]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/gphys/gbreme.F
New configurale version.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / gphys / gbreme.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision 1.2  1997/11/13 09:25:40  gunter
6 * Correction By Laszlo Urban; protect against divide by 0. if AL becomes 0.
7 * around GEKIN 2.93E-5.
8 * Reported by harald@psiclu.cern.ch (signed by keller@biomed.ee.ethz.ch)
9 *
10 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:21:22  cernlib
11 * Geant
12 *
13 *
14 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
15 *CMZ :  3.21/03 02/08/94  19.37.36  by  S.Ravndal
16 *-- Author :
18 C.
19 C.    ******************************************************************
20 C.    *                                                                *
21 C.    *  Simulates discrete hard BREMSSTRAHLUNG by electrons.          *
22 C.    *                                                                *
23 C.    *  The secondary photon energy is sampled from a                 *
24 C.    *  parametrization of the bremsstrahlung calculation of          *
25 C.    *  Seltzer and Berger (NIM B12,p.95(1985)) for electron          *
26 C.    *  energies 1 keV - 10 GeV . For higher energies the             *
27 C.    *  parametrization agrees with the screened Bethe-Heitler        *
28 C.    *  bremsstrahlung spectrum.Migdal corrections are applied        *
29 C.    *      by default. The routine works ( together                  *
30 C.    *  with the routines GBRELE and GBRSGE ) without the Migdal      *
31 C.    *  corrections using the Patchy switch +USE,BETHE.               *
32 C.    *                                                                *
33 C.    *  NOTE :                                                        *
34 C.    *      BCUTE is the cut-off energy above which the photon energy *
35 C.    *      spectrum is generated.                                    *
36 C.    *                                                                *
37 C.    *    ==>Called by : GTELEC                                       *
38 C.    *       Authors    L.Urban    29/10/93 *********                 *
39 C.    *                                                                *
40 C.    *  13/11/97 bug corrected by L.Urban                             *
41 C.    ******************************************************************
42 C.
43 #include "geant321/gcbank.inc"
44 #include "geant321/gcphys.inc"
45 #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc"
46 #include "geant321/gconsp.inc"
47 #include "geant321/gctrak.inc"
48 #include "geant321/gcking.inc"
49 #include "geant321/gcmate.inc"
50 #include "geant321/gccuts.inc"
51       DIMENSION RNDM(2)
52       PARAMETER (CORFAC=0.805485E-10)
53       PARAMETER (TLIM=0.000999)
54       PARAMETER  (
55      +AL00=-0.205398E+01,AL01= 0.238815E-01,AL02= 0.525483E-03,
56      +AL10=-0.769748E-01,AL11=-0.691499E-01,AL12= 0.222453E-02,
57      +AL20= 0.406463E-01,AL21=-0.101281E-01,AL22= 0.340919E-03,
58      +A10 = 0.467733E+01,A11 =-0.619012E+00,A12 = 0.202225E-01,
59      +A20 =-0.734101E+01,A21 = 0.100462E+01,A22 =-0.320985E-01,
60      +A30 = 0.293119E+01,A31 =-0.403761E+00,A32 = 0.125153E-01,
61      +BL00= 0.104133E+01,BL01=-0.943291E-02,BL02=-0.454758E-03,
62      +BL10= 0.119253E+00,BL11= 0.407467E-01,BL12=-0.130718E-02,
63      +BL20=-0.159391E-01,BL21= 0.727752E-02,BL22=-0.194405E-03,
64      +B10 = 0.423071E+01,B11 =-0.610995E+00,B12 = 0.195531E-01,
65      +B20 =-0.712527E+01,B21 = 0.969160E+00,B22 =-0.274255E-01,
66      +B30 = 0.269925E+01,B31 =-0.363283E+00,B32 = 0.955316E-02)
67 C.    ------------------------------------------------------------------
68 C.
69 C             Ensure cut-off avoids infra-red catastrophe.
70 C
71       IF (GEKIN.LE.BCUTE) GO TO 30
72       KCASE=NAMEC(9)
73 C
74 *******************************>  Z3=Q(JPROB+2)
75       Z3=(Z*(Z+1.))**0.3333333
76       IF(Z3.LE.0.)GO TO 30
77       Z32=Z3**2
78       EEL1   = GETOT
80       ALXC=LOG(XC)
82       U2=U**2
83       V=LOG(Z)
84 *
86          AL0=AL00+AL01*Z3+AL02*Z32
87          AL1=AL10+AL11*Z3+AL12*Z32
88          AL2=AL20+AL21*Z3+AL22*Z32
89          AL=AL0+AL1*U+AL2*U2
90          BL0=BL00+BL01*Z3+BL02*Z32
91          BL1=BL10+BL11*Z3+BL12*Z32
92          BL2=BL20+BL21*Z3+BL22*Z32
93          BL=BL0+BL1*U+BL2*U2
94          GMAX=1.+AL*XC+BL*XC**2
95          IF(GEKIN.LT.0.0001) THEN
96             G1=1.+AL+BL
97             IF(G1.GT.GMAX) GMAX=G1
98 *
99             IF(ABS(AL).GT.1.e-6) THEN
100               X0=-BL/(2.*AL)
101               IF((XC.LT.X0).AND.(X0.LT.1.)) THEN
102                  G0=1.+AL*X0+BL*X0**2
103                  IF(G0.GT.GMAX) GMAX=G0
104               ENDIF
105             ENDIF
106 *
107          ENDIF
108       ELSE
109          U3=U2*U
110          A1=A10+A11*Z3+A12*Z32
111          A2=A20+A21*Z3+A22*Z32
112          A3=A30+A31*Z3+A32*Z32
113          AH=1.+A1/U+A2/U2+A3/U3
114          B1=B10+B11*Z3+B12*Z32
115          B2=B20+B21*Z3+B22*Z32
116          B3=B30+B31*Z3+B32*Z32
117          BH=0.75+B1/U+B2/U2+B3/U3
118 *
119          F=4*V-0.55*V**2
120          DEL0=136.*EMASS/(Z3*EEL1)
121          EPC=XC*GEKIN/EEL1
122          DC=DEL0*EPC/(1.-EPC)
123          CC=42.392-F
124 *
125          IF(DC.LE.1.) THEN
126             DC2=DC**2
127             F1=(42.392-7.796*DC+1.961*DC2-F)/CC
128             F2=(41.734-6.484*DC+1.250*DC2-F)/CC
129          ELSE
130             F1=(42.24-8.368*LOG(DC+0.952)-F)/CC
131             IF(F1.LT.0.) F1=0.
132             F2=F1
133          ENDIF
134 *
135          GMAX=(1.-AH*EPC)*F1+BH*EPC**2*F2
136       ENDIF
137 *
139       EPM=GEKIN/EEL1
140       SC0=1.+CORR0/(EPM*EPM)
141 *
142 *     sample photon energy  ( according to 1/Ephoton)
143 *
144    10 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2)
145 *
146       X=EXP(RNDM(1)*ALXC)
147       EP=X*GEKIN/EEL1
148 *
149 *     Migdal correction for Ephoton->0. or no correction (Bethe)
150 *
151 #if !defined(CERNLIB_BETHE)
152       CORR=SC0/(1.+CORR0/(EP*EP))
153 #endif
154 #if defined(CERNLIB_BETHE)
155       CORR=1.
156 #endif
157 *
158 *     calculate rejection function g(x)
159 *
161          G=1.+AL*X+BL*X**2
162       ELSE
163          D=DEL0*EP/(1.-EP)
164          IF(D.LE.1.) THEN
165             D2=D**2
166             F1=(42.392-7.796*D+1.961*D2-F)/CC
167             F2=(41.734-6.484*D+1.250*D2-F)/CC
168          ELSE
169             F1=(42.24-8.368*LOG(D+0.952)-F)/CC
170             IF(F1.LT.0.) F1=0.
171             F2=F1
172          ENDIF
173          G=(1.-AH*EP)*F1+BH*EP**2*F2
174       ENDIF
175       G=G*CORR/GMAX
176       IF(RNDM(2).GT.G) GOTO 10
177 *
178 *     photon energy is sampled according to the Seltzer-Berger spectrum
179 *
180       EGAMMA=EEL1*EP
181 C
183 C
185          DESTEP = DESTEP + EGAMMA
186          GO TO 20
187       ENDIF
188 C
189 C             Generate emitted photon angles with respect to a Z-axis
190 C             defined along parent track. PHI is generated isotropically
191 C             and THETA is assigned a universal angular distribution
192 C
193       EMASS1 = EMASS
195       SINTH  = SIN(THETA)
196       COSTH  = COS(THETA)
197       CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1)
198       PHI    = TWOPI*RNDM(1)
199       COSPHI = COS(PHI)
200       SINPHI = SIN(PHI)
201 C
202 C             Polar co-ordinates to momentum components.
203 C
204       NGKINE = NGKINE + 1
207       GKIN(3,1)=EGAMMA*COSTH
208       GKIN(4,1)=EGAMMA
209       GKIN(5,1)=1.
210       TOFD(1)  =0.
211       GPOS(1,1) = VECT(1)
212       GPOS(2,1) = VECT(2)
213       GPOS(3,1) = VECT(3)
214 C
215 C             Rotate photon into GEANT system
216 C
217       CALL GVROT(VECT(4),GKIN)
218 C
219 C             Correct track for lost energy
220 C
221    20 CONTINUE
222       GEKIN = GEKIN - EGAMMA
223       GETOT = GEKIN + EMASS
225       CALL GEKBIN
226 C
227 C             Update probabilities
228 C
229    30 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1)
230       ZINTBR=-LOG(RNDM(1))
231 C
232       END