]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/gphys/gmcoul.F
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / gphys / gmcoul.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:21:26  cernlib
6 * Geant
7 *
8 *
9 *    NEW
10 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
11 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.22  by  S.Giani
12 *-- Author :
14 C.
15 C.    ******************************************************************
16 C.    *                                                                *
17 C     *       Generate NSCA single scatters in small angle approxima.  *
18 C.    *       for a particle with parameters VECT in common /GCTRAK/   *
19 C.    *                                                                *
20 C.    *       This subroutine must be called with the correct values   *
21 C.    *       of the constants OMC & CHC which depend of the medium    *
22 C.    *                                                                *
23 C.    *       OMC and CHC are computed at initialisation time (GMOLI)  *
24 C.    *       No lateral displacement of the particle with respect     *
25 C.    *       the incident direction is included.                      *
26 C.    *       No path length correction is included                    *
27 C.    *                                                                *
28 C.    *       Output angles overwrite VECT                             *
29 C.    *                                                                *
30 C.    *    ==>Called by : GMULTS                                       *
31 C.    *         Author G. Lynch (LBL)  (adapted by M. Maire  1.02.90)  *
32 C.    *                                                                *
33 C.    ******************************************************************
34 C.
35 #include "geant321/gctrak.inc"
36 #include "geant321/gconsp.inc"
37 #include "geant321/gcmulo.inc"
38       PARAMETER (NSCMX = 50)
40       PARAMETER (OMCF=1.167)
41 *
42 *     ------------------------------------------------------------------
43 *
44 * *** Compute number of scatters (Poisson distr. with mean OMEGA0)
45 *
46       OMEGA0 = OMCF*OMEGA
48       IF (NSCA.LE.0)THEN
49          DIN(1) = 0.
50          DIN(2) = 0.
51          DIN(3) = 1.
52          RETURN
53       ENDIF
56 *
57 * *** THMIN2 is the screening angle
58       THMIN2 = (CHCMOL**2)/(OMCF*OMCMOL*(VECT(7)**2))
59 *
60       SUMX = 0.
61       SUMY = 0.
62       DO 12 I=1,NSCA
63          THET  = SQRT(THMIN2*((1./RNDM(I)) - 1.))
64          PHI   = TWOPI*RNDM(NSCA+I)
65          SUMX  = SUMX + THET*COS(PHI)
66          SUMY  = SUMY + THET*SIN(PHI)
67    12 CONTINUE
68       THETA  = SQRT(SUMX**2 + SUMY**2)
69       IF(THETA.NE.0.) THEN
70       COSTH  = COS(THETA)
71       SINTH  = SIN(THETA)
72       CSPHI  = SUMX/THETA
73       SNPHI  = SUMY/THETA
74 *
75       DIN(1) = SINTH*CSPHI
76       DIN(2) = SINTH*SNPHI
77       DIN(3) = COSTH
78       ELSE
79          DIN(1) = 0.
80          DIN(2) = 0.
81          DIN(3) = 1.
82       ENDIF
83 *
84       END