y,z) is on track: x=X(1)+t*X(4)
112 *                          y=X(2)+t*X(5)
113 *                          z=X(3)+t*X(6)
114 *     (x,y,z) is on cone : x**2 + y**2 = (a*z+b)**2
115 *
116 *     (X(4)**2+X(5)**2-(a*x(6))**2)*t**2
117 *     +2.*(X(1)*X(4)+X(2)*X(5)-a*x(6)*(a*x(3)+b))*t
118 *     +X(1)**2+X(2)**2-(a*x(3)+b)**2=0
119 *
120       T1=X(4)**2+X(5)**2
121       T2=X(1)*X(4)+X(2)*X(5)
122       T3=X(1)**2+X(2)**2
123 *
124 *     Intersection with the inner cone
125       SR1=1.E10
126       IF (RO1.GT.0.) THEN
127          U=T1-(TG1*X(6))**2
128          V=T2- TG1*X(6)*RIN
129          W=T3- RIN*RIN
130 *        track not parallel to the cone ?
131          IF (U.NE.0.) THEN
132             B=V/U
133             C=W/U
134             D=B**2-C
135             IF (D.GE.0.) THEN
136                DS=SQRT(D)
137                IF (DS.GE.ABS(B)) THEN
138                   SR1= DS-B
139                ELSEIF (B.LE.0.)  THEN
140                   SR1=-DS-B
141                END IF
142             END IF
143          ELSEIF (V.LT.0.) THEN
144             SR1=-0.5*W/V
145          END IF
146       END IF
147 *
148 *     Intersection with the outer cone
149       SR2=1.E10
150       U=T1-(TG2*X(6))**2
151       V=T2- TG2*X(6)*ROUT
152       W=T3- ROUT*ROUT
153 *     track not parallel to the cone ?
154       IF (U.NE.0.) THEN
155          B=V/U
156          C=W/U
157          D=B**2-C
158          IF (D.GE.0.) THEN
159             DS=SQRT(D)
160             IF (DS.GE.ABS(B)) THEN
161                SR2= DS-B
162             ELSEIF (B.LE.0.)  THEN
163                SR2=-DS-B
164             END IF
165          END IF
166       ELSEIF (V.GT.0.) THEN
167          SR2=-0.5*W/V
168       END IF
169 *
170 *     Intersection with phi-planes
171 *     x=r*cos(phi)=X(1)+t*X(4)
172 *     y=r*sin(phi)=X(2)+t*X(5)
173 *     z           =X(3)+t*X(6)
174 *     t=(X(2)*cos(phi)-X(1)*sin(phi))/(X(4)*sin(phi)-X(5)*cos(phi))
175 *
176       SFI1=1.E10
177       SFI2=1.E10
178       IF (IFL.EQ.2) THEN
179 *        track not parallel to the phi1 plane ?
180          UN=X(4)*S1-X(5)*C1
181          IF (UN.NE.0.) THEN
182             S=(X(2)*C1-X(1)*S1)/UN
183             IF (S.GE.0.) THEN
184                XI=X(1)+S*X(4)
185                YI=X(2)+S*X(5)
186                IF ((YI*CFIO-XI*SFIO).LE.0.) SFI1=S
187             END IF
188          END IF
189 *        track not parallel to the phi2 plane ?
190          UN=X(4)*S2-X(5)*C2
191          IF (UN.NE.0.) THEN
192             S=(X(2)*C2-X(1)*S2)/UN
193             IF (S.GE.0.) THEN
194                XI=X(1)+S*X(4)
195                YI=X(2)+S*X(5)
196                IF ((YI*CFIO-XI*SFIO).GE.0.) SFI2=S
197             END IF
198          END IF
199       END IF
200 *
201       SNXT=MIN(SR1,SR2,SZ,SFI1,SFI2)
202   999 END